PF2001-10 Griffin Final Report
PF2001-10 Griffin Final Report
PF2001-10 Griffin Final Report
Greg Griffin
M. Saiid Saiidi
r1 x g 1 r2 x g 1
x g1
Greg Griffin
M. Saiid Saiidi
June 9, 2003
Greg Griffin, Associate Bridge Engineer, CH2M HILL in Boise, Idaho, was selected as
the Year 2001 National Earthquake Hazard Reduction Program (NEHRP) Professional
Fellow, awarded by EERI under a cooperative program funded by the Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA). Griffin's research was conducted with the guidance of
Professor M. Saiid Saiidi, of the University of Nevada, Reno.
Griffin has worked as a consulting engineer since 1995 and is employed by CH2M HILL.
He earned his BSCE from the University of Idaho, and his MSCE from the University of
Nevada, Reno.
Cover graphic: Depicts the pseudo-static displacement response in the simplified two
degree-of-freedom model used to study the effects of incoherent ground motion. Unlike
uniform base motion, the different displacement history response at each support during
an earthquake will induce forces within a bridge.
Mr. Griffin would like to thank the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute for their
generous support during the 2001 EERI/FEMA NEHRP Professional Fellowship. Mr.
Griffin would also like to thank the staff of the Civil Engineering Department at the
University of Nevada, Reno, for their assistance during the Fellowship period. The
efforts of Dr. Saiid Saiidi, his assistance and insight throughout this research project are
greatly appreciated. Dr. Raj Siddarthan, Professor of Civil Engineering, is also thanked
for his explanation of the equivalent linear ground response model. Dr. Qing-Shan Yang,
visiting professor from Northern Jiaotong University, Beijing, China, is thanked for his
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY...............................................................................................vii
REFERENCES.................................................................................................................. 35
Table 3.2 - Shear beam stiffnesses used for the 2 DOF model ......................................... 37
Figure 2.9 - Primary curve used in the computer model for a sand deposit...................... 43
Figure 2.10 - Ground motion response - Northridge earthquake (Scale factor = 1) ........ 44
Figure 2.11 - Ground motion response - Northridge earthquake (Scale factor = 4) ........ 44
Figure 3.12 - Predicted relative ground displacement : Northridge earthquake ............... 50
Many instances arise in bridge design where non-synchronous ground motions occur at
different support locations. Although several sources of incoherent ground motion are
recognized, differing soil conditions at intermediate supports along a bridge can occur
ground motions, but are typically cost prohibitive to implement in standard bridge
designs. Unlike a bridge that is excited with uniform ground motion, the behavior of
bridges undergoing non-synchronous ground motions are not well understood. For
bridges subjected to incoherent ground motions, both the ground acceleration and
response due to the site-response effect, a study funded by the EERI/FEMA Professional
(DOF) system was developed. A shear beam connected both DOF to represent the
was used to determine the total DOF response. A SDOF, nonlinear ground response
model was used to predict the site-response effect. An iteration scheme using the
masses and shear beam stiffnesses. Three different earthquake ground motions were used
and the soil depths were varied at the supports. A stiffness parameter, defined as the
Coupling Ratio (CR), was defined to quantify the effect of the shear beam stiffness on the
overall structure behavior. CR varies from 0 (each DOF responds independently) to 1
(rigid body response). Magnification factors were calculated as the ratio of the relative
displacement at each DOF due to the incoherent ground motion to the uniform base
motion response. The magnification factors can be used to account for ground motion
incoherency by modifying the response of a two DOF system subjected to uniform base
1.1 Introduction
Many instances arise in bridge design that cause differing earthquake ground motions at
provide reliable designs for superstructure and substructure elements. To simplify the
seismic force calculations, design codes assume that all supports have the same intensity
of ground shaking, although many bridges have conditions that modify the intensity and
frequency content of seismic shaking (Ref. 1). Bridge responses to incoherent earthquake
ground motions are due to a dynamic portion and differing support movements (denoted
structures, it is not apparent whether the dynamic or pseudo-static response will increase
bridge forces as compared to uniform base motions. Some studies suggest incoherency
cancels peak amplitudes and reduces force levels. Another study indicates that the
One method to determine the effects of incoherent ground motion has been
developed using response history analysis. Using this method, the analytical model is
subjected to differing earthquake ground motions and the response histories of the bridge
representative earthquake ground motions for the site and different supports. Depending
upon the site and bridge length, considerable costs can be involved in developing ground
motions that encompass the design earthquake. Typical bridge designs for short and
medium span lengths do not use response history analysis due to the increase in cost to
develop and implement site-specific ground motions. The most common method used to
Widespread acceptability of the RSM is due to the relative simplicity in definition of the
design earthquake and the use of the linear elastic analysis to simulate actual behavior
during earthquakes. The RSM currently used does not account for non-synchronous
ground motions.
Four different sources of incoherency (Ref. 5) are typically recognized in seismic ground
motions: 1) the loss of coherency due to the scattering of seismic waves and the
2) difference in arrival times of the waveform as they propagate through the underlying
strata (denoted as the “wave passage effect”), 3) decay of wave amplitude with distance
due to spreading and energy dissipation (denoted as the “attenuation effect”) and 4)
variation of waveforms emanating from a similar bedrock layer through differing soil
strata, which modify the amplitude and frequency of the waveforms at the base of the
structure (denoted as the “site-response effect”). The attenuation effect has been shown
to have limited influence on the coherency function and can be ignored (Ref. 6). In this
study, only the site-response effect will be considered as the source of non-synchronous
ground motion. It is believed that other effects can be critical only for relatively long
1.2.1 Response History Analysis Methods
Response history analysis methods have been developed and are available to estimate the
effects of incoherent ground motion (Ref. 3). The equations of motion can be written to
synchronous ground motions will be presented in Chapter 2. Fenves (Ref. 4) used the
computer program SAP90 (Ref. 5) with response history capabilities to study the
Dumbarten Bridge and compare analytical to measured response due to the Loma Prieta
earthquake. Because SAP90 does not have the capability to include the effects of non-
synchronous ground motions, a fictious spring at each support was introduced to model
the incoherency using time varying loads. Currently, state-of-the-art software packages,
such as SAP2000 (Ref. 6), are able to account for differing support ground motions using
the free-field ground displacement histories as input to the analytical model. Results of
the study indicate that the Dumbarten Bridge was not sensitive to incoherent ground
motion, but indicate that the pier displacements increased somewhat as compared to
uniform base motion. This study was limited to incoherency due to the site-response
effect. It was concluded that the non-synchronous ground motions did not substantially
increase forces levels for that particular bridge. Due to similar ground displacement and
acceleration histories along the length of the bridge at different supports, the overall
bridge response should not differ greatly from the uniform base motion response.
1.2.2 Response Spectrum Analysis Method
The response spectrum method (RSM) is used in practice to conduct bridge dynamic
analysis. An inherent assumption of the RSM is that all supports of the structure are
excited with the same earthquake ground motion. Der Kiuregian (Ref. 5) has developed
one method to estimate the response to incoherent motion called the Multiple Support
Response Spectrum (MSRS) rule. This method was developed based on random
vibration theory and solution of the governing equations of motion in the frequency
domain instead of the time domain. All sources of differing ground motions are depicted
due to each degree of freedom. The MSRS rule has significant computation requirements
to determine the cross correlation coefficients. Results from two separate parametric
studies conducted on four span bridges indicate that 1) an envelope of the site response
spectrums can be unconservative and should not be used to estimate the seismic response,
Past studies of incoherent ground motions have mainly been project specific using
response history analysis methods. Some researchers have been developing simplified
ground motions. Mylonakis has studied a simplified model with sinusoidal support
movements and presented observations (Ref. 2). Studies on multi-span bridges have been
limited to the longitudinal axis assuming that the deck is rigid. Very few in-depth studies
have been conducted to determine the effect of incoherent ground motions on bridges and
to develop methods or design guidelines that can be readily implemented in design. The
remainder of this section will discuss response history analysis methods, and response
spectrum methods.
The main objective of this study was to provide the basis for a practical RSM that can
account for non-synchronous ground motions to estimate bridge response due to the site-
response effect. Another goal of this study was to provide insight into bridge response
due to incoherent ground motions using a simplified computer model. To study the non-
analysis was developed. A nonlinear, SDOF ground response model was developed to
estimate the site-response effect. Using the results of parametric studies, factors were
calculated that compare the incoherent to the uniform base motion response. The factors
can be applied to a typical response history analysis results for uniform base motion to
estimate the bridge response under incoherent ground motion. Parameters varied in the
study were the mass and shear beam stiffness, while three different earthquakes and
Development of the non-linear and equivalent linear SDOF ground response model is
function model to provide insight into the complexities of incoherent ground motions.
Chapter 3 also discusses the parametric study variables used for the bridge model and site
conditions, and presents the results and observations from the study. A summary of the
study, important conclusions and recommendations for future work are presented in
Chapter 4. An appendix has been included with graphs that present the magnification
factors developed in the parametric study. Another appendix is included with portions of
the computer code developed for the two-degree-of-freedom model and the non-linear
2.1 Introduction
To estimate the response of bridges during earthquakes, several different methods are
Response Spectrum Method (RSM). An inherent assumption in the RSM is that all the
supports of the structure are subjected to the same ground motion. For more complicated
or important bridges, response history analysis may be used to determine the seismic
Structural analysis software has not been readily available to estimate incoherent
ground motion response. One researcher used fictious springs at the supports to simulate
the pseudo-static support displacements (Ref. 4). Recently, finite element analysis
packages have been developed to calculate the dynamic response due to incoherent
ground motions using the response history method (Ref. 7). A response history analysis
is typically not feasible to produce cost-effective bridge designs for ordinary span length
bridges. A method that has been proposed to conduct dynamic analysis using incoherent
ground motions is the Multiple Support Response Spectrum (MSRS) rule (Ref. 7). Due
to the complexity in determination of different factors and input ground motion response,
this method has not received widespread use in bridge design. As a simplified method,
several researchers have suggested that the site response coefficients may be averaged to
To study the effects of incoherency, a simplified two degree-of-freedom (DOF)
system consisting of two masses and springs connected by a shear beam was developed.
To gain a better basic understanding of bridge response, a detailed finite element model
of different bridges was not considered. In-depth parametric studies that vary the bridge
mass and stiffness and the soil depths were conducted and will be presented in Chapter 3.
In this chapter, the two DOF system connected with a shear beam will be discussed.
method and solution using the displacement histories. Influence functions will be derived
for a generalized structure and applied to the simplified model. Development of the
modal response history method using modified mode participation factors will be
presented. A single DOF soil column response model was developed using a non-linear
and equivalent linear method and will be presented. An overview of the response
To understand and study the effects of incoherent ground motion, a two DOF model
connected with a shear beam was developed and shown in Figure 2.1. A 2 DOF model
was selected for study to reduce the complexities of the analysis and allow the pseudo-
static and dynamic response components to be studied. Each DOF in the model consists
of a mass connected by a support spring and a shear spring. The support springs
represent the substructure of the bridge including the foundation springs. Superstructure
stiffness is represented with the shear beam spring. As stated previously, this study will
2.2.1 Equation of Motion Formulation
the total response can be determined from a superposition of the dynamic response and
governing equations of motion can be solved using the support ground displacement
history. Using the superposition method, the governing equations for the dynamic
in which M is the mass matrix, C is the damping matrix, K is the stiffness matrix, xdyn ,
x dyn , x dyn are the structure acceleration, velocity and displacement, respectively, relative
to the undeflected position, r is the influence factor matrix and xgn is the ground
acceleration at support n. Equation 2.1 can be solved using a direct integration approach
such as Newmark’s Beta Method or superposition of a modal analysis. For this study, the
equations of motion was solved using modal analysis. The pseudo–static displacement
K ff K fs U f Pf
K =
K ss U s Ps
in which the subscripts f denote a DOF and s denotes a support node. Assuming that
external loads are not applied to the structure, the displacement at DOF i can be
K ff U ff + K fsU ss = 0 (2.3)
Equation 2.3 was developed using the first matrix equation in equation 2.2. Solving
in which Ust are the pseudo-static displacements. Equation 2.4 describes the
static displacement”) and shown in Figure 2.2. For the case in which Uss is equal to a
unit displacement, Uff is defined as the influence functions and will be developed for the
2 DOF system in the following section. The total response at the structural DOF can be
U T = U dyn + U st (2.5)
[M ]U T
+ [K ]U dyn = 0 (2.6)
in which damping effects are considered negligible. Substituting equation 2.5 into
equation 2.6
[M ]U T
+ [K ]U T = [K ]rU ss (2.7)
Solution of equation 2.7 will provide the total displacement at the structural degrees-of-
freedom due to dynamic and pseudo-static response. In equation 2.7, Uss must be defined
as the total bedrock and free-field ground displacement history. Otherwise, the dynamic
contribution will not include the response due to the bedrock ground motion.
2.2.2 Influence Functions
The influence functions are defined as the displacement at DOF i due to a unit
displacement at support n and can be determined using equation 2.4. For the two DOF
1 K1 − K1
2 − K 1 K 1 + K SB − K SB
K= (2.8)
3 − K SB K 2 + K SB − K2
4 − K2 K2
in which K1 and K2 are the support spring stiffnesses and KSB is the shear beam stiffness.
2 K 1 + K SB − K SB − K1
3 − K SB K 2 + K SB − K2
K= (2.9)
1 − K1 K1
4 − K2 K2
Note that nodes 2 and 3 are the DOF and nodes 1 and 4 are the restraints. Using the
partitioned sub-matrices from equation 2.9 and substituting into equation 2.2 the
2 K ( K + K SB ) K 2 K SB 1
r= 1 2 (2.10)
3 K 1 K SB K 2 ( K 1 + K SB ) K 1 K 2 + K 2 K SB + K 1 K SB
n =1
in = 1.0 (2.11)
in which the subscript i denotes the DOF, n denotes the support and ntot are the total
number of supports. It should also be noted that the ground acceleration distributes from
an individual support to the structural DOF using the influence function matrix due to the
Unlike the direct integration response history analysis method in which the governing
equations are solved to determine the total response of the DOF, in modal analysis the
assuming that damping effects are negligible, the ground acceleration is zero, and
[K − ω 2
n M ]{φ in }= 0 (2.12a)
Det (K − ω n2 M ) = 0 (2.12b)
in which ω is the natural circular frequency for mode n, and φ are the modal
displacements or mode shape at DOF i for mode n. Equation 2.12b will yield a non-
trivial solution to equation 2.12a in which modal frequencies and modal displacements
xi = ∑ φ ni z n (2.13)
n =1
for mode n, equation 2.13 is substituted into equation 2.1 and multiplied by φ mT
φ mT m ∑ φ n zn + φ mT c ∑ φ n z n + φ mT k ∑ φ n z n = −φ mT rx g
Tot Tot Tot
n =1 n =1 n =1
in which equation 2.14 and equation 2.1 are termed the coupled equations of motion,
which refers to the fact that the solution must be obtained by direct integration of all
equations of motion. To uncouple the equations of motion such that the dynamic
response of the structure can be determined using the superposition of results from
∑φ T
m mφ n = 0 (2.15)
∑φ T
m cφ n = 0 (2.16)
∑φ T
m kφ n = 0 (2.17)
Equations 2.15 through 2.17 are valid when m ≠ n . Applying the orthogonality
relationships in equations 2.15 through 2.17 to equation 2.14 and dividing the resulting
in which is the damping coefficient for mode i, and γ pm are the modified mode
φ T mr
γ pm = T (2.19)
φ m φ
For uniform base motion, r is defined as a matrix vector of 1’s and corresponds to the
uniform distribution of acceleration to all DOF. For the case in which non-synchronous
ground motions are considered, r is defined using equation 2.10. Total response for the
structure can be determined using equation 2.5 when a response history analysis is
conducted. Equation 2.18 can be recognized as the response of a single degree-of-
considered, equation 2.18 will further reduce to the SDOF response due to individual
support ground motions. The total number of SDOF oscillators to be considered are
dependant on the number of modes to be included in the analysis and the number of
was developed to calculate the total response due to incoherent ground motions using the
displacement response using modal analysis was implemented. To verify the accuracy of
the computer implementation, results from IGMR were compared with SAP2000 (Ref.
7). To conduct an incoherent ground motion response analysis using SAP2000, the
1) Apply unit displacements at each support with similar time history functions.
2) Assign displacement time histories to the supports. SAP2000 uses the displacement
response history method in equation 2.7 to determine the total DOF response.
Parameters used in the structural model are listed in Table 2.1. Bedrock ground motion
used was the 1952 Taft earthquake. Figure 2.3 depicts the displacement response history
at DOF 1 for the uniform ground motion case using a 50-foot deep soil deposit and
applied to the different supports in SAP2000 using the above procedure. Figure 2.4
depicts the displacement response history using non-synchronous ground motion due to a
histories calculated show good agreement. Minor differences in peak displacement can
be noted and are attributed to inaccuracies that arise in the numerical integration.
Four different sources of incoherency were briefly presented in Chapter 1, although for
this study, only the site-response effect will be considered. To determine the free-field
To estimate the free-field ground motion response, a SDOF model was developed and
implemented into IGMR. One study recommends that a MDOF model should be used
and divided into numerous layers depending upon the fundamental period of the deposit
(Ref. 9). These findings were developed based upon comparison of results from a
lumped mass model to a distributed parameter model. Past studies (Ref. 7) have shown
that the SDOF soil model reasonably approximates a more detailed analysis. Figure 2.5
depicts the ground motion response model. The equation of motion of the soil mass can
be described as
in which x , x , x are the relative ground acceleration, velocity and displacement,
circular frequency of the deposit, and xg is the bedrock acceleration. Using a lumped
ω= 2 (2.21)
in which Vs is the shear wave velocity of the deposit and H is the depth of the soil
deposit. Vs can be defined from G = ρVs2, in which G is the shear modulus and ρ is the
soil density. Theoretical studies (Ref. 9) have shown that the frequency of the soil
π V
ω = s (2.22)
Within a soil deposit, the damping ratio and shear modulus are nonlinear functions that
vary with shear strain. The experimental data used in this study are shown in Figures 2.6
and 2.7. The damping ratio represents the hysteretic damping due the shear strain in the
deposit. To estimate the free-field response of the soil deposit, equation 2.20 can be
equivalent linear method to predict soil deposit response. Both the soil deposit stiffness
and damping in this model can be represented using an equivalent spring and damper
based on the maximum shear strain within the soil deposit. The equivalent linear method
4) Calculate the response history using equation 2.20 and determine γmax,
1− γ i +1 < Tol the solution has converged. G = Gi and ε = εi.
γi γ = γ i +1 .
γ i +1 > Tol the solution has not converged. Go to step 2) and use i
In step 5 of the above procedure, the constant 0.65 represents the ratio of the average
uniform shear stress to the maximum shear stress during the earthquake (Ref. 12).
Two different nonlinear methods are available to predict the free-field ground motion
response. One method to account for the nonlinear behavior of the soil deposit can be to
model the soil stiffness with an appropriate model such as a bilinear model (Ref. 9). The
second method to account for nonlinear soil behavior is to use a secant stiffness method
in which the shear modulus and damping factors are updated at the end of each
integration time step during the response analysis. The benefit to using a nonlinear
model is that energy dissipation and stiffness variations are intrinsically included in the
analysis. Any model that represents the actual stress-strain curves for the soil could be
In this study, nonlinear behavior of the soil deposit was modeled with the secant
stiffness method using the modulus reduction and damping coefficient curves. An
iteration scheme at the end of each time step was introduced to solve for the soil response
in equation 2.20. This method results in the determination of the effective shear modulus
and damping ratio at the end of each time step. The primary curve for a given soil
deposit can be constructed using the modulus reduction curve and plotting values of shear
G= (2.23)
ε= (2.24)
in which τ is the shear stress in the deposit, ε is the shear strain in the deposit, and ∆ is
the displacement at the top of the soil deposit. Substituting equation 2.24 into equation
2.23 and solving for the shear stress results in the force per unit area of soil column
F= ∆ (2.25)
in which Gmax is the low strain shear modulus and GRED is a modulus reduction factor.
To solve equation 2.20 using the nonlinear method, the following procedure was used:
1) Solve equation 2.20 for the incremental displacement response, dxi, using an initial
2) Determine an improved estimate of the displacement using the Newton-Raphson
Second Method,
f ′′( xi ) f ′( xi )
dxi +1 = dxi + − (2.27)
2 f ′( xi ) f ( xi )
6 6ε i ω i
ω 2* = 2
+ + ω i2 (2.29)
h h
6 x
a* = − ∆xg + (1 + ε iωh ) + x(3 + ε iω i h) (2.30)
in which equation 2.28 was developed using equation 2.20 and assuming a linear
acceleration distribution.
f ′(dxi ) = [− f (dxi − 3h) + 9 f ( x − 2h) − 45 f ( x − h)
60h (2.31)
+ 45 f ( x + h) − 9 f ( x + 2h) + f ( x + 3h)]
f ′′(dxi ) = [2 f ( x − 3h) − 27 f ( x − 2h) + 270 f ( x − h) − 490 f ( x)
180h 2 (2.32)
+ 270 f ( x + h) − 27 f ( x + 2h) + 2 f ( x + 3h)]
in which the functional expressions in equation 2.31 and equation 2.32 are derived using
a central difference evaluation for the first and second derivative, respectively (Ref. 10).
dxi +1 − dxi < Tol then solution has converged, continue using step 1)
dxi +1 − dxi > Tol then use dxi+1 in step 2) and repeat.
2.3.4 Model Verification
To verify the ground response model, two different approaches were taken:
1) Develop the primary curve using the equations 23 through 26 and compare with the
force-displacement response from the computer model using the nonlinear method.
2) Compare the ground displacement response history using the equivalent linear
The soil deposit was assumed to be 100 feet deep and use the modulus reduction
and damping factors shown in Figures 2.6 and 2.7. For all cases, the Northridge
earthquake was used as the bedrock ground motion, and the soil deposit was assumed to
be sand using G = 2,500 ksf. Excellent correlation of the theoretical primary curve in
Figure 2.8 and the force-displacement response of the soil deposit shown in Figure 2.9
can be noted. Agreement of the primary curve calculated using equations 2.23 through
2.26 as compared to the force-displacement response of the computer model indicate that
the iteration scheme employed for the Nonlinear Method converges correctly. Figure
2.10 shows the free-field displacement time history response using the equivalent linear
and nonlinear methods. Although the frequency content differs, both methods calculate
the maximum ground displacement of approximately 0.12 feet. This result is expected
because the equivalent linear method was developed to capture the maximum ground
response. Applying a scale factor of 4.0 to the Northridge Sylmar earthquake, Figure
2.11 indicates that the equivalent linear method predicts a maximum ground displacement
of approximately 50% greater than the nonlinear method. Although this is an unexpected
result, the nonlinear method should estimate lower ground displacements due to
Unlike the response history method in which the governing equations are solved to
determine the DOF response, the Response Spectrum Method (RSM) combines the
maximum response of individual modes to estimate the response because the maximum
values do not occur simultaneously. To determine the dynamic displacement, xi, the
∑ (φ γ pn z n )
xi =
n =1
in which φ is the mode shape for mode n at DOF i, γp is the mode participation factor for
mode n, z is the maximum modal response for mode n, and α and ρ are factors to
correlate the response of mode m and mode n. Equation 2.33 is defined as the Square
Root of the Sum of the Squares (SRSS) method and equation 2.34 is defined as the
For non-synchronous ground motion response, the displacement at each DOF can
be estimated using
in which xic is the maximum displacement response due to incoherent ground motion, γMF
are proposed magnification factors to account for the incoherent ground motion, and xuni
is the maximum displacement response calculated using equation 2.33 or 2.34. γMF are
empirically derived factors that are a function of the soil deposit, ground motion and
3.1 Introduction
resist seismic forces. The effects of non-synchronous ground motions have not been well
understood due to the nature of the response. When a bridge is assumed to be excited
with uniform base motion, the total response of the structure can be determined using
due to incoherent ground motions can be predicted using a response history analysis as
Method (RSM) is the analysis procedure that is most commonly used to evaluate bridge
response due to seismic loading. Difficulty arises in the RSM to correlate not only the
dynamic response of the structure due to different support ground motions, but also the
ground motion, past researchers have used coherency function models to correlate the
out-of-phase waves from different input earthquake motions. Although these models
have been shown to accurately predict the correlation between different ground motions,
definition of the coherency function models require an analysis using response history
functions of the earthquake ground motions. If actual or synthetic time histories are
available, response history analysis methods will provide the best results.
ground motions that affect bridge response. A simplified bridge model with two degrees-
of-freedom (DOF) was studied to better gain an understanding of non-synchronous
ground motion. This chapter will discuss a brief overview of coherency function models,
frequency parameters used in the study, the derivation of the coupling ratio as a measure
of structure stiffness, parameters used to model the soil columns, results from the
using a RSM, coherency of the input ground motions must be defined. A coherency
Gu k ul (ω )
γ kl (ω ) =
Gu k uk (ω )Gul ul (ω )
the coherency function is that when γ kl = 1 the ground motions are identical and in-phase
γ kl (ω ) = γ kl (ω ) exp[iθ kl (ω )] (3.2)
Im γ kl (ω )
θ kl (ω ) = (3.3)
Re γ kl (ω )
in which Im is the imaginary and Re is the real parts of γ kl (ω ) , respectively. It has been
computational effort is required to develop the coherency function using equations 3.1
range of dynamic parameters were used. For a certain range of mass and stiffness
properties with fundamental periods near the predominant period of the earthquake
ground motion, it would be expected that the dynamic portion of the response would be
dominant. In flexible structures having periods that are much larger than the predominant
the bridge response. To quantify the range for typical bridge types, bridges with
fundamental periods, Tp, ranging from 0.5s ≤ Tp ≤ 3.0s were considered. To simplify the
parameters, the period ranges studied were based on the uncoupled periods of each DOF.
In each period range considered, the ratio of the periods (TR) for the two DOF were
varied from
TR = T2 T1 = 01
. ,0.4,0.7,10
. (3.4)
in which T1 and T2 are the uncoupled periods for DOF 1 and DOF 2, respectively. In all
cases, the damping ratio, ε , was assumed to be 5% and the spring support stiffness was
100 k/ft. Changing the masses at the DOF varied the period range and ratios. To account
for the shear beam stiffness effect to the overall DOF response, a new parameter denoted
as the Coupling Ratio (CR) was developed and will be discussed in the following section.
CR = 0.1,0.4,0.7,1.0 (3.5)
A CR = 0 indicates that each DOF responds as a single-degree-of-freedom oscillator,
while a CR = 1.0 indicates that the bridge responds as a rigid body. Mass and shear beam
stiffness parameters used in the study are listed in Table 3.1 and Table 3.2, respectively.
As mentioned in the previous section, a parameter that was developed to quantify the
effect of the shear beam stiffness was the Coupling Ratio and is defined as
T1 c
CR = 1 − (3.6)
T1 u
in which CR is defined as the Coupling Ratio and varies from 0 ≤ CR ≤ 1 , T1 and T2 are
the periods of the 2 DOF systems, and the subscripts c and u denote the coupled and
uncoupled period ratios, respectively. Due to the shear beam, the DOF 1 response must
be solved considering the response of DOF 2. Equation 3.6 was developed based on the
following observations of a two DOF system. For a system with an extremely flexible
shear beam,
T2 ≈ T2 (3.7)
T1 c T1 u
T2 ≈ 0 (3.8)
T1 c
Equation 3.8 approaches 0 because the two DOF’s do not respond independently and
1) In the longitudinal direction due to the high axial stiffness of the superstructure, and 2)
In the transverse direction with a high aspect ratio (width of bridge deck / length of
Three different bedrock ground motions were used in the parametric study: the 1952 Taft,
the 1940 El Centro, and the 1994 Northridge earthquakes. As mentioned earlier,
differing soil conditions at the supports were considered as the sole source of
incoherency. For each bedrock ground motion, ground motion response was predicted
for soil depths ranging from 50-feet to 300-feet deep. The parametric studies limited the
soil depth difference at the supports to 100-feet based on practical limits encountered in
practice. Table 3.3 summarizes the soil depths considered. The nonlinear ground
response model described in Chapter 2 was used to provide the most accurate prediction
of the free-field ground motion response. Absolute acceleration predicted from the
ground response model is compared to each the bedrock motion in Figure 3.1 through
Figure 3.6. Amplification of the ground acceleration was noted for the Taft and
displacement relative to the bedrock was predicted for each earthquake and compared in
Figure 3.7 through Figure 3.12. Calculation of the absolute ground displacement time
history was not required to predict the pseudo-static support response of the bridge.
For all soil deposits considered, the low-strain shear modulus, G, was equal to
2,500 ksf and the unit weight of soil was equal to 120 pcf. To apply the results of the
parametric study for deposits with different soil properties, an equivalent soil column
819 H
H EQ = (3.9)
in which H is the actual soil depth in feet, and Vs is the shear wave velocity of the actual
deposit in ft/sec. Equation 3.9 was the result of equating the natural frequency of the
deposit using the actual and the parametric study parameters (equation 2.22).
3.4 Results
Parametric studies were conducted using the frequency parameters discussed in this
chapter. Using the computer program IGMR, discussed in Chapter 2, the response
histories were calculated with the different earthquake ground motions and soil depth
γ MF = δ IC δ UNI (3.10)
in which γMF is the magnification factor, δIC is the maximum relative displacement at
DOF i due to the incoherent ground motion, and δUNI is the maximum relative
displacement at DOF i due to the uniform base motion. γMF is an empirically derived
response coherency function that includes site amplification effects and pseudo-static
relative displacement response can be determined with equation 2.35 for a given uniform
ground motion, an averaged γMF should be used. Although the response history analyses
were conducted using three specific earthquakes, certain trends can be established upon
observation of γMF:
1) Based on the average magnification factors of earthquakes, increased force levels can
be expected (Figure 3.13 through Figure 3.15) due to the incoherent ground motion.
For all earthquakes with characteristic periods less than 1.5 seconds, the
magnification factors change rapidly and appear to be associated with the large
structure becomes smaller for larger values of T1, the magnification factors tend to
become constant. For the Northridge earthquake (Figure 3.15), significant frequency
contents are present at higher periods that increase the dynamic displacement
2) As the fundamental period (T1) of the structure approaches the characteristic period
(Tpe) of the ground motion, a uniform seismic base input will yield the greatest bridge
response (Figure 3.16). This figure was developed based on the average
magnification factors of all earthquakes and frequency parameters. This result can be
dynamic theory (Ref. 3). For frequency ratios (ωpe / ω) significantly less than 1, R
the structure and ωpe is the predominant frequency of the forcing function. Stiff
structures would typically have increased force levels for large values of ωpe / ω.
As discussed in this chapter, an in-depth parametric study was conducted using the two
1) The two DOF model precludes the contribution of higher modes. In some instances,
including higher modes may not affect the overall response greatly. Higher mode
response will affect the dynamic contribution only, while the pseudo-static
2) Mass variations were used to achieve the different frequency parameters while the
support spring stiffness remained constant. Differing support springs would cause the
4.1 Summary
Bridge response to uniform ground motion is generally well understood and can be
estimated using a response history or response spectrum method. For bridges with
different input ground motions at the supports, the expected behavior is not as apparent.
Response history methods are currently available to account for the incoherency, but can
be difficult and cost prohibitive to use for routine bridge design. During non-
typically considered are the incoherence effect, the wave passage effect, the attenuation
effect and the site-response effect. This study was limited to incoherency due to the site-
response, a simplified two DOF response history computer model was developed.
Ground response was estimated from a nonlinear, SDOF response model. Parametric
studies were conducted using three different earthquake ground motions and soil deposit
depths. Objectives of the study were 1) to provide insight into bridge response due to the
incoherency from the site-response effect, and 2) to provide the ground-work for a
practical response spectrum method that can account for non-synchronous ground
Chapter 2 described the development and verification of the computer model used
to study the site-response effects. Total response of each DOF was determined from
displacements can be calculated using the influence function matrix. Influence functions
define the displacement at each DOF due to a unit support displacement and can be
shows that only the mode participation factors need to be modified using the influence
functions. A nonlinear, SDOF ground response model using shear modulus and damping
factors was developed. An equivalent linear method was used to verify the nonlinear
Chapter 3 described the parametric studies conducted using the two DOF model.
coherency function model was discussed that correlates the waveforms of different input
ground motions in the frequency domain. This model can be used to correlate the input
analysis does not require the use of coherency functions. Parametric studies were
conducted that varied the masses at the DOF, shear beam stiffness, and soil deposit depth.
Three different earthquakes were selected and free-field ground motions were determined
using the nonlinear ground response model described in Chapter 2. Magnification factors
were calculated that compared the maximum relative displacement responses at each
4.2 Conclusions
Practicing bridge engineers typically use the response spectrum method to estimate
prohibitive for most bridge designs. Although this study did not result in a response
spectrum method to account for incoherent ground motions, insight into the site-response
1) Increased force levels were predicted in period ranges less than 1.5 seconds based on
constant level. This result indicates that bridge columns would have increased
2) As the fundamental period of the bridge approached the characteristic period of the
ground motion, uniform base motion developed greater force levels. This result can
dramatically when the frequency of the bridge and ground motion are close. As a
result, uniform base motion would predict maximum column ductility demands and
3) As the fundamental period of the bridge exceeded the characteristic period of the
ground motion, combination of different soil depths at the supports did result in
Additional studies that should be addressed to implement this study in bridge design
practice are:
1) A response history analysis of an actual bridge should be compared with a response
history analysis of an equivalent two DOF system to show the applicability of the
varying the DOF mass instead of the support spring stiffness. In an actual bridge, an
equivalent two DOF system would most likely have different masses and support
springs. Different support spring stiffnesses will affect the influence function matrix
3) Higher modes of an actual bridge that could be excited during the incoherent
earthquake motions should be studied to determine the possible limitations of the two
DOF model.
4) Based on the parametric study results, determine the contribution of the dynamic and
pseudo-static responses to the overall response. Separation of the effects will confirm
the observations made in Chapter 3, and may simplify implementation into a response
spectrum method.
5) Use the parametric study results to develop response spectrum modification factors.
Site response factors for each soil deposit and earthquake can be determined and the
6) Use the methodology developed in item 5 to apply the site response factors to a
design response spectrum. To verify the approach, develop ground motions that
simulate the design response spectrum and compare response history results to the
simplified method.
3) R.W. Clough and J. Penzien, Dynamics of Structures, 2nd Ed., McGraw-Hill Inc.,
8) M.J.N. Priestly, F. Seible, G.M. Calvi, Seismic Design of Retrofit of Bridges, John
Wiley & Sons Inc., C1996.
9) H.B. Seed and I.M. Idriss, “Soil Moduli and Damping Factors for Dynamic Response
Analysis,” Report EERC 70-10, Earthquake Engineering Research Center, University of
California, Berkeley, 1970.
10) I..M. Idriss and H. B. Seed, “Seismic Response of Horizontal Soil Layers,” Journal of
the Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division, Vol. 94, No. SM4, July 1968.
11) A.W. Al-Khafaji and J.R. Tooley, Numerical Methods in Engineering Practice, HRW
Publishing, C1986
12) H.B. Seed and I.M. Idriss, Ground Motions and Soil Liquefaction During
Earthquakes, EERI Monograph Series, C1982.
Table 2.1 : Parameters used to verify the computer model
2 2
M1 (k-s /ft) K1 (k/ft) KSB (k/ft) M2 (k-s /ft) K2 (k/ft)
0.6333 100 305 0.1013 100
Table 3.2 : Shear beam stiffnesses used in the 2 DOF model
TR (s) CR KSB (k/ft)
0.10 0.10 76
0.40 392
0.70 2,030
1.00 100,000
0.40 0.10 62
0.40 305
0.70 1,550
1.00 100,000
0.70 0.10 39
0.40 186
0.70 940
1.00 100,000
1.00 0.10 12
0.40 89
0.70 505
1.00 100,000
M1 M2
K1 K2
r1 x g 1 r2 x g 1
x g1
Displacement (feet)
Time (s)
0.020 IGMR
Displacement (feet)
Time (s)
x g , x g , xg
Force (k)
-0.10 -0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10
Displacement (ft)
Force (k)
-0.10 -0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10
Displacement (ft)
Figure 2.9 : Primary curve used in the computer model for a sand deposit
Equivalent Linear
Displacement (ft)
Time (s)
Equivalent Linear
0.40 Nonlinear
Displacement (ft)
Time (s)
Acceleration (g's)
Time (s)
Acceleration (g's)
-0.20 Rock 200 Foot Depth 250 Foot Depth 300 Foot Deposit
Time (s)
Acceleration (g's)
Time (s)
Acceleration (g's)
Rock 200 Foot Deposit 250 Foot Deposit 300 Foot Deposit
Time (s)
Acceleration (g's)
-0.60 Rock 50 Foot Depth 100 Foot Depth 150 Foot Depth
Time (s)
Acceleration (g's)
Rock 200 Foot Depth 250 Foot Depth 300 Foot Depth
Time (s)
Relative Displacement (inches)
50 Foot Depth 100 Foot Depth 150 Foot Depth
Time (s)
Relative Displacement (inches)
Time (s)
Relative Displacement (inches)
Time (s)
Relative Displacement (inches)
Time (s)
Relative Displacement (inches)
Time (s)
Relative Displacement (inches)
Time (s)
γ MF
Rock 50' 100' 150' 200'
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
T1 (sec)
γ MF
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
T1 (sec)
γ MF
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
T 1 (sec)
γ MF
0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50
T 1 / T pe