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Sunny Island Operating Manual

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Operating Manual

SUNNY ISLAND 3.0M / 4.4M / 6.0H / 8.0H



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ENGLISH SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 | Version 3.3

Legal Provisions SMA Solar Technology AG

Legal Provisions
The information contained in these documents is property of SMA Solar Technology AG. Any publication, whether in
whole or in part, requires prior written approval by SMA Solar Technology AG. Internal reproduction used solely for
the purpose of product evaluation or other proper use is allowed and does not require prior approval.

SMA Warranty
You can download the current warranty conditions from the Internet at www.SMA-Solar.com.

All trademarks are recognized, even if not explicitly identified as such. Missing designations do not mean that a
product or brand is not a registered trademark.
Modbus® is a registered trademark of Schneider Electric and is licensed by the Modbus Organization, Inc.
QR Code is a registered trademark of DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED.
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SMA Solar Technology AG
Sonnenallee 1
34266 Niestetal
Tel. +49 561 9522-0
Fax +49 561 9522-100
Email: info@SMA.de
Copyright © 2016 SMA Solar Technology AG. All rights reserved.

2 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG Table of Contents

Table of Contents
1 Information on this Document ..................................................................................................... 7
1.1 Validity .............................................................................................................................................................. 7
1.2 Target group ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
1.3 Symbols............................................................................................................................................................. 7
1.4 Typographies .................................................................................................................................................... 8
1.5 Nomenclature ................................................................................................................................................... 8
2 Safety............................................................................................................................................. 10
2.1 Intended Use..................................................................................................................................................... 10
2.2 Safety Information ............................................................................................................................................ 10
2.3 Information on Handling Batteries................................................................................................................... 12
3 Product Description....................................................................................................................... 15
3.1 Sunny Island...................................................................................................................................................... 15
3.2 Control Panel of the Sunny Island Inverter...................................................................................................... 16
3.3 Type Label......................................................................................................................................................... 17
3.4 Sunny Remote Control...................................................................................................................................... 18
4 Starting and Stopping the System............................................................................................... 20
4.1 Switching on the Sunny Island......................................................................................................................... 20
4.2 Starting the System ........................................................................................................................................... 20
4.3 Stopping the System......................................................................................................................................... 20
4.4 Switching Off the Sunny Island........................................................................................................................ 21
4.5 Tripping the Emergency Disconnection of the System.................................................................................... 21
4.6 Setting Time-Controlled Inverter Operation in Off-Grid Systems................................................................... 22
5 Operation of the Sunny Island Inverter with the Sunny Remote Control ................................ 23
5.1 Display Modes ................................................................................................................................................. 23
5.2 Standard Mode ................................................................................................................................................ 24
5.2.1 Display of Operating States ............................................................................................................................ 24
5.2.2 Information Page in Systems for Increased Self-Consumption and Battery Backup Systems ...................... 25
5.2.3 Information Page in Off-Grid Systems ............................................................................................................ 26
5.3 User Mode........................................................................................................................................................ 29
5.3.1 Pages in the User Mode .................................................................................................................................. 29
5.3.2 Displaying Parameters and Operating and Setting the System .................................................................... 30
5.4 Installer Mode and Expert Mode.................................................................................................................... 32
5.4.1 Switching to Installer Mode or Expert Mode ................................................................................................. 32
5.4.2 Exiting Installer Mode or Expert Mode .......................................................................................................... 32
5.4.3 Menus in Installer and Expert Mode .............................................................................................................. 33
5.4.4 Parameter Page in Installer and Expert Mode ............................................................................................... 33
5.4.5 Selecting Menus and Parameters.................................................................................................................... 33
5.4.6 Setting Parameters ........................................................................................................................................... 34
5.4.7 Directly Accessing the Parameters .................................................................................................................. 34

6 Operation of the Sunny Island Inverter with a Communication Product................................. 36

7 Data Storage and Firmware Update .......................................................................................... 37
7.1 Data Storage on the Computer ....................................................................................................................... 37
7.2 Data Storage on SD Memory Card................................................................................................................ 37
7.2.1 Insert the SD Memory Card ............................................................................................................................ 37

Operating Manual SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 3

Table of Contents SMA Solar Technology AG

7.2.2 Loading and Saving Parameters ..................................................................................................................... 37

7.2.3 Saving the Event History and Error History .................................................................................................... 38
7.2.4 Displaying the SD Memory Card Status Message ........................................................................................ 38
7.2.5 Removing the SD Memory Card ..................................................................................................................... 38
7.2.6 Displaying the SD Memory Card Content...................................................................................................... 38
7.3 Firmware Update.............................................................................................................................................. 40
7.3.1 Display of the Firmware Version ..................................................................................................................... 40
7.3.2 Updating the Firmware Using an SD Memory Card ..................................................................................... 40
7.3.3 Updating the Firmware Using Sunny Explorer ............................................................................................... 41
7.3.4 Performing a Remote Update Using the Sunny Home Manager.................................................................. 41

8 Manually Controlling the Generator .......................................................................................... 43

8.1 Starting the Generator with Sunny Remote Control ....................................................................................... 43
8.2 Stopping the Generator with Sunny Remote Control..................................................................................... 43
8.3 Starting the Generator without Autostart Function ......................................................................................... 43
8.4 Stopping the Generator without Autostart Function ....................................................................................... 44
9 Disconnecting the Sunny Island from Voltage Sources............................................................. 45
10 Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................................ 46
10.1 Display of Errors ............................................................................................................................................... 46
10.1.1 Display of Errors on the Sunny Remote Control ............................................................................................. 46
10.1.2 Display of Errors on the Communication Product (Example) ........................................................................ 46
10.2 Sunny Island Inverter Behavior Under Fault Conditions................................................................................. 47
10.3 Acknowledge Errors ......................................................................................................................................... 47
10.4 Logged Events................................................................................................................................................... 48
10.4.1 Sunny Island Category (1xx) .......................................................................................................................... 48
10.4.2 Battery Category (2xx).................................................................................................................................... 48
10.4.3 Generator Category (4xx) .............................................................................................................................. 49
10.4.4 Utility Grid Category (5xx).............................................................................................................................. 49
10.4.5 Relay Category (6xx) ...................................................................................................................................... 49
10.4.6 System Category (7xx).................................................................................................................................... 50
10.4.7 External Device and Component Category (8xx) ......................................................................................... 51
10.4.8 Category External Events (9xx)....................................................................................................................... 51
10.5 Logged Warning Messages and Error Messages ......................................................................................... 52
10.5.1 Sunny Island Category (1xx) .......................................................................................................................... 52
10.5.2 Battery Category (2xx).................................................................................................................................... 57
10.5.3 Generator or Utility Grid Category (3xx) ...................................................................................................... 59
10.5.4 Generator Category (4xx) .............................................................................................................................. 67
10.5.5 Utility Grid Category (5xx).............................................................................................................................. 68
10.5.6 Relay Category (6xx) ...................................................................................................................................... 68
10.5.7 System Category (7xx).................................................................................................................................... 68
10.5.8 External Device and Component Category (8xx) ......................................................................................... 73
10.5.9 General Category (9xx).................................................................................................................................. 83
10.6 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) ............................................................................................................... 86
10.6.1 Questions Regarding the Sunny Island........................................................................................................... 86
10.6.2 Questions Regarding the Sunny Remote Control........................................................................................... 86
10.6.3 Questions Regarding the Battery .................................................................................................................... 87
10.6.4 Questions Regarding the Generator............................................................................................................... 87
10.6.5 Questions Regarding Multicluster Systems..................................................................................................... 88
10.7 Charging the Battery After Automatic Shutdown in Off-Grid Systems (Emergency Charge Mode) .......... 89

4 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG Table of Contents

10.8 Changing Slave Addresses in a Cluster.......................................................................................................... 91

11 Cleaning and Maintenance.......................................................................................................... 93
11.1 Cleaning and Checking the Sunny Island Inverter Enclosure ........................................................................ 93
11.2 Cleaning the Sunny Remote Control ............................................................................................................... 93
11.3 Performing a Manual Equalization Charge in the Off-Grid System.............................................................. 93
11.4 Checking the Function ...................................................................................................................................... 93
11.5 Checking the Connections ............................................................................................................................... 94
11.6 Checking and Maintaining the Battery ........................................................................................................... 94
11.7 Cleaning the Fans............................................................................................................................................. 95
11.8 Replacing the Battery ....................................................................................................................................... 97
12 Decommissioning the Sunny Island ............................................................................................100
13 Parameters in Sunny Remote Control.........................................................................................102
13.1 Directory of the Parameters in User Mode .....................................................................................................102
13.1.1 Inverter Category .............................................................................................................................................102
13.1.2 Battery Category..............................................................................................................................................103
13.1.3 Generator Category ........................................................................................................................................104
13.1.4 Grid Category ..................................................................................................................................................105
13.1.5 SI Charger Category .......................................................................................................................................105
13.1.6 Self Cnsmptn Category....................................................................................................................................106
13.1.7 Grid Cnsmptn Category ..................................................................................................................................106
13.1.8 Grid Feed Category.........................................................................................................................................106
13.1.9 Loads Category................................................................................................................................................106
13.1.10 PV System Category.........................................................................................................................................107
13.1.11 System Category ..............................................................................................................................................107
13.1.12 Time Category ..................................................................................................................................................107
13.1.13 Identity Category..............................................................................................................................................108
13.1.14 Password Category..........................................................................................................................................108
13.2 Directory of the Parameters in Installer Mode and Expert Mode .................................................................108
13.2.1 Display Values..................................................................................................................................................108 Inverter (110#) ................................................................................................................................................ 108 Battery (120#)................................................................................................................................................. 112 External (130#) ............................................................................................................................................... 113 Charge Controller (140#) .............................................................................................................................. 116 Compact (150#) ............................................................................................................................................. 118 SlfCsmp (160#)............................................................................................................................................... 120 Multicluster (170#).......................................................................................................................................... 122
13.2.2 Adjustable Parameters .....................................................................................................................................124 Inverter (210#) ................................................................................................................................................ 124 Battery (220#)................................................................................................................................................. 125 External/Backup (230#)................................................................................................................................. 129 Relay (240#) ................................................................................................................................................... 141 System (250#)................................................................................................................................................. 145 SlfCsmpBackup (#260) .................................................................................................................................. 147 Authent (270#)................................................................................................................................................ 149
13.2.3 Information (300#) ..........................................................................................................................................149 Inverter (310#) ................................................................................................................................................ 149 Battery (320#)................................................................................................................................................. 152 External (330#) ............................................................................................................................................... 154
13.2.4 Report (400#) ..................................................................................................................................................155
13.2.5 Operation (500#)............................................................................................................................................155

Operating Manual SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 5

Table of Contents SMA Solar Technology AG Inverter (510#) ................................................................................................................................................ 155 Battery (520#)................................................................................................................................................. 156 Generator (540#) ........................................................................................................................................... 157 MMC Card (550#)......................................................................................................................................... 157 Grid (560#)..................................................................................................................................................... 157

14 Parameters in the Communication Product ................................................................................158

15 Menu Structure..............................................................................................................................159
15.1 User Mode........................................................................................................................................................159
15.2 Installer Mode and Expert Mode....................................................................................................................160
16 Contact...........................................................................................................................................161

6 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 1 Information on this Document

1 Information on this Document

1.1 Validity
This document is valid for the following device types:
• SI3.0M-11 (Sunny Island 3.0M) from firmware version 3.2
• SI4.4M-11 (Sunny Island 4.4M) from firmware version 3.2
• SI6.0H-11 (Sunny Island 6.0H) from firmware version 3.1
• SI8.0H-11 (Sunny Island 8.0H) from firmware version 3.1
• SRC-20 (Sunny Remote Control)

1.2 Target group

This document is intended for qualified persons and operators. Only qualified persons are allowed to perform the
activities marked in this document with a warning symbol and the caption "Qualified person". Activities that may also
be performed by operators are not marked and may be performed by operators.

Operators must be given training on the following subjects by qualified persons:
• Training on the dangers involved in handling electrical devices
• Training on operation of the Sunny Island
• Training on the safe handling of batteries
• Training on secure disconnection of the Sunny Island under fault conditions
• Training on how to secure a system against unintentional reactivation
• Training on the maintenance and cleaning of the Sunny Island inverter
• Knowledge of and compliance with this document and all safety information

Qualified Persons
• Training in how to deal with the dangers and risks associated with installing and using electrical devices and
• Training in the installation and commissioning of electrical devices
• Knowledge of and adherence to the local standards and directives
• Knowledge of and compliance with the documentation of the Sunny Island inverter with all safety information

1.3 Symbols
Symbol Explanation
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury

Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, can result in death or serious injury

Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, can result in minor or moderate injury

Indicates a situation which, if not avoided, can result in property damage

Information advising that the following section contains activities that may be performed only
by qualified persons.

Operating Manual SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 7

1 Information on this Document SMA Solar Technology AG

Symbol Explanation
This information is relevant for systems which are to be operated in parallel with utility grid.
(e.g. SMA Flexible Storage System).

Content is relevant for off-grid systems.

Information that is important for a specific topic or goal, but is not safety-relevant

Indicates a requirement for meeting a specific goal

Desired result

A problem that might occur

1.4 Typographies
Typography Use Example
bold • Display messages • Connect the grounding
• Parameter conductor to AC2 Gen/
• Terminals
• Select the parameter
• Slots
235.01 GnAutoEna and
• Elements to be selected set to Off.
• Elements to be entered
> • Several elements that are to be selected • Select 600# Direct Access
> Select Number.
[Button] • Button that is to be selected or clicked on • Select [Enter].

1.5 Nomenclature
Complete designation Designation in this document
Off-grid system, battery-backup system, system for in- System
creased self-consumption
Sunny Boy, Sunny Mini Central, Sunny Tripower PV inverter
Sunny Explorer, Sunny Portal, Sunny Home Manager Communication product
Grid failure or deviation from the country-specific thresh- Grid failure
olds for voltage and frequency
Automatic transfer switch with battery-backup function Automatic transfer switch
Grid-forming generators such as electric generators or External energy sources
utility grids

8 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 1 Information on this Document

Menus are presented as follows: menu number, pound sign and menu name (e.g., 150# Compact Meters).
Parameters are presented as follows: menu number, period, parameter number and parameter name (e.g., 150.01
GdRmgTm). The term "parameter" includes parameters with configurable values as well as parameters for displaying

Operating Manual SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 9

2 Safety SMA Solar Technology AG

2 Safety
2.1 Intended Use
Sunny Island
The Sunny Island is a battery inverter that controls the electrical energy balance in an off-grid system, in a battery-
backup system or in a system for increased self-consumption. In a battery-backup system, you can also use the
Sunny Island for increased self-consumption.
The product is suitable for indoor and outdoor use.
The Sunny Island is not suitable for supplying life-sustaining medical devices. A power outage must not lead to
personal injury.
The Sunny Island uses batteries for energy storage. The nominal voltage of the battery must correspond to the input
voltage on the DC connection. A fuse switch-disconnector (e.g., BatFuse) must be installed between the battery and the
Sunny Island. With lead-acid batteries, the battery room must be ventilated in accordance with the requirements of the
battery manufacturer and with the locally applicable standards and directives (see documentation of the battery
If connecting a lithium-ion battery, the following must be observed:
• The lithium-ion battery must comply with the locally applicable standards and directives and be intrinsically safe.
• The battery management of the lithium-ion battery is compatible with the Sunny Island (see the technical
information at "List of Approved Lithium-Ion Batteries").
Use this product only in accordance with the information provided in the enclosed documentation and with the locally
applicable standards and directives. Any other application may cause personal injury or property damage.
Alterations to the product, e.g. changes or modifications, are only permitted with the express written permission of
SMA Solar Technology AG. Unauthorized alterations will void guarantee and warranty claims and in most cases
terminate the operating license. SMA Solar Technology AG shall not be held liable for any damage caused by such
Any use of the product other than that described in the Intended Use section does not qualify as appropriate.
The enclosed documentation is an integral part of this product. Keep the documentation in a convenient place for
future reference and observe all instructions contained therein.
The type label must remain permanently attached to the product.

Sunny Remote Control

You can configure and control the system from a central location using the Sunny Remote Control display.
Use this product only in accordance with the information provided in the enclosed documentation and with the locally
applicable standards and directives. Any other application may cause personal injury or property damage.
Alterations to the product, e.g. changes or modifications, are only permitted with the express written permission of
SMA Solar Technology AG. Unauthorized alterations will void guarantee and warranty claims and in most cases
terminate the operating license. SMA Solar Technology AG shall not be held liable for any damage caused by such
Any use of the product other than that described in the Intended Use section does not qualify as appropriate.
The enclosed documentation is an integral part of this product. Keep the documentation in a convenient place for
future reference and observe all instructions contained therein.
The type label must remain permanently attached to the product.

2.2 Safety Information

This section contains safety information that must be observed at all times when working on or with the product.

10 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 2 Safety

To prevent personal injury and property damage and to ensure long-term operation of the product, read this section
carefully and observe all safety information at all times.

Danger to life from electric shocks due to live voltage and risk of injury from short-circuit currents
High voltages are present inside the Sunny Island inverter. When the enclosure lid is removed, live components can
be touched that can result in death or serious injury due to electric shock. Short-circuit currents in the battery can
cause heat build-up and electric arcs. Burns or eye injuries due to flashes may result.
• When carrying out any work on the electrical installation, wear suitable personal protective equipment.
• Switch off or disconnect the following components in the following order:
– Sunny Island
– The control and measurement voltages in the distribution board of the Sunny Island circuit breakers
– Load-break switch of the battery
• Ensure that the system cannot be reconnected.
• Open the enclosure lid of the Sunny Island and ensure that no voltage is present.
• Ground and short-circuit the AC conductors outside the Sunny Island inverter.
• Cover or isolate any adjacent live components.

Danger to life from electric shock due to damaged inverter

Operating a damaged inverter can lead to hazardous situations that can result in death or serious injuries due to
electric shock.
• Only use inverter when it is technically faultless and in an operationally safe state.
• Check the inverter regularly for visible damage.
• Make sure that all external safety equipment is freely accessible at all times.
• Make sure that all safety equipment is in good working order.

Risk of crushing injuries due to moving PV array parts

Moving parts in the PV array can crush or sever body parts. A generator can be started automatically by the
Sunny Island.
• Operate the generator only with the safety equipment.
• Carry out work on the generator in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications.

Risk of burns due to short-circuit currents on the disconnected Sunny Island

The capacitors in the DC connection input area store energy. After the battery is isolated from the Sunny Island,
battery voltage is still temporarily present at the DC connection. A short circuit at the DC terminal can lead to burns
and may damage the Sunny Island inverter.
• Wait 15 minutes before performing any work at the DC terminal or on the DC cables. This allows the capacitors
to discharge.

Operating Manual SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 11

2 Safety SMA Solar Technology AG

Risk of burns due to hot components

Some components of the inverter can become very hot during operation. Touching these components can cause
burns. Heat build-up can cause burns.
• During operation, do not touch any parts other than the enclosure lid of the inverter.
• After opening the inverter, wait until the component parts have cooled down.

Damage to the inverter due to electrostatic discharge

Touching electronic components can cause damage to or destroy the inverter through electrostatic discharge.
• Ground yourself before touching any component.

2.3 Information on Handling Batteries

This section contains safety information that must be observed at all times when working on or with batteries.
To prevent personal injury or property damage and to ensure long-term operation of the batteries, read this section
carefully and observe all safety information at all times.

Danger to life due to explosive gases

Explosive gases may escape from the battery and cause an explosion. This can result in death or serious injury.
• Protect the battery environment from open flames, embers and sparks.
• Install, operate and maintain the battery in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications.
• Do not heat the battery above the temperature permitted or burn the battery.
• Ensure that the battery room is sufficiently ventilated.

Chemical burns and poisoning due to battery electrolyte

If handled inappropriately, battery electrolyte can cause irritation to the eyes, respiratory system and skin, and it can
be toxic. This may result in blindness or serious chemical burns.
• Protect the battery enclosure against destruction.
• Do not open or deform the battery.
• Whenever working on the battery, wear suitable personal protective equipment such as rubber gloves, apron,
rubber boots and goggles.
• Rinse acid splashes thoroughly for a long time with clear water, and consult a doctor.
• If acid fumes have been inhaled, consult a doctor.
• Install, operate, maintain and dispose of the battery according to the manufacturer’s specifications.

12 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 2 Safety

Danger to life due to incompatible lithium-ion battery

An incompatible lithium-ion battery can lead to a fire or an explosion. With incompatible lithium-ion batteries, it is not
ensured that battery management is intrinsically safe and will protect the battery.
• Verify that the battery complies with locally applicable standards and directives and is intrinsically safe.
• Ensure that the lithium-ion batteries are approved for use with the Sunny Island. The list of lithium-ion batteries
approved for the Sunny Island is updated regularly (see the technical information "List of Approved Lithium-Ion
Batteries" at www.SMA-Solar.com).
• If no lithium-ion batteries approved for the Sunny Island can be used, lead-acid batteries can be used.

Risk of injury due to short-circuit currents

Short-circuit currents in the battery can cause heat build-up and electric arcs. Burns or eye injuries due to flashes may
• Remove watches, rings and other metal objects.
• Use insulated tools.
• Do not place tools or metal parts on the battery.

Risk of burns due to hot battery components

Improper battery connection may result in excessively high transition resistances. Excessive transition resistances give
rise to localized heat build-up.
• Ensure that all pole connectors are connected with the connecting torque specified by the battery manufacturer.
• Ensure that all DC cables are connected with the connecting torque specified by the battery manufacturer.

Damage to the battery due to incorrect settings

The set battery parameters influence the charging behavior of the Sunny Island inverter. The battery can be
damaged by incorrect settings of the battery type, nominal voltage and capacity parameters.
• Ensure that the values recommended by the manufacturer are set for the battery (refer to the technical data of
the battery in the manufacturer documentation). Note that the battery charging behavior names used by
SMA Solar Technology AG and the battery manufacturer may, in some cases, differ in meaning (for the battery
charging behavior of the Sunny Island inverter, see technical information "List of Approved Lithium-Ion Batteries"
• Set the battery capacity for a ten-hour electric discharge (C10). The battery manufacturer specifies the battery
capacity in relation to discharge time.

Operating Manual SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 13

2 Safety SMA Solar Technology AG

Permanent damage to the battery due to improper handling

Improper set-up and maintenance of the battery can cause it to become permanently damaged. Logs can help to
determine the cause.
• Comply with all requirements of the battery manufacturer with regard to mounting location.
• Check and log the status of the battery before performing maintenance work.
Useful hint: Many battery manufacturers provide suitable logs.
– Check the battery for visible damage and log.
– Measure and log the fill level and acid density of FLA batteries.
– In the case of lead-acid batteries, measure and log the voltages of the individual cells.
– Perform and log the test routines required by the battery manufacturer.

Prior damage to batteries

Batteries may have suffered prior damage due to production defects. Logs can help to determine the cause.
• Check and log the status of the battery before performing maintenance work.
Check and log the status of the battery before performing maintenance work.
Transition resistances can impair the performance of the batteries.
• Ensure that the torques at the battery connections are correct each time that maintenance is performed.

14 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 3 Product Description

3 Product Description
3.1 Sunny Island
The Sunny Island is a battery inverter that controls the electrical energy balance in an off-grid system, in a battery-
backup system or in a system for increased self-consumption. In a battery-backup system, you can also use the
Sunny Island for increased self-consumption.


Figure 1: Design of the Sunny Island inverter

Position Designation
A Ventilation grid
B Type label
C Control panel
D Enclosure lid

The Sunny Island supplies AC loads in the system from a battery or charges the battery with the energy provided by
AC sources (e.g., PV inverter). AC sources supply loads and are used by the Sunny Island to recharge the battery. In
order to be able to increase the availability of the off-grid system and reduce the battery capacity, the Sunny Island
can use and control a generator as an energy reserve.
The loads may temporarily overload the Sunny Island. If there is a short circuit, the Sunny Island briefly feeds short-
circuit currents into the utility grid. As a result, the Sunny Island may trip certain circuit breakers (for technical data see
installation manual of the Sunny Island inverter).

Type label
The type label clearly identifies the product. The type label is located on the right-hand side of the enclosure (for a
description of the type label, see the Sunny Island inverter operating manual).
You will require the information on the type label to use the product safely and when seeking customer support from
Service (see Section 16 "Contact", page 161).

Operating Manual SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 15

3 Product Description SMA Solar Technology AG

3.2 Control Panel of the Sunny Island Inverter



Figure 2: Layout of the control panel

Position Symbol Designation Status Explanation

A Start-stop button − By pressing the start-stop button, you can start or
TSS stop the system. In display messages on the Sun-
ny Remote Control, the start-stop button is re-
ferred to as TSS.
B "On" button − Pressing the "On" button will switch the Sunny Is-
land on. The Sunny Island is in standby mode af-
ter being switched on.
C "Off" button − Pressing the "Off" button will switch off the Sun-
ny Island.
D Inverter LED Not glowing The Sunny Island is switched off.
Glowing green The Sunny Island is in operation.
Glowing orange The Sunny Island is in standby mode.
Glowing red The Sunny Island switched off due to an error.
Flashing quickly* The Sunny Island is not configured.
Flashing slowly** The Sunny Island is in overnight shutdown.
E Grid LED Not glowing There is no voltage present from the generator or
the utility grid.
Glowing green Generator or utility grid is connected.
Glowing orange The Sunny Island is synchronizing the stand-
alone grid with the generator or the utility grid.
Glowing red Error at the connection of the generator or the
utility grid.
F Battery LED Glowing green The state of charge is more than 50%.
Glowing orange The state of charge is between 50% and 20%.
Glowing red The state of charge is less than 20%.

16 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 3 Product Description

Position Symbol Designation Status Explanation

G Standby − Position of the buttons for switching on and off
H AC operation − Position of the button for starting and stopping
* Flashing at intervals of 0.5 s to 1 s
** Flashing at intervals of 1.5 s to 2 s

3.3 Type Label

The type label clearly identifies the product. The type label is located on the right-hand side of the enclosure. You will
find the following information on the type label:
• Address of SMA Solar Technology AG
• Device type (Model)
• Serial number (Serial No.)
• Device-specific characteristics
You will require the information on the type label to use the product safely and when seeking customer support from
Service (see Section 16 "Contact", page 161).

Symbols on the inverter, the ESS and the type label

Symbol Explanation
Danger to life due to electric shock
The product operates at high voltages. All work on the product must be carried out by qualified
persons only.
Risk of burns due to hot surfaces
The product can get hot during operation. Avoid contact during operation. Prior to performing any
work on the product, allow the product to cool down sufficiently.
Observe the documentation
Observe all documentation supplied with the product.

Alternating current
Direct current
The product has a transformer.
WEEE designation
Do not dispose of the product together with the household waste but in accordance with the dis-
posal regulations for electronic waste applicable at the installation site.
CE marking
The product complies with the requirements of the applicable EU directives.
Protection class I
All electrical equipment is connected to the grounding conductor system of the product.

Operating Manual SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 17

3 Product Description SMA Solar Technology AG

Symbol Explanation
Degree of protection IP54
The product is protected against interior dust deposits and splashing water from all angles.
Certified safety
The product is VDE-tested and complies with the requirements of the German Equipment and Prod-
uct Safety Act.

RCM (Regulatory Compliance Mark)

The product complies with the requirements of the applicable Australian standards.

3.4 Sunny Remote Control
You can configure and control the system from a central location using the Sunny Remote Control display.


/ Gen

ory C Load


Figure 3: Layout of the Sunny Remote Control

Position Designation Explanation

A Display Four-line display shows operating data (e.g., operating state, display values) and
events, warnings, or errors on the Sunny Island inverter.
The display backlight is automatically deactivated after a short period of inactivity.
B Switch Pressing the button will turn on the backlight, confirm parameters, or switch the level
within a menu. The return symbol " " in the display indicates when you can perform
an action by pressing the button.
Turning the button will switch on the backlight, change parameters, or navigate within
a menu level.
C Slot for SD −
memory card

18 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 3 Product Description

Service Interface, SD Memory Card

The Sunny Remote Control has a slot for SD memory cards. The SD memory card stores data for system control and
facilitates service work. The SD memory card also allows you to update the firmware on the Sunny Island inverter. The
following data is stored on the SD memory card:
• Parameter Settings
• Every minute, measurement data from the areas:
– Battery
– Sunny Island
– Generator
– Utility grid
– Stand-alone grid
• Events and errors
• Statistical values of the battery
The SD memory card must be formatted as FAT-16 or FAT-32.

Operating Manual SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 19

4 Starting and Stopping the System SMA Solar Technology AG

4 Starting and Stopping the System

4.1 Switching on the Sunny Island
☐ The load-break switch in the DC cable must be closed.
☐ The Sunny Island must not have switched itself off (see Section 10.7 "Charging the Battery After Automatic
Shutdown in Off-Grid Systems (Emergency Charge Mode)", page 89).
• For systems with one Sunny Island, press the "On" button on
the Sunny Island.

• For systems with up to three Sunny Island inverters, press and hold the "On" button on the master until an acoustic
signal sounds.
• For multicluster systems, press and hold the "On" button on each master until an acoustic signal sounds.
☑ The inverter LED on each Sunny Island inverter is glowing orange and the Sunny Island inverters are in
standby mode.

4.2 Starting the System

☐ All Sunny Island inverters must be switched on.
☐ The circuit breakers for the AC sources in the stand-alone grid must be switched off in the AC distribution board.
☐ The load-break switch of the PV array must be open.
☐ The circuit breakers for the charge controllers must be switched off in the DC distribution board.
• Press the start-stop button on the Sunny Island and hold it until
an acoustic signal sounds.
Press and hold the button on the Sunny Remote Control until an
acoustic signal sounds.
☑ The inverter LED on each Sunny Island is glowing green.

4.3 Stopping the System

If you stop the system, the Sunny Island switches from operation into standby mode. In standby mode, the Sunny Island
discharges the battery due to its standby consumption. Tip: For longer shut-down periods, switch off the Sunny Island
(see Section 4.4, page 21).

20 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 4 Starting and Stopping the System

• Press and hold the start-stop button on the Sunny Island until
the inverter LED is glowing orange.
• or
• Press and hold the button on the Sunny Remote Control until
the progress bar has run down.
☑ The inverter LED on each Sunny Island is glowing orange.
The Sunny Island inverters are in standby mode.

4.4 Switching Off the Sunny Island

☐ The system is stopped.
• Press and hold the "Off" button on the Sunny Island until an
acoustic signal sounds.
☑ The inverter LED is off on all Sunny Island inverters.

4.5 Tripping the Emergency Disconnection of the System

Effects of an emergency disconnection
Emergency disconnection triggers the uncontrolled shutdown of the system and unsaved data is lost.
• Only use the emergency disconnection to avoid danger or consequential damage.
• In the event of an emergency disconnection in a multicluster system, always check whether any fuse elements
in the Multicluster-Box, such as circuit breakers, have tripped. If any fuse elements have tripped, reactivate
these fuse elements.
• Press and hold the "Off" button on the Sunny Island until an
acoustic signal sounds.
☑ The inverter LED is off on all Sunny Island inverters.

Operating Manual SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 21

4 Starting and Stopping the System SMA Solar Technology AG

4.6 Setting Time-Controlled Inverter Operation in Off-Grid Systems

Example: Parameter settings for time-controlled inverter operation
You want to operate the Sunny Island in inverter operation every Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., starting on
Sunday, January 8, 2012. To do this, set the Sunny Island as follows:
• Str.Date: 08.01.2012
• Start Time: 10:00:00
• Run Time: 08:00:00
• Repetition: Weekly

1. Log in to the communication product as User (see user manual iInverter (1/1)Ã
of the communication product) or switch to user mode on the Tot.Power xx:x kW
Timer Mode Disable
Sunny Remote Control (see Section 5.3, page 29).

2. To set the time-controlled inverter operation on the sInverter (1/2)

Sunny Remote Control, select the Inverter display page on the Restart --- Ã
Str.Date xx:xx.xxxx
Sunny Remote Control and press the button. Start Time xx:xx:xx
☑ The Sunny Remote Control switches to the Inverter setting page.
3. Set the time-controlled inverter operation:
• Select the Start date for time-controlled inverter operation / Start Date parameter and set it to the
desired start date.
• Select the Start date for time-controlled inverter operation / Str.Date parameter and set it to the
desired start time.
• Select the Start date for time-controlled inverter operation / Str.Date parameter and set it to the
desired running time.
• Select the Repetition cycle for time-controlled inverter operation / Repetition parameter and set it to
the desired repetition cycle.
4. To activate time-controlled inverter operation, select the Time controlled inverter operation / Timed Start
parameter and set it to Enable.
☑ Time-controlled inverter operation is activated. If the Sunny Island has started automatically under time-control and
you stop the Sunny Island, time-controlled inverter operation is deactivated automatically.

22 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 5 Operation of the Sunny Island Inverter with the Sunny Remote Control

5 Operation of the Sunny Island Inverter with the

Sunny Remote Control
5.1 Display Modes
The Sunny Remote Control uses four display modes for the display. The Sunny Remote Control will switch to standard
mode if the button has not been used for over five minutes.
State Page contents
Standard mode <home> • Message regarding operating states
• Display of energy flows
• Display of key parameters
In display messages on the Sunny Remote Control, <home> refers to the standard
User mode User • Display of and access to key operating parameters
In display messages on the Sunny Remote Control, User refers to the user mode.
Installer mode Installer • Display of and access to configuration and operation parameters
The installer mode is protected with an installer password. In display messages on the
Sunny Remote Control, Installer refers to the installer mode.
Expert mode Expert • Display of and access to all parameters for the system configuration set in QCG
The expert mode can be accessed only via installer mode (see Section 5.4.1, page 32
). In display messages on the Sunny Remote Control, Expert refers to the expert mode.

The parameters for devices that are not configured are hidden, e.g., the generator parameters are hidden for systems
without a generator. The parameters for multicluster systems are available only in expert mode.

Operating Manual SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 23

5 Operation of the Sunny Island Inverter with the Sunny Remote Control SMA Solar Technology AG

5.2 Standard Mode

5.2.1 Display of Operating States
The Sunny Remote Control displays the following operating states until the Sunny Island is started.

<Start Inverter>Ã
xx.xx.xxxx xx.xx.xx
Figure 4: Display of operating states (example: Standby)

Position Designation Explanation

A Boot The Sunny Island is initializing.
Error The Sunny Island is in error status.
LBM 1 The Sunny Island is in battery protection mode 1.
LBM 2 The Sunny Island is in battery protection mode 2.
LBM 3 The Sunny Island is in battery protection mode 3.
Restart The Sunny Island is performing a restart.
Shutdown The Sunny Island is stopped.
Silent The Sunny Island is in energy-saving mode.
Standby The Sunny Island is in standby mode or in time-controlled operation.
Startup The Sunny Island is starting up.

24 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 5 Operation of the Sunny Island Inverter with the Sunny Remote Control

5.2.2 Information Page in Systems for Increased Self-Consumption and Battery

Backup Systems
When the Sunny Island is started, the Sunny Remote Control provides information on the status of the system for
increased self-consumption.

H À! 1.5kW
!M1 C
oo E
+-‡Á 0.0kW SOC 99% F

04:17:30 G

Figure 5: Energy flows and status messages of the Sunny Island

Position Symbol Designation Explanation

A Warning symbol Symbol for warnings and errors that do not affect the Sunny Island
If this symbol is flashing, acknowledge the error or warning (see Sec-
tion 10.3, page 47).
B Device assignment The Sunny Island connected to the Sunny Remote Control is the mas-
The Sunny Island connected to the Sunny Remote Control is slave 1.

The Sunny Island connected to the Sunny Remote Control is slave 2.

C SD Memory Card SD memory card is inserted.
Symbol The Sunny Island is accessing the SD memory card.
None SD memory card not inserted.
D Multifunction relay 1 Multifunction relay 1 is deactivated.

Multifunction relay 1 is activated.

E Multifunction relay 2 Multifunction relay 2 is deactivated.

Multifunction relay 2 is activated.

F Battery power and The battery is being charged.

state of charge*
The battery is being discharged.

Battery power in kW, state of charge (SOC) in %

G hh:mm:ss Time System time

Operating Manual SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 25

5 Operation of the Sunny Island Inverter with the Sunny Remote Control SMA Solar Technology AG

Position Symbol Designation Explanation

H Power and status of Power in kW
the utility grid*
The utility grid voltage and frequency are within the configured limits.

The maximum reverse power in the utility grid has been exceeded.
* If a PV production meter is installed, load power and PV production are additionally shown in kW on the left side of the display. Load
power is marked with L and PV production with P.

5.2.3 Information Page in Off-Grid Systems


--- ------- ! M1
E 0.0kW 1.1kW oo
D 67% xx:xx:xx
Figure 6: Energy flows and status of the Sunny Island inverter (example)

Position Designation
A Graphical Representation of the Energy Flows
B Status of the stand-alone grid
C Status of the Sunny Island Inverter
D State of charge of the battery
E Status of the generator

Graphical Representation of the Energy Flows


--- ------- ! M1
0.0kW 1.1kW oo
A *
67% xx:xx:xx
Figure 7: Energy flow diagram in standard mode (example)

Position Symbol Designation Explanation

A Battery Battery symbol
If this symbol is flashing, acknowledge the error or warning
B Direction of The battery is supplying the loads.
energy flow
The battery is being charged.
C Generator Generator symbol

26 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 5 Operation of the Sunny Island Inverter with the Sunny Remote Control

Position Symbol Designation Explanation

D Internal transfer relay The generator is disconnected from the stand-alone grid.

The stand-alone grid is synchronized with the generator. The genera-

tor is supplying the loads and charging the battery.
E Direction of Loads are being supplied.
energy flow
AC sources in the stand-alone grid are supplying more energy than is
being consumed by the stand-alone grid.
F Loads in the Symbol for loads in the stand-alone grid
Stand-alone grid

Status of the Sunny Island Inverter


--- ------- ! M1
0.0kW 1.1kW oo C
* E
67% xx:xx:xx F
Figure 8: Status of the Sunny Island inverter (example)

Position Symbol Designation Explanation

A Warning symbol Symbol for warnings and errors that do not affect the Sunny Island
If this symbol is flashing, acknowledge the error or warning (see Sec-
tion 10.3, page 47).
B Device assignment The Sunny Island connected to the Sunny Remote Control is the mas-
The Sunny Island connected to the Sunny Remote Control is slave 1.

The Sunny Island connected to the Sunny Remote Control is slave 2.

C SD Memory Card SD memory card is inserted.
Symbol The Sunny Island is accessing the SD memory card.
None SD memory card not inserted.
D Multifunction relay 1 Multifunction relay 1 is deactivated.

Multifunction relay 1 is activated.

Operating Manual SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 27

5 Operation of the Sunny Island Inverter with the Sunny Remote Control SMA Solar Technology AG

Position Symbol Designation Explanation

E Multifunction relay 2 Multifunction relay 2 is deactivated.

Multifunction relay 2 is activated.

G hh:mm:ss Time System time

Battery state of charge

--- ------- ! M1
0.0kW 1.1kW oo
67% xx:xx:xx
Figure 9: State of charge of the battery in standard mode (example)

Position Designation Explanation

A Battery Battery symbol
B State of charge State of charge of the battery in percent

28 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 5 Operation of the Sunny Island Inverter with the Sunny Remote Control

Status of the External Energy Source


--- ------- ! M1
B 0.0kW 1.1kW oo
A *
67% xx:xx:xx
Figure 10: Status of the external energy source in standard mode (example)

Position Symbol Designation Explanation

A Status of the generator Voltage and frequency of the generator are within the thresholds
The maximum reverse power in the generator has been exceeded.

Electricity generator was requested due to state of charge.
Generator was requested via time control.
Generator was requested by an extension cluster.
Electricity generator was requested due to load.
You have manually started the generator via Sunny Remote Con-
trol or a generator was requested via the DigIn input.
You have started the generator for one hour via Sunny Re-
mote Control.
B − Power of the generator Power in kW
or the utility grid
C Generator Generator symbol

D Internal transfer relay The generator is disconnected from the stand-alone grid.

The stand-alone grid is synchronized with the generator. The gener-

ator is supplying the loads and charging the battery.

5.3 User Mode

5.3.1 Pages in the User Mode
User mode displays all important information for the system sorted by category. User mode enables manual control of
the Sunny Island inverter or system devices, e.g., generator start.

Operating Manual SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 29

5 Operation of the Sunny Island Inverter with the Sunny Remote Control SMA Solar Technology AG

User mode distinguishes between display pages and setting pages. Display pages show the parameters of a category.
Setting pages enable the operation and setting of the system.

iInverter (1/1)
Tot.Power xx.x kW E
Timer Mode Disable
Figure 11: Layout of a page in user mode (example)

Position Designation Symbol or Explanation

A Page type Information
This symbol indicates display pages.
This symbol indicates setting pages.
B Category − Category name (see Section 13.1 "Directory of the Parameters
in User Mode", page 102)
C Page and − Page and number of pages of the selected category
number of pages
D Return symbol On display pages, this symbol means that setting pages are
available for this category.
On setting pages, this symbol points to the selected parameter.
no symbol No setting pages are available for this category.
E Parameter − Parameters with the current values

5.3.2 Displaying Parameters and Operating and Setting the System

1. Press the button to activate the display illumination of the Sunny Remote Control.
2. Turn the button to the right.
☑ The Sunny Remote Control switches from standard mode iInverter (1/1)Ã
to user mode. Tot.Power xx:x kW
Timer Mode Disable

3. To scroll through the display pages, turn the button to the right or left.
4. To select a setting page, scroll to the display page for the category of the desired setting (see Section 13.1
"Directory of the Parameters in User Mode", page 102).
Example: Selecting the Display Page.
You want to select the category Inverter.
• Select the Inverter (1/1) display page.

5. Press the button. The Sunny Remote Control displays the setting pages belonging to the display page.

30 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 5 Operation of the Sunny Island Inverter with the Sunny Remote Control

Example: Selecting the Setting Page

You have selected the display page Inverter (1/1).
• Press the button. iInverter (1/1)Ã
Tot.Power xx:x kW
Timer Mode Disable

• The setting page Inverter (1/2) appears. sInverter (1/2)

Restart --- Ã
Str.Date xx:xx.xxxx
Start Time xx:xx:xx

6. To select the desired parameter, turn the button to the right until the return symbol appears to the right of the
desired parameter.
☑ You have selected the parameter.
7. To set the parameter, press the button and then turn it to the left or right.
8. Once you have set the required parameter, press the button. This saves the setting.
Example: The Sunny Island is to start in time-controlled operation weekly. For this, the repetition
type (Repetition) must be set to (Weekly).
• Access the setting page Inverter (1/2). sInverter (1/2)
Restart --- Ã
Str.Date xx:xx.xxxx
Start Time xx:xx:xx
• Turn the button until the return symbol appears next to the parameter Repetition. The
Sunny Remote Control switches from setting page Inverter (1/2) to setting page Inverter (2/2).
• Press the button.
• Turn the button to the right until Weekly appears.
• Press the button. This saves the parameter.
• You have set the repetition type to Weekly in time- sInverter (2/2)
controlled inverter operation. Run Time xx.xx.xxxx
Repetition WeeklyÃ
Timed Start Disable

9. To exit the setting page, switch to the display page or the standard mode:
Useful hint: <back> and <home> also appear at the end of the list if the button is turned to the right.
• Turn the button to the left until the return symbol appears in the first line.
• To return to the display page, turn the button to the left until <back> appears.
• To switch to standard mode, turn the button to the left until <home> appears.
• Press the button.
<back> and <home> also appear at the end of the list if the button is turned to the right.

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5 Operation of the Sunny Island Inverter with the Sunny Remote Control SMA Solar Technology AG

5.4 Installer Mode and Expert Mode

5.4.1 Switching to Installer Mode or Expert Mode
The installer mode is protected with an installer password. The installer password changes constantly and must be
recalculated every time. Expert mode can be accessed only via installer mode.

System failures due to entry of incorrect parameter values

The system can become unstable and fail due to entry of incorrect parameter values. All parameters that could affect
the operational safety of the system are protected by the installer password.
• Only a qualified person is permitted to set and adjust system parameters.
• Give the installer password only to qualified persons and operators.

1. On the Sunny Remote Control, select the setting page Password (1/1) in user mode.
2. Calculate the checksum of the operating hours Runtime. This determines the installer password.
Example: Calculating the checksum
The operating hours Runtime are 1234 h. The checksum is the sum of all digits:
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10
The checksum is 10.

3. Select the parameter Set and set the installer password Installer
calculated. 100# Meters Ã
200# Settings
300# Diagnosis
☑ The Sunny Remote Control is in installer mode.
4. To switch to expert mode, select the parameter 700.01 ActLev and set to Expert (see Section 5.4.6, page 34).

5.4.2 Exiting Installer Mode or Expert Mode

If you do not press or turn the button on the Sunny Remote Control for five minutes, the Sunny Remote Control will
switch from installer or expert mode to standard mode automatically.
• Select the parameter 700.01 ActLev on the Sunny Remote Control and set to User (see Section 5.4.6, page 34

32 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 5 Operation of the Sunny Island Inverter with the Sunny Remote Control

5.4.3 Menus in Installer and Expert Mode

Meters Inverter
111# Total
C 112# Device
113# Slave 1 B

Figure 12: Layout of the menu page in installer mode (example)

Position Designation Explanation

A Menu path The two previously selected menu levels
If you are in the top menu level, the display will show Installer in installer mode and
Expert in expert mode.
B Return symbol Return symbol for selecting a menu
C Menu −

5.4.4 Parameter Page in Installer and Expert Mode

B Settings Inverter
A 210#01 <Set> C

InvVtgNom D

230.0 [V] E

Figure 13: Layout of the parameter page in installer mode (example)

Position Designation Explanation

A Menu number −
and parameter
B Menu path The two previously selected menu levels
C Return symbol Return symbol for setting the parameter
If no return symbol is displayed, the parameter cannot be set.
D Name of the −
E Value and unit −
of the parame-

5.4.5 Selecting Menus and Parameters

1. Switch to installer mode on the Sunny Remote Control (see Section 5.4.1, page 32).
2. Turn the button to the right until the return symbol appears to the right of the desired menu. The
Sunny Remote Control scrolls through the menu items on the display line by line.

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5 Operation of the Sunny Island Inverter with the Sunny Remote Control SMA Solar Technology AG

3. Press the button.

☑ The Sunny Remote Control displays the sub-menu level. The selected menu level is shown in the first line.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the Sunny Remote Control displays the first parameter page.
5. Turn the button to the right until the Sunny Remote Control displays the desired parameter.
6. Set the parameter (see Section 5.4.6, page 34).
7. To exit the parameter page, switch to the higher level or switch to standard mode:
Useful hint: <back> and <home> also appear at the end of the list if the button is turned to the right.
• Turn the button to the left until the return symbol appears in the first line.
• To switch to a higher menu level, turn the button to the left until <back> appears.
• To switch to standard mode, turn the button to the left until <home> appears.
• Press the button.
<back> and <home> also appear at the end of the list if the button is turned to the right.

5.4.6 Setting Parameters

1. Switch to installer mode on the Sunny Remote Control (see Section 5.4.1, page 32).
2. Select the desired parameter. You can set only the parameters Settings interter
for which < Set > is shown in the second line in the display. 210#01 (Set)
250.0 [V]
3. Press the button.
☑ The return symbol is flashing next to the value.
✖ Stop device to change the value appears in the display?
The parameter can be changed only in standby mode.
• Stop the system (see Section 4.3, page 20).
✖ No permission to change the value appears in the display?
You are not allowed to change the parameter in installer mode.
• If you want to change the parameters for the battery, select the menu New Battery in the QCG (see
Section 11.8 "Replacing the Battery", page 97).
• For all other settings, select the menu New System in the QCG (see the Sunny Island inverter
installation manual).
4. To set the parameter, turn the button to the left or right.
5. Press the button.
☑ The Sunny Remote Control requests confirmation of the set Settings interter
parameter. 210#01 (accept Y/N)
230.0 [V]
6. To confirm the value, turn the button to the right until Y is flashing and then press the button.
7. To discard the value, turn the button to the right until N is flashing and then press the button.

5.4.7 Directly Accessing the Parameters

Any parameter can be accessed directly by entering a five-digit number. The five-digit number is composed as follows:
• The first three digits are the menu number.
• The last two digits are the parameter number.

34 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 5 Operation of the Sunny Island Inverter with the Sunny Remote Control

Example: Five-digit number for direct parameter access.

The parameter 111.01 TotInvPwrAt allows you to display the complete active power of the Sunny Island inverters
in a cluster. The five-digit number for direct access is 11101.

1. Switch to installer mode on the Sunny Remote Control (see Section 5.4.1, page 32).
2. Select the parameter 600.02 Select Number and set the five-digit number.
☑ The parameter is displayed.
✖ The display shows Item not Found?
You are still in the installer mode or entered the wrong number.
• Switch to expert mode (see Section 5.4.1, page 32) or repeat the entry.

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6 Operation of the Sunny Island Inverter with a Communication Product SMA Solar Technology AG

6 Operation of the Sunny Island Inverter with a Communication

When operating a Sunny Island inverter with a communication product, observe the following differences compared
with operation via Sunny Remote Control:
• When the parameters and messages of the Sunny Island inverter are accessed via the communication product, the
defined access rights of the communication product apply (see user manual of the communication product).
• The inverter messages are displayed on the screen of the communication product as clear-text names (see
technical information "SUNNY ISLAND – Message of the same event for Speedwire (e. g. Sunny Explorer) and
RS485 / Sunny Remote Control").
The Sunny Remote Control displays the following message when the Sunny Island inverter is warning of high
operating temperatures: W212 BatTmpHiWarn.
The same warning message appears as clear text on the screen of the communication product:
Overtemperature fault in battery.

• The inverter parameters are displayed on the screen of the communication product as clear-text names (see
technical information "SUNNY ISLAND – Comparison of the same parameters for
Speedwire (e. g. Sunny Explorer) and RS485 / Sunny Remote Control").
Example: The information regarding the reason for the generator request sent by the Sunny Island is displayed
on the screen of the Sunny Remote Control as parameter number and parameter name: 133.01 GnDmdSrc.
The same information appears as clear text on the screen of the communication product: Reason for
requesting generator.

• A three-phase cluster is shown as a three-phase inverter on the screen of the communication product.
Function of the Sunny Island inverter in a three- Display on the communication product (exam-
phase cluster ple)
Master Line conductor 1
Slave 1 Line conductor 2
Slave 2 Line conductor 3

• The parameters at the Sunny Remote Control can be adjusted only one at a time. The communication product
allows associated parameters to be grouped. To edit the parameters, this group must be selected on the
communication product.
The battery states of charge for the battery protection mode are set via three parameters on the
Sunny Remote Control:
• 223.05 BatPro1Soc: State of charge for battery protection mode, level 1
• 223.06 BatPro2Soc: State of charge for battery protection mode, level 2
• 223.07 BatPro3Soc: State of charge for battery protection mode, level 3

On the communication product, all three battery states of charge can be set via the parameter Battery state of
charge for protection mode.

36 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 7 Data Storage and Firmware Update

7 Data Storage and Firmware Update

7.1 Data Storage on the Computer
With Sunny Explorer, you can save system yields and events as CSV files on your computer (see user manual of
Sunny Explorer). The CSV files can be opened in Microsoft Excel and the data can be used e.g. to create diagrams.

7.2 Data Storage on SD Memory Card

7.2.1 Insert the SD Memory Card
☐ The SD memory card must be formatted as FAT-16 or FAT-32.
☐ The SD memory card must be used exclusively as a data medium for the system.
• Insert the SD memory card, with the slanted corner facing
upwards, into the SD memory card slot in the SUN
Sunny Remote Control. TE CO

/ Ge
ry Ca Load


7.2.2 Loading and Saving Parameters

You can load and save the current parameter settings in two different parameter sets on the SD memory card. The
Sunny Remote Control calls the two parameter sets Set1 and Set2. Each parameter set saves all settings. This makes it
possible to test the settings of a new parameter set without having to delete the old parameter set.
Useful hint: As soon as you have adjusted the system to your requirements, save the parameter settings to the SD
memory card. After saving, you can make further adjustments to the system. If the adjustment does not lead to the
desired results, reload the saved parameter set.
☐ The SD memory card must be inserted.
1. Switch to installer mode on the Sunny Remote Control (see Section 5.4.1, page 32).
2. To save a parameter set, select the parameter 550.01 ParaSto and set the parameter:
Value Explanation
Set1 Save the settings in the first parameter set.
Set2 Save the settings in the second parameter set.

3. Proceed as follows to load a parameter set:

• Switch to expert mode on the Sunny Remote Control (see Section 5.4.1, page 32).
• Select the parameter 550.02 ParaLod and set the parameter:
Value Explanation
Set1 Save the settings in the first parameter set.

Operating Manual SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 37

7 Data Storage and Firmware Update SMA Solar Technology AG

Value Explanation
Set2 Save the settings in the second parameter set.
Factory Start the quick configuration guide.

7.2.3 Saving the Event History and Error History

☐ The SD memory card must be inserted.
1. Switch to installer mode on the Sunny Remote Control (see Section 5.4.1, page 32).
2. To save the event history, select the parameter 550.03 CardFunc and set to StoEvtHis.
3. To save the error history, select the parameter 550.03 CardFunc and set to StoFailHis.
4. To save the error history and the event history, select the parameter 550.03 CardFunc and set to StoHis.

7.2.4 Displaying the SD Memory Card Status Message

The Sunny Remote Control determines the SD memory card status (see Section "Inverter (310#)", page 149).
1. Switch to installer mode on the Sunny Remote Control (see Section 5.4.1, page 32).
2. Select the parameter 312.11 CardStt and read off the value.

7.2.5 Removing the SD Memory Card

If the SD memory card is removed without preparation, the removal will cause data loss. Data loss affects the log data
of the last 15 minutes at most.
1. Switch to installer mode on the Sunny Remote Control (see Section 5.4.1, page 32).
2. Select the parameter 550.03 CardFunc and set to ForcedWrite. Unsaved data will now be saved to the SD
memory card.
3. Remove the SD memory card.

7.2.6 Displaying the SD Memory Card Content

The files saved to the SD memory card depend on the configuration and on the system.

Figure 14: Content of an SD memory card (example)

38 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 7 Data Storage and Firmware Update

Explanation of the folders:

Folder name Explanation
BATSTAT Folder containing battery statistics for each month
The files are stored by year and month in sub-folders.
HISTORY Folder containing event and error histories
LOGGING Folder containing the data logging, event and error histories for each day
The files are stored by year and month in sub-folders.
SIPAR Folder containing the parameter lists

Explanation of the files within the folders:

File name Explanation
evthis.log Event history
errhis.log Error history
si010112.evt Event and error histories for one day
The date (ddmmyy) is part of the file name.
si010112.log Data logging for the day
The date (ddmmyy) is part of the file name.
sipar.lst Current parameter set
sipar1.lst Parameter set 1
sipar2.lst Parameter set 2
update.bin Sunny Island inverter firmware
batstat.txt Statistical values of the battery
These values are saved every night at 10:00 p.m.
batstat.sma Statistical values of the battery for evaluation by SMA Solar Technology AG
sim.ccf System information of the Sunny Island inverter
bootex.log File generated by the operating system of the computer
This file is not generated by every operating system.

Structure of the files:

The files are CSV files, which means that the data is saved as ASCII text. The files are structured as follows:
• The first lines in the file are used for information. Information lines start and end with the character #.
• The data in the following lines is separated by semicolons.
• Decimal places are separated by periods.
• The date format is dd.mm.yyyy.
• The time format is hh:mm:ss.
• Some of the parameter values are saved with plain text numbers (see Section 13.2 "Directory of the Parameters in
Installer Mode and Expert Mode", page 108).

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7 Data Storage and Firmware Update SMA Solar Technology AG

☐ A computer with spreadsheet software installed must be available.
☐ The spreadsheet software must be able to read CSV files.
1. Insert the SD memory card into the card reader and display the content.
2. Start the spreadsheet software and import the required file. When importing, set the import filter in accordance
with the file structure (see spreadsheet software manual).

7.3 Firmware Update

7.3.1 Display of the Firmware Version
The current firmware version of the Sunny Island and the SMA Speedwire data module Sunny Island can be
downloaded as a software package at www.SMA-Solar.com. The software package contains the following
components that are displayed differently on the screen of the Sunny Remote Control and communication product.
Hardware component Display of the firmware compo- Display of the firmware compo-
nents on the Sunny Remote Con- nents on the communication
trol product (e.g. Sunny Explorer)
Sunny Island Master (Operation Control Unit) Main processor
Digital signal processor Logic component
SMA Speedwire data module for – Protocol converter
Sunny Island

The version number of the software package is based on the first two digits of the version number of the operation
control unit.

The version number of the operation control unit is, for example, 3.113. The first two digits are therefore 3 and 1.
The version number of the software package is as follows: 03.01.00.R

7.3.2 Updating the Firmware Using an SD Memory Card

Automatic Sunny Island inverter start
If the Sunny Island was in operation before the firmware update, the Sunny Island restarts automatically upon
completion of the firmware update.
☐ The SD memory card must be formatted as FAT-16 or FAT-32.
☐ SD memory card with the current firmware in the main directory must be available.
☐ The SD memory card must be used exclusively as a data medium for the system.
☐ A computer must be able to read from and write to the SD memory card.
☐ The Sunny Remote Control must be connected to the master.

40 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 7 Data Storage and Firmware Update

1. Insert the SD memory card into the SD memory card slot (see Section 7.2.1, page 37).
2. Wait until the message UPDATE AVAILABLE appears. This can take up to two minutes.
3. Confirm the question UPDATE AVAILABLE Start update now ? with YES.
☑ The Sunny Island switches to standby and updates the firmware.

7.3.3 Updating the Firmware Using Sunny Explorer

Automatic Sunny Island inverter start
If the Sunny Island was in operation before the firmware update, the Sunny Island restarts automatically upon
completion of the firmware update.
Using Sunny Explorer, transfer the firmware update to the SMA Speedwire data module Sunny Island. Then, the SMA
Speedwire data module Sunny Island automatically transfers the firmware update to the SD memory card in the
Sunny Remote Control. This transfer takes some time.
☐ The SMA Speedwire data module Sunny Island of the type SWDMSI-NR10 with firmware version 1.01.06.R or
higher must be installed in the system.
☐ A computer with Sunny Explorer and the current firmware must be available.
☐ The Sunny Remote Control must be connected to the master.
1. Ensure that a writable SD memory card is inserted in the Sunny Remote Control and remains inserted throughout
the entire update.
2. Switch to installer mode on the Sunny Remote Control (see Section 5.4.1, page 32).
3. Set the parameter 250.32 UpdMode to Auto.
4. Set the parameter 250.33 UpdAutoTime to the desired firmware update time.
5. Transfer the firmware update from the computer to the Sunny Island using Sunny Explorer (see the Sunny Explorer
user manual).
6. Once the transfer is complete, close Sunny Explorer.
☑ Once the transfer to the SD memory card is complete, the Sunny Island updates automatically at the specified
time. The Sunny Island switches to standby mode and updates the firmware.

7.3.4 Performing a Remote Update Using the Sunny Home Manager

Automatic Sunny Island inverter start
If the Sunny Island was in operation before the firmware update, the Sunny Island restarts automatically upon
completion of the firmware update.
The Sunny Home Manager can automatically make the current firmware available via Sunny Portal. For this, the
Sunny Home Manager first transfers the firmware update to the SMA Speedwire data module Sunny Island. Then, the
SMA Speedwire data module Sunny Island automatically transfers the firmware update to the SD memory card in the
Sunny Remote Control. This transfer takes some time.
☐ The Sunny Island must be registered in Sunny Portal.
☐ The SMA Speedwire data module Sunny Island of the type SWDMSI-NR10 must be installed in the system.
☐ The Sunny Home Manager must be integrated in the system.
☐ The Sunny Remote Control must be connected to the master.

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7 Data Storage and Firmware Update SMA Solar Technology AG

1. Ensure that a writable SD memory card is inserted in the Sunny Remote Control and remains inserted.
2. Switch to installer mode on the Sunny Remote Control (see Section 5.4.1, page 32).
3. Set the parameter 250.32 UpdMode to Auto.
4. Set the parameter 250.33 UpdAutoTime to the desired firmware update time.
5. Activate the automatic software update in the Sunny Home Manager (see user manual of the
Sunny Home Manager).
☑ Once the transfer to the SD memory card is complete, the Sunny Island updates automatically at the specified
time. The Sunny Island switches to standby mode and updates the firmware.

42 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 8 Manually Controlling the Generator

8 Manually Controlling the Generator

8.1 Starting the Generator with Sunny Remote Control
☐ The Sunny Island must be able to control the generator via a control cable.
☐ The Sunny Remote Control must be in standard mode or user mode.
1. Select the Generator display page on the Sunny Remote Control and press the button (see Section 5.3.2
"Displaying Parameters and Operating and Setting the System", page 30).
2. To start the generator and run it permanently, select the parameter Mode and set to Start.
☑ The electricity generator starts and runs until you stop it again.
3. To start the generator and run it for one hour, select the parameter Mode and set to Run1h.
☑ The generator starts. If there is no generator request after one hour, the Sunny Island stops the generator.

8.2 Stopping the Generator with Sunny Remote Control

Risk of crushing injuries due to moving PV array parts

Moving parts in the PV array can crush or sever body parts. A generator can be started automatically by the
Sunny Island.
• Operate the generator only with the safety equipment.
• Carry out work on the generator in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications.

☐ The Sunny Island must be able to control the generator via a control cable.
☐ The Sunny Remote Control must be in standard mode or user mode.
1. Select the Generator display page on the Sunny Remote Control and press the button (see Section 5.3.2
"Displaying Parameters and Operating and Setting the System", page 30).
2. Select the parameter Mode and set to Stop.
☑ The generator is stopped temporarily. The generator restarts when a generator request is issued in automatic
generator mode and the minimum stop time has elapsed.
3. To stop the generator permanently, deactivate the automatic generator mode:
• Switch to installer mode on the Sunny Remote Control (see Section 5.4.1, page 32).
• Select the parameter 235.01 GnAutoEna and set to Disable.
☑ The generator is permanently stopped.

8.3 Starting the Generator without Autostart Function

1. Start the generator (see manufacturer's manual).
2. Close the load-break switch between the generator and Sunny Island.
☑ After the warm-up period, the Sunny Island connects the stand-alone grid to the generator.

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8 Manually Controlling the Generator SMA Solar Technology AG

8.4 Stopping the Generator without Autostart Function

1. Stop the generator on the Sunny Remote Control (see Section 8.2, page 43). When you do this, the Sunny Island
disconnects the stand-alone grid from the generator.
2. Open the load-break switch between the generator and the Sunny Island.
3. Stop the generator (see manufacturer's manual).
☑ The generator is stopped. After the power-down time and the minimum stop time, you can use the generator

44 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 9 Disconnecting the Sunny Island from Voltage Sources

9 Disconnecting the Sunny Island from Voltage Sources

1. Stop the system (see Section 4.3, page 20).

2. Switch off the Sunny Island (see Section 4.4, page 21).
3. Disconnect the circuit breakers and the load-break switches in the sub-distributions and secure against
4. Open the load-break switch in the DC cable and secure against reconnection.
Destruction of the Sunny Island inverter due to electrostatic discharge (ESD)
By touching electronic components within the Sunny Island, you can damage or destroy the Sunny Island.
• Ground yourself before touching any component.
6. Loosen all screws of the enclosure lid and remove the enclosure lid.
7. Ensure that the DC connection is disconnected from voltage sources.
8. Ensure that the connections AC1 Loads/SunnyBoys,
AC2 Gen/Grid, and ExtVtg (position A) are disconnected
from voltage sources.

9. Ensure that the connections Relay1 and Relay2 (position A)

are disconnected from voltage sources.

10. Ground and short-circuit the AC power cables outside the Sunny Island.
11. Cover or isolate any adjacent live components.

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10 Troubleshooting SMA Solar Technology AG

10 Troubleshooting
10.1 Display of Errors
10.1.1 Display of Errors on the Sunny Remote Control
Display of Errors, Warnings, and Events
Pending warnings and errors are shown automatically on the display of the Sunny Remote Control until the cause of
the warning or error is no longer logged by the Sunny Island or has been acknowledged. Events are logged by the
Sunny Island. The following menus log warnings, errors and events:
• 410# Error active - display of currently pending warnings and errors
• 420# Error history - warning and error history
• 430# Event history - events history
• In systems for increased self-consumption and battery backup systems: 440# Error Grid - history of the last five
utility grid errors

Structure of Display Numbers

Each error and each event has a unique three-digit display number that is determined based on the parameter or
measurement value assignment. Events and errors use the same number range:
• 1xx - Sunny Island
• 2xx - Battery
• 3xx - Generator or utility grid
• 4xx - Generator
• 5xx - Utility grid
• 6xx - Relay
• 7xx - System
• 8xx - External devices and components
• 9xx - General
Meaning of abbreviations
F indicates an error, W a warning, and E an event.
In the event of an error, the display shows whether the error has come or gone using ! for "Set" and C for "Clear".

10.1.2 Display of Errors on the Communication Product (Example)

Most warnings, errors and events of the Sunny Island inverter can be called up and set on the communication product
(e.g. Sunny Explorer or Sunny Portal). Links to additional information can be found at www.SMA‑Solar.com.
Document title and content Document type
Call up and set the parameters in Sunny Portal
Call up and set the parameters in Sunny Portal
SUNNY ISLAND – Comparison of the same parameters for Speedwire (e.g. Sun- Technical Information
ny Explorer) and RS485 (e.g. Sunny Remote Control)

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SMA Solar Technology AG 10 Troubleshooting

10.2 Sunny Island Inverter Behavior Under Fault Conditions

Error Levels
The Sunny Island distinguishes between five different levels of errors, each requiring different user interaction.
Level Designation Display on the Explanation
Sunny Re-
mote Control
1 Warning Warning Warning; the Sunny Island continues to run. Information in standard
mode indicating that a warning has been generated.
2 Malfunction 1 Malfunction Malfunction that is detectable only during operation. The Sunny Island
shuts down. Restart can be initiated immediately (e.g. via autostart).
3 Malfunction 2 Malfunction Malfunction that is also detectable in standby mode. The Sunny Island
shuts down. Restart is blocked until the malfunction is no longer de-
tected by the Sunny Island.
4 Failure Failure Device failure; the Sunny Island switches off. Troubleshooting, acknowl-
edgment of the error and manual restart necessary.
5 Device defect Defect The Sunny Island is defective and switches itself off. The Sunny Island
must be replaced.

Handling of Pending Errors upon Activation

During the activation procedure, all pending errors are acknowledged without the error being logged in the list 420#
Error history. Errors that are still pending are entered again after activation. Errors that were detected by the
Sunny Island before activation and are no longer detected after activation are shown in the list 420# Error history.

The autostart function allows automatic restarts in the event of malfunctions. If the autostart function fails in the event of
a malfunction, the Sunny Island attempts to carry out the next autostart immediately. The number of autostarts is
restricted. If the Sunny Island is in operation without malfunctions for ten minutes, it resets the autostart counter.
When the maximum number of autostarts has been reached, the Sunny Island reacts as follows:
• The Sunny Island waits ten minutes.
• The autostart counter is reset.
• The Sunny Island attempts to perform an autostart.
• When the maximum number of autostarts has been reached, the Sunny Island waits again for ten minutes.

10.3 Acknowledge Errors

If a malfunction or failure occurs, the Sunny Island switches to standby mode. Once you have eliminated the cause of
the error, you can enable a restart of the Sunny Island inverter by acknowledging the error.
1. Eliminate the cause.
2. Press the button on the Sunny Remote Control. This acknowledges the error.
3. Start the system (see Section 4.2, page 20).

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10 Troubleshooting SMA Solar Technology AG

10.4 Logged Events

10.4.1 Sunny Island Category (1xx)
No. Name Description
E101 Standby Waiting mode
E102 Startup Startup process
E103 Run Operation
E104 RunExtGn Operation with a generator
E105 RunExtGd Operation with the utility grid
E106 RunGdFeed Feed-in grid operation
E108 Silent Energy-saving mode
E110 ErrShutdown Shutdown due to error
E115 EmgCharge Emergency charging
E118 AutoStart Automatic start
E119 ManStart Manual start
E120 ManStop Manual stop
E121 PwrSaveStart Start of energy-saving mode
E122 PwrSaveStop End of energy-saving mode
E129 Ext.Start External start
E130 Ext.Stop External stop
E133 SlfCsmpStart Start of increased self-consumption
E134 SlfCsmpStop Stop of increased self-consumption
E135 SlfCsmpChrgOnly The battery is charged only when increased self-consumption is active.
E136 SLfCsmpBatMnt Full or equalization charge with active increased self-consumption
E137 SlfCsmpNormal Switch back to increased self-consumption after completion of full or equalization
E138 InvShutdown The Sunny Island shuts down.
E140 FedInOn Setpoint activated
E141 FedInOff Setpoint deactivated

10.4.2 Battery Category (2xx)

No. Name Description
E202 BmsNewBat (Partial) reset of battery management due to new battery
E203 BmsFloat Battery charge algorithm switches to float charge

48 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 10 Troubleshooting

No. Name Description

E204 BmsBoost Battery charge algorithm switches to boost charge
E205 BmsFull Battery charge algorithm switches to full charge
E206 BmsSilent Switches to energy-saving mode
E207 BmsEqual Status change to equalization charge of the battery
E224 BMS20PReCal 20% recalibration being performed.

10.4.3 Generator Category (4xx)

No. Name Description
E401 GnAutoStart Automatic generator start (e.g., via state-of-charge-dependent generator request)
E402 GnAutoStop Automatic generator stop
E403 GnManStart Manual generator start
E404 GnManStop Manual generator stop
E405 GnManAck Manual error acknowledgment of generator error
E406 GnDmdSrc Generator request
E407 GnCurCtlStr Current-controlled generator operation started
E408 GnCurCtlStp Current-controlled generator operation stopped

10.4.4 Utility Grid Category (5xx)

No. Name Description
E501 GdSocOn Grid request due to low battery state of charge
E502 GdSocOff Grid release due to adequate battery state of charge
E503 GdPwrOn Grid request due to power limit being exceeded
E504 GdPwrOff Grid approval due to falling below the power limit
E505 GdManOn Manual grid request
E506 GdManOff Manual grid release

10.4.5 Relay Category (6xx)

No. Name Description
E601 Rly1Off Multifunction relay 1 is deactivated.
E602 Rly1On Multifunction relay 1 is activated.
E603 Rly1Slv1Off Multifunction relay 1 of slave 1 is deactivated.
E604 Rly1Slv1On Multifunction relay 1 of slave 1 is activated.
E605 Rly1Slv2Off Multifunction relay 1 of slave 2 is deactivated.

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10 Troubleshooting SMA Solar Technology AG

No. Name Description

E606 Rly1Slv2On Multifunction relay 1 of slave 2 is activated.
E609 TransferOff Internal transfer relay is open.
E610 TransferOn Internal transfer relay is closed.
E611 TransferSlv1Off Internal transfer relay of slave 1 is open.
E612 TransferSlv1On Internal transfer relay of slave 1 is closed.
E613 TransferSlv2Off Internal transfer relay of slave 2 is open.
E614 TransferSlv2On Internal transfer relay of slave 2 is closed.
E617 Rly2Off Multifunction relay 2 is deactivated.
E618 Rly2On Multifunction relay 2 is activated.
E619 Rly2Slv1Off Multifunction relay 2 of slave 1 is deactivated.
E620 Rly2Slv1On Multifunction relay 2 of slave 1 is activated.
E621 Rly2Slv2Off Multifunction relay 2 of slave 2 is deactivated.
E622 Rly2Slv2On Multifunction relay 2 of slave 2 is activated.
E625 DigInOff No voltage at input DigIn (Low).
E626 DigInOn Voltage at input DigIn (High).

10.4.6 System Category (7xx)

No. Name Description
E705 PwrOn Device start
E706 DateSet Date or time has been changed.
E707 NewSys New system configured in the QCG.
E708 Fw1Update Part 1 of the firmware updated.
E709 Fw2Update Part 2 of the firmware updated.
E710 ClstUpdate Cluster firmware updated.
E711 CardInsert SD memory card is inserted.
E712 ParaUpdate Parameter set has been loaded from SD memory card.
E715 SRCOn Sunny Remote Control is activated.
E716 PvDiscon Disconnection of inverters whose power is not controllable depending on the frequency
E718 NoComMod1 Communication interface 1 is incorrectly plugged or missing.
E719 NoComMod2 Communication interface 2 is incorrectly plugged or missing.

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SMA Solar Technology AG 10 Troubleshooting

10.4.7 External Device and Component Category (8xx)

No. Name Description
E824 UpdFileComplete File for firmware update transferred.
E825 UpdFileCrcOK File for firmware update is OK.
E827 UpdFileCrcNOK File for firmware update is damaged.
E851 Sic1Detect Sunny Island Charger 1 has been detected.
E852 Sic2Detect Sunny Island Charger 2 has been detected.
E853 Sic3Detect Sunny Island Charger 3 has been detected.
E854 Sic4Detect Sunny Island Charger 4 has been detected.

10.4.8 Category External Events (9xx)

No. Name Description
E901 BMSStrSOCRecal SOC recalibration started
E902 BMSStpSOCRecal SOC recalibration stopped
E903 BMSStrPwrLim Active power limitation started (derating)
E904 BMSStpPwrLim Active power limitation stopped (derating)
E905 BMSPrevShutdown Preventive battery shutdown
E906 XE06 Message of the external battery management (see battery manufacturer's documenta-
E907 XE07 Message of the external battery management (see battery manufacturer's documenta-
E908 XE08 Message of the external battery management (see battery manufacturer's documenta-

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10 Troubleshooting SMA Solar Technology AG

10.5 Logged Warning Messages and Error Messages

10.5.1 Sunny Island Category (1xx)
No. Name Level Cause Corrective measures
F 109 InvTmpHi 3 Overtemperature in the • Ensure that the Sunny Island is
transformer of the device at functional. For this, disconnect all
L1: Temperature of the trans- AC sources and loads from the
former in the master is too high Sunny Island and restart the
due to overload or ambient tem- Sunny Island.
perature. • Reduce the total power of the
W 110 InvTmpHiSlv1 1 Overtemperature in the loads, e.g. by staggering their use
transformer of the device at over time.
L2: Temperature of the trans-
former in the slave 1 is too high
• Clean the fans (see Section 11.7,
due to overload or ambient tem-
page 95).
W 111 InvTmpHiSlv2 1 Overtemperature in the
transformer of the device at
L3: Temperature of the trans-
former in slave 2 is too high due
to overload or ambient tempera-
F 113 InvTmpHi 3 Overtemperature in the in- • Ensure that the Sunny Island is
verter bridge of the device functional. For this, disconnect all
at L1: Temperature of the heat AC sources and loads from the
sink in the master is too high due Sunny Island and restart the
to overload or ambient tempera- Sunny Island.
ture. • Reduce the total power of the
W 114 InvTmpHiSlv1 1 Overtemperature in the in- loads, e.g. by staggering their use
verter bridge of the device over time.
at L2: Temperature of the heat
sink in slave 1 is too high due to
overload or ambient tempera-
W 115 InvTmpHiSlv2 1 Overtemperature in the in-
verter bridge of the device
at L3: Temperature of the heat
sink in slave 2 is too high due to
overload or ambient tempera-

52 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 10 Troubleshooting

No. Name Level Cause Corrective measures

F 117 AcCurLim 2 AC current limitation Line
conductor L1: The power of
the loads is too high for the mas- • Ensure that the Sunny Island is
ter. functional. For this, clean the fans
and restart the Sunny Island (see
W 118 AcCurLimSlv1 1 AC current limitation Line Section 11.7, page 95).
conductor L2: The power of • Ensure that there are no short
the loads is too high for slave 1. circuits in the system and that the
power of the loads is not greater
than the power of the Sunny Island
• Use a star delta electronic circuit to
W 119 AcCurLimSlv2 1 AC current limitation Line start three-phase loads with a high
conductor L3: The power of start-up electricity demand (e.g.,
the loads is too high for slave 2. engines).
• Connect the loads with very high
power directly to the generator
whenever possible. Ensure that the
generator is not overloaded.
F 121 InvVtgHi 3 Inverter overvoltage Line
conductor L1: An overvoltage
has occurred at connection • Ensure that the Sunny Island is
AC1 of the master. functional. For this, disconnect all
AC sources and loads from the
W 122 InvVtgHiSlv1 1 Inverter overvoltage Line Sunny Island and restart the
conductor L2: An overvoltage Sunny Island.
has occurred at connection • Find the cause of the overvoltage
AC1 of slave 1. through measurement and step-by-
W 123 InvVtgHiSlv2 1 Inverter overvoltage Line step connection of the AC sources
and loads.
conductor L3: An overvoltage
has occurred at connection
AC1 of slave 2.
F 129 InvFrqHi 3 Inverter overfrequency Line
conductor L1: An overfre-
quency has occurred at connec- • Ensure that the Sunny Island is
tion AC1 of the master. functional. For this, disconnect all
AC sources and loads from the
W 130 InvFrqHiSlv1 1 Inverter overfrequency Line Sunny Island and restart the
conductor L2: An overfre- Sunny Island.
quency has occurred at connec- • Find the cause of the overfrequency
tion AC1 of slave 1. through measurement and step-by-
W 131 InvFrqHiSlv2 1 Inverter overfrequency Line step connection of the AC sources
and loads.
conductor L3: An overfre-
quency has occurred at connec-
tion AC1 of slave 2.

Operating Manual SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 53

10 Troubleshooting SMA Solar Technology AG

No. Name Level Cause Corrective measures

F 133 InvFrqLo 3 Inverter underfrequency Line
conductor L1: An underfre-
quency has occurred at connec- • Ensure that the Sunny Island is
tion AC1 of the master. functional. For this, disconnect all
AC sources and loads from the
W 134 InvFrqLoSlv1 1 Inverter underfrequency Line Sunny Island and restart the
conductor L2: An underfre- Sunny Island.
quency has occurred at connec- • Find the cause of the
tion AC1 of slave 1. underfrequency through
W 135 InvFrqLoSlv2 1 Inverter underfrequency Line measurement and step-by-step
connection of the AC sources and
conductor L3: An underfre-
quency has occurred at connec-
tion AC1 of slave 2.
W 137 Derate 1 Derating due to tempera- • Reduce the total power of the
ture L1: The master has re- loads, e.g. by staggering their use
duced the battery charging cur- over time.
rent due to overtemperature in
the Sunny Island.
• Clean the fans (see Section 11.7,
W 138 DerateSlv1 1 Derating due to tempera- page 95).
ture L2: slave 1 has reduced
• If the Sunny Island frequently
the battery charging current due
reduces its power, increase power
to overtemperature in the Sun-
by replacing the Sunny Island with
ny Island.
a higher-powered version or by
W 139 DerateSlv2 1 Derating due to tempera- installing additional Sunny Island
ture L3: slave 2 has reduced inverters.
the battery charging current due
to overtemperature in the Sun-
ny Island.
F 141 InvVtgLo 2 Inverter undervoltage Line
conductor L1: The voltage at
connection AC1 of the master is • Ensure that the Sunny Island is
too low due to AC sources in functional. For this, disconnect all
the system. AC sources and loads from the
Sunny Island and restart the
W 142 InvVtgLoSlv1 1 Inverter undervoltage Line Sunny Island.
conductor L2: The voltage at • Find the cause of the undervoltage
connection AC1 of slave 1 is through measurement and step-by-
too low due to AC sources in step connection of the AC sources
the system. and loads.
W 143 InvVtgLoSlv2 1 Inverter undervoltage Line
conductor L3: The voltage at
connection AC1 of slave 2 is
too low due to AC sources in
the system.

54 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 10 Troubleshooting

No. Name Level Cause Corrective measures

F 158 VtgOnAC1Det 2 Voltage at AC connection A bypass switch may have bridged the
Line conductor L1: The master internal transfer relay.
has measured an undesired volt- • Ensure that the bypass switch is in
age at connection AC1. the position for operation with the
W 159 VtgOnAC1DetSlv1 1 Voltage at AC connection Sunny Island.
Line conductor L2: slave 1 has
measured an undesired voltage
• Ensure that the bypass switch is in
at connection AC1.
the position for operation with the
Sunny Island.
An external energy source (e.g., genera-
tor) may have been connected to the
W 160 VtgOnAC1DetSlv2 1 Voltage at AC connection connection AC1.
Line conductor L3: slave 2 has
measured an undesired voltage
• Disconnect external energy source
at connection AC1.
from connection AC1 and connect
to connection AC2 (see the
Sunny Island inverter installation
F 162 OvrCurDet 2 Too much current is flowing • Reduce the power of the loads.
through the DC connection of
the master.
W 163 OvrCurDetSlv1 1 Too much current is flowing
through the DC connection of
slave 1.
W 164 OvrCurDetSlv2 1 Too much current is flowing
through the DC connection of
slave 2.
F 166 Overload5min 3 The device at L1 (Master) has • Reduce the power of the loads.
been loaded over its five-minute
rated capacity.
W 167 Overload5minSlv1 1 The device at L2 (slave 1) has
been loaded over its five-minute
rated capacity.
W 168 Overload5minSlv2 1 The device at L3 (slave 2) has
been loaded over its five-minute
rated capacity.

Operating Manual SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 55

10 Troubleshooting SMA Solar Technology AG

No. Name Level Cause Corrective measures

F 169 Overload30min 3 The device at L1 (Master) has • Reduce the power of the loads.
been loaded over its 30-minute
rated capacity.
W 170 Overload30minSlv1 1 The device at L2 (slave 1) has
been loaded over its 30-minute
rated capacity.
W 171 Overload30minSlv2 1 The device at L3 (slave 2) has
been loaded over its 30-minute
rated capacity.
F 172 Overload 3 The device at L1 (Master) has • Reduce the power of the loads.
been loaded over its rated short-
term capacity.
W 173 OverloadSlv1 1 The device at L2 (slave 1) has
been loaded over its rated short-
term capacity.
W 174 OverloadSlv2 1 The device at L3 (slave 2) has
been loaded over its rated short-
term capacity.
F 175 StopSlvError 1 slave is in Fault mode. The clus- • Contact the Service (see Section 16
ter is stopped. "Contact", page 161).
F 176 CurTrfSns 4 The current sensor is not con-
nected, not available or defec-
W 177 SlfCsmpBatRes 1 The deep discharge protection
area BatResSoc has been
reached. A fuse may have tripped at the grid-con-
nection point.
W 178 SlfCsmpProRes 1 The deep discharge protection • Activate the fuse.
area prior to disconnection
ProResSOC has been reached. • Replace the fuse if necessary.
The utility grid may not work within the
set system limits.
• Check whether the grid parameters
is still within the set system limits.
• Contact the grid operator if

56 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 10 Troubleshooting

No. Name Level Cause Corrective measures

F 179 RetryConFail 4 The pre-fuse F104.1 in the Mul-
ticluster-Box is open. The master
in the main cluster detects a sup- • Reactivate the pre-fuse.
ply voltage at ExtVtg and tries • Check the voltage supply at
to switch to line conductor L1 in terminal AC2 of the master in the
the multicluster system. At line main cluster.
conductor L1 an anti-islanding
error occurs due to the open
W 180 RetryConFailS1 4 The pre-fuse F104.2 in the Mul-
ticluster-Box is open. The master
in the main cluster detects a sup-
ply voltage at ExtVtg and tries
to switch to Phase L2 in the mul-
ticluster system. At line conduc-
tor L2 an anti-islanding error oc-
curs due to the open pre-fuse.
W 181 RetryConFailS2 4 The pre-fuse F104.3 in the Mul-
ticluster-Box is open. The master
in the main cluster detects a sup-
ply voltage at ExtVtg and tries
to switch to line conductor L3 in
the multicluster system. At line
conductor L3 an anti-islanding
error occurs due to the open

10.5.2 Battery Category (2xx)

No. Name Level Cause Corrective measures
F 201 VBATMAX 2 Measuring range of battery • Check whether the value of the
voltage exceeded in device parameter 120.02 BatVtg is
at L1: Battery voltage at the above 65.0 V. If the value is above
master is above the permissible 65.0 V, check the settings of the DC
measurement range. sources and ensure that the battery
capacity is sufficient. When doing
W 202 VBATMAXSL1 1 Measuring range of battery so, bear in mind the technical data
voltage exceeded in device for the battery at the DC connection
at L2: Battery voltage at slave 1 (see the Sunny Island inverter
is above the permissible mea- installation manual).
surement range.
W 203 VBATMAXSL2 1 Measuring range of battery
voltage exceeded in device • Ensure that the DC sources are
at L3: Battery voltage at slave 2 correctly connected and
is above the permissible mea- configured.
surement range.

Operating Manual SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 57

10 Troubleshooting SMA Solar Technology AG

No. Name Level Cause Corrective measures

F 206 BatTmpHi 3 Overtemperature fault in • Wait for the battery to cool down.
battery: The battery tempera- Useful hint: Protect the battery
ture is too high. against temperatures above 25°C.
This helps prevent premature aging
of the battery.

• Check whether the electrical

resistance of the battery
temperature sensor is approx.
2000 Ω at 20°C to 25°C. If the
resistance deviates strongly from
this value, replace the sensor.
F 208 BatVtgHi 3 Measuring range of battery
voltage exceeded in device
at L2: Battery voltage is higher • Ensure that all DC sources are
than the target charge voltage. correctly configured.
• Ensure that all SMA inverters are
W 209 BatVtgWrnHi 1 The battery voltage is too high configured to the country data set
and has not been generated by for stand-alone grid operation.
the device.
W 210 BatVtgHiWarn 1 Battery overvoltage: Battery
voltage is temporarily too high.
W 211 BatTmpLoWarn 1 Undertemperature fault in • Ensure that the battery room is
battery: The battery tempera- sufficiently warm.
ture is too low.
W 212 BatTmpHiWarn 1 Overtemperature fault in • Wait for the battery to cool down.
battery: The battery tempera- Useful hint: Protect the battery
ture is too high. against temperatures above 25°C.
This helps prevent premature aging
of the battery.
F 213 BatVtgLow 3 Battery undervoltage: Battery
voltage is too low.
• Charge the battery in emergency
charge operation or using an
external battery charger (see
Section 10.7 "Charging the Battery
After Automatic Shutdown in Off-
Grid Systems (Emergency Charge
Mode)", page 89).
• Ensure that DC loads are shed via a
load-shedding contactor when the
battery state of charge is low.
W 220 BatSOH70Warn 1 Current battery capacity (SOH)
is below 70%.
• Verify the plausibility of the error
message and replace the battery if

58 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 10 Troubleshooting

No. Name Level Cause Corrective measures

F 221 InvalidBatType 4 External battery management
detected but not configured.
• Start QCG and configure a new
system with external energy
management (e.g., system with
lithium-ion battery).
W 222 CheckBat 1 A 20% recalibration of the bat- • Check the battery.
tery state of charge has been
performed with a jump of more
than 10%.

10.5.3 Generator or Utility Grid Category (3xx)

No. Name Level Cause Corrective measures
W 309 RlyProtect 1 Excessive current has been • Reduce the total power of the
applied to the transfer relay loads, e.g. by staggering their use
of the device at L1: Excessive over time.
current has been applied to the
internal transfer relay of the
master. • Connect the loads with very high
power directly to the generator
W 310 RlyProtectSlv1 1 Excessive current has been whenever possible or connect the
applied to the transfer relay utility grid. Ensure that the generator
of the device at L2: Excessive is not overloaded.
current has been applied to the
• In off-grid systems, ensure that the
internal transfer relay of slave 1.
country data sets of the SMA
W 311 RlyProtectSlv2 1 Excessive current has been inverters are set to stand-alone grid
applied to the transfer relay operation (see the installation
of the device at L3: Excessive manuals of the SMA inverters).
current has been applied to the
internal transfer relay of slave 2.
F 314 ExtVtgLoss 2 External voltage failure: The Corrective measures for a genera-
voltage and/or frequency of the tor:
generator or the utility grid are
outside of the configured range.
• Adjust the thresholds for generator
frequency and/or voltage on the
Sunny Island (see the Sunny Island
inverter installation manual).
Observe and analyze the measured
values 134.02 ExtVtg and
134.04 ExtFrq during operation.
• Adjust the generator voltage and/
or generator frequency.
Corrective measures in battery
backup systems:
• Contact the Service, if required (see
Section 16 "Contact", page 161).

Operating Manual SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 59

10 Troubleshooting SMA Solar Technology AG

No. Name Level Cause Corrective measures

W 315 ExtVtgLo 1 Disconnection from the ex- Corrective measures for a genera-
ternal grid due to undervolt- tor:
age at line conductor L1: The
voltage of the generator or the
utility grid at the master is too • Adjust the thresholds for generator
low. voltage on the Sunny Island (see
the Sunny Island inverter installation
W 316 ExtVtgLoSlv1 1 Disconnection from the ex- manual). Observe and analyze the
ternal grid due to undervolt- measured values 134.02 ExtVtg
age at line conductor L2: The during operation.
voltage of the generator or the
utility grid at slave 1 is too low. • Adjust the generator voltage and/
or generator frequency.
W 317 ExtVtgLoSlv2 1 Disconnection from the ex- Corrective measures in battery
ternal grid due to undervolt- backup systems:
age at line conductor L3: The
• Contact the Service, if required (see
voltage of the generator or the
Section 16 "Contact", page 161).
utility grid at slave 2 is too low.
W 319 ExtVtgHi 1 Disconnection from the ex- Corrective measures for a genera-
ternal grid due to overvolt- tor:
age at line conductor L1: The
voltage of the generator or the
utility grid at the master is too • Adjust the thresholds for generator
high. voltage on the Sunny Island (see
the Sunny Island inverter installation
W 320 ExtVtgHiSlv1 1 Disconnection from the ex- manual). Observe and analyze the
ternal grid due to overvolt- measured values 134.02 ExtVtg
age at line conductor L2: The during operation.
voltage of the generator or the
utility grid at slave 1 is too high. • Adjust the generator voltage and/
or generator frequency.
W 321 ExtVtgHiSlv2 1 Disconnection from the ex- Corrective measures in battery
ternal grid due to overvolt- backup systems:
age at line conductor L3: The
• Contact the Service, if required (see
voltage of the generator or the
Section 16 "Contact", page 161).
utility grid at slave 2 is too high.

60 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 10 Troubleshooting

No. Name Level Cause Corrective measures

W 323 ExtFrqLo 1 Disconnection from the ex- Corrective measures for a genera-
ternal grid due to too low tor:
frequency at line conduc- • The generator may be overloaded.
tor L1: The frequency of the Reduce the total power of the loads
generator or the utility grid at by staggering their use over time.
the master is too low.
W 324 ExtFrqLoSlv1 1 Disconnection from the ex-
• Adjust the thresholds for generator
ternal grid due to too low
frequency on the Sunny Island (see
frequency at line conduc-
the Sunny Island inverter installation
tor L2: The frequency of the
manual). Observe and analyze the
generator or the utility grid at
measured values 134.04 ExtFrq
slave 1 is too low.
during operation.
W 325 ExtFrqLoSlv2 1 Disconnection from the ex- • Adjust the frequency of the external
ternal grid due to too low energy source.
frequency at line conduc- Corrective measures for a utility
tor L3: The frequency of the grid:
generator or the utility grid at • Contact the Service, if required (see
slave 2 is too low. Section 16 "Contact", page 161).
W 327 ExtFrqHi 1 Disconnection from the ex- Corrective measures for a genera-
ternal grid due to too high tor:
frequency at line conduc- • The generator may be overloaded.
tor L1: The frequency of the Reduce the total power of the loads
generator or the utility grid at by staggering their use over time.
the master is too high.
W 328 ExtFrqHiSlv1 1 Disconnection from the ex-
• Adjust the thresholds for generator
ternal grid due to too high
frequency on the Sunny Island (see
frequency at line conduc-
the Sunny Island inverter installation
tor L2: The frequency of the
manual). Observe and analyze the
generator or the utility grid at
measured values 134.04 ExtFrq
slave 1 is too high.
during operation.
W 329 ExtFrqHiSlv2 1 Disconnection from the ex- • Adjust the frequency of the external
ternal grid due to too high energy source.
frequency at line conduc- Corrective measures for a utility
tor L3: The frequency of the grid:
generator or the utility grid at • Contact the Service, if required (see
slave 2 is too high. Section 16 "Contact", page 161).

Operating Manual SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 61

10 Troubleshooting SMA Solar Technology AG

No. Name Level Cause Corrective measures

W 331 AntiIsl 1 Disconnection from the ex-
ternal grid due to undesired
stand-alone grid at line con- • Ensure that the insulated wires at
ductor L1: Undesired stand- connection AC2 are securely
alone grid is present at connec- connected and that the conductors
tion AC2 of the master. in the terminals are free of
W 332 AntiIslSlv1 1 Disconnection from the ex- Corrective measures for a genera-
ternal grid due to undesired tor:
stand-alone grid at line con-
This may be caused by a contactor be-
ductor L2: Undesired stand-
tween the generator and the Sunny Is-
alone grid is present at connec-
tion AC2 of slave 1.
• Control of the contactor via a
Sunny Island inverter multifunction
relay. Set the parameter of the
W 333 AntiIslSlv2 1 Disconnection from the ex- multifunction relay, e.g.,
ternal grid due to undesired 241.01 Rly1Op, to AutoGn.
stand-alone grid at line con- • Set the parameter 234.20
ductor L3: Undesired stand- GdAiSns to a lower sensitivity.
alone grid is present at connec- Corrective measures for a utility
tion AC2 of slave 2. grid:
• Contact the Service, if required (see
Section 16 "Contact", page 161).
W 335 ExtVtgRdtErr 1 Disconnection from external Corrective measures for a genera-
source due to exceeding the tor:
configured thresholds in the
device at L1: The voltage of
the generator or the utility grid • Adjust the thresholds for generator
at the master is outside the con- voltage on the Sunny Island (see
figured thresholds (redundant the Sunny Island inverter installation
measurement). manual). Observe and analyze the
measured values 134.02 ExtVtg
W 336 ExtVtgRdtErrSlv1 1 Disconnection from external during operation.
source due to exceeding the
• If possible, adjust the generator
configured thresholds in the
device at L2: The voltage of
the generator or the utility grid Corrective measures for a utility
at slave 1 is outside the config- grid:
ured thresholds (redundant mea- • Contact the Service, if required (see
surement). Section 16 "Contact", page 161).
W 337 ExtVtgRdtErrSlv2 1 Disconnection from external
source due to exceeding the
configured thresholds in the
device at L3: The voltage of
the generator or the utility grid
at slave 2 is outside the config-
ured thresholds (redundant mea-

62 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 10 Troubleshooting

No. Name Level Cause Corrective measures

W 339 ExtVtgIncPro 1 Voltage increase protection Line
conductor L1
• Ensure that the conductor cross-
W 340 ExtVtgIncProSlv1 1 Voltage increase protection of section of the AC cables is correctly
line conductor L2 sized.
W 341 ExtVtgIncProSlv2 1 Voltage increase protection Line
conductor L3
W 343 AcVtglim 1 Disconnection from the ex- • Contact the Service, if required (see
ternal grid due to insufficient Section 16 "Contact", page 161).
battery voltage or overvolt-
age at line conductor L1: The
master disconnects from the ex-
ternal energy source because
the voltage at connection AC2
is too high or the battery volt-
age too low.
W 344 AcVtglimSlv1 1 Disconnection from the ex-
ternal grid due to insufficient
battery voltage or overvolt-
age at line conductor L2:
Slave 1 disconnects from the ex-
ternal energy source because
the voltage at connection AC2
is too high or the battery volt-
age too low.
W 345 AcVtglimSlv2 1 Disconnection from the ex-
ternal grid due to insufficient
battery voltage or overvolt-
age at line conductor L3:
Slave 2 disconnects from the ex-
ternal energy source because
the voltage at connection AC2
is too high or the battery volt-
age too low.

Operating Manual SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 63

10 Troubleshooting SMA Solar Technology AG

No. Name Level Cause Corrective measures

W 347 ExtOverload 1 Disconnection from the ex- • Reduce the total power of the
ternal grid due to line con- loads, e.g. by staggering their use
ductor failure or overload at over time.
line conductor 1: The master
disconnects from the utility grid
due to line conductor failure/ • Ensure that there is not a short
overload at connection AC2. circuit present at connection AC2.

W 348 ExtOverloadSlv1 1 Disconnection from the ex-

ternal grid due to line con-
ductor failure or overload at
line conductor 2: Slave 1 dis-
connects from the utility grid due
to line conductor failure/over-
load at connection AC2.
W 349 ExtOverloadSlv2 1 Disconnection from the ex-
ternal grid due to line con-
ductor failure or overload at
line conductor 3: Slave 2 dis-
connects from the utility grid due
to line conductor failure/over-
load at connection AC2.
W 351 ExtScirDet 1 Disconnection from the ex-
ternal grid due to external
short circuit at line conduc- • Eliminate the short circuit.
tor L1: Short circuit is present at
connection AC2 of the master.
W 352 ExtScirDetSlv1 1 Disconnection from the ex-
ternal grid due to external
short circuit at line conduc-
tor L2: Short circuit is present at
connection AC2 of slave 1.
W 353 ExtScirDetSlv2 1 Disconnection from the ex-
ternal grid due to external
short circuit at line conduc-
tor L3: Short circuit is present at
connection AC2 of slave 2.
W 355 PhsAngErr 1 External grid does not have
a correct rotating magnetic
field: Assignment of the line • Ensure that the master is connected
conductors of the external en- to L1, slave 1 to L2, and slave 2 to
ergy source to the AC2 connec- L3.
tions of the Sunny Island does
not result in a right-rotating mag-
netic field.

64 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 10 Troubleshooting

No. Name Level Cause Corrective measures

F 364 PhsPwrFail 2 The Sunny Island system discon-
nects from the generator or util-
ity grid due to a voltage imbal- • Eliminate any faults in the
ance between the line conduc- installation.
F 365 VAcExtPhsFail 3 Phase position of the measured
AC voltage at VExt and AC2
does not match at line conduc- • Ensure that the neutral conductor
tor L1 (Master). and line conductor are correctly
connected to connection ExtVtg.
• Ensure that the neutral conductor
and line conductor are correctly
connected to connection AC2.
• Ensure that connections ExtVtg and
AC2 are connected to the same
line conductor.
F 366 HotAcBus 3 When the tie switch is open, AC
voltage is present at line con-
ductor L1 (Master). • Ensure that the triggering of the tie
switch is correct.
• Ensure that the tie switch is correctly
F 367 ExtCtcNotOpen 3 Tie switch does not open.
• Ensure that the triggering of the tie
switch is correct.
• Ensure that the tie switch is correctly
• Ensure that the feedback contact is
correctly connected.
F 368 NRelNotOpen 3 Neutral conductor relay does • Contact the Service (see Section 16
not open at L1 (Master). "Contact", page 161).
W 369 NRelNotOpenSlv1 1 Neutral conductor relay does
not open at L2 (slave 1).
W 370 NRelNotOpenSlv2 1 Neutral conductor relay does
not open at L3 (slave 2).

Operating Manual SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 65

10 Troubleshooting SMA Solar Technology AG

No. Name Level Cause Corrective measures

W 372 VtgFrqRatio 1 Disconnection from the external • Contact the Service, if required (see
grid or generator due to non- Section 16 "Contact", page 161).
compliance with the voltage-fre-
quency ratio at line conduc-
tor L1 (Master)
W 373 VtgFrqRatioSlv1 1 Disconnection from the external
grid due to non-compliance with
the voltage-frequency ratio at
line conductor L2 (slave 1)
W 374 VtgFrqRatioSlv2 1 Disconnection from the utility
grid due to non-compliance with
the voltage-frequency ratio at
line conductor L3 (slave 2)
F 376 ExtCtcNotClose 3 Tie switch does not close.
• Ensure that the triggering of the tie
switch is correct.
• Ensure that the tie switch is correctly
• Ensure that the feedback contact is
correctly connected.
W 377 ExtCurExCeed 1 The external current measured
on L1 exceeds the set parame-
ter value 232.04 GdCurNom • Reduce power consumption of all
or 234.03 GnCurNom by 2%. loads.
• Reduce power output of the AC
W 378 ExCurExcSlv1 1 The external current measured sources (e.g. PV inverter).
on L2 exceeds the set parame-
ter value 232.04 GdCurNom
or 234.03 GnCurNom by 2%.
W 379 ExCurExcSlv2 1 The external current measured
on L3 exceeds the set parame-
ter value 232.04 GdCurNom
or 234.03 GnCurNom by 2%.
W 380 VAcExtPhsFailS1 1 Phase position of the measured
AC voltage at VExt and AC2
does not match at line conduc- • Ensure that the neutral conductor
tor L2 (slave 1). and line conductor are correctly
connected to connection ExtVtg.
W 381 VAcExtPhsFailS2 1 Phase position of the measured • Ensure that the neutral conductor
AC voltage at VExt and AC2 and line conductor are correctly
does not match at line conduc- connected to connection AC2.
tor L3 (slave 2).
• Ensure that connections ExtVtg and
AC2 are connected to the same
line conductor.

66 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 10 Troubleshooting

No. Name Level Cause Corrective measures

W 383 HotAcBusSlv1 1 When the tie switch is open, AC
voltage is present at line con-
ductor L2 (slave 1). • Ensure that the triggering of the tie
switch is correct.
W 384 HotAcBusSlv2 1 When the tie switch is open, AC • Ensure that the tie switch is correctly
voltage is present at line con- wired.
ductor L3 (slave 2).

10.5.4 Generator Category (4xx)

No. Name Level Cause Corrective measures
W 401 GnRevPwrProt 1 Reverse power protection • Adjust the generator request to the
(Generator): AC sources in the properties of the AC sources in the
system are driving the genera- system and the loads, e.g., for PV
tor. The reverse power in the inverters, preferably request the
generator has been exceeded generator at night.
for too long.

• If the generator can absorb reverse

power, adjust the settings for
reverse power (see the
Sunny Island inverter installation
W 402 GnFailLock 1 Blocking of generator due to too
many interrupted start-ups
• Ensure that the generator triggering
is functioning, the generator starts,
and there is constant and stable
generator voltage present at
connection AC2.
• To re-enable connection of the
generator, acknowledge the
generator error (see Section 10.3
"Acknowledge Errors", page 47).

A warm-up time 234.12 GnWarmTm

that is too short may have been config-
ured and hence the generator is unable
to supply valid voltage.
• Ensure that the generator warm-up
time is configured appropriately
(see the Sunny Island inverter
installation manual).

Operating Manual SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 67

10 Troubleshooting SMA Solar Technology AG

10.5.5 Utility Grid Category (5xx)

No. Name Level Cause Corrective measures
W 501 GdRevPwrProt 1 Non-permitted reverse feeding Contact the Service, if required (see Sec-
into the utility grid at line con- tion 16 "Contact", page 161).
ductor L1 (Master)
W 502 GdRevPwrProtSL1 1 Non-permitted reverse feeding
into the utility grid at line con-
ductor L2 (slave 1)
W 503 GdRevPwrProtSL2 1 Non-permitted reverse feeding
into the utility grid at line con-
ductor L3 (slave 2)
W 505 GdCurNomExceed 1 At line conductor L1 (Master), Contact the Service, if required (see Sec-
the feed-in current is greater tion 16 "Contact", page 161).
than the set maximum value
232.04 GdCurNom.
W 506 GdCurNomExcSlv1 1 At line conductor L2 (slave 1),
the feed-in current is greater
than the set maximum value
232.04 GdCurNom.
W 507 GdCurNomExcSlv2 1 At line conductor L3 (slave 2),
the feed-in current is greater
than the set maximum value
232.04 GdCurNom.

10.5.6 Relay Category (6xx)

No. Name Level Cause Corrective measures
F 605 TransfNotOpn 4 Transfer relay does not open at A bypass switch may have bridged the
line conductor L1 (Master). internal transfer relay.
W 606 TransfNotOpnSL1 1 Transfer relay does not open at • Ensure that the bypass switch is in
line conductor L2 (slave 1). the position for operation with the
Sunny Island.

W 607 TransfNotOpnSL2 1 Transfer relay does not open at

line conductor L3 (slave 2). • Ensure that the connections AC1
and AC2 are not bridged.

10.5.7 System Category (7xx)

No. Name Level Cause Corrective measures
F 702 RsDsp 5 Reset of the signal processor in • Contact the Service (see Section 16
the device at L1 has been identi- "Contact", page 161).
F 703 TimeOut 2 Internal timing fault: Time for • Contact the Service (see Section 16
performing a particular task has "Contact", page 161).
been exceeded.

68 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 10 Troubleshooting

No. Name Level Cause Corrective measures

F 704 Calib 4 Invalid Calibration in DSP: • Contact the Service (see Section 16
The system has not calibrated. "Contact", page 161).
W 705 TimeOut 1 Watchdog DSP: The watchdog • Contact the Service, if required (see
of the signal processor of the Section 16 "Contact", page 161).
master has tripped.
F 706 TimeOut 4 Frequent watchdog fault: The • Contact the Service (see Section 16
watchdog of the signal proces- "Contact", page 161).
sor of the master has tripped
several times.
W 707 TimeOutSlv1 1 Watchdog meter on slave 1
elapsed (watchdog tripped sev-
eral times in succession)
W 708 TimeOutSlv2 1 Watchdog meter on slave 2
elapsed (watchdog tripped sev-
eral times in succession).
F 710 AutoStrCnt 4 Autostart meter elapsed in the • Ensure that the parameter 250.01
device at L1 (several autostarts AutoStr is set to 3.
in succession).

• Read off the pending and logged

warnings and errors and eliminate
the causes.
W 713 TimeOut 1 Watchdog OCU: The watch- • Contact the Service, if required (see
dog of the operation control unit Section 16 "Contact", page 161).
has tripped.
W 715 MMCUpdFail 1 The update cannot be carried Copy the update file to an SD memory
out. The type or format of the card with maximum 2 GB and with
SD memory card is not sup- FAT-16 format.
F 716 VBATMIN 2 Measuring range of battery • Disconnect the DC loads and
voltage exceeded in device charge the battery.
at L1: Battery voltage at the The usable battery capacity may be too
master is below the permissible small, e.g., due to aging. If a load with
measurement range. high power connects, the battery voltage
W 717 VBATMINSL1 1 Measuring range of battery collapses.
voltage exceeded in device
at L2: Battery voltage at slave 1
• If DC loads are installed in the
is below the permissible mea-
system, install load shedding for DC
surement range.
W 718 VBATMINSL2 1 Measuring range of battery • Ensure that all battery cells are
voltage exceeded in device functional.
at L3: Battery voltage at slave 2
is below the permissible mea-
surement range.

Operating Manual SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 69

10 Troubleshooting SMA Solar Technology AG

No. Name Level Cause Corrective measures

F 720 InvTmpSns 4 Short circuit or cable break on • Contact the Service (see Section 16
the temperature sensor of the "Contact", page 161).
transformer L1 (Master).
F 721 InvTmpSns 4 Short circuit or cable break on • Contact the Service (see Section 16
the temperature sensor of the in- "Contact", page 161).
verter bridge L1 (Master).
W 722 BatTmpSnsShort 1 Short circuit on battery tempera-
ture sensor
• Ensure that the battery temperature
W 723 BatTmpSnsOpn 1 Cable break on battery temper- sensor is correctly connected (see
ature sensor the Sunny Island inverter installation
• Contact the Service (see Section 16
"Contact", page 161).
W 724 AutoStrCntSlv1 1 Autostart meter elapsed in
the device at L2: Maximum
number of autostarts for slave 1 • Read off the pending and logged
has been reached. warnings and errors and eliminate
the causes.
W 725 AutoStrCntSlv2 1 Autostart meter elapsed in • Ensure that the parameter 250.01
the device at L3: Maximum AutoStr is set to 3.
number of autostarts for slave 2
has been reached.
F 731 ClstConfig 4 Error in the cluster configuration
• Change the addresses of the slaves
in the cluster (see Section 10.8,
page 91)
F 733 MstrLoss 4 No message from Master
(only slave): Communication
with the Master is interrupted. • Ensure that undamaged CAT5e
cables are used for communication
W 734 Slv1Loss 1 No message from device to and that the cables are plugged in
L2: Communication from the correctly.
Master to slave 1 is interrupted. • Ensure that the communication bus
W 735 Slv2Loss 1 No message from device to is equipped with a terminator at
L3: Communication from the both ends.
Master to slave 2 is interrupted.
F 737 BootUpdateFail 4 Updating of the boot loader • Contact the Service (see Section 16
failed. "Contact", page 161).

70 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 10 Troubleshooting

No. Name Level Cause Corrective measures

W 738 GnSynLoss 1 Synchronization with the gener- • Ensure that the generator can be
ator not successful. started. The fuel level may be too

• Ensure that a constant and stable

voltage is present at connection
• Ensure that the thresholds for the
generator voltage are correctly
F 739 SPICom 3 No message from the device • Contact the Service (see Section 16
at L1: Internal device communi- "Contact", page 161).
cation of the master is disturbed.
W 740 SPIComSlv1 1 No message from the device
at L2: Internal device communi-
cation of slave 1 is disturbed.
W 741 SPIComSlv2 1 No message from the device
at L3: Internal device communi-
cation of slave 2 is disturbed.
F 743 CANCom 3 Internal CAN communication is • Contact the Service (see Section 16
missing in the device at L1 "Contact", page 161).
W 744 CANComSlv1 1 Internal CAN communication is • Ensure that the terminators in the
missing in the device at L2 communication bus are attached.
(slave 1).
• Ensure that undamaged CAT5e
W 745 CANComSlv2 1 Internal CAN communication is cables are used for communication
missing in the device at L3 and that the cables are plugged in
(slave 2). correctly.
W 747 InvTmpSnsSlv1 1 Short circuit or cable break on • Contact the Service (see Section 16
the temperature sensor of the "Contact", page 161).
transformer L2 (slave 1).
W 748 InvTmpSnsSlv2 1 Short circuit or cable break on
the temperature sensor of the
transformer L3 (slave 2).
W 750 InvTmpSnsSlv1 1 Short circuit or cable break on • Contact the Service (see Section 16
the temperature sensor of the in- "Contact", page 161).
verter bridge L2 (slave 1).
W 751 InvTmpSnsSlv2 1 Short circuit or cable break on
the temperature sensor of the in-
verter bridge L3 (slave 2).

Operating Manual SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 71

10 Troubleshooting SMA Solar Technology AG

No. Name Level Cause Corrective measures

W 753 DateInvalid 1 Invalid date: System time is in- • Select the parameter 250.02 Dt
valid. and set the date. Select the
parameter 250.03 Tm and set the
F 754 BoxCom 2 Communication with MC
BOX is interrupted: Communi-
cation with Multicluster-Box is in- • Ensure that undamaged CAT5e
terrupted. cables are used for communication
and that the cables are plugged in
• Ensure that the communication bus
is equipped with a terminator at
both ends.
W 755 LoBatMod1 1 Battery protection mode 1 is ac- • Disconnect the loads, start the
tivated. generator, start the Sunny Island
and charge the battery.
W 756 LoBatMod2 1 Battery protection mode 2 is ac-
W 757 LoBatMod3 1 Battery protection mode 3 is ac-
F 758 McNoVtg 2 Voltage of the main cluster can- • Ensure that all circuit breakers of
not be measured at L1 (Master). the Sunny Island inverters in the
Multicluster-Box are closed.
W 759 McNoVtgSv1 1 Voltage of the main cluster can-
not be measured at L2 (slave 1).
• Ensure that the cabling at
W 760 McNoVtgSlv2 1 Voltage of the main cluster can- connection AC1 is correctly
not be measured at L3 (slave 2). installed.
W 778 DSPNoSlv1 1 CAN communication with
slave 1 is faulty.
• Ensure that undamaged CAT5e
W 779 DSPNoSlv2 1 CAN communication with cables are used for communication
slave 2 is faulty. and that the cables are plugged in
• Ensure that the communication bus
is equipped with a terminator at
both ends.
F 781 SlvError 4 Error at a slave in the main clus-
ter causing system shutdown.
Read off the pending and logged warn-
ings and errors and eliminate the
F 782 AIVtgMonFail 4 Non-compliance of monitoring • Contact the Service (see Section 16
times (islanding detection) and "Contact", page 161).
external grid voltage in the de-
vice at L1 (Master)

72 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 10 Troubleshooting

No. Name Level Cause Corrective measures

F 783 CANCom 2 Device-internal sync pulse in the
device at L1 (Master) is missing.
• Ensure that undamaged CAT5e
W 784 CANComSlv1 1 Device-internal sync pulse in the cables are used for communication
device at L2 (slave 1) is missing. and that the cables are plugged in
W 785 CANComSlv2 1 Device-internal sync pulse in the • Ensure that the communication bus
device at L3 (slave 2) is missing. is equipped with a terminator at
both ends.
F 787 VcoreFail 3 Processor voltage in the device • Contact the Service (see Section 16
at L1 (Master) is incorrect. "Contact", page 161).
F 788 VcoreFailSlv1 3 Processor voltage in the device
at L2 (slave 1) is incorrect.
F 789 VcoreFailSlv2 3 Processor voltage in the device • Contact the Service (see Section 16
at L3 (slave 2) is incorrect. "Contact", page 161).
W 791 RsDspSlv1 1 Reset of the signal processor in • Contact the Service (see Section 16
the device at L2 (slave 1) has "Contact", page 161).
been identified.
W 792 RsDspSlv2 1 Reset of the signal processor in
the device at L3 (slave 2) has
been identified.
W 794 TimeOutDspSlv1 1 Timeout of the signal processor • Contact the Service (see Section 16
in the device at L2 (slave 1) "Contact", page 161).
W 795 TimeOutDspSlv2 1 Timeout of the signal processor
in the device at L3 (slave 2)
W 797 AiVtgMonFailSlv1 1 Non-compliance of monitoring • Contact the Service (see Section 16
times (islanding detection) and "Contact", page 161).
external grid voltage in the de-
vice at L2 (slave 1)
W 798 AiVtgMonFailSlv2 1 Non-compliance of monitoring
times (islanding detection) and
external grid voltage in the de-
vice at L3 (slave 2)

10.5.8 External Device and Component Category (8xx)

No. Name Level Cause Corrective measures
F 801 Box 4 Plausibility check on the contac- • Contact the Service (see Section 16
tors in the Multicluster-Box has "Contact", page 161).

Operating Manual SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 73

10 Troubleshooting SMA Solar Technology AG

No. Name Level Cause Corrective measures

W 805 BoxNoGn 1 Generator operation not possi-
• Reset the off-grid system. For this,
disconnect all loads, AC sources,
generator and DC sources. Open
the load-break switch of the
BatFuse. Wait ten minutes and
restart the off-grid system. Wait until
all AC sources are feeding into the
stand-alone grid and all loads are
connected before connecting the
• Contact the Service (see Section 16
"Contact", page 161).
F 806 BoxType 4 Box coding conflicts with
software settings: Configura-
tion of the Sunny Island inverters • Check whether the value of the
does not match the Multicluster- parameter 250.23 Box matches
Box. the Multicluster-Box. If the value
does not match, restart the QCG
(see the Sunny Island inverter
installation manual).
• Contact the Service (see Section 16
"Contact", page 161).
W 807 BoxGdVtg 1 Voltage of the external energy • Acknowledge the error (see
source is not within the valid Section 10.3, page 47).
thresholds for connection. • Contact the Service (see Section 16
"Contact", page 161).
F 809 BoxNoLod 4 Error Q10 contactor: Load- • Reset the off-grid system. For this,
shedding contactor Q10 in the disconnect the off-grid system and
Multicluster-Box is not function- restart.
ing correctly. The configuration may be incorrect.
Exception: Load-shedding con-
tactor Q110 in the Multicluster-
Box 12 (MC-BOX-12.3-20) is • Start the QCG and reconfigure
not functioning correctly. multicluster operation (see the
Sunny Island inverter installation
• Contact the Service (see Section 16
"Contact", page 161).
F 810 Box15V 4 Error in the 15 V voltage • Contact the Service (see Section 16
supply of the MCBUBox: "Contact", page 161).
15 V voltage supply in the Mul-
ticluster-Box is defective.

74 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 10 Troubleshooting

No. Name Level Cause Corrective measures

F 811 Box24V 4 Error in the 24 V voltage • Contact the Service (see Section 16
supply of the MCBUBox: "Contact", page 161).
24 V voltage supply in the Mul-
ticluster-Box is defective.
W 815 BoxQ5 1 Error Q5 contactor: Contactor • Reset the off-grid system. For this,
Q5 in the Multicluster-Box is not disconnect the off-grid system and
functioning correctly. restart.
Exception: Load-shedding con- The configuration may be incorrect.
tactor Q105 in the Multicluster-
Box 12 (MC-BOX-12.3-20) is
not functioning correctly. • Start the QCG and reconfigure
multicluster operation (see the
F 816 BoxQ7 2 Error Q7 contactor: Contactor Sunny Island inverter installation
Q7 in the Multicluster-Box is not manual).
functioning correctly.
• Contact the Service (see Section 16
F 817 BoxQ9 4 Error Q9 contactor: Contactor "Contact", page 161).
Q9 in the Multicluster-Box is not
functioning correctly.
Exception: Load-shedding con-
tactor Q109 in the Multicluster-
Box 12 (MC-BOX-12.3-20) is
not functioning correctly.
F 818 BoxPhsFail 4 Box phase missing: One line • Ensure that all circuit breakers of
conductor of a Sunny Island in- the Sunny Island inverters in the
verter is missing. Multicluster-Box are closed.

1. Search for the missing line

conductor and eliminate the error.
For this, with loads connected,
measure the AC voltage between
each line conductor and between
the line conductors and the neutral
conductors. If an AC voltage
deviates from the nominal voltage
by ±10%, the corresponding line
conductor is missing.
2. Reset the off-grid system. For this,
disconnect the off-grid system and
W 824 BoxQ4Overload 1 Multicluster-Box signals an error • Contact the Service (see Section 16
at contactor Q4. "Contact", page 161).
F 830 BoxQ2NotOpen 2 Error: Contactor Q2 does not • Contact the Service (see Section 16
open "Contact", page 161).
Exception: In the NA-Box, the tie
switch Q202 does not open.

Operating Manual SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 75

10 Troubleshooting SMA Solar Technology AG

No. Name Level Cause Corrective measures

F 831 BoxQ2NotClose 2 Error: Contactor Q2 does not • Contact the Service (see Section 16
close "Contact", page 161).
Exception: In the NA-Box, the tie
switch Q202 does not close.
F 832 BoxQ9NotOpen 2 Error: Contactor Q9 does not • Contact the Service (see Section 16
open "Contact", page 161).
Exception: Load-shedding con-
tactor Q109 in the Multicluster-
Box 12 (MC-BOX-12.3-20)
does not open.
F 833 BoxQ9NotClose 2 Error: Contactor Q9 does not • Contact the Service (see Section 16
close "Contact", page 161).
Exception: Load-shedding con-
tactor Q109 in the Multicluster-
Box 12 (MC-BOX-12.3-20)
does not close.
F 834 BoxQ10NotOpen 4 Error: Contactor Q10 does not • Contact the Service (see Section 16
open "Contact", page 161).
Exception: Load-shedding con-
tactor Q110 in the Multicluster-
Box 12 (MC-BOX-12.3-20)
does not open.
F 835 BoxQ10NotClose 4 Error: Contactor Q10 does not • Contact the Service (see Section 16
close "Contact", page 161).
Exception: Load-shedding con-
tactor Q110 in the Multicluster-
Box 12 (MC-BOX-12.3-20)
does not close.
W 840 eHZ1ComFail 1 Faulty communication with the • Ensure that the optical probe is
PV production meter correctly installed and connected.
W 841 eHZ2ComFail 1 Faulty communication with the
feed-in meter and purchased
electricity meter
W 842 ComBoxFail 1 Communication between device
and SBUKomBox (Meter Box) is
faulty • Ensure that the data cables are
correctly installed.

76 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 10 Troubleshooting

No. Name Level Cause Corrective measures

W 843 ComBoxWD 1 The SBUKomBox (Meter Box) • Contact the Service (see Section 16
watchdog has triggered. "Contact", page 161).
W 844 eHZ1ProtFail 1 Unsupported protocol detected
on eHZ 1 (feed-in & purchased
electricity meter)
W 845 eHZ2ProtFail 1 Unsupported protocol detected
on eHZ 2 (PV production meter)
W 846 eHzInFail 1 Reading heads of the eHZ inter- • Swap the optical probe
changed in the input of the connections.
SBUKomBox (Meter Box).
W 847 ComHMFaill 1 CAN communication with en-
ergy meter is faulty.
• Ensure that the data cables are
correctly installed.
• Ensure that the parameter
250.06 ComBaud is set to
115k Bd.
W 848 PhsMtrComFail 1 Faulty communication between
the Sunny Island and the
SMA Energy Meter: Electric • Ensure that the data cables are
power per line conductor is not correctly installed.
available. • Ensure that the current firmware
version of the SMA Speedwire data
module is installed.
W 851 Sic1BatShort 1 Battery reversely connected
or short circuit on PV charge
controller 1: Connection of the • Ensure that the battery is correctly
battery to the Sunny Island connected to the DC connection of
Charger 1 is reverse-poled or the Sunny Island Charger charge
there is a short circuit. controller.
• Disconnect the PV array from the
Sunny Island Charger and restart
the system. This will ensure that the
PV array is not short-circuited.
W 852 Sic1BatVtgHi 1 PV charge controller 1 bat-
tery overvoltage: Battery volt-
age at the Sunny Island Charg- 1. Ensure that the configuration of the
er 1 is too high. Sunny Island Charger charge
controller with the DIP switches is
2. Ensure that all DC sources and DC
loads are correctly configured and
3. Reset the off-grid system. Disconnect
the off-grid system, wait ten minutes
and restart.

Operating Manual SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 77

10 Troubleshooting SMA Solar Technology AG

No. Name Level Cause Corrective measures

W 853 Sic1PvVtgHi 1 PV charge controller 1 PV • Contact the Service, if required (see
generator overvoltage: PV Section 16 "Contact", page 161).
voltage at the Sunny Island
Charger 1 is too high.
W 854 Sic1PvVtgLo 1 No PV voltage or short cir- • Contact the Service, if required (see
cuit on PV charge con- Section 16 "Contact", page 161).
troller 1: No PV voltage at the
Sunny Island Charger 1 or there
is a short circuit.
W 855 Sic1TmpLo 1 Sensor error (or undertem-
perature) for the PV charge
controller 1 charger temper- • Set the Sunny Island Charger to the
ature: Sunny Island Charger 1 operating mode "SMA
reports battery undertempera- operation" (see the Sunny Island
ture. Charger charge controller
installation manual).
W 856 Sic1TmpHI 1 PV charge controller 1 de- • Ensure that the configuration of the
vice overtemperature: Sun- Sunny Island Charger charge
ny Island Charger 1 reports bat- controller with the DIP switches is
tery overtemperature. correct.
• Ensure that the communication
interfaces are correctly inserted in
the Sunny Island.
W 857 Sic1ComLoss 1 No communication with DC
charger for more than 24 h
– PV charge controller 1: Last • Ensure that undamaged CAT5e
communication with the Sun- cables are used for communication
ny Island Charger 1 was more and that the cables are plugged in
than 24 hours ago. correctly.
• Ensure that the configuration of the
Sunny Island Charger charge
controller with the DIP switches is
• Ensure that the communication
interfaces are correctly inserted in
the Sunny Island.
W 861 Sic2BatShort 1 Battery reversely connected
or short circuit on PV charge
controller 2: Connection of the • Ensure that the battery is correctly
battery to the Sunny Island connected to the DC connection of
Charger 2 is reverse-poled or the Sunny Island Charger charge
there is a short circuit. controller.
• Disconnect the PV array from the
Sunny Island Charger and restart
the system. This will ensure that the
PV array is not short-circuited.

78 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 10 Troubleshooting

No. Name Level Cause Corrective measures

W 862 Sic2BatVtgHi 1 PV charge controller 2 bat- • Reset the system. For this, switch off
tery overvoltage: Battery volt- the system, wait ten minutes and
age at the Sunny Island Charg- restart.
er 2 is too high.

• Ensure that the configuration of the

Sunny Island Charger charge
controller with the DIP switches is
• Ensure that all DC sources and DC
loads are correctly configured and
W 863 Sic2PvVtgHi 1 PV charge controller 2 PV • Contact the Service, if required (see
generator overvoltage: PV Section 16 "Contact", page 161).
voltage at the Sunny Island
Charger 2 is too high.
W 864 Sic2PvVtgLo 1 No PV voltage or short cir- • Contact the Service, if required (see
cuit on PV charge con- Section 16 "Contact", page 161).
troller 2: No PV voltage at the
Sunny Island Charger 2 or there
is a short circuit.
W 865 Sic2TmpLo 1 Sensor error (or undertem-
perature) for the PV charge
controller 2 charger temper- • Set the Sunny Island Charger to the
ature: Sunny Island Charger 2 operating mode "SMA
reports battery undertempera- operation" (see the Sunny Island
ture. Charger charge controller
installation manual).
W 866 Sic2TmpHI 1 PV charge controller 2 de-
vice overtemperature: Sun-
ny Island Charger 2 reports bat-
tery overtemperature.
W 867 Sic2ComLoss 1 No communication with DC
charger for more than 24 h
– PV charge controller 2: Last • Ensure that undamaged CAT5e
communication with the Sun- cables are used for communication
ny Island Charger 2 was more and that the cables are plugged in
than 24 hours ago. correctly.
• Ensure that the configuration of the
Sunny Island Charger charge
controller with the DIP switches is
• Ensure that the communication
interfaces are correctly inserted in
the Sunny Island.

Operating Manual SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 79

10 Troubleshooting SMA Solar Technology AG

No. Name Level Cause Corrective measures

W 871 Sic2BatShort 1 Battery reversely connected
or short circuit on PV charge
controller 3: Connection of the • Ensure that the battery is correctly
battery to the Sunny Island connected to the DC connection of
Charger 2 is reverse-poled or the Sunny Island Charger charge
there is a short circuit. controller.
• Disconnect the PV array from the
Sunny Island Charger and restart
the system. This will ensure that the
PV array is not short-circuited.
W 872 Sic3BatVtgHi 1 PV charge controller 3 bat-
tery overvoltage: Battery volt-
age at the Sunny Island Charg- 1. Ensure that the battery is correctly
er 3 is too high. connected to the DC connection of
the Sunny Island Charger charge
2. Disconnect the PV array from the
Sunny Island Charger and restart
the system. This will ensure that the
PV array is not short-circuited.
3. Reset the system. For this, switch off
the system, wait ten minutes and
W 873 Sic3PvVtgHi 1 PV charge controller 3 PV • Contact the Service, if required (see
generator overvoltage: PV Section 16 "Contact", page 161).
voltage at the Sunny Island
Charger 3 is too high.
W 874 Sic3PvVtgLo 1 No PV voltage or short cir-
cuit on PV charge con-
troller 3: No PV voltage at the
Sunny Island Charger 3 or there
is a short circuit.
W 875 Sic3TmpLo 1 Sensor error (or undertem-
perature) for the PV charge
controller 3 charger temper- • Set the Sunny Island Charger to the
ature: Sunny Island Charger 3 operating mode "SMA
reports battery undertempera- operation" (see the Sunny Island
ture. Charger charge controller
installation manual).
W 876 Sic3TmpHI 1 PV charge controller 3 de-
vice overtemperature: Sun-
ny Island Charger 3 reports bat-
tery overtemperature.

80 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 10 Troubleshooting

No. Name Level Cause Corrective measures

W 877 Sic3ComLoss 1 No communication with DC
charger for more than 24 h
– PV charge controller 3: Last • Ensure that undamaged CAT5e
communication with the charge cables are used for communication
controller 3 was more than and that the cables are plugged in
24 hours ago. correctly.
• Ensure that the configuration of the
Sunny Island Charger charge
controller with the DIP switches is
• Ensure that the communication
interfaces are correctly inserted in
the Sunny Island.
W 881 Sic4BatShort 1 Battery reversely connected
or short circuit on PV charge
controller 4: Connection of the • Ensure that the battery is correctly
battery to the Sunny Island connected to the DC connection of
Charger 4 is reverse-poled or the Sunny Island Charger charge
there is a short circuit. controller.
• Disconnect the PV array from the
Sunny Island Charger and restart
the system. This will ensure that the
PV array is not short-circuited.
W 882 Sic4BatVtgHi 1 PV charge controller 4 bat-
tery overvoltage: Battery volt-
age at the Sunny Island Charg- 1. Ensure that the configuration of the
er 4 is too high. Sunny Island Charger charge
controller with the DIP switches is
2. Ensure that all DC sources and DC
loads are correctly configured and
3. Reset the system. For this, switch off
the system, wait ten minutes and
W 883 Sic4PvVtgHi 1 PV charge controller 4 PV • Contact the Service, if required (see
generator overvoltage: PV Section 16 "Contact", page 161).
voltage at the Sunny Island
Charger 4 is too high.
W 884 Sic4PvVtgLo 1 No PV voltage or short cir-
cuit on PV charge con-
troller 4: No PV voltage at the
Sunny Island Charger 4 or there
is a short circuit.

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10 Troubleshooting SMA Solar Technology AG

No. Name Level Cause Corrective measures

W 885 Sic4TmpLo 1 Sensor error (or undertem-
perature) for the PV charge
controller 4 charger temper- • Set the Sunny Island Charger to the
ature: Sunny Island Charger 4 operating mode "SMA
reports battery undertempera- operation" (see the Sunny Island
ture. Charger charge controller
installation manual).
W 886 Sic4TmpHI 1 PV charge controller 4 de-
vice overtemperature: Sun-
ny Island Charger 4 reports bat-
tery overtemperature.
W 887 Sic4ComLoss 1 No communication with DC
charger for more than 24 h
– PV charge controller 4: Last • Ensure that undamaged CAT5e
communication with the Sun- cables are used for communication
ny Island Charger 4 was more and that the cables are plugged in
than 24 hours ago. correctly.
• Ensure that the configuration of the
Sunny Island Charger charge
controller with the DIP switches is
• Ensure that the communication
interfaces are correctly inserted in
the Sunny Island.
W 890 BoxMeas 2 Voltage or current measurement
interferences at external mea-
surement point of the AC sub- • Ensure that the control and
distribution (Multicluster-Box) at measuring cable between the
line conductor L1 (Master) Multicluster-Box and the
corresponding Sunny Island of the
W 891 BoxMeasSlv1 2 Voltage or current measurement main cluster is correctly inserted.
interferences at external mea- When doing so, observe the correct
surement point of the AC sub- sequence of the Multicluster-Box
distribution (Multicluster-Box) at connections to the Sunny Island
line conductor L2 (slave 1) inverters (see the Sunny Island
inverter installation manual and the
W 892 BoxMeasSlv2 2 Voltage or current measurement Multicluster-Box documentation).
interferences at external mea-
surement point of the AC sub-
distribution (Multicluster-Box) at
line conductor L3 (slave 2)
F 894 BoxQ10LdScFail 4 Q10 error: The voltage supply
of Q10/Q110 fails due to a
short circuit in the stand-alone • Eliminate the short circuit.

82 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 10 Troubleshooting

10.5.9 General Category (9xx)

No. Name Level Cause Corrective measures
F 905 CalFail 4 The calibration data cannot be • Contact the Service (see
read or was not completely Section 16, page 161).
transferred from the device at L1
F 906 CalFailSlv1 4 The calibration data cannot be
read or was not completely
transferred from the device at L2
(slave 1).
F 907 CalFailSlv2 4 The calibration data cannot be
read or was not completely
transferred from the device at L3
(slave 2).
W 909 McExtnClstFwDif 1 At least one extension cluster Update the firmware (see Section 7.3,
has another firmware version page 40).
than the main cluster.
F 910 McEClstCntyDif 3 At least in one extension cluster,
the Sunny Islands are set to an-
other country standard than the • Set the same country standard on
Sunny Islands in the main clus- all Sunny Island inverters in the
ter. main and extension cluster
(parameter 232.01 Country).
W 915 Timeout 1 Watchdog OCU: An error has • Contact the Service (see
occurred in the program run se- Section 16, page 161).
F 920 XA01General 3 Error message via SiCom: Gen- • Eliminating the error cause in the
eral external battery management
system (see battery manufacturer's
F 921 XA02DcHiVolt 3 Error message via SiCom: Bat- documentation).
tery overvoltage
F 922 XA03DcLoVolt 3 Error message via SiCom: Bat- • Eliminating the error cause in the
tery undervoltage external battery management
system (see battery manufacturer's
F 923 XA04DcHiTmp 3 Error message via SiCom: Bat- documentation).
tery overtemperature
F 924 XA05DcLoTmp 3 Error message via SiCom: Bat-
tery undertemperature
F 925 XA06DcHiTmpC 3 Error message via SiCom: Bat- • Eliminating the error cause in the
tery overtemperature in charge external battery management
mode system (see battery manufacturer's
F 926 XA07DcLoTmpC 3 Error message via SiCom: bat-
tery undertemperature in charge

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10 Troubleshooting SMA Solar Technology AG

No. Name Level Cause Corrective measures

F 927 XA08DcHiCur 3 Error message via SiCom: bat- • Eliminating the error cause in the
tery charging current too high external battery management
system (see battery manufacturer's
F 928 XA09DcHiChgCur 3 Error message via SiCom: Bat- documentation).
tery charging current in charge
mode too high
F 929 XA10Contact 3 Error message via SiCom: Error • Eliminating the error cause in the
in the battery external battery management
system (see battery manufacturer's
F 930 XA11Short 3 Error message via SiCom: Short • Eliminating the error cause in the
circuit external battery management
system (see battery manufacturer's
F 931 XA12Bms 3 Error message via SiCom: Inter- • Eliminating the error cause in the
nal error in battery management external battery management
system (see battery manufacturer's
F 932 XA13CellBal 3 Error message via SiCom: Differ- • Eliminating the error cause in the
ent state of charge of the bat- external battery management
tery cells system (see battery manufacturer's
F 933 XA14PackBal 3 Error message via SiCom: Re- • Eliminating the error cause in the
served external battery management
system (see battery manufacturer's
F 935 XA16Generator 3 Error message via SiCom: Error • Eliminating the error cause in the
in the generator external battery management
system (see battery manufacturer's
W 936 XW01General 1 Warning via SiCom: General • Eliminating the error cause in the
external battery management
system (see battery manufacturer's
W 937 XW02DcHiVolt 1 Warning via SiCom: Battery • Eliminating the error cause in the
overvoltage external battery management
system (see battery manufacturer's
W 938 XW03DcLoVolt 1 Warning via SiCom: Battery un- documentation).
W 939 XW04DcHiTmp 1 Warning via SiCom: Battery • Eliminating the error cause in the
overtemperature external battery management
system (see battery manufacturer's
W 940 XW05DcLoTmp 1 Warning via SiCom: Battery un- documentation).

84 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 10 Troubleshooting

No. Name Level Cause Corrective measures

W 941 XW06DcHiTmpC 1 Warning via SiCom: Battery • Eliminating the error cause in the
overtemperature in charge external battery management
mode system (see battery manufacturer's
W 942 XA07DcLoTmpC 1 Warning via SiCom: Battery un-
dertemperature in charge mode
W 943 XW08DcHiCur 1 Warning via SiCom: battery • Eliminating the error cause in the
charging current too high external battery management
system (see battery manufacturer's
W 944 Warning via SiCom: 1 Warning via SiCom: battery documentation).
battery charging cur- charging current in charge
rent in charge mode mode too high
too high
W 945 XW10Contact 1 Warning via SiCom: error in the • Eliminating the error cause in the
battery external battery management
system (see battery manufacturer's
W 946 XW11Short 1 Warning via SiCom: short circuit • Eliminating the error cause in the
external battery management
system (see battery manufacturer's
W 947 XW12Bms 1 Warning via SiCom: internal er- • Eliminating the error cause in the
ror in battery management external battery management
system (see battery manufacturer's
W 948 XW13CellBal 1 Warning via SiCom: different • Eliminating the error cause in the
state of charge of the battery external battery management
cells system (see battery manufacturer's
w 949 XW14PackBal 1 Warning via SiCom: Reserved • Eliminating the error cause in the
external battery management
system (see battery manufacturer's
W 951 XW16Generator 1 Warning via SiCom: Error in the • Eliminating the error cause in the
generator external battery management
system (see battery manufacturer's
F 952 ExtBMSTimeout 3 The timeout monitoring system • Ensure that the data cable of the
of the battery management has external lithium-ion battery is
triggered connected correctly.
W 953 WrnExtBMSTmOut 1 The timeout monitoring system • Ensure that the terminators of the
of the battery management has CAN bus in the communication bus
triggered are attached.

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10 Troubleshooting SMA Solar Technology AG

10.6 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

10.6.1 Questions Regarding the Sunny Island
Why is the Sunny Island not switching off even though I have opened the load-break switch of
the BatFuse?
The Sunny Island may still be supplied from the AC side.

• Switch off all AC sources and disconnect them from the Sunny Island.

Why is the Sunny Island not switching to energy-saving mode?

Another function might have a higher priority than energy saving mode, e.g., equalization charge or full charge.

After automatic disconnection in battery protection mode, the Sunny Island can no longer be

• Charge the battery only when the Sunny Island cannot be switched on (see Section 10.7 "Charging the Battery
After Automatic Shutdown in Off-Grid Systems (Emergency Charge Mode)", page 89).
– Switch off all loads.
– If there is a generator in the system, start the generator manually. When doing so, observe the warm-up time
of the generator. Five minutes without charge current can result in disconnection of the Sunny Island inverter.
– If sufficient power is available from the generator or the AC sources in the stand-alone grid, e.g., sufficient
solar irradiation for PV inverters, switch the Sunny Island on. AC sources in the stand-alone grid can start
feeding in electric current only once the Sunny Island has been started and is in operation.

10.6.2 Questions Regarding the Sunny Remote Control

The display of the Sunny Remote Control is dark and nothing is displayed – why?
The Sunny Island might not be switched on.
• Ensure that the fuse in the BatFuse is not defective and switch on the Sunny Island(see Section 4.1, page 20) .
The Sunny Remote Control might not be connected to the Sunny Island.

• Ensure that the Sunny Remote Control is connected to the Sunny Island.

The RJ45 data cable may be damaged.

• Replace the RJ45 data cable between the Sunny Remote Control and the Sunny Island.

Why can parameters not be changed?

It is possible that the parameter is displayed only in expert mode.
• Switch to expert mode on the Sunny Remote Control (see Section 5.4.1, page 32).
It might be possible to change the parameter only in standby mode or in the QCG.
• Observe the messages in the display (see Section 5.4.6, page 34).
The parameter may be hidden as it is not required in the configuration set for the system.
• Ensure that the configuration does not deactivate any functions which are required.

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SMA Solar Technology AG 10 Troubleshooting

Why is "MMC/SD operation failed!" shown on the display?

An action with the SD memory card has failed.
• Use a computer to ensure that the SD memory card is free of errors.

• Ensure that the data cable between the Sunny Remote Control and the Sunny Island is undamaged and that the
plugs are firmly inserted into the pin connectors.

Why is the display showing "WRONG FILE SYSTEM"?

The SD memory card is not formatted with the FAT-16 or FAT-32 file system.

10.6.3 Questions Regarding the Battery

What happens if a battery is defective?

• Remove the defective battery cell from the battery system. This reduces the rated voltage of the battery by the
voltage of the battery cell.
• In the QCG, set the current rated voltage of the battery under New Battery (see Section 11.8 "Replacing the
Battery", page 97).

Why is the SOC of the battery not 100% after completion of full charge?
The power requirements of the loads might have been so high before completion of the full charge that the battery
could not be charged to 100 percent.
• If necessary, select the parameter 222.03 AptTmFul and set to a longer time period.

Why is the battery discharging even though the generator is running?

The Sunny Island may not have connected to the generator.
• Eliminate the cause (see Section 10.6.4 "Questions Regarding the Generator", page 87).
The power of the loads might exceed the power of the generator.

What do you need to do after replacing a battery current sensor?

• Calibrate the battery current sensor (see the Commissioning section in the Sunny Island inverter installation

10.6.4 Questions Regarding the Generator

Why is the Sunny Island not connecting to the running generator?
A high output power of the Sunny Island inverter when the battery state of charge is low may lead to the Sunny Island
not being able to raise the AC voltage in the stand-alone grid to the AC voltage of the generator. The Sunny Island
cancels the synchronization.
• To charge the battery, reduce the power of the loads.
The generator voltage might not be within the thresholds for voltage and frequency.
• Check whether the symbol is displayed permanently in standard mode.
If the symbol is not displayed, ensure that the fuse is not defective or the circuit breaker is activated.
If the symbol is not displayed permanently, the generator voltage is sporadically outside the thresholds.

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– Set the thresholds for voltage and frequency of the generator voltage (see the Sunny Island inverter
installation manual).
If the symbol is displayed permanently, the Sunny Island is in the warm-up period or is blocked for connection.
Useful hint: Tip: Check whether the Sunny Remote Control displays the " ! " warning symbol in standard mode.

Why does the Sunny Island connect to the generator for only a short time?
The generator may be overloaded.
• Select the parameter 234.03 GnCurNom and set it to 75% of the rated current of the generator.
• If possible, reduce the power of the loads.
The maximum permissible generator voltage may be set too low.

• Select the parameter 234.02 GnVtgMax and set to the maximum generator voltage.
The minimum frequency for the generator voltage may be set too high.

• Select the parameter 234.05 GnFrqMin and set to the minimum frequency of the generator voltage.
The permitted time 234.14 GnRvTm for reverse power might have been exceeded.
• Check whether warning W401 is registered in the menu 420# Error history.
Useful hint: Tip: If a warning was registered, the warning symbol " ! " is shown in the standard mode of the
Sunny Remote Control.
• Select the 540.02 GnAck parameter and set to Ackn. This acknowledges the generator error.

The Sunny Island does not reconnect to the generator after disconnection from the generator due
to non-compliance with the thresholds for voltage and frequency – why?
The Sunny Island is switched with a hysteresis, i.e., the thresholds for connection do not correspond to the thresholds
for disconnection.
• To unload the generator, disconnect unnecessary loads.
• Wait until the voltage and frequency have reached the nominal values.

10.6.5 Questions Regarding Multicluster Systems

Extension clusters remain in standby mode even though the main cluster is in inverter mode?
The data cable between the masters of the individual clusters might not be connected. The master of the main cluster
cannot forward the "Start" command to the masters of the extension clusters.

Why is the multicluster system not supplying full power?

An extension cluster or individual Sunny Island inverters of an extension cluster might have failed.

Why are high levels of energy being transferred between the clusters in the multicluster system?
The state of charge of the batteries might differ temporarily. The off-grid system equalizes different states of charge
The nominal frequencies and nominal voltages may be defined differently.
• Set the frequencies and voltages in the 210# Inverter Settings menu to the same values for all masters.
The battery capacities might differ significantly.

• Distribute the battery capacities to the clusters as evenly as possible.

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SMA Solar Technology AG 10 Troubleshooting

Individual battery cells of a battery might have failed.

• Disconnect defective battery cells and set the new rated voltage and capacity (see Section 11.8 "Replacing the
Battery", page 97).

10.7 Charging the Battery After Automatic Shutdown in Off-Grid Systems

(Emergency Charge Mode)
When a battery undergoes deep discharge, the Sunny Island shuts down automatically and you cannot restart the
Sunny Island. In order to start the Sunny Island again after an automatic shutdown, you must charge the battery in
emergency charge mode.
In emergency charge mode, the Sunny Island does not form a separate stand-alone grid, and you can charge the
battery using a generator. Battery management is active in emergency charge mode and the Sunny Island charges the
battery in accordance with the parameter settings. In standby mode or in the QCG, you can adjust the parameters for
the battery, e.g., the battery nominal voltage, if a battery cell fails.

Danger to life due to fire or explosion when charging a deep discharged lithium-ion battery.
The charging of a deep discharged lithium-ion battery can lead to its destruction. Death or lethal injuries can result.
• Verify that the lithium-ion battery is not deep discharged (see manual of the lithium-ion battery)
• Charging is performed in accordance with the specifications of the battery manufacturer (see manual of the
lithium-ion battery).
• Only run the emergency charge mode with Sunny Island after approval by the battery manufacturer.

Danger to life from electric shock due to high voltages

High voltages are present inside the Sunny Island. When the enclosure lid is removed, live components can be
touched that can result in death or serious injury due to electric shock.
• Disconnect the Sunny Island from voltage sources (see Section 9, page 45).

Restricted management functions in emergency charge mode

In emergency charge mode, the generator management is not active. The limits for voltage, current and frequency
are not monitored. Set the maximum current consumption of the Sunny Island inverter for charging the battery in
emergency charge mode. The Sunny Island does not record additional strain on the generator due to loads.
☐ The Sunny Remote Control must be connected to the master.
☐ The system must be an off-grid system.
☐ The system must be a single system (single-phase system with Sunny Island).
☐ Lead-acid batteries must be connected (for emergency charge mode of a lithium-ion battery see documentation of
the battery manufacturer).
• Connect the generator to connection AC1.
• Charge the battery.
• Disconnect the generator from connection AC1.
• Start the off-grid system.

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Connecting the Generator to Connection AC1

1. Disconnect the Sunny Island from voltage sources (see Section 9, page 45).
2. If the system is a single-cluster system (single-phase or three-phase), the master must temporarily be connected as
single system (see quick reference guide "Off-Grid Systems" of the Sunny Island inverter).
3. If the system is a multicluster system (single-phase or three-phase), the master of the main cluster must temporarily
be connected as single system (see quick reference guide "Off-Grid Systems" of the Sunny Island inverter).
4. If a generator is installed permanently in the off-grid system, bridge the connections AC1 and AC2.
5. If a mobile generator is used, connect the generator to connection AC1 (see the Sunny Island inverter installation
Close the Sunny Island (see commissioning section in the Sunny Island inverter installation manual).

Charging the Battery

1. Switch off all loads.
2. Connect or close all circuit breakers and fuse switch-disconnectors for energy sources.
3. Quickly close the load-break switch of the BatFuse and close the BatFuse (see BatFuse installation manual).
4. Start the generator.
5. Switch the Sunny Island on (see Section 4.1, page 20).
6. If the Sunny Remote Control displays <Init System> , press and hold the button.
☑ The Sunny Remote Control displays the QCG. Select option
001#01 <´´¿´´´´´´]
New SystemÃ
7. Select the menu Emerg Charge and press the button. Select option
001#01 <´´¿´´´´´´]
Emerg ChargeÃ
☑ The Sunny Remote Control shows the ExtCurMax Emerg. Charg Mode
parameter. 005#22 <Set>Ã
0.0 [A]
8. Confirm with Y.
9. Set the AC current of the connected generator and press the button.
10. Confirm the AC current with Y.
11. Turn the button to the right and confirm the message Emerg. Setup new system
Charg Mode Start?. Done ? <accept Y/N>

Interrupting the emergency charge mode

You can interrupt the emergency charge mode, e.g., to add diesel to a generator.
• Press and hold the button.
☑ Emergency charge mode is stopped.
• Press and hold the button.
☑ Emergency charge mode is in operation.

Disconnecting the generator from connection AC1

1. Switch the Sunny Island off (see Section 4.4 "Switching Off the Sunny Island", page 21).
2. Ensure that the generator is stopped permanently.

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SMA Solar Technology AG 10 Troubleshooting

Danger to life from electric shock due to high voltages
High voltages are present on the AC power cables and on the control cables. Touching live components can
result in death or serious injury due to electric shock.
• Disconnect the Sunny Island from voltage sources (see Section 9, page 45).
4. If the connections AC1 and AC2 are bridged, remove the bridge.
5. If a mobile generator is used, disconnect the generator from connection AC1.
6. If the system is a single-cluster system (single-phase or three-phase) or a multicluster system, restore the system-
specific connection (see quick reference guide of the used system).
7. Close the Sunny Island (see commissioning section in the Sunny Island inverter installation manual).

Starting the Off-Grid System

1. Connect or close all circuit breakers and fuse-switch-disconnectors.
2. Start the system (see Section 4.2, page 20).

10.8 Changing Slave Addresses in a Cluster

If you want to change slave addresses (e.g., after replacing a Sunny Island inverter), you can assign the slaves a new
address using the QCG. Only the address is changed; all other configurations remain as they were, e.g., assignment
of the clusters in a multicluster system. When replacing a master, you must reconfigure the cluster (see the quick
reference guide for the relevant system for configuring single-cluster operation or multicluster operation).
☐ All Sunny Island inverters must be switched off.
☐ A Sunny Remote Control is connected to the master only.
1. Switch the slave on.
2. Switch the master on.
3. When the Sunny Remote Control shows <Init System>, press and hold the button on the Sunny Remote Control.
☑ An acoustic signal sounds three times and the QCG starts.
4. Select the NewClstCfg menu on the Sunny Remote Control and confirm with Y.
5. Select number of line conductors in the system:
• For a single-phase system, set 1Phs and press the button.
• For a three-phase system, set 3Phs and press the button.
6. Confirm the question Setup new cluster ? with Y.
7. Wait until the inverter LED of slave 1 is flashing and the Sunny Remote Control shows the message To identify
slave1 press Tss on the Slv.
8. Press the start-stop button on slave 1.

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☑ The QCG configures slave 1.

9. To configure slave 2, wait until the inverter LED of slave 2 is flashing and the Sunny Remote Control shows the
message To identify slave2 press Tss on the Slv.
10. Press the start-stop button on slave 2.
☑ An acoustic signal sounds and the QCG configures slave 2.
11. Press the button on the Sunny Remote Control. This closes the QCG.
☑ The Sunny Remote Control switches from display mode to standard mode.

92 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 11 Cleaning and Maintenance

11 Cleaning and Maintenance

11.1 Cleaning and Checking the Sunny Island Inverter Enclosure

Damage to the inverter due to the use of cleaning agents

• If the inverter is dirty, clean the enclosure, the enclosure lid, the type label and the LEDs using only clean water
and a cloth.

• Ensure that the inverter is free of dust, foliage and other dirt. Carefully remove heavy dirt with a soft brush.

11.2 Cleaning the Sunny Remote Control

Damage to the Sunny Remote Control due to the use of cleaning agents

• If the Sunny Remote Control is dirty, clean the enclosure, type label, button, and display with a damp cloth only.

• Ensure that the Sunny Remote Control is free of dust, foliage and other dirt.

11.3 Performing a Manual Equalization Charge in the Off-Grid System

After extended periods without charging (e.g., systems operated seasonally), perform a manual equalization charge at
the end or start of the season.
☐ The Sunny Remote Control must be in standard mode or user mode.
1. Select the Battery display page on the Sunny Remote Control and press the button (see Section 5.3.2
"Displaying Parameters and Operating and Setting the System", page 30).
2. Select the parameter Equalize and set to Start.

11.4 Checking the Function

• For the first six months after installation of new systems, check every week whether error messages have been
logged. This will reveal any hidden errors in the installation or configuration:
– Switch to installer mode on the Sunny Remote Control (see Section 5.4.1, page 32).
– Select the menu 420# Error history and check whether any error messages have been logged.
– If error messages have been logged, eliminate the cause (see Section 10 "Troubleshooting", page 46).
• Check every six months whether error messages have been logged:
– Switch to installer mode on the Sunny Remote Control (see Section 5.4.1, page 32).
– Select the menu 420# Error history and check whether any error messages have been logged.
– If error messages have been logged, eliminate the cause (see Section 10.5 "Logged Warning Messages and
Error Messages", page 52).

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11 Cleaning and Maintenance SMA Solar Technology AG

11.5 Checking the Connections

Danger to life from electric shock due to high voltages

High voltages are present inside the Sunny Island. When the enclosure lid is removed, live components can be
touched that can result in death or serious injury due to electric shock.
• Disconnect the Sunny Island from voltage sources (see Section 9, page 45).

1. Make sure the Sunny Island is dead. (see Section 9, page 45).

2. Ensure that the cables on the DC+ and DC‒ connections are securely fastened (torque: 12 Nm).
3. Ensure that the connections are free of corrosion.
4. Ensure that the cables in the AC1 and AC2 connections are securely fastened.
5. Close the Sunny Island (see the Sunny Island inverter installation manual).
6. Switch on all load-break switches and circuit breakers.

11.6 Checking and Maintaining the Battery

Chemical burns and poisoning due to battery electrolyte

If handled inappropriately, battery electrolyte can cause irritation to the eyes, respiratory system and skin, and it can
be toxic. This may result in blindness or serious chemical burns.
• Protect the battery enclosure against destruction.
• Do not open or deform the battery.
• Do not throw batteries into fire. Batteries may explode in fire.
• Whenever working on the battery, wear suitable personal protective equipment such as rubber gloves, an
apron, rubber boots and goggles.
• Rinse acid splashes thoroughly for a long time with clear water, and consult a doctor.
• Install, operate, maintain and dispose of the battery according to the manufacturer’s specifications.

Risk of injury due to short-circuit currents

Short-circuit currents in the battery can cause heat build-up and electric arcs. Burns or eye injuries due to flashes may
• Remove watches, rings and other metal objects.
• Use insulated tools.
• Do not place tools or metal parts on the battery.

☐ The Sunny Remote Control is in user mode.
1. Check whether the current state of the battery corresponds to the expected state:
• Select the Battery display page on the Sunny Remote Control.
• Select the parameter Cycle and compare the value with the expected nominal energy throughputs.

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SMA Solar Technology AG 11 Cleaning and Maintenance

• Select the parameter Health (SOH) and compare with the expected usable battery capacity.
If the current state of the battery does not correspond to the expected state, carry out the following steps:
• Ensure that the requirements for the ambient temperature of the battery are met (see documentation of the
battery manufacturer).
• Check and optimize the battery management settings.
• If you cannot determine the cause for the deviation, contact the Service (see Section 16 "Contact", page 161)
2. Stop the system and switch off the Sunny Island (see Section 4 "Starting and Stopping the System", page 20).
3. Open the load-break switch of the BatFuse and secure against reconnection.
4. Check and maintain the battery (see documentation of the battery manufacturer).
5. Quickly close the load-break switch of the BatFuse and close the BatFuse (see BatFuse installation manual).
6. Start the system.

11.7 Cleaning the Fans

If the Sunny Remote Control shows the warning W137 Derate exceptionally often, one of the fans is probably
defective or blocked.
• Clean the ventilation grids.
• Clean the fans.

Cleaning the Ventilation Grids

Proceed as follows to clean each ventilation grid.
1. Remove the ventilation grid laterally.
Damage to the inverter due to foreign bodies
• Do not remove the ventilation grid permanently, otherwise foreign bodies could penetrate the enclosure.
3. Clean the ventilation grid with a soft brush, a paint brush, or compressed air.
4. Close the recessed grips with the ventilation grids. Ensure that the assignment is correct. The correct assignment is
marked on the inside of each ventilation grid: links/left for the left-hand side and rechts/right for the right-hand

Cleaning the Fans

Proceed as follows to clean each fan.

Danger to life from electric shock due to high voltages

High voltages are present inside the Sunny Island. When the enclosure lid is removed, live components can be
touched that can result in death or serious injury due to electric shock.
• Disconnect the Sunny Island from voltage sources (see Section 9, page 45).

1. Disconnect the Sunny Island from voltage sources (see Section 9, page 45).

2. Wait for the fans to stop rotating.

Operating Manual SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 95

11 Cleaning and Maintenance SMA Solar Technology AG

3. Check whether the fan guard is dusty or badly clogged.

If the fan guard is dusty, clean it with a vacuum cleaner or a soft brush.
If the fan guard is heavily soiled, remove it and clean it:
• Use a screwdriver to push the two locking tabs at the
right-hand edge of the fan guard to the right-hand side
and remove them from the retainer.

• Carefully remove the fan guard.

• Clean the fan guard with a soft brush, a paint brush, a cloth or compressed air.
4. Check whether the fan is soiled.
If the fan is soiled, remove the fan:
• Use a screwdriver to push the two locking tabs at the
right-hand edge of the fan guard to the right-hand side
and remove them from the retainer.

• Carefully remove the fan guard.

• Push the front locking tabs of the fan backwards and the
rear locking tabs of the fan forwards.

• Slowly remove the fan from the Sunny Island.

96 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 11 Cleaning and Maintenance

• Release and remove the fan plug.

Damage to the fan due to compressed air
• Clean the fan with a soft brush, a paint brush, or a damp cloth.
6. Insert the plug of the fan in the pin connector until it snaps into place.
7. Insert the fan into the Sunny Island until the fan audibly snaps into place.
8. Press the fan guard into the bracket until it audibly snaps into place.

11.8 Replacing the Battery

Risk of injury due to short-circuit currents

Short-circuit currents in the battery can cause heat build-up and electric arcs. Burns or eye injuries due to flashes may
• Remove watches, rings and other metal objects.
• Use insulated tools.
• Do not place tools or metal parts on the battery.

Danger to life due to incompatible lithium-ion battery

An incompatible lithium-ion battery can lead to a fire or an explosion. With incompatible lithium-ion batteries, it is not
ensured that battery management is intrinsically safe and will protect the battery.
• Verify that the battery complies with locally applicable standards and directives and is intrinsically safe.
• Ensure that the lithium-ion batteries are approved for use with the Sunny Island. The list of lithium-ion batteries
approved for the Sunny Island is updated regularly (see the technical information "List of Approved Lithium-Ion
Batteries" at www.SMA-Solar.com).
• If no lithium-ion batteries approved for the Sunny Island can be used, lead-acid batteries can be used.

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11 Cleaning and Maintenance SMA Solar Technology AG

Chemical burns and poisoning due to battery electrolyte

If handled inappropriately, battery electrolyte can cause irritation to the eyes, respiratory system and skin, and it can
be toxic. This may result in blindness or serious chemical burns.
• Protect the battery enclosure against destruction.
• Do not open or deform the battery.
• Do not throw batteries into fire. Batteries may explode in fire.
• Whenever working on the battery, wear suitable personal protective equipment such as rubber gloves, an
apron, rubber boots and goggles.
• Rinse acid splashes thoroughly for a long time with clear water, and consult a doctor.
• Install, operate, maintain and dispose of the battery according to the manufacturer’s specifications.

Damage to the battery due to incorrect settings

The set battery parameters influence the charging behavior of the Sunny Island inverter. The battery can be
damaged by incorrect settings of the battery type, nominal voltage and capacity parameters.
• Ensure that the values recommended by the manufacturer are set for the battery (refer to the technical data of
the battery in the manufacturer documentation). Note that the battery charging behavior names used by
SMA Solar Technology AG and the battery manufacturer may, in some cases, differ in meaning (for the battery
charging behavior of the Sunny Island inverter, see technical information "List of Approved Lithium-Ion Batteries"
• Set the battery capacity for a ten-hour electric discharge (C10). The battery manufacturer specifies the battery
capacity in relation to discharge time.

1. Stop the system and switch off the Sunny Island (see Section 4, page 20).
2. Ensure that the battery is not grounded unintentionally.
If the battery is unintentionally grounded, identify the connection between the battery and ground potential and
remove the unintentional connection. This helps to prevent electric shock caused by malfunction of other system
3. Open the load-break switch of the BatFuse and secure against reconnection.
4. Remove the battery to be replaced (see battery manufacturer's manuals).
5. Mount and connect the new battery (see manuals of the battery manufacturer). The battery must comply with the
technical requirements of the Sunny Island inverter (refer to the Sunny Island inverter installation manual for
technical data of the DC connection).
6. Quickly close the load-break switch of the BatFuse and close the BatFuse (see BatFuse installation manual).
7. Switch the Sunny Island on (see Section 4.1, page 20).
8. If the Sunny Remote Control displays <Init System> , press and hold the button until the Sunny Remote Control
displays the QCG.
9. Select the menu New Battery and press the button.
10. Confirm with Y.

98 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 11 Cleaning and Maintenance

11. Select the parameter BatTyp, set the battery type as follows and confirm with Y.
Value Explanation
VRLA Lead-acid battery with immobilized electrolyte in AGM
(Absorbent Glass Mat Separator) or gel
FLA Lead-acid battery with liquid electrolyte
LiIon_Ext-BMS Lithium-ion battery

12. Make the following settings for lead-acid batteries.

• Select the parameter BatVtgLst, set the battery voltage and confirm with Y.
• Select the parameter BatCpyNom, set the C10 capacity of the battery (see the Sunny Island inverter
installation manual for how to calculate the battery capacity) and confirm the battery capacity with Y.
13. Make the following settings for lithium-ion batteries.
• Select the parameter BatCpyNom, set the C10 capacity of the battery (see the Sunny Island inverter
installation manual for how to calculate the battery capacity) and confirm the battery capacity with Y.
14. Select the last page and confirm the question Setup new battery with Y.

Operating Manual SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 99

12 Decommissioning the Sunny Island SMA Solar Technology AG

12 Decommissioning the Sunny Island

Danger to life from electric shock due to high voltages

High voltages are present inside the Sunny Island. When the enclosure lid is removed, live components can be
touched that can result in death or serious injury due to electric shock.
• Disconnect the Sunny Island from voltage sources (see Section 9, page 45).

1. Ensure that the Sunny Island is disconnected from all voltage sources (see Section 9, page 45).
2. Remove all cables from the Sunny Island.
3. Close the Sunny Island.
4. Remove the ventilation grids laterally.

5. If the Sunny Island is protected against theft, loosen the

security screws.

6. Loosen the screws on both sides between the Sunny Island and

the wall mounting bracket using a hex key (AF 5).

100 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 12 Decommissioning the Sunny Island

Risk of injury due to the heavy weight of the Sunny Island inverter
The Sunny Island weighs 44 kg resp. 63 kg. There is risk of injury if the inverter is lifted incorrectly or dropped
while being transported or when attaching it to or removing it from the wall mounting bracket.
• Keep in mind the weight of the Sunny Island inverter.
• With the SI3.0M-11 and SI4.4M-11, remove the
Sunny Island vertically upwards from the wall mounting
bracket. For this, use the side recess grips. Keep the
Sunny Island in a horizontal position when moving it.

• With the SI6.0H-11 and SI8.0H-11, remove the

Sunny Island vertically upwards from the wall mounting
bracket. For this, use the side recess grips or a steel rod
(diameter: maximum 30 mm). Keep the Sunny Island in a
horizontal position when moving it.

8. Remove the cable glands from the inverter.

9. If the inverter is to be stored or shipped, pack the inverter. Use the original packaging or packaging that is
suitable for the weight and dimensions of the inverter.
10. Dispose of the inverter in accordance with the locally applicable disposal regulations for electronic waste.

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13 Parameters in Sunny Remote Control SMA Solar Technology AG

13 Parameters in Sunny Remote Control
13.1 Directory of the Parameters in User Mode
13.1.1 Inverter Category
Display Page
Name Description Value Explanation
Tot.Power Total active power of the Sunny Island inverters in- – – ✓ ✓
This parameter is hidden in multicluster systems.
MC.Power Total active power of the multicluster system in kW – – ✖ ✓
This parameter is hidden in single systems and sin-
gle-cluster systems.
Timer mode Time-controlled operation of the Sunny Island in off- Enable The Sunny Island is in time- ✖ ✓
grid systems controlled operation.
Disable Time-controlled operation is

Setting Page
Name Description Value Explanation
Restart Restart of the Sunny Island inverter Yes Initiate restart. ✖ ✓
No Do not initiate restart.
Str.Date Start date for time-controlled operation of the Sun- – – ✖ ✓
ny Island in dd.mm.yy
In time-controlled operation, the Sunny Island
switches from standby mode to operation for the
first time on the start date.
Start time Start time for time-controlled operation, in hh:mm:ss – – ✖ ✓
Run Time Run time for time-controlled operation – – ✖ ✓
The Sunny Island switches to operation from the
start time for the configured run time.
Repetition Repetition cycle for time-controlled operation Single Configures one-time opera- ✖ ✓
tion on the start date.
Daily Configures daily operation
from the start date.
Weekly Configures weekly opera-
tion from the start date.
The start date determines
the weekday.

102 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 13 Parameters in Sunny Remote Control

Name Description Value Explanation

Timed start Time-controlled operation Disable Disables time-controlled op- ✖ ✓
Enable Enables time-controlled op-

13.1.2 Battery Category

Display Pages
Name Description Value Explanation
StateOfCha Current battery state of charge in % – – ✓ ✓
Voltage Battery voltage in V – – ✓ ✓
PowerOut Current discharge power of the battery in kW – If the value is positive, the ✓ ✓
battery is discharging. If the
value is negative, the bat-
tery is charging.
Mode Current charging process Boost Boost charge is enabled. ✓ ✓
Full Full charge is enabled.
Float Float charge is enabled.
Equalize Equalization charge is en-
Silent The Sunny Island has
switched to energy-saving
Remain time Remaining time of current charging process in h- – – ✓ ✓
Next equal Remaining time until next equalization charge in - – – ✓ ✓
Health Ratio of currently usable capacity to nominal ca- – – ✓ ✓
(SOH) pacity, in %
Cycle Nominal energy throughputs of the battery – – ✓ ✓
A nominal energy throughput is the calculated re-
sult of one full charge and discharge of the bat-

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13 Parameters in Sunny Remote Control SMA Solar Technology AG

Setting Pages
Name Description Value Explanation
Equalize Manual equalization charge Start Starts the equalization ✓ ✓
Stop Stops the equalization
Idle Remains idle until the re-
quirements for an equaliza-
tion charge are met.

13.1.3 Generator Category

Display Pages
The Sunny Remote Control displays these pages whenever a generator has been connected and configured.
Name Description Value Explanation
Power Active power of the generator in kW – – ✖ ✓
Voltage Generator voltage – – ✖ ✓
Frequency Frequency of generator voltage – – ✖ ✓
Request by Source for generator request None Generator has not been re- ✖ ✓
Bat Electricity generator was re-
quested due to state of
Lod Electricity generator was re-
quested due to load.
Tim Generator requested due
to time.
Run1h Generator manually re-
quested for one hour.
Start Generator was started
ExtSrcReq Generator was requested
Run Time Current run time of the generator in hh:mm:ss – – ✖ ✓
Energy Energy supplied by the generator since the last – – ✖ ✓
start in kWh
No.OfStarts Number of generator starts – – ✖ ✓
Op.Hours Total operating hours of the generator – – ✖ ✓
Tot.Energy Total energy supplied by the generator in kWh – – ✖ ✓

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SMA Solar Technology AG 13 Parameters in Sunny Remote Control

Setting Pages
Name Description Value Explanation
Mode Generator control Auto Enable automatic genera- ✓ ✓
tor operation.
Stop Stops the generator.
Start Start the generator.
Run1h Starts the generator for
one hour.
Error Error confirmation for generator error Ackn Acknowledge the error. ✖ ✓

13.1.4 Grid Category

Display Pages
The Sunny Remote Control displays these pages in a battery backup system.
Name Description
Power Active power of utility grid in kW ✓ ✖
Voltage Voltage of utility grid in V ✓ ✖
Frequency Frequency of the utility grid, in Hz ✓ ✖

Setting Pages
Name Description Value Explanation
Mode Manual Auto Enables automatic connection to the utility grid. ✓ ✖
connection to the util-
ity grid Stop Disconnects the Sunny Island from the utility grid.
Start Connects the Sunny Island to the utility grid.

13.1.5 SI Charger Category

Display Pages
The Sunny Remote Control only shows this page if at least one Sunny Island Charger is used in the off-grid system.
Name Description
Tot.Power Total PV power of all Sunny Island Charger charge controllers in kW ✖ ✓
Tot.Energy Energy of all Sunny Island Charger charge controllers in kWh ✖ ✓
Day Energy Total PV energy today ✖ ✓
This is the total energy of all Sunny Island Charger charge controllers in kWh

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13 Parameters in Sunny Remote Control SMA Solar Technology AG

13.1.6 Self Cnsmptn Category

Display Pages
The Sunny Remote Control displays these pages if the PV generation in a system for increased self-consumption is
transferred to the Sunny Island.
Name Description
IncPower Current increased self-consumption in kW ✓ ✖
IncToday Today's increased self-consumption in kWh ✓ ✖
IncEnergy Total increased self-consumption in kWh ✓ ✖
Energy Energy consumed internally in kWh ✓ ✖

13.1.7 Grid Cnsmptn Category

Display Pages
The Sunny Remote Control displays these pages in a system for increased self-consumption.
Name Description
Power Power drawn from the utility grid in kW ✓ ✖
Energy Energy drawn from the utility grid in kWh ✓ ✖

13.1.8 Grid Feed Category

Display Pages
The Sunny Remote Control displays these pages in a system for increased self-consumption.
Name Description
Power Power fed into the utility grid in kW ✓ ✖
Energy Today's grid feed-in in kWh ✓ ✖

13.1.9 Loads Category

Display Pages
The Sunny Remote Control displays these pages if PV generation in a system for increased self-consumption is
transferred to the Sunny Island.
Name Description
Power Current power of the loads in kW ✓ ✖
Energy Consumption meter reading in kWh ✓ ✖
ConState Reserved for future applications ✓ ✖

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SMA Solar Technology AG 13 Parameters in Sunny Remote Control

13.1.10 PV System Category

Display Pages
The Sunny Remote Control displays these pages if PV generation in a system for increased self-consumption is
transferred to the Sunny Island.
Name Description
Power Power PV generation in kW ✓ ✖
Energy PV production meter reading in kWh ✓ ✖
ConState Reserved for future applications ✓ ✖

13.1.11 System Category

Display Pages
Name Description Value Explanation
Type Configuration of the system 1Phase1 Single-phase system with one ✓ ✓
1Phase2 Single-phase system with two ✖ ✓
Sunny Island inverters
1Phase3 Single-phase system with three ✖ ✓
Sunny Island inverters
3Phase Three-phase system ✓ ✓
Box Type Type of connected Multicluster-Box MC-Box-6 Multicluster-Box 6 ✖ ✓
This parameter is shown only in multiclus- MC-Box-12 Multicluster-Box 12 (MC- ✖ ✓
ter systems. BOX-12.3)
MC- Multicluster-Box 12 (MC- ✓ ✓
Box-12-2x* BOX-12.3-20)
MC-Box-36 Multicluster-Box 36 ✖ ✓
Device Type of cluster MainClst Sunny Remote Control is con- ✖ ✓
This parameter is shown only in multiclus- nected to the main cluster.
ter systems. ExtnClst The Sunny Remote Control is con-
nected to the extension cluster.
* Value is visible until firmware version 3.5 of the Sunny Island

13.1.12 Time Category

Display Pages
Name Description
Date Date in dd.mm.yyyy ✓ ✓
Time Time in hh:mm:ss ✓ ✓

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13 Parameters in Sunny Remote Control SMA Solar Technology AG

Setting Page
Name Description Explanation
Date Date in dd.mm.yyyy Set the date. ✓ ✓
Time Time in hh:mm:ss Set the time. ✓ ✓

13.1.13 Identity Category

Display Pages
Name Description
Serial No. Serial number ✓ ✓
Firmware Firmware version ✓ ✓

13.1.14 Password Category

Display Pages
Name Description Value Explanation
Level Current password level User Sunny Remote Control is in user mode. ✓ ✓

Setting Page
Name Description
Set Enter the installer password. ✓ ✓
Runtime Displays the operating hours ✓ ✓

13.2 Directory of the Parameters in Installer Mode and Expert Mode

13.2.1 Display Values Inverter (110#)

111# Total
No. Name Description
111.01 TotInvPwrAt Total active power of Sunny Island inverters in a cluster ✓ ✓
in kW
111.02 TotInvCur Total current of Sunny Island inverters in a cluster in A ✓ ✓
111.03 TotInvPwrRt Total reactive power of Sunny Island inverters in a cluster in kVAr ✓ ✓
(expert mode)
111.05 TotLodPwr Total current active power of the loads in a cluster in kW ✓ ✓
111.07 TotMccInvPwr Total active power currently supplied in the multicluster system in kW ✓ ✓

108 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 13 Parameters in Sunny Remote Control

112# Device
No. Name Description Value Explanation
(Plain text
112.01 InvOpStt Operating state of the Sunny Island Init (1) Initialization ✓ ✓
Startup (2) Switch from standby to
Standby (3) Standby
Run (4) Operation
I-Loop (5) Current-controlled gener-
ator operation
Error (6) Error status
112.02 InvPwrAt Active power of the Sunny Island in- – – ✓ ✓
verter at line conductor L1 in kW
112.03 InvVtg Grid voltage of the Sunny Island in- – – ✓ ✓
verter at line conductor L1 in V
112.04 InvCur Line current of the Sunny Island in- – – ✓ ✓
verter at line conductor L1 in A
112.05 InvFrq Grid frequency of the Sunny Island – – ✓ ✓
inverter in Hz
112.06 InvPwrRt Reactive power of the Sunny Island – – ✓ ✓
inverter at line conductor L1 in kVAr
(expert mode)
112.07 Rly1Stt Multifunction relay status 1 Off Multifunction relay is de- ✓ ✓
On Multifunction relay is acti-
112.08 Rly2Stt Multifunction relay status 2 Off Multifunction relay is de- ✓ ✓
On Multifunction relay is acti-
112.12 TrfTmp Temperature of the transformer in °C – – ✓ ✓
(expert mode)
The temperature of the transformer is
displayed in the master of a cluster.
112.13 HsTmp Temperature of the heat sink in the – – ✓ ✓
Sunny Island in °C (expert mode)
The temperature of the heat sink is
displayed in the master of a cluster.

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13 Parameters in Sunny Remote Control SMA Solar Technology AG

113# Slave1
No. Name Description Value Explanation
(Plain text
113.01 InvOpSttSlv1 Operating state of slave 1 Init (1) Initialization ✓ ✓
Startup (2) Switch from standby to
Standby (3) Standby
Run (4) Operation
I-Loop (5) Current-controlled gener-
ator operation
Error (6) Error status
113.02 InvPwrAtSlv1 Active power of slave 1 at line – – ✓ ✓
conductor L2 in kW
113.03 InvVtgSlv1 Line voltage of slave 1 at line – – ✓ ✓
conductor L2 in V
113.04 InvCurSlv1 Line current of the slave 1 at line – – ✓ ✓
conductor L2 in A
113.05 InvPwrRtSlv1 Reactive power of slave 1 at line – – ✓ ✓
conductor L2 in kVAr (expert
113.06 Rly1SttSlv1 Multifunction relay status 1 of Off Multifunction relay is de- ✓ ✓
slave 1 activated.
On Multifunction relay is acti-
113.07 Rly2SttSlv1 Multifunction relay status 2 of Off Multifunction relay is de- ✓ ✓
slave 1 activated.
On Multifunction relay is acti-
113.09 TrfTmpSlv1 Temperature of the transformer in – – ✓ ✓
slave 1 in °C (expert mode)
113.10 HsTmpSlv1 Temperature of the heat sink in – – ✓ ✓
slave 1 in °C (expert mode)

110 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 13 Parameters in Sunny Remote Control

114# Slave2
No. Name Description Value Explanation
(Plain text
114.01 InvOpSttSlv2 Operating state of slave 2 Init (1) Initialization ✓ ✓
Startup (2) Switch from standby to
Standby (3) Standby
Run (4) Operation
I-Loop (5) Current-controlled gener-
ator operation
Error (6) Error status
114.02 InvPwrAtSlv2 Active power of slave 2 at line – – ✓ ✓
conductor L3 in kW
114.03 InvVtgSlv2 Line voltage of slave 2 at line – – ✓ ✓
conductor L3 in V
114.04 InvCurSlv2 Line current of slave 2 at line con- – – ✓ ✓
ductor L3 in A
114.05 InvPwrRtSlv2 Reactive power of slave 2 at line – – ✓ ✓
conductor L3 in kVAr (expert
114.06 Rly1SttSlv2 Multifunction relay status 1 of Off Multifunction relay is de- ✓ ✓
slave 2 activated.
On Multifunction relay is acti-
114.07 Rly2SttSlv2 Multifunction relay status 2 of Off Multifunction relay is de- ✓ ✓
slave 2 activated.
On Multifunction relay is acti-
114.09 TrfTmpSlv2 Temperature of the transformer in – – ✓ ✓
slave 2 in °C (expert mode)
114.10 HsTmpSlv2 Temperature of the heat sink in – – ✓ ✓
slave 2 in °C (expert mode)

Operating Manual SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 111

13 Parameters in Sunny Remote Control SMA Solar Technology AG Battery (120#)

No. Name Description Value Explanation
(Plain text
120.01 BatSoc State of charge of the battery (SOC) 0% to 100% – ✓ ✓
based on the nominal battery capac-
ity in %
120.02 BatVtg Battery voltage in V – – ✓ ✓
120.03 BatChrgVtg Current battery charging voltage set- – – ✓ ✓
point in V
120.04 AptTmRmg Remaining absorption time for com- – – ✓ ✓
pletion of the current battery charge
phase 120.05 BatChrgOp in hh:m-
120.05 BatChrgOp Active battery charging mode Boost (1) Boost charge ✓ ✓
Full (2) Full charge
Float (3;7) Float charge
Equalize (4;5) Equalization charge
Silent (6;8) Energy-saving mode ac-
120.06 TotBatCur Total battery current of the cluster – – ✓ ✓
in A
120.07 BatTmp Battery temperature in °C – – ✓ ✓
120.08 RmgTmFul Remaining time until next full charge – – ✓ ✓
in days
120.09 RmgTmEqu Remaining time until next equaliza- – – ✓ ✓
tion charge in days
120.10 AptPhs Status of the absorption phase Off (1) Absorption phase not ac- ✓ ✓
On (2) Absorption phase is ac-
120.11 BatSocErr Estimated error of the battery state of – – ✓ ✓
charge (SOC) in % (expert mode)
120.12 BatCpyThrp Number of nominal energy through- – – ✓ ✓
Cnt puts of the battery
A nominal energy throughput is the
calculated result of one full charge
and discharge of the battery.

112 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 13 Parameters in Sunny Remote Control External (130#)

131# Total
No. Name Description
131.01 TotExtPwrAt Total active power of the external grid connection in kW ✓ ✓
131.02 TotExtCur Total current of the external grid connection in A ✓ ✓
131.03 TotExtPwrRt Total reactive power of the external grid connection in kvar ✓ ✓

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13 Parameters in Sunny Remote Control SMA Solar Technology AG

132# Grid State

No. Name Description Value Explanation
(Plain text
132.01 GdStt Utility grid status (expert mode) Off (1) Off; Grid operation is dis- ✓ ✓
Init (2) Initialization; Utility grid has
been detected.
Detect (3) Grid monitoring started.
Wait (4) Waiting until the stand-alone
grid is synchronized with the
utility grid.
RunVExt (5) Grid operation without feed-
back; The stand-alone grid is
synchronized with and con-
nected to the utility grid.
Feed (6) Grid operation with feed-back;
Grid feed-in into the utility grid
is possible.
Silent (7) Energy-saving in the utility grid;
the Sunny Island is in energy-
saving mode.
SiStr (8) The Sunny Island is switching
to energy-saving mode.
SiStp (9) The Sunny Island is leaving en-
ergy-saving mode.
Error (10) An error occurred when con-
Reinit (11) Initialization; Utility grid has
been detected again.
132.02 GdRmgTm Standby time to feed-in in hh:m- – – ✓ ✓
This is the remaining time of
grid monitoring in hh:mm:ss

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SMA Solar Technology AG 13 Parameters in Sunny Remote Control

133# Gen State

No. Name Description Value Explanation
(Plain text
133.01 GnDmdSrc Reason for requesting genera- None (1) No request ✖ ✓
Bat (2) State-of-charge-dependent re-
Lod (3) Load-dependent request
Tim (4) Time-controlled request
Run1h (5) Requested for 1 hour
Start (6) Manually started
ExtSrcReq (7) External generator request
133.02 GnStt Generator state Off (1) Deactivated generator opera- ✖ ✓
Init (2) Detecting generator
Ready (3) Waiting for request (ready)
Warm (4) Warming up
Connect (5) Connecting
Run (6) Operation
Retry (7) Restarting
Disconnect (8) Split
Cool (9) Cooling down
Lock (10) Locked after operation
Fail (11) Error
FailLock (12) Locked after error
Reinit (13) Re-detection of the generator
133.03 GnRmgTm Remaining minimum run time of – – ✖ ✓
the generator in hh:mm:ss
133.04 GnRnStt Status of the digital input for Off (1) Off ✖ ✓
generator feedback (expert
mode) On (2) On

134# Device
No. Name Description
134.01 ExtPwrAt Total active power of the external grid connection at line conductor L1 in kW ✖ ✓
134.02 ExtVtg Voltage of the external grid connection at line conductor L1 in V ✖ ✓

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13 Parameters in Sunny Remote Control SMA Solar Technology AG

No. Name Description

134.03 ExtCur Current of the external grid connection at line conductor L1 in A ✖ ✓
134.04 ExtFrq Frequency of external energy source in Hz ✖ ✓
134.05 ExtPwrRt Reactive power of the external grid connection at line conductor L1 in kVAr ✖ ✓
(expert mode)
134.07 ExtLkRmgTm Minimum stop time in hh:mm:ss ✖ ✓

135# Slave1
No. Name Description
135.01 ExtPwrAtSlv1 Total active power of the external grid connection at slave 1 / line conduc- ✖ ✓
tor L2 in kW
135.02 ExtVtgSlv1 Voltage of the external grid connection at slave 1 / line conductor L2 in V ✖ ✓
135.03 ExtCurSlv1 Current of the external grid connection at slave 1 / line conductor L2 in A ✖ ✓
135.04 ExtPwrRtSlv1 Reactive power of the external grid connection at slave 1 line conductor L2 in- ✖ ✓
 kVAr (expert mode)

136# Slave2
No. Name Description
136.01 ExtPwrAtSlv2 Total active power of the external grid connection at slave 2 / line conduc- ✖ ✓
tor L3 in kW
136.02 ExtVtgSlv2 Voltage of the external grid connection at slave 2 / line conductor L3 in V ✖ ✓
136.03 ExtCurSlv2 Current of the external grid connection at slave 2 / line conductor L3 in A ✖ ✓
136.04 ExtPwrRtSlv2 Reactive power of the external grid connection at slave 2 line conductor L3 in- ✖ ✓
 kVAr (expert mode) Charge Controller (140#)

141# SIC50 Total

No. Name Description
141.01 TotSicEgyCntIn Total PV energy: This is the total energy of all Sunny Island Charger charge ✖ ✓
controllers in kWh
141.02 TSicDyEgyCntIn Total PV energy today: This is the total energy of all Sunny Island Charger ✖ ✓
charge controllers in kWh
141.03 TotSicPvPwr Total PV power of all Sunny Island Charger charge controllers in W ✖ ✓
141.04 TotSicBatCur Total output current of all Sunny Island Charger charge controllers in A ✖ ✓

116 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 13 Parameters in Sunny Remote Control

142# SIC50 1
No. Name Description
142.01 Sic1EgyCntIn Total PV energy of Sunny Island Charger charge controller 1 in kWh ✖ ✓
142.02 Sic1TdyEgyCntIn Daily energy of Sunny Island Charger charge controller 1 in kWh ✖ ✓
142.03 Sic1PvPwr PV power of Sunny Island Charger charge controller 1 in W ✖ ✓
142.04 Sic1PvVtg PV voltage of Sunny Island Charger charge controller 1 in V ✖ ✓
142.05 Sic1BatVtg Battery voltage of Sunny Island Charger charge controller 1 in V (expert ✖ ✓
142.06 Sic1BatCur Battery current of Sunny Island Charger charge controller 1 in A (expert ✖ ✓
142.07 Sic1HsTmp Heat sink temperature of Sunny Island Charger charge controller 1 in °C ✖ ✓
(expert mode)

143# SIC50 2
No. Name Description
143.01 Sic2EgyCntIn Total PV energy of Sunny Island Charger charge controller 2 in kWh ✖ ✓
143.02 Sic2TdyEgyCntIn Daily energy of Sunny Island Charger charge controller 2 in kWh ✖ ✓
143.03 Sic2PvPwr PV power of Sunny Island Charger charge controller 2 in W ✖ ✓
143.04 Sic2PvVtg PV voltage of Sunny Island Charger charge controller 2 in V ✖ ✓
143.05 Sic2BatVtg Battery voltage of Sunny Island Charger charge controller 2 in V (expert ✖ ✓
143.06 Sic2BatCur Battery current of Sunny Island Charger charge controller 2 in A (expert ✖ ✓
143.07 Sic2HsTmp Heat sink temperature of Sunny Island Charger charge controller 2 in °C ✖ ✓
(expert mode)

144# SIC50 3
No. Name Description
144.01 Sic3EgyCntIn Total PV energy of Sunny Island Charger charge controller 3 in kWh ✖ ✓
144.02 Sic3TdyEgyCntIn Daily energy of Sunny Island Charger charge controller 3 in kWh ✖ ✓
144.03 Sic3PvPwr PV power of Sunny Island Charger charge controller 3 in W ✖ ✓
144.04 Sic3PvVtg PV voltage of Sunny Island Charger charge controller 3 in V ✖ ✓
144.05 Sic3BatVtg Battery voltage of Sunny Island Charger charge controller 3 in V (expert ✖ ✓

Operating Manual SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 117

13 Parameters in Sunny Remote Control SMA Solar Technology AG

No. Name Description

144.06 Sic3BatCur Battery current of Sunny Island Charger charge controller 3 in A (expert ✖ ✓
144.07 Sic3HsTmp Heat sink temperature of Sunny Island Charger charge controller 3 in °C ✖ ✓
(expert mode)

145# SIC50 4
No. Name Description
145.01 Sic4EgyCntIn Total PV energy of Sunny Island Charger charge controller 4 in kWh ✖ ✓
145.02 Sic4TdyEgyCntIn Daily energy of Sunny Island Charger charge controller 4 in kWh ✖ ✓
145.03 Sic4PvPwr PV power of Sunny Island Charger charge controller 4 in W ✖ ✓
145.04 Sic4PvVtg PV voltage of Sunny Island Charger charge controller 4 in V ✖ ✓
145.05 Sic4BatVtg Battery voltage of Sunny Island Charger charge controller 4 in V (expert ✖ ✓
145.06 Sic4BatCur Battery current of Sunny Island Charger charge controller 4 in A (expert ✖ ✓
145.07 Sic4HsTmp Heat sink temperature of Sunny Island Charger charge controller 4 in °C ✖ ✓
(expert mode) Compact (150#)

The menu 150# Compact displays multiple parameters from the following areas at a glance:
• Battery
• AC measured values of the Sunny Island inverter
• Electric generator or utility grid
• Status of the Sunny Island Inverter

Battery (Bat)

A Meters Compact B
Bat 75.2% 5.6%
8.6A 20.3deg C C

E 46.0V 49.0V D

Figure 15: Overview of the menu Meters Compact for the battery

Position Description Parameter

A Battery state of charge (SOC) as % 120.01 BatSoc ✓ ✓
B Estimated error of the battery state of charge (SOC) 120.11 BatSocErr ✓ ✓
in % (expert mode)
C Battery temperature in °C 120.07 BatTmp ✓ ✓

118 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 13 Parameters in Sunny Remote Control

Position Description Parameter

D Charging voltage setpoint in V 120.03 BatChrgVtg ✓ ✓
E Battery voltage in V 120.02 BatVtg ✓ ✓
F Total battery current of the cluster in A 120.06 TotBatCur ✓ ✓

AC Measured Values of the Sunny Island Inverter (Inv)

Meters Compact
Inv 230V 50.3Hz
D -0.6kW 0.1kVAr C

Figure 16: Overview of the menu Meters Compact for the AC measured values of the Sunny Island inverter

Position Description Parameter

A Voltage of the Sunny Island inverter in V 112.03 InvVtg ✓ ✓
B Voltage frequency of the Sunny Island inverter in Hz 112.05 InvFrq ✓ ✓
C Reactive power of the inverter in kVAr 112.06 InvPwrRt ✓ ✓
D Active power of the inverter in kW 112.02 InvPwrAt ✓ ✓

Generator or Utility Grid (Ext)

Meters Compact
Ext 230V 50.0Hz
D -0.6kW 0.1kVAr C

Figure 17: Overview of the menu Meters Compact for the generator or the battery backup grid

Position Description Parameter

A Voltage of generator or utility grid in V 134.02 ExtVtg ✓ ✓
B Frequency of generator or utility grid in Hz 134.04 ExtFrq ✓ ✓
C Reactive power of generator or utility grid in kVAr 134.05 ExtPwrRt ✓ ✓
D Active power of generator or utility grid in kW 134.01 ExtPwrAt ✓ ✓

Operating Manual SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 119

13 Parameters in Sunny Remote Control SMA Solar Technology AG

Status of the Sunny Island Inverter (OpStt)

Meters Compact
OpStt Run

Figure 18: Overview of the menu Meters Compact for the status of the Sunny Island inverter

Position Description Value Explanation Parameter

A Operating state of the Sunny Is- Init Initialization 112.01 InvOpStt ✓ ✓
land inverter
Standby Standby
Run Operation
EmChargeMod Emergency
charge mode
Error Error SlfCsmp (160#)

161# Power
No. Name Description
161.01 TotPvPwrAt Power PV generation in kW ✓ ✖
161.02 TotLodPwrAt Total power of the loads in kW ✓ ✖
161.03 SlfCsmpPwrAt Current self-consumption in kW ✓ ✖
161.04 SlfCsmpIncPwr Current increased self-consumption in kW ✓ ✖
161.05 GdCsmpPwrAt Power drawn from the utility grid in kW ✓ ✖
161.06 GdFeedPwrAt Power fed into the utility grid in kW ✓ ✖

162# Energy
No. Name Description
162.01 TotLodEgyCnt Consumption meter reading in kWh ✓ ✖
162.02 SlfCsmpIncEgy Total increased self-consumption in kWh ✓ ✖
162.03 SlfCsmpIncTdy Today's increased self-consumption in kWh ✓ ✖
162.04 SlfCsmpEgy Energy consumed internally in kWh ✓ ✖
162.05 GdCsmpEgyMtr Purchased electricity meter reading in kWh ✓ ✖
162.06 GdCsmpEgyTdy Today's purchased electricity in kWh ✓ ✖
162.07 GdFeedEgyMtr Feed-in meter reading in kWh ✓ ✖

120 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 13 Parameters in Sunny Remote Control

No. Name Description

162.08 PvEgyMtr PV production meter reading in kWh ✓ ✖
162.09 GdFeedEgyTdy Today's grid feed-in in kWh ✓ ✖

163# State
No. Name Description Value Explanation
163.01 BatMntStt Battery maintenance charge On Charge with solar ✓ ✖
status: If full charge or equal- power: Full charge or
ization charge with PV energy equalization charge ac-
has not ended after 24 hours, tive; energy is drawn
163.01 BatMntStt automati- from the utility grid
cally switches to On.
Wait Charge with solar
power: If sufficient PV
energy is available, full
charge or equalization
charge active
Off Inactive: No full
charge or equalization
charge active
163.02 SlfCsmpSOCArea Status of the battery utilization SlfCsmpSOC Range for increased ✓ ✖
range self-consumption
In systems for increased self- PVResSOC Range for maintenance
consumption and in battery- of the battery state of
backup systems, this parameter charge
shows in which range the state
of charge of the battery is cur- BUResSOC Range for the battery
rently in (export mode). backup system function
BatResSOC Range for protection
against deep discharge
ProtResSOC Range for protection in
the event of deep dis-
163.03 SlfCsmpSOCLim Lower discharge limit for self- 5% to 90% – ✓ ✖
consumption range as %:
With this updated display
value, the Sunny Island inverter
informs of the state of charge
up to which the battery for in-
creased self-consumption is dis-
charged (expert mode).

Operating Manual SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 121

13 Parameters in Sunny Remote Control SMA Solar Technology AG Multicluster (170#)

171# Total
The menu 171# Total is visible until firmware version 3.5 of the Sunny Island. Firmware version 3.5 of Sunny Island
can only be used in multicluster systems with the Multicluster-Box 12 of device type MC-BOX-12.3-20.
No. Name Description
171.01 MCBatSOC Battery state of charge of the multicluster systems as % ✓ ✓

172# Ext.Cluster
The menu 172# Ext.Cluster is visible until firmware version 3.5 of the Sunny Island. Firmware version 3.5 of
Sunny Island can only be used in multicluster systems with the Multicluster-Box 12 of device type MC-BOX-12.3-20.
No. Name Description Value Explanation
172.01 BatSOCExt1 Battery state of charge of ex- – – ✓ ✓
tension cluster 1 as %
172.02 BatSOCExt2 Battery state of charge of ex- – – ✓ ✓
tension cluster 2 as %
172.03 BatSOCExt3 Battery state of charge of ex- – – ✓ ✓
tension cluster 3 as %
172.04 BatSOCExt4 Battery state of charge of ex- – – ✖ ✓
tension cluster 4 as %
172.05 BatSOCExt5 Battery state of charge of ex- – – ✖ ✓
tension cluster 5 as %
172.06 BatSOCExt6 Battery state of charge of ex- – – ✖ ✓
tension cluster 6 as %
172.07 BatSOCExt7 Battery state of charge of ex- – – ✖ ✓
tension cluster 7 as %
172.08 BatSOCExt8 Battery state of charge of ex- – – ✖ ✓
tension cluster 8 as %
172.09 BatSOCExt9 Battery state of charge of ex- – – ✖ ✓
tension cluster 9 as %
172.10 BatSOCExt10 Battery state of charge of ex- – – ✖ ✓
tension cluster 10 as %
172.11 BatSOCExt11 Battery state of charge of ex- – – ✖ ✓
tension cluster 11 as %
172.13 TotInvPwrAtExt1 Active power of extension clus- – – ✓ ✓
ter 1 in kW
172.14 TotInvPwrAtExt2 Active power of extension clus- – – ✓ ✓
ter 2 in kW
172.15 TotInvPwrAtExt3 Active power of extension clus- – – ✓ ✓
ter 3 in kW

122 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 13 Parameters in Sunny Remote Control

No. Name Description Value Explanation

172.16 TotInvPwrAtExt4 Active power of extension clus- – – ✖ ✓
ter 4 in kW
172.17 TotInvPwrAtExt5 Active power of extension clus- – – ✖ ✓
ter 5 in kW
172.18 TotInvPwrAtExt6 Active power of extension clus- – – ✖ ✓
ter 6 in kW
172.19 TotInvPwrAtExt7 Active power of extension clus- – – ✖ ✓
ter 7 in kW
172.20 TotInvPwrAtExt8 Active power of extension clus- – – ✖ ✓
ter 8 in kW
172.21 TotInvPwrAtExt9 Active power of extension clus- – – ✖ ✓
ter 9 in kW
172.22 TotInvPwrAtExt10 Active power of extension clus- – – ✖ ✓
ter 10 in kW
172.23 TotInvPwrAtExt11 Active power of extension clus- – – ✖ ✓
ter 11 in kW
172.25 TotInvPwrRtExt1 Reactive power of extension – – ✓ ✓
cluster 1 in kVAr
172.26 TotInvPwrRtExt2 Reactive power of extension – – ✓ ✓
cluster 2 in kVAr
172.27 TotInvPwrRtExt3 Reactive power of extension – – ✓ ✓
cluster 3 in kVAr
172.28 TotInvPwrRtExt4 Reactive power of extension – – ✖ ✓
cluster 4 in kVAr
172.29 TotInvPwrRtExt5 Reactive power of extension – – ✖ ✓
cluster 5 in kVAr
172.30 TotInvPwrRtExt6 Reactive power of extension – – ✖ ✓
cluster 6 in kVAr
172.31 TotInvPwrRtExt7 Reactive power of extension – – ✖ ✓
cluster 7 in kVAr
172.32 TotInvPwrRtExt8 Reactive power of extension – – ✖ ✓
cluster 8 in kVAr
172.33 TotInvPwrRtExt9 Reactive power of extension – – ✖ ✓
cluster 9 in kVAr
172.34 TotInvPwrRtExt10 Reactive power of extension – – ✖ ✓
cluster 10 in kVAr
172.35 TotInvPwrRtExt11 Reactive power of extension – – ✖ ✓
cluster 11 in kVAr

Operating Manual SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 123

13 Parameters in Sunny Remote Control SMA Solar Technology AG

No. Name Description Value Explanation

172.37 OpSttExt1 Operating state of extension Operating (1) Operation ✓ ✓
cluster 1
Warning (2) Warning
Failure (3) Error
172.38 OpSttExt2 Operating state of extension see 172.32 OpSttExt1 ✓ ✓
cluster 2
172.39 OpSttExt3 Operating state of extension see 172.32 OpSttExt1 ✓ ✓
cluster 3
172.40 OpSttExt4 Operating state of extension see 172.32 OpSttExt1 ✖ ✓
cluster 4
172.41 OpSttExt5 Operating state of extension see 172.32 OpSttExt1 ✖ ✓
cluster 5
172.42 OpSttExt6 Operating state of extension see 172.32 OpSttExt1 ✖ ✓
cluster 6
172.43 OpSttExt7 Operating state of extension see 172.32 OpSttExt1 ✖ ✓
cluster 7
172.44 OpSttExt8 Operating state of extension see 172.32 OpSttExt1 ✖ ✓
cluster 8
172.45 OpSttExt9 Operating state of extension see 172.32 OpSttExt1 ✖ ✓
cluster 9
172.46 OpSttExt10 Operating state of extension see 172.32 OpSttExt1 ✖ ✓
cluster 10
172.47 OpSttExt11 Operating state of extension see 172.32 OpSttExt1 ✖ ✓
cluster 11

13.2.2 Adjustable Parameters Inverter (210#)
No. Name Description Value Explanation Default
210.01 InvVtgNom Nominal voltage of the Sunny Is- 202.0 V to 230 V / 50 ✓ ✓ 230.0 V
land inverter in V 253.0 V Hz
202.0 V to 220 V / 60 220.0 V
242.0 V Hz
210.02 InvFrqNom Nominal frequency of the Sun- 45.0 Hz to 230 V / 50 ✓ ✓ 50.0 Hz
ny Island inverter in Hz (expert 55.0 Hz Hz
55.0 Hz to 220 V / 60 60.0 Hz
65.0 Hz Hz

124 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 13 Parameters in Sunny Remote Control

No. Name Description Value Explanation Default

210.03 In- Maximum AC current during 0 A to 26.1 A SI 8.0H ✓ ✓ 26.1 A
vChrgCurMa charging and discharging in A (ex-
x pert mode) 0 A to 20.0 A SI 6.0H 20.0 A
The actual AC current can be lim- 0 A to 14.3 A SI 4.4M 14.3 A
ited due to normative require-
ments. 0 A to 10 A SI 3.0M 10 A Battery (220#)

Damage to the battery due to incorrect settings

The set battery parameters influence the charging behavior of the Sunny Island inverter. The battery can be
damaged by incorrect settings of the battery type, nominal voltage and capacity parameters.
• Ensure that the values recommended by the manufacturer are set for the battery (refer to the technical data of
the battery in the manufacturer documentation). Note that the battery charging behavior names used by
SMA Solar Technology AG and the battery manufacturer may, in some cases, differ in meaning (for the battery
charging behavior of the Sunny Island inverter, see technical information "List of Approved Lithium-Ion Batteries"
• Set the battery capacity for a ten-hour electric discharge (C10). The battery manufacturer specifies the battery
capacity in relation to discharge time.

221# Property
No. Name Description Value Explanation Default
221.01 BatTyp Battery type VRLA Valve-regulated ✓ ✓ –
lead–acid bat-
tery with immo-
bilized elec-
trolyte in gel or
glass mat
FLA Valve-regulated
lead–acid bat-
tery with liquid
LiIon Lithium-ion bat-
221.02 BatCpyNom Battery nominal capacity 100 Ah to 10000 Ah VRLA, FLA ✓ ✓ 166 Ah
C10 in Ah
50 to 10000 Ah Lithium-ion
221.03 BatVtgNom Battery nominal voltage 40.0 V to 48.0 V – ✓ ✓ –
in V
221.04 BatTmpMax Maximum battery temper- 221.05 BatTmpStr to – ✓ ✓ 40°C
ature in °C (expert mode) 50°C

Operating Manual SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 125

13 Parameters in Sunny Remote Control SMA Solar Technology AG

No. Name Description Value Explanation Default

221.05 BatTmpStr Battery temperature as 0°C to – ✓ ✓ 35°C
connection limit after 221.04 BatTmpMax
overtemperature discon-
nection in °C (expert

221.06 BatWirRes Cable resistance of the 0 mΩ to 100 mΩ – ✓ ✓ 0 mΩ

battery connection, in mΩ
(expert mode)
221.07 BatFanTmpStr Temperature limit for multi- 20°C to – ✓ ✓ 40°C
function relay with battery 221.04 BatTmpMax
room fan (BatFan func-
tion) in °C

222# Chargemode
No. Name Description Value Explanation Default
222.01 BatChrgCurMax Maximum battery charg- 10 A to 900 A – ✓ ✓ –
ing current in A
222.02 AptTmBoost Absorption time of the 1 min to 600 min For VRLA ✓ ✓ 180 min
boost charge in minutes
(expert mode) For FLA 90 min

222.03 AptTmFul Absorption time for full 1.0 h to 20.0 h – ✓ ✓ 6.0 h

charge in hours (expert
222.04 AptTmEqu Absorption time for 1.0 h to 48.0 h – ✓ ✓ 12.0 h
equalization charge in-
 hours (expert mode)
222.05 CycTmFul Cycle time of full charge 1 d to 180 d – ✓ ✓ 14 d
in days (expert mode)
222.06 CycTmEqu Cycle time of equaliza- 7 d to 365 d – ✓ ✓ 90 d
tion charge in days (ex-
pert mode)
222.07 ChrgVtgBoost Setpoint of the cell volt- 2.20 V to 2.70 V VRLA ✓ ✓ 2.40 V
age at boost charge in V
(expert mode) FLA, off-grid ✖ ✓ 2.40 V

FLA, on-grid ✓ ✖ 2.55 V

222.08 ChrgVtgFul Cell voltage setpoint for 2.30 V to 2.70 V Off-grid ✖ ✓ 2.45 V
full charge in V (expert
mode) On Grid ✓ ✖ 2.50 V

126 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 13 Parameters in Sunny Remote Control

No. Name Description Value Explanation Default

222.09 ChrgVtgEqu Cell voltage setpoint for 2.30 V to 2.70 V Off-grid ✖ ✓ 2.45 V
equalization charge in V
(expert mode) VRLA, on-grid ✓ ✖ 2.55 V
FLA, on-grid ✓ ✖ 2.50 V
222.10 ChrgVtgFlo Cell voltage setpoint for 2.20 V to 2.40 V – ✓ ✓ 2.25 V
float charge in V (expert
222.11 BatTmpCps Battery temperature com- 0.0 mV⁄°C to – ✓ ✓ 4.0 mV⁄°C
pensation in mV/°C (ex- 10.0 mV⁄°C
pert mode)
222.12 AutoEquChrgEna Automatic equalization Disable Disable ✓ ✓ Enable
charge (expert mode)
Enable Enable
222.13 BatChrgVtgMan Manual setpoint of the 41.0 V to 63.0 V – ✓ ✓ 54.0 V
battery charging voltage
with disabled battery
management in V (expert

223# Protection
No. Name Description Value Default
223.01 BatPro1TmStr Start time of battery protection mode level 00:00:00 to ✖ ✓ 22:00:00
1 in hh:mm:ss (expert mode) 23:59:59
223.02 BatPro1TmStp End time of battery protection mode level 00:00:00 to ✖ ✓ 06:00:00
1 in hh:mm:ss (expert mode) 23:59:59
223.03 BatPro2TmStr Start time of battery protection mode lev- 00:00:00 to ✖ ✓ 17:00:00
el 2 in hh:mm:ss (expert mode) 23:59:59
223.04 BatPro2TmStp End time of battery protection mode level 00:00:00 to ✖ ✓ 09:00:00
2 in hh:mm:ss (expert mode) 23:59:59
223.05 BatPro1Soc Battery SOC for protection mode level 1 0% to 70% ✖ ✓ 20 %
as % (expert mode)
223.06 BatPro2Soc Battery SOC for protection mode level 2 0% to 70% ✖ ✓ 15 %
as % (expert mode)

Operating Manual SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 127

13 Parameters in Sunny Remote Control SMA Solar Technology AG

No. Name Description Value Default

223.07 BatPro3Soc Battery SOC for protection mode level 3 0% to 70% ✖ ✓ 10 %
as % (expert mode)
223.08 BatProTmm Minimum time (in minutes) during which 1 min to 20 min ✖ ✓ 5 min
there is no battery current for switching to
battery protection mode (expert mode)
If the minimum time has elapsed and no
battery current was present, the Sunny Is-
land can switch to battery protection

224# BatSilent
No. Name Description Value Explanation Default
224.01 BatSilentEna Energy-saving mode Enable Enable ✖ ✓ Disable
Disable Disable
224.02 BatSilentTmFlo Time until switchover to 1 h to 48 h – ✖ ✓ 3 h
energy-saving mode (h)
224.03 BatSilentTmMax Maximum duration of en- 1 h to 168 h ✖ ✓ 12 h
ergy-saving mode (h)

225# Current Sensor

No. Name Description Value Explanation Default
225.01 BatCurSnsTyp Type of battery current None No sensor is ✓ ✓ None
sensor connected.
60 mV 60 mV type
50 mV 50 mV type
225.02 BatCurGain60 60 mV type in A/60 mV 0 A⁄60 mV to – ✓ ✓ 100 A⁄60 mV
1800 A⁄60 mV
225.03 BatCurGain50 50 mV-Typ in A⁄50 mV 0 A⁄50 mV to – ✓ ✓ 100 A⁄50 mV
1800 A⁄50 mV
225.04 BatCurAutoCal Automatic calibration of Start Start automatic ✓ ✓ –
external battery current calibration

128 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 13 Parameters in Sunny Remote Control External/Backup (230#)

231# General
No. Name Description Value Explanation Default
231.01 PvFeedTmStr Start time for PV grid feed- 00:00:00 to – ✖ ✓ 04:00:00
in in hh:mm:ss (expert 23:59:59
231.02 PvFeedTmStp Stop time for PV grid feed- 00:00:00 to – ✖ ✓ 22:00:00
in in hh:mm:ss (expert 23:59:59
231.03 ExtLkTm Lock time until connection 0 min to – ✖ ✓ 20 min
to the external grid after 60 min
reverse power or relay
protection in minutes (ex-
pert mode)
231.06 ExtSrc External energy sources in PvOnly Only AC sources in ✖ ✓ –
Off-Grid mode the stand-alone grid,
no generator in the off-
grid system
Gen Generator
Grid Utility grid
GenGrid Electric generator or
utility grid
231.12 ClstPwrNom Nominal power of the – – ✓ ✓ –
cluster in kW

232# Grid Control

No. Name Description Value Explanation Default
232.01 Country Set country standard Other Individual setting ✓ ✓ –
(protected by
SMA Grid Guard) VDE-AR-4105 Code of Practice –
VDE-AR-N 4105
AS4777 Standard AS4777
232.02 GdVtgMin Lower minimum thresh- 172.50 V to 230 V / 50 Hz ✓ ✓ 184.00
old of line voltage for 210.01 InvVt- V
voltage monitoring in V gNom
(expert mode, pro- 220 V / 60 Hz 194.00
tected by V
SMA Grid Guard)

Operating Manual SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 129

13 Parameters in Sunny Remote Control SMA Solar Technology AG

No. Name Description Value Explanation Default

232.03 GdVtgMax Upper maximum thresh- 210.01 InvVt- 230 V / 50 Hz ✓ ✓ 264.50
old of line voltage for gNom to V
voltage monitoring in V 264.50 V
(expert mode, pro- 220 V / 60 Hz 242.00
tected by V
SMA Grid Guard)
232.04 GdCurNom Maximum current from 0.0 A to 50.0 A 1 inverter ✖ ✓ 16 A
the utility grid in A (ex- SI 3.0M / 4.4M (sin-
pert mode) gle-phase)
0.0 A to 50.0 A 1 inverter ✖ ✓ 16 A
SI 6.0H / 8.0H (sin-
0.0 A to 100.0 A 2 inverters ✖ ✓ 16 A
SI 6.0H / 8.0H (sin-
0.0 A to 150.0 A 3 inverters ✖ ✓ 16 A
SI 6.0H / 8.0H (sin-
0.0 A to 50.0 A 3 inverters ✖ ✓ 16 A
SI 3.0M / 4.4M
0.0 A to 50.0 A 3 inverters ✖ ✓ 16 A
SI 6.0H / 8.0H
232.05 GdFrqNom Nominal grid frequency 232.05 230 V / 50 Hz ✓ ✓ 50.00
in Hz (expert mode, GdFrqMin to Hz
protected by SMA Grid 232.06
Guard) GdFrqMax 220 V / 60 Hz 60.00
232.06 GdFrqMin Lower minimum thresh- 40.00 Hz to 230 V / 50 Hz ✓ ✓ 47.50
old of power frequency 232.04 Hz
for frequency monitor- GdFrqNom
ing in Hz (expert mode, 220 V / 60 Hz 59.30
protected by Hz
SMA Grid Guard)
232.07 GdFrqMax Upper maximum thresh- 232.4 GdFrqNo 230 V / 50 Hz ✓ ✓ 51.50
old of power frequency m to 70.00 Hz Hz
for frequency monitor-
ing in Hz (expert mode, 220 V / 60 Hz 60.50
protected by Hz
SMA Grid Guard)

130 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 13 Parameters in Sunny Remote Control

No. Name Description Value Explanation Default

232.08 GdVldTm Minimum observation 5 s to 900 s VDE-AR-N 4105 ✓ ✓ 60 s
time for line voltage AS4777
and frequency in the
permissible range for 220 V / 60 Hz 300 s
connection in s (expert
mode, protected by
SMA Grid Guard)
232.09 GdMod Type of reverse feeding GridFeed Charge and feed- ✓ ✓ –
into the utility grid (ex- back on utility grid
pert mode, protected If ApplSel was set to
by SMA Grid Guard) OnGrid in the QCG,
the value GridFeed
is fixed.
If ApplSel was set to
OffGrid in the QCG,
GridFeed and
GridCharge can be
GridCharge Charge on utility grid
232.10 GdRvPwr Maximum grid reverse 0 W to 5000 W One Sunny Island or ✖ ✓ 100 W
power in W (expert single-cluster system
0 W to 20000 W Multicluster system 100 W
232.11 GdRvTm Permissible time for 0 s to 60 s – ✖ ✓ 5 s
maximum grid reverse
power in s (expert
232.12 GdVtgMinDel Lower voltage differ- 0.0 V to 20.0 V VDE_AR_4105 ✓ ✓ 11.5 V
ence for valid grid con-
nection in V (expert AS4777 2.0 V
mode, protected by Off-grid 2.0 V
SMA Grid Guard)
Other 2.0 V
220 V / 60 Hz 2.0 V
232.13 GdVt- Upper voltage differ- 0.0 V to 12.0 V VDE_AR_4105 ✓ ✓ 11.5 V
gMaxDel ence for valid grid con-
nection in V (expert AS4777 2.0 V
mode, protected by Off-grid 2.0 V
SMA Grid Guard)
Other 2.0 V
220 V / 60 Hz 2.0 V

Operating Manual SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 131

13 Parameters in Sunny Remote Control SMA Solar Technology AG

No. Name Description Value Explanation Default

232.14 GdFrqMinDel Lower frequency differ- 0.00 Hz to ‒ ✓ ✓ 0.02 Hz
ence for valid grid con- 2.50 Hz
nection in Hz (expert
mode, protected by
SMA Grid Guard)
232.15 GdFrqMaxDel Upper frequency differ- 0.00 Hz to VDE_AR_4105 ✓ ✓ 1.45 Hz
ence for valid grid con- 2.50 Hz
nection in Hz (expert
mode, protected by 0.00 Hz 230 V / 50 Hz 0.02 Hz
SMA Grid Guard) 0.20 Hz
0.00 Hz 220 V / 60 Hz 0.02 Hz
0.20 Hz
232.16 GdAlSns Sensitivity of the anti-is- Low Low ✓ ✓ Standard
landing detection (ex-
pert mode, protected Medium Medium
by SMA Grid Guard) Standard Standard
High High
232.40 GdRtCurSrc Place of reactive current External Sunny Island com- ✓ ✖ External
compensation in grid pensates all reactive
operation (expert currents.
Inverter Sunny Island does
not compensate reac-
tive currents.
Shared Sunny Island partially
compensates reactive
232.41 P-WCtlHzMod Operating mode of ac- Off Disable ✓ ✓ –
tive power reduction in
case of overfrequency WCtlHz Enable
P(f) (expert mode, pro-
tected by
SMA Grid Guard)
232.42 P-HzStr Difference between 0.0 Hz to 5.0 Hz This value defines ✓ ✖ 0.2 Hz
starting frequency and how many Hz above
grid frequency, linear 210.02 InvFrqNom
instantaneous power the active power limi-
gradient configuration tation starts.
(protected by
SMA Grid Guard)

132 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 13 Parameters in Sunny Remote Control

No. Name Description Value Explanation Default

232.43 P-HzStop Difference between re- 0.0 Hz to 5.0 Hz This values defines ✓ ✖ 0.2 Hz
set frequency and grid how many Hz above
frequency, linear instan- 210.02 InvFrqNom
taneous power gradient the active power limi-
configuration (protected tation stops.
by SMA Grid Guard)
232.44 P-WGra Active power gradient, 10 %⁄Hz to 130 %⁄Hz – ✓ ✓ 40%⁄Hz
linear instantaneous
power gradient configu-
ration (expert mode,
protected by
SMA Grid Guard)
232.46 WGraRecon Power gradient follow- 1% to 100% ‒ ✓ ✓ 10 %
ing grid error in % (ex-
pert mode, protected
by SMA Grid Guard)
232.48 Q-VArMod Operating mode of Off Disable ✓ ✓ –
static voltage stability,
configuration of static PFCnst Constant displace-
voltage stability (expert ment power factor
mode, protected by cos φ
SMA Grid Guard) PFCtlW Automatic adaptation
of the displacement
power factor accord-
ing to the current ac-
tive power
232.49 PF-PF CosPhi setpoint, cosPhi 0.8 to 1 Code of Practice ✓ ✓ 0.9
configuration, direct VDE-AR-N 4105
specification (expert
mode, protected by Norm AS-4777 1
SMA Grid Guard)
232.50 PF-PFExt CosPhi excitation type, OvExt Lagging ✓ ✓ UnExt
cosPhi configuration, di-
rect specification (ex- UnExt Leading
pert mode, protected
by SMA Grid Guard)
232.51 PF-PFStr CosPhi of the start 0.8 to 1 – ✓ ✓ 1
point, configuration of
cos Phi(P) characteristic
curve, direct specifica-
tion (expert mode, pro-
tected by
SMA Grid Guard)

Operating Manual SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 133

13 Parameters in Sunny Remote Control SMA Solar Technology AG

No. Name Description Value Explanation Default

232.52 PF-PFExtStr Excitation type of the OvExt Lagging ✓ ✓ OvExt
start point, configura-
tion of cos Phi(P) char- UnExt Leading
acteristic curve, direct
specification (expert
mode, protected by
SMA Grid Guard)
232.53 PF-WNomStr Active power of the 0% to 232.56 PF- – ✓ ✓ 50 %
start point, configura- WNomStop
tion of cos Phi(P) char-
acteristic curve, direct
specification (expert
mode, protected by
SMA Grid Guard)
232.54 PF-PFStop CosPhi of the end point, 0.8 to 1.0 – ✓ ✓ 0.9
configuration of
cos Phi(P) characteristic
curve, direct specifica-
tion (expert mode, pro-
tected by
SMA Grid Guard)
232.55 PF-PFExtStop Excitation type of the OvExt Lagging ✓ ✓ UnExt
end point, configuration
of cos Phi(P) character- UnExt Leading
istic, direct specification
(expert mode, pro-
tected by
SMA Grid Guard)
232.56 PF-WNomS- Active power of the end 232.52 PF- – ✓ ✓ 100 %
top point, configuration of WNomStr
cos Phi(P) characteristic to 100%
curve, direct specifica-
tion (expert mode, pro-
tected by
SMA Grid Guard)
232.58 GdAIFac Anti-islanding factor in 0.00 to 3.00 – ✓ ✓ 0.50
current-controlled grid
operation with I-Loop
(expert mode)
232.59 MsPhSel Line conductor to which L1 Line conductor L1 ✓ ✖ –
the Sunny Island is con-
nected (expert mode, L2 Line conductor L2
protected by
SMA Grid Guard) L3 Line conductor L3

134 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 13 Parameters in Sunny Remote Control

No. Name Description Value Explanation Default

232.60 EZATyp Type of PV system feed- Symmetric All PV inverters are ✓ ✖ –
in (expert mode, pro- three-phase and feed
tected by in symmetrically.
SMA Grid Guard)
Asymmetric At least one PV in-
verter is single-phase
and feeds in asym-

233# Grid Start, for Off-Grid Systems Only

No. Name Description Value Explanation Default
233.01 GdSocEna Enable grid request based Disable Disable ✖ ✓ Disable
on battery state of charge
(expert mode) Enable Enable

233.02 GdSocTm1Str Battery state of charge 1% to 233.03  – ✖ ✓ 40 %

limit for connection to the GdSocTm1Stp
utility grid in the standard
additional time period
in % (expert mode)
This is the valid threshold
without the additional time
233.03 GdSocTm1Stp Battery state of charge 233.02   – ✖ ✓ 80 %
limit for disconnection GdSocTm1Str to
from the utility grid in the 95%
standard additional time
period as % (expert
This is the valid threshold
without the additional time
233.04 GdSocTm2Str Battery state of charge 1% to 233.05  ‒ ✖ ✓ 40 %
limit for connection to the GdSocTm2Stp
utility grid in the additional
time period as % (expert
233.05 GdSocTm2Stp Battery state of charge 233.04  ‒ ✖ ✓ 80 %
limit for disconnection GdSocTm2Str to
from the utility grid in the 95%
additional time period as
% (expert mode)

Operating Manual SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 135

13 Parameters in Sunny Remote Control SMA Solar Technology AG

No. Name Description Value Explanation Default

233.06 GdTm1Str Start of standard addi- 00:00:00 to ‒ ✖ ✓ ‒
tional time period for grid 23:59:59
request in hh:mm:ss (ex-
pert mode)
233.07 GdTm2Str Start of additional time pe- 00:00:00 to – ✖ ✓ –
riod for grid request in h- 23:59:59
h:mm:ss (expert mode)
233.08 GdPwrEna Grid request based on Disable Disable ✖ ✓ Disable
power (expert mode)
Enable Enable
233.09 GdPwrStr Grid request for connec- 233.10 GdPwrStp to ‒ ✖ ✓ 4.0 kW
tion power limit in kW (ex- 300 kW
pert mode)
233.10 GdPwrStp Grid request for discon- 0 kW to – ✖ ✓ 2.0 kW
nection power limit in kW 233.09 GdPwrStr
(expert mode)
233.11 GdStrChrgMo Grid request based on Off Off ✖ ✓ Equal
d charge mode (expert
mode) Full Full charge
Equal Equalization
Both Full and

234# Gen Control

No. Name Description Value Explanation Default
234.01 GnVtgMin Lower minimum threshold 172.5 V to – ✖ ✓ 172.50 V
of PV array voltage for 210.01 InvVtgNom
voltage monitoring in V
(expert mode)
234.02 GnVtgMax Upper maximum thresh- 210.01 InvVt- ‒ ✖ ✓ 250.0 V
old of PV array voltage gNom to 264.5 V
for voltage monitoring
in V (expert mode, pro-
tected by
SMA Grid Guard)

136 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 13 Parameters in Sunny Remote Control

No. Name Description Value Explanation Default

234.03 GnCurNom Nominal generator cur- 0.0 A to 50.0 A 1 Sunny Island ✖ ✓ 16.0 A
rent in A
0.0 A to 100.0 A Two Sunny Island 16.0 A
inverters, parallel
0.0 A to 150.0 A Three Sunny Is- 16.0 A
land inverters,
0.0 A to 50.0 A Three-phase 16.0 A
0.0 A to 80.0 A Multicluster-Box 6 60.0 A
0.0 A to 160.0 A Multicluster-Box 160.0 A
12 (MC-
0.0 A to 200.0 A Multicluster-Box 200.0 A
12 (MC-
0.0 A to 500.0 A Multicluster-Box 435.0 A
234.04 GnFrqNom Nominal generator fre- 234.05 GnFrqMin t 230 V / 50 Hz ✖ ✓ 50.00 Hz
quency under nominal o
load in Hz (expert mode) 234.06 GnFrqMax 220 V / 60 Hz 60.00 Hz

234.05 GnFrqMin Lower minimum threshold 40.00 Hz to 230 V / 50 Hz ✖ ✓ 44.64 Hz

of generator frequency 234.04 GnFrqNom
for frequency monitoring
in Hz (expert mode) 50.00 Hz to 220 V / 60 Hz 50.00 Hz
234.04 GnFrqNom
234.06 GnFrqMax Upper maximum thresh- 234.04 GnFrqNom 230 V / 50 Hz ✖ ✓ 60.00 Hz
old of generator fre-  to 70.00 Hz
quency for frequency
monitoring in Hz (expert 220 V / 60 Hz 70.00 Hz
mode, protected by
SMA Grid Guard)
234.07 GnStrMod Generator interface Manual Manual ✖ ✓ Autostart
Autostart Automatic
234.08 GnOpTmMin Minimum run time of gen- 0 min to 360 min ‒ ✖ ✓ 15 min
erator in minutes
234.09 GnStpTmMin Minimum stop time of the 0 min to 360 min ‒ ✖ ✓ 15 min
generator in minutes
234.10 GnCoolTm Cooling time of the gen- 0 min to 60 min ‒ ✖ ✓ 5 min
erator in minutes

Operating Manual SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 137

13 Parameters in Sunny Remote Control SMA Solar Technology AG

No. Name Description Value Explanation Default

234.11 GnErrStpTm Idle time after generator 0 h to 24 h ‒ ✖ ✓ 1 h
error in hours (expert
234.12 GnWarmTm Warm-up time in seconds 5 s to 900 s ‒ ✖ ✓ 60 s
234.13 GnRvPwr Maximum reverse power 0 W to 5000 W One Sunny Island ✖ ✓ 100 W
for voltage monitoring of or single-cluster
generator in W (expert system
0 W to 20000 W Multicluster sys- 100 W
234.14 GnRvTm Time for reverse power 0 s to 900 s ‒ ✖ ✓ 30 s
or reverse current for
voltage monitoring of
generator in s (expert
234.15 GnCtlMod Type of generator cur- Cur Fixed threshold ✖ ✓ Cur
rent limitation (expert for current limita-
mode) tion
The generator control CurFrq Frequency-depen-
limits the consumption of dent current limi-
generator current. tation
234.20 GnAlSns Anti-islanding Sensitivity Low Low ✖ ✓ Standard
of the generator fault
recognition (expert Medium Medium
mode) Standard Standard
High High
234.41 GnCurCtlMo Enable I‑Loop in genera- Droop Standard genera- ✖ ✓ Droop
d tor operation (expert tor operation with-
mode, only with out I‑Loop
SI6.0H-11 and
SI8.0H-11) CurCtl Current-controlled
generator opera-
I‑Loop enables genera- tion with I‑Loop
tors with inadequate volt-
age regulation to be
used in the system.
234.42 GnAIFac Anti-islanding factor in 0.00 to 1.00 – ✖ ✓ 0.10
current-controlled gener-
ator operation with I-
Loop (expert mode)

138 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 13 Parameters in Sunny Remote Control

235# Gen Start

No. Name Description Value Explanation Default
235.01 GnAutoEna Automatic restart of gen- Off Disable ✖ ✓ On
erator in the event of dis-
turbance On Enable

235.02 GnAutoStr Number of attempts to 0 to 10 ‒ ✖ ✓ 3

carry out automatic
restart of generator (ex-
pert mode)
235.03 GnSocTm1Str Battery state of charge 1% to 235.04 ‒ ✖ ✓ 40 %
limit for generator re- GnSocTm1Stp
quest in the standard ad-
ditional time period as %
This is the valid threshold
without the additional
time period.
235.04 GnSocTm1Stp Battery state of charge 235.03 ‒ ✖ ✓ 80 %
limit for end of generator GnSocTm1Str to
request in the standard 95%
additional time period as
This is the valid threshold
without the additional
time period.
235.05 GnSocTm2Str Battery state of charge 1% to 235.06 ‒ ✖ ✓ 40 %
limit for generator re- GnSocTm2Stp
quest in additional time
period as %
235.06 GnSocTm2Stp Battery state of charge 235.05 ‒ ✖ ✓ 80 %
limit for end of generator GnSocTm2Str to
request in the additional 95%
time period as %
235.07 GnTm1Str Start time of the standard 00:00:00 to ‒ ✖ ✓ 00:00:00
additional time period 23:59:59
for generator request in
hh:mm:ss; corresponds to
the end time of the addi-
tional time period
235.08 GnTm2Str Start time of additional 00:00:00 to ‒ ✖ ✓ 00:00:00
time period for generator 23:59:59
request in hh:mm:ss
235.09 GnPwrEna Generator request based Disable Disable ✖ ✓ Enable
on power (expert mode)
Enable Enable

Operating Manual SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 139

13 Parameters in Sunny Remote Control SMA Solar Technology AG

No. Name Description Value Explanation Default

235.10 GnPwrStr Load limit: Generator 235.11 – ✖ ✓ 4.0 kW
start for generator re- GnPwrStp to
quest based on power in- 300.0 kW
 kW (expert mode)
235.11 GnPwrStp Load limit: Generator 0.0 kW to 235.10 – ✖ ✓ 2.0 kW
shutdown for end of gen- GnPwrStr
erator request based on
power in kW (expert
235.12 GnPwrAvgTm Averaging time for load- 1 s to 900 s ‒ ✖ ✓ 60 s
dependent generator re-
quest based on power
in s (expert mode)
235.13 GnTmOpEna Time-controlled genera- Disable Disable ✖ ✓ Disable
tor operation
Enable Enable
235.14 GnTmOpStrDt Start date for time-con- ‒ ‒ ✖ ✓ 2011-01-
trolled generator opera- 01
tion in dd.mm.yyyy
235.15 GnTmOpStrTm Time at the start of time- 00:00:00 to ‒ ✖ ✓ 00:00:00
controlled generator op- 23:59:59
eration in hh:mm:ss
235.16 GnTmOpRnDur Run time for time-con- 00:00:00 to ‒ ✖ ✓ 00:00:00
trolled generator opera- 99:59:00
tion in hh:mm:ss
235.17 GnTmOpCyc Repeat cycle for time- Single Once ✖ ✓ Single
controlled generator op-
eration Daily Daily
Weekly Weekly
235.18 GnStrChrgMod Generator request in Off Off ✖ ✓ Both
configured charge mode
(expert mode) Full Full charge
Equal Equalization
Both Full and equal-
ization charge
235.19 GnStrDigIn Generator request in re- Disable Disable ✖ ✓ Disable
sponse to signal on acti-
vated digital input (ex- Enable Enable
pert mode)

140 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 13 Parameters in Sunny Remote Control Relay (240#)

241# General
No. Name Description Value Explanation Default
241.01 Rly1Op Operating mode of the multifunc- Value and description see fol- ✓ ✓ AutoGn
tion relay 1 lowing table 241.01 Rly1Op:
Operating mode of the multi-
function relay 1
241.02 Rly2Op Multifunction relay 2 function Value and description see fol- ✓ ✓ AutoLod
lowing table 241.01 Rly1Op: Ext
Operating mode of the multi-
function relay 1
241.07 Ex- Minimum time for 0 min to 600 min ✓ ✓ 10 min
tPwrDerMinTm ExtPwrDer of the multifunction
relays in minutes
241.08 Ex- Voltage difference for the 0 V to 0.40 V ✓ ✓ 0.15 V
tPwrDerDltVtg ExtPwrDer function of the multi-
function relay in V
The voltage difference corre-
sponds to the cell voltage of the

241.01 Rly1Op: Operating mode of the multifunction relay 1

Value Explanation
Off Off; the multifunction relay is always in idle mode.
On On; the multifunction relay is permanently activated.
AutoGn Automatic generator request: the Sunny Island automatically requests the generator. In the
event of a generator request, the multifunction relay is activated.
AutoLodExt 1‑level load shedding
When the generator is connected, the Sunny Island stops the load shedding. When the loads
are to be shed, the multifunction relay is deactivated.
AutoLod1Soc 1‑level load shedding or first level of 2-level load shedding
When the upper SOC threshold is reached, the Sunny Island ends load shedding. When the
loads are to be shed, the multifunction relay is deactivated.
AutoLod2Soc Second level of 2‑level load shedding
When the upper SOC threshold is reached, the Sunny Island ends load shedding. When the
loads are to be shed, the multifunction relay is deactivated.
Tm1 Timer 1
The Sunny Island controls external processes time-dependently. When the set time
#243 Timer is reached, the multifunction relay is activated.

Operating Manual SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 141

13 Parameters in Sunny Remote Control SMA Solar Technology AG

241.01 Rly1Op: Operating mode of the multifunction relay 1

Value Explanation
Tm2 Timer 2
The Sunny Island controls external processes time-dependently. When the set time
#243 Timer is reached, the multifunction relay is activated.
ExtPwrDer Control of additional loads: the Sunny Island controls additional loads in order to put excess
energy to practical use. When excessive energy can be used, the multifunction relay is acti-
GnRn Relay is activated when generator is running: When the generator is in operation, the multi-
function relay is activated.
ExtVfOk Relay is activated when external source is present: When the voltage and frequency of the
external energy source are within the valid range for the connection, the multifunction relay is
GdOn Relay is activated when utility grid is present: When the utility grid is connected, the multifunc-
tion relay is activated.
Error Relay is deactivated during error: When an error message is pending, the multifunction relay
is deactivated.
Warn Relay is activated during warning: When a warning is pending, the multifunction relay is acti-
Run Relay is activated when cluster is running: When the Sunny Island or the cluster is in opera-
tion, the multifunction relay is activated.
BatFan Relay is activated when battery room fan is running: The Sunny Island controls the battery
room fan for all clusters together. When the battery room is to be ventilated, the multifunction
relay is activated.
AcdCir Relay is activated when the electrolyte pump is running: The Sunny Island controls the elec-
trolyte pump of the battery. When the electrolyte is to be circulated, the multifunction relay is
MccBatFan Relay is activated when battery room fan is running: The Sunny Island controls the battery
room fan for all clusters together. When the battery room is to be ventilated, the multifunction
relay is activated.
MccAutoLod Load shedding in a multicluster system
When all batteries have reached the upper SOC threshold, the Sunny Island ends load shed-
ding. When the loads are to be shed, the multifunction relay is deactivated.
CHPReq No function
CHPAdd No function
SiComRemote Multifunction relay is controlled via ComSync.
Overload When the Sunny Island limits its power, the multifunction relay is deactivated.
GriSwt Triggering of contactors for grid disconnection in the battery backup system

142 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 13 Parameters in Sunny Remote Control

241.01 Rly1Op: Operating mode of the multifunction relay 1

Value Explanation
GndSwt Triggering of the grounding in the battery backup system
GriRdtSwt Triggering of redundant contactor for grid disconnection in the battery backup system

242# Load
No. Name Description Value Default
242.01 Lod1SocTm1Str Battery state of charge limit for start of 1% to 242.02 ✓ ✓ 30 %
load shedding 1 in the standard addi- Lod1SocTm1Stp
tional time period as %
This is the valid threshold without the
additional time period.
242.02 Lod1SocTm1Stp Battery state of charge limit for end of 242.01 ✓ ✓ 50 %
load shedding 1 in the standard addi- Lod1SocTm1Str to 90%
tional time period as %
This is the valid threshold without the
additional time period.
242.03 Lod1SocTm2Str Battery state of charge limit for start of 1% to 242.04  ✓ ✓ 30 %
load shedding 1 in additional time pe- Lod1SocTm2Stp
riod as %
242.04 Lod1SocTm2Stp Battery state of charge limit for end of 242.03 ✓ ✓ 50 %
load shedding stop in additional time Lod1SocTm2Str to 90%
period as %
242.05 Lod1Tm1Str Start time of the standard additional 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 ✓ ✓ –
time period for load shedding 1 in
hh:mm:ss; corresponds to the end time
of the additional time period
242.06 Lod1Tm2Str Start time of the additional time period 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 ✓ ✓ –
for load shedding 1 in hh:mm:ss
242.07 Lod2SocTm1Str Battery state of charge limit for start of 1% to 242.08  ✓ ✓ 30 %
load shedding 2 in the standard addi- Lod2SocTm1Stp
tional time period as %
This is the valid threshold without the
additional time period.
242.08 Lod2SocTm1Stp Battery state of charge limit for end of 242.07  ✓ ✓ 50 %
load shedding 2 in the standard addi- Lod2SocTm1Str to 90%
tional time period as %
This is the valid threshold without the
additional time period.
242.09 Lod2SocTm2Str Battery state of charge limit for start of 1% to 242.10  ✓ ✓ 30 %
load shedding 2 in the standard addi- Lod2SocTm2Stp
tional time period as %

Operating Manual SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 143

13 Parameters in Sunny Remote Control SMA Solar Technology AG

No. Name Description Value Default

242.10 Lod2SocTm2Stp Battery state of charge limit for end of 242.09  ✓ ✓ 50 %
load shedding 2 in additional time pe- Lod2SocTm2Str to 90%
riod as %
242.11 Lod2Tm1Str Start time of the standard additional 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 ✓ ✓ 00:00:00
time period for load shedding 2 in
hh:mm:ss; corresponds to the end time
of the additional time period
242.12 Lod2Tm2Str Start time of the additional time period 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 ✓ ✓ 00:00:00
for load shedding 2 in hh:mm:ss; cor-
responds to the start time of the addi-
tional time period

243# Timer
No. Name Description Value Explanation Default
243.01 RlyTmr1StrDt Start date for timer 1 in – – ✓ ✓ 2011-01-01
243.02 RlyTmr1StrTm Start time at which the mul- 00:00:00 to – ✓ ✓ –
tifunction relay is activated 23:59:59
for timer 1 in hh:mm:ss
243.03 RlyTmr1Dur Duration for which the mul- 00:00:00 to – ✓ ✓ –
tifunction relay remains acti- 99:59:00
vated for timer 1 in hh:m-
243.04 RlyTmr1Cyc Repetition cycle time for Single Once ✓ ✓ Single
timer 1
Daily Daily
Weekly Weekly
243.05 RlyTmr2StrDt Start date timer 2 – – ✓ ✓ 2011-01-01
243.06 RlyTmr2StrTm Start time at which the mul- 00:00:00 to – ✓ ✓ –
tifunction relay is activated 23:59:59
for timer 2 in hh:mm:ss
243.07 RlyTmr2Dur Duration for which the mul- 00:00:00 to – ✓ ✓ –
tifunction relay remains acti- 99:59:00
vated for timer 2 in hh:m-
243.08 RlyTmr2Cyc Repetition cycle time for Single Once ✓ ✓ Single
timer 2
Daily Daily
Weekly Weekly

144 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 13 Parameters in Sunny Remote Control

244# Slave1
No. Name Description Value Explanation Default
244.01 Rly1Op Operating Value and explanation see 241.01 Rly1Op ✓ ✓ Off
Slv1 mode of the
multifunction re-
lay 1 of slave 1
244.02 Rly2Op Operating Value and explanation see 241.01 Rly1Op ✓ ✓ Off
Slv1 mode of the
multifunction re-
lay 2 of slave 1

245# slave2
No. Name Description Value Explanation Default
245.01 Rly1Op Operating Value and explanation see 241.01 Rly1Op ✓ ✓ Off
Slv2 mode of the
multifunction re-
lay 1 of slave 2
245.02 Rly2Op Operating Value and explanation see 241.01 Rly1Op ✓ ✓ Off
Slv2 mode of the
multifunction re-
lay 2 of slave 2 System (250#)

No. Name Description Value Explanation Default
250.01 AutoStr Number of au- 0 to 10 0 indicates that autostart is ✓ ✓ 3
tostarts disabled.
250.02 Dt Date in dd.mm.yyyy – – ✓ ✓ –
250.03 Tm Time in hh:mm:ss – – ✓ ✓ –
250.04 BeepEna Button sound Off Disable ✓ ✓ On
On Enable
250.06 ComBaud Baud rate in Bd 1200 Default value for RS485 ✓ ✓ –
This value cannot be communication.
changed with 4800 –
9600 –
19200 –
115k Default value for Speedwire

Operating Manual SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 145

13 Parameters in Sunny Remote Control SMA Solar Technology AG

No. Name Description Value Explanation Default

250.09 ComAdr Communication ad- 0 to 65535 – ✓ ✓ 1
dress (non-ad-
250.11 AfraEna Automatic frequency Disable Disable ✖ ✓ –
(AFRA) (expert Enable Enable
250.23 Box Type of AC subdis- None None ✖ ✓ –
tribution: / Multiclus-
ter-Box MC-Box-6-1x Multicluster-Box 6.3
MC-Box-9-1x Multicluster-Box 9.3
MC- Multicluster-Box 12.3
MC- Multicluster-Box 12.3 of the
Box-12-2x type MC-BOX-12.3-20
MC- Multicluster-Box 36.3
250.24 ClstMod Cluster type (ad- SingleClst Single cluster ✓ ✓ –
justable in QCG)
MainClst Main cluster
ExtnClst Extension cluster
250.28 ChrgCtlOp Type: other DC Auto AC sources and DC charge ✖ ✓ Auto
sources (expert controllers
NoFrq Other DC charge controllers
The DC charge controllers
are not Sunny Is-
land Charger devices and
there are no AC sources in
the system.
SMA Communicative coupled DC
charge controllers, e.g. Sun-
ny Island Charger
No AC sources in the sys-
250.30 RnMod Run Mode RunAlways In the event of a slave de- ✓ ✓ RunAlwa
Behavior of the clus- vice error, the cluster re- ys
ter in the event of a mains in operation
device fault StopAlways In the event of a device er-
ror, the cluster stops opera-

146 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 13 Parameters in Sunny Remote Control

No. Name Description Value Explanation Default

250.31 ChLstSel Selection of short or Short Short ✓ ✓ Standard
normal channel list
(expert mode) Standard Standard
The length must be
compatible with the
communication de-
250.32 UpdMode Type of firmware up- Manual Update must be confirmed ✓ ✓ Manual
date on the Sunny Remote Con-
Auto Update will be performed
automatically at the set time
250.33 UpdAutoTime.
Never Deactivation of all updates
250.33 UpdAutoTime Point in time for per- 00:00:00 to – ✓ ✖ 05:00:00
forming the auto- 23:59:59
matic firmware up-
date in hh:mm:ss SlfCsmpBackup (#260)

261# General
No. Name Description Value Explanation Default
261.01 SlfCsm- Increased self-con- Disable Disable ✓ ✖ –
pIncEna sumption
Enable Enable ✓ ✖
261.02 SlfCsmpPosSel Highest-yielding North Highest PV yield in June ✓ ✖ –
month for battery uti-
lization range: South Highest PV yield in Decem- ✓ ✖
261.03 Saisonenable Seasonal operation No Disable ✓ ✖ Yes
(expert mode)
Yes Enable ✓ ✖
Automatic adjust-
ment of the battery
depth of discharge:
In seasons with
fewer hours of sun-
light, the electric dis-
charge of the bat-
tery will be lower.

Operating Manual SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 147

13 Parameters in Sunny Remote Control SMA Solar Technology AG

No. Name Description Value Explanation Default

261.04 SlfCsmpSpnt Specification of the ≤ 0 W Negative value: grid feed-in ✓ ✖ 0W
control target at ac-
tive self-consumption 0 W No grid feed-in and pur-
in W* chased electricity
≥0 W Positive value: purchased
261.05 SlfCsm- Activation of load Disable Load shedding during self- ✓ ✖ Enable
pLodShed shedding during consumption is deactivated.
Enable Load shedding during self-
consumption is activated.
* The parameter is visible until firmware version 3.5 of the Sunny Island. Firmware version 3.5 of Sunny Island can only be used in
multicluster systems with the Multicluster-Box 12 of device type MC-BOX-12.3-20.

262# BatUsage
No. Name Description Value Explanation Default
262.01 ProtResSOC Lower limit of the 10% to 20% Lead-acid batteries ✓ ✖ 10 %
deep-discharge pro-
tection range for dis- 3% to 20% Lithium-ion batteries ✓ ✖ 3%
connection (%) of
the battery capacity
(expert mode)
262.02 BatResSOC Minimum width of 2% to 50% Lithium-ion battery, self-con- ✓ ✖ 2%
the deep-discharge sumption only
protection range (%)
of the battery ca- Lithium-ion battery, battery ✓ ✖ 10 %
pacity (expert backup system
mode) Lead-acid battery, self-con- ✓ ✖ 30 %
sumption only
Lead-acid battery, battery ✓ ✖ 5%
backup system
262.03 BUResSOC Minimum width of 0% to 100% – ✓ ✖ 0%
the backup power
supply range on the
longest day of the
year as a percent-
age of the battery
capacity (expert

148 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 13 Parameters in Sunny Remote Control

No. Name Description Value Explanation Default

262.04 PVResSOC Width of the range 4% to 20% – ✓ ✖ 5%
for the maintenance
of the battery state
of charge (%) of the
nominal capacity
(expert mode)
262.05 MinSlfCsm- Minimum width of 0% to 91% Lithium-ion battery ✓ ✖ 70 %*
pSOC the self-consumption
range on the short- Lead-acid battery ✓ ✖ 35 %**
est day of the year
as a percentage of
the battery capacity
(expert mode)
* The setting of the parameter 262.05 MinSlfCsmpSOC to 70% for lithium-ion batteries corresponds to a discharge of 30% until the
SOC is reached (see 120.01 BatSoc).
** The setting of the parameter 262.05 MinSlfCsmpSOC to 35% for lead-acid batteries corresponds to a discharge of 65% until the SOC
is reached (see 120.01 BatSoc). Authent (270#)

No. Name Description
270.01 Auth.Code Entry of the SMA Grid Guard code ✓ ✖

13.2.3 Information (300#) Inverter (310#)

311# Total
No. Name Description
311.01 EgyCntIn Energy consumed by the Sunny Island inverter in kWh ✓ ✓
311.02 EgyCntOut Energy supplied by the Sunny Island inverter in kWh ✓ ✓
311.03 EgyCntTm Energy metering run time in hours ✓ ✓

312# Device
No. Name Description Value Explanation
(Plain text no.)
312.01 Adr Device address Master (1) Address ✓ ✓
Slave1 (2) Address
Slave2 (3) Address

Operating Manual SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 149

13 Parameters in Sunny Remote Control SMA Solar Technology AG

No. Name Description Value Explanation

(Plain text no.)
312.03 ApplSel Operating mode of the Offgrid Sunny Island is operating in the ✓ ✓
Sunny Island (expert mode) stand-alone grid.
OnGrid Sunny Island is connected to
the utility grid.
312.05 SysFncSel Selection of the on-grid sys- SelfConsOnly Increased self-consumption ✓ ✖
tem (expert mode) only
BackupOnly Battery backup only
SelfConsBackup Battery backup with increased
312.06 FwVer Firmware version of the cen- – – ✓ ✓
tral processing unit of the
312.07 SN Serial number of the master – – ✓ ✓
312.08 OnTmh Operating hours – – ✓ ✓
312.09 ClstCfgAt Set configuration of cluster 1Phase1 Single-phase, one Sunny Island ✓ ✓
1Phase2 Single-phase, two Sunny Island
1Phase3 Single-phase, three Sunny Is-
land inverters
3Phase Three-phase, three Sunny Is-
land inverters
312.10 OpStt Operating state of the Sun- Operating (1) Operation ✓ ✓
ny Island inverter
Warning (2) Warning
Failure (3) Error
312.11 CardStt SD memory card status mes- Off (1) No SD memory card inserted ✓ ✓
Operational (2) Ready for operation
Mount (3) Initialization
OutOfSpace (4) No storage space available
BadFileSys (5) No file system detected
Incomp (6) File system incompatible
Parameter (7) Parameter set write access
ParamFailed (8) Parameter set write access
WriteLogData (9) Log data write access

150 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 13 Parameters in Sunny Remote Control

No. Name Description Value Explanation

(Plain text no.)
312.12 FwVer2 Firmware version of the logic – – ✓ ✓
component (digital signal
312.13 FwVer3 Boot loader of the operation – – ✓ ✓
control unit
312.14 FwVer4 Boot loader of the digital sig- – – ✓ ✓
nal processor
312.18 ComMod1 Type of interface in the inter- – No interface inserted ✖ ✓
face slot SISysCan
SI-SysCan SI‑SYSCAN.BGx inserted (mul-
ticluster system)
312.19 ComMod2 Type of interface in the inter- – No interface inserted ✓ ✓
face slot SiComSma
SI-ComSma SI‑COMSMA.BGx inserted
SI-SW-DM SWDMSI-NR inserted (Speed-
312.21 Mm- OCU firmware version of the − − ✓ ✓
cUpdFmVer update file on the SD mem-
ory card
312.22 Mm- DSP firmware version of the − − ✓ ✓
cUpdFmVer update file on the SD mem-
2 ory card
312.23 MmcFileSys File system of the SD mem- FAT16 − ✓ ✓
ory card
FAT32 −

313# Slave1
No. Name Description Value Explanation
313.01 FwVerSlv1 Firmware version of slave 1 – – ✓ ✓
313.02 SNSlv1 Serial number of slave 1 (line conductor 2) – – ✓ ✓
313.03 OnTmhSlv1 Operating hours of slave 1 in hours – – ✓ ✓
313.04 PhSlv1 Line conductor assignment of slave 1 L1 Line conductor ✓ ✓
L2 Line conductor
L3 Line conductor

Operating Manual SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 151

13 Parameters in Sunny Remote Control SMA Solar Technology AG

No. Name Description Value Explanation

313.05 OpSttSlv1 Operating state of slave 1 (line conductor 2) Operating Operation ✓ ✓
Warning Warning
Failure Error
313.06 FwVer2Slv1 DSP firmware version of slave 1 – – ✓ ✓
313.07 FwVer3Slv1 OCU boot loader of slave 1 – – ✓ ✓
313.08 FwVer4Slv1 DSP boot loader of slave 1 – – ✓ ✓

314# Slave2
No. Name Description Value Explanation
314.01 FwVerSlv2 Firmware version of slave 2 – – ✓ ✓
314.02 SNSlv2 Serial number of slave 2 (line conductor 3) – – ✓ ✓
314.03 OnTmhSlv2 Operating hours of slave 2 in hours – – ✓ ✓
314.04 PhSlv2 Line conductor assignment of slave 2 L1 Line conductor ✓ ✓
L2 Line conductor
L3 Line conductor
314.05 OpSttSlv2 Operating state of slave 2 (line conductor 3) Operating Operation ✓ ✓
Warning Warning
Failure Error
314.06 FwVer2Slv2 Firmware version of the digital signal proces- – – ✓ ✓
sor of slave 2
314.07 FwVer3Slv2 Boot loader of the operation control unit of – – ✓ ✓
slave 2
314.08 FwVer4Slv2 Boot loader of the digital signal processor of – – ✓ ✓
slave 2 Battery (320#)

No. Name Description
320.01 Soh Usable battery capacity (SOH) in % ✓ ✓
Ratio of currently usable capacity to the rated value of the battery
320.02 StatTm Run time of statistics counter in days ✓ ✓
320.03 ChrgFact Charging factor ✓ ✓
320.04 BatEgyCntIn Energy meter for battery charging in kWh ✓ ✓

152 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 13 Parameters in Sunny Remote Control

No. Name Description

320.05 BatEgyCntOut Energy meter for battery discharging in kWh ✓ ✓
320.06 AhCntIn Battery charging counter in Ah ✓ ✓
320.07 AhCntOut Battery discharging counter in Ah ✓ ✓
320.08 BatTmpPkMin Minimum battery temperature [°C] ✓ ✓
320.09 BatTmpPkMax Maximum battery temperature °C ✓ ✓
320.10 EquChrgCnt Number of equalization charges of the battery ✓ ✓
320.11 FulChrgCnt Number of full charges of the battery ✓ ✓
320.12 BatCurOfsErr Estimated offset error of battery current in A (expert mode) ✓ ✓
320.13 OcvPointCnt Open-circuit voltage points meter (expert mode) ✓ ✓
320.15 AhCntFul Relative battery discharging since the last full charge in Ah⁄100 Ah ✓ ✓
320.16 AhCntEqu Ampere-hour meter for battery discharging since the last equalization charge ✓ ✓
in Ah⁄100 Ah
320.17 BatVtgPk Maximum battery voltage reached since the last start in V ✓ ✓
320.18 BatCurPkIn Maximum battery current reached since the last start in charge direction in A ✓ ✓
320.19 BatCurPkOut Maximum battery current reached since the last start in discharge direction ✓ ✓
in A
320.20 SocHgm100 Percentage frequency distribution of state of charge (SOC) when SOC is in ✓ ✓
the range of 100% to and including 90%, based on time in % (expert mode)
320.21 SocHgm090 Percentage frequency distribution of state of charge (SOC) when SOC is in ✓ ✓
the range of 90% to and including 80%, based on time in % (expert mode)
320.22 SocHgm080 Percentage frequency distribution of state of charge (SOC) when SOC is in ✓ ✓
the range of 80% to and including 70%, based on time in % (expert mode)
320.23 SocHgm070 Percentage frequency distribution of state of charge (SOC) when SOC is in ✓ ✓
the range of 70% to and including 60%, based on time in % (expert mode)
320.24 SocHgm060 Percentage frequency distribution of state of charge (SOC) when SOC is in ✓ ✓
the range of 60% to and including 50%, based on time in % (expert mode)
320.25 SocHgm050 Percentage frequency distribution of state of charge (SOC) when SOC is in ✓ ✓
the range of 50% to and including 40%, based on time in % (expert mode)
320.26 SocHgm040 Percentage frequency distribution of state of charge (SOC) when SOC is in ✓ ✓
the range of 40% to and including 30%, based on time in % (expert mode)
320.27 SocHgm030 Percentage frequency distribution of state of charge (SOC) when SOC is in ✓ ✓
the range of 30% to and including 20%, based on time in % (expert mode)
320.28 SocHgm020 Percentage frequency distribution of state of charge (SOC) when SOC is in ✓ ✓
the range of 20% to and including 10%, based on time in % (expert mode)
320.29 SocHgm010 Percentage frequency distribution of state of charge (SOC) when SOC is in ✓ ✓
the range of 10% to and including 0%, based on time in % (expert mode)

Operating Manual SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 153

13 Parameters in Sunny Remote Control SMA Solar Technology AG

No. Name Description

320.30 SocHgm000 Frequency distribution of SOC in relation to time, when SOC is equal to 0%, ✓ ✓
in % (expert mode)
320.31 SocVtgCal Recalibration of SOC based on open-circuit voltage only in % (expert mode) ✓ ✓
320.32 ErrSocVtgCal Estimated error of the voltage-calibrated state of charge in % (expert mode) ✓ ✓
320.33 SocChrgCal Recalibration of SOC based on full charge only in % (expert mode) ✓ ✓
320.34 ErrSocChrgCal Estimated error of the full charge calibrated state of charge in % (expert ✓ ✓
320.35 OcvGra Gradient of the open-circuit voltage characteristic curve in Ah⁄V (expert mode) ✓ ✓
320.36 OcvMax Maximum open-circuit voltage in V (expert mode) ✓ ✓
320.37 ExtBMSBatTyp External battery management: battery type ✓ ✓
320.38 Ex- External battery management: nominal battery capacity ✓ ✓
320.39 ExtBMSFWVer External battery management: version number of software ✓ ✓
320.40 ExtBMSManID External battery management: manufacturer identification ✓ ✓ External (330#)

331# Grid
No. Name Description
331.01 GdEgyCntIn Energy meter for grid feed-in in kWh ✓ ✓
331.02 GdEgyCntOut Energy meter for purchased electricity in kWh ✓ ✓
331.03 GdEgyTmh Duration for which energy exchange with the utility grid is possible, in hours ✓ ✓
331.04 GdOpTmh Operating hours counter for grid operation in hours ✓ ✓
331.05 GdCtcCnt Number of grid connections ✓ ✓
331.06 TotTmh Feed-in hours ✓ ✓
331.07 GdFailTms Power outage time (s) ✓ ✓

332# Generator
No. Name Description
332.01 GnEgyCnt Released energy from generator in kWh ✖ ✓
332.02 GnEgyTm Duration of energy measurement for the generator in hours ✖ ✓
332.03 GnOpTmh Operating hours counter for generator in hours ✖ ✓
332.04 GnStrCnt Number of generator starts ✖ ✓

154 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 13 Parameters in Sunny Remote Control

13.2.4 Report (400#)

410# Error Active
Display of currently pending warnings and errors (see Section 10 "Troubleshooting", page 46).

420# Error History

History of warnings and errors (see Section 10 "Troubleshooting", page 46).

430# Event History

History of events (see Section 10 "Troubleshooting", page 46).

440# Error Grid

History of the last five grid errors (see Section 10 "Troubleshooting", page 46).

13.2.5 Operation (500#) Inverter (510#)
No. Name Description Value Explanation Default
510.01 InvRs Initiate device restart No Do not restart ✓ ✓ –
Yes Restart
510.02 InvTmOpEna Time-controlled inverter opera- Disable Disable ✖ ✓ Disable
Enable Enable
510.03 InvTmOpStrDt Start date for time-controlled in- – – ✖ ✓ –
verter operation in dd.mm.yyyy
510.04 InvTmOpStrTm Time for the start of time-con- 00:00:00 to – ✖ ✓ –
trolled operation in hh:mm:ss 23:59:59
510.05 InvTmOpRnDur Run time for time-controlled in- 00:00:00 to – ✖ ✓ –
verter operation in hh:mm:ss 99:59:00
510.06 InvTmOpCyc Repetition cycle for time-con- Single Once ✖ ✓ Single
trolled inverter operation
Daily Daily
Weekly Weekly

Operating Manual SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 155

13 Parameters in Sunny Remote Control SMA Solar Technology AG

No. Name Description Value Explanation Default

510.07 CntRs Delete energy meter Inv Sunny Island ✓ ✓ –
The value indicates which en- Bat Battery
ergy meter is to be deleted.
Gn Generator
Gd Utility grid
All All
Energy meter
Sic1 Sunny Is-
land Charger 1
Sic2 Sunny Is-
land Charger 2
Sic3 Sunny Is-
land Charger 3
Sic4 Sunny Is-
land Charger 4
SicAll All Sunny Island
Charger charge
510.08 TstClstCom Activation of communication Off Off ✖ ✓ –
test between individual clusters *
(expert mode) Transmit Enable

510.09 ClstComStt Status of communication test Wait Waiting ✖ ✓ –

(expert mode) *
OK Completed
* With firmware version 3.5, this parameter can also be set for systems connected to the utility grid. Firmware version 3.5 of Sunny Island
can only be used in multicluster systems with the Multicluster-Box 12 of device type MC-BOX-12.3-20. Battery (520#)

No. Name Description Valu Explanation Default
e value
520.01 ChrgSelMan Manual equalization charge Idle Waiting until conditions ✓ ✓ Idle
are met
Start Starting
Stop Stop

156 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 13 Parameters in Sunny Remote Control Generator (540#)

No. Name Description Valu Explanation Default
e value
540.01 GnManStr Manual generator start Auto Automatic ✖ ✓ Auto
Start Starting
Stop Stop
Run1h Start for 1 hour
540.02 GnAck Acknowledgment of generator er- Ackn Acknowledge ✖ ✓ –
rors MMC Card (550#)

No. Name Description Value Explanation
550.01 ParaSto Parameter Settings Set1 Parameter set 1 ✓ ✓
Set2 Parameter set 2
550.02 ParaLod Load parameter settings (ex- Set1 Parameter set 1 ✓ ✓
pert mode)
Set2 Parameter set 2
Factory Load default settings
550.03 CardFunc Functions of the SD memory ForcedWrite Forced write ✓ ✓
StoEvtHis Storing event memory
StoFailHis Save error log
StoHis Storing event and fault memory Grid (560#)

No. Name Description Valu Explanation Default
e value
560.01 GdManStr Manual connection to the utility grid Auto Automatic ✖ ✓ Auto
Visible if the parameter Start Starting
233.01 GdSocEna or
233.08 GdPwrEna is enabled. Stop Stop

Operating Manual SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 157

14 Parameters in the Communication Product SMA Solar Technology AG

14 Parameters in the Communication Product

Most parameters of the Sunny Island inverter can be called up and set on the communication product (e.g.
Sunny Explorer or Sunny Portal). Links to additional information can be found at www.SMA‑Solar.com.
Document title and content Document type
Call up and set the parameters in Sunny Portal
Call up and set the parameters in Sunny Portal
SUNNY ISLAND – Comparison of the same parameters for Speedwire (e.g. Sun- Technical Information
ny Explorer) and RS485 (e.g. Sunny Remote Control)

158 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 15 Menu Structure

15 Menu Structure
15.1 User Mode

Figure 19: Menu structure: user mode

Operating Manual SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 159

15 Menu Structure SMA Solar Technology AG

15.2 Installer Mode and Expert Mode

Figure 20: Menu structure: installer mode and expert mode

160 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual

SMA Solar Technology AG 16 Contact

16 Contact
If you have technical problems with our products, please contact the SMA Service Line. We require the following
information in order to provide you with the necessary assistance:
• Sunny Island inverter type
• Sunny Island inverter serial number
• Sunny Island inverter firmware version
• Error message displayed
• Type of battery connected
• Nominal battery capacity
• Nominal battery voltage
• Type of the communication products connected
• Type and size of additional energy sources
In order to receive service assignments for the Sunny Island system, all system data must be recorded in the information
sheet for Sunny Island systems during commissioning and made available to Service (for information sheet see
Danmark SMA Solar Technology AG Belgien SMA Benelux BVBA/SPRL
Deutschland Niestetal Belgique Mechelen
Österreich SMA Online Service Center: België +32 15 286 730
Schweiz www.SMA-Service.com Luxemburg
Sunny Boy, Sunny Mini Central, Luxembourg
Sunny Tripower: +49 561 9522‑1499
Monitoring Systems (Kommunikation-
sprodukte): +49 561 9522‑2499 Česko SMA Service Partner TERMS a.s.
Fuel Save Controller (PV-Diesel-Hy- Magyarország +420 387 6 85 111
bridsysteme): +49 561 9522-3199 Slovensko
Sunny Island, Sunny Backup, Hydro
Boy: +49 561 9522-399 Polska SMA Polska
Sunny Central: +49 561 9522-299 +48 12 283 06 66

France SMA France S.A.S. Ελλάδα SMA Hellas AE

Lyon Κύπρος Αθήνα
+33 472 22 97 00 +30 210 9856666
España SMA Ibérica Tecnología Solar, S.L.U. United Kingdom SMA Solar UK Ltd.
Portugal Barcelona Milton Keynes
+34 935 63 50 99 +44 1908 304899
Bulgaria SMA Italia S.r.l.
Italia Milano
România +39 02 8934-7299

United Arab SMA Middle East LLC India SMA Solar India Pvt. Ltd.
Emirates Abu Dhabi Mumbai
+971 2234 6177 +91 22 61713888

Operating Manual SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 161

16 Contact SMA Solar Technology AG

SMA Solar (Thailand) Co., Ltd. 대한민국 SMA Technology Korea Co., Ltd.
+66 2 670 6999 +82-2-520-2666

South Africa SMA Solar Technology South Africa Argentina SMA South America SPA
Pty Ltd. Brasil Santiago
Cape Town Chile +562 2820 2101
08600SUNNY (08600 78669) Perú
International: +27 (0)21 826 0600

Australia SMA Australia Pty Ltd. Other countries International SMA Service Line
Sydney Niestetal
Toll free for Australia: 1800 SMA AUS Toll free worldwide:
(1800 762 287) 00800 SMA SERVICE
International: +61 2 9491 4200 (+800 762 7378423)

162 SI30M-44M-60H-80H-BE-en-33 Operating Manual


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