Santa Monica, CA 90404 @theChrisDo (twitter) 310.555.1234
EXPERIENCE BLIND, INC. 12/1995 - Present
PROFESSIONAL 1702 Olympic Blvd. Santa Monica, CA 90404 P r e si de nt / F o unde r / Ex e cut i v e C r e a t i v e D i r e c t o r Founded Blind, Inc., a bi-coastal, multi-disciplinar y design firm with an emphasis in motion g ra phics. Direction and design of commercials, main titles, show opens, promos, web sites, print colla teral and motion g ra phics f or entertainment and advertising clients. Mana gement and direction of design, production and post production teams. C l i e nt s i ncl ude : M i cr o so f t , N i k e , M e r r i l l Ly nch, Xbo x , S ho w t i m e N e t w o r k s, Mi ts ubi s hi M o t o r s, K o da k, F o r d, I nf i ni t i , P l a y st a t i o n 2 , N e w Je r se y A nt i - S m o k i ng, L o s Angel es Fi l m F e st i v a l , To y o t a , K 2 , N e x t e l , A t a r i , S e ba st i a n I nt e r na t i o na l , Wa r ne r B r o t he rs Tel evi s i on, L i nco l n F i na nci a l , 2 0 t h C e nt ur y F o x , A m ne st y I nt e r na t i o na l , F o x S po r t s Net, Veni c e A r t Wa l k , S o n y, F use , M TV, N e w Yo r k S t o ck Ex cha nge , A l pi ne a nd P a r t ne r s hi p f or a Drug F r e e A m e r i ca . The Futur 07/2016 - Present 1702 Olympic Blvd. Santa Monica, CA 90404 C EO / F o unde r / H o st C o nt e nt e duc a t i o n pl a t f o r m w i t h f o ur co nce nt r a t i o ns: B r a ndi ng, U X, B usi nes s and De si gn. We e kl y v i de o se r i e s w i t h o v e r 1 5 0 k + subscr i be r s. We e kl y po dc a s t.
The Skool 10/2013 - 06/2016
Santa Monica, CA 90404 C EO / C o - F o unde r C o f o unde d The S k o o l w i t h Jo se C a ba l l e r. L a unche d 3 se a so ns o f pr o g r a mmi ng c ontent, p r o duc e d 2 i n- pe r so n co nf e r e nc e s a nd c o - a ut ho r e d co nt e nt a nd ki t s. R/GA 12/1995 - 03/1996 6526 W. Sunset Blvd. Hollywood, CA 90028 F r e e l a nce D e si gne r main title and logo design f or Island of Dr. Moreau main title design and anima tion f or Eraser main title and transition design f or Celtic Pride designer of Taco Bell “Nothing Ordinar y About It” tv campaign NOVOCOM 11/1995 - 05/1996 6314 Santa Monica Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90038 F r e e l a nce D e si gne r d e si gn o f v a r i o us sho w o pe ns a nd ne t w o r k I . D . s
EPITAPH RECORDS 11/1995 - 05/1996
2798 Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90026 De si gne r d e si gne d C D co v e r a r t , po st e r s, j - ca r ds a nd o ne she e t s f o r ba nds i ncl uding Penn ywi s e a nd R a nci d COLE & WEBBER 11/1995 - 05/1996 221 Yale Ave. North #500 Seattle, WA 98109 Ar t D i r e c t o r / D e si gne r d e si gne d a nd a r t di r e c t e d pr i nt a ds f o r We st i n H o t e l s, S G I co m put e r s, C hi l d Ha ven PRAXIS 11/1995 - 05/1996 Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 De si gn I nt e r n a ssi st e d S i m o n Jo hnst o n i n t he de si gn a nd l a y o ut o f v a r i o us pr i nt a ssi gnments EXPERIENCE Art Center College of Design, Pasadena, CA ACADEMIC Part-time Instructor (Fall & Spring Semesters) 05/2000 - 06/2015 Courses Taught: • Advance Motion Communica tion Design • Dynamic Type • Film Title Design • Sequential Design 1
Otis College of Art and Design, Los Angeles, CA
Assistant Adjunct Professor (Fall & Spring Semesters) 08/2001 - 05/2008 Courses Taught: • Perspectives in New Media & Technolog y II • Motion Gra phics Principles BOARD Society to Promote Ja panese Anima tion— Board of Directors 2014-Current MEMBERSHIPS Saleshood– Advisor y Board 2013-Current Emm ys Motion & Title Design Executive Committee 2013-2017 Otis College of Art & Design— Board of Governors 2013-2014 AIGA— Advisor y Board, Events Co-Chair 2012-2014 Woodbur y University— Advisor y Board 2014 Santa Monica College— Advisor y Board 2014
EDUCATION Art Center College of Design, BFA 95 w/ honors
Gra phics and Packa g ing major Scholarship recipient AWARDS Clio Ke y Art Awards – Gold 2016, Gold, Bronze 2015 Web b – Silver, People’s Voice 2015 Ef fie – Gold 2013 Pixie Award – Pla tinum 2012 Emm y 2010 – Anima tion Art Direction Music Video “Heart of Stone” London Interna tional Awards – Bronze 2011 London Interna tional Awards – Gold 2010 One Show – Bronze 2011 One Show – Gold 2007 Addy – Gold 2009 Crea te Awards – Silver, Gold 2008 MTV VMA Best Rock Video f or Jet “Are You Gonna..”/director Robert Hales Communica tion Arts Design Annual 38, 42, 43, 44, 45 Type Directors Club 20, 22, 23, 25, 26 British D&AD 2003 – Silver ID 2002 – Design Distinction How Interna tional Design Annual 2002 Print Dig ital Design Annual 7 Broadcast Design Associa tion 2004 – Gold, Silver Broadcast Design Associa tion 2003 – Gold, Silver Broadcast Design Associa tion 2002 – Gold New York Festival 2002 – Silver 77th Art Directors Annual One Show – Merit Tell y 03 – Silver, Bronze Tell y 02 – Bronze Tell y 01 – Silver, Bronze LECTURER Design Taxi Crea tive Bloq Pa per, Taipei Fea ture 135, 2013 Brand Ma gazine no. 19, 2013 Stash 02, 07, 12 Post Januar y 04, August 05 L.A. Weekl y “A City In Motion” Pictoplasma 3 Stash vol. 02 (DVD ma gazine) “72 DPI, Anime” “E-Projects” Vol. 1 “Cutting Edge Web Design, The Next Genera tion” “Upload, Taking Print to the Web” “Motion Gra phics: Film+TV” “Motion Gra phics: Web” “Becoming A Gra phic Designer” How, August 03: “Design Workspace” DesignNet, April 03 How, August 01“Behind The Design” Boards, September 01 Res, vol 4. no. 4 & 5 Gra phic Design USA, Januar y 01 “Res 10” 98 ResFest “By Design” 2004 New York Film Festival 2004 Ion Film Festival 2004 PUBLICATIONS Art Center 3x3: Orig inality vs. Pla g iarism 2017 Dig itall y Made: Art of Social 2017 NAB Post Production World: Cultiva ting Crea tive Confidence, Social Media, Stop Pitching! Start Winning, Business of Design, 2017 LA Web Pros – Branding 2016 AIGA Dallas Fort Worth – Biz Of Design ArtCenter Bold: Crea tive Symposium— Stra teg ies f or Client Growth 2016 Mob Con: Power of Asking, Client Is Not Your Enem y 2016 3D Sense, Singa pore 2016 UCLA/Blackstone: Business of Design 2016 AIGA Richmond: Position Conference 2016 NAB Post Production World: Branding, Freelancing 101, Client Mana gement 2016 Motion Conference: Passion 2016 Adobe Video World: Ke ynote 2016 Idea Resource: Branding workshop, Stor yboarding workshop 2016 Pele Awards, Ha waii: 2015 Word Camp: The Client Is Not Your Enem y 2015 WIAD Portland: Facilita tion b y Design 2015 Search Love San Diego 2015 CalArts Crea tive Stra teg ies Workshop and lecture 2015 Cal Sta te DH: 2014 ArtCenter 3x3: Yo Lai Do 2014 ArtCenter Bold: Crea tive Symposium 2014 San Diego University 2014 Guangzhou Academ y of Fine Art 2014 Beijing Academ y of Fine Art 2014 Luxan Academ y of Fine Art 2014 Cal Sta te Northridge: 2013 LADF Summer Evening Talk Series: The Rebound of Gra phic Design 2011 TypeCon: Panel Discussion 2010 DMALA: 2010 AIGA: Inside the Industr y 2007 DMALA: 2007 L.A. Art Institute: 2005 Calif ornia Institute f or the Arts: 2004 Sig g ra ph: 2002 San Diego City College: 2002 Otis College of Design: 2000 Was this helpful? Take the next step.
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