A Ac Air: Phase-Related Investigation of Corona in
A Ac Air: Phase-Related Investigation of Corona in
A Ac Air: Phase-Related Investigation of Corona in
A computer-based partial discharge detector has heen used to measure ac cnrona
pulses in air in a point-cup electrode system. The pulse height distribution was
measured as a function of phase angle and pulse height for a range of voltages. The
nnset voltages for both positive and negative half-cycles are the same, a n d signifi-
cantly lower than for the dc case, due to space charge effects. In all other respects
the patterns for the two half-cycles are different: pulses only nccur a t the nnset
voltage (rising) for the positive half-cycle, but continuously for the negative half-
cycle, except for the higher applied voltages which exhibit a glow discharge transi-
tion near the (negative) peak. Differences between the distributions for avalanches
and streamers increase as the breakdown voltage is approached. Qualitative expla-
nations of the patterns and behavior are given, together with calculations showing
that space charge from one cycle can linger in the gap between half-cycles.
Index Terms - ac corona, plhase-related pulses, partial discharges.
1 INTRODUCTION heights and frequencies will vary with the voltage during
ORONA studies have been undertaken for many the half-cycle. Consequently the interpretations and de-
C years, not only because of the scientific interest in
corona mechanisms but also because of their practical en-
ductions are inherently limited.
Isa and Hayashi [4] were able to observe that positive
gineering importance. The majority of published studies is and negative onset voltages were virtually identical as well
for point-plane electrode systems and direct voltages as noting the large difference in positive and negative pulse
rather than ac. This is because, at least initially, dc sys- frequency. They surmised that space charge from preced-
tems provide a simpler system to understand although ing positive half-cycles would affect corona in the next
perhaps of less immediate practical application. ac corona positive half-cycle, but did not pursue the suggestion fur-
may also have the added complication of varying suffi- ther.
ciently slowly for ions to provide a “memory”effect such In his detailed paper on the stochastic aspects of partial
that the behavior at an instantaneous voltage differ:; from discharges (PD)[l], van Brunt was mostly concerned with
that of the same dc voltage [l].Studies of ac corona mostly partial discharges in voids within solid and liquid insula-
ignore the variation in voltage with time [Z]. Thus Peak‘s tion, giving phase-resolved data for certain such cases. For
well-known work [31 concentrated on determining corona ac corona discharges he points out that ‘when viewed over
onset voltages and power losses for overhead lineis with an entire half-cycle, the statistical distributions of pulse
various conductor diameters and various degrees of per- amplitudes or pulse shapes, for example, will represent at
turbing factors such as surface roughness, humidity, rain best averages of the equivalent dc behavior over a range
and pressure, but without distinguishing between half- of voltages from onset to the ac maximum’. At worst, they
cycles. will also he strongly affected by memory effects, as posited
More recently there have been several investigatitms of by Isa and Hayashi [4], due to the space charge from one
ac corona in air [e.g., 1,4-61, in which positive and nega- half-cycle affecting the phenomena of the next half-cycle.
tive onset voltages were measured as the peak ac voltages Examples of results which are affected by being averages
at which positive and negative pulses first appeared; and of the range of voltages in a half-cycle, and probably of
where average pulse heights or frequencies were given for memory effects, are the work by Al-Arainy and co-workers
the whole positive or negative half-cycle, for variouis volt- [51 and Florkowska and Wlodek [61.
ages. It follows from equivalent dc results that the pulse
van Brunt [l]gives equations which could he used to
calculate the movements of positive ions in the gap and
Monsxnpt receiwd on I July 2001, in finolform I I December 2002. hence indicate whether the phenomena in one half-cycle
can affect the next. Although he did not carry out the
calculations in that paper it is suggested that these would
explain the differences he found between the ac peak on-
set voltages and the equivalent dc onset voltages in earlier
work with sulfur hexafluoride [7]. It is of course important Hemispherically-tipped
to distinguish between these relatively long-term ( 10 ms)
memory effects between half-cycles from the short-term
ones ( 100 y s ) whereby the time between two pulses af-
fects the height of the second pulse which in turn affects
the time delay before the next pulse [8,91.
In later work by Florkowska and Wlodek [lo], phase-re-
solved measurements are used t o show the variation in
pulse height with phase angle and how this pattern changes
as the voltage increases: increasingly around the peak
voltage there is a transition from pulsed to pulseless
In the present work, a computer-based commercial PD
detector was used to obtain phase-resolved corona data in
air, which could then be analyzed in terms of pulse height
and frequency with respect to phase angle. This approach
is new and necessary for increased understanding of ac RoW~OMIsyhmehy axis
Figure 2. The hemisphere-hemisphere point-cup electrode system.
corona. It allows a much more complex and enlightening The pointed electrode’k tip is concentric with the concave ground
analysis as the changing pattern may be observed through- electrode.
out the cycle and the changing effects of space charge
throughout the cycle to be inferred. It also enables the
onset voltages to he measured as instantaneous voltages
commonly used point-plane electrode system in respect of
during the half-cycle over a range of peak voltages, rather
understanding and modeling the complex mechanisms of
than as the peak voltage when corona is first observed.
corona [11,121.
Calculations are then introduced indicating how the ions
created in one half-cycle can persist in the gap until the A PD detector has the advantage of providing pulse
next half-cycle. height, number and phase angle analysis quickly and eas-
A point-cup electrode system [11,121was used as its high ily with built-in calibration. It also provides a variety of
symmetry gives clear advantages for analysis of data over methods of displaying the information. However there are
the more commonly used point-plane electrode system. some disadvantages stemming from the inability to access
the raw data.
2 EQUIPMENT The Haefely TE571 PD detector can he set to detect
A computer-based commercial PD detector, the Hae- pulses in ranges characterized by an upper limit Q,, that
fely ‘E571 (Figure I), was used for detecting and analyz- can he set to values from 1pC to 10 nC. The lower limit is
ing the corona pulses obtained when an ac voltage was automatically set at 16% of Q,=. Each 360” cycle is auto-
applied to a point-cup electrode system [7-91 in air. This matically divided into approximately 290 time “windows”
electrode assembly comprised a rod with a hemispherical by the software, which are therefore each of approxi-
tip, which is concentric with a n earthed hemispherical mately 69 ys (20 ms/290). Each pulse-height range is di-
concave “cup” (Figure 2). This arrangement has clear ad- vided into about 50 cells according to pulse height. Thus
vantages, because of its high symmetry, over the more each pulse within the set range (16% to 100% of Q,,,)
adds a “1”to the count in the appropriate cell of the 290
x50 database. These databases can he accessed and
opened in Excel. Data are accepted for 2 minutes (mini-
mum setting) so that 6000 cycles are sampled and minor
0 to fluctuations (and much of the noise) are removed.
100 kV rms
It appears that some near-neighbor weighted averaging
. .-
Figure 1. Experimental set-up for detecting corona discharge pulses
(smoothing) then takes place; and that a number N is sub-
tracted from the number in each cell (and cells which be-
and analyzing them with respect to size and phase angle. CC, cou-
pling capacitor; CQ, coupling quadripole; PVE,prcssure vessel with come negative are set to zero). N appears to he about 30
electrode system; TE571. Haefely E 5 7 1 PD Detector. to 50% of the largest cell number 1131. This has the effect
314 Zhang and MacA[pine:A Phase-related Investigation ofac Corona in Air
ac corona data were obtained by the above methods for
Figure 3. 3-dimensional displays of pul&~&bers vs size and ohase
air at a humidity of 50% or less for voltages ranging from angle far voltages from 12 to 20 kV,,
12 to 20 kV,,, and with a variety of pulse size ranges.
Figure 3 shows typical results obtained for a range: of ap-
plied (rms) voltages with the range set to a Q,, value of electron charges. The voltage range during which the
10 p c . avalanches occur is extremely short, less than 1 kV, pre-
The onset voltage for the avalanches in the positive cisely as for the dc case [121. As may be surmised from
half-cycle is consistently close to 11 kV (Figure 51, lower Figures 3 and 4, the onset is very sharply defined. The
by 2 kV than the case for positive dc corona [121. They are total number of pulses recorded during the 2 minute pe-
avalanches, as a 1 pC pulse is equivalent to about 0.6 x lo7 riod for each 69 ps time window could readily be obtained
ZEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Vol. 10, No. 2; April 2003 315
A 14kV
Wbdvolaoes. W m r
Figure 5. Onset voltages for positive and negative half-cycle pulses
and extinction voltages for negative half-cycle pulses from the data
displayed in Figures 3 and 4.
A 16kV
pulses recorded. The criterion for onset was taken as the
first time window with 10 or more pulses recorded. Nor-
mally this was the first time window with any pulses
recorded. No doubt the signal conditioning referred to
earlier is a factor in this lack of ambiguity.
Figure 4 differs from Figure 3 in that Q, was set 100
times higher, at 1000 pC, so the pulses are typically at
values around 200 pC, corresponding to about lo9 elec-
tron charges, and may thus be considered as representing
18kV streamers. Again the positive pulses only occur at instan-
taneous voltages close to 11 kV, albeit only for applied
voltages of 18 kV,,, and up. No further discharges occur
until the negative half-cycle, when, at instantaneous volt-
ages of about -11 kV, streamers begin to occur.
Avalanches are observed from 16 kV,, and upward (Fig-
ure 5).
Discharge pulses occur over most of the rest of the neg-
ative half-cycle until the voltage has passed the maximum
c and dropped back to a magnitude of around 14 kV (Fig-
ure 5). The sudden increase in the streamer onset and
extinction voltage at 20 kV seen in Figure 5 is believed to
be affected by the processing software: the large positive
streamers have caused the upper range to he set at 867
pC with the consequent cutoff at just above 200 pC, and
this loss of data has probably caused the apparently higher
onset and extinction voltages. The cutoff effect is demon-
22kV strated more clearly in Figure 6, a contoured version of
the 20 kV plot in Figure 4. By contrast, Figure 7, which is
a contoured version of the 18 kV plot in Figure 4, does
not show any sharp cutoff in the pulse distribution: they
grade down more gradually to zero for lower charge lev-
els. This gives added credence to the suggestion that the
apparent jump in the onset voltage at 20 kV,, may not be
Figure 4. As for Figure 3 but for e,,, = 1000 pc.
a true representation of the situation. This effect is also
apparent in Figure 4, for the 18 and 20 kV displays. This
from the spreadsheet data: typically there were no pulses cut-off is a noise threshold set by the software and not
in several windows and then the next windows had 50 or alterable by the operator, as mentioned earlier, in Section
more, rising quickly to more than 300. Only occasionally 2.
316 Zhang and MacAlpine: A Phase-rehzted Investigation of ac Corona in Air
* 100
5- 200
.... ... :. ..
:::: .....*:. ..
5%: -3,B;3?’<:
: A:.
..L .,.:,>E;Lx.:!:’ ...:.:!:<.,L.E
180 210 240 270 300 330 380
Phe.. angt.. d.(Ir.e.
Figure 6. Contour display for 20 kV,, with a,,, set to 1000 pC.
these two events and the ions’ movements should there- dc breakdown voltage is 42 kV [15]. The ac breakdown
fore be symmetrical. voltage is at 25 kV,,,, or 35 kVpCzk,showing that by the
time the maximum positive voltage is achieved, there is no
4.2 NEGATIVE HALF-CYCLE longer any effect from space charge remaining from the
PROCESSES negative half-cycle: and the thin layer of positive space
charge is the same as for the positive dc case at the same
As the voltage becomes increasingly negative, the prox- voltage, As mentioned earlier, this space charge is quasi-
imity to the electrode of the returning cloud of positive stable in that the balance is between the steady drift of
ions increases the electric field between them (Figure Xd). positive ions away from the electrode and the discrete ap-
This increased near-electrode field explains the onset of pearance of large numbers of positive ions in the form of
streamers at - 11 kV, lower than the dc value of 13 kV.
Pulses continue through the negative half-cycle until kV/mm [16]. 13 kV was chosen for the above example as,
the voltage drops to the extinction level, as the avalanches in the dc case, there would be no ionization taking place
are moving away from the point and so the positive space below that voltage. If I 1 kV is chosen instead of 13kV, the
charge is less dense and tends to increase the near-elec- ions will only trave1 out to r = 19 mm.
trode field. Alternatively, a simplified space-charge calculation may
Breakdown occurs during the positive half-cycle as the be made in which a positive space charge is assumed to
proportion of streamers to avalanches occurring at the’on- exist near the point electrode such that the field is con-
set voltage steadily increases with applied voltage, while stant, and equal to the critical field, E, = 2.3 kV/mm, from
the negative half-cycle streamers steadily decrease in the surface at r = a out to a radius rx (where the potential
number as the glow discharge region extends. is V,, say). Then, for r > rx