60a24 (Reading)
60a24 (Reading)
60a24 (Reading)
1. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 2
2. SCOPE .................................................................................................................................... 2
3. ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................................................... 2
4. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ................................................................................................... 2
4.1 Project Specifications ....................................................................................................... 2
4.2 International Standards ..................................................................................................... 3
5. GENERAL SITE INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS ............................................................... 4
5.1 General............................................................................................................................. 4
6. INSTRUMENT LOCATION AND SUPPORT ............................................................................ 4
6.1 Document Requirements .................................................................................................. 4
6.2 General Installation Requirements .................................................................................... 5
6.3 Instrument Accessibility .................................................................................................... 6
7. INSTRUMENT PROCESS PIPING AND TUBING ................................................................... 7
7.1 Document Requirements .................................................................................................. 7
7.2 General Installation Requirements .................................................................................... 7
8. INSTRUMENT AIR PIPING ..................................................................................................... 8
8.1 Document Requirement .................................................................................................... 8
8.2 General Installation Requirements .................................................................................... 8
9. INSTRUMENT PNEUMATIC SIGNAL TUBING ....................................................................... 9
9.1 Document Requirement ................................................................................................... 9
9.2 General Installation Requirements .................................................................................... 9
10. PIPING AND TUBING SUPPORTS ....................................................................................... 10
10.1 General Installation Requirements .................................................................................. 10
11. INSTRUMENT CABLING ....................................................................................................... 10
11.1 Document Requirements ................................................................................................ 10
11.2 General........................................................................................................................... 10
11.3 Specifications ................................................................................................................. 11
11.4 Instrument Cable System Design Philosophy ................................................................. 11
11.5 Cable Routing ................................................................................................................. 13
11.6 Instrument Cable Installation .......................................................................................... 13
11.7 Cable Glanding ............................................................................................................... 16
11.8 Cable Termination .......................................................................................................... 17
11.9 Earthing .......................................................................................................................... 17
12. LABELS ................................................................................................................................. 18
13. COLOUR CODE ABBREVIATIONS....................................................................................... 18
This document has been substantially revised therefore changes are not highlighted. A
summary of the changes is provided on the appropriate Quality.net webpage.
This specification covers the minimum technical requirements for the engineering,
design and installation of Instrumentation for the Plant.
This specification describes the practices that shall be employed and the standards of
workmanship that will be required for the engineering, design and installation of
Abbreviation Description
JB Junction Box
IP Ingress Protection
mm Millimetres
NB Nominal Bore
SS Stainless Steel
V Volts
The latest published issue or amendment at the time of contract placement shall apply
unless otherwise stated.
5.1 General
A detailed range of instrument installation activities and Division of Responsibility,
together with Bills of Quantities and applicable drawings will be defined in the Sub-
Contract Requisition.
Where the supply of instruments and/or materials is by the Installation Contractor, these
shall be purchased from the list of approved sellers.
Whenever any protective coated pipe, cable ladder, support steel etc. requires cutting for
field installation the Instrument Installation Contractor shall ensure that all cut edges are
carefully de-burred, made smooth and finished in accordance with the Specification
Instrument Installation Contractor shall ensure that all fixings are compatible with the
material that they are connecting to/supporting. Where necessary Polypropylene or
equivalent insulating strip shall be fitted to ensure isolation of dissimilar materials,
particularly between stainless steel and galvanised steel.
Instrumentation requiring operator access shall be mounted such that centre line is at a
height of 1400mm above grade or platform. The only permitted exception to this is for
DP level transmitters where the preferred installation is level with the bottom vessel
connection and as such may well be less than 1400mm above platform. Direct
connected devices such as level switches, displacers, thermowells, etc. have elevations
fixed by their respective process connections.
Where field indicators are specified in association with blind transmitters, the field
indicator shall be located so as to be visible from the associated control valve or final
control element, unless otherwise noted on the P&I Diagram.
When installing instruments, allowance shall be made where necessary for any tracing,
insulation and housings which may be required.
A clearance of not less than 300mm is required between any hot surface (temperature in
excess of 65°C) and any cable, PVC covered copper tubing, plastic air tubing,
instrument process piping or analyser sample system tubing.
A clearance of not less than 300mm is required between any instrument and any cold
surface (temperature less than -20°C) which may lead to condensation.
Pressure Gauges shall be installed such that their blow-out protectors are not
obstructed. Blow-out protectors shall face away from the operator and the minimum
clearance between the blow-out protector and any nearby obstruction shall be 25mm.
Handrails shall not be used for mounting or supporting instruments, nor shall any
instrument or support be located within 150mm of the top handrail.
Special attention shall be paid to the mounting of instruments with filled systems and
capillaries. Capillary tubing shall be adequately supported and protected against
mechanical damage and shall be run independently of all other lines. DP cell capillary
installation shall minimise solar radiation effect on the process measurement. Surplus
length of capillary shall be coiled at the instrument end with attention being given to the
minimum bending radius quoted by the manufacturer.
Instruments that are installed with direct mounted manifolds shall be supported by the
manifold and not by the instrument.
Instrument field supports, junction box frames, etc shall be prepared and finished in
accordance with Typical Instrument Support Details drawings, minor brackets and
supports shall generally be fabricated from mild steel.
All instruments and instrument equipment shall be mounted such that it is free from
vibration and misalignment.
Where equipment is mounted at grade the supports shall be mounted on a 150mm high
concrete plinth and shall be grouted such that any water is shed. Where instruments are
grouped together the use of multi instrument stands shall be considered to reduce the
number of plinths. All local panels, JB frames, etc. shall be levelled using shims as
All instrument equipment shall be accessible for servicing from floor level, walkways,
platforms or permanent ladder. Orifice plates, thermocouples and other in-line devices
may be accessed by temporary means.
To be accessible from a permanent ladder the equipment shall be less than 1000mm
away from the centreline of the ladder..
Each instrument shall have a dedicated process block valve but if there are specific
instances where this is not practical and prior approval is obtained from the owner then
the impulse tubing may be branched to more than one instrument and isolating valves
shall be provided for each instrument.
All impulse lines shall be run with a slope of not less than 1:12 except where otherwise
stated. The slope shall be down from the tapping point for liquid, steam and condensable
fluids, and up from the tapping point for gases.
Vents shall be located at the highest point of the installation and drains at the lowest.
Impulse lines shall be kept as short as possible consistent with good practice and
accessibility and shall be in continuous lengths wherever possible. Straight couplings
should be used only when necessary.
Joints made in adjoining tubing lines shall be located such that the joints are not
adjacent at the same location.
Tubing/Piping shall be adequately supported so that it does not sag; multiple tubing shall
be run in dedicated cable tray for protection.
Tubing/Piping shall be run with minimum number of changes in direction consistent with
good practice and neat appearance.
Tubing/Piping shall not be supported from process lines except by prior agreement with
Site Engineer.
Steel piping shall be jointed with approved fittings as specified on the installation
drawings. Where practical pulled bends shall be used in preference to fittings.
When required a minimum amount of liquid sealant may be used ensuring that it is
suitable for the pressure/temperature rating of the installation.
Due regard shall be given to ensure that sufficient flexibility is allowed for hot/cold
service installations that are subject to expansion/contraction.
Stainless steel tubes or pipes shall not be located where in the event of fire there is a
possibility of molten zinc falling onto these tubes/pipes from associated galvanised
structures, zinc chromate paint, etc. This is necessary to eliminate the dangers caused
by zinc embrittlement of stainless steel.
Where stainless steel tubing with compression fittings is installed the correct procedures,
as specified by the compression fittings manufacturer, shall be followed. This shall
include, but not be limited to, the following:
The ‘wet’ leg of DP level transmitters in non-freezing services shall be filled with the
process fluid.
Instrument Air Manifolds shall normally be used in areas of high user density, where
user density is low spider type air headers should be used.
Galvanised Carbon Steel pipe shall be used to connect between the main air header
take-off valve and the Instrument Air Manifold. Stainless steel tubing shall be used to
connect between the Instrument Air Manifold and the final user.
Galvanised Carbon Steel pipe shall be used to fabricate spider type sub-headers and
shall terminate with an isolation valve located approximately 1000mm from the final user;
stainless steel tubing shall be used to connect between the isolation valve and the final
1 – 5 users ½” NB.
6 – 10 users ¾” NB.
11 – 25 users 1” NB.
All branch take-offs shall be from the top of the header.
All Instrument Air piping and tubing shall be cleaned by blowing through using dry
filtered air prior to connection to user.
All tubing shall be cleaned by blowing through with dry filtered air prior to connection to
the instrument.
Sufficient slack shall be allowed in all pneumatic tubing to avoid strain on the instrument
connections, an extra 150mm diameter loop of tubing shall be allowed at the instrument
connection to give maximum flexibility and to facilitate disconnection.
Tubing shall be labelled at the Instrument Air Manifold/Spider Isolation Valve with the
instrument tag number it serves and at the instrument shall be ferruled with the
Instrument Air Manifold/Way number from where it comes.
All open ports on solenoid valves shall have a port protector or short run of tubing,
directed downwards, and a gauze type cover/port protector to prevent the ingress of
moisture and insects.
One or two single pipes or tubes may be supported by dedicated heavy duty channel or
angle iron section. Where three or more single tubes are run parallel to each other
dedicated galvanised mild steel cable tray, ideally vertically orientated, shall be used for
The length of unsupported tubing to final destination for single tubes shall not exceed
11.2 General
Instrument cabling shall be installed with due respect for safety, reliability, access,
maintenance, etc. The drawings, specifications and material requisitions developed shall
be prepared in accordance with these requirements. The main points of the design
philosophy are given below and all installation methods shall take account of this
11.3 Specifications
All Instrument cables used on the project shall be as specified in the Specification 60A2.
This specification gives details of cable construction, cable type identification, signal
categories and service applications.
Cables, Junction Boxes, Panels and Cabinets shall be labelled in accordance with
Specification 64A3.
Multicore cables shall be sized such that they contain a minimum of 20% spare
conductors at the completion of project design.
Intrinsically Safe and Non-Intrinsically Safe circuits shall not be contained in the same
cable or marshalled in the same junction box.
Instrument cables shall be routed separately from Electrical Power cables. The physical
separation of signal and power cables when they are run in parallel shall be as follows:
Crossovers that bring signal and power cable into close proximity shall be made at right
angles. The minimum separation at the point of crossover shall be 250mm.
Instrument cables carrying current higher than 10 amps shall be treated as Instrument
power cables.
Instrument power cables shall be run and supported separately from Instrument signal
Instrument signals are divided into different categories and are then allocated into
groups, these categories and groups are defined in the Specification 60A2. Cables
containing signal categories within the same group do not require physical separation.
The physical separation requirements between different signal groups shall be as
Signal Group 1 2 3 4
1 x 250 250 250
(Inst. Power
above 50V)
2 250 x 0 0
(High Level Signal
3 250 0 x 0
(Low Level Signal
below 5VDC)
4 250 0 0 x
(Miscellaneous, Comms, Ethernet, etc.)
Fibre Optic cables do not require physical separation from any other cable, However
separation required from Electrical Power cable shall be confirmed with owner.
Intrinsically Safe and Non-Intrinsically Safe cables may be run together in the same
cable ladder/tray or cable trench but shall be separated into separate bundles and run as
far apart as possible.
11.4.4 Fire
Instrument cables and junction boxes shall avoid, wherever possible, being
routed/located in a fire risk area.
All Fire & Gas detection and initiation signals and SIS signals that are associated with
product isolation or depressurising shall be run in Fire Resistant (3 hours @ 750°C)
cable that has been manufactured and tested in accordance with IEC 60331. This type
of cable shall be run from field device to control cabinet.
Instrument cables shall be routed above ground wherever possible. On main routes the
cables shall be supported on cable ladder preferably run horizontal and with covers
provided on the top layer to give protection to cables from sunlight and the accumulation
of dirt, On secondary routes cables shall be supported on cable tray, angle iron section,
channel section or open ended conduit dependant on quantity of cables and support
location. All cable support material shall be carbon steel painted in accordance with
In areas where above ground routing is not feasible / practical then cables shall be
routed underground. Ref 6.3
Instrument cables shall enter buildings via proprietary cable transit frames which shall be
sealed using proprietary cable transit blocks after cable installation.
Fibre Optic cables run between Instrument Satellite Buildings and Control Building will
be a dual redundant installation and shall follow diverse routes with a minimum
separation of 3000mm.
Instrument cables shall not be run on the same ladder or tray as Instrument
All cable shall be suitably protected against mechanical damage, chemicals and heat at
all times.
The cables shall be installed with due regard to the cable manufacturers minimum
bending radius and temperature limits for installation and operation.
Installation and testing of fibre optic and coaxial cables shall be strictly in accordance
with manufacturers instructions.
Cables connected to instruments shall be installed with a loop of cable adjacent to the
instrument to provide sufficient slack to allow the instrument to be moved without
electrical disconnection and for remaking the cable after the instrument has been
Individual cable runs shall be continuous; cables shall not be jointed or spliced.
Cables routed above ground shall be supported by a suitable cable support system.
For main routes, 300mm wide and above, cable ladder rack shall be used.
For secondary routes, below 300mm wide, heavy duty cable tray shall be used.
Individual cable runs local to final termination point, e.g. instrument, may be run
in angle iron section, proprietary channel section or open ended conduit.
Cable ladder rack shall be capable of spanning 4000mm length if necessary and must
be capable of supporting a point load of 100kg. at mid span over a 3000mm span
continuous run in addition to the calculated distributed load.
Cable tray shall be capable of spanning a 2000mm length unsupported, longer lengths
of tray may be braced using longitudinal angle section.
Proprietary fittings, i.e. bends, tees, risers, etc. shall be used, site fabricated fittings shall
only be used when there is no alternative.
Supports for cable ladder rack and cable tray should preferably be supplied by the
ladder rack/tray manufacturer and should be adjustable for ease of installation.
Cable ladder rack, cable tray and all support and jointing fittings shall be fabricated from
hot dip galvanised steel, any unprotected supports shall be painted prior to installation in
accordance with Specification 83A1.
Cables may be stacked a maximum of 3 layers high on cable ladder rack and 2 layers
high cable tray installations, spare capacity shall be allowed for in design of 1 additional
cable or 25% of total number of cables, whichever is greater at completion of contract.
Supports for cable ladder rack and cable tray shall be fixed to suitable structural
steelwork or concrete prior to the application of any fireproofing. Welding is the preferred
method of fixing to structural steel, consideration should be given to having steel insert
plates and angle sections cast into concrete beams/columns where there will be a main
cable route.
Supports shall not be welded to vessels or process pipe work.
When welding is not permitted alternative fixing methods shall be employed such as
bolting or strapping ensuring that the method chosen is suitable for the load imposed.
Any damage to finish shall be repaired after supports have been fixed in place.
Cable ladder rack and cable tray routes shall avoid obstructions, hot surfaces, vibrations
and areas of high ambient temperature, minimum clearance from a hot surface (above
65°C) shall be 300mm.
Routes shall not run beneath parallel runs of process pipe work and shall not block
walkways or access to equipment.
Routes which cross roads or areas requiring vehicular access shall provide a minimum
headroom of 5500mm.
Where cable routes pass through the floor of a structure mechanical protection in the
form of a metal sleeve or kick plate shall be provided, this shall extend a minimum of
75mm above floor level.
Cable tray should only be cut along a line of metal, i.e. not through the perforations, any
holes cut in the cable tray shall be bushed or lined to avoid damage to the cables.
Design and installation of all cable routes shall take into account the separation
requirements as stated in Section11.4.3.
Where cables cannot be routed above ground they shall be routed underground in pre-
formed trenches, direct buried trenches or ducts.
Underground cable routes shall be chosen to avoid obstructions and maintain access to
the buried cables. A minimum clearance of 300mm shall be maintained between cables
and parallel runs of underground piping. Trenches shall not be located close to parallel
runs of grade level piping.
In trenches cables should be laid in layers, the highest cable shall be a minimum of
450mm below grade, this may be increased but no cable should be more than 1050mm
below grade.
Where Instrument and Electrical power cables cross, separation as per Section 11.4.3
shall be maintained by permanent means e.g. cable tiles or ducts encased in concrete.
Pre-formed trenches shall be used in paved areas and shall have concrete covers,
preferably removable pre-cast slabs, and coloured red for route identification. The trench
may be back filled with stone free material but if cables are run on cable ladder rack or
cable tray installed in the trench then back fill is not necessary.
Direct buried trenches shall be used in all unpaved areas; cables shall be laid on a bed
of sand 150mm deep, after installation cables shall be covered with a layer of sand
150mm deep, a protective covering of red PVC tiles nominal size 1000 x 250 x 6mm
suitably embossed ‘Instrument Cables’ shall be laid over the sand and then the trench
shall be back filled with stone free material.
A system of markers shall be installed above ground to indicate and identify trench
routes in unpaved areas. The markers shall be located at every point where the trench
changes direction and at regular intervals along straight lengths, every 15000mm within
battery limits and every 45000mm outside battery limits. For trenches 900mm wide and
above markers shall be provided both sides of the trench, for trenches below 900mm
wide markers shall be provided only at the centre of the trench.
Markers shall consist of a 90mm square plate fabricated from a non-corroding material
engraved with the legend ‘Instrument Cables’ together with a large arrow indicating the
direction of run of the cable route. The marker plates shall be set into concrete posts and
shall be installed so that they are flush with or slightly above ground level.
UPVC ducts encased in concrete shall be used for cable routes crossing under railways,
roads, access ways and load bearing areas. The detail design of the duct banks shall be
by Civil Department and shall ensure that vertical loads during construction phase of the
project and plant operation will not damage the cables.
Ducts shall have draw wires installed and shall be sealed at both ends after the
installation of cables.
Duct banks shall be designed to a loading of 40% duct space usage and provide 20%
spare ducts at the completion of the contract.
Where cables emerge from underground they shall be protected by UPVC ducts
encased in concrete, ducts shall extend a minimum of 150mm above and below grade
and shall be sealed after cable installation.
The separation requirements as stated in Section 11.4.3 and the principles for above
ground cable routing as stated in Section 11.5.1 shall apply to the under floor
Any above floor routes should be in enclosed trunking and/or closed conduit systems.
The support systems shall be designed and installed to give adequate support together
with a neat and tidy appearance and ensuring that there are no rough edges that may
cause damage to the cables.
Cables shall be numbered in accordance with Specification 60A3 and each cable shall
be identified in accordance with Instrument Label Specification 64A3.
Instrument cable glands shall be brass in certain cases glands shall be nickel plated or
316 SS.
The cable gland shall be correctly certified for the area it is to be installed and the
equipment it is connected to and shall maintain the IP rating of the equipment to which it
is connected.
The cable gland thread shall match the entry thread form of the equipment it is
connected to, the use of adaptors shall be minimised. If an adaptor is used it shall be
correctly certified for fitting to the equipment.
Cable gland entries shall be at the bottom of equipment wherever possible, side entry
shall only be permitted when there is no alternative, top entry shall not be permitted.
Any unused entries shall be sealed by using a proprietary plug that is correctly certified
for fitting to the equipment.
In buildings where cables are run below a raised/computer floor and enter cabinets from
below glands shall not normally be used, the cable shall be supported by a cable clamp
and the outer sheath and armour stripped prior to entry into the cabinet.
All cores of multi-core cables shall be terminated, sufficient terminals shall be fitted to
equipment to facilitate this requirement.
As far as is practical only one conductor shall be terminated in each side of a terminal,
common connections shall be made as far as possible using the terminal manufacturers
standard bridging arrangement.
Where connection of two wires into one side of a terminal is unavoidable two flat bladed
crimps shall be used, two wires shall not be crimped into one sleeve, and two round pin
type crimps shall not be fitted into one side of a terminal.
Sufficient slack in the conductor shall be left local to the terminal to allow for remaking
the termination.
Conductors shall be fitted with ferrules that designate the terminal number to which they
are connected in accordance with Specification 60A3.
11.9 Earthing
The principles to be followed for earthing of Instrument equipment and cables are shown
on the Instrument Earthing Philosophy drawing.
All equipment containing an electrical signal or power supply shall be earthed for
personnel safety reasons and for minimising electrical interference to instrument signals,
this includes cable armour, cable ladder rack/tray and conduit.
Cable screens shall be electrically continuous throughout the cable run and shall be
earthed at one point only, this point is normally the Instrument Earth reference bar of the
cabinet or panel to which the cable is connected.
Cable armour shall be bonded at both ends of the cable and connected to the Safety
Earth system.
The philosophy of the Instrument Earth system shall avoid the creation of earth loops by
way of Star configuration, i.e. all reference earth bars are to be insulated and connected
to Safety Earth at one point only.
Where instruments fall outside the protective shadow of a lightning conductor the
instrument signal shall be connected via a lightning barrier such that any voltage/current
surges are isolated or directed to Safety Earth.
Instrument labels for all applications shall be in accordance with Specification 64A3.
Every item of instrument equipment that has an identification number allocated to it shall
be provided with a label, this label shall be in addition to any manufacturers wired on
tags or nameplates.
Labels for individual instruments shall be fitted adjacent to the instrument such that the
label remains in place if the instrument is removed. Labels for other equipment shall
normally be fitted to the equipment itself.
Other labels detailing warnings, operating instructions, directions, etc. shall be provided
as required.
BK - Black
BL - Blue
BN - Brown
GN - Green
GY - Grey
OR - Orange
RD - Red
TQ Turquoise
VL Violet
WH - White
YL - Yellow