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EEE3405 – Electrical Engineering Principles II

1. An alternating current i is represented by:
i = 10sin942t ampere.
Determine: (a) the frequency; (b) the period;
(c) the time taken from t=0 for the current to reach 6 A for a first and second time;
[150 Hz; 6.67 ms; 0.68 ms; 2.66 ms]
1 (a) 942 = ω = 2πf ⇒ f = 942 /2π = 150 Hz
soln (b) T = 1/ f = 1/ 150 = 6.67ms
(c) 6 = 10 sin 942 t1⇒ [sin-1 0.6]/942 = t1
t1 = 0.68ms
t2 = T/2 - t1 = 6.67/2 – 0.68=2.66ms
2. 2. Determine equations for sine waves with the following:
(a) Vm = 170 V, f = 60 Hz (b) Im = 40 µA, T = 10 ms (c) T = 120 µs, v = 10 V at t = 12 µs
[v = 170sin377t V; i= 40sin628t µA; v = 17sin(52.4x103t) V]
2 (a) In general v(t) = Vm sin ωt , ω = 2πf = 2π 60 = 377
soln v(t) = 170 sin 377 t [V]
(b) i(t) = Im sin ωt , ω = 2πf = 2π/Τ =2π / 10x10−3 = 628
i(t) = 40 sin 628 t [µA]
(c) ω = 2πf = 2π/Τ =2π/ 120x10−6 = 52.4 x 103
v(t) = Vm sin ωt ⇒ 10 = Vm sin 52.4 x 103x12x10−6
⇒ 10 = Vm sin 0.6288⇒ Vm = 10 / 0.588 = 17
⇒ v(t) = 17 sin 52.4 x 103 t [V]
3 Determine f, T and amplitude for each of the following:
(a) v = 75sin200πt (b) i = 8sin300t [100 Hz, 0.01 s, 75 V; 47.7 Hz, 20.9 ms, 8 A]
3 (a) Amplitude = 75, 2πf = 200π⇒f= 100Hz⇒T = 1/f = 0.01s
soln (b) Amplitude = 8A, 2πf = 300⇒f=47.7Hz⇒T = 1/f =20.9ms
4. Given v = 5sin(ωt + 45o). If ω = 20π rad/s, what is v at t = 20, 75 and 90 ms?
[4.46 V; -3.54 V; 0.782 V]
4 45=π/4 v(t) = 5sin(20πt + π/4)
soln At t=20ms v(20ms) = 5sin(20π20x10-3 + π/4) = 4.46 [V]
At t=75ms v(75ms) = 5sin(20π75x10-3 + π/4) = -3.54 [V]
At t=90ms v(90ms) = 5sin(20π90x10-3 + π/4) = 0.782 [V]
5. Write equations for the following waveforms. Express the phase angle in degrees.

[5sin(1000t + 36o) mA; 10sin(40πt + 120o) A; 4sin(1800πt - 45o ) V]

5 (a) i(t) = Im sin (ωt + φ) ⇒The waveform is shift to the left by π/5
soln Maximum = 5mA ⇒Im =5, π/5 [rad] =π/5 /π x 180 = 36 [deg] i(t) = 5 sin (1000t + 36o)
(b) i(t) = Im sin (ωt + φ) ⇒The waveform is shift to the left by 180-60
⇒φ = 120 [deg], ω = 2πf = 2π/T = 2π/ 50x10-3 = 40π
Maximum = 10A ⇒Im ⇒ i(t) = 10 sin (40π t + 120o)
(c) v(t) = Vm sin (ωt + φ) ⇒The waveform is shift to the right by π/4
⇒π/4 = π/4 /π x180 = 45 [deg], ω = 2πf = 2π900 = 1800π
Maximum = 40V ⇒Vm = 40 ⇒ v(t) = 40 sin (1800π t - 45o)
6. Write equations for the following waveforms. Express the phase angle in degrees.
[80sin(2x105πt – 140 o ) V; 100sin(5236t + 48 o) V]

EEE3405 – Electrical Engineering Principles II

6(a) (a) Since the curve shift to right hand side by

soln x=320 – 180 = 140
Phase lag 140 deg, T = 10 x 10-6 ,
ω = 2πf = 2π/Τ =2π /10x10-6
ω = 2π x10-5
⇒v(t) = 80 sin (2π x10-5t – 140o)

6(b) (b) The curve is shift to the left by 160µs

soln f = 833.3 Hz, ω = 2πf = 5236, T =1/f=1200 µs
Phase lead = 160µs / 1200 µs x360=48 deg
⇒v(t) = 100 sin (5236t +48o)

7. Determine the equation for v(t) or i(t) for each of the following phasor.

[100sin(ωt + 70o) V; 20sin(ωt + 140o) mA; 10 sin(ωt – 35o) mA]

7 Rotating vector rotates in anti-clockwise
soln direction, all phase angle measure with
respect to the horizontal x-axis
At time t=0, initial phase angle = 70
Magnitude is 100V,
⇒v(t) = 100 sin(ωt + 70o)
7 At time t = 0, At time t = 0,
soln initial phase angle=180-40=140 initial phase angle=-35
Magnitude = 20A Magnitude = 10mA
20sin(ωt + 140 ) A 10 sin(ωt – 35o) mA

8. For the following waveforms, determine

the phase differences. Which waveform

EEE3405 – Electrical Engineering Principles II

8 (a) (b) B is lagging with

soln B is lagging with respect respect to A
to A Point a
300 – (30+180) = 90 = 180 - 60=120
Point b
= 180 + 90=270
270 – 120 = 150
9. Compute the average values of the following waveforms. [1.1 A; -5 V; 1.36 A]

9 (a) Total Area Under the Curve = A (c) Period=T=2ππ

A=(2x3)+(1x2)-(1x3)+(2x3)=11 A=Area under the curve=2x2π π - A1
Average Voltage = A / 10 = 11/10=1.1 A1=Area under a sine wave for half cycle
(b) Period = T = 200 Average Value of a half cycle sine wave is
Total Area under the curve from 0 to 200 0.637 x Max Value
A=(100x20/2)-(100x20)=-1000 A1=2x0.637xππ=1.274ππ
Average Voltage=-1000/200=-5V A=4ππ-1.274π
Average = 2.726π π)=1.363
10. Determine the rms values of each for the following.
(a) A 12V battery (b) -24sin(ωt + 73o) mA
(c) 10 + 24sinωt V (d) 45 – 27cos2ωt V
[12 V; 17 mA; 19.7 V; 48.9 V]
10 (a) DC voltage 12V, RMS = 12
(b) AC Amplitude = -24⇒ ⇒ RMS = 24/√ √2=16.9mA
(c) DC component = 10, AC Amplitude = 24
Average Square = 102+242/2= 388 ⇒ RMS=√ √388=19.7V
(d) DC component = 45, AC Amplitude=27
Average Square = 452+272/2= 2389.5 ⇒ RMS=√ √2389.5=48.9V
11. Compute the rms values for the following waveforms.

[8.94 A; 16.8 A]
11 (a) A=Total Area Under the (Current)2 Curve
Soln A=(4)22+(-12)22=320
Mean Square= 320/4=80
Root Mean Square = √80=8.94
(b) A = Total Area Under the V2 Curve
Mean Square=1125/4=281.25
Root Mean Square=√ √281.25=16.8

EEE3405 – Electrical Engineering Principles II


1. Determine the resistance and the series connected inductance or capacitance for each of the following
impedances (a) 12 + j5, (b) – j40 and (c) 30∠60o. Assume a frequency of 50 Hz.

XL = ω L = 2π
πf L

ω C] = 1/[2π
XC =1/ [ω πf C]

Z = R + Xj if X > 0 ⇒ Inductive ⇒ X = 2π πf L
If X < 0 ⇒ Capacitive ⇒ XC =1/[2π πf C]
2. The impedance of an electrical circuit is 30 – j50 ohms. Determine (a) the resistance, (b) the capacitance,
(c) the modulus of the impedance and (d) the current flowing, when the circuit is connected to a 240 V,
50 Hz supply.
2. Modulus (Magnitude) = |Z|
Soln Z = |Z| ∠ tan-1 (X/R)

EEE3405 – Electrical Engineering Principles II

3. A series connected electrical circuit has a resistance of 32 ohms and an inductance of 0.15H. It is
connected to a 200V, 50Hz supply. Determine (a) the inductive reactance, (b) the impedance in
rectangular and polar forms, (c) the current and the circuit phase angle, (d) the voltage drop across the
resistor and (e) the voltage drop across the inductor.

4. A 240 V, 50 Hz voltage is applied across a series connected circuit having a resistance of 12 ohm, an
inductance of 0.10 H and a capacitance of 120μF. Determine the current flowing in the circuit.

5. Determine the resistance R and series inductance L (or capacitance C) for each of the following
impedances, assuming the frequency to be 50 Hz.
(a) 4 + j7 (b) 3 – j2 (c) j10 (d) – j200 (e) 15 ∠π/3 (f) 6 ∠–45o
[(a) R = 4 ., L = 22.3 mH (b) R = 3 ., C = 1592 µF (c) R = 0, L = 31.8 mH
(d) R = 0, C = 15.92 µF (e) R = 7.5 ., L = 41.3 mH (f) 4.243Ω, C = 750.3µF ]
5 (a) 4 + j7 = R + jX ⇒ R = 4, X > 0 ⇒ Inductive , X = Lω = L 2πf = L 100π
Soln ⇒L = 7 / (100π)=0.0223 = 22.3mΗ
(b) 3 – j2 = R + jX⇒ R = 3, X < 0 ⇒ Capacitive, X = 1/(Cω) = 1/(C 2πf) = 1/(C100π)
⇒C = 1 / (2x100π)=0.00159F=1592µF
(c) 10j = R + jX ⇒ R = 0, X > 0 ⇒ Inductive , X = Lω = L 2πf = L 100π
⇒L = 10 / (100π)=31.8mΗ
(d) -j200, X < 0 ⇒ Capacitive, X = 1/(Cω) = 1/(C 2πf) = 1/(C100π)
EEE3405 – Electrical Engineering Principles II

⇒C = 1 / (200x100π)=15.92µF
(e) 15∠π/3 = 15 cos(π/3)+j 15 sin(π/3)=7.5+13j⇒ R = 7.5
X = Lω = L 2πf = L 100π⇒L = 13 / (100π)=41.3mΗ
(f) 6∠–45o =6 cos(-45)+j 6 sin(-45)= 4.24-4.24j
R=4.24Ω, X = 1/(Cω) = 1/(C 2πf) = 1/(C100π)⇒C = 1 / (4.24x100π)=750.3µF
6. An alternating voltage of 100 V, 50 Hz is applied across an impedance of (20 – j30)ohms. Calculate: (a)
the resistance, (b) the capacitance, (c) the current, and (d) the phase angle between current and voltage.
[(a) 20 . (b) 106.1 µF (c) 2.774 A (d) 56o 19' ]
7. Two voltages are represented by (15 + j10) and (12 – j4) volts. Determine the magnitude of the resultant
voltage when these voltages are added. [ 27.66 V ]
8. Two impedances, Z1=(2 + j6) ohms and Z2=(5 – j2)ohms, are connected in series to a supply voltage of
100V. Find the magnitude of the current and its phase angle relative to the voltage.[12.40A;29o 45' lag]
9. A resistance of 45 ohms is connected in series with a capacitor of 42μF. If the applied voltage is 250V,
50Hz determine: (a) the capacitive reactance; (b) the impedance; (c) the current, and its phase relative to
the applied voltage; (d) the voltage across the resistance; and (e) the voltage across the capacitance.
[ (a) 75.79 . (b) 88.14 . (c) 2.836 A at 59o18' leading (d) 127.6 V (e) 214.9 V ]
10 A single –phase motor takes 8.3A at a power factor of 0.866 lagging when connected to a 230V, 50Hz
supply. Two similar capacitors are connected in parallel with each other to form a capacitance bank. This
capacitance bank is now connected in parallel with the motor to raise the power factor to unity.
Determines the capacitance of each capacitor. [28.7uF]
10. VA = 230 x 8.3 = 1909 VA
Soln Real Power = 1909 x 0.866=1653.2 W
Phase angle = cos-10.866=30
Reactive Power = 1909 x sin 30 = 954.6 VAR
For Unity Power Factor
Qc = 954.6 = V2/ Xc⇒ 2302/954.6 = Xc
Xc=55.42Ω = 1/ (2πf C)=1/(2π50 C)
Capacitance of Cap. Bank = 57.44µF
Capacitance of Each Capacitor = 57.44/2=28.7 µF
11 (a) A single-phase load of 5kW operates at a power factor of 0.6 lagging. It is proposed to improve this
power factor to 0.95 lagging by connecting a capacitor across the load. Calculate the kVA rating of
the capacitor. [5.02kVA]
(b) Give reasons why it is to a consumer’s economic advantage to improve his power factor with respect
to the supply, and explain the fact that the improvement is rarely made to unity in practice.
12 A 25kVA single-phase has a power factor of 0.8 lag. A 10kVA capacitor is connected for power-factor
correction. Calculate the input apparent power in kVA taken form the mains and its power factor when
the motor is (a) on half load; (b) on full load. Sketch a phasor diagram for each case.
[10.3 kVA, 0.97 leading; 20.6kVA, 0.97 lagging]
13 A single-phase motor takes 50A at a power factor of 0.6 lagging from a 250V, 50Hz supply. What value
of capacitance must be a shunting capacitor have to raise the overall power factor to 0.9 lagging ? How
does the installation of the capacitor affect the line and motor currents? [324uF]
14 A 240V, single-phase supply feeds the following loads (a) incandescent lamps taking a current of 8A at
unity power factor, (b) fluorescent lamps taking a current of 5A at 0.8 leading power factor (c ) motor
taking a current of 7A at 0.75 lagging power factor. Sketch the phasor diagram and determine the total
current, active power and reactive power taken from the supply and the overall power factor.
[17.35A, 4140W, 390 var, 0.996 lagging]
15 The load taken from an ac supply consists of (a) a heating load of 15kW (b) a motor load of 40kVA at
0.6 power factor lagging (c ) a load of 20kW at 0.8 power factor lagging. Calculate the total load from
the supply (in kW and kVA) and its power factor. What would be the kvar rating of a capacitor to bring
the power factor to unity and how would the capacitor be connected.
[ 59kW, 75.5kVA, 0.78 lagging; 47kvar in parallel]
16 A cable is required to supply a welding set taking a current of 225A at 110V alternating current, the
average power factor being 0.5 lagging. An available cable has a rating of 175A and it is decided to use
this cable by installing a capacitor across the terminal of the welding set. Find (a) the required capacitor
EEE3405 – Electrical Engineering Principles II

current and reactive power to limit the cable current to 175A (b) the overall power factor with the
capacitor in circuit. [60.8A, 6.7 kvar, 0.643 lag]
1. A delta load is connected as shown in fig. 1. IR
Calculate IP and IL of the circuit. I1
Z1 = 100 ∠0° Ω Z1
346 V
Z2 = 20 + j60 Ω IY
Z3 = − j106 Ω
IP : Phase Current I1, I2, I3 I2
IL : Line Current IR, IY, IB 346 V I3
Fig. 1
1. Take VRY as reference.
Soln Phase currents:
I1 = VRY/Z1=346∠0° / 100∠0° = 3.46∠0° A
I2 = VYB/Z2=346∠−120° / (20 + j60) = 5.47∠−(120 + 71.57)° = 5.47∠168.43°A (-191.57°°=168.43°°)
I3 = VBR/Z3=346∠ ∠-240°° / −j106 =346∠120° / 106∠270°° = 3.26 ∠-150° A
Line currents:
IR = I1 – I3 = 3.46∠0° – 3.26 ∠-150° = 6.5∠14.54° A
IY = I2 – I1 = 5.47∠168.43° – 3.46∠0° = 8.89∠173° A
IB = I3 – I2 = 3.26 ∠-150° − 5.47∠168.43° = 3.72∠−47.08° A
2. A factory has the following load with power factor of 0.9 lagging in each phase. Red phase 40 A,
yellow phase 50 A and blue phase 60 A. If the supply is 400V, three-phase, four-wire, calculate the
current in the neutral and the total power. Draw a phasor diagram for phase and line quantities.
2 |IR |= 40 A R
Soln |IY |= 50 A Z1

|IB |= 60 A
400 V
Find IN and P3φ. , (400 /√ IN p.f. = 0.9 lagging
at each phase
Take VRN as reference, 2 Z3
VRN = 230.9∠0° V, VYN = 230.9∠-120° V,
VBN = 230.9∠120° V
Power angle at each phase, IB
φ = cos−1 0.9 = 25.84° B

IR = 40∠−25.84° A,
IY = 50∠−145.84° A,
IB = 60∠ 94.16° A
IN = 40∠−25.84° + 50∠−145.84° + 60∠ 94.16°
= 17.31∠ 124.16° A #
P3φ = PR + PY + PB =VRIRcosφφR+VYIYcosφ φY+VBIBcosφφB
φP = (400/√3) x (40+50+60)x (0.9)
= VP(IR+ IY + IB)cosφ

EEE3405 – Electrical Engineering Principles II


1 A 380V 3-phase power supply with phase sequence fuse
RYB is supplying power to an unbalance 3-phase star R
load as shown in fig Q1.
Given Z1=5+5j Z2=2-j10 Z3=5+j20. Z1
Take VRY as reference. Determine: 380∠0° V
(a) the magnitude and phase angle of the voltage at the Z2 Z3
star point; fuse
(b) the magnitudes and phase angles of the three line Y
(c) the total active and reactive powers of the load; fuse
(d) the overall power factor of the load; and,
figure Q1
(e) draw the phasor diagram of the three-phase load.
1 Take VRY as reference. Z1 = 5 + j5 Ω
Soln VRY = 380∠0° V Z2 = 2 - j10 Ω
VYB = 380∠ − 120° V Z3 = 5 + j20 Ω
380∠0° V
VBR = 380∠120° V √3=219.4
380/√ VRN Z1
VRN = 219.4∠ − 30° V N

VYN = 219.4∠ − 150° V Z2

O Z3
VBN = 219.4∠90° V
By Millman’s Therom
Von = where:
Y1 + Y2 + Y3 B
figure B2


Y -150


1 1 1 1
Y1 = = = 0.1414∠ − 45° s Y2 = = = 0.0981∠78.7° s
Z 1 5 + j5 Z 2 2 − j10
1 1
Y3 = = = 0.0485∠ − 76.0° s
Z 3 5 + j20
(219.4∠ − 30°)(0.1414∠ − 45°) + (219.4∠ − 150°)(0.0981∠78.7°) + (219.4∠90°)(0.0485∠ − 76.0°)
Von =
0.1414∠ − 45° + 0.0981∠78.7° + 0.0485∠ − 76.0°
∴ .03∠ − 62.1°
R = ( VRN − Von ).Y1 = ( 219.4∠ − 30° − 384.46∠ − 40.9°)(0.1414∠ − 45°) A = 24.61∠80.3° A
I Y = ( VYN − Von ).Y2 = ( 219.4∠ − 150° − 384.46∠ − 40.9°)(0.0981∠78.7°) A = 49.14∠ − 117.8° A
I B = (VBN − Von ).Y3 = (219.4∠90° − 384.46∠ − 40.9°)(0.0485∠ − 76.0°) A = 26.85∠45.7° A
PT = I R .R Z1 + I Y .R Z 2 + I B .R Z 3
2 2 2
Total active power,
= ( 24.61) 2 .(5) + ( 49.14) 2 .( 2) + (26.85) 2 .(5) W = 11.46 kW #
Total reactive power, QT = I R .X Z1 + I Y .X Z 2 + I B .X Z3
2 2 2

= ( 24.61) 2 .( +5) + (49.14) 2 .( −10) + ( 26.85) 2 .( +20) Var = -6.7 kVar (capacitive) #
PT 11.46
The overall power factor, p. f . = = = 0.863 leading
PT2 + QT2 (11.46) 2 + (6.7) 2
2 Referred to figure Q1, if the fuse in the Yellow line is blown, determine the new values of:
(a) the voltage at the star point; and,
EEE3405 – Electrical Engineering Principles II

(b) the three line currents.

If fuse on Yellow is blown, the star point voltage is: (Z2 becomes OPEN Circuit, Z2=∞, Y2=0)
V Y + V Y + VBN Y3 (219.4∠ − 30°)(0.1414∠ − 45°) + (219.4∠ − 150°)(0) + (219.4∠90°)(0.0485∠ − 76.0°)
Von = RN 1 YN 2 =
Y1 + Y2 + Y3 0.1414∠ − 45° + 0 + 0.0485∠ − 76.0°

Von = 178.5∠ − 3.41° V

If fuse on Yellow is blown, IY = 0 A, and IB = -IR
VRB (380∠ − 60°)
IR = = A
Z 1 + Z 3 (5 + j5) + (5 + j20)
I R = 14.1∠ − 128.1° A # ; I Y = 0 A # ; I B = − I R = 14.1∠51.9° A #
I B = −14.1∠ − 128.1° A = 14.1∠(180° − 128.1° ) A = 14.1∠51.9° A
− 1 = 1∠180°
1 (i) State two advantages and two disadvantages of using auto-transformer compared with the
two-winding transformer.
1 Advantages of auto-transformer
Soln 1. Less copper is used, when compared with 2 winding transformer.
2. The weight and volume of transformer is less.
3. The auto-transformer has a higher efficiency.
4. The auto-transformer suffers less voltage variation.
5. The auto-transformer provides continuously variable output voltage.
Disadvantages of auto-transformer
1. The auto-transformer primary and secondary have a common neutral connection, so it cannot be
used as an isolation transformer.
2. The secondary short-circuit current will be larger.
3. A break in the secondary winding stops the transformer action and the full primary voltage will be
applied to the secondary circuit.
2 (i) State the losses associated with the iron core of a transformer.
(ii) Explain the method(s) used to reduce the losses you stated in part (a)(i)
2 (1) There are hysteresis and eddy current losses.
Soln (2) Hysteresis loss can be reduced by using material with small remanent flux or narrow hysteresis loop,
since the area of the hysteresis represent losses per cycle of magnetization.
Eddy current can be reduced by using laminated iron core. Induced emf is reduced to 1/N of the total
if N metal sheets are used. At the same time, the resistance path is increased N times due to the
reduction in the thickness.
3 A 200kVA,6600/400V, 50Hz single-phase transformer has 80 turns on the secondary. Calculate
(a) the approximate values of the primary and secondary currents; (b) the approximate number of
primary turns; (c) the maximum value of the flux. (30.3A, 1320 turns, 0.0225 Wb)
3 V1/V2=N1/N2 ⇒ 6600/400 = N1/80
Soln ⇒N1 = 6600 / 400 x 80 = 1320
I1 = 200 x 1000 / V1 = 200 x 1000 / 6600 = 30.3A
I2 = 200 x 1000 / V2 = 200 x 1000 / 400 = 500A
V1=4.44 N1 f Φ ⇒ Φ = 6600 / (4.44 x 50 x 1320) = 22.5mWb
4 The primary winding of a single-phase transformer is connected to a 230V, 50Hz supply. The
secondary winding has 1500 turns. If the maximum value of core flux is 0.00207Wb, determine :
(a) the number of turns on the primary winding; (b) the secondary induced voltage; (c) the net
cross-sectional core area if the flux density has a maximum value of 0.465 Tesla. (500, 690V, 4450mm2)
4. (a) V1 = 4.44 N1 f Φ ⇒ N1 = V1/(4.44 f Φ) = 230 / (4.44 x 50 x 0.00207) = 500 turns
Soln (b) V2 = 4.44 N2 f Φ = 4.44 x 1500 x 50 x 0.00207 = 689V
(c) 0.00207 = B A = 0.465 x A ⇒A=4451 mm2
5 The primary of a transformer has 500 turns and is supplied at a voltage of 2000V r.m.s. at a frequency of
50Hz. Estimate the maximum value of the flux through the core. (0.018Wb)
EEE3405 – Electrical Engineering Principles II

5. 2000 r.m.s
Soln 2000 = 4.44 x N1 f Φ = 4.44 x 500 x 50 Φ
6 The primary of a transformer has 1000 turns and produces a maximum flux of 0.03Wb alternating at
50Hz in the iron core. The secondary winding has 35 turns. Estimate the r.m.s. values of primary and
secondary e.m.f.’s on the assumption that the flux change is sinusoidal. (6660V, 233V)
6. V1 = 4.44 N1 f Φ = 4.44 x 1000 x 50 x 0.03 = 6660
Soln V2 = 4.44 N2 f Φ = 4.44 x 35 x 50 x 0.03 = 233V
7 A single-phase transformer has a primary voltage of 2000V, a secondary voltage of 440V and a full load
output of 20kVA. The secondary winding has 130 turns. Calculate the number of primary turns and
the primary and secondary full load currents, neglecting losses. ( 591, 10A, 45.5A)
7. I1 = 20 x 1000 / 440 = 45.45A
Soln I2 = 20 x 1000 / 2000 = 10A
V1 / V2 = N1 / N2 ⇒ N1 = V1 / V2 x N1 = 2000 / 440 x 130 = 591
8 A 4-pole, 3-phase induction motor is energized from a 60Hz supply, and is running at a load condition
for which the slip is 0.03. Determine (a) the speed of the rotation field; (b) the rotor speed; (c) the rotor
frequency. [Ans (a) 1800 r.p.m (b) 1746 r.pm. (c) 1.8 Hz]
8. (a) Speed of Rotating Field = Frequency / pole-pair = 60 / 2 = 30 rev/s = 1800 rpm
Soln (b) Rotor Speed = Nr = (1-s) Ns = (1-0.03) x 1800 = 1746 rpm
(c) Rotor frequency = slip x stator frequency = s f = 0.03 x 60 = 1.8Hz
9 The frequency of the e.m.f. induced in the rotor of an 3-phase, 6-pole induction motor is found to have
180 cycles/min. The motor is connected to a 50Hz, 440V supply, calculate (a) the speed of the motor;
(b) the percentage slip of the motor. [Ans (a) 940 r.p.m (b) 0.06 ]
9. (a) 180 cycles/min = 3 cycles / sec ⇒ Rotor frequency = fr = 3Hz
Soln 3 = s x stator frequency = s 50 ⇒ s = 0.06
(b) Ns = f / p = 50 / 3 = 16.67 rev/s = 1000 rpm
Speed of the rotor = (1-s) x Ns = 1000 x (1-0.06) = 940 rpm


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