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Worksheet Berorientasi Problem Posing Untuk Melatih Berpikir Kreatif Pada Materi

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Unesa Journal of Chemical Education

Vol.. 1, No. 2, pp. 34-39 September 2012 ISSN: 2252-9454



Nuzulul Rachmawati and Rusmini

Department of Chemistry, State University of Surabaya
Hp: 085730987223, email: nrmothersoul@gmail.com

Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan chemistry Student

Worksheet berorientasi problem posing untuk melatih berpikir kreatif pada materi
stoikiometri larutan kelas XI RSBI berdasarkan penilaian dari dosen kimia, guru kimia,
dan ahli bahasa terhadap kriteria kelayakan isi, penyajian, kegrafikaan, dan kebahasaan.
Penelitian ini menggunakan model pengembangan 4-D oleh Thiagarajan, tetapi hanya
terbatas pada tahap develop. Instrumen yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah lembar
telaah dan lembar validasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa chemistry Student
Worksheet berorientasi problem posing yang dikembangkan telah layak digunakan dalam
proses pembelajaran kimia pada kelas RSBI karena telah memenuhi kriteria isi,
penyajian, kegrafikaan, dan kebahasaan dengan persentase berurut-turut sebesar 91,05%,
96,94%, 92,36%, dan 75,00%.

Kata Kunci: chemistry Student Worksheet, problem posing, kelayakan, stoikiometri


Abstract. The aim of this research is determine the eligibility of chemistry Student
Worksheet with problem posing oriented to practice creative thinking in solution
stoichiometry topic for Grade XI RSBI based on the assessment by chemistry lecturer,
chemistry teacher, and linguist in eligibility criteria for contents, presentation, graphs, and
linguistics. This research uses a 4-D of development model by Thiagarajan, but it is
limited in develop step. The instruments that used are review sheet and validity sheet. The
result show that of chemistry Student Worksheet with problem posing oriented has been
developed in learning process of RSBI class has met eligibility criteria for contents,
presentation, graph, and linguistics with a sequential-share percentage 91.05%, 96.94%,
92.36%, and 75.00%.

Key words: chemistry Student Worksheet, problem posing, eligibility, solution


INTRODUCTION the Cambridge International

KTSP curriculum changes cupled Examination (CIE) as a reference for
with efforts to improve the learning international curriculum. Through the
quality through school internationally application of KTSP started the
known pioneering international school academic year 2006/2007, the school
(RSBI). RSBI holding is an has broad authority in setting up its own
implementation of Law No. 20 of 2003 curriculum, including adopting and
on National Education System (UUSPN adapting the curriculum
20/2003) of Article 50 paragraph (3) [1]. of Cambridge who is believed to have
Pioneering international school is had a reputation of quality that is
a curriculum that is adaptive and recognized internationally, but still
adoptive using KTSP as a national refers to the National Education
curriculum, combined with Standards Agency (BSNP) according to

Unesa Journal of Chemical Education
Vol.. 1, No. 2, pp. 34-39 September 2012 ISSN: 2252-9454

standard of content and standards of To achieve a solution of KD in

competency. stoichiometry topic, delivery of content
One school which is pioneering can be done with the learning strategies
international school is the SMA Negeri that can train student ability to think
1 Grati, Pasuruan. The chemistry creatively in accordance with the
learning process use English and characteristics of the topic that is
Indonesian languages (bilingual), but mathematically. This topic contains the
more dominant Indonesian. Based on the calculation of chemical reaction which
pre-study questionnaire that was involves a mathematical
distributed to 36 respondents, 78% of process. Mathematical operations in the
students stated that chemistry is a chemistry learning process can also
difficult subject because of the many develop critical, systematic, logical, and
formulas that are applied in the matter, creative thinking. Chemistry learning in
analyzing and resolving problems. which there are structures and processes
According to 50% of students, of mathematics have a strong link
one of chemistry topic that requires between the concepts is to allow
more understanding, especially in students to think rationally. Student’s
understanding and solving of problem is Output who have such ways of thinking
the solution stoichiometry topic. This is and a willingness to have effective
because the topic contains a lot of cooperation has been the demands of
calculations which also includes the today's global world.
concept of acid-base reaction. This topic One method that is appropriate for
is also one of the materials related to the ability to think creatively is the
students' understanding of the method of problem posing [2]. Problem
stoichiometric topic in grade posing is a method of learning that gives
X. Standards of competence of this topic assignment to students to make matter of
is to understand the properties of acid- the information provided, and solved it.
base solution, the method of This giving task is the task of working
measurement, and applied. Basic towards an attitude of creative thinking
competence is calculated the number of in solving problems. It is adapted to the
reactants and reaction products in an difficulties experienced by students in
electrolyte solution of the acid-base problem solving solution
titration. stoichiometry. When students are
Delivery of this topic in chemistry required to create questions, students are
student worksheet that is expected in also required to understand the problem
bilingual. This is supported by a well. This stage is an early stage of the
statement of subjects teacher that answer to problems created due to be
the chemistry student worksheet should completed. If you understand the matter
be used is given bilingual because the has been passed, then to the stage of
students' understanding of terms and completion about the next stage will be
concepts of chemistry in the English open.
language less than the maximum. Problem posing method is used
Teachers and students want the for mathematical material can be applied
subjects chemistry student in three different forms of cognitive
worksheet that uses clear language and activity, ie. pre-solution posing , with in
easy to understand, many exercises, and solution, and post solution posing [3].
colors that appeal to motivate This method can be included in
students. In addition, the chemistry a chemistry student
student worksheet should be able to train worksheet containing material, examples
high-level thinking to the students such of problems that accompanied the
as the level of critical thinking and settlement, the titration lab instructions
creative thinking. and tasks that require students to create

Unesa Journal of Chemical Education
Vol.. 1, No. 2, pp. 34-39 September 2012 ISSN: 2252-9454

questions covering all three components Preliminary Analysis

of cognitive activity by incorporating
creative thinking. Creative thinkings of Student Analysis

student who trained are fluency,
flexibility and novelty in posing and
resolving problems. Fluency in the Task Analysis Concept Analysis
posing a problem refers to the number or
diversity of the student posed a Learning indicator Analysis
problem. Flexibility refers to the ability
of students pose a problem that has Format choosing

different way of settlement, while
novelty refers to the ability of students Initial Design of Worksheet (Draf 1)
apply different problem than the
problem presented previously [4].
Language Matter review
METHOD reviww
This development study using 4-D linguist Chemistry Chemistry
model of development (four
teacher lecturer
D) suggested by Thiagarajan [5]. Model
development consists of four stages,
namely define, design, develope, Revision (Draf 2)
and Disseminate [5]. In this research
only restricted to the develop stage

because this study only to determine the
eligibility of the worksheet. Design of
this research can be presented through linguist Chemistry chemistry
the following flow chart: teacher lecturer

Data analyisis


Figure 1 Research design of chemistry student

worksheet with problem oriented posing to
practice student’s creative thinking in
solutions stoichiometry topic

Source of research data consists

of a chemistry lecturer, two teachers of
chemistry, and an English lecturer. The
method used in the assessment of the
feasibility of the chemistry student
worksheet is questionnaire
method. Questionnaire administered in
the form of review sheets and sheet
validation. Analyses were performed on
each of the eligibility criteria with the
content, presentation, graphs, and
linguistics. The percentage of the data

Unesa Journal of Chemical Education
Vol.. 1, No. 2, pp. 34-39 September 2012 ISSN: 2252-9454

obtained by questionnaire Likert scale writing needs to be improved include the

calculations are described in table 1: decimal point should be
Table 1 Likert Scale [6] consistent. Decimal point in accordance
Penilaian Nilai skala with the rules of Indonesian is a comma
Is less 0 (,) and the decimal point in accordance
Less 1 with the rules of English language is a
Enough 2 dot (.). Repair is performed on
Good 3 each worksheet. Based on some of these
Very good 4 inputs to the revision of draft 1 and
To calculate the percentage of use produce draft 2.
Percentage % Data analysis results of the
total score of data collection result validation worksheet chemistry
= x 100% student problem posing oriented
score of criteria
Analysis validation data results be
score of criteria = highest score x descriptive quantitative. Validation of
number of aspects of x number of the worksheet (draft 2) performed using
respondents the validation sheet content,
The percentages obtained are presentation, graphs and
interpreted in the following criteria: linguistics.Validation is performed by
three expert material (1 Unesa chemistry
Table 2 Criteria for interpretation score lecturer and 2 chemistry teachers Grati
[6] SMAN 1) and linguists (1Unesa lecturer
Percentage category in English).
(%) If these criteria had assessments
0 – 20 Is less with percentages ≥ 61% according to the
21 – 40 Less interpretation of Likert scale scores in
41 – 60 Enough Table 2, the chemistry student that was
61 – 80 Good developesaid to be worthy [6]. A the
81 – 100 Very good validation results of Chemistry Student
Worksheet Problem Posing oriented as
Review the results of the Table 3 The results of the
analysis worksheet chemistry student validation Chemistry
problem posing oriented Student Worksheet Problem Posin
Review of student worksheet Oriented
chemistry was performed by 3 expert N Criteria Percentage
material (2 SMAN 1 Grati chemistry o aspects (%)
Teachers and a Unesa chemistry 1. Content 91,05 Very
lecturer) and linguists (1 Unesa English good
lecturers). From the review obtained 2. Presentation 96,94 Very
advice and input such as some pictures good
in the worksheet that needs 3. Graph 92,36 Very
improvement is in every picture in good
the worksheet that has not been 4. Language 75,00 good
accompanied by a description and name
of the source image. The pictures must Based on table 3 the assessment
be accompanied by the name of the of Chemistry Posing the Problem-
image and its source, so that students Oriented Student Worksheet can be
more easily understand the purpose of described as follows:
the displayed image. Some of the
writing in Indonesian and English

Unesa Journal of Chemical Education
Vol.. 1, No. 2, pp. 34-39 September 2012 ISSN: 2252-9454

Criteria of contents Validation results can be achieved

One of the important eligibility due to the percentage of
criteria chemistry student worksheet is the worksheet presented coherently
criteria for content of chemistry student ranging from easy to difficult concepts,
worksheet [7]. Based on table from concrete to abstract, from the
3 chemistry student worksheet problem known to the unknown. It is expected
posing oriented has been developed to that the material presented in the
meet the eligibility criteria by the previous worksheet can help the
percentage content of 91.05%. Based on understanding of matter at the
the interpretation of Likert scale scores next worksheet. In addition, the
in Table 2 can be said that the criteria of presentation of the worksheet can
content worksheet chemistry student motivate students to the features
posing problems oriented is very good presented. As the pre-concept that tries
because it is on a percentage interval to give a preliminary description of
81% -100% . material to be covered with a dish
Chemistry student problem picture. Chem part in our
posing oriented worksheet is said to be environment that provides information
very well developed in the criteria of the about the chemistry associated with
contents can be viewed from several everyday life. This section is intended to
things, namely, the material presented in increase students' motivation to learn
accordance with the indicators of chemistry that is not only related to the
learning outcomes listed in concept or the material in the book, but
the worksheet on page 4, 26, and also studied the chemical environment
50.Training activities about which there of everyday life.
has also been corresponding with the Criteria of graph
three cognitive activities in problem Based on table 3 chemistry
posing. The third event is the pre- student worksheet problem
solution posing (manufacturing problem posing oriented has been developed to
based on the situation), With-in solution meet the eligibility criteria of graphs
posing (making about the problem), with percentage 92.36%. Based on the
and post-solution posing interpretation of the Likert scale in
(manufacturing problem by modifying Table 2 can be said that the criteria of
the problem) [3]. These three cognitive graph of chemistry student problem
activities can provide opportunities for posing oriented worksheet is very good
students to be busy in creative activities because it is on a percentage interval
that involve creative thinking 81% -100%.
component that is mathematical fluency, Criteria of graph can be said to be
flexibility, and novelty [4]. very good for several things including
Criteria of presentation the use of fonts that are easily read by
Based on table 3 chemistry students. Form of the selected font
student worksheet problem is Agent Orange, Times New Roman,
posing oriented has been developed to Viner Hand ITC, and Lucida
meet the eligibility criteria by presenting Caligraphy. These forms of this paper
the percentage of 96.94%. based on the were chosen because when it is used not
interpretation of Likert scale in Table 2 to confuse students when reading
it can be said that the results of the a worksheet. In addition, the selections
validation of criteria presentation of of different fonts are intended to
the chemistry student emphasize the point- different points on
worksheet developed by posing each section of the worksheet. In
problems oriented said to be very good addition to the use of font, illustrations
because it is on a percentage interval or images that are presented are also
81% -100 considered, as illustrated on

Unesa Journal of Chemical Education
Vol.. 1, No. 2, pp. 34-39 September 2012 ISSN: 2252-9454

the worksheet that describes the process good, and linguistic criteria with a
of making a solution intended to percentage of 75.00% in good category.
increase motivation and understanding
of the concept of molarity. Students not REFERENCES
only learn the process of making a 1. Ahmadi, Khoiru Iif dan Sofan. 2010.
solution in theory, but students can also Strategi pembelajaran sekolah
imagine how the process of solution in berstandar Internasional dan
the laboratory Nasional. Jakarta: Prestasi Pustaka
Criteria of language 2. Mahmudi, Ali. 2010. Mengukur
Based on the validation results in Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif
Table 3 chemistry student Matematis. Yogyakarta (Online).
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been developed to meet the eligibility lt, diakses 05 Oktober 2011).
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of 75.00%. Based on the interpretation Pengajuan soal (Problem Posing)
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that linguistic criteria chemistry student geometri di SLTP. (online).
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is good because it is at the interval the 4. Siswono, Tatag Y.E. 2006.
percentage of 61% -80%. Implementasi teori tentang tingkat
Linguistic criteria said to be good berpikir kreatif dalam matematika.
have been due to using language Makalah disajikan pada Seminar
effectively and efficiently.Sentences Konferensi Nasional Matematika
used in the delivery of content language XIII dan Kongres Himpunan
should be simple, straightforward, and Matematika Indonesia. Jurusan
can represent the contents of the Matematika FMIPA Universitas
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been consistent each represented by the (online).(http://tatagyes.file.wordpres
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5. Ibrahim, Muslimin. 2002. Pelatihan
CONCLUSION Terintegrasi Berbasis Kompetensi.
Based on the analysis of research Guru mata pelajaran Biologi:
data can be concluded that Pengembangan Perangkat
the Chemistry Student Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Direktorat
Worksheet Problem Posing Oriented to Sekolah Lanjutan Pertama,
practice Students Creative Thinking Depdiknas.
stoichiometry solution topic has been 6. Riduwan, 2010. Skala Pengukuran
developed to use as a device worth variabel-variabel Penelitian.
learning because it has reached a Bandung: Alfabeta
percentage of ≥ 61% on a Likert scale 7. Depdiknas. 2008. Panduan
score interpretation. Percentage of the pengembangan bahan ajar. Jakarta:
eligibility criteria of content, Direktorat Pembinaan Sekolah
presentation, and graphs of 91.05%, Menengah Atas, Depdiknas
96.94% and 92.36% in the category very


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