Mid Term Edu402 by Pari
Mid Term Edu402 by Pari
Mid Term Edu402 by Pari
What are the types of thinking practice? On what basis reflective practice can occur through these
Bloom’s Taxonomy
The cognitive domain comprises
Factors of brainstorming
Critical Brookfield note
Brookfield (1995) suggests that we employ four “critical lenses” through which to view and reflect
upon our practice. These are:
1. Our own view (autography)
2. That of our students:
3. That of our fellow professionals:
4. The various theoretical perspectives found in educational literature.
Community of practice
“Communities of practice are groups of people who share information, insight,
experience and tools about an area of common interest.”Communities of practice are useful for a te
acher becoming a reflective practitioner.
Functions of mentors
Mentors who focus on professional aspects of teachers work
Mentors are competent teachers serving as models for the reflective practitioner
Challenging of reflection
This is the teacher being prepared to pose questions and propose unfamiliar or even
uncomfortable ideas for making changes Contextualized Reflection
This ensures that the reflection activities or topic are appropriate and meaningful in relation to
the experiences of the teacher
Explain guidelines for practice development of teachers, school managers and curriculum
• A community of practice can be described as a group of people who work
together to achieve a common goal.
• The process of working together and sharing knowledge and resources can lead
to an enriched learning experience as people are exposed to new ways of
thinking and problem solving.
Assumption of constructivism
Mid Term Edu402 By Pari
What are the levels of reflection which can take place during teaching?
The best reflective practitioners are constantly learning, evaluating and refining their practice,
even after years of experience.
As reflective practitioners progress in their careers they will encourage different challenges and
expectations. This means
• Their condition grows
• They learn from experience
• The reflective practitioner becomes a more sophisticated teacher.
Connected reflection
This is essentially the component that links experimental learning to formal training
Peer observation
The peer observation of teaching process provides both the observee and the observer with the
opportunity to mutually enhance the quality of their teaching practice. It also provides an
opportunity to disseminate good practice amongst colleagues by sharing thoughts on teaching
practice and supporting each other’s development of teaching skills
Critical thinking
Critical thinking is the ability to think clearly and rationally about what to do or what to believe. It
includes the ability to engage in reflective and independent thinking.
Statically analysis
Statistics is the study of the collection, analysis, interpretation, presentation, and organization of
data. In applying statistics to, e.g., a scientific, industrial, or social problem
John Dewey
John Dewey was an American philosopher, psychologist, and educational reformer whose ideas
have been influential in education and social reform.
Constructivism is a learning theory found in psychology which explains how people might acquire
knowledge and learn. It therefore has direct application to education.
Professional Approach: work within client offices to deliver quick solutions that provide a positive
return on investment
Mid Term Edu402 By Pari
Question 1: Which of the following about teacher's professional knowledge and understanding is
Once reflection becomes a habit you will not need to develop your reflective skills further
Everyone always learns from experience
Teachers need to develop reflection and evaluation of their practice
Question No.4: What does evidence suggest as being most important for a long-term commitment to
Reflective Practice? Pg294
Reflection is more effective when conducted collaboratively
Collaborating with colleagues encourages the Reflective Practitioner to focus on what values inform
his/her teaching
Guidance and structure are key factors for Reflective Practitioners
When the Reflective Practitioner knows what is best for children Challenging environments
Question 5: Which of the following is considered the least effective form of teacher development?
Certificated Courses
n-school mentoring
Communities of Practice
Question 7: What are the major mechanisms involved in critical thinking for the reflective
both ‘a’ and ‘b’
None of the above
question 8: Creative Thinking is not critical thinking because
It is not logical
It is not problem-centred
Mid Term Edu402 By Pari
It is emotive
it is not based on ‘black-and-white’ thinking
Question 10: Which of the following assumptions does NOT underlie action research?
Teachers and other education professionals have authority to make decisions
Teacher and other education professionals want to improve their practice
Teachers and other education professionals can and will engage in systematic research only if they
are given adequate time and additional pay
Teachers and other education professionals are committed to continued professional development
5: Which of the following about teacher's teacher’s professional knowledge and understanding is
Once reflection becomes a habit you will not need to develop your reflective skills further
Everyone always learns from experience
Teachers need to develop reflection and evaluation of their practice
teachers need to develop reflection and evaluation to support their own and others practice
4: Which of the following is NOT one of the four steps in action research?
Select correct option:
Identifying the research problem
Developing a professional measurement instrument
Obtaining the necessary information to answer the question
Developing a plan of action
2: Which of the following is NOT one of the four steps in action research?
Select correct option:
Action Research is…Process, Collaboration, Improvement, Practice, Communication
EDU406 Quiz#2