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Lesson Plan 10 Electricity

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Class X

SUBJECT : Science


1. Chapter Electricity

2. Work 10 days
3. Teaching aids Blackboard, chalk, duster, NCERT book, ,components of a circuit etc.

4. Pre- Reading As the children have read the basics of this chapter in class VIII so the teacher
Task will ask following questions-

1. What is current?
2. Is electricity a form of energy?
3. Can you tell various ways in which you can convert one form of energy
into another one.
5. Learning .
The main aim of the chapter is to make students explore the various life
processes -
To make students understand that movement of charges lead to current
To make them understand the definition of current, charge, electric potential
,resistance, Ohm’s law, resistivity and domestic electric circuits.

6. Vocabulary Charge, current, charge, resistance, ampere, volt, coulomb, ammeter,

used voltmeter, electric circuit, battery, Ohms law, resistivity etc.
7. Flow Of
This lesson will introduce the learners to

. Introduction
Physical phenomena associated with the presence and flow of electric charge is
known as electricity. Electricity and electrical phenomenon have a lot of applications
in our day to day life and they also gives a wide variety of well-known effects, such as
lightning, static electricity, electromagnetic induction and the flow of electrical

 Electricity occurs due to several types :

o Electric charge: a property of some subatomic particles, which de-
termines their electromagnetic interactions.
o Electric current: a movement or flow of electrically charged parti-
cles, typically measured in amperes.
o Electric field: an especially simple type of electromagnetic field pro-
duced by an electric charge even when it is not moving (i.e., there is
no electric current). The electric field produces a force on other
charges in its vicinity. Moving charges additionally produce a mag-
netic field.
o Electric potential: the capacity of an electric field to do work on an
electric charge, typically measured in volts.
 In this chapter we will study about electricity.

Electric Charges
 Electric charge is a fundamental property like mass; length etc. associated
with elementary particles for example electron, proton and many more.
 Electric charge is the property responsible for electric forces which acts be-
tween nucleus and electron to bind the atom together.
 Charges are of two kinds
o negative charge
o positive charge
 Electrons are negatively charged particles and protons, of which nucleus is
made of, are positively charged particles. Actually nucleus is made of protons
and neutrons but neutrons are uncharged particles.
 Electric force between two electrons is same as electric force between two
protons kept at same distance apart i.e., both set repel each other but electric
force between an electron and proton placed at same distance apart is not re-
pulsive but attractive in nature

3. Conductors and insulators

 There is a category of materials in which electric charges can flow easily
while in other materials charges cannot flow easily.
 Substances through which electric charges can flow easily are called conduc-
tors. All metals like copper, aluminum etc. are good conductors of electricity.
 Substances through which electric charges cannot flow are called insulators.
 Few examples of insulating materials are glass, rubber, mica, plastic, dry
wood etc.
 Presence or absence of free electrons in a material makes it a conductor or in-
 Conductors have free electrons which are loosely held by nuclei of their at-
oms whereas insulators do not have free electrons as in insulators electrons
are strongly held by nuclei of their atoms.

4. Electric potential and potential difference

 Charges present in a conductor does not flow from one end to another on their
 Electric charges or electrons move in a conductor only if there is a difference
of electric pressure, called potential difference, along the conductor.
 This difference of potential may be produced by a battery, consisting of one or
more electric cells.
 Potential difference across the terminals of the cell is generated due to chemi-
cal reaction within the cell.
 When the cell is connected to a conducting circuit element, the potential dif-
ference sets the charges inside the conductor in motion and produces an elec-
tric current.
 In order to maintain the current in a given electric circuit, the cell has to ex-
pend its chemical energy stored in it.
 The potential difference between two points in an electric field is defined as
the amount of work done in moving a unit positive charge from one point to
another point. So,

 The SI unit of electric potential difference is volt (V)

 The potential difference between two points is said to be one Volt if 1 Joule of
work is done in moving 1 Coulomb of electric charge from one point to an-
other. Thus

 The potential difference is measured by means of an instrument called the

 The voltmeter is always connected in parallel across the points between which
the potential difference is to be measured.

5. Electric current and electrical circuits

 Consider two metallic conducting balls charged at different potential are
hanged using a non-conducting insulating wires .Since air is an insulator ,no
charge transfer takes place
 Now if we join both the metallic wire using a conducting metallic wire then
charge will flow from metallic ball at higher potential to the one at lower po-
 This flow of charge will stop when the two balls would be at the same poten-
 If somehow we could maintain the potential between the metallic balls
through a cell or battery, we will get constant flow of the charge in metallic
wire, connecting the two conducting balls
 This flow of charge in metallic wire due to the potential difference between
two conductors used is called electric current.
 So, Electric current is expressed by the amount of charge flowing through a
particular area in unit time.
 In other words, it is the rate of flow of electric charges (electrons) in a con-
ductor (for example copper or metallic wire).
 If a net charge Q, flows across any cross-section of a conductor in time t, then
the current I, through the cross-section is

The S.I. unit of electric current is Ampere (A)

 When 1 Coulomb of charge flows through a cross-section of conductor in 1
second then current flowing through the conductor is said to be 1 Ampere.
 Current is measured by an instrument called ammeter. It is always connected
in series in a circuit through which the current is to be measured.
 A continuous and closed path of an electric current is called an electric circuit.
For example figure given below shows a typical electric circuit comprising a
cell, an electric bulb, an ammeter A and a plug key K.

Note that the electric current flows in the circuit from the positive terminal of
the cell to the negative terminal of the cell through the bulb and ammeter
 The conventional direction of electric current is from positive terminal of the
cell to the negative terminal through the outer circuit.
 Or we can say that conventional direction of electric current is in the direction
of the flow of positive charged carriers.

6. Circuit Diagrams
 We already know that electric circuit is a continuous path consisting of cell
(or a battery), a plug key, electrical component(s), and connecting wires.
 Electric circuits can be represented conveniently through a circuit diagram.
 A diagram which indicates how different components in a circuit have to be
connected by using symbols for different electric components is called a cir-
cuit diagram.
 Table given below shows symbols used to represent some of the most com-
monly used electrical components
Students will be taken to the physics lab to show various components of elec
The teacher will take the students to the physics lab and show
various components of an electric circuit.

Ohm's Law
 Ohm's law is the relation between the potential difference applied to the ends
of the conductor and current flowing through the conductor. This law was ex-
pressed by George Simon Ohm in 1826.
 Statement of Ohm's Law
If the physical state of the conductor (Temperature and mechanical strain
etc.) remains unchanged, then current flowing through a conductor is always
directly proportional to the potential difference across the two ends of the
where constant of proportionality R is called the electric resistance or simply
resistance of the conductor.
 Value of resistance depends upon the nature, dimension and physically di-
mensions of the conductor.
 From Ohm's Law

Thus electric resistance is the ratio of potential difference across the two ends
of conductor and amount of current flowing through the conductor.
 If a graph is drawn between the potential difference readings (V) and the cor-
responding current value (I), then the graph is found to be a straight line pass-
ing through the origin as shown below in the figure
 From graph we see that these two quantities V and I are directly proportional
to one another.
 Also from this graph we see that current (I) increases with the potential dif-
ference (V) but their ratio V/I remain constant and this constant quantity as
we have defined earlier is called the Resistance of the conductor.
 Electric resistance of a conductor is the obstruction offered by the conductor
to the flow of the current through it.
 SI unit of resistance is Ohm (Ω) where 1 Ohm=1 volt/1 Ampere or 1Ω=1VA-1.
 The resistance of the conductor depends
o on its length,
o on its area of cross-section
o on the nature of its material

 Resistance of a uniform metallic conductor is directly proportional to its

length (l) and inversely proportional to the area of cross-section (A). That is,

Where ρ is the constant of proportionality and is called the electrical resistivi-

ty of the material of the conductor.
 The SI unit of resistivity is Ω m. It is a characteristic property of the material.
 The metals and alloys have very low resistivity in the range of 10-8 Ω m to 10-
Ω m. They are good conductors of electricity.
 Insulators like rubber and glass have resistivity of the order of 1012 to 1017 Ω
 Both the resistance and resistivity of a material vary with temperature.

8. Factors affecting of resistances of a conductor

Electric resistance of a conductor (or a wire) depends on the following factors

 Length of the conductor: -

From equation 5 we can see that resistance of a conductor is directly propor-
tional to its length. So, when length of the wire is doubled, its resistance also
gets doubled; and if length of the wire is halved its resistance also gets
Thus a long wire has more resistance then a short wire.
 Area of cross-section:-
Again form equation 5 we see that resistance of a conductor is inversely pro-
portional to its area of cross-section. So, when the area of cross-section of a
wire is doubled, its resistance gets halved; and if the area of cross-section of
wire is halved then its resistance will get doubled.
Thus a thick wire has less resistance and a thin wire has more resistance.
 3. Nature of material of conductor:-
Electrical resistance of a conductor also depends on the nature of the material
of which it is made. For example a copper wire has less resistance then a ni-
chrome wire of same length and area of cross-section.
 4. Effect of temperature:-
It has been found that the resistance of all pure metals increases on raising
the temperature and decreases on lowering the temperature.
Resistance of alloys like manganin, nichrome and constantan remains unaf-
fected by temperature.

9. Resistance of a system of resistors

 We know that current through a conductor depends upon its resistance and po-
tential difference across its ends.
 In various electrical instruments resistors are often used in various combina-
tions and Ohm’s Law can be applied to combination of resistors to find the
equivalent resistance of the combination.
 The resistances can be combined in two ways
o In series
o In parallel
To increase the resistance individual resistances are connected in series combination
and to decrease the resistance individual resistances are connected in parallel

9(a) Resistors in Series

 When two or more resistances are connected end to end then they are said to
be connected in series combination.
 Figure below shows a circuit diagram where two resistors are connected in se-
ries combination.

 Now value of current in the ammeter is the same irrespective of its position in
the circuit. So we conclude that " For a series combination of resistors the
current is same in every part of the circuit or same current flows through each
resistor "
 Again if we connect three voltmeters one across each resistor as shown below
in the figure 4.The potential difference measured by voltmeter across each
one of resistors R1 , R2 and R3 is V1 , V2 and V3 respectively and if we add all
these potential differences then we get

This total potential difference V in equation 6 is measured to be equal to po-

tential difference measured across points X and Y that is across all the three
resistors in figure 3. So, we conclude that <"the total potential difference
across a combination of resistors in series is equal to the sum of potential dif-
ferences across the individual resistors."
 Again consider figure 4 where I is the current flowing through the circuit
which is also the current through each resistor. If we replace three resistors
joined in series by an equivalent single resistor of resistance R such that, the
potential difference V across it, and the current I through the circuit remains
 Now applying Ohm’s law to entire circuit we get<

On applying Ohm's law to the three resistors separately we have,<

From equation 6

So here from above equation 9 we conclude that when several resistances are
connected in series combination, the equivalent resistance equals the sum of
their individual resistances and is thus greater than any individual resistance.
9(b) Resistors in parallel

 When two or more resistances are connected between the same two points
they are said to be connected in parallel combination.
 Figure below shows a circuit diagram where two resistors are connected in
parallel combination.

o When a number of resistors are connected in parallel, then the poten-
tial difference across each resistance is equal to the voltage of the bat-
tery applied.
o When a number of resistances are connected in parallel, then the sum
of the currents flowing through all the resistances is equal to total cur-
rent flowing in the circuit.
o When numbers of resistances are connected in parallel then their
combined resistance is less than the smallest individual resistance.
This happens because the same current gets additional paths to flow
resulting decrease in overall resistance of the circuit
 To calculate the equivalent resistance of the circuit shown in figure 5 consider
a battery B which is connected across parallel combination of resistors so as
to maintain potential difference V across each resistor. Then total current in
the circuit would be

Since potential difference across each resistors is V. Therefore, on applying

Ohm's Law
Putting these values of current in equation 10 we have

If R is the equivalent resistance of parallel combination of three resistors

heaving resistances R1, R2 and R3 then from Ohm's Law


Comparing equation (10) and (11) we get

 For resistors connected in parallel combination reciprocal of equivalent re-

sistance is equal to the sum of reciprocal of individual resistances.
 Value of equivalent resistances for capacitors connected in parallel combina-
tion is always less than the value of the smallest resistance in circuit.

10. Heating Effect of current

 When electric current passes through a high resistance wire, the wire becomes
and produces heat. This is called heating effect of current.
 This phenomenon occurs because electrical energy is gets transformed into
heat energy when current flows through a wire of some resistance say R Ω.
 Role of resistance in electrical circuits is similar to the role of friction in me-
 To we will now derive the expression of heat produced when electric current
flows through a wire.
To we will now derive the expression of heat produced when electric current flows
through a wire.

 For this consider a current I flowing through a resistor of resistance R. Let V

be the potential difference across it as shown in the figure 6
 Let t be the time during which charge Q flows. Now when charge Q moves
against the potential difference V , then the amount of work is given by
Therefore the source must supply energy equal to VQ in time t. Hence power
input to the circuit by the source is

 The energy supplied to the circuit by the source in time t is P×t that is, VIt.
This is the amount of energy dissipated in the resistor as heat energy.
 Thus for a steady current I flowing in the circuit for time t , the heat produced
is given by

Applying Ohm's law to above equation we get

This is known as Joule's Law of heating

 According to Joule's Law of Heating , Heat produced in a resistor is
(a) Directly proportional to the square of current for a given resistor.
(b) Directly proportional to resistance of a given resistor.
(c) Directly proportional to time for which current flows through the resistor.

8. Recapitulatio To recapitulate the chapter students will be asked to answer the following
n questions-
1. How will you define units of current, charge, resistance.
2. Differentiate between conductors and insulators.
3. How resitance is different from resistivity.
9. Home Task Students will be asked to do all the intext and back exercise questions of
NCERT book.

10. Values After reading the chapter the values of working with the peers, analytical and
developed logical thinking , awareness about the phenomenon happening in nature will be
11. Learning Learning outcome- In the end children will be able to understand the concept
Outcome of circuits, current, charges, resistance and resistivity.
They will also be able to understand the factors on which resistivity depends.
They will also be able to understand the heating effects of current.

12. Activities ..1. To calculate the value of current in the given circuit.
..2. Worksheet based on numericals will be given to the students for
13. Multiple In this chapter students will logically think the concepts and it will also
intelligence enhance the interpersonal and intrapersonal skills of the children.

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