Fuel Dispensing and Vapour Recovery Valves
Fuel Dispensing and Vapour Recovery Valves
Fuel Dispensing and Vapour Recovery Valves
To propel a vehicle, a combustible com-
pound is needed. ASCO Numatics is
well known as solenoid valve supplier
for the dispensers as the combustible
compound is:
• Petrol
• Diesel (including vapour recovery)
• Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)
• Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)
As fuel pump sizes have reduced over the In both applications the fuels are stored in safer than other fuels in the event of a
years ASCO Numatics has reduced the pressurised tanks and this has led to the spill (natural gas is lighter than air, and
size of its valves too. development of an innovative three stage disperses quickly when released).
delivery system for LNG applications, and
The development of small encapsulated the introduction of the new high pressure Gas from the distribution pipeline is com-
coils has made the use of large enclosures valve for CNG applications. pressed into a cascade storage system.
redundant and reduced costs for pump Pressure in the cascade storage is higher
manufacturers. Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) than that in the vehicle’s storage.
Also called GPL, LP Gas, or auto gas, is Typical cascade storage is: 250 bar and
Petrol Dispensing Operations a mixture of hydrocarbon gases used as a vehicle storage 200 bar. In order to make
fuel in heating appliances and vehicles, and the utilization of the compressor and stor-
Self Service increasingly replacing chlorofluorocarbons age more efficient, fast fill CNG stations
For this form of vending ASCO Numatics as an aerosol propellant and a refrigerant usually operate in a three stage cascade
manufactures Single Stage Solenoid to reduce damage to the ozone layer. storage system.
Prepaid & Credit Card When natural gas is cooled to a tempera- ASCO Numatics has introduced a compact
For this form of vending ASCO Numatics ture of approximately -260° Celsius at at- high pressure solenoid valve to cope with
manufactures Dual Stage Valves with mospheric pressure it condenses to a liquid the rigorous demands of Compressed
high and low flows. called Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG). Natural Gas (CNG) dispensing applica-
Blending One volume of this liquid takes up about tions.
Availability, design and specifications are subject to change without notice. All rights reserved.
For this form of vending ASCO Numatics 1/600th the volume of natural gas at a
manufactures Proportional Valves. stove burner tip. LNG weighs less than Available in 3/8" (8 mm) and 1/2" (12 mm)
one-half that of water. sizes, the rugged valve can handle pres-
sures up to 350 bar. They can be used to
LNG is odourless, colourless, noncorrosive, open and close the supply from storage
and nontoxic.When vaporized it burns only tanks on single and multi-bank dispens-
in concentrations of 5% to 15% when mixed ers. The new CNG dispensing valves can
with air. Neither LNG, nor its vapor, can be provided with numerous explosion
explode in an unconfined environment. proof solenoid operators for use in Zone
A storage cylinder is charged with liquid 1/21 - 2/22 according to ATEX 94/9/EC.
petroleum gas at high pressure. This is Enclosures according to NEMA are also
then dispensed at a lower pressure into available.
the vehicle.
Storage Tank Storage Tank
ASCO Numatics on/off valves are used at
several stages during this process.
Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)
ASCO Numatics has gained considerable Is a fossil fuel substitute for gasoline
The 'Stage I' vapour recovery has been The European Parliament has adopted at
in place for a number of years at storage first reading, on 5th May 2009, the proposal
ASCO Numatics has developed solenoid terminals and at filling stations, to recover for a Directive on 'Stage II' Petrol Vapour
valves that recover these harmful vapour vapours that would normally escape into Recovery during refuelling of passenger
emissions from the storage tank or from the the atmosphere during the filling of storage cars at service stations. The new Directive
vending pump while filling the vehicle. tanks. will require the installation of Stage II petrol
vapour recovery systems. See figure 1.
TYPICAL VAPOUR RECOVERY SYSTEM Stage II controls will capture the majority
of the emissions emitted from vehicle
refuelling at petrol at filling stations
1. Volumetric Displacement
(no valve required)
(As fuel is pumped into the vehicle,
SPLITTERHOSE the volumetric displacement draws
VAPOUR RECOVERY the vapours from the vehicle into the
NOZZLE storage tank)
2. Variable Speed Vacuum Pump
and a 2 way on/off valve
Availability, design and specifications are subject to change without notice. All rights reserved.
(As fuel is pumped into the vehicle,
the valve opens and the vacuum pump
starts. The vacuum pump and the fuel
ASCO SERIES 291 are kept at the same flow rate to draw
vapours from the car into the storage
VAPOUR PUMP tank - active system)
3. Constant Speed Vacuum
and a proportional valve
(As fuel is pumped into the vehicle,
the valve opens to allow vapours to be
drawn from the vehicle to the tank.The
vacuum pump runs at constant speed
and the proportional valve opens and
closes to match the flow of fuel.)