Dakota 2000
Dakota 2000
Dakota 2000
page page
DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION electrical distribution points for the vehicle techni-
cian to use when conducting diagnosis and repair of
POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM faulty circuits. The power distribution system can
also prove useful for the sourcing of additional elec-
DESCRIPTION trical circuits that may be required to provide the
This group covers the various standard and electrical current needed to operate many accessories
optional power distribution components used on this that the vehicle owner may choose to have installed
model. The power distribution system for this vehicle in the aftermarket.
consists of the following components:
• Power Distribution Center (PDC) POWER DISTRIBUTION CENTER
• Junction Block (JB)
• Relay and Fuse Block. DESCRIPTION
The power distribution system also incorporates
various types of circuit control and protection fea-
tures, including:
• Automatic resetting circuit breakers
• Blade-type fuses
• Cartridge fuses
• Circuit splice blocks
• Flashers
• Relays.
Following are general descriptions of the major
components in the power distribution system. See the
owner’s manual in the vehicle glove box for more
information on the features and use of all of the
power distribution system components. Refer to the
Fig. 1 Power Distribution Center Location
index in this service manual for the location of com-
1 – CLIP
plete circuit diagrams for the various power distribu-
tion system components. 3 – TRAY
The power distribution system for this vehicle is 6 – CLIP
designed to provide safe, reliable, and centralized dis- 7 – FENDER INNER SHIELD
tribution points for the electrical current required to 8 – POWER DISTRIBUTION CENTER
operate all of the many standard and optional facto-
ry-installed electrical and electronic powertrain, All of the electrical current distributed throughout
chassis, safety, security, comfort and convenience sys- this vehicle is directed through the standard equip-
tems. At the same time, the power distribution sys- ment Power Distribution Center (PDC) (Fig. 1). The
tem was designed to provide ready access to these molded plastic PDC housing is located in the left
front corner of the engine compartment, just behind nals. The generator cartridge fuse cannot be repaired
the battery. The PDC houses the generator cartridge and, if faulty or damaged, it must be replaced.
fuse and up to ten maxi-type cartridge fuses, which
replace all in-line fusible links. The PDC also houses OPERATION
up to seven blade-type mini fuses, up to thirteen The generator cartridge fuse is secured between
International Standards Organization (ISO) relays the two B(+) terminal stud connection bus bars
(one standard-type and twelve micro-type), two joint within the Power Distribution Center (PDC). This
connectors (one sixteen-way and one twenty-six-way) fuse protects the vehicle electrical system from dam-
and a sixteen-way engine wire harness in-line con- age that could be caused by excessive charging sys-
nector. tem output and/or excessive electrical system current
The PDC housing is secured in the engine compart- levels resulting from a faulty generator or faulty
ment at three points. Integral mounts on the front charging system control circuits. If the current rating
and inboard sides of the PDC housing engage and of the fuse is exceeded, the fuse conductor melts to
latch to stanchions that are integral to the molded open the generator output circuit connection to the
plastic battery tray. An integral bracket on the rear PDC. If a generator cartridge fuse fails, be certain to
of the PDC housing is secured with a screw to the completely inspect and test the vehicle charging sys-
top of the left front inner wheel house. The PDC tem before replacing the fuse and returning the vehi-
housing has a molded plastic cover that includes two cle to service. Refer to Charging System in the
integral latches, one on each side. The PDC cover is index of this service manual for the charging system
easily opened and removed for service access and has diagnostic procedures. Refer to Power Distribution
a convenient fuse and relay layout map integral to in the index of this service manual for the location of
the inside surface of the cover to ensure proper com- complete PDC circuit diagrams.
ponent identification.
The PDC unit cannot be repaired and is only ser- JUNCTION BLOCK
viced as a unit with the headlamp and dash wire
harness. If the internal circuits or the PDC housing DESCRIPTION
are faulty or damaged, the headlamp and dash wire
harness unit must be replaced.
All of the current from the battery and the gener-
ator output enters the PDC through two cables with
eyelets that are secured with nuts to the two B(+)
terminal studs located just inside the inboard side of
the PDC housing. The PDC cover is unlatched and
removed to access the battery and generator output
connection B(+) terminal studs, the fuses, the relays,
the joint connectors and the engine wire harness in-
line connector. Internal connection of all of the PDC
circuits is accomplished by an intricate combination
of hard wiring and bus bars. Refer to Power Distri-
bution in the index of this service manual for the
location of complete PDC circuit diagrams. Fig. 2 Junction Block Location
A 140 ampere generator cartridge fuse is used on
An electrical Junction Block (JB) is concealed
this model. The generator cartridge fuse is similar to
behind the left outboard end of the instrument panel
other cartridge fuses found in the Power Distribution
cover (Fig. 2). The JB serves to simplify and central-
Center (PDC). This fuse has a color-coded plastic
ize numerous electrical components, and to distribute
housing and a clear plastic fuse conductor inspection
electrical current to many of the accessory systems in
cover like other cartridge fuses, but has a higher cur-
the vehicle. It also eliminates the need for numerous
rent rating and is connected and secured with screws
splice connections and serves in place of a bulkhead
instead of being pushed onto male spade-type termi-
connector between many of the engine compartment,
instrument panel, and body wire harnesses. The JB
houses up to nineteen blade-type fuses (two stan-
dard-type and seventeen mini-type), up to two blade-
type automatic resetting circuit breakers, and two
International Standards Organization (ISO) relays
(one standard-type and one micro-type).
The molded plastic JB housing has integral mount-
ing brackets that are secured with two screws to the
left instrument panel end bracket. The left end of the
instrument panel cover has a snap-fit fuse access
panel that can be removed for service of the JB. A
fuse puller and spare fuse holders are located on the
back of the fuse access cover, as well as an adhesive-
backed fuse layout map to ensure proper fuse identi-
The JB unit cannot be repaired and is only ser-
viced as an assembly. If any internal circuit or the JB
housing is faulty or damaged, the entire JB unit
must be replaced.
All of the circuits entering and leaving the JB do
so through up to nine wire harness connectors, which
are connected to the JB through integral connector Fig. 3 Ignition-Off Draw Fuse - Typical
receptacles molded into the JB housing. Internal con- 1 – JUNCTION BLOCK
nection of all of the JB circuits is accomplished by an
intricate combination of hard wiring and bus bars.
Refer to Junction Block in the index of this service
manual for the location of complete JB circuit dia- OPERATION
grams. The term ignition-off draw identifies a normal con-
dition where power is being drained from the battery
IGNITION-OFF DRAW FUSE with the ignition switch in the Off position. The IOD
fuse feeds the memory and sleep mode functions for
DESCRIPTION some of the electronic modules in the vehicle as well
All vehicles are equipped with an Ignition-Off as various other accessories that require battery cur-
Draw (IOD) fuse (Fig. 3) that is disconnected within rent when the ignition switch is in the Off position,
the Junction Block (JB) when the vehicle is shipped including the clock. The only reason the IOD fuse is
from the factory. Dealer personnel are to reconnect disconnected is to reduce the normal IOD of the vehi-
the IOD fuse in the JB as part of the preparation cle electrical system during new vehicle transporta-
procedures performed just prior to new vehicle deliv- tion and pre-delivery storage to reduce battery
ery. depletion, while still allowing vehicle operation so
The left end of the instrument panel cover has a that the vehicle can be loaded, unloaded and moved
snap-fit fuse access panel that can be removed to pro- as needed by both vehicle transportation company
vide service access to the fuses in the JB. A finger and dealer personnel.
recess is molded into the access panel for easy The IOD fuse is disconnected from JB fuse cavity
removal. An adhesive-backed fuse layout map is 12 when the vehicle is shipped from the assembly
secured to the instrument panel side of the access plant. Dealer personnel must reconnect the IOD fuse
panel to ensure proper fuse identification. The IOD when the vehicle is being prepared for delivery in
fuse is a 15 ampere mini blade-type fuse. The fuse is order to restore full electrical system operation. Once
secured within a black molded plastic fuse holder the vehicle is prepared for delivery, the IOD function
and puller unit that serves both as a tool for discon- of this fuse becomes transparent and the fuse that
necting and reconnecting the fuse in its JB cavity, has been assigned the IOD designation becomes only
and as a fuse holder that conveniently stores the fuse another Fused B(+) circuit fuse. The IOD fuse serves
in the same JB cavity after it has been disconnected. no useful purpose to the dealer technician in the ser-
vice or diagnosis of any vehicle system or condition,
other than the same purpose as that of any other
standard circuit protection device.
The IOD fuse can be used by the vehicle owner as The relay and fuse block components are accessed
a convenient means of reducing battery depletion for service by removing the steering column opening
when a vehicle is to be stored for periods not to cover from the instrument panel. The relay and fuse
exceed about thirty days. However, it must be block is then disengaged from the JB mounting tabs
remembered that disconnecting the IOD fuse will not and pulled out from under the instrument panel. Ser-
eliminate IOD, but only reduce this normal condition. vice replacement of the relay and fuse block unit
If a vehicle will be stored for more than about thirty requires instrument panel assembly removal.
days, the battery negative cable should be discon- The relay and fuse block unit cannot be repaired
nected to eliminate normal IOD; and, the battery and is only serviced as a unit with the instrument
should be tested and recharged at regular intervals panel wire harness assembly. If the relay and fuse
during the vehicle storage period to prevent the bat- block housing or its internal circuits are faulty or
tery from becoming discharged or damaged. Refer to damaged, the entire instrument panel wire harness
Battery in the index of this service manual for the unit must be replaced.
location of additional service information covering
the battery. OPERATION
The relay and fuse block is integral to the instru-
RELAY AND FUSE BLOCK ment panel wire harness, and all circuits entering or
leaving this module do so through the instrument
DESCRIPTION panel wire harness. Internal connection of all of the
relay and fuse block circuits is accomplished by hard
wiring. Refer to Fuse/Fuse Block in the index of
this service manual for the location of complete cir-
cuit diagrams and cavity assignments for the relay
and fuse block.
(1) Disconnect and isolate the battery negative
Fig. 4 Relay and Fuse Block Location
(2) Disconnect each of the headlamp and dash wire
harness connectors. Refer to Connector Locations
in the index of this service manual for the location of
more information on the headlamp and dash wire
The relay and fuse block is snap fit onto mounting harness connector locations.
tabs located on the end of the Junction Block (JB) (3) Remove all of the fasteners that secure each of
nearest to the dash panel, under the left outboard the headlamp and dash wire harness ground eyelets
end of the instrument panel (Fig. 4). The relay and to the vehicle body and chassis components. Refer to
fuse block provides additional capacity for distribu- Connector Locations in the index of this service
tion and control of electrical current for some of the manual for the location of more information on the
accessory systems that are unique to this vehicle, ground eyelet locations.
and which could not be accommodated by the JB or (4) Disengage each of the retainers that secure the
the Power Distribution Center (PDC). The relay and headlamp and dash wire harness to the vehicle body
fuse block has cavities for up to four additional and chassis components. Refer to Connector Loca-
blade-type mini fuses, the electronic combination tions in the index of this service manual for the loca-
flasher, and three additional International Standards tion of more information on the headlamp and dash
Organization relays (one standard-type and two wire harness retainer locations.
micro-type). (5) Unlatch and remove the cover from the PDC.
(6) Disconnect the engine wire harness in-line con-
nector from the PDC connector receptacle (Fig. 5).
Fig. 5 Engine Wire Harness In-Line Connector Fig. 6 Battery and Generator Connections to PDC
1 – COVER 1 –
4 – CLIP 4 –
5 –
(7) Slide the engine wire harness retainer clip 6 – NUT
upward and disengage the harness from the trough
on the rear of the PDC housing.
(8) Remove the nut that secures the eyelet of the
battery negative cable generator output take out to
the rearward B(+) terminal stud in the PDC and
remove the eyelet from the stud (Fig. 6).
(9) Remove the nut that secures the eyelet of the
battery positive cable PDC take out to the forward
B(+) terminal stud in the PDC and remove the eyelet
from the stud.
(10) Remove the screw that secures the PDC hous-
ing to the left front fender wheel housing (Fig. 7).
(11) Disengage the latches for the two PDC
mounts and lift the unit off of the battery tray stan-
(12) Remove the PDC and the headlamp and dash
wire harness from the engine compartment as a unit.
NOTE: If the PDC is being replaced with a new unit,
be certain to transfer each of the blade-type fuses, Fig. 7 Power Distribution Center Remove/Install
cartridge fuses and relays from the faulty PDC to 1 – POWER DISTRIBUTION CENTER
the proper cavities of the replacement PDC. Refer 2 – BATTERY TRAY
to Power Distribution in the index of this service 3 – LEFT FRONT FENDER WHEEL HOUSING
manual for the location of complete PDC circuit dia-
grams and cavity assignments.
(1) Position the PDC and the headlamp and dash REMOVAL
wire harness unit in the engine compartment. (1) Disconnect and isolate the battery negative
(2) Install the two PDC mounts onto the two stan- cable.
chions of the battery tray. (2) Unlatch and remove the cover from the Power
(3) Install and tighten the screw that secures the Distribution Center (PDC).
PDC housing to the left front fender wheel housing. (3) Remove the two screws that secure the genera-
Tighten the screw to 7.9 N·m (70 in. lbs.). tor cartridge fuse to the two B(+) terminal stud bus
(4) Install the eyelet of the battery positive cable bars within the PDC.
PDC take out onto the forward B(+) terminal stud in (4) Remove the generator cartridge fuse from the
the PDC. PDC.
(5) Install and tighten the nut that secures the
eyelet of the battery positive cable PDC take out to INSTALLATION
the forward B(+) terminal stud in the PDC. Tighten (1) Position the generator cartridge fuse onto the
the nut to 9 N·m (80 in. lbs.). two B(+) terminal stud bus bars within the PDC.
(6) Install the eyelet of the battery negative cable (2) Install and tighten the two screws that secure
generator output take out onto the rearward B(+) ter- the generator cartridge fuse to the two B(+) terminal
minal stud in the PDC. stud bus bars within the PDC. Tighten the screws to
(7) Install and tighten the nut that secures the 3.4 N·m (30 in. lbs.). Be certain that both screws
eyelet of the battery negative cable generator output are tightened to the proper torque value.
take out to the rearward B(+) terminal stud in the (3) Install and latch the cover onto the PDC.
PDC. Tighten the nut to 9 N·m (80 in. lbs.). (4) Reconnect the battery negative cable.
(8) Engage the engine wire harness in the trough
on the back of the PDC housing and secure it with JUNCTION BLOCK
the retainer clip.
(9) Reconnect the engine wire harness in-line con- WARNING: ON VEHICLES EQUIPPED WITH AIR-
nector to the PDC in-line connector receptacle. BAGS, DISABLE THE AIRBAG SYSTEM BEFORE
(10) Install and latch the cover onto the PDC. ATTEMPTING ANY STEERING WHEEL, STEERING
(11) Engage each of the retainers that secure the COLUMN, OR INSTRUMENT PANEL COMPONENT
headlamp and dash wire harness to the vehicle body DIAGNOSIS OR SERVICE. DISCONNECT AND ISO-
and chassis components. Refer to Connector Loca- LATE THE BATTERY NEGATIVE (GROUND) CABLE,
tions in the index of this service manual for the loca- THEN WAIT TWO MINUTES FOR THE AIRBAG SYS-
tion of more information on the headlamp and dash TEM CAPACITOR TO DISCHARGE BEFORE PER-
wire harness retainer locations. FORMING FURTHER DIAGNOSIS OR SERVICE. THIS
(12) Install all of the fasteners that secure each of IS THE ONLY SURE WAY TO DISABLE THE AIRBAG
the headlamp and dash wire harness ground eyelets SYSTEM. FAILURE TO TAKE THE PROPER PRE-
to the vehicle body and chassis components. Refer to CAUTIONS COULD RESULT IN ACCIDENTAL AIR-
Connector Locations in the index of this service BAG DEPLOYMENT AND POSSIBLE PERSONAL
manual for the location of more information on the INJURY.
ground eyelet locations.
(13) Reconnect each of the headlamp and dash
wire harness connectors. Refer to Connector Loca- REMOVAL
tions in the index of this service manual for the loca- (1) Disconnect and isolate the battery negative
tion of more information on the headlamp and dash cable.
wire harness connector locations. (2) Remove the fuse access panel by unsnapping it
(14) Reconnect the battery negative cable. from the left outboard end of the instrument panel
(Fig. 8).
GENERATOR CARTRIDGE FUSE (3) Reach through the instrument panel fuse
If a generator cartridge fuse fails, be certain to access panel opening to access and remove the one
inspect and test the vehicle charging system before screw that secures the Junction Block (JB) to the left
replacing the cartridge fuse and returning the vehicle instrument panel end bracket.
to service. Refer to Charging System in the index of (4) Remove the steering column opening cover
this service manual for the charging system diagnos- from the instrument panel. Refer to Steering Col-
tic procedures. umn Opening Cover in the index of this service
manual for the location of the steering column open-
ing cover removal procedures.
(8) Reach through the outboard side of the instru-
ment panel steering column opening to remove the
JB from the left instrument panel end bracket.
NOTE: If the Junction Block (JB) is being replaced
with a new unit, be certain to transfer each of the
fuses, circuit breakers and relays from the faulty JB
to the proper cavities of the replacement JB. Refer
to Junction Block in the index of this service man-
ual for the location of complete circuit diagrams
and cavity assignments for the JB.