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SB 637 (Asme)

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(Identical with ASTM Specification B 637-93a)

1. Scope 4.1.1 Alloy (Table 1).

1.1 This specification covers hot- and cold-worked 4.1.2 Condition (temper) (Table 4).
precipitation-hardenable nickel alloy rod, bar, forgings, 4.1.3 Shape — Rod or bar (round, rectangle, square,
and forging stock for high-temperature service (Table 1). hexagon, octagon).
1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be Forging (sketch or drawing).
regarded as the standard. The values given in parentheses 4.1.4 Dimensions, including length.
are for information only.
4.1.5 Quantity (mass or number of pieces).
4.1.6 Forging Stock — Specify if material is stock
2. Referenced Documents for reforging.
2.1 ASTM Standards:
4.1.7 Finish.
E 8 Test Methods of Tension Testing of Metallic Mate-
rials 4.1.8 Certification — State if certification is
E 29 Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data required (Section 15).
to Determine Conformance With Specifications 4.1.9 Samples for Product (Check) Analysis —
E 38 Methods for Chemical Analysis of Nickel-Chro- Whether samples for product (check) analysis shall be
mium and Nickel-Chromium-Iron Alloys furnished (9.2).
E 139 Practice for Conducting Creep Creep-Rupture, and 4.1.10 Purchaser Inspection — If the purchaser
Stress-Rupture Tests of Metallic Materials wishes to witness tests or inspection of material at the
E 354 Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of High- place of manufacture, the purchase order must so state
Temperature, Electrical, Magnetic, and Other Similar indicating which tests or inspections are to be witnessed
Iron, Nickel, and Cobalt Alloys (Section 13).

3. Terminology 5. Chemical Composition

3.1 Descriptions of Terms Specific to This Standard: 5.1 The material shall conform to the requirements
3.1.1 bar — material of rectangular (flats), hexago- as to chemical composition prescribed in Table 1.
nal, octagonal, or square solid section in straight lengths. 5.2 If a product (check) analysis is performed by
3.1.2 rod — material of round solid section fur- the purchaser, the material shall conform to the product
nished in straight lengths. (check) analysis variations prescribed in Table 1.

4. Ordering Information 6. Mechanical Properties

4.1 Orders for material under this specification shall 6.1 Tensile and Hardness Requirements — The mate-
include the following information: rial shall conform to the requirements for tensile and


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SB-637 2004 SECTION II

Product (Check) Analysis Variations, Product (Check) Analysis Variations,
Composition Under min or Over max, of the Composition Under min or Over max, of the
Element Limits, % Specified Limit of Element Limits, % Specified Limit of Element

UNS N07252 (Formerly Grade 689) UNS N07001 (Formerly Grade 685)
Carbon 0.10–0.20 0.01 0.03–0.10 0.01
Manganese 0.50 max 0.03 1.00 max 0.03
Silicon 0.50 max 0.03 0.75 max 0.05
Phosphorus 0.015 max 0.005 0.030 max 0.005
Sulfur 0.015 max 0.003 0.030 max 0.005
Chromium 18.00–20.00 0.25 18.00–21.00 0.25
Cobalt 9.00–11.00 0.10 under min, 0.15 over max 12.00–15.00 0.15
Molybdenum 9.00–10.50 0.15 3.50–5.00 0.10
Titanium 2.25–2.75 0.07 2.75–3.25 0.07
Aluminum 0.75–1.25 0.10 1.20–1.60 0.10
Zirconium ... ... 0.02–0.12 0.01 under min, 0.02 over max
Boron 0.003–0.01 0.002 0.003–0.01 0.002

Iron 5.00 max 0.07 2.00 max 0.05

Copper ... ... 0.50 max 0.03
Nickel RemainderA ... RemainderA ...
UNS N07500 (Formerly Grade 684) UNS N07750 (Formerly Grade 688)
Carbon 0.15 max 0.01 0.08 max 0.01
Manganese 0.75 max 0.03 1.00 max 0.03
Silicon 0.75 max 0.05 0.50 max 0.03
Phosphorus 0.015 max 0.005 ... ...
Sulfur 0.015 max 0.003 0.01 max 0.003
Chromium 15.00–20.00 0.15 under min, 0.25 over max 14.00–17.00 0.15 under min, 0.25 over max
Cobalt 13.00–20.00 0.15 under min, 0.20 over max 1.00 maxB 0.03
Molybdenum 3.00–5.00 0.10 ... ...
Columbium (Nb) + tantalum ... ... 0.70–1.20 0.05
Titanium 2.50–3.25 0.07 2.25–2.75 0.07
Aluminum 2.50–3.25 0.20 0.40–1.00 0.05 under min, 0.10 over max
Boron 0.003–0.01 0.002 ... ...
Iron 4.00 max 0.07 5.00–9.00 0.10
Copper 0.15 max 0.02 0.50 max 0.03
Nickel RemainderA ... 70.00 min 0.45
UNS N07718 (Formerly Grade 718) UNS N07080 (Formerly Grade 80A)
Carbon 0.08 max 0.01 0.10 max 0.01
Manganese 0.35 max 0.03 1.00 max 0.03
Silicon 0.35 max 0.03 1.00 max 0.05
Phosphorus 0.015 max 0.005 ... ...
Sulfur 0.015 max 0.003 0.015 max 0.003
Chromium 17.0–21.0 0.25 18.00–21.00 0.25
CobaltB 1.0 max 0.03 ... ...
Molybdenum 2.80–3.30 0.05 under min, 0.10 over max ... ...
Columbium (Nb) + tantalum 4.75–5.50 0.15 under min, 0.20 over max ... ...
Titanium 0.65–1.15 0.04 under min, 0.05 over max 1.80–2.70 0.05 under min, 0.07 over max
Aluminum 0.20–0.80 0.05 under min, 0.10 over max 0.50–1.80 0.05 under min, 0.10 over max
Boron 0.006 max 0.002 ... ...
Iron RemainderA ... 3.00 max 0.07
Copper 0.30 max 0.03 ... ...
Nickel 50.0–55.0 0.35 RemainderA ...
UNS N07752
Carbon 0.020–0.060 0.01
Manganese 1.00 max 0.03
Silicon 0.50 max 0.03
Phosphorus 0.008 max 0.003
Sulfur 0.003 max 0.001
Chromium 14.50–17.00 0.15 under min, 0.25 over max
Cobalt 0.050 max 0.03
Columbium + tantalum 0.70–1.20 0.05
Titanium 2.25–2.75 0.07
Aluminum 0.40–1.00 0.05 under min, 0.10 over max
Boron 0.007 max 0.002
Iron 5.00–9.00 0.10
Copper 0.50 max 0.03
Zirconium 0.050 max 0.01
Vanadium 0.10 max 0.01
Nickel 70.0 min 0.45
The element shall be determined arithmetically by difference.
If determined.


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hardness properties prescribed in Table 2. 9.1.2 Mechanical Properties — A lot for tension,
hardness, and stress-rupture testing shall consist of all
6.2 Stress-Rupture Requirements — The material shall
material from the same heat, nominal diameter or thick-
conform to the requirements for stress-rupture properties
ness, or forging size, and condition (temper).
prescribed in Table 3. For forging stock, a lot shall consist of
one heat.
7. Dimensions and Permissible Variations Where material cannot be identified by
7.1 Diameter, Thickness, or Width — The permissible heat, a lot shall consist of not more than 500 lb (227 kg)
variations from the specified dimensions of cold-worked of material in the same size and condition (temper).
rod and bar shall be as prescribed in Table 5, and of hot-
worked rod and bar as prescribed in Table 6. 9.2 Test Material Selection:
9.2.1 Chemical Analysis — Representative samples
7.1.1 Out of Round — Cold-worked and hot-worked
shall be taken during pouring or subsequent processing.
rod, all sizes, in straight lengths, shall not be out-of-round
by more than one half the total permissible variations in Product (Check) Analysis shall be wholly
diameter shown in Tables 5 and 6, except for hot-worked the responsibility of the purchaser.
rod 1⁄2 in. (12.7 mm) and under, which may be out- 9.2.2 Mechanical Properties — Samples of the
of-round by the total permissible variations in diameter material to provide test specimens for mechanical proper-
shown in Table 6. ties shall be taken from such locations in each lot as to
7.1.2 Corners — Cold-worked bar shall have practi- be representative of that lot.
cally exact angles and sharp corners.
7.1.3 Cut Lengths — A specified length to which
all rod and bar will be cut with a permissible variation 10. Number of Tests
of +1⁄8 in. (3.18 mm), −0 for sizes 8 in. (203 mm) and 10.1 Chemical Analysis — One test per lot.
less in diameter or the distance between parallel surfaces. 10.2 Tension — One test per lot.
For larger sizes, the permissible variation shall be + 1⁄4
in. (6.35 mm), −0. 10.3 Hardness — One test per lot.
7.1.4 Straightness for Cold-Worked and Hot- 10.4 Stress-Rupture — One test per lot.
Worked Rod and Bar — The maximum curvature (depth
of chord) shall not exceed 0.050 in. multiplied by the
length in feet (0.04 mm) multiplied by the length in 11. Specimen Preparation
centimeters. Material under 1⁄2 in. (12.7 mm) in diameter 11.1 Rod and Bar:
or the distance between parallel surfaces shall be reason-
ably straight and free of sharp bends and kinks. 11.1.1 Tension test specimens shall be taken from
material in the final condition (temper) and tested in the
7.1.5 For forgings, dimensions and tolerances shall direction of fabrication.
be as specified on the order, sketch, or drawing.
11.1.2 All rod and bar shall be tested in full cross-
7.1.6 Dimensions and tolerances for forging stock
section size when possible. When a full cross-section
shall be as agreed upon between the purchaser and the
size test cannot be performed, the largest possible round
specimen shown in Test Methods E 8 shall be used.
Longitudinal strip specimens shall be prepared in accor-
dance with Test Methods E 8 for rectangular bar up to
8. Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance 1
⁄2 in. (12.7 mm), inclusive, in thickness, which are too
8.1 The material shall be uniform in quality and condi- wide to be pulled full size.
tion, smooth, commercially straight or flat, and free of
injurious imperfections. 11.1.3 Forging stock test specimens shall be taken
from a forged-down coupon or a sample taken directly
from stock.
9. Sampling 11.2 Forgings:
9.1 Lot — Definitions: 11.2.1 The tension test specimen representing each
9.1.1 A lot for chemical analysis shall consist of lot shall be taken from a forging or from a test prolon-
one heat. gation.



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Copyright ASME International



Provided by IHS under license with ASME

Tensile Strength
Strength, (0.2% offset) Elongation in Reduction
min, psi min, psi 2 in. (50 mm) of Area, Brinell

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Alloy Heat Treatment (MPa) (MPa) or 4D, min, % min, % Hardness

N07252 solution + precipitation harden 160 000 90 000 20 18 310 min

(1100) (620)
N07001 solution + stabilize + precipitation harden 160 000 110 000 15B 18B 310 min
(1100) (760)
N07500 (rod and bar) anneal + solution + stabilize + precipitation harden 175 000 105 000 15 15 310 min
(1205) (725)
N07500 (forgings) solution + stabilize + precipitation harden 170 000 100 000 20 18 310 min
(1170) (690)
N07750 Type 1 solution at 2100°F (1149°C) + stabilize + precipitation harden 140 000 90 000 8 ... 262 min
(965) (620)
N07750 Type 2C solution at 1800°F (982°C) + precipitation harden 170 000 115 000 18 18 302 to 363
(1170) (790)
N07750 Type 2D solution at 1800°F (982°C) + precipitation harden 170 000 115 000 15 15 302 to 363

(1170) (790) (10)E (12)E
N07750 Type 3 solution anneal at 2000°F (1093°C) + precipitation harden 160 000 100 000 20 20 267–363,
(1103), min (689), min Bm

185 000 130 000 27–40, Rc

(1276), max (896), max
N07752 Type 1 solution anneal at 1975°F (1080°C) + precipitation harden 160 000 100 000 20 20 267 to 363,
(1103), min (689), min Ba

Not for Resale

185 000 130 000 27 to 40, Rc
(1276), max (896), max
N07752 Type 2 solution anneal at 1975°F (1080°C) + precipitation harden 140 000 85 000 20 20 ...
(965) (585)
N07718 solution + precipitation harden 185 000 150 000 12 15 331 min
(1275) (1034) (6)E (8)E
N07080 solution + stabilization + precipitation harden 135 000 90 000 20 ... ...
(930) (620)
The supplier shall demonstrate that the material will meet fully heat-treated properties after full heat treatment in accordance with Table 4.
Up to 2.50 in. (63.5 mm), exclusive.
2.50 to 4.00 in. (63.5 to 101.6 mm), exclusive.
These values apply for tension specimens machined tangentially from near the center of large disk forgings over 50 in.2 in cross section or radially from rings 3 in. (76.2 mm) or more
in thickness.

Copyright ASME International

Provided by IHS under license with ASME
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
Temperature, Stress, psi Minimum Elongation in 2 in. or 50 mm
Alloy Heat Treatment °F (°C) (MPa)B Hours (or 4D), min, %

N07252 solution + precipitation harden 1500 30 000 100 10

(816) (205)
N07001 solution + stabilize + precipitation harden 1500 33 000 100 5
(816) (230)
N07500 (rod and bar) anneal + solution + stabilize + precipitation harden 1500 38 000 100 5

(816) (260)
N07500 (forgings) solution + stabilize + precipitation harden 1500 38 000 100 5
(816) (260)
N07750 Type 1 solution at 2100°F (1149°C) + stabilize + precipitation harden 1350 45 000 100 5 (3 if hours exceed 136)
(732) (310)
N07718 solution + precipitation harden 1200 100 000 23 5

Not for Resale

(649) (690)
N07080 solution + stabilize + precipitation harden 1400 47 000 23 3.5
(760) (325)
The supplier shall demonstrate that the material will meet fully heat-treated properties after full heat treatment in accordance with Table 4.

Test specimens meeting minimum requirements may be overloaded to produce rupture in a reasonable and practical time period.
Copyright ASME International

Provided by IHS under license with ASME

Recommended Annealing Recommended Solution Recommended Stabilizing

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Alloy Treatment Treatment Treatment Precipitation Hardening Treatment

N07252 ... 1950 ± 25°F (1066 ± 14°C), ... 1400 ± 25°F (760 ± 14°C), hold
hold 4 h, air cool 15 h, air cool or furnace cool
N07001 ... 1825 to 1900°F (996 to 1550 ± 25°F (843 ± 14°C), 1400 ± 25°F (760 ± 14°C), hold 16
1038°C), hold 4 h, oil or hold 4 h, air cool h, air cool or furnace cool
water quench
N07500 2150 ± 25°F (1177 ± 14°C), 1975 ± 25°F (1080 ± 14°C), 1550 ± 25°F (843 ± 14°C), 1400 ± 25°F (760 ± 14°C), hold 16
hold 2 h, air cool (bars only) hold 4 h, air cool hold 4 h, air cool h, air cool or furnace cool
N07750 Type 1 (Service ... 2100 ± 25°F (1149 ± 14°C), 1550 ± 25°F (843 ± 14°C), 1300 ± 25°F (704 ± 14°C), hold 20
above 1100°F) (593°C) hold 2 to 4 h, air cool hold 4 h, air cool h, air cool or furnace cool
N07750 Type 2 (Service up ... 1800 ± 25°F (982 ± 14°C), ... 1350 ± 25°F (732 ± 14°C), hold 8
to 1100°F) (593°C) hold 1⁄2 h min, cool at rate h, furnace cool to 1150 ± 25°F
equivalent to air cool or (621 ± 14°C), hold until total
faster precipitation heat treatment has

reached 18 h, air cool
N07750 Type 3 ... 1975–2050°F (1079–1121°C), ... 1300 ± 25°F (704 ± 14°C), hold 20
hold 1 to 2 h, air cool h, + 4 − 0 h, air cool

N07752 Type 1 ... 1975 ± 25°F (1080 ± 14°C), ... 1320 ± 25°F (715 ± 14°C), hold 20
hold 1 to 2 h, cool by water h, + 2 − 0 h, air cool
or oil quenching
N07752 Type 2 ... 1975 ± 25°F (1080 ± 14°C), ... 1400 ± 25°F (760 ± 14°C), hold

Not for Resale

hold 1 to 2 h, cool by water 100 h, + 4 − 0 h, air cool
or oil quenching
N07718 ... 1700 to 1850°F (924 to ... 1325 ± 25°F (718 ± 14°C), hold at
1010°C), hold 1⁄2 h min, cool temperature for 8 h, furnace cool to
at rate equivalent to air cool 1150 ± 25°F (621 ± 14°C), hold
or faster until total precipitation heat
treatment time has reached 18 h,
air cool
N07080 ... 1950 ± 25°F (1066 ± 14°C), 1560 ± 25°F (849 ± 14°C), 1290 ± 25°F (699 ± 14°C), hold 16
hold 8 h, air cool hold 24 h, air cool h, air cool
The purchaser shall designate on the purchase order or inquiry any partial stage of heat treatment required on material to be shipped.

Permissible Variations from Specified
Dimension, in. (mm)
Specified Dimension, in. (mm)A Plus Minus

⁄16 to 3⁄16 (1.59 to 4.76), excl 0 0.002 (0.051)
⁄16 to 1⁄2 (4.76 to 12.70), excl 0 0.003 (0.076)
⁄2 to 15⁄16 (12.70 to 23.81), incl 0.001 (0.025) 0.002 (0.051)
Over 15⁄16 to 115⁄16 (23.81 to 49.2), incl 0.0015 (0.038) 0.003 (0.076)
Over 115⁄16 to 21⁄2 (49.2 to 63.5), incl 0.002 (0.051) 0.004 (0.102)
⁄16 to 3⁄16 (1.59 to 4.76), excl 0 0.002 (0.051)
⁄16 to 1⁄2 (4.76 to 12.7), excl 0 0.003 (0.076)
Dimensions apply to the diameter of rods, to the distance between parallel surfaces of hexagonal,
octagonal, and square bar, and separately to width and thickness of rectangular bar.

Permissible Variations from Specified
Dimension, in. (mm)
Specified Dimension, in. (mm)A + −

Rod and bar, hot-finished:

1 (25.4) and under 0.016 (0.406) 0.016 (0.406)
Over 1 to 2 (25.4 to 50.8), incl 0.031 (0.787) 0.016 (0.406)
Over 2 to 4 (50.8 to 101.6), incl 0.047 (1.19) 0.031 (0.787)
Over 4 (101.6) 0.125 (3.18) 0.063 (1.60)
Rod, hot-finished and rough-turned or ground:
Under 1 (25) 0.005 (0.13) 0.005 (0.13)
1 (25) and over 0.031 (0.79) 0
Dimensions apply to the diameter of rods, to the distance between parallel surfaces of hexagonal,
octagonal, and square bar, and separately to width and thickness of rectangular bar.

11.2.2 The axis of the specimen shall be located this specification, in case of disagreement, in accordance
at any point midway between the center and the surface with the following methods:
of solid forgings and at any point midway between the
innner and outer surfaces of the wall of hollow forgings, Test ASTM Designation
and shall be parallel to the direction of greatest metal flow.
11.2.3 The specimens shall be the largest possible Chemical analysis E 38, E 354A
round-type shown in Test Methods E 8. Tension E 8
Rounding procedure E 29
11.3 Stress-rupture specimens shall be the same as Stress-rupture E 139
tension specimens except modified as necessary for
stress-rupture testing in accordance with Practice E 139. Methods E 38 is to be used only for elements not covered by Test
Methods E 354.

12. Test Methods

12.1 Determine the chemical composition, mechani- 12.2 For purposes of determining compliance with
cal and other properties of the material as enumerated in the specified limits for requirements of the properties



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SB-637 2004 SECTION II

listed in the following table, an observed value or a calcu- rejected. Rejection should be reported to the producer or
lated value shall be rounded in accordance with the supplier promptly and in writing, in case of dissatisfaction
rounding method of Practice E 29. with the results of the test, the producer or supplier may
Rounded Unit for Observed make claim for a rehearing.
Test or Calculated Value
Chemical composition, toler- Nearest unit in the last right-
ances (when expressed in hand place of figures of the
decimals), and hardness specified limit. If two choices 15. Certification
are possible, as when the dig-
its dropped are exactly a 5 or 15.1 When specified in the purchase order or contract,
a 5 followed only by zeros, a producer’s or supplier’s certification shall be furnished
choose the one ending in an
to the purchaser that the material was manufactured, sam-
even digit, with zero defined
as an even digit. pled, tested, and inspected in accordance with this speci-
Tensile strength and yield Nearest 1000 psi (6.9 MPa) fication and has been found to meet the requirements.
strength When specified in the purchase order or contract, a report
Elongation Nearest 1% of the test results shall be furnished.
Rupture life 1h

13. Inspection
13.1 Inspection of the material shall be made as agreed 16. Product Marking
upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser as part 16.1 Each bundle or shipping container shall be
of the purchase contract. marked with the name of the material; condition (temper);
this specification number; the size; gross, tare, and net
14. Rejection and Rehearing weight; consignor and consignee address; contract or
14.1 Material, tested by the purchaser, that fails to order number; or such other information as may be
conform to the requirements of this specification may be defined in the contract or order.


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