Web - AC 90-100A RC Compliance Matrix PDF
Web - AC 90-100A RC Compliance Matrix PDF
Web - AC 90-100A RC Compliance Matrix PDF
1.a Purpose a. This advisory circular (AC) provides operational and N/A N/A Explanatory text
airworthiness guidance for operation on U.S. Area Navigation
(RNAV) routes, Instrument Departure Procedures (DPs), and
Standard Terminal Arrivals (STARs). Operators and pilots
should use the guidance in this AC to determine their eligibility
for these U.S. RNAV routes and procedures. In lieu of following
this guidance without deviation, operators may elect to follow an
alternative method, provided the alternative method is found to
be acceptable by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). For
the purpose of this AC, “compliance” means meeting operational
and functional performance criteria. Mandatory terms in this AC
such as “must” are used only to ensure applicability of these
particular methods of compliance when the acceptable means of
compliance described are used. This AC does not change, add,
or delete regulatory requirements or authorize deviations from
regulatory requirements.
1.a Purpose NOTE: New applicants for a type certificate (TC) or (S)TC Applicant To be addressed by new applicants for a type
supplemental type certificate (STC) should include a statement certificate (TC) or supplemental type certificate
of compliance to this AC and qualification for U.S. RNAV routes (STC)
and terminal procedures when the aircraft is found in compliance
with this AC.
1.b Applicability of b. Applicability of AC 90-100A. AC 90-100A applies to N/A N/A Explanatory text
AC 90-100A operation on U.S. Area Navigation (RNAV) routes (Q-routes and
T-routes), Departure Procedures (Obstacle Departure
Procedures and Standard Instrument Departures), and Standard
Terminal Arrivals (STARs). It does not apply to over water RNAV
routes (ref 14 CFR 91.511, including the Q-routes in the Gulf of
Mexico and the Atlantic routes) or Alaska VOR/DME RNAV
routes ("JxxxR"). It does not apply to off-route RNAV operations,
Alaska GPS routes or Caribbean routes, or helicopter operations
involving offshore or specific heliport procedures.
1.c Performance- This AC sets out a series of performance and functional criteria N/A N/A Explanatory text
based navigation necessary to conduct RNAV procedures. Aircraft compliant with
concept AC 90-45A, Approval of Area Navigation Systems for Use in the
U.S. National Airspace System, may not be compliant with
criteria contained herein.
1.d Background d. Background. This criterion is consistent with the ICAO N/A N/A Explanatory text
guidance material for the implementation of area navigation
(RNAV 1 and RNAV 2) operations. AC 90-100 became effective
7 January 2005. Since then, ICAO has continued to harmonize
area navigation
(RNAV) performance criteria. AC 90-100A reflects these
harmonized ICAO performance-based navigation criteria as well
as lessons learned from the initial US RNAV implementation.
7.d d. Aircraft with a statement from the manufacturer documenting OEM, (S)TC
compliance with the criteria in this AC (appendix 1 or 2, as applicant, or
applicable, and appendix 3) meet the performance and functional Operator
requirements of this AC. These statements should include the
airworthiness basis for compliance. Compliance with the sensor
requirements in paragraph 8 will have to be determined by the
equipment or aircraft manufacturer, while compliance with the
functional requirements in Appendix 3 may be determined by the
manufacturer or by inspection by the operator.
7.d Note 1 NOTE 1: Aircraft with a demonstrated RNP capability will N/A N/A
annunciate when no longer satisfying the performance
requirement associated with the operation. However, for
DME/DME/IRU-based procedures, the manufacturer still has to
determine compliance with appendix 1 or 2 to support evaluation
of the DME infrastructure.
8.c Functional criteria listed in Appendix 3. The requirements of Compliance is as detailed for Appendix 3
Appendix 3 help ensure aircraft RNAV system performance
meets procedure design criteria.
9.0 Operator Operator Approval Process Operator The operator must address compliance with
Approval Process this section.
10.0 U.S. RNAV U.S. RNAV Flight Crew Operation Procedures Operator The operator must address compliance with
Flight Crew this section.
Appendix 3, 5.b 5.b The identification of the active (To) waypoint Yes Installed equipment
Appendix 3, 5.c 5.c The ground speed or time to the active (To) waypoint Yes Installed equipment
Appendix 3, 5.d 5.d The distance and bearing to the active (To) waypoint Yes Installed equipment
Appendix 3, 6 6. Where the MCDU is used to support accuracy checks by the Yes Installed equipment The CDU PROGRESS page 2/2 displays
pilot, the capability of displaying lateral deviation with a resolution numeric lateral deviation with a resolution of
of at least 0.1 NM. 0.01 NM.
Appendix 3, 7 7. The capability for the navigation system to execute a “Direct Yes Installed equipment
to” function.
Appendix 3, 8 8. The capability for automatic leg sequencing with display of Yes Installed equipment LEGS page 1 displayes the toggle selection
sequencing to the pilot. SEQUENCE AUTO/INHIB. The FMS
annunciates SEQ INHB on the PFD when
sequencing is inhibited other than for a
Appendix 3, 9 9. The capability to execute procedures extracted from the Yes Installed equipment
onboard database including the capability to execute fly-over and
fly-by turns.
Appendix 3, 10 10. The capability to execute leg transitions and maintain tracks As detailed in the Installed equipment
consistent with the following ARINC 424 path terminators: following
Appendix 3, 10a 10.a. The aircraft must have the capability to automatically Yes Installed equipment
execute leg transitions and maintain tracks consistent with the
following ARINC 424 path terminators, or their equivalent:
• Initial Fix (IF)
• Course to Fix (CF)
• Direct to Fix (DF)
• Track to Fix (TF)