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Generic Test & Acceptance Checklist

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FORM 820


Site: BVAPP:
Engineer: Job Vendor:
Date of Installation completion: Date of Vendor Departure:
Tested by: Date:
Equipment Verification
Frames located per floor plan
Installed per drawings
Equipment is what was ordered
Equipment options are correct
Spare equipment provided per ordering spec (if applicable)
Power feed to equipment checked
Frame alignment and equipment mounting
Relay rack numbering
Wiring and cabling
Equipment numbering and lettering
Cable openings sealed
Cable racks and other ironwork
Power and fusing (spare fuses available also)
Performance Tests
Tests per recommended equipment manual
Tests per Test & Acceptance package sent out with job (contact the Engineer if no such
package sent)
"As-built" drawings sent back to engineering
Replacement drawings
Initial battery charge reports (if applicable)
Equipment manuals received
Original test results retained
Affected alarms tested prior to work start
Local and audible alarms (as applicable) tested prior to work start
Remote alarms installed and tested with NROC Alarm Center (800-713-3666)
Name of NROC Center Contact with whom alarms were tested:

Comments (all No answers must be commented on)



Site: BVAPP:
Engineer: Job Vendor:
Date of Installation completion: Date of Vendor Departure:
Tested by: Date:
1. Lighting provided in the power areas is adequate, and located in accordance with
the SITE: record lighting plan drawing
2. As a minimum, emergency and task/stumble lighting is available in stairwells, over
the "power board", over the engine control panel and AC transfer switch, over the
AC switchgear, and in the engine room
3. Emergency and task/stumble lighting works
4. Feeding fuse/breaker positions and emergency and task/stumble lighting fixtures
are properly stenciled as to the equipment they feed or where they are fed from
Test & Acceptance should be performed with the installer on site. Note below all problems they fix
Comments (all No answers must be commented on)


Site: BVAPP:
Associated Power Plant ANCR #
Engineer: Job Vendor:
Date of Installation completion: Date of Vendor Departure:
Tested by: Date:
1. Complete copy of suppliers' manuals and drawings available on site
2. Verify accuracy of the database, and ensure an electronic backup is made where applicable
3. Verify that analog channel readings are within 1% of the values measured by plant meters or by
technician's hand-held meter
4. Bring in each binary alarm associated with this monitor (or other alarming device) and verify that
technicians in Power NROC (800-713-3666) receive the alarm over NMA
A. There is local indication of the alarm on the monitor, if monitor is capable of this function
B. If monitor is capable and equipped, verify the difference between Minor Rectifier Fail (1 rectifier),
and Major Rectifier Fail (2 or more rectifiers failed)
5. Bring in binary alarms associated with the threshold settings of analog points (e.g., low voltage, etc.), and
ensure that these alarms report locally on monitor and over NMA
A. Analog points' binary thresholds are set properly (according to REGN 154-103-001)
6. If monitor is controlling High Voltage Shutdown (HVSD) verify proper operation
7. Ensure that all binary, analog, & control points requested on engineering job were provided, & ensure that
there is a record left in office on paper and/or on disk of the assignments
8. If monitor is capable and equipped, verify the difference between Minor Converter Fail
(1 converter), and Major Converter Fail (2 or more converters failed)
9. Verify security levels (e.g., different passwords), and dial-back numbers (if applicable)
10. System reboots properly after being turned off/on
11. Verify through NROC Center or NMA database group continuity of X.25 link where applicable
12. When monitor is equipped with control functions, verify proper operation of these functions (e.g., rectifier
shutdown/restart, engine start/stop, etc.)
13. Verify that laptop can communicate with monitor over RS-232 port
14. Verify communication with unit over a dial-up
Test & Acceptance should be performed with the installer on site. Note below all problems they fix
NOTE: Use supplier, Bellcore, and Qwest documentation as a guide to performing the tasks above.
NOTE: When testing alarms and functions, be sure not to interrupt service unless done during the Maintenance
Window and with notification to appropriate personnel
Comments (all No answers must be commented on)


Site: BVAPP:
Engineer: Job Vendor:
Date of Installation completion: Date of Vendor Departure:
Tested by: Date:
1. Proper equipment was ordered and is sized appropriately for the application
2. Verify proper load bus arrangements
3. Verify proper return bus options
4. Verify accuracy & proper operation of the digital or analog meters & current shunts
5. Test fuse alarms for proper operation and continuity to NROC (Note: BDFBs and other
secondary fuse panels are not monitored by the Power NROC group, but by the groups who
monitor the equipment served by these secondary protection devices)
6. Verify proper placement, anchoring, and stenciling of the bay(s) and/or shelves
7. Ensure that all fuse/breaker assignments are properly marked/stenciled for the loads they
feed, and that all incoming and outgoing cables are properly tagged
8. Verify proper connections of wires/cables to the fuse distribution, ground, and battery return
9. Verify proper cable routing
10. Verify proper frame and central office grounding
11. Ensure that BDFBs are equipped with a sticker(s) specifying the maximum feeder load
(50% of the protector size) for each feeder
Test & Acceptance should be performed with the installer on site. Note below all problems they fix
NOTE: Use supplier documentation as a guide to performing the tasks above.
NOTE: Work on a Power Board or BDBF has the potential to interrupt service. Service shall not be interrupted
when installing primary or secondary distribution panels. Cutover of a BDFB or Power Board should probably
occur during the Maintenance Window if the power plant is already up and supporting loads.
Comments (all No answers must be commented on — use the back of this form if necessary)
FORM 822


Site: BVAPP:
Associated Power Plant Battery String #
Engineer: Job Vendor:
Date of Installation completion: Date of Vendor Departure:
Tested by: Date:
1. Battery stands and batteries are stenciled or identified with a minimum of installation and/or
manufacturing date (on batteries), string numbers/letters, and cell numbers.
2. Batteries and connectors are free of the following defects.
A. Cases crazed, cracked, bulged, corroded, or leaking
B. Level indicators stuck or missing
C. Cover or post rise, and/or post corrosion
D. Excessive positive plate growth or strap growth
E. Excessive plate bowing or cracking
F. Excessive needle growth
G. Lead-sulfate crystals (this should be checked after batteries have received their full
initial charge)
3. Electrolyte level is proper, and limits for electrolyte level are marked on the batteries.
4. Proper vent and filler caps or funnels are installed, and flame arrestors are equipped with
dust covers.
5. Battery records/logs and any manufacturer documentation are on-site and easily accessible.
The Storage Battery report (RG47-0001) should have been filled out by the installation
6. Neutralizing agents and protective equipment are available nearby for use as required in the
battery area (eyewash, baking soda or equivalent, rubber gloves, goggles, rubber apron).
7. Thermometers, hydrometers, and holders are furnished and mounted as required.
8. Check batteries and intercell connections integrity by placing string on a short 5 minute
discharge test into a real load or load box load. (This requirement is optional due to the fact
that some battery strings are installed long before they are connected to the real load.) As a
minimum attempt to determine if connections were properly tightened with a torque
9. All voltage readings are within 0.05 of the float average (e.g., 2.20 V/cell)
10. Spill and disposal procedures are posted near the batteries.
11. Battery stand is braced appropriately for earthquake zone in which site is located.
Test & Acceptance should be performed with the installer on site. Note below all problems they fix.
Comments (all No answers must be commented on)


Site: BVAPP:
Rectifier #’s Associated Power Plant
Engineer: Job Vendor:
Date of Installation completion: Date of Vendor Departure:
Tested by: Date:
1. Rectifiers are properly assembled, installed, and stenciled or identified
2. Correct type & capacity fuses are provided, & all fuses are clean & properly installed
3. AC power connections are properly made. Ensure proper transformer taps and phase rotation
where applicable
4. Ensure that correct rectifier (size, type, AC input, etc.) was ordered, including correct wiring or
apparatus options
5. Rectifiers operate per individual operation tests, and basic operational features work
6. Plant meters are accurate and properly adjusted
7. Alarm settings are adjusted to requirements, and proper alarm signals are transmitted (ensure
alarms reach the NROC Center)
8. Current limiting and partial load features of units are set and adjusted properly
9. High voltage shutdown (HVSD) feature operates properly, and all other DIP switches,
potentiometers, and other options are properly set, including alarm thresholds
10. Outputs of all units are stable (non-hunting, except for load sharing variations), & rectifier float
voltages are properly set for battery type (see REGN 154-103-001) & load sharing
11. Test rectifier fail alarms for continuity to the NROC Center
12. Simulate an AC power failure to verify that the units' auto-restart capability and current walk-in
feature operate properly when AC power is restored. Ensure also that alarms clear and that the
units return to float voltage
13. All rectifiers are capable of operating, regulating, and current limiting at full load
14. Ensure AC fuse panel(s) feeding rectifiers have adequate spare capacity. If not, notify Real
15. For multi-phase fed rectifiers, verify appropriate operation or shutdown during phase failure
16. Ensure proper selection and routing of rectifier control cables to plant controller
17. Ensure rectifier frames are properly grounded & that battery return cables are properly grounded
& sized, dependent on whether plant is integrated, isolated, or combined
18. Ensure rectifier DC output cables are properly installed, & sized according to Tech Pub 77385
(for 200 and 400 Amp rectifiers), or manufacturers’ recommendations (all other sizes)
19. Ensure that there is adequate ventilation & heat dissipation so rectifier will not overheat
Test & Acceptance should be performed with the installer on site. Note below all problems they fix
NOTE: When testing alarms and functions, be sure not to interrupt service unless done during off hours and with
notification to appropriate personnel
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Site: BVAPP:
Power Plant Location
Engineer: Job Vendor:
Date of Installation completion: Date of Vendor Departure:
Tested by: Date:
1. All battery distribution cables are of correct size and type, and properly terminated
2. All equipment of control and distribution bays are correctly stenciled or identified
3. All control circuit, charge, and discharge fuses and/or circuit breakers are of the correct type
and capacity, and located as shown on the drawings
4. Alarm fuse positions are equipped with correct fuses, and fuse and circuit breakers are
properly designated as to the equipment they serve
5. Verify alarm operation, both locally, and to the NROC Center
6. All DC meters are calibrated and properly adjusted
7. All fuses are tight in their respective fuse holders, and fuses and circuit breakers are free of
excessive heat
8. The battery float voltage is correct (check after meter calibration, and initial charging of the
9. The voltage alarm settings are correct per REGN 154-103-001
10. Spare fuses are provided, and properly located and designated, on or near the battery plant
11. If LVD is used (use only where required, such as with a DMS®10 switch), ensure setting is
-43.25 V or less.
Test & Acceptance should be performed with the installer on site. Note below all problems they fix
Comments (all No answers must be commented on)


Site: BVAPP:
Associated Power Plant Location
Engineer: Job Vendor:
Date of Installation completion: Date of Vendor Departure:
Tested by: Date:
1. The converter plant is properly assembled and installed (including properly made electrical
connections, and stenciled or identified
2. The input and output fuses are the correct type and capacity
3. The discharge fuse alarms are operative, and connected properly, and spare fuses are
4. The voltage alarm levels are properly adjusted to specified limits
5. All alarms function properly, and are received by the NROC Center
6. High voltage shutdown (HVSD) feature operates properly
7. The converter plant meters are accurate, and properly adjusted, and all other LEDs or other
indicators work properly
8. The output voltage is adjusted within the specified limits, and can be accurately read from
the test jacks
9. The output current limit is properly set, as well as any other options set through DIP
switches or potentiometers
10. Verify that the converter plant functions properly under load for at least 30 minutes, and that
there are no problems if the converters are switched on and off.
Test & Acceptance should be performed with the installer on site. Note below all problems they fix
NOTE: When testing alarms and functions, be sure not to interrupt service unless done during off hours and with
notification to appropriate personnel
Comments (all No answers must be commented on)


Site: BVAPP:
Associated Power Plant Location
Engineer: Job Vendor:
Date of Installation completion: Date of Vendor Departure:
Tested by: Date:
1. The ringing plant is properly assembled, installed, and stenciled or identified
2. Ringing plant fusing is in agreement with site drawings
3. All alarms operate properly, including transfer alarms (ensure alarms reach NROC center)
4. The transfer feature operates automatically when a power failure occurs (for units when
Ring Generator 1 is AC powered), or if Ring Generator 1 fails. (This transfer also applies to
those sites equipped with interruptors besides the ring generators)
5. If equipped, the transfer feature operates properly by manual or test transfer methods
6. All voltages, tone levels, and frequencies are within specified limits
7. If meters are provided, they are accurate, and within adjustments
Test & Acceptance should be performed with the installer on site. Note below all problems they fix
Comments (all No answers must be commented on)


Site: BVAPP:
Associated Power Plant Location
Engineer: Job Vendor:
Date of Installation completion: Date of Vendor Departure:
Tested by: Date:
1. The inverter plant is properly assembled and installed (including proper electrical
connections), and stenciled or identified
2. Input, output, and alarm fuses are the correct type and capacity, and output distribution is
properly sized and connected
3. Simulate an AC power failure. Ensure proper operation and transfer. During outage check
output voltage and frequency
4. Verify that plant is capable of operation at full load, in both AC input or DC input modes.
(Use a dummy load — e.g., load box — if necessary to fully load the plant)
5. Verify proper operation of maintenance bypass, if equipped
6. Verify proper operation of transfer switch
7. Alarms operate and clear properly (ensure alarms remote to the NROC Center)
8. Verify proper operation of any automatic shutdowns (e.g., low voltage, emerg. stop, etc.)
9. Verify proper operation of all controls and indicators (meters, LEDs, etc.)
10. Ensure that the green wire ground is properly connected
11. Ensure there is adequate room and ventilation around the inverter
Test & Acceptance should be performed with the installer on site. Note below all problems they fix
NOTE: When testing alarms and functions, be sure not to interrupt service unless done during off hours and with
notification to appropriate personnel
Comments (all No answers must be commented on)


Site: BVAPP:
Engineer: Job Vendor:
Date of Installation completion: Date of Vendor Departure:
Tested by: Date:
1. The UPS is properly assembled, installed, and stenciled or identified in accordance with
Engineering instructions
2. The correct type and capacity fuses are provided, and all fuses are clean and properly
3. AC/DC power connections are made in accordance with Engineering instructions, and in
compliance with Qwest Technical Publication 77355
4. Transformer taps are set properly
5. Ensure proper AC phase rotation on the output
6. Plant meters are accurate and properly adjusted
7. Alarm settings are adjusted to requirements, and proper alarm signals are transmitted.
Ensure that alarms reach NROC Center
8. Correct wiring or apparatus options provided
9. Current limiting and partial load features of units are set and adjusted per Engineering
10. High voltage shutdown feature operates properly
11. Outputs are stable (non-hunting, except for load sharing variations)
12. Simulate AC power failure to verify unit's auto-switch capability, and that it operates
properly when AC power is restored (ensure that alarms clear when AC is restored). Check
for proper return to battery float voltage
13. UPS capable of operating at full load
14. Battery chargers are operating at the required output voltage
Test & Acceptance should be performed with the installer on site. Note below all problems they fix
NOTE: Use supplier documentation as a guide to performing the tasks above.
NOTE: When testing alarms and functions, be sure not to interrupt service unless done during off hours and with
notification to appropriate personnel
Comments (all No answers must be commented on)

reference Routines EE550 and EE551



Site: BVAPP:
Engineer: Job Vendor:
Date of Installation completion: Date of Vendor Departure:
Tested by: Date:
1. Engine-alternators & associated equipment are located according to the floor plan drawings, & are installed according to
Engineering request, & are properly sized (e.g., fuel and exhaust system piping & tubing)
2. Engine start batteries and chargers are in good condition, and installed and operating properly
3. Verify start batteries and charger per Forms 822, 823A, manufacturers’ documentation, and TPP below
4. A remote emergency stop switch/button is located outside but near the engine room, & is properly identified
5. Test records, logs, and manufacturer documentation is on site and accessible
6. Before operation, inspect for the obvious, like assembly; fuel or oil leaks; or loose, missing or damaged parts
7. Fuel in main and day tanks is sufficient and free of excess water and other contaminants
8. Oil and coolant levels are sufficient, fluids are contaminant-free, and jacket water heater is operational
9. Engine-alternator operating instructions are posted near the engine, and are clear and easy to use
10. Adequate ear and eye protection is available in the engine room, and adequate warning labels are posted
11. Ensure that engine, engine room metallic parts & lines, and alternator neutral are all grounded per Pub 77355
12. Engine crankcase breather is vented to atmosphere or discharge damper
13. With the engine mfg & the installer present perform a first test of the genset with the engine on a full load bank for 2-4
hrs (preferably run this test on site; however, the test may be done at the mfg’s location with Qwest present to observe).
Observe all functions, readings, alarms, etc., & note abnormalities, paying special attention to the following:
A. Water, fuel, and oil temperatures and pressures are within limits
B. Ensure proper operation of the transfer switch
C. Frequency, current, kW, and voltage readings are correct, and within limits
D. Test all alarms during run, both locally and remotely (to Power NROC) for proper operation
E. If provided, rectifier sequencing functions properly
F. Exhaust press. < limits; no exhaust leaks; internal exhaust pipes insulated; 9" min. exhaust clear from combustibles;
hot "reachable" parts guarded and/or labeled; exhaust couplings use bolted flanges with gaskets or threaded pipe;
has a flex connection to engine & flex supports to allow for expansion/contraction; & end of exhaust stack protected
G. Ensure proper operation of all fuel pumps, and the day tank (where applicable)
H. Intake/exhaust fans/louvers operate (& held open by spring on AC loss), & properly sized per dwgs. (Check proper
intake size by seeing if engine room door opens easily). Air intake filters properly installed? (Exhaust fans to be
controlled by room thermostat, if separate.) Exhaust positioned so its gasses & heat are not part of intake air.
I. If provided, paralleling functions properly
J. Current load is reasonably balanced between phases
K. All required gauges, meters, and local and remote alarms are present as per Pub 77385
L. Test emergency shutdown
14. Check fluids and fuels after run, and visually inspect for leaks, loose parts, etc.
NOTE: Use supplier documentation, as well as TPP T.AMC.POWR.96.0008 for more complete engine Test and Acceptance
NOTE: When testing alarms and functions, be sure not to interrupt service
Comments (all No answers must be commented on — Please use the back of this form for comments)



Site: BVAPP:
Engineer: Job Vendor:
Date of Installation completion: Date of Vendor Departure:
Tested by: Date:
1. Ensure proper operation of the transfer switch. Simulate an AC failure and return of Commercial AC. Ensure that
all timers function properly.
2. If provided, paralleling functions properly and that there are sequencer lights or meters which properly operate if
paralleling is to be done manually.
3. Ensure that drawings for the transfer switch are on site.
4. Ensure that a single line-drawing is on site (it may be physically etched or drawn on the AC switchgear)
5. Visually inspect (or thermally with a thermal gun or camera) all connections in the transfer switch and AC service
entrance cabinets for tightness.
6. Ensure that the AC loads of the site do not exceed buss bar and breaker capacities in the AC switchgear.
7. Ensure that electrical safety equipment is available for the site: electrical gloves, goggles, and tags/locks for use in
lockout/tagout procedures when AC work is being done and possibly fire-retardant Nomex gear.
8. Ensure that AC service entrance has a lightning arrestor and/or surge suppressor properly installed.
9. Ensure that the AC fail is monitored per phase, and that an AC fail alarm properly reports through the alarm systems
to the NROC Center.
10. If the site is equipped with a power monitor (PSMC), verify that AC voltage (per phase, line-neutral) and currents
(per phase) are monitored and reading properly.
11. Ensure that the power company transformer is adequately sized to handle the site load.
12. Ensure that the AC Service Entrance and Transfer Switch have proper grounding connections per Pub 77355
13. Ensure that there is proper interrupt current rating coordination from the power company transformer down to the
PDSCs (e.g., ensure that the K.A.I.C of the service entrance equals or exceeds that of the power company
transformer, etc.)
NOTE: Use supplier documentation, as well as TPP T.AMC.POWR.96.0008 for a more complete Test and Acceptance
NOTE: When testing alarms and functions, be sure not to interrupt service
Comments (all No answers must be commented on — Please use the back of this form for additional comments)


Site: BVAPP:
Engineer: Job Vendor:
Date of Installation completion: Date of Vendor Departure:
Tested by: Date:
1. Fuel in main and day tanks is sufficient and free of excess water and other contaminants
2. Ensure that outdoor tanks are placed in such a position that water will not flow into or pool on top of them.
3. If the outdoor Diesel fuel tank is aboveground in a climate where temperatures may get below 32˚ F, ensure that the
tank is either using #1 Diesel fuel, or is equipped with a tank heater.
4. Visually ensure that all fuel tanks (both main and day) have containment that will contain all of the fuel in the tank in
case of a leak.
5. Inspect tank(s) and all fuel piping and pumps for any leaks
6. Ensure fuel lines are connected to engine through a flexible section
7. Fuel Lines are installed and routed in accordance with the vendor-supplied Engineering specs and drawings.
8. Verify that an anti-siphon valve is installed on the fuel suction line at the first entrance point to the generator room.
The melt link should be 195 degrees.
9. Verify that an electric fuel solenoid (operating from the engine start and/or control batteries at 12 V or 24 VDC) is
installed on the supply line at each generator’s fuel pump’s flex hoses. The solenoid must be connected to the
generator run circuit in the control panel.
10. Verify that fuel lines running on the floor are routed so as not to create a safety hazard. (Fuel lines lying on the floor
should be covered with a metal shroud, and the shroud should be painted yellow or yellow with black diagonal
11. Verify that the fuel lines are Aero-quip or Strotoflex hose or black iron. (Aero-quip and Stratoflex lines are permitted,
but must be run inside a containment conduit. Galvanized pipes and fittings are not permitted.)
12. Verify that the fuel return line is free from all obstructions. (No gates, valves, or traps are permitted.)
13. Ensure proper operation of all fuel pumps, plus any day tank valves
14. Ensure that a low fuel alarm is reported as a minimum (may be reported as a generic fuel system trouble) all the way
to the NROC Center. The low fuel alarm should report when there is 8 hours or more of fuel left.
15. If site is equipped with a fuel tank monitor, ensure that it has at least a generic fuel system trouble alarm wired and
reporting all the way to the NROC Center
16. Ensure fuel tank monitor is equipped with a dialup modem and a working phone line (some radio sites and other sites
where phone service is inaccessible may be exempt from this requirement), and that Power NROC and the local Power
Crew have that number.
17. Ensure that the fuel tank monitor is equipped with paper tape and ink, and a method of storing the paper tape.
18. Ensure that all fuel lines and tanks are properly grounded in accordance with Qwest Tech Pub 77355.
NOTE: Use supplier documentation, as well as TPP T.AMC.POWR.96.0008 for a more complete Test and Acceptance
NOTE: When testing alarms and functions, be sure not to interrupt service
Comments (all No answers must be commented on — Please use the back of this form for comments)
FORM 827


Site: BVAPP:
Engineer: Job Vendor:
Date of Installation completion: Date of Vendor Departure:
Tested by: Date:
1. Ensure that internal and external grounding is per Qwest Technical Publication 77355. Ensure proper
grounding of the site using a megger.
2. Do ventilation and exhaust openings have free access
3. Ensure that the site and all of the bays and wiring in the RT are properly tagged/stenciled
4. Ensure proper operation of A/C, sump pump, gas monitor and other environmental systems with the
vendor present for CEVs, CECs, and huts, as applicable
5. Ensure safety equipment (e.g., fire extinguisher, first aid kit, gloves, eyewash fluid, etc.) is present, as
6. Ensure that all holes in a CEV are properly sealed
7. Emergency lighting, gas monitors, environmental controllers, or any other device that should be
powered by -48 VDC is connected to the DC Plant.
8. Site properly constructed, landscaped, and backfilled; and weeds are abated
9. Emergency engine connection available and sized properly. Verify that a generator can be parked
within 10 ft of the transfer switch, and that the soil is such that there is access under adverse weather
conditions. After turn-up, transfer the site to generator to confirm backup.
10. Site has records/forms for proactive maintenance of the power plant. Ensure that the power plant was
turned up correctly per Forms 823A and B. Load tests the plant and batteries.
11. Ensure continuity of power and environmental alarms, and any other alarms to the NROC Center
(Power Major, Power Minor, Intrusion, High Temperature, and Explosive Gas Alarm for CEV/Cs are a
minimum). If a mux is used, verify that it is configured for phase 2 and provisioned for X.25/TL1.
(See Standard Configuration and REGN 154-103-001 for power and environmental alarm standards.)
12. Lightning/surge arrestor installed in power pedestal, and power pedestal wired per the NEC
13. Confirm that controlled environment sites are set to operate within 55-85° F.
This Test & Acceptance checklist should be performed with the installer(s)/contractor(s) on site. Note on attachment all
problems they fix
Comment below or attach comments (all No answers must be commented on)


Site: BVAPP:
Engineer: Job Vendor:
Date of Installation completion: Date of Vendor Departure:
Tested by: Date:
1. The site ground is the proper size, and installed in accordance with the site record drawings,
Engineering instructions, and Qwest Technical Publication 77355
2. Both ends of all site ground cables are tagged, and designated to show opposite end
terminating location
3. All site ground cables between floors and through wall are run through nonmetallic sleeves
or conduit. If site ground leads are run through metallic conduit or sleeves, both ends of the
conduit or sleeve are bonded to the site ground lead.
4. Isolated frames, cabinets, rectifiers, etc. containing AC service are properly grounded
(usually identified with green-wire ground)
5. If associated switching system uses isolated grounding, integrity must meet the system
requirements spelled out in Qwest Technical Publication 77355
Test & Acceptance should be performed with the installer on site. Note below all problems they fix
For a complete grounding review, contact the NROC Center
Comments (all No answers must be commented on)


Site: BVAPP:
Associated Power Plant Location
Engineer: Job Vendor:
Date of Installation completion: Date of Vendor Departure:
Tested by: Date:
1. AC bus duct and conduit is installed in accordance with site record drawing layout, and the
manufacturers' specifications
2. The proper type and size fuses and/or circuit breakers are installed in AC bus duct plug-in
3. Warning labels are placed at all access openings and end sections of AC bus duct, as
4. Bus bar is installed in accordance with site record drawing layout
5. Bus bars and risers are stenciled to properly identify CHARGE, DISCHARGE, BAT, GRD,
voltage, etc.
6. The ammeter shunt is properly mounted and stamped to indicate voltage and ampere rating
7. Installation meets Qwest workmanship standards, and is in accordance with Engineering
standards and drawings, as spelled out in Qwest Technical Publications 77350, 77351,
77352, 77355 and 77385
8. Bus bars, joints, and terminating connections to bus bars are free of excessive heat.
(Technicians may use heat strips, or heat guns to determine heating. If major problems are
suspected, a Power NROC Tech Support person may be called in to do a scan with a
thermal camera)
9. Power cable is routed in accordance with site record drawings
10. Power cable is run and secured on cable racks
11. Adequate insulating protection is provided on cable rack straps, stringers, thread rods,
auxiliary frame bars, and other metallic objects where power cable makes contact with
sharp surfaces
12. Power cable insulation is free of damage
13. Terminating wires and cables are properly tagged and designated at both ends of conductors
when required
14. All cables listed on power cable running list are installed with correct type and size of cable
as specified, or otherwise calculated
Test & Acceptance should be performed with the installer on site. Note below all problems they fix
Comments (all No answers must be commented on)


Site: BVAPP:
Associated Power Plant Location
Engineer: Job Vendor:
Date of Installation completion: Date of Vendor Departure:
Tested by: Date:
1. Power equipment is located and designated as shown on floor plan drawing
2. All cable holes appear to be closed properly (wall, ceiling, and floor type, as applicable)
3. Wall and column mounted equipment are properly located and shown on floor plan, cable
rack plan, or other associated site record drawings
Test & Acceptance should be performed with the installer on site. Note below all problems they fix
Comments (all No answers must be commented on)


Site: BVAPP:
Associated Power Plant Location
Engineer: Job Vendor:
Date of Installation completion: Date of Vendor Departure:
Tested by: Date:
1. All new power equipment drawings furnished on this project are in acceptable condition
2. All power drawings that were supposed to be provided with this job were provided
3. All operating and maintenance instructions for new or added power equipment are available
and accessible at the site
4. All installer job completion reports are available
5. Installer(s) followed written MOPs
Test & Acceptance should be performed with the installer on site. Note below all problems they fix
Comments (all No answers must be commented on)
FORM 840


Plant #1 Plant #2 Plant #3
Voltage & Polarity:
Plant/Controller Mfr. & Model:
Plant Size (shunt & bus bar ampacities):
Rectifier Fr & Model:
Battery Strings & A-hr Size:
Battery Fr & Model:
Battery Installation Date:
Plant Load in Amps:
PDSC Bus Ampacity & Fdr Fuse/Brkr Size:
add Rect. max loads for total max on PDSC:
Plant #1 Plant #2 Plant #3
Voltage & Polarity:
Fr & Model:
Associated Battery Plant:
Qty & Sizes of Converters:
Plant Load in Amps:
Fr: Model: PSMC Fr & Model:
Ringers: Interrupters: Software Version:
Tone Generators: Installation Date: Dial-Up #:
Fr & Model: Other Alarm Devices (e.g., Dantel, etc.):
Size, AC Voltage/Phase: ENGINE & TANK DATA
Load (AC Amp/kVA): Fr & Model:
Associated Battery Plant: Voltage & kW:
Installation Date: Install Date (note if not Autostart):
COMMERCIAL AC Fuel Type & Consumption (gal/hr):
Voltage & Phase: Actual Engine Load (in kW):
Size (Amps): Alitiude
Lightning Arrest Fr & Model: Start Batt Fr & Model:
Plug Fr, Mod, & Size (Amps): Xfr Switch Type/Size:
Portable Fr, Size, Fuel: Day Tank Capacity (gal):
Storage Location: Main Tank Type & Capacity (gal):
Tank Monitor Fr & Model:
NOTES & COMMENTS (use back of sheet as needed) Tank Monitor Dialup:
Retain a copy of this form and send a copy to the Power Engineers (http://saw3/NROC/Power/power-mop/Directory.html)
FORM 841


Site: CLLI: Date:
Tech: Phone/Pager:
PBD/RR of this BDFB/PBD: PANEL(s):
Fdr Fuse/Brkr PBD & Position: Fdr Fuse/Brkr Size: Panel Load:
Position Fuse or Mfg L-2 Mfg L-1 Actual
# Equipment & Relay Rack Fed Brkr Size Drain Drain Load

additional panels may be placed on additional sheets
List 2 drains are peak drains (fuses sized at 125% minimum of this; and cable sized from them too), and List 1 drains are average drains
assigning fuses from the bottom to the top of a bay or panel (or inside to outside for horizontal panels)
eases future installation and reduces cable congestion
as needed, contact your Design Engineer for a fuse assignment (if those are tracked in your area)
Please note if this Panel is "bussed" or "cabled" in the rear to adjacent panels (e.g., C, A2, etc.)
information for all columns may not be available to you — some columns are for Engineering use, and some for the "field"
Form 844


Alarm NMA tkt # Notes
Critical Power Alarms
Commercial AC Fail
Power Major
Power Distribution Fuse/Breaker Major
Low Voltage and/or Battery on Discharge
Very Low Voltage (if applicable)
High Voltage
Rectifier Fail Major
Ring Plant Major
Low Voltage Disconnect (where applicable)
Engine Run
Engine Fail/Major
Critical Environmental Alarms
High Temperature (of the site or any room therein)
Fire Alarm
Fire System Trouble
High Water/Sump (in cable vault, if applicable)
Open Door/Intrusion
Alarm Center Contact Person: Alarm Center Phone:
Site CLLI: Site Address:
Alarm Telemetry System Type:
X.25 (PSMC) e-tel (Dantel, E2A, Westronics) Switch or other
NROC Tech with whom Test performed: Phone:
It may not be wise to test some alarms except in the Maintenance Window due to the possibility to cause an outage
if they are truly tested; and/or in some cases, it may be best to simply verify alarm continuity by shorting the alarm
pins instead of actually bringing in the alarm, for the same reasons
Environmental Alarms may be tested by Real Estate
Additional Notes:
FORM 845


Common Name of Location
Upstream Office (serving Wire Center)
Access & Directions
Map coordinates (if applicable)
Customer (primarily for Customer Prem sites)
Site Type (RT, CEV, UE, CEC, hut, rptr, CPE)
(list RTs by type: e.g., 80 cabinet, etc.)
Date of this review
Reviewer name & contact #
Air-conditioning type & maintenance contact
Power plant type (also list J-spec, KS-, or model #)
Load (in Amps)
# Rectifiers
Rectifier type [also list the model number(s)]
Rectifier size(s)
Float Voltage
# Battery strings
Battery type (model #, KS-spec, etc.)
Battery size (A-hrs)
# cells per string
Battery installation date(s)
Residual Ring plant type (model number, etc.)
Comm. AC voltage, phase, and Amp rating
Generator Plug Mfg., type, and size
Alarm system (E-tel, X.25, overhead, etc.)
Alarm Center & Center phone #
CIRCLE ALARMS THAT ARE PRESENT (Add any others not listed here)



FORM 846


Alarm Works? Doesn’t Work? N/A
Commercial AC Fail
Power Major
Power Minor
High Battery Temperature
Power Distribution Fuse/Breaker
Low Voltage and/or Battery on Discharge
Very Low Voltage
High Voltage
Rectifier Fail (list the number of these alarms if more than 1)
Ring Plant Major
Ring Plant Minor
High Temperature (of the enclosure)
Explosive Gas Alarm
Toxic Gas Alarm
Toxic/Explosive Gas Alarm (combined)
Fire Alarm
Fire System Trouble
High Water
Sump Pump Failure
Open Door/Intrusion
Ventilation/Fan Fail
Air-Conditioner Failure
High Humidity

Tech Performing Test: Phone/Pager:

Site CLLI: Site Address:
Alarm Telemetry System Type:
X.25 overhead (fiber mux) e-tel (Dantel, E2A, Westronics) other (list)
NROC Tech with whom Test performed: Phone:
Additional Notes:

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