Studi Kajian Pembuatan Asam Oksalat Dengan Variasi Kecepatan Pengadukan Dan Lama Waktu Pengadukan Dari Bahan Dasar Ampas Tebu
Studi Kajian Pembuatan Asam Oksalat Dengan Variasi Kecepatan Pengadukan Dan Lama Waktu Pengadukan Dari Bahan Dasar Ampas Tebu
Studi Kajian Pembuatan Asam Oksalat Dengan Variasi Kecepatan Pengadukan Dan Lama Waktu Pengadukan Dari Bahan Dasar Ampas Tebu
Bagasse is a by product from the processing of sugar cane into sugar. The
growing number of bagasse quantitatively into environmental problems that
require attention and special handling. The purpose of this research was
conducted to study the effect of stirring speed variation and stirring time. Bagasse
was reduced in size to 40 mesh, then added 250 ml of 4 N NaOH solution and
stirred at a speed of 300 rpm for 20 minutes, after which the samples were heated
in an oven at a temperature of 180 0C for 75 minutes, then the samples are
removed and added to hot water ± 150 ml, then filtered and washed until the
filtrate is clear. Samples added CaCl2 10% solution of 250 ml until the precipitate
formed is then filtered, then the precipitate was dissolved by H2SO4 2 M, then
filtered and washed using 96% ethanol as much as 15 ml. The filtrate heated
using a water bath at a temperature of 70 0C ± 1 hr, then the filtrate cooled to
oxalic acid precipitation in the form of white crystals. Results obtained was
purified by recrystallization process using ethanol 96%. The crystals that formed
were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively, the qualitative analysis carried out
by the test Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), while the
quantitative analysis conducted by test melting point of the Melting Point
Apparatus and calculate yield. Based on the research that has been done obtained
yield (%) highest oxalic acid at stirring speed of 600 rpm and a stirring time of 50
minutes long as many as 0.92 grams, with a yield (%) of 6.133%.
Keywords : Bagasse, calcium chloride, oxalic acid, sodium hydroxide, sulfate
1. Pendahuluan Dari satu pabrik dihasilkan ampas
Tebu (saccharum officinarum) tebu sekitar 35-40% dari berat tebu
merupakan tanaman perkebunan yang digiling [Indriyani dan
semusim. Tebu termasuk ke dalam Sumiarsih, 1992].
famili poaceae atau lebih dikenal Di dalam ampas tebu
sebagai kelompok rumput-rumputan. terkandung senyawa selulosa, lignin
Tebu tumbuh di dataran rendah dan hemiselulosa. Senyawa selulosa
daerah tropika dan dapat tumbuh ini dapat diolah menjadi produk lain,
juga di sebagian daerah sub tropika. seperti asam oksalat. Asam oksalat
Manfaat utama tebu adalah sebagai adalah senyawa kimia yang
bahan baku pembuatan gula pasir. memiliki rumus H₂ C₂ O₄ dengan
Ampas tebu atau lazimnya disebut nama sistematis asam etanadioat.
bagas (bagasse) adalah hasil samping Asam oksalat merupakan jenis asam
dari proses ekstraksi cairan tebu. organik yang relatif kuat, 10.000 kali