DLL in General Mathematics
DLL in General Mathematics
DLL in General Mathematics
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of the key concepts of functions.
B. Performance Standards accurately construct mathematical models to represent real-life situations using functions.
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives M11GM-Ia-1 M11GM-Ia-1 M11GM-Ia-1 M11GM-Ia-2
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Overview about the subject Review on the Functions from
Review of Previous Lesson
presenting the new lesson (curriculum guide). Junior High School
Mention that they need to go Mention that we will represent Some situation can only be desired b
back and review their topics in mathematical relations as than one formula, depending on the
mathematics in junior high machines with an input and an the dependent variable.
school. output, and that the output is Evaluating a function means replacin
related to the output by some rule. variable in the function and computin
B. Establishing a purpose for the result.
Functions as a representations of
Fuctions and relations as a table Taxes rate in the Philippines
real-life situations
of values
C. Presenting examples/ instances of Functions as a graph in the Evaluate a number (integers, fractio
the new lesson Cartesian plane decimals) on different functions.
Seat work
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