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How to calculate your Wi-Fi bandwidth need

by Valeria Magoni | Mar 30, 2015 | All articles, Networking | 0 comments

nni carrier.xlsx

In this blog post, we will show you how to calculate your Wi-Fi bandwidth need, so as to rely
on a well performing network experience.
Bandwidth refers to the rate of data transfer in a network and is measured in bits per second
(bit/s). In order to rely on a fast and effective WiFi network, it is extremely relevant to know how
many bits per second are transmitted across your network. Indeed, a low bandwidth implies slow
WiFi connection and it negatively affects you network perfomance and your WiFi user
experience. Let’s see through a practical example the 3 steps to follow in order to effectevely
measure your network bandwidth need.

1. Calculate how many devices will connect to your WiFi network at the same time.

If a hotel has 18 rooms, for 2 people each, the hotel has 36 guests if it’s full-booked. If each
guest has 1.2 devices, you have around 43 devices in total. We can suppose that only 20 of 43 are
connected at the same time.

2. Select the internet services that the guests expect to use

Your network bandwidth requirements also depend on the usage of Internet your guests perfom
while being connected to your WiFi network. Some internet applications, such as web browsing
and instant messaging, require low bandwith, whereas other applications, such as video
streaming and VoiP calls, require intensive bandwidth usage.

E-mail, instant messaging Light usage

Web browsing Light usage

Facebook Light / Medium usage

Youtube Medium usage

Upload photos Medium usage

Skype Medium / heavy usage

Google Drive, Dropbox… Heavy usage

Video streaming (HD) Heavy usage

3. Calculate your bandwidth need

To calculate your required network bandwidth, take into consideration the number of concurrent
WiFi-enalble devices connected to your network and the internet apps WiFi users are using.
Then, multiply this value by a certain amount of Kbps, as follows:
 Number of concurrent devices (light
usage) x 500 Kbps
 Number of concurrent devices (medium
usage) x 900 Kbps
 Number of concurrent devices (heavy
usage) x 2000 Kbps

Practical example

We have 20 concurrent devices.

(10 X 500 Kbps) + (8 X 900 Kbps) + (2 X 2000 Kbps) =
5000+7200+4000 = 16200 Kbps = 16.2 Mbps
16.2 Mbps is our approximate Wi-Fi bandwidth need.
How many access points do you need for your WiFi
by Agathe Guibe | Mar 7, 2018 | All articles, Public Hotspots | 1 comment

When deploying a Wi-Fi infrastructure in public locations, one of the key element to ensure a
good user experience is the number and the type of access points to use.
Indeed, if the number of access points is too low compared to the number of Wi-Fi users, then
problems of internet speed might occur because of the overuse of the wireless devices and the
bandwidth overload. Usually, the maximum number of concurrent users is written on the
manufacturer spreadsheet, but in practice it can vary according to the use of your network and
the internet services you want to offer to your Wi-Fi users.
By using the Tanaza Access Point Selector, you can select the type of location and its size to
estimate the maximum number of concurrent users. The number of concurrent users is the
number of Wi-Fi users currently connected to the Wi-Fi network. It is calculated according to the
type of location, its size, and the average time that a user spends on the internet. Count for
example ten concurrent users for a large Café, or 140 for a large hotel.
Then, you should calculate the bandwidth needed by the user according to the usage of the
network. For example, if you want your users to be able to chat, check their emails and use social
media, consider a minimum of 560 kbit/s per user. If you want them to be also able to do VoIP
calls, video calls, and video streaming, 3.28 Mbit/s is the estimated bandwidth per user. Your
internet provider will be in charge to furnish you with the bandwidth required.
Last but not least, select the characteristics of the access point such as the installation type, the
radiation shape, the vendor and the main technology aspects (indoor, outdoor, AC, dual radio…).
The Tanaza Access Point Selector will give you an estimation of the required units number, and
the different models that fit the best your project.
/!\ Remember that the Tanaza Access Point Selector estimates the required bandwidth based on
documentation and our experience on-site with our customers.
How to improve hotel WiFi with bandwidth control per
by Monica Ferrari | Jun 15, 2018 | All articles, Cloud Management, Networking | 0 comments

Hotels should provide reliable Internet bandwidth to improve the overall guest WiFi experience.
Tanaza allows increasing hotel WiFi network performance thanks to its newly-released
Bandwidth Control per Client feature.
According to a recent survey carried out by Forbes, almost 50% of hotel guests consider
free WiFi a top priority. Leisure travellers expect to find fast guest Internet access to browse
the web, to stay in contact with their friends and family on Whatsapp and social media, to upload
pictures of their vacation on Instagram and Facebook, to stream music and video content on
Youtube and Netflix, etc. At the same time, business tourists expect reliable WiFi services to
share files on Google Drive, perform video conference calls (VoIP and Whatsapp calls and real-
time communication on Skype), access their email accounts, etc. As guest satisfaction is key to
improve guest loyalty and hotel bookings, it is crucial to allocate hotel bandwidth
In general, bandwidth consumption depends on a range of factors, mainly the environment of
the hospitality venue, the number of concurrent users being connected to the hotel WiFi network
and the type of Internet applications guests are using – from low bandwidth apps, i.e. web
surfing and instant messaging, to bandwidth-hungry apps, i.e. video calls and video streaming.
Given the increasing amount of WiFi-enabled devices per user, together with the proliferation of
different internet applications, it is difficult to provide a smooth WiFi experience to all hotel
guests at the same time. Tanaza helps hoteliers overcome this problem.
Tanaza has just released its innovative Bandwidth Control per Client feature, which allows
hotel network administrators to set a per-user guest WiFi bandwidth limit.
Tanaza allows to limit bandwidth both per SSID and per user, at the same time. For
instance, if the hotel IT manager has a total bandwidth of 25Mbps available, he might decide to
allocate 20Mbps for guest WiFi on an SSID and the remaining 5Mbps for the hotel staff on a
separated SSID. At the same time, considering the 20Mbps of bandwidth available for guest
WiFi, he can decide to provide each hotel guest with 300Kbps.
With this new bandwidth control tool, network admins can now enable bandwidth upload and
download limitations per user, at the SSID level. This means that all guests being
simultaneously connected to the hotel network benefit from the same WiFi performance.
A unique aspect of Tanaza’s per-client bandwidth control feature is its ability to avoid
“bandwidth hog”, the term used to identify users consuming more bandwidth than other
concurrent users on the same WiFi network. In fact, Tanaza’s Bandwidth Control per Client
feature comes with a “boost” function, which allows hotel guests to exceed the bandwidth
limit for a few seconds when they use a WiFi service. For instance, let’s suppose that the hotel
network admin configures an SSID for guest WiFi with a bandwidth limit of 3Mbps. When a
hotel guest performs an online activity, i.e. streaming a video on Netflix, he will be temporarily
allowed to use bandwidth over that limit. At the same time, for a few seconds, he will
consume more bandwidth than other concurrent guests.
Thanks to Tanaza’s Bandwidth Control per Client capability, all hotel guests connected to the
same SSID will benefit from the same fast and reliable WiFi experience, independently
from their Internet usage. By successfully meeting guest expectations regarding WiFi
performance, hoteliers can enhance guest loyalty and attract more visitors
In-wall Wi-Fi access points: an innovative solution for
by Monica Ferrari | May 2, 2017 | All articles, Public Hotspots | 0 comments

Wi-Fi has become a much-sought service within the hospitality industry, as it helps hotels meet
guests’ expectations and, accordingly, increase bookings. Let’s discuss in this post how in-wall
Wi-Fi access points can be successfully deployed in hotels, as a way to provide guests with an
alternative and innovative Wi-Fi experience.
Nowadays, Wi-Fi is a crucial service that the hospitality industry should leverage in order
to improve customer satisfaction and increase revenues. Indeed, when traveling, customers
expect to access high-quality internet during their stay, so as to check their emails, plan their
routes, engage on social networks, upload pictures, stream videos and stay in contact with their
friends and families. Accordingly, hotel owners are constantly looking for new solutions able to
meet guests’ expectations. In-wall Wi-Fi access points can be an innovative way to provide
guests with a positive Wi-Fi experience.
Installing in-wall access points in hotel rooms, B&B and motels is the right hotel Wi-Fi solution
for different reasons. For instance, from an visual and aesthetic point of view, the small
dimensions of in-wall access points and the fact that no cables are visible make them
harmoniously fit in with the hotel room design. Furthermore, by minimizing range and
interferences issues, in-wall access points bring big benefits both for the Wi-Fi guest experience
and for hotel owners. Indeed, one great advantage of in-wall access points is that they can be
easily placed close to the connected user, being able to limit signal interferences created by
other access points and increase the chances of getting a better connection.
Examples of well-performing in-wall access points are UniFi In-Wall and the new UniFi
AC In-Wall. UniFi AP In-Wall can be quickly deployed as it can retrofit an existing in-wall
wired Ethernet jack to a Wi-Fi access point, without adding any wiring. It provides one RJ45
data port and one PoE port to connect devices like a VoIP phone. Also, it is capable of speeds of
up to 150 Mbps with a range of up to 25 m (82 ft). In addition, another advantage of this device
is that the reset button isn’t visible to users, meaning there is no risk guests might accidentally
press it, i.e. while trying to arrange the Wi-Fi connection. The new UniFi AC In-Wall is an
effective solution as it can be easily installed and deployed on pre-existing as well as new Wi-
Fi and wired networks. Furthermore, as the UniFi AC in-wall device has two Ethernet ports,
users can connect their wired devices without the necessity to add cables from the access point to
the wiring closet: in this way, hotel owners do not need to invest money equipping each
accommodation room with Ethernet ports. Compared to the new UniFi AC In-Wall access point,
the UniFi In-Wall is more affordable and more suitable for small deployments, such as
hotels and B&B of small dimensions. Tanaza, among its wide range of devices, supports and
will soon release the UniFi In-Wall access point!

All in all, given their aesthetic and functional aspects, in-wall access points are a valuable
solution for hotels whose goal is to improve their guest experience in a innovative way.
Setting price of WiFi projects: value-based pricing and
room-based pricing
by Valeria Magoni | Sep 14, 2015 | All articles, Industry news, Public Hotspots | 0 comments

In the previous post, we discussed about the cost-based and the competition-based pricing
methods (that can be used for any product) and I provided an Excel Worksheet to price WiFi
Read the first post here>>
In this post, we will discuss about two other Pricing Methods that can be used for Wi-Fi projects:
– value-based pricing
– room-based pricing (that is conceived for hotels, B&B, resorts, campings, etc.)

3rd method
Value-based pricing is the most efficient but most difficult method to price products and
services. It completely ignores the production / deployment costs; instead, it is set on the
perceived or estimated value of the service/product to the customer.
 You made a
research on your
market and your
 You know the
needs and pains
of your prospect
 If your solution
fits the
customers’ real
 You don’t know
well your
market and your
 You feel there
are too many
competitors that
provide a better
service than


Unfortunately, there’s no way to calculate your value-based pricing. We suggest you to conduct
a detailed research on your prospect customers, understand their needs and pain points.
The key questions are:
 Which is your
main challenge /
need / pain
 What’s your
cost of not
solving this
 Which KPIs are
really important
to you?
 How much
would you be
willing to pay to
reach your goal?
If your solution perfectly fits the customer’s needs, solves their main problems, adds a large
value, you can estimate your price.
 Interview your
customers and
get information
about what they
need from you
 If the value-
based pricing is
lower than the
pricing, maybe
your costs are
too high or the
perceived value
is too low.
 Once you have
calculated your
price, test it with
a few prospects.
Try to
understand if
it’s reasonable
for the
customers, too
high, or too low.

4th method

This method should be applied to price Wi-Fi solutions for hotels, B&Bs, campings, etc.
The end user price stands in direct proportion with the number of rooms of the location, the
average occupancy during the whole year, the average price per room.
 You’re selling a
Wi-Fi solution
to hotels, B&Bs,
resorts, etc.
 Your product
has a perfect fit
with the
needs (use
pricing instead)
 Your costs
are high and
cost-plus pricing
(with low
margins) would
be higher than
 Don’t use this
method to avoid
conducting your
own pricing


If you chose this method, fill the file with this information:
 Number of
 Average
throughout the
 Average price
per room
 A small & that
will determine
the price for Wi-
Fi over over the
total price per
You will get the per-room monthly price and the hotel monthly price. This price, in some cases,
could be inclusive of your support / troubleshooting / etc. We suggest to split hardware costs (not
included) and software / service costs (calculated with this method).
 Your per-room
price won’t
depend on the
number of
deployed access
points. Compare
this pricing with
cost-plus pricing
pricing should
be lower than
pricing, in the
best case).
 Don’t stop
testing your
price. Once you
have calculated
your price, test
it with a few
prospects. Try to
understand if
it’s reasonable
for the
customers, too
high, or too low.
Top 7 hotel Wi-Fi hotspot features your facility should
by Monica Ferrari | Aug 8, 2017 | Public Hotspots | 0 comments

Guest Wi-Fi can turn into a powerful business and marketing tool for hotels. Let’s see what are
the main 7 hotel Wi-Fi hotspot features hospitality venues should have to grow their revenues
and increase their visibility.
Nowadays, free hotel Wi-Fi is a basic expectation among travellers and a relevant factor when
they choose a facility. Furthermore, is not only free guest Wi-Fi a customer amenity but also
is a powerful tool that allows facilities to grow their business and increase their visibility
and reputation.
Let’s see how Tanaza helps hotels and hospitality venues to boost their revenues, increase
their online visibility and meet their guests’ needs, thanks to these 7 must-have hotel Wi-Fi
hotspot features.

1. Captive portal

The captive portal offered by Tanaza provides hoteliers with an easy guest access system.
Indeed, different authentication methods for guest Wi-Fi access are available, based on your
needs: login through email or phone, coupon or custom code, password, social login, etc. Also,
Tanaza makes Wi-Fi access easy not only for hotel guests but also for the staff, as you can
configure up to 8 SSIDs per access point. For instance, you can create one SSID for the hotel
staff with WPA encrypted password, another SSID with your captive portal for guest access
using social login, one SSID for the hall with coupon-based registration and one last SSID for
hotel equipment. In this way, by separating traffic, you will guarantee a secure Wi-Fi

2. Web Content Filtering

Your hotel guests expect to be provided with a safe and secure browsing experience. Parents
want to safeguard their kids while they use your Wi-Fi to browse, in particular. This is why you
should control and protect your network by deploying the network content filtering offered by
Tanaza, which allows you to block user access to inappropriate or unwanted websites and
apps, such as content of pornography, violence, betting sites, etc. Indeed, you can choose what
content categories your guests can access while using your hotel Wi-Fi network on their
computers, tablets, smartphones, and other Wi-Fi-enabled devices and you can schedule when to
block or unblock them. Also, this content filter blocks malware, botnets and other common
viruses and can also function as a parental control software tool: in this way, you will further
ensure the security of your network, guaranteeing a safe browsing experience for both your
guests and staff.

3. Login Page Editor

You can welcome your guests building a personalised, branded login page before they access
your network. Tanaza features a responsive and customizable login page, which gives you
the possibility to promote your services, hotel facilities and special offers in a simple and
effective way: for instance, you can add banners to advertise your room service or to show your
best rooms. You can promote new amenities, new menus at the hotel restaurant or your spa
offerings. Also, you can add special deals and discounts on your login page to incentivise your
guests to try your services. In addition, you can add widgets to promote your conventions with
local tour operators and other business partners by giving suggestions about particular events
held near your facility. And it’s not all: you can even insert a TripAdvisor widget on your login
page to further promote your hospitality venue. Thanks to the login page offered by Tanaza,
you can build you Wi-Fi guest access page in more than 60 languages, included Spanish,
Portuguese, German and Italian, simplifying your guests’ login process to your Wi-Fi network.
Example of a hotel’s login page

4. Analytics dashboard

When hotel guests log in into your Wi-Fi network, they provide some personal information, such
as name, surname, age, gender, birthday, location, etc. Thanks to the analytics dashboard
provided by Tanaza, you can easily collect and analyse user data to run statistics and
marketing campaigns. For instance, you can see the number of users connected to your Wi-Fi,
the preferred authentication method they chose to access your network, the preferred time at
which they logged in. Once collected, you can export and name your list of data in CVS or
XLSX to easily access it at your convenience. Furthermore, on the Tanaza Cloud dashboard,
you can monitor in real-time the bandwidth usage for every access point of your network,
which is a useful information to better control your bandwidth allocation.

5. Remember me

The “Remember me” Tanaza feature allows you to offer your guests a home-like
experience. Indeed, the network remembers users’ devices after their first authentication and
reconnect them automatically when they access to Wi-Fi after a while. In this way, guests will
not be required to re-enter time-consuming codes or passwords.
6. Social login

Among the many authentication methods offered by Tanaza, social login is the ideal solution to
enhance the visibility of your facility and improve your brand reputation on social media
networks. Indeed, through the social login provided by Tanaza, users access your Wi-Fi
using their social networks accounts, such as Facebook. In doing so, you can ask guests to put
a “Like” on your Facebook page or to share their position after they have connected to your
network, through a Facebook “Check-in”. Thanks to social Wi-Fi and social sharing, more
people will hear about and grow their interest towards your hotel. In this way, your web
reputation and the number of bookings will grow in a faster way, and you will increase the
likelihood to get positive reviews on TripAdvisor.

7. MailChimp connector

Once you have collected enough user data, you can leverage the MailChimp connector
integrated with Tanaza to communicate with your guests in a tailored way. The MailChimp
Connector, indeed, allows you to add automatically new email addresses gathered through
Wi-Fi to a MailChimp list and send triggered emails and campaigns to your guests. For
instance, you can send automatic surveys to guests who stayed at your hotel asking for feedback,
to improve your services. Also, you can send customised offers depending on your target:
you can promote your spa specifically to couples, the playground of your facility to families, or
offer treatments and massages at the beauty centre of your hotel to women, etc.

Last but not least, Tanaza is multi-vendor and supports a broad range of indoor and
outdoor access points from different vendors, such as Tp-Link, Ubiquiti, etc. In this way,
you have the unique opportunity to choose the access points you prefer for your Wi-Fi
deployment, optimizing your costs while, at the same time, relying on a first-rate network. For
instance, you can use a Tp-Link or an EnGenius device for outdoor areas, such as the hotel
parking area, the garden or the swimming pool, and opt for a Ubiquiti access point for indoor
areas, such as the hall or the restaurant. For instance, we suggest opting for the latest Ubiquiti
UniFi AC In-Wall for hotel rooms, as it is small, easily deployable and can provide both
wireless and wired connectivity.
How fast hotel Wi-Fi keeps visitors coming back
Hoteliers are now offering fast hotel Wi-Fi along with personalized services to improve their
guests’ overall satisfaction.
Nowadays, hotel guests have great expectations of hotel services. A warm welcome and a
hospitable staff are not enough to provide a high-standard customer experience at the hotel.
People are used to being connected anytime, anywhere, with multiple devices. As a result, hotels
without fast Wi-Fi are less likely to keep clients coming back.

Hotel guests use the Wi-Fi in multiple ways: to check their emails, to connect to social media, to
stream movies on Netflix, to download music or to watch videos on Youtube. Wi-Fi is also
commonly used by children, who want to play online games or download the latest apps on their
devices. Nevertheless, most of the time guests are not satisfied with the internet speed offered at
the hotel. Guests often complain about the lack of IT-knowledge among hotel staff in case of
poor connectivity and, for this reason, hotel owners are making sure to provide good quality Wi-
Fi and appoint competent hotel staff ready to assist visitors with any technical challenges they
may face during their stay.
Hoteliers realize the great potential of tech-driven services and understand that
personalisation is a valuable element to position their hotel as a top-level player in the
hospitality industry. Some hotels have started providing advanced personalization services, like
the ability to save each guest’s preferences for lighting, music and temperature. These smart
personalized services enable the guest to switch on/off commands automatically, through
wireless sensors,in some cases, hotels allow guests to use their smartphones as their room keys.
These are just a few examples of the types of comfort that every hotel could provide to further
personalizing guest services, and to stay up to date with the latest technologies.

Guests perceive that no hotel is worth paying a considerable amount

of money for, if it does not catch up with the advancements in technology, particularly, if it does
not provide fast Wi-Fi. Thanks to fast hotel Wi-Fi, hoteliers are now able to improve user
experience, by offering interactive and personalized services to their guests. For example, some
hotels in Japan allow their visitors to check-in using their personal devices. As Wi-Fi is one of
the core amenities when choosing a hotel, hotels have started investing on deploying Wi-Fi
access points, increasing the available internet bandwidth, and personalizing their services
in order to boost their revenue and overall improve guest satisfaction.

4 reasons why hotels should offer free guest Wi-Fi

by Monica Ferrari | Aug 14, 2017 | All articles, Public Hotspots, Wi-Fi marketing | 0 comments

In this post, we will discuss the 4 main benefits free guest Wi-Fi brings to hospitality venues,
such as hotels, B&Bs, and holiday resorts.
Nowadays, free Wi-Fi has become the most-wanted hotel amenity among tourists, who firstly
check its availability before booking a holiday accommodation. Hotel guests, indeed, prioritise
in-room free internet access to connect their WiFi-enabled devices such as smartphones, tablets
and laptops and leverage it for leisure or business purposes. Accordingly, if hoteliers want to
attract and retain travellers in an effective way, they should invest in a reliable Wi-Fi
infrastructure and include free guest Wi-Fi in their offerings.
What are the main advantages of providing guests with free hotel Wi-Fi?

1. Increased bookings

Providing free guest Wi-Fi access is a great incentive to make travelers choose your facility.
Indeed, according to Hotel Chatter, 94% of people consider Wi-Fi as the most important
hotel amenity. Tourists value free internet access to stay in contact with their families and
friends while on vacation, while business travelers leverage free Wi-Fi connection for their work.
Also, according to Aviva’s Holiday Report, 40% of young holidaymakers aged 16-24 cite free
Wi-Fi as the most crucial factor when opting for a holiday venue. What’s more, they give
free Wi-Fi more importance compared to price (38%), swimming pool (32%) and walking
distance to shops and bars (28%). Accordingly, offering free guest Wi-Fi is a smart strategy to
attract more travelers and make them choose your hospitality venue again.

2. Improved login experience

An effective way to improve your hotel guest experience is to make things simple since the
beginning of your guests’ stay: a way to do so is to allow travelers to access your network
through an immediate and easy authentication process. Instead of opting for time-consuming
login methods based on long passwords, keep up with the latest trends and offer social-savvy
login methods. For instance, Tanaza features social login, the authentication process that
allows users to log into a Wi-Fi network using their social networks accounts: with one simple
and fast click, they will connect through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. Interestingly,
according to the Daily Mail Online, Facebook and Twitter are the most widely used social
networks when people travel abroad, which makes free Wi-Fi access through social login further

3. Enhanced brand image

Social Wi-Fi is key to boost your brand image and increase your bookings quickly.
According to Aviva’s Holiday Report, 90% of millennials post updates to social media, and
almost a third of the interviewed young travelers post pictures and selfies on their social media
walls during their holiday. Also, according to The Independent, 40.1% of the millennial
generation choose a holiday venue depending on its “Instagrammability”. Hoteliers should take
advantage of social shareability and ask guests to like their Facebook pages or share their
location when they access their free Wi-Fi network. Through this “viral word of mouth”, you
can quickly increase your brand visibility and benefit from positive guests comments and
reviews on platforms like TripAdvisor. Thanks to the customizable login page offered by
Tanaza, you can add both “Facebook Likes” and “Facebook Check-ins” in a simple way.
Also, you can build your login page in more than 60 languages, making your guest
experience even further personalised!
4. Improved guest experience

Free Wi-Fi is a powerful tool to better understand your guest’ needs and improve your services
accordingly, as well. Indeed, user data collected during the guest login flow is full of useful
information, such as gender, age, country, interests, etc. Thanks to the Tanaza Analytics
Dashboard, you can access this data in real-time and leverage it to run statistics, to create
tailored marketing campaigns or to offer customised offers to your guests. For instance, you can
send personalised emails to offer room upgrades to your most loyal customers at discounted rate,
or you can promote your new spa treatments to your female guests. Through free guest Wi-Fi,
hotels can segment and know better travelers, dividing new from returning guests, and innovate
their offerings based on their expectations.

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