Mission: Vision
Mission: Vision
Mission: Vision
The English-Club is an organization with an in depth care to its members which procures
a well-trained leader and well-rounded members in contributing for the development of the
The English-Club of Mindanao State University Buug Campus commits to pursue timely
and relevant seminar, symposiums and training where other activities which will be the corner
stone for the growth and development of its member. It promotes greater interest in the true spirit
of leadership, knowledge, culture, values, virtues, and spiritual being in the field of English
challenges of community building and community services that transforms lives and help create
We the English Club of Mindanao State University Buug Campus, imploring the
aid of legal Counsel and Guidance so as to establish a just, peaceful, well-organized organization
in order to promote the common good. We seek to establish a democratic organization that shall
embody our ideals and aspirations. We will observe the rules and regulations which shall be
considerate to the rights of the students; thus, we do hereby ordain and promulgate this constitution
by laws.
Section 2: Must be enrolled in Bachelor of Secondary Education major in English and Bachelor of
c. If the member had a critical issue or offense that may affect the organization.
Section 1: This constitution and bylaws shall be limited only to those matters pertinent to the
effective functioning of English Club affecting the welfare and the activities of the institution
Section 2: The jurisdiction of the constitution and bylaws shall be extended to all BSED-English
Section 1: The fund of English Club consists of reserve funds, monthly dues, fines and penalties,
and contribution.
Section 2: The reserve fund shall consist of the monthly dues (10php per month) and fines in every
activities conducted by the organization to be collected from the members and officers. The
activities may either be major or minor and penalties will be collected from the following activities:
A. Major activities refer to the activities that requires the presence of the whole members
of English Club. Thus, the activity shall be participated by all the members and students who are
1. English Olympics.
Club, if any.
B. Minor activities refer to the activities which require full participation of the whole
1. Meeting.
2. Do Days
Section 3: The funds of English Club are collected by the Club Treasurer.
Section 4: The payments of monthly dues, contributions, and fines must be paid on or before the
Section 5: Only the President, Treasurer and Secretary are authorized to withdraw and deposit
Section 1: Regular meetings of the officers and members of the org. shall be held every last Friday
every two months which will start at exactly 4:00 o’clock in the afternoon.
Section 2: A written notice shall be posted in the bulletin board around the school. It should be
posted 2 days prior to the conduct of the regular meeting, except for the special and emergency
Section 3: Special Meeting shall be called by the President, at his/her own initiative, by the English
Section 4: A 2/3 population of English Club officers shall be necessary to constitute a QUOROM.
Any resolution for matter-brought before the body shall be approved by a majority vote of those
who are present. English Club officers and members who will be absent during the meeting shall
be fines Php25.00.
Section 5: The following parliamentary procedures on the regular meeting shall sternly be
1. Call to order\
2. Roll call
3. Prayer
5. Treasurer’s report
6. Committee’s report
7. Special order
8. Unfinished business
9. Agenda
10. Announcement
11. Adjournment
Section 1: The officers of the English Club shall consist of President, Vice-President, Secretary,
Treasurer, Auditor, P.I.O, Two (2) Representatives, one (1) from BSED-English and one (1) for
Section 2: The officers of the organization shall be elected by all the members of the club by a
Section 3: In case of vacancy in the officers, the next rank will assume the position, thus, the lowest
position will be vacant and must be filled by an appointed officer. The authority is on according
Section 2: The officers must be placed acquiring 2/3 votes of all officers in every society.
Section 3: The vacancy of position due to resignation or permanent incapacity will be filled up
through the assumption of the next rank of the vacant position, thus the lowest rank will be vacant
and an appointee will fill the vacant position voted by the majority of the officer.