Passive Fire Protection
Passive Fire Protection
Passive Fire Protection
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fire-rated plasterboard (applies to multi-layer and single layer walls; note that each
manufacturer may colour their product differently)
timber framing
fire-rated sealant
(note that each manufacturer may colour their product differently)
fire-rated pillows
(note that each manufacturer may colour their product differently)
intumescent material
(note that each manufacturer may colour their product differently)
• Colours in the drawings are not representative of actual colours.
• Insulation has been omitted for clarity.
The purpose of the guide is to enable the effective use of passive fire protection
including providing the right product and installing it correctly in the right situation.
It describes good practice for the specification, approval, installation and verification
of passive fire protection. Specific processes may vary between jurisdictions and
the professional people involved, but in all cases, the appropriate product must be
correctly installed.
This guide introduces the principles of passive fire protection. It identifies the
requirements of the New Zealand Building Code (NZBC), explains the terminology
commonly used and identifies the main building components that have a passive fire
protection role.
FPANZ Research Report, Determining Barriers to Industry Delivery of Fire-Safe Buildings in New Zealand. FPANZ 2008.
◼◼ installation
◼◼ verification/inspection
◼◼ record keeping.
The guide describes the process of verifying on-site installation and post-building
consent procedures.
The guide does not give information on how to determine the actual value of a fire
resistance rating (FRR) for passive fire protection or how to assess the FRR of existing
passive fire protection. This guide assumes that the required FRR to be achieved is
known and gives information and advice on how to proceed.
Figure 1 illustrates the various forms of passive fire protection (adapted from AS 1851-
2012 Routine service of fire protection systems and equipment). Each may also provide
smoke separation as well as fire resistance.
The purpose of passive fire protection is to limit the effects of fire within a building by
acting as a barrier to fire and smoke (Figure 2) or protecting structural components from
fire that may cause early collapse. This is achieved by installing fire resistance rated
elements of construction and controlling the flammability of construction materials.
These materials are part of the building fabric and do not include building contents.
element or material (for example, Material Group Numbers) and the extent to
which it promotes rapid flame spread or smoke production.
within ducts fire collars around
fire windows
air transfer smoke and fire barriers
grille/shutters (walls/floors)
fire-resistant door
This guide deals exclusively with resistance to fire and smoke of construction elements
in buildings.
The effects of fire include heat, flames, hot gases and smoke. Acceptable Solutions
have prescriptive requirements for smoke separations, specifying the construction
rather than a performance specification (such as maximum smoke leakage rate). This
guide mainly applies to those aspects of C/AS1–7 relating to the passage of heat, flames
and hot gases through fire separations. This guide can also be used to assist with the
detailing of fire (and smoke) resistance of building elements for C/VM2 design and
construction or in the case of Alternative Solutions.
Passive fire protection provides protection simply by being there. It has an established
performance, verified by test data. It must be correctly specified, installed and maintained.
Passive fire protection is an important part of the fire safety features in a building
and should ideally be subjected to the same rigorous installation documentation,
Passive fire protection systems should be installed in strict accordance with the
consented plans (if specifically identified in them) or the manufacturer’s specifications.
Any variations should be referred back to the designer or manufacturer and, if
appropriate, submitted to the BCA for approval as an amendment to the consent.
Separation of firecells
Buildings may be subdivided into firecells designed to contain the fire and prevent
its spread for a specified period of time. Firecells are separated using construction
elements that are fire resistance rated for at least the specified period of time required
for the firecell. Fire-resistant construction must be located to completely separate
the intended firecell from the rest of the building. Where the fire separation meets
unrated construction, such as a suspended ceiling, it should be continued and extend
to reach another fire separation or the main boundaries of the building envelope (such
as floors, external walls and ceiling/roof). All penetrations in fire separations, doors,
dampers and services must be sealed to maintain the performance of the fire-rated
construction. Figure 3 illustrates this concept of total separation.
firecell B firecell C
fire stopping fire stopping
FRR of floor to be that
rating applicable to
firecell A the firecell below the
floor, i.e. firecell A
external walls
may also need
to have an FRR
◼◼ an Alternative Solution
Passive fire protection systems generally contribute to meeting clauses C1–C6 of the
NZBC. For compliance with Acceptable Solutions C/AS1–7, Appendix C of the Acceptable
Solutions gives the test methods and related standards by which the fire resistance
rating (FRR) of passive fire protection is determined. These methods may also be used
with C/VM2 and Alternative Solutions.
Passive fire protection systems are also required to satisfy NZBC clause B2 Durability
to ensure that a building will continue to satisfy the performance requirements of the
NZBC throughout its specified intended life. Passive systems must continue to perform
for 5, 15 or 50 years depending on their function, difficulty of access and the ease
of detecting their failure to comply. Further guidance on meeting NZBC clause B2 is
outside the scope of this guide.
Establishing the required FRR for passive fire protection is not part of this guide.
(Note that, specifically for fire doors and service penetrations, the fire test standard
specified in NZS 4520:2010 and AS 4072.1-2005 is AS 1530.4-2005.)
For compliance with C/AS1–7, no other standards should be used unless a competent
authority has verified that the product has been tested using a standard that is
equivalent to the specified standards in Appendix C of the Acceptable Solutions. A
competent authority is one that has knowledge and experience of fire testing (see
definition). In this case, the evaluation of equivalency would typically be included
within an assessment report or letter of opinion.
The above standards may also be specified in C/VM2 or Alternative Solutions. In these
cases, the fire designer might instead choose to specify a different standard. This
would be an Alternative Solution, and the fire designer is responsible for ensuring the
appropriateness of a different test standard and obtaining approval from the BCA.
Discussion of this is beyond the scope of this guide, but further guidance is available
For C/VM2 or an Alternative Solution, the use of any other standards will have to be
justified to the BCA.
The photo above gives a view of glazed door on a furnace, 2 m high × 1 m wide, used
to conduct pilot-scale fire resistance tests. Full-scale fire resistance tests are conducted
using furnaces up to 3 m wide × 4 m high. The furnace may also be horizontal to
conduct tests on floors/ceiling or roof construction.
the creation of a gap or ignition of a cotton pad on the non-fire (unexposed) face.
◼◼ Insulation is the ability to limit the temperature rise on the non-fire (unexposed) face.
These terms are defined in the test standard AS 1530.4-2005. The unexposed face is
sometimes referred to as the 'cold face'.
Structural adequacy applies to walls, floors and columns with a loadbearing function.
Consideration of other structural aspects, such as identifying the potential load paths
in a building exposed to fire or the ability of a fire-rated element to provide support to
other elements, are not part of this guide.
Note that a ‘2-hour fire rating’ is not a complete specification. It should be three
numbers (in minutes), even if two of them do not apply – for example, 120/-/- for
a column.
A smoke separation (as defined in C/AS2–6), such as a wall or fabric material, has
specific requirements. It must either be a smoke barrier complying with BS EN 12101-
1:2005 Smoke and heat control systems. Specification for smoke barriers, or it must satisfy
the following:
◼◼ Consist of rigid building elements capable of resisting without collapse a
pressure of 0.1 kPa applied from either side and self-weight plus the intended
vertically applied live loads.
◼◼ Form an imperforate barrier to the spread of smoke.
Regulatory approval
Regulators should ensure the following:
◼◼ The standard to which the passive fire protection is tested or assessed is
◼◼ If full specifications for passive fire protection systems are not provided with
The Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand (IPENZ) Practice Note 22 (PN22)
Guidelines for Documenting Fire Safety Designs gives information on documents to
submit for a building consent.
It is important to ensure that the intended use of the fire protection documentaton
is in accordance with the manufacturer’s specification and installation instructions.
Manufacturers or product suppliers must ensure all product specifications, technical
literature and fire performance claims are supported by test reports, engineering
evaluations or other relevant documentation.
Some reports may have stated periods of validity. For example, formal opinions issued
in accordance with AS 4072.1-2005 on service penetrations have a validity limit of 10
years. Any reports outside their time limit should be referred to the sponsor of the
report. Products should not be used until confirmation is received from the sponsor
that the report remains valid and there have been no changes to the product since it
was last tested or assessed.
The different types of common documentation are listed below. Designers may use
any of the documents as an aid to selecting and specifying the appropriate passive
fire protection systems. However, only the first five should be used to verify the FRR,
to determine the correct installation requirements and as building consent or Code
compliance documentation.
In our opinion and based on the information (provided by or contained within the
following test reports) ...... for the project ......, we believe the proposed passive fire
stopping solution (design and installation details attached) will achieve at least a
fire/smoke performance of ....... when tested to standard .......
CodeMark certificate
A CodeMark certificate gives the stated performance of the passive fire protection and
lists the NZBC clauses that apply. A BCA must accept a CodeMark certificate as evidence
of compliance. CodeMark certificates must be carefully read to ensure that the product
is used within the scope of the certification in relation to the applicable NZBC clauses
and the level of performance. CodeMark-certified products have been assessed by an
accredited product certification body.
Appraisal certificate
Various independent organisations produce documents ascribing conformity of a
product to certain performance criteria – for example, BRANZ Appraisals. These
are valuable documents in confirming the fire performance of a product or system.
An appraisal should involve review of all the relevant reports and assessments by
an expert. It may cover multiple NZBC clauses and will generally include processes
to ensure quality control checks on the manufacture of the appraised product. A
manufacturer’s catalogue may also be reviewed as part of an appraisal, providing
independent verification of the technical content of the catalogue.
Under section 17 of the Building Act, new builds are required to comply in full with the
NZBC, while an existing building that is subject to a building consent is required under
sections 112 (alterations) and 115 (change of use) of the Building Act to be demonstrated
to comply on an as near as reasonably practicable (ANARP) basis. Section 112 requires
ANARP compliance only for the means of escape, while section 115 requires ANARP
compliance for means of escape, protection of other property, structural performance
and fire-rating performance.
An ANARP application should clearly describe the sacrifices and benefits, justify the
data used and the assumptions made, be risk based and ideally include a sensitivity
analysis. It might also show the various combinations of sacrifice and benefit that are
possible for the design.
Figure 4 lays out a typical process for a project, from developing the project scope and
establishing the requirements to be met, to gaining consent, construction, inspections
and sign-off. Two paths are shown for the specification and approval of the passive fire
protection design.
The preferred path is that the complete specification and documentation of all the
passive fire protection products and systems are submitted to the BCA at the building
consent stage. This approach reduces the potential for later conflicts during construction
and installation, which in some cases can lead to project delays and/or rework.
An alternative path, which may be necessary for some building projects, involves the
use of performance specifications for passive fire protection systems, where the final
selection of products may not be known until after the consent is applied for and the
tender process is completed.
• Develop the fire safety design plan
• Locate fire separations and identify fire rating requirements
• Document performance specifications for fire/smoke separation and
penetration systems
• Fire engineer report
Pathway 1 Pathway 2
Detailed passive system design Building consent
• Produce a schedule of products and installation • Application
requirements for the passive fire protection • Documentation
• Produce quality drawings linking location of • Design review
products to the schedule • Agree QA procedures and requirements
• Identify requirements for CM
• Issue consent
Building consent
• Application
• Documentation Detailed passive system design
• Design review • Produce a schedule of products and installation
• Identify requirements for CM requirements for the passive fire protection
• Issue consent • Produce quality drawings linking location of
products to the schedule
• As agreed with BCA and stakeholders
• Review QA documentation (if applicable)
• Issue Code Compliance Certificate
• Ensure documentation of fire design including detailed passive specifications is
accessible in case of future alterations and inspections
• Review QA documentation (if applicable)
Figure 4. Typical project process for passive fire protection, showing two paths for specification and approval
Therefore, when performance specifications are being submitted to the BCA at the
time of building consent, it is essential that the follow-up detailed design, specification
and approval of those passive fire protection systems be done before the construction
of fire separations in the building commences.
Following the appointment of the contractor and installers, further coordination and
discussion will be required. Key topics that should be discussed are who is taking
responsibility for the passive fire protection, confirming what systems are being used
and whether there are any special requirements. This should generally be done at the
first subcontractors meeting.
The designer/architect/engineer must correctly specify the passive fire protection.
The performance specification based on the overall fire design will be given in the
fire report and consent documentation. Correct selection and specification of the
individual passive products and systems requires knowledge and understanding
of passive fire protection principles and practices. Correct specification includes
understanding the test reports, evaluations and any limits of applicability. For
example, penetration seals tested in a concrete wall require separate verification for
installation in a framed wall lined with plasterboard.
services including ducts, cables, pipes penetrating fire walls and floors.
◼◼ The fire engineer’s specification and details are incorporated into the overall
standardised symbology (for example, NFPA 170 Standard for fire safety and
emergency symbols).
◼◼ The space to be left around penetrating items, where appropriate, to allow fire
The members of the design team will depend on the complexity of the project.
For simple projects, the same person may perform more than one role. For larger
projects, a fire engineer will develop and document the basis for the fire design. The
structural engineer will ensure the building design will comply with clauses B1 and
C6 of the NZBC. They will rely on the fire engineer to identify the fire loads and level
A member of the design team (often the fire engineer) may be involved at different
stages in ensuring that the installation of the passive fire protection has been
correctly achieved. This will depend on the terms of contract for the person and the
requirements of the BCA. Some BCAs require construction monitoring to be done to
ensure the correct installation of the passive fire protection.
If the design team member is required to provide construction monitoring and sign-off
(such as providing a PS4, for example), they must:
◼◼ review all consent issue documents and provide a design coordination statement
The person doing the inspection must be familiar with the types of passive fire
protection being used so they can be sure the elements are installed correctly and
take note when any substitutions or variations take place. The building consent officer
should be alerted to any substitutions or variations.
The BCA may accept producer statements to assist in deciding whether it is satisfied
on reasonable grounds that the provisions of the NZBC will be met and whether the
building work is completed in accordance with the plans and specifications. BCAs should
use their judgement when considering producer statements and how much weight to
give them. When considering whether to accept a producer statement, the BCA should
assess the credentials of the author to ensure they have the appropriate experience and
competence. BCAs should make their own inspections of the building work.
◼◼ ensure passive fire protection and other construction is not placed in positions
that would disrupt or prevent installation of other passive fire protection such as
services and penetration seals
◼◼ ensure passive fire protection already installed is not damaged by further
installation work
◼◼ sequence work to allow passive fire protection to be installed as specified,
providing access, space to work and adequate time to source and install products
and inspect assemblies while they are accessible
◼◼ agree the inspection and sign-off processes
◼◼ arrange regular inspections by the BCA (and design engineer if necessary for
The situation on site may change rapidly, so the head contractor needs to be aware of
changes and how they affect the passive fire protection. Specific passive fire details of
construction may not be on fire or architectural drawings. The head contractor may
also be responsible for researching and procuring the passive fire protection systems.
They need to provide evidence to prove that the systems installed are compliant.
Ideally, specialist installers with detailed knowledge and familiarity with the products
should be used whenever possible. This is particularly desirable in the case of fire
doors (which are required to have labels), lift landing doors, roller shutters, spray
or intumescent paint coatings for structural steel protection and fire dampers. Fire
stopping may also be applied by specialist installers, but this may not always be the
case. Where there are complex fire-stopping issues, using a specialist designer or
installation contractor is strongly advised.
rating requirements derived from the NZBC and the fire design and providing
clear and explicit communication of the fire protection requirements to other
◼◼ suppliers and installers knowing the appropriate specifications and standards to
example, doorsets approved for use in the appropriate type of wall construction
◼◼ specifiers and BCA understanding manufacturers’ literature and being satisfied
Ensuring that the installation has been carried out correctly is not solely the
responsibility of the person carrying out the installation. Other participants involved
in the process can verify that the installation is correct.
(Level 4).
◼◼ National Certificate in Passive Fire Protection (Routine Inspections) (Level 3).
Courses for these qualifications are run by industry training organisation Competenz.
Some organisations such as BRANZ and BOINZ may offer short courses on passive fire
protection and NZBC matters.
These are not mandatory but may give useful information to those new to the passive
fire protection industry.
This does not preclude experienced and competent persons who have not attended
such courses from providing advice on passive fire protection.
Consented documents
Once the consent documentation has been provided and a building consent has
been issued, passive fire protection must be installed as specified in the consented
documents and in accordance with any agreed quality assurance processes. This
means in accordance with all supporting information supplied to the BCA, including
manufacturers’ instructions.
It is important that the passive fire building elements are installed in accordance with
the consented documents and with any agreed quality assurance and product approval
processes that may be needed after the consent is issued.
This is especially the case for fire doors that are required to have labels, penetration
seals, lift landing doors, roller shutters, fire dampers and structural steel protective
coatings such as sprayed cementitious or intumescent paint.
Substitution or hybridisation
At some point in the building construction process, specific system components will be
identified in various documents. This can be at the original design stage or when the
contractor has selected the appropriate systems.
Where such deviations have been approved or will require further assessment, the
specialist contractor, consultant or third-party certifier should be aware of this. Where
the substitution cannot be resolved by assessment, a fire test may be required or an
alternative compliant system needs to be installed.
On-site supervision
On-site supervision of the installation is recommended from the first arrival of
the products to site to final sign-off. This requires either training of on-site staff or
employing third-party inspectors as discussed above. These parties can then identify
any defects and report them to the architect, designer and BCA for action. At this stage,
the earlier the defect is identified, the easier it is to fix and the less delay there will be
to the project.
Any deviations from the design specification can have impacts on the project, not the
least of which is a delay in completion. For example, a fire resistance test may take 3
months to schedule and complete or 3–4 weeks for an assessment, so it is important
that the installation is correctly installed first time.
The installer may be the person actually carrying out the work or a representative of
the company installing the systems such as the builder or project manager.
Once installation has been completed, the installer should provide the following
◼◼ A plan showing the location of passive fire protection – either mark up existing
◼◼ A declaration that the passive fire protection has been installed in accordance
Figure 5 and Table 3 below show an example of a plan and a schedule for penetration
seals. This type of documentation can be helpful for obtaining a Code Compliance
Certificate and would also be useful in future when changes are made during a
refurbishment or when new pipe and cabling systems are installed, affecting fire
101 D 1 Floor FireAway pipe wrap -/120/120 100 mm (WC)
101 D 2 Floor FireAway pipe wrap -/120/120 40 mm (WHB)
101 D 3 Floor FireAway pipe wrap -/120/120 40 mm (FWG)
101 D 4 Floor FireAway pipe wrap -/120/120 40 mm (shower)
101 D 5 Floor FireAway pipe wrap -/120/120 50 mm (sink)
101 D 6 Floor FireAway pipe wrap -/120/120 40 mm (WM)
101 D 10 Block wall FireAway pipe wrap -/120/120 100 mm drain
101 S 1 Block wall Ashes 'NoFlame' -/60/60 25 mm diameter steel
sprinkler pipe
Water supply
101 P 1 Block wall FireAway fire collars -/120/120 25 mm hot and cold
water supply (2 No.)
101 M 1 Block wall BlazeGo XYZ sealer -/120/120 150 mm supply – fire
It is good practice for service penetrations and control joints to be clearly labelled and
marked with information that includes the FRR, name and contact details for both
the installer and manufacturer, installation date and unique reference number for the
installation. The label should ideally be positioned close to the service penetration, seal or
control joint. An example label is given in Checklist 6 for a penetration seal (see section 8).
Where fire-resistant doorsets are required to meet NZS 4520:2010, they must be
provided with permanently fixed labels. See Checklist 2 in section 8 for an example.
Fire and smoke separations are specified systems and are required to appear on a
compliance schedule if other fire safety specified systems are installed within the
building. Compliance schedule statements are issued with the CCC by the BCA.
However, it is the owner’s responsibility to identify the specified systems in the building
when applying for the building consent. Note that the inspection, maintenance and
reporting requirements of specified systems must be part of the documentation
submitted for consent. Building owners should also ensure that plans identifying the
location and fire resistance requirements of fire separations are available to IQPs and
others involved in maintenance or inspection during the life of the building.
Ultimately, it is the building owner’s or their agent’s responsibility to ensure that the
passive fire protection, amongst other matters, complies with the building consent.
Given the difficulty of inspecting concealed service penetrations, it is essential that
these are installed correctly and inspected at the appropriate time and that adequate
documentation is recorded. The BCA will issue the CCC only when satisfied on
reasonable grounds that the building complies with the consent (and the NZBC).
Verification of performance
The verification of the performance of passive fire protection is an important part of
the final sign-off and starts at the design stage, where the correct specifications and
identification of the passive fire protection are made on any initial plan. This may
extend to a separate fire protection plan being provided if the building is complex.
Otherwise, passive fire protection can be included in a general building plan.
Documents necessary for the verification of installed passive fire protection start with
the passive fire protection plan (or building plan, if passive fire protection is included).
The basic documents are:
◼◼ fire and smoke compartment plans (from fire engineer)
Retrofit or renovations
When any additional work is carried out, it is important that the original passive
fire protection is not changed or affected. Also, any repairs or improvement such as
increasing the fire rating must be with compatible products. Examples include:
◼◼ replacing fire door and fire-rated lift landing door hardware – identical product
The checklists in section 8 indicate the key installation requirements that the installer,
site supervisor and BCA inspector need to be aware of. Checklists can also be
developed or adapted for other aspects of passive fire protection. While the checklists
could form part of the Code Compliance Certificate application, they are not intended
as a substitute for the full fire specifications or authority requirements, nor do they cover
general site procedures or coordination of trades.
Note: Standards referenced in the checklists are those applicable to C/AS1–7. They
may also apply to Alternative Solutions but, in that case, are not mandatory. Means of
compliance will depend on what was provided in the building consent documentation.
All require specialist application to ensure adequate preparation of the substrate for
correct coating adhesion and to control coating thickness to meet the manufacturer’s
◼◼ Application contractors should provide evidence of their knowledge and be
Sealing penetrations
Various options are available for sealing penetrations. They will depend on the type of
penetration and include the following common types.
◼◼ On walls, will be surface fixed using suitable fixings such as masonry anchors,
masonry anchors, cast-in or drop-in from above and fixed to the upper surface of
solid floors. At the date of this guide, no approved penetration seals all the way
through cavity floor/ceiling systems are available in New Zealand.
◼◼ Only fixings stated in the appropriate documentation should be used to secure a
◼◼ For masonry/concrete construction, the wraps fit round the pipe and are
in the wall.
◼◼ Used to seal gaps around walls, linear gap (building joints), fillers around other
penetration systems, such as pillows, fire barriers, cable trays, bunched and
individual cables.
◼◼ Use is specified by a maximum width and minimum depth of sealant.
◼◼ In sheet lining systems, the depth of the sealant is dictated by the thickness of
the layers, and patching may be required to bring the linings up to the specified
thickness or reduce the gap width (see below for further comments on patching).
Expanding PU foam
◼◼ Mostly used as a gap fill or backing material for other fire-rated systems.
◼◼ Some expanding PU foams may fill larger spaces and have intumescent
In all cases, the manufacturer’s specifications must be followed, paying attention to the
specific application, wall type and fixing methods. Wall lining thickness may affect the
FRR, and additional patches of lining may need to be applied. Patching should make
up the thickness of the wall to that specified by the manufacturer. The patch, when
required, should be securely fixed to the wall and preferably to framing members.
New passive fire protection products become available all the time, so users must
keep up with the latest developments to see how they may be able to include them in
their work.
Walls - framed 34
Walls - masonry 35
Walls - composite 36
Cavity barriers 37–39
Doors 40–45
Shutters 46
Ducts 47
Fire dampers 48–50
Structural fire protection 51
Intumescent coatings 52
Linear gap seals 64
Penetrations by type
staggered multi-layers
butt joints
cavity barriers may
correct framing (timber or steel) be required for cavity
– size and spacing wall construction
each side
single layers
staggered each side
correct stopping
• Follow manufacturer’s specifications
• Obtain data sheets, catalogues etc.
• Screw or nail fixed
• External wall will need cavity barriers at firecell junctions
correct bonding
to perpends
cells may
require filling
with mortar
correct stopping
and fixing
• Follow manufacturer’s specifications
• Obtain data sheets, catalogues etc.
• External wall will need cavity barriers at firecell junctions
• Ensure different wall systems are compatible
• Follow manufacturer’s specifications
• Obtain data sheets, catalogues etc.
• All joints to be as specified by manufacturer – may require mechanical fixing
• Ensure correct FRR is obtained, especially insulation
Figure 8. Typical composite wall features (for example, foamed plastics, cement, mineral wool sandwich panels)
fire stopping
fire-rated ceiling
• Follow manufacturer’s specifications
• Obtain data sheets, catalogues etc.
• Used for roof spaces, end floor slab/curtain walls, at roof/top of wall junctions, within
hollow walls such as external walls
• Cavity totally sealed – no gap
• Mineral wool strips and blankets, fire-rated fabrics
• Follow manufacturer’s specifications
• Obtain data sheets, catalogues etc.
• Used for roof spaces, end floor slab/curtain walls, at roof/top of wall junctions, within
hollow walls such as external walls
• Cavity totally sealed – no gap
• Mineral wool strips and blankets, fire-rated fabrics
framed wall
fire-rated lining
brick veneer or
other cladding
(more than a
cavity barrier in wall (for
single storey)
example, compressed
mineral wool)
• Follow manufacturer’s specifications
• Obtain data sheets, catalogues etc.
• Used for roof spaces, end floor slab/curtain walls, at roof/top of wall junctions, within
hollow walls such as external walls
• Cavity totally sealed – no gap
• Mineral wool strips and blankets, fire-rated fabrics
filling as
gaps as
door/wall combination specified
as specified (for
example, steel or
timber-framed wall,
steel or timber door
labels on door
edge and frame
installed as
door hardware to door manufacturer's
specifications (especially
replacements) – door self-closing and
latching, approved hold-open device if
• Follow manufacturer’s specifications
• Obtain data sheets, catalogues etc.
• Frame fixing as specified by manufacturer
• Hollow steel frames filled as specified by manufacturer
• Gaps to edge of frame typically 3 mm
• Door stops typically 25 mm thick but may vary
• Ensure compatibility of door and wall as specified by manufacturer
• Labels required on door edge and frame
Figure 12. Typical doorset features – timber-framed wall and steel door frame
labels on door
edge and frame
installed as
door hardware to
door manufacturer's
specifications (especially
replacements) – door
self-closing and latching,
approved hold-open
device if required
• Follow manufacturer’s specifications
• Obtain data sheets, catalogues etc.
• Frame fixing as specified by manufacturer
• Gaps to edge of frame typically 3 mm
• Door stops typically 25 mm thick but may vary
• Ensure compatibility of door and wall as specified by manufacturer
• Labels required on door edge and frame
Figure 13. Typical doorset features – timber-framed wall and timber door frame
gap as
door/wall combination specified
as specified (for
example, masonry
wall, timber or steel
door frame)
labels on door
edge and frame
installed as
• Follow manufacturer’s specifications
• Obtain data sheets, catalogues etc.
• Frame fixing as specified by manufacturer
• Hollow steel frames filled as specified by manufacturer
• Gaps to edge of frame typically 3 mm
• Ensure compatibility of door and wall as specified by manufacturer
• Labels required on door edge and frame
labels on door
edge and frame
fire-rated sealant
as specified by
fire-rated glazing
as specified
mechanical connection
between wall and screen
• Follow manufacturer’s specifications
• Obtain data sheets, catalogues etc.
• Glazed screen fixing as specified by manufacturer
• Door as specified by manufacturer
• Ensure compatibility of glazed screen and wall as specified by manufacturer
• Ensure glazed screen is sealed to wall
• Labels required on door edge and frame
• Follow manufacturer’s specifications
• Obtain data sheets, catalogues etc.
• Frame fixing as specified by manufacturer
• Older style frame fully grouted
• New frames require brackets (see Figure 17)
• Gap between frame and wall to be filled with fire-rated construction
of the same FRR as wall
• Follow manufacturer’s specifications
• Obtain data sheets, catalogues etc.
• Gap between frame and wall to be filled with fire-rated construction of the same FRR
as wall
• Fire stop lift control panel (and indicator lights)
• Number of wall fixings may vary
shutter/wall combination as
specified (for example, steel
or timber-framed wall)
• Follow manufacturer’s specifications
• Obtain data sheets, catalogues etc.
• Shutter guides attached as specified
• May require a fusible link or activation by smoke alarm
• Usually no insulation value
• Closure may be a steel curtain or fabric as in a smoke barrier
wall/duct compatibility –
penetration as specified
• Follow manufacturer’s specifications
• Obtain data sheets, catalogues etc.
• Duct must be supported as specified by manufacturer
• Penetration to be as specified by manufacturer
• Aperture to be made good if oversize as appropriate to wall construction –
for example, mortar if concrete, additional linings if drywall construction
wall/damper compatibility
aperture correctly formed
for damper size – make
good if oversize
joints supports as specified
clearances between damper
retaining angles installed to and wall may be filled
manufacturer’s specifications with fibrous material – no
clearances required for
damper supported intumescent dampers
on wall/floor, not
on ducting
• Follow manufacturer’s specifications
• Obtain data sheets, catalogues etc.
• Damper must be supported as specified by manufacturer not by duct, if any
• Penetration to be as specified by manufacturer
• Aperture to be made good if oversize as appropriate to wall construction – for
example, mortar if concrete, additional linings if drywall construction
• Angles fixed only to damper and twice width of gap
• Clearances to wall as specified by manufacturer
• Gap may be filled with fire-rated material, usually mineral wool
joints supports as specified
clearances between damper
retaining angles installed to and wall may be filled
manufacturer’s specifications with fibrous material – no
clearances required for
damper supported intumescent dampers
on wall/floor, not
on ducting
• Follow manufacturer’s specifications
• Obtain data sheets, catalogues etc.
• Damper must be supported as specified by manufacturer not by duct, if any
• Penetration to be as specified by manufacturer
• Aperture to be made good if oversize as appropriate to wall construction – for
example, mortar if concrete, additional linings if drywall construction
• Angles fixed only to damper and twice width of gap
• Clearances to wall as specified by manufacturer
• Gap may be filled with fire-rated material, usually mineral wool
not required in
duct applications
• Follow manufacturer’s specifications
• Obtain data sheets, catalogues etc.
• Damper must be supported as specified by manufacturer not by duct, if any
• Check height of damper in wall or door as per manufacturer's specifications
• Intumescent damper may be inserted into a duct section, as in Figure 20
• Aperture to be made good if oversize as appropriate to wall construction – for
example, mortar if concrete, additional linings if drywall construction
steel angle
cover strips in same thickness as casing board casing
Figure 23. Structural fire protection – fire-rated boards protecting steel columns
steel beam
a) solid construction
• Follow manufacturer’s specifications
• Obtain data sheets, catalogues etc.
• For single cables, fire sealants and wraps are sufficient
• Fire sealant as specified by manufacturer
• For lined walls, if specified depth of sealant is greater than lining thickness, the lining
thickness must be increased – for example, by applying a patch of additional lining
• If conduit used, it may be plastic or steel in accordance with manufacturer’s
a) solid construction
framing as
• Follow manufacturer’s specifications
• Obtain data sheets, catalogues etc.
• Fire sealant as specified by manufacturer
• For lined walls, verify that the system has been rated for the lining configuration – for
example, single layers or multiple layers
• Add additional patch to make up thickness if required
• Lined walls require opening to be framed with nogs (dwangs) and lined with same
product as wall lining unless otherwise specified by manufacturer
cable tray
sealed to floor
with fire sealant
single cable
metal pipe
• Follow manufacturer’s specifications
• Obtain data sheets, catalogues etc.
• Fire sealant as specified by manufacturer
• May require brackets around perimeter to support
• Penetrations may require fire-rated sealant at floor junction
supports as specified by
manufacturer of penetration
seal system
a) solid construction
fire sealant
supports as specified
mineral wool slab (coated) – by manufacturer of
may be in one or two layers penetration seal system
• Follow manufacturer’s specifications
• Obtain data sheets, catalogues etc.
• Fire sealant as specified by manufacturer
• For lined walls, verify that the system has been rated for the lining configuration –
for example, single layers or multiple layers
• Add additional patch to make up thickness if required
• Lined walls require opening to be framed with nogs (dwangs) and lined with same
product as wall lining unless otherwise specified by manufacturer
• Pillows may be used instead of mineral wool slab (see Figure 30)
• Cable tray to be supported as per penetration seal manufacturer’s specifications
• For hollow block, make up aperture with mortar/concrete
• Some specialist PU expanding foams may be used
a) solid construction
• Follow manufacturer’s specifications
• Obtain data sheets, catalogues etc.
• For lined walls, verify that the system has been rated for the lining configuration –
for example, single layers or multiple layers
• Add additional patch to make up thickness if required
• Lined walls require opening to be framed with nogs (dwangs) and lined with same
product as wall lining unless otherwise specified by manufacturer
• For hollow block, make up aperture with mortar/concrete
fire sealant
may be
cables or
metal pipes
• Follow manufacturer’s specifications
• Obtain data sheets, catalogues etc.
• Pillows to fill opening as per manufacturer’s specifications
• Fire sealant to fill gaps around penetrations – may be cables or metal pipes
• For lined walls, verify that the system has been rated for the lining configuration – for
example, single layers or multiple layers
• Add additional patch to make up thickness if required
• Lined walls require opening to be framed with nogs (dwangs) and lined with same
product as wall lining unless otherwise specified by manufacturer
• For hollow block, make up aperture with mortar/concrete
• Some specialist PU expanding foams may be used
a) solid construction
• Follow manufacturer’s specifications
• Obtain data sheets, catalogues etc.
• For lined walls, verify that the system has been rated for the lining configuration –
for example, single layers or multiple layers
• Ensure correct number of intumescent strips are pushed well back into flush box
• Only for steel flush boxes
fire-rated floor
ceiling system
• Follow manufacturer’s specifications
• Obtain data sheets, catalogues etc.
• Fire-rated floor/ceiling system
• Maintains FRR of floor/ceiling system
• Ensure light fitting is suitable for being enclosed (refer to C/ASx/Part 7 and AS/
NZS 60598.2.2:2016 Luminaires – Part 2.2: Particular requirements – Recessed
• Protection may be part of downlight or fitted separately in ceiling space
plastic pipe
appropriate fixings as
specified (wall anchors)
a) solid construction
fire sealant or wrap with a
sleeve applied at correct depth
pipe supports and width for the annular gap
as specified
(very important)
plastic pipe
appropriate fixings
as specified
pipe supports as specified
(very important)
no collar
plastic pipe
steel sleeve
(only for hollow wall)
metal pipe
fire sealant/mastic
a) solid construction
metal pipe
fire sealant/mastic
• Follow manufacturer’s specifications
• Obtain data sheets, catalogues etc.
• Metal pipes need only fire sealant at wall junction
• Sealant is applied at correct depth in wall
• PE foam rod may be used to control depth in masonry walls
• For lined walls, verify that the system has been rated for the lining configuration – for
example, single layers or multiple layers
• Add additional patch to make up thickness if required to allow application of correct
depth of sealant
surface mounted
• Follow manufacturer’s specifications
• Obtain data sheets, catalogues etc.
• Collars are on underside only
• Cast in, surface mounted, drop in
• Surface mounted fixed by tabs using masonry anchors or as specified by
• Drop in fitted from top
• Metal pipes need only fire sealant or wraps
• Plastic pipes need collars
• Ensure holes are correctly sized for penetration, pipe and penetration sizes match and
pipe type is appropriate for seal
a) solid construction
• Follow manufacturer’s specifications
• Obtain data sheets, catalogues etc.
• Special application fire sealant to be used
• Note limit on width and depth of sealant
• PU expanding foam can be used
construction or similar)
◼◼ masonry or concrete, hollow or solid blocks
This checklist addresses specific items for the installation of fire-resistant walls:
◻◻ Obtain copies of site installation specification and consent documents.
◻◻ Check appropriate materials, for example, correct blocks or fire-rated boards are
as consented.
◻◻ Check the installation where the wall extends between other fire-rated elements,
◻◻ Are wall junctions (top, bottom and sides) as per specification?
• mineral compounds
◼◼ timber framed
◼◼ steel framed filled with cement grout, plasterboard, mineral wool or solid
manufactured boards.
This checklist addresses specific items for the installation of hinged or pivoted fire
◻◻ Obtain copies of site installation specification and consent documents.
◻◻ Is the installed door approved for the relevant type of wall (masonry,
plasterboard etc.)?
◻◻ Are door openings (apertures) prepared to the job specification or requirements
of the manufacturer?
◻◻ Is the door frame installed correctly with fixings as per specification?
◻◻ Is the door frame to wall junction backfilled and covered (architrave) as per
◻◻ Does hardware (closers, locks, selectors, kick-plates etc.) comply with
◻◻ Check door gaps are within specified limits (not greater than 3 mm or as
◻◻ Check sill complies with specification and sill gap is not excessive – a maximum
average gaps (excluding pre-easing) are leaf to frame 3 mm, leaf to leaf 5 mm,
leaf to top of any floor covering 10 mm.
◻◻ Check door performance label is attached to door edge and door frame with all
◻◻ Check vision panels are fire rated and insulating or not greater than 0.65 m (for
◻◻ Check any applied coating (paint) does not exceed 2 mm thickness unless
minimum 50 x 25 mm.
• doorset number
• year of manufacture.
Doors – sliding
This checklist addresses specific items for the installation of sliding fire doors:
◻◻ Obtain copies of site installation specification and consent documents.
◻◻ Is the installed door approved for the relevant type of wall (masonry,
plasterboard etc.)?
◻◻ Check door openings (apertures) are prepared to job specification or
requirements of manufacturer.
◻◻ Check door track is installed correctly with fixings as specification.
◻◻ Check hardware (closers, hinges, locks, selectors, kick-plates etc.) complies with
◻◻ Check doors are not binding.
• When closed, the door leaf overlaps the clear opening by not less than 75 mm
frame or wall face within the area of required overlap at the top and sides of
not more than 10 mm.
• Maximum clearance at any point of 15 mm.
floor covering.
◻◻ Check restraint brackets (flame guards) and/or interlocking steel sections are
• FRR in minutes
• year of manufacture.
◻◻ Are openings (apertures) prepared to the job specification or requirements of the
◻◻ Check barrel to ensure:
• the rolled-up curtain on the barrel will sit higher than the top level of the guide
curtain must be in contact with not less than 50% of the circumference of the
barrel assembly.
◻◻ Check vertical guides to ensure:
• the curtain overlaps the jamb approximately equally on each side of the
• the overlap is equal to or greater than that provided in the tested specimen
• the gap between the end of the slats including end clips and the guide track is
• the curtain can run freely without jamming.
• has a temperature rating not greater than 80°C (57°C in the case of a drenched
• is located on the same side of the opening as the barrel, no further than
• for openings greater than 4.0 m wide, has two fusible links in series, one
◻◻ Label size is minimum 50 x 25 mm and fixed mechanically (no adhesive) to the
magnesium oxide.
This checklist addresses specific items for the installation of fire-rated ducts:
◻◻ Obtain copies of site installation specification and consent documents.
◻◻ Are wall (or floor) openings (apertures) prepared to the job specification or
with materials that maintain the FRR of the wall (or floor) and are capable of
supporting the duct.
◻◻ Is the opening structurally sound with lintels as appropriate?
• Note: The duct must not be used to support a wall unless approved.
• Is fire stopping, if any, between the duct and wall as per specification?
• Thickness.
• Number of layers.
• Fixings.
This checklist addresses specific items for the installation of fire dampers:
◻◻ Obtain copies of site installation specification and consent documents.
◻◻ Have the wall (or floor) openings (apertures) been prepared to the job
good with materials that maintain the FRR of the wall (or floor) and are capable
of supporting the damper.
◻◻ Ensure the opening is structurally sound with lintels as appropriate.
• Note: The damper must not be used to support a wall unless approved.
• Are perimeter angles, if any, flush with wall and correct overlap on wall
(at least two times the clearance between the fire damper body and the
• Is fire stopping, if any, between damper and wall as per specification?
• Check that elements of an intumescent damper are correctly aligned (not bent
or out of shape).
◻◻ Check there is no combustible material on or in proximity of the damper at the
• Manufacturer’s name.
• Model and test report number. (If the model number is traceable to the
• Direction of airflow.
◻◻ Check any breakaway joint and connection to ducting (slip joint, nylon,
aluminium fixings).
◻◻ Take record photo with angles off and angles on.
of walls) or pipes
◼◼ foams
◼◼ putties
◼◼ mortars
◼◼ pillows
◼◼ wraps
◼◼ collars
◼◼ sleeves
◼◼ control joints
This checklist addresses specific items for the installation of penetration seals where
services pass through fire-rated wall and floor construction:
◻◻ Obtain copies of site installation specification and consent documents.
◻◻ Is the penetration seal approved for the wall/floor type (masonry, plasterboard
◻◻ Is the penetration seal approved for the penetration and its application (floor
chipped edges, irregular)? These should be made good with materials that
maintain the FRR of the wall (or floor) and are capable of supporting the seal.
◻◻ Is the opening structurally sound with lintels as appropriate?
◻◻ Seal is installed as per specification:
• With pipe, cable tray etc. supports at correct spacing from the wall.
• FRR in minutes
• installation date
FRR: -/60/60
Installed by (company name):..........................................................................
Phone no:.......................................................................................................
Installation date:.............................................................................................
Installation reference:.....................................................................................
Contact the above in the event of damage or if reinstatement is
1222 Moonshine Road, RD1, Porirua 5381
Private Bag 50908, Porirua 5240, New Zealand 978-1-927258-75-0 (PDF)
T +64 4 237 1170 F +64 4 237 1171
E 978-1-927258-76-7 (epub)