Worksheet Berorientasi Problem Posing Untuk Melatih Berpikir Kreatif Pada Materi
Worksheet Berorientasi Problem Posing Untuk Melatih Berpikir Kreatif Pada Materi
Worksheet Berorientasi Problem Posing Untuk Melatih Berpikir Kreatif Pada Materi
Abstract. The aim of this research is determine the eligibility of chemistry Student
Worksheet with problem posing oriented to practice creative thinking in solution
stoichiometry topic for Grade XI RSBI based on the assessment by chemistry lecturer,
chemistry teacher, and linguist in eligibility criteria for contents, presentation, graphs, and
linguistics. This research uses a 4-D of development model by Thiagarajan, but it is
limited in develop step. The instruments that used are review sheet and validity sheet. The
result show that of chemistry Student Worksheet with problem posing oriented has been
developed in learning process of RSBI class has met eligibility criteria for contents,
presentation, graph, and linguistics with a sequential-share percentage 91.05%, 96.94%,
92.36%, and 75.00%.
Unesa Journal of Chemical Education
Vol.. 1, No. 2, pp. 34-39 September 2012 ISSN: 2252-9454
Unesa Journal of Chemical Education
Vol.. 1, No. 2, pp. 34-39 September 2012 ISSN: 2252-9454
student who trained are fluency,
flexibility and novelty in posing and
resolving problems. Fluency in the Task Analysis Concept Analysis
posing a problem refers to the number or
diversity of the student posed a Learning indicator Analysis
problem. Flexibility refers to the ability
of students pose a problem that has Format choosing
different way of settlement, while
novelty refers to the ability of students Initial Design of Worksheet (Draf 1)
apply different problem than the
problem presented previously [4].
Language Matter review
METHOD reviww
This development study using 4-D linguist Chemistry Chemistry
model of development (four
teacher lecturer
D) suggested by Thiagarajan [5]. Model
development consists of four stages,
namely define, design, develope, Revision (Draf 2)
and Disseminate [5]. In this research
only restricted to the develop stage
because this study only to determine the
eligibility of the worksheet. Design of
this research can be presented through linguist Chemistry chemistry
the following flow chart: teacher lecturer
Data analyisis
Unesa Journal of Chemical Education
Vol.. 1, No. 2, pp. 34-39 September 2012 ISSN: 2252-9454
Unesa Journal of Chemical Education
Vol.. 1, No. 2, pp. 34-39 September 2012 ISSN: 2252-9454
Unesa Journal of Chemical Education
Vol.. 1, No. 2, pp. 34-39 September 2012 ISSN: 2252-9454
the worksheet that describes the process good, and linguistic criteria with a
of making a solution intended to percentage of 75.00% in good category.
increase motivation and understanding
of the concept of molarity. Students not REFERENCES
only learn the process of making a 1. Ahmadi, Khoiru Iif dan Sofan. 2010.
solution in theory, but students can also Strategi pembelajaran sekolah
imagine how the process of solution in berstandar Internasional dan
the laboratory Nasional. Jakarta: Prestasi Pustaka
Criteria of language 2. Mahmudi, Ali. 2010. Mengukur
Based on the validation results in Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif
Table 3 chemistry student Matematis. Yogyakarta (Online).
worksheet problem posing oriented has (
been developed to meet the eligibility lt, diakses 05 Oktober 2011).
criteria of language with the percentage 3. Siswono, Tatag Y.E. 2000.
of 75.00%. Based on the interpretation Pengajuan soal (Problem Posing)
of the Likert scale in Table 2 can be said oleh siswa dalam pembelajaran
that linguistic criteria chemistry student geometri di SLTP. (online).
worksheet posing problem oriented was (
is good because it is at the interval the 4. Siswono, Tatag Y.E. 2006.
percentage of 61% -80%. Implementasi teori tentang tingkat
Linguistic criteria said to be good berpikir kreatif dalam matematika.
have been due to using language Makalah disajikan pada Seminar
effectively and efficiently.Sentences Konferensi Nasional Matematika
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should be simple, straightforward, and Matematika Indonesia. Jurusan
can represent the contents of the Matematika FMIPA Universitas
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symbols or icons on theworksheet has Juli.
been consistent each represented by the (online).(http://tatagyes.file.wordpres
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CONCLUSION Terintegrasi Berbasis Kompetensi.
Based on the analysis of research Guru mata pelajaran Biologi:
data can be concluded that Pengembangan Perangkat
the Chemistry Student Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Direktorat
Worksheet Problem Posing Oriented to Sekolah Lanjutan Pertama,
practice Students Creative Thinking Depdiknas.
stoichiometry solution topic has been 6. Riduwan, 2010. Skala Pengukuran
developed to use as a device worth variabel-variabel Penelitian.
learning because it has reached a Bandung: Alfabeta
percentage of ≥ 61% on a Likert scale 7. Depdiknas. 2008. Panduan
score interpretation. Percentage of the pengembangan bahan ajar. Jakarta:
eligibility criteria of content, Direktorat Pembinaan Sekolah
presentation, and graphs of 91.05%, Menengah Atas, Depdiknas
96.94% and 92.36% in the category very