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What is the electric force between 2 u-quarks separated by 1.0E-16 meters? This is a
typical separation inside a proton.
2. Two point charges q1=250uC and q2=-300uC are located at (5,0,0) m and (0,0,-5) m,
respectively. Find the force on Q2.
3. Charges of - 6 and + 4 nC are 3 m apart. Determine the electric field at a point midway
between them.
4. The strength of the electric field in the region between two parallel deflecting plates of a
cathode-ray oscilloscope is 25 kN/C. Determine the force exerted on an electron passing
between these plates.
"$%& '
5. A circular disk of radius 4m with a charge density !" = uC/m^2 is enclosed by
surface S. what net flux crosses S?
6. Find the charge in the volume defined by 0<x<1, 0<y<1and 0<z<1 if ! = 30, ( - 2
34" 5 '
7. Find the charge in the volume defined by 1<r<2 in spherical coordinates, if ! =
789 2 0
8. Given that 6 = ;9 2 , evaluate both sides of the divergence theorem for the cube,
: 1
2m on an edge, centered at the origin and with edges parallel to the axes.
9. Find the potential at rA=5 m with respect to rB=15 m due to a point charge Q=500 pC at
the origin and zero reference at infinity.
10. Five 20 nC charges are located 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 m from a certain point. Find the potential at
that point.
11. How much work is done in moving a 1nC charge, displaced 1cm opposite an electric field
12. Suppose you want to store 1.00 J of electric potential energy in a volume of 1.00 m3 in
vacuum. What is the magnitude of the required electric field?
13. Find the work done in moving a point charge Q = -20 uС from the origin to (4,2,0) m in the
field = = 2(, + 4-);9 + 8,;D along the path , ( = 8-
14. What current density correspond to a drift velocity of 6.0 x 10^-4 m/s in a silver
conductor? σ =61.7 MS/m, µ = .0056
15. What is the density of free electrons in a metal for a mobility of 0.0046 m^2/V.s and a
conductivity of 29.1 MS/m?
16. Find the inductance of an ideal solenoid with 300 turns, length of 2 m and a circular cross
section of radius 0.02 m.
17. The flux through a certain toroid changes from 0.65mWb to 0.91 mWb when the air core
is replaced by another material. What is the relative permeability and permeability of the
18. The 40 loop coil carries a current of 2 A in a magnetic field B=0.25T. Find the torque on it
if the area is 12 cm by 10 cm?
19. A solenoid is 40 cm long, has cross sectional area 8.0 and is wound with 300 turns of wire
that carry a current 0f 1.2 A. The relative permeability of its iron core is 600. Compute
magnetic flux density and the flux through the solenoid.

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