Psychrometric Processes
Psychrometric Processes
Psychrometric Processes
Fig 2(a) shows an adiabatic mixing process with condensation and the process is
represented on psychometric chart (fig.2 (b)). If this DBT of this mixture falls below 0 o, the
condensate may eventually freeze. It is to be noted that specific humidity of the mixture will
be reduced to w4 from w3 due to condensation and consequently the temperature of the air
would be increased to t4 from t3 due to release of latent heat of the condensate.
Let wc is the mass of condensate per unit mass of the mixture.
Thus, wc = w3- w4
w4 = w3 - wc
w4= (ma1w1 + m2w2)/ma1+ma2 - wc
ma4h4+ma4wchf4 = ma4h3
h4 = h3 – wchf4
h4 = (ma1h1 + ma2h2)/(ma1 + ma2) – wchf4
Where, hf4 = Enthalpy of the condensate at temperature t4 of the mixture.
Basic processes in air-conditioning system :
1) Sensible heating process – process OA
Thus the heat added only increases sensible heating of air and consequently total heat content
of air goes up.
By mass balance,
mv1 = mv2
ma1w1 = ma2w2
w1 = w2 = w (say)
By energy balance,
Ma1h1 + Qs = ma2h2
Qs = ma (h2 - h1)
Qs = macp( t2 – t1)
Heat gain in building will require the cooling of air to lower the temperature, causing a
cooling load on air-conditioning apparatus. However heat loss in building will require the
heat of air causing a heating load on the apparatus. In both cases it is called sensible heat
It may be noted that, a sensible heating of air can be done to any desired temperatures,
where as a sensible cooling can be done only up to the DPT (td). of air. Cooling below this
temperature will result in condensation of moisture.
G = ma (w2 – w1)
Due to this change of humidity ratio, there is also a change in the specific enthalpy of
air, which is given by (h2-h1). This change in enthalpy is considered to cause a latent heat
transfer given by
Q1 = ma(h2 - h1)
If a building gains or loss moisture, it is supposed to have a latent heat load. A gain of
moisture will require the condensation of moisture for the dehumidification of air in the air
containing apparatus and hence a cooling load. On the other hand, a loss of moisture will
require the evaporation of water for humidification of air in the apparatus and hence a heating
QS = ma(hB – hA)
= macp(tB – tA)
G = ma(wC - wA)
QL = ma(hC - hB)
= mahfgo(wC - wB)
QL = Ghfgo
Q = QS + QL
Q = ma(hC - hA)
In the fig.5, it is seen that point B divides the total enthalpy change (hC - hA) in the ratio
of SHF and (1 - SHF). The sensible heat transfer taking place along AB is proportional to
SHF and latent heat transfer along BC is proportional to (1 - SHF). The process line AC is
called sensible heat factor or condition line.
The SHF fixes the slope of the condition line on the psychrometric chart. Constant
sensible heat factor slope lines are also show on the psychrometric chart.
A unit value of SHF means there is no latent heat transfer and the SHF line is
horizontal in the psychrometric chart. However a zero value of SHF means there is no
sensible heat transfer and the SHF line is vertical in the psychometric chart.
In any cooling or heating apparatus there is some air which does not make contact, with
surface of the apparatus and escapes directly, by-pass the apparatus. Let 3 kg of air at
temperature t1 is the passed over the surface of a coil whose surface temperature is
maintained at ts (Fig.6(a)) and the air is coming out of the coil at t2. this can be assumed that 1
kg air out of 3 kg is by-passed and remaining (3-1)kg of air is coming out at temperature ts.
Thus by-pass factor of an air conditioning apparatus represents the fraction of uncontacted air
in terms of the states 1, 2 and S (fig.6 (b))
Contact Factor : (1 - B)
It is the mass of air actually comes in contact with the air conditioning apparatus. It can
also be termed as efficiency of the apparatus.
Cooling with dehumidification:
The removal of water vapour from air is termed as dehumidification of air. The
dehumidification is only possible if the air is cooled below dew point temperature of air.
Therefore, it is necessary to maintain the coiol surface temperature below DPT of air for
effective dehumidification. The process is common in summer air conditioning.
Under ideal condition, the air coming out of the coil will be at condition S. Since no
coil is 100% efficiency, therefore the condition of the air coming out of the coil will be
represent by point 1 and S depending upon the coil efficiency.
The temperature tS corresponding to the point S shown on the saturation line is known
as Apparatus Dew Point and is denoted by ADP
Q = h1 – h2
=> Q = QS + QL
Cooling with adiabatic humidification (adiabatic evaporative cooling):
When the air is passed through a spray chamber (fig. 8(a)), where a large quantity is
constantly circulated, then a part of this water will be evaporated and is carried with the air by
increasing the specific humidity of the air. The increase in specific humidity is equal to the
quantity of water evaporated per unit mass of dry air. Since no heat transfer takes place
between the chamber and surroundings, therefore heat required for the evaporation of water is
taken from the air itself by decreasing the temperature (DBT) of air and the enthalpy of air
remains constant. After the process has been in operation for a sufficient length of time, the
circulating water approaches the WBT of air. The path followed by the cooling with adiabatic
humidifying of air is along the constant enthalpy line (fig. (b)).
Effectiveness of spray chamber (ϵ) is defined as
ϵ = actual drop in DBT/ ideal drop in DBT = (T3 – T1) / (T2 – T1)
Adiabatic chemical dehumidification:
Some substances like silica gel (product of fused sodium silicate and sulphuric acid)
and activated alumina have great affinity with water vapour. They are called absorbents.
When the high humid air is passed through a bed of absorbent, water vapour molecules get
absorbed reducing the vapour content in the air. The latent heat liberated is absorbed by the
air increasing its DBT and the total heat of the air remains constant. So the process of
chemical dehumidification follows the path along constant enthalpy line (fig. 9).
Air washer:
Spray devices using directly recirculated water which comes in contact with the flow
of moist air is called an air washer. A schematic representation of air washer is shown in fig.
During the course of flow of air through the spray of water, the air may be cooled or
heated, humidified or dehumidified or simply adiabatically saturated depending upon the
mean surface temperature of water. The water is accordingly, externally cooled or heated or
simply recirculated by a pump. Make up water is added for any loss during humidification of
air. Eliminator plates are used to minimize physical carryover of water droplets with the air
The thermodynamic changes of state of air along paths 1-2 (a, b, c……) in an air
washer depending on the mean surface temperature of water droplets ‘ts’ are shown in fig.
Let ma and mw be the rates of mass flow of dry air and water respectively in an air
washer. The energy balance gives
ma (h2 – h1) = mwcpwtw3 – [mw – ma (w2 – w1)]ccwtw4
ma (h2 – h1) = mwcpw (tw3 – tw4) + ma (w2 – w1)ccwtw4
ma [(h2 – w2cpwtw4) - (h1 – w1cpwtw4)] = mwcpw(tw3 – tw4)
ma [(h2 – w2hf) - (h1 – w1hf)] = mwcpw(tw3 – tw4)
ma [∑2 - ∑1] = mwcpw(tw3 – tw4)
Thus for any section of air washer
ma d∑ = mwcpwdtw
For the case of adiabatic saturation process, d∑ = 0
Hence, dtw =0 and tw3 = tw4
The humidifying efficiency of an air washer is defined as
ȠH = (h2 – h1)/ (ss – h1) = (w2 – w1)/ (ws – w1)
And the bypass factor ‘B’ can be defined as
B = (ws – w1)/ (ws – w1) = 1 - (w2 – w2)/ (ws – w1) = 1 - ȠH