02tender Document OC10000311
02tender Document OC10000311
02tender Document OC10000311
Bidder’s offer ref: MJC/NRL/TENDER/2019-20/18
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dtd. _06-08-2019
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(Master Index)
NAME OF WORK: Comprehensive Project Management Consultancy Including Design,
Construction supervision and Project Management for Construction of Warehouse and
Workshop Buildings at NRL site
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Tender No. OC10000311
Two parts ONLINE bid (E-tender) offers are requested from competent bidders against the tender
having salient features as mentioned below :
Bidding Document & subsequent The complete document is available on CPP Portal.
addendum / Corrigendum (if any) ( https://eprocure.gov.in/ )
available on Website for viewing &
Tender Publish Date / download start 15.07.2019 at 17.00 hrs
date / Bid Submission start date & time
Last date of Receipt of Bidder's Queries 20.07.2019
for Pre-Bid Conference
Pre-Bid Conference (Date & Time) 23.07.2019; 11.00AM at NRL, Numaligarh
Last date of on line EMD submission: 05.08.2019
Tender document download end date & 06.08.2019 at 11.00 hrs
time / Bid Submission end date & time
Bid opening date & time (Technical 07.08.2019 at 11.00 hrs
Contact Person for any query/ Mr. JB Sarma, DGM (Project-Commercial),
clarification Email- jyoti.sarma@nrl.co.in
Online Opening of Priced Bids of On date & time to be intimated later on to techno-
Techno-Commercially Accepted commercially acceptable & qualified bidders
Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) Rs.1,00,000.00 (Rupees one lac only).
Note :
• If identified dates as (*) above happens to be a declared holiday/closed day in NRL, activity
shall be conducted on next working day at the same time.
• All amendments, time extension, clarifications, etc. will be uploaded in the websites only.
Bidders should regularly visit the above website(s) to keep themselves updated.
• Request for extension received from any bidder with less than two working days prior to bid due
date shall generally be ignored, since there will not be adequate time for consideration. Bidders
shall submit the bid directly and in their own name without involving any intermediaries.
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1.0 Introduction
Numaligarh Refinery Limited, (NRL), a Central Government Public Sector Undertaking and a
subsidiary of Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd. NRL operates a 3 MMTPA Refinery at Numaligarh
in the District of Golaghat, Assam since the year 2000. NRL has embarked on an ambitious path to
expand its refining capacity from current 3 MMTPA to 9 MMTPA at its existing location in Assam in
next 4 years. The required additional quantity of crude oil is planned to be imported through Paradip
Port in Odisha. A cross country pipeline of around 1400 KM shall be laid from Paradip Port to
Numaligarh for transporting 9 MMTPA of imported crude. The proposed 6 MMTPA capacity addition
has been designed to process Arab Mix (70 AH: 30 AL) crude. Adequate Natural Gas shall be
available for the project. Refinery configuration is already finalised the selection of process licensors is
under progress.
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i) *Similar Works: Consultancy for Design, Engineering and Construction Supervision of industrial
building/ Pre engineering building in PSU/Government / Private organization listed in Stock Exchange.
1. Bidder will give details of their past experience along with documentary evidence as per Annexure-II to
ITB enclosed herein.
2. Relevant work order copies and completion certificates are to be enclosed with offer.
3. The value of past experience shall be adjusted at a simple rate of 07% for every completed year and / or
part thereof ending last day of the month proceeding the month in which bids are invited.
Additional Note :
• The bidder must submit copy (ies) financial documents – Trading and P/L account(s) along with the un-
priced bid in support of the above criteria.
• In case audited balance sheets and profit and loss account for the immediate preceding financial year is
not available for bid closing date up to 30th September, the Bidder has an option to submit the audited
balance sheets and profit & loss account of the three previous years immediately prior to the last
financial year. However, for bid closing date after 30th September, the bidder has to compulsorily
submit the audited balance sheets and profit and loss account for the immediate three preceding
financial years, for evaluation and his qualification with respect to financial criteria. In any case the date
(i.e. the financial period closing date) of the immediate previous year’s audited annual accounts should
not be older than eighteen (18) months from the bid due date.
5.2 In absence of such documents, NRL reserve the right to reject the Bid without making any reference to
the Bidder or assigning any reason what-so-ever.
5.3 All documents furnished by the bidder in support of meeting the PQC (including MSE Certificate) shall be
submitted/uploaded in a separate folder titled “Documents towards PQC” and all the bidding document
related to Qualification Criteria should be duly verified and certified as per the following:
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Documents shall be submitted duly certified by Statutory Auditor of the bidder or a practicing Chartered
Accountant (not being an employee / Director and not having any interest in the bidder’s company)
where audited accounts are not mandatory as per law.
Documents submitted shall be duly certified true copies, duly signed dated and stamped by any notary
public of bidders country (in case of the Principal/ holding company based out of India) / an official
authorized for this purpose in Indian Embassy/ High Commission in the country of Principal/ holding
Document submitted shall be duly certified true copies, duly signed dated and stamped by TPIA( IRS/
Note: All charges of the attestations and verification shall be borne by the Bidder for document
verification. Bidder has to enclose the verification certificate duly signed & stamped by Authorized
In case the bid is to be submitted by any of the certifying agency mentioned above, the documents can
be authenticated by other certifying agencies, or by adopting alternate options given above.
If duly audited Balance sheet. Annual Report etc., are not in English language, then the English
translation copy of the same shall be furnished duly certified stamped and signed by Local Chamber of
Commerce along with the original Balance Sheet, Annual Report etc., with the unpriced bid.
5.4 Failure to meet the above Qualification Criteria will render the Bid to be rejected. Therefore, the bidder
shall in his own interest furnish complete documentary evidence in the first instance itself, in support
of their fulfilling the Qualification Criteria as given above. NRL reserves the right to complete the
evaluation based on the details furnished without seeking any additional information.
5.5 Bidders on “Holiday List of/debarred from business dealings by” NRL/Oil PSUs /MOP&NG shall not be
considered for evaluation and ordering.
5.6 NRL decision on any matter regarding short listing of bidders shall be final.
5.7 Submission of authentic documents is the prime responsibility of the Bidder. However, NRL reserves
the right of getting the document cross verified, at their discretion from the document issuing
5.8 NRL reserves the right to complete the evaluation based on the details furnished (without seeking any
additional information) and / or in-house data, survey or otherwise.
6.1 Bidders are required to submit the EMD/Bid Security for the amount, as mentioned under clause 2.0,
online through the link https://easypay.axisbank.co.in/nrl.
Please note that EMD amount in online mode is only acceptable and no other mode i.e. offline or hard
copy is not acceptable.
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In case non submission of Bid Security / EMD as mentioned above shall be considered as non-
responsive and such Bids shall be rejected.
6.2 EMD exemption will be applicable only for Micro or Small Enterprises (MSEs) registered District
Industries Centres or Khadi and Village Industries Commission or Khadi and Village Industries board or
Coir Board or National Small Industries Corporation or Directorate of Handicrafts and Handloom or any
other body specified by Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises subject to:
6.3 NRL reserves its rights to allow MSEs and MSEs owned by SC or the ST entrepreneurs, purchase
preference as admissible / applicable under the existing Govt. Policy. Purchase preference to a MSE and
a MSE owned SC/ST entrepreneurs shall be decided based on the price quoted by the said MSEs as
compared to the L1 bidder. Bidder claiming purchase preference as MSE need to submit notarized copy
of all the pages of the EM-II certificate , issued by the authorities mentioned in the Public procurement
policy of MSEs-2012 / Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum (UAM).
Construction Supervision Services: 11 (Eleven) months from the date of handing over of
respective building locations to construction contractor or
date of job completion in respective buildings whichever is
8.2 The bidders may send their queries, if any, on Bidding Document by email / courier to reach NRL before
the pre-bid meeting. These queries shall be replied during the Pre-bid meeting.
8.3 The queries raised (without identifying the sources of the query) and the responses will be uploaded on
website. Any change in the scope or any other terms of the bid document after the pre bid meeting will
be incorporated as addendum/corrigendum.
8.4 The pre-bid meeting will be held as per the date and time mentioned at the NIT of the Bid Document. In
case the meeting could not be completed within the stipulated date; it will be continued during the next
date also. Bidders attending the pre-bid meeting are requested to come prepared for such a scenario.
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submit the completed tender document into electronic tender on the website
http://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app .
10.2 Tenders and supporting documents should be uploaded through e-procurement portal only. Hard copy
of the tender documents will not be accepted.
10.3 Corrigendum/addendum/extension (if any) pertaining to this tender will be published in the website
10.4 Both Technical bid and Financial bid are to be submitted concurrently, duly digitally signed in the web
site http://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app.
Online Bids are received only on CPPP Portal website http://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app on or before
due date as indicated in the NIT. The bidder shall be at liberty to be present either in person or through
an authorized representative at the time of opening of the Technical Bid. Price Bids of only those bidders
shall be opened who are Techno-commercially qualified, at a time and place for which notice shall be
given. The qualified bidders shall be at liberty to be present either in person or through an authorized
representative at the time of opening of the Price Bids with the Bid Acknowledgement Receipt.
11.1 NRL reserves the right to carry out capacity & capability assessment of the bidder using in-house
information and past performance.
11.2 The bidders shall give a declaration in the form of affidavit on a stamp paper of Rs. 100/- duly attested
by a Notary / Magistrate stating that the bidder shall not be under liquidation, court receivership or
similar proceeding and their business is not banned by any Central / State Government Department /
Public Undertaking or Enterprise or Central / State Governments. Copy of the affidavit will be uploaded
along with the unpriced offer of the bidder.
11.3 The bidders who are on Holiday / Negative list of NRL as on due date of submission of bid / during the
process of evaluation of the Techno commercial bids, the offers of such bidders shall not be considered
for bid opening / evaluation / Award. If the bidding document were issued inadvertently / downloaded
from website, offers submitted by such bidders shall also be not considered for bid opening /
evaluation/ award.
11.4 NRL will not be responsible or liable for cost incurred in preparation, submission & delivery of bids,
regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process.
11.5 In case any Bidder is found to be involved in cartel formation, his Bid will not be considered for
evaluation / placement of order. Such Bidder will also be debarred from bidding in future.
11.6 Canvassing in any form by the Bidder or by any other agency on their behalf may lead to disqualification
of their Bid.
11.7 Unsolicited clarifications to the offer and / or change in the prices during the validity period would
render the bid liable for rejection.
11.8 NRL reserves the right to reject any or all the bids received or annul the bidding process at any time.
11.9 NRL reserves its right to allow Public Sector Enterprises (Central / State), purchase preference as
admissible / applicable from time to time under the existing Govt. policy. NRL shall also follow the Public
Procurement Policy on Procurement of Goods and services from Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs)
Order 2012.
11.10 Scanned copy of the Integrity Pact duly signed & stamped shall be uploaded along with the offer.
11.11 For detailed specifications, terms and conditions and other details, refer complete Bidding Document.
11.12 All questions and requests for clarifications or interpretations related to tender documents shall be
addressed in writing to:
Mr. JB Sarma
DGM (Project – Commercial)
Numaligarh Refinery Limited
Numaligarh – 785699, Dist- Golaghat, Assam
Email – Jyoti.sarma@nrl.co.in
GM (Commercial) I/c
Numaligarh Refinery Limited
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As per the directives of Department of Expenditure, this tender document has been published on the Central
Public Procurement Portal (URL: https://eprocure.gov.in). The bidders are required to submit soft copies of
their bids electronically on the CPP Portal, using valid Digital Signature Certificates. The instructions given
below are meant to assist the bidders in registering on the CPP Portal, prepare their bids in accordance with
the requirements and submitting their bids online on the CPP Portal.
More information useful for submitting online bids on the CPP Portal may be obtained at:
1) Bidders are required to enroll on the e-Procurement module of the Central Public Procurement Portal
(URL: https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app) by clicking on the link “Online Bidder Enrolment” on the
CPP Portal is free of charge.
2) As part of the enrolment process, the bidders will be required to choose a unique username and assign a
password for their accounts.
3) Bidders are advised to register their valid email address and mobile numbers as part of the registration
process. These would be used for any communication from the CPP Portal.
4) Upon enrolment, the bidders will be required to register their valid Digital Signature Certificate (Class II
or Class III Certificates with signing key usage) issued by any Certifying Authority recognized by CCA India
(e.g. Sify / TCS / nCode / eMudhra etc.), with their profile.
5) Only one valid DSC should be registered by a bidder. Please note that the bidders are responsible to
ensure that they do not lend their DSC’s to others which may lead to misuse.
6) Bidder then logs in to the site through the secured log-in by entering their user ID / password and the
password of the DSC / e-Token.
1) Bidder should take into account any corrigendum published on the tender document before submitting
their bids.
2) Please go through the tender advertisement and the tender document carefully to understand the
documents required to be submitted as part of the bid. Please note the number of covers in which the
bid documents have to be submitted, the number of documents - including the names and content of
each of the document that need to be submitted. Any deviations from these may lead to rejection of the
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3) Bidder, in advance, should get ready the bid documents to be submitted as indicated in the tender
document / schedule and generally, they can be in PDF / XLS / RAR / DWF formats. Bid documents may
be scanned with 100 dpi with black and white option.
4) To avoid the time and effort required in uploading the same set of standard documents which are
required to be submitted as a part of every bid, a provision of uploading such standard documents (e.g.
PAN card copy, annual reports, auditor certificates etc.) has been provided to the bidders. Bidders can
use “My Space” area available to them to upload such documents. These documents may be directly
submitted from the “My Space” area while submitting a bid, and need not be uploaded again and again.
This will lead to a reduction in the time required for bid submission process.
1) Bidder should log into the site well in advance for bid submission so that he/she upload the bid in time
i.e. on or before the bid submission time. Bidder will be responsible for any delay due to other issues.
2) The bidder has to digitally sign and upload the required bid documents one by one as indicated in the
tender document.
3) Bidder has to select the payment option as “offline” to pay the tender fee / EMD as applicable and enter
details of the instrument.
4) Bidder(s) must follow the following for submission of online EMD:
• Bidders will open the link https://easypay.axisbank.co.in/nrl and type the Tender ID for which EMD
is to be paid and click on the option “Validate”. Pl. enter the tender ID as OC10000311.
• The web page will auto populate Tender Name, Last Date of Payment, Bid Opening date and EMD
(not editable).
• The bidder will enter his Company/ Firm Name, Address, e-Mail ID, Amount and Mobile Number.
• The bidder is also required to enter his preferred account No. and IFS Code twice for receiving EMD
refund. In case of any mismatch in the account No. or IFS Code entered twice, the web page will
prompt the bidder to correct the data and then allow to proceed with payment.
• The Bidder is then required to enter verification code as displayed in the web page and click on the
option “Submit”.
• The next Web Page will then display the summary of the EMD payment along with a Unique
Reference Number (URN).
• Bidder is required to accept the payment Terms and Conditions and select his preferred mode of
payment from the options provided, viz., Net Banking (Axis Bank or Other Banks), Credit/ Debit
Cards or NEFT/RTGS.
• In case of Net Banking, the bidder will enter his User ID/ Password/ Transaction Password and One
time password as per the online payment system of the Bidder’s Bank.
• For Credit/ Debit Card payment, the Bidder will enter his Card Number, Expiry Date, CVV and
‘Verified by VISA’ or ‘Master Secure’ password as applicable.
• For bidders selecting the payment option of NEFT/ RTGS, the web page will generate a challan with
a Dynamic/Virtual Account Number, IFS Code, Account Name and Amount. The bidders can take a
print out of this challan or just note the relevant details and initiate the NEFT payment from their
A receipt will be generated after successful payment (irrespective of the mode of payment). Bidder
can take print out for onward submission with tender as well as save a soft copy of the receipt.
Foreign Bidders may submit the EMD wither in the form of crossed Demand Draft in favour of
“Numaligarh Refinery Limited” payable at Numaligarh or Bank Guarantee (BG). BG shall be submitted
from any Indian scheduled bank which includes Indian branch of foreign bank recognized as scheduled
bank by RBI. Bids without the requisite EMD as mentioned above shall be rejected.
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There will be no waiver of EMD for Public Sector Undertaking of Central/State Government
Undertakings. EMD shall be valid for a period of 08 (Eight) months from the final bid due date for
submission of Bids.
5) Bidders are requested to note that they should necessarily submit their financial bids in the format
provided and no other format is acceptable. If the priced bid have been given as a standard BOQ format
with the tender document, then the same is to be downloaded and to be filled by all the bidders.
Bidders are required to download the BOQ file, open it and complete the white colored (unprotected)
cells with their respective financial quotes and other details (such as name of the bidder). No other cells
should be changed. Once the details have been completed, the bidder should save it and submit it
online, without changing the filename. If the BOQ file is found to be modified by the bidder, the bid will
be rejected.
6) The server time (which is displayed on the bidders’ dashboard) will be considered as the standard time
for referencing the deadlines for submission of the bids by the bidders, opening of bids etc. The bidders
should follow this time during bid submission.
7) All the documents being submitted by the bidders would be encrypted using PKI encryption techniques
to ensure the secrecy of the data. The data entered cannot be viewed by unauthorized persons until the
time of bid opening. The confidentiality of the bids is maintained using the secured Socket Layer 128 bit
encryption technology. Data storage encryption of sensitive fields is done
8) The uploaded tender documents become readable only after the tender opening by the authorized bid
9) Upon the successful and timely submission of bids, the portal will give a successful bid submission
message & a bid summary will be displayed with the bid no. and the date & time of submission of the
bid with all other relevant details.
10) The bid summary has to be printed and kept as an acknowledgement of the submission of the bid. This
acknowledgement may be used as an entry pass for any bid opening meetings.
1) Any queries relating to the tender document and the terms and conditions contained therein should be
addressed to the Tender Inviting Authority for a tender or the relevant contact person indicated in the
2) Any queries relating to the process of online bid submission or queries relating to CPP Portal in general
may be directed to the 24x7 CPP Portal Helpdesk. The contact number for the helpdesk is 1800-3070-
3) For any assistance, please contact the following person:
Dhiraj Mohan Saikia , Phone No 03776 – 265774,
E mail : z_tender@nrl.co.in
Special Instructions to the Bidders for the e-submission of the bids online through e-Procurement Portal :
• Bidder should do Online Enrolment in this Portal using the option Click Here to enrol available in the
Home Page. Then the Digital Signature enrolment has to be done with the e-token, after logging into the
portal. The e-token may be obtained from one of the authorized Certifying Authorities such as
eMudhraCA/GNFC/IDRBT /MTNLTrustline/SafeScrpt/TCS.
• Bidder then logs into the portal giving user id / password chosen during enrolment.
• The e-token that is registered should be used by the bidder and should not be misused by others.
• DSC once mapped to an account cannot be remapped to any other account. It can only be Inactivated.
• The Bidders can update well in advance, the documents such as certificates, purchase order details etc.,
under My Documents option and these can be selected as per tender requirements and then attached
along with bid documents during bid submission. This will ensure lesser upload of bid documents.
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• After downloading / getting the tender schedules, the Bidder should go through them carefully and then
submit the documents as per the tender document, otherwise, the bid will be rejected.
• The BOQ template must not be modified/replaced by the bidder and the same should be uploaded after
filling the relevant columns, else the bidder is liable to be rejected for that tender. Bidders are allowed
to enter the Bidder Name and Values only.
• If there are any clarifications, this may be obtained online through the e-Procurement Portal, or through
the contact details given in the tender document. Bidder should take into account of the corrigendum
published before submitting the bids online.
• Bidder, in advance, should prepare the bid documents to be submitted as indicated in the tender
schedule and they should be in PDF/XLS/RAR/DWF formats. If there is more than one document, they
can be clubbed together.
• Bidder should arrange for the EMD as specified in the tender.
• The bidder reads the terms and conditions and accepts the same to proceed further to submit the bids
• The bidder has to submit the tender document(s) online well in advance before the prescribed time to
avoid any delay or problem during the bid submission process.
• There is no limit on the size of the file uploaded at the server end. However, the upload is decided on
the Memory available at the Client System as well as the Network bandwidth available at the client side
at that point of time. In order to reduce the file size, bidders are suggested to scan the documents in 75-
100 DPI so that the clarity is maintained and also the size of file also gets reduced. This will help in quick
uploading even at very low bandwidth speeds.
• It is important to note that, the bidder has to Click on the Freeze Bid Button, to ensure that he/she
completes the Bid Submission Process. Bids Which are not Frozen are considered as
Incomplete/Invalid bids and are not considered for evaluation purposes.
• In case of Offline payments, the details of the Earnest Money Deposit(EMD) document submitted
physically to the Department and the scanned copies furnished at the time of bid submission online
should be the same otherwise the Tender will be summarily rejected
• The Tender Inviting Authority (TIA) will not be held responsible for any sort of delay or the difficulties
faced during the submission of bids online by the bidders due to local issues.
• The bidder may submit the bid documents online mode only, through this portal. Offline documents will
not be handled through this system.
• At the time of freezing the bid, the e-Procurement system will give a successful bid updating message
after uploading all the bid documents submitted and then a bid summary will be shown with the bid no,
date & time of submission of the bid with all other relevant details. The documents submitted by the
bidders will be digitally signed using the e-token of the bidder and then submitted.
• After the bid submission, the bid summary has to be printed and kept as an acknowledgement as a
token of the submission of the bid. The bid summary will act as a proof of bid submission for a tender
floated and will also act as an entry point to participate in the bid opening event.
• Successful bid submission from the system means, the bids as uploaded by the bidder is received and
stored in the system. System does not certify for its correctness.
• The bidder should see that the bid documents submitted should be free from virus and if the documents
could not be opened, due to virus, during tender opening, the bid is liable to be rejected
• The time that is displayed from the server clock at the top of the tender Portal, will be valid for all
actions of requesting bid submission, bid opening etc., in the e-Procurement portal. The Time followed
in this portal is as per Indian Standard Time (IST) which is GMT+5:30. The bidders should adhere to this
time during bid submission.
• All the data being entered by the bidders would be encrypted at the client end, and the software uses
PKI encryption techniques to ensure the secrecy of the data. The data entered will not be viewable by
unauthorized persons during bid submission and not viewable by any one until the time of bid opening.
Overall, the submitted bid documents become readable only after the tender opening by the authorized
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• During transmission of bid document, the confidentiality of the bids is maintained since the data is
transferred over secured Socket Layer (SSL) with 256 bit encryption technology. Data encryption of
sensitive fields is also done.
• The bidders are requested to submit the bids through online e-Procurement system to the TIA well
before the bid submission end date and time (as per Server System Clock).
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NRL desires to carry out some Pre-Project Activities to fast track the implementation of the Numaligarh
Refinery Expansion Project. As an immediate activity, present Workshop Facilities and Central
Warehouse shall be relocated to suitable locations inside the refinery premises to facilitate
construction of new process units.
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6.4 Bidders are requested to resolve all their clarifications/queries to the Bidding Document before
due date of submission of bid. Thereafter bidders are requested to submit their bid in total
compliance to Bidding Document without any deviation/ stipulation/ clarification/ assumption.
Accordingly, bidder must submit format for "Compliance to bid requirement" as attached to
ITB duly filled in along with Unpriced part of bid. Bids not conforming to bidding document in
totality and/or non-accompanied by necessary documents as asked for in the bidding
document shall be summarily rejected.
6.5 The responses to Bidder’s queries/ clarifications raised will be furnished as expeditiously as
possible. Any modification of the Bidding Document, which may become necessary as a result of
the bidders query, shall be sent to all bidders through the issue of an Addendum/ Amendment.
9.1 The Bid prepared by the Bidder, all correspondence and documents relating to the bid exchanged
by the Bidder and the NRL shall be written in the English language. Any printed literature/certificate/any
other document furnished by the Bidder may be in another language, provided they are accompanied
by an accurate translation of the relevant passages in the English language, in which case, for purpose
of interpretation of the Bid the English translation shall prevail.
10.2 Bidders shall ensure that their bids are complete in all respects and conform to terms, conditions and Bid
Evaluation criteria of Tender. Bids not complying with NRL’s requirement may be rejected without seeking
any clarifications.
10.3 In any case, no exception or deviation shall be accepted to the following critical stipulations of Bidding
Document and bids containing deviations / exceptions to the these shall be considered to be non-
responsive and are liable to be rejected:
• Defect Liability Period
• Bid Validity
• Time Schedule
• Security Deposit / Performance Bank Guarantee
• Mobilization advance
• Termination and suspension
• Force Majeure
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• Scope of Work
• Penalty for Delay
• Integrity Pact
• Any other rejection criteria specified elsewhere in the Bidding Document.
10.4 The deviation on other clauses, if unavoidable, should be furnished as per FORM attached. Exception /
Deviations submitted in any other form and mentioned elsewhere in their Bid shall not be considered. If
any exception / deviation are acceptable to NRL, the same shall be issued to all bidders through an
amendment. All other deviations / exceptions, not incorporated in amendment, shall be withdrawn by
bidders failing which offer of such bidders shall not be acceptable.
11.3.2 Documentation against Bidder Qualification Criteria shall contain the following documents and to be
uploaded in e-tendering website:
o Work order / PO / Agreement of similar works executed / completed by the bidder mentioning the
value and the scope of work as documentary evidence.
o Completion Certificate of similar works from the client / end user / any documentary evidence to
establish successful completion of similar works.
o Audited balance sheets and profit & loss statements of immediately preceding three financial years.
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11.3.3 It is important that Bidder clearly demonstrates his ability by which NRL gets a level of confidence
that the Bidder will be able to perform the works within the Time Schedule and meeting the other
requirements listed in the Bidding Document. Failure to do so may result in disqualification of the
15.6 The Bid Security shall be denominated in the currency as mentioned in Notice Inviting Tender.
15.7 Any bid not secured in accordance with above clauses will be rejected by NRL as non-responsive”.
15.8 Notification of Award of Contract will be made in writing to the successful Bidder by NRL initially in
the form of letter / telefax of Acceptance which will be followed by detailed Letter of Acceptance by NRL
and the same will be returned by the Bidder duly signed within 15 days of receipt of the same.
18.1 Bids must be submitted by the time and date mentioned in the Notice Inviting Tender.
18.2 NRL may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for submission of bids by issuing an Amendment in
accordance with r e levant Clause of IT B , in which case all rights and obligations of NRL and
the bidders previously subject to the original deadline will thereafter be subject to the deadline as
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20.1 Evaluation of bid shall be finalized on the basis of details/documents submitted by the bidder in the
bid at the 1st instance, without raising any TQ/CQ for Technical or Commercial/Financial clarifications.
Bidder must submit the bid in line with provision of bidding document without any deviation.
Accordingly, bidder must submit format for "Compliance to bid requirement" as per attachment to
ITB duly filled in along with Unpriced part of bid. Bid not conforming to bidding document in
totality and/or non-accompanied by necessary documents as asked for in the bidding document shall
be summarily rejected.
20.2 Bidders shall note that any clarification/ query/ deviation mentioned anywhere in the
bid shall not be given any cognizance.
20.3 Bidders shall however note that no revision in quoted Rates shall be allowed, in case bidder
still stipulate the deviations which are not accepted by NRL and are required to be withdrawn by
the bidder in favour of stipulations of the bidding documents.
21.2 Evaluation of bidders for meeting their Qualification criteria, as detailed in the NIT.
21.3 Bidder shall submit all the details asked for with their Bid. However, NRL may give opportunity to the
Bidders to submit missing details or clarifications within the stipulated time. In case these are not
submitted within stipulated time, offer of the Bidder will be evaluated based on available details. The
same shall be considered if found adequate or else shall be rejected.
21.4 NRL reserve the right to use in-house information for assessment of capability of Bidder and their
performance on jobs completed / in progress for evaluation purpose.
21.5 Pro-forma of Integrity Pact (IP) shall be returned by the Bidder along with the un priced bid documents,
duly signed by the same signatory who is authorized to sign the bid documents. All the pages of the
Integrity Pact shall be duly signed. Bidder’s failure to return the IP duly signed along with the bid
documents shall result in the bid not being considered for further evaluation.
21.6 Bidders may raise dispute / complaints, if any, with the nominated Independent External Monitors as
mentioned in the Integrity Pact Document.
Page 20 of 59
23.1 Bidders are advised not to contact NRL on any matter relating to its bid from the time of Bid opening
to the time Contract is awarded, unless requested to in writing. Any effort by a Bidder to influence NRL
in any of the decision in respect of Bid evaluations or Award of Contract will result in the rejection of Bid.
Page 21 of 59
The security deposit shall be released after complete execution of the work as per instructions from
the EIC.
28.2 Failure of the successful bidder to comply with requirement of clauses 32.0 and 33.1 above shall
constitute sufficient grounds for annulment of the award of work and forfeiture of EMD.
Bidder is required to furnish the complete and correct information / documents required for evaluation of
their bids. if the information / documents forming basis of evaluation is found to be false / forged, the
same shall be considered adequate ground for rejection of bids and forfeiture of Earnest Money Deposit.
30.3 In case, information / document furnished by the Bidder / Vendor / Consultant forming basis of evaluation
of his bid is found to be false / forged after the award of the contract. NRL shall have full right to terminate
the contract and get the remaining job executed at the risk & cost of such Bidder / Vendor / Consultant
without any prejudice to other rights available to NRL under the contract such as forfeiture of CPBG /
Security Deposit, withholding of payment etc.
30.4 In case, this issue of submission of false document comes to the notice after execution of work, NRL shall
have full right to forfeit any amount due to the Bidder / Vendor / Consultant along with forfeiture of CPBG
/ Security Deposit furnished by the Bidder / Vendor / Consultant.
Further, such Bidder / Vendor / Consultant shall be put on Blacklist / Holiday / Negative List of NRL
debarring them from future business with NRL for a time period, as per the prevailing policy of NRL.
31.0 Confidentiality
The Bidder will not at any time during pendency of contract or afterwards, disclose to any person any
information as to documents, components, parts, information, drawings, data, analysis, extracts,
compilations, notes, reports, sketches, plans, programs, specifications, techniques, processes ,
strategies, business action plan and other materials, both written and oral, of a secret , confidential
or proprietary nature, including without limitation any and all information relating to finance,
research, design or development of information system and any supportive or incidental subsystems
that may be shared by NRL with the Consultant.. The Bidder should understand that any breach of
this clause would constitute a offence for which appropriate action may be taken to ensure the
enforcement of confidentiality clause.
Bidder shall not, without Company's prior written consent, make use of any document or information
except for purposes of performing the contract.
Any document supplied to the Consultant in relation to the contract other than the Contract itself
remain the property of Company and shall be returned (in all copies) to Company on completion of
Consultant's performance under the Contract if so required by Company.
The Non-disclosure agreement shall survive the expiry or termination of the agreement between the
Consulting Firm and NRL.
Page 22 of 59
NRL also desires that the Bidder shall hold in trust and confidence, and not disclose to others or use
for its own benefit or for the benefit of other, any Proprietary Information which is disclosed to the
Bidder by NRL at any time during the agreement / award of work / execution of work and thereafter.
The obligations of confidentiality do not apply to information which is in the public domain.
Page 23 of 59
Page 24 of 59
Annexure -1
The GM (Commercial) I/c
Numaligarh Refinery Limited
Name of Work : Comprehensive Project Management Consultancy Including Design, Construction supervision
and Project Management for Construction of Warehouse and Workshop Buildings at NRL site
Tender No.: OC10000311/JBS
Dear Sir,
1. I/ We have downloaded / obtained the tender document(s) for the above mentioned ‘Tender/Work’
from the web site(s) namely:
2. I / We hereby certify that I / we have read the entire terms and conditions of the tender documents
from Page No. _______ to ______ (including all documents like annexure(s), schedule(s), etc .), which
form part of the contract agreement and I / we shall abide hereby by the terms / conditions / clauses
contained therein.
3. The corrigendum(s) issued from time to time by your department/ organization too has also been taken
into consideration, while submitting this acceptance letter.
4. I / We hereby unconditionally accept the tender conditions of above mentioned tender document(s) /
corrigendum(s) in its totality / entirety.
5. I / We do hereby declare that our Firm has not been blacklisted/ debarred by any Govt.
Department/Public sector undertaking.
6. I / We certify that all information furnished by the our Firm is true & correct and in the event that the
information is found to be incorrect/untrue or found violated, then your department/ organization shall
without giving any notice or reason therefore or summarily reject the bid or terminate the contract,
without prejudice to any other rights or remedy including the forfeiture of the full said earnest money
deposit absolutely.
Yours Faithfully,
(Signature of the Bidder, with Official Seal)
Page 25 of 59
Name of the work : Comprehensive Project Management Consultancy Including Design, Construction supervision and Project Management for
Construction of Warehouse and Workshop Buildings at NRL site
Tender No. : OC10000311/JBS
Sl. Full postal address of Description of work Value of Date of Date of Remarks
No. client & name of contract commencement completion
Page 26 of 59
Name of the work : Comprehensive Project Management Consultancy Including Design, Construction supervision and Project Management for
Construction of Warehouse and Workshop Buildings at NRL site
Tender No. : OC10000311/JBS
Sl. Full postal address of Description of work Value of Date of Scheduled Percentage Expected
No. client & name of contract commencement completion completion date of
officer-in-charge period as on date completion
Page 27 of 59
Annexure – IV to ITB
Name of Work :Comprehensive Project Management Consultancy Including Design, Construction supervision and Project
Management for Construction of Warehouse and Workshop Buildings at NRL site
Tender No.: OC10000311/JBS
Copy of CA Certified audited Trading & P/L accounts of respective years to be provided.
Note: Copy(ies) of audited Trading & P/L accounts of respective years to be furnished along
with unpriced bid. Turnover for FY 2015-2016 shall be considered in case of audited balance
sheet for FY 2018-2019 is not ready/available.
Page 28 of 59
Name of Work : Comprehensive Project Management Consultancy Including Design, Construction supervision and Project
Management for Construction of Warehouse and Workshop Buildings at NRL site
Tender No.: OC10000311/JBS
It is certified that none of the documents are false/forged or fabricated. All the documents submitted has
been made having full knowledge of (i) the provisions of the Indian laws in respect of offences including, but
not limited to those pertaining to criminal breach of trust, cheating and fraud and (ii) provisions of bidding
conditions which entitle the NRL to initiate action in the event of such declaration turning out to be a
misrepresentation or false representation.
I further certify that further documents, if any, required to be submitted by our company, shall be submitted
under my knowledge and those documents shall also be true, authentic, genuine, exact copy of its original
and shall not be false/forged or fabricated.
Name & Designation (CEO or CFO or Company Secretary or member of the Board of Directors)
Page 29 of 59
Name of Work : Comprehensive Project Management Consultancy Including Design, Construction supervision and
Project Management for Construction of Warehouse and Workshop Buildings at NRL site
Tender No.: OC10000311/JBS
We hereby agree to fully comply with, abide by and accept without variation, deviation or
reservation all technical, commercial and other conditions whatsoever of the Bidding
Documents and Amendment / Addendum to the Bidding Documents, if any, for subject work.
We hereby further confirm that any terms and conditions if mentioned in our bid (Un-priced as
well as Priced Part), shall not be recognized and shall be treated as null and void.
Page 30 of 59
Name of Work : Comprehensive Project Management Consultancy Including Design, Construction supervision and
Project Management for Construction of Warehouse and Workshop Buildings at NRL site
Tender No.: OC10000311/JBS
We hereby undertake that our bid for the above stated work shall remain valid for a period of 4 (Four)
months from the date of opening. In case of our revoking or canceling the bid within the validity period,
NRL is entitled to forfeit the Earnest Money Deposit paid by us along with the bid.
Page 31 of 59
(PAGE 1 OF 2)
Name of Work : Comprehensive Project Management Consultancy Including Design, Construction supervision and
Project Management for Construction of Warehouse and Workshop Buildings at NRL site
Tender No.: OC10000311/JBS
Bidder is required to comply with the requirements of the Bid Document, and not to stipulate any exceptions
or deviation. In case it is unavoidable, Bidder may stipulate exceptions and deviations to bid requirements
only as per the format below and enclose this with Part – I of bid.
Note: This shall be submitted separately for Commercial & Technical Sections.
Page 32 of 59
(PAGE 2 OF 2)
Name of Work : Comprehensive Project Management Consultancy Including Design, Construction supervision and
Project Management for Construction of Warehouse and Workshop Buildings at NRL site
Tender No.: OC10000311/JBS
Bidder is required to comply with the requirements of the Bid Document, and not to stipulate any exceptions
or deviation. In case it is unavoidable, Bidder may stipulate exceptions and deviations to bid requirements
only as per the format below and enclose this with Part – I of bid.
Note: This shall be submitted separately for Commercial & Technical Sections.
Page 33 of 59
Name of Work : Comprehensive Project Management Consultancy Including Design, Construction supervision and
Project Management for Construction of Warehouse and Workshop Buildings at NRL site
Tender No.: OC10000311/JBS
We hereby declared that we are not currently serving any holiday listing orders issued by NRL or MOPNG
debarring us from carrying on business dealings with NRL/MOPNG or serving a banning order by another
Oil PSE.
It is understood that any wrong declaration in this context shall make my agency / company liable for action
under the Holiday Listing procedure of NRL.
Date: 06-08-2019
Place: Silchar
Note : Bidders who are on holiday list by NRL or any other Oil sector PSU will not be considered.
Accordingly, the bidder shall submit a self-declaration as per format below. It may be noted that if this
declaration is found to be false, NRL shall have the right to reject bidder’s offer, and if the bid has resulted in
a contract, the contract is liable to be terminated.
Page 34 of 59
Name of Work : Comprehensive Project Management Consultancy Including Design, Construction supervision and
Project Management for Construction of Warehouse and Workshop Buildings at NRL site
Tender No.: OC10000311/JBS
Comprehensive Project Management Consultancy
Design, Construction supervision and Project Management
Dear Sir/Madam, for Construction of Warehouse and Workshop Buildings at NRL site
I submit the Price Bid for__________________________________________ and related activities
as envisaged in the Bid document.
2. I have thoroughly examined and understood all the terms and conditions as contained in the Bid
document, and agree to abide by them.
3. I offer to work at the rates as indicated in the price Bid, inclusive of all applicable taxes except
Service Tax.
Yours Faithfully,
Page 35 of 59
ANNEXURE –XI (Page 1 of 2)
Name of Work: Comprehensive Project Management Consultancy Including Design, Construction supervision and
Project Management for Construction of Warehouse and Workshop Buildings at NRL site
Tender No. : OC10000311/JBS
5. EMAIL ID mjgroup2010@hotmail.com
Page 36 of 59
ANNEXURE – XI (Page 1 of 2)
Dear Sirs,
The following is a confirmation / updation of my bank account details and I hereby affirm my / our choice to opt for
payment of amounts due to me under various contracts through electronic mode. I understand that Numaligarh
Refinery Ltd. also reserves the right to send the payments due to me by a cheque / Demand Draft / electronic mode
or through a banker.
4. P. A N.(Mandatory) :. ANNPB0291N
5. E-mail ID .(Mandatory) : mjgroup2010@hotmail.com
6. Contact Telephone Number: 9435993044
7. Mobile No.(Mandatory): 9435993044
I hereby confirm that the particulars given above are correct and complete and also undertake to promptly advise any
changes to the above details to NRL. If the transaction is delayed or not effected for reasons of incomplete or
incorrect information or banking delays, I shall not hold Numaligarh Refinery Limited responsible. I also agree for
printing of the bank details on the cheque or DD if the payment is effected by cheque / DD.
NAME : Saharul Amin Barbhuiya
Authorised Signatory
Official Rubber Stamp
Date: 06-08-2019
1. This page will be filled up in case bidder have not got any previous order at NRL.
2. Bank details to be confirmed by the bankers. Such confirmation shall be duly signed & stamped by the
3. Please enclose a photocopy of a cheque (duly cancelled at your end) from your cheque book of the bank where
your account is being maintained.
Page 37 of 59
Name of Work :
Tender No.:
The Bidders reply/confirmation as furnished in the commercial questionnaire shall supersede the
stipulations mentioned elsewhere in their bid.
Page 38 of 59
14. In case we happen to be the successful Bidder for
this work, then in such an eventuality we shall
submit a copy of Letter of Acceptance (LOA) duly Confirmed
signed & stamped by authorized signatory in token
of our acceptance within 03 (three) days from the
date of issue of LOA.
Page 39 of 59
Bidders are requested to submit the checklist duly filled-in alongwith the “unpriced bid”. This check list will facilitate
the bidder to make ensure that the necessary data/ information as called for in the bidding document has been
submitted by them alongwith their offer. This, however, does not relieve the bidder of his responsibilities to make
sure that his offer is otherwise complete in all respects:
Please confirm compliance and submission of documents by marking tick ( ) against “Yes” under column titled
1.0 Confirm that each page of offer including bidding document and
addendum (if any) has been signed and stamped.
2.0 Techno-commercial part of the bid with all the details have been
submitted. Yes/No
3.0 Following details have been submitted in the unpriced part:
i) Tender Forwarding Letter with offer reference no. and date Yes/No
ii) Power of Attorney in favour of the person who has signed the bid on stamp Yes/No
paper of appropriate value.
iii) Copy of Articles of Association/ Memorandum of Understanding/ Yes/No
Certificate of Incorporation in case of Limited Company/
Proprietary Firm/ Partnership Firm/ JV.
iv) Bid Security/ Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) Yes/No
v) Yes/No
Copy of GST, PF,ESI and PAN Card
vi) Affidavit on a stamp paper of Rs. 100/- duly attested by a Notary / Yes/No
Magistrate stating that the bidder shall not be under liquidation, court
receivership or similar proceeding and their business is not banned as per
clause no. 11.2 of NIT.
Page 40 of 59
4.0 Confirm that proper page nos. have been given in sequential way in all Yes/No
the documents submitted along-with your offer with Index.
5.0 Price bid is submitted in line with Instructions as per ITB. Yes/No
6.0 Format for giving consent and bank details on letterhead along Yes/No
with copy of a cancelled cheque (as per Annexure III to NIT,
applicable for first time vendor at NRL).
Page 41 of 59
Annexure – XIV
Page 42 of 59
Page 43 of 59
1.0 General:
1.1 In case of an irreconcilable conflict between General Conditions of Contract, Special Condition of
Contract, Scope of work, Specifications, Drawings, Schedule of rates, Indian or any other applicable
standards the following shall prevail to the extent of such irreconcilable conflict in order of
a) Detailed letter of award along with statement of agreed variation, if any.
b) Letter of Intent.
c) Schedule of rates.
d) Special conditions of Contract.
e) Scope of work.
f) Job/particular specifications/Technical Specification.
g) Drawings.
h) Technical/Material specifications.
i) General Conditions of Contract
j) Indian Standard.
k) Other applicable standard.
1.2 It will be Consultant's responsibility to bring to the notice of Engineer-in-Charge any irreconcilable
conflict in various parts of Contract Documents before starting the works or making the supply with
reference to which the conflict exists.
1.3 In the absence of any specifications, for any material, design or works, the same shall be performed
/supplied/executed in accordance with the instructions/directions of the Engineer-in-Charge, which will
be binding on the Consultant.
1.4 The materials/deliverables, design and workmanship shall satisfy the applicable standards,
specifications contained herein and Codes referred to. Where the Technical Specifications stipulate
requirements in addition to those additional requirements shall also be satisfied.
1.5 Wherever, it is mentioned in the specifications that the Consultant shall perform certain work or
provide certain facilities, it is understood that the Consultant shall do so at his own cost and the
Contract Price shall be deemed to have included cost of such performance and provisions, so
Evaluation shall be done based on Lowest (L1) evaluated price among Techno-commercial
qualified bidders for all PART(s) and scope put together. The job shall be awarded to
overall L-1 bidder and LOI will be placed to the overall lowest bidder in a phased
manner/together depending on site conditions.
4.0 Documents to be submitted by Bidder:
Bidder should submit documentary evidence to support the references provided and fulfilling the
Qualifying Criteria as well as towards technical bid evaluation under QCBS.
Page 44 of 59
a) Relevant documents as a proof of agreement (relevant work orders / contract agreement /
extracts) with the client.
The Bidder shall ensure submission of complete authentic information / documentation along with the
NRL reserves the right to directly interact with the Bidder’s clients to verify the relevant documentation
and the Bidder will render assistance in facilitating the same.
All supporting documents pertaining to Bidder qualification criteria submitted by the Bidder shall be
true copies, duly signed, dated and stamped by a Public Notary.
Bidder shall furnish documentary evidence along with the Bid such as copies of Annual Reports and
audited balance Sheets for last three years to establish Financial Criteria. In absence of requisite
documents, NRL reserves the right to reject the Bid without making any reference to the Bidder.
The bidders are requested to send queries/clarifications, if any, as per Format enclosed in the bidding
document through e-mail to reach NRL on or before the date mentioned above. The clarifications shall
be provided during the pre-bid meeting. Bidder shall send query in editable soft copy in the format
included in the Bidding document through e-mail.
Bidders are required to participate in pre-bid meeting after going through the entire Bidding document
along with BQC. Bidder shall attend with all technical and commercial issues on which they need
clarification and also to ensure that they possesses all supporting documents for meeting the BQC to get
their queries clarified, if required, during the pre-bid meeting to avoid any post-Bid
discussion/clarification on this issue.
A sit visit shall also be arranged on the pre bid day for more clarity on existing set up of warehouse and
workshop plot area.
Non-attendance of the pre-bid meeting shall not be a cause of disqualification of the Bidder.
In case any Bidder does not attend the pre-bid meeting, it shall be understood that the Bidder has a
clear understanding of the BQC, scope, terms and conditions of the Bidding document and does not
have any comment / deviation to the requirement of bidding document.
Page 45 of 59
E-Bids are required to be submitted only through the online Portal
http://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app. In the event of failure in bidder’s connectivity with tender Portal
during the last few hours, bidder is likely to miss the deadline for bid submission. Due date extension
request due to above reason may not be entertained.
Physical Bids / Offers or Bids through any other mode shall not be accepted. The Offers submitted
through e-tendering system, as above shall only be considered for evaluation and ordering. However,
NRL may request bidders to submit the hard copies of bids also for reference purpose.
Bidders to refer NRL’s e-tendering methodology provided in the Bidding Document. Bidders are
requested to get acquainted with the E-Tendering System in advance and obtain/seek clarifications, if
any from Portal Helpdesk.
Validity of bid shall be 120 days from the date of final tender opening.
NRL reserves the right to assess bidder’s capability to execute this work by using in-house information
and taking into account various aspects such as past performance during evaluation of bids.
NRL will not be responsible or liable for cost incurred in preparation, submission & delivery of bids,
regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process.
Bidders may view the Bid opening through CPP E-tender portal.
NRL reserves the right to reject any or all the bids received or annul the bidding process at any time
without assigning any reason, whatsoever.
Further break-up of payment terms if deemed necessary shall be decided by the E-I-C. The above
payments are subject to deductions towards security deposit, income tax and other recoveries as
applicable as per terms of the contract.
Time is the essence of contract. The works shall be executed strictly as per the time schedule.
Page 46 of 59
16.0 Variance In Contract Price:
The Bidder must keep his prices firm for any increase in contract value. However, the variation in the
contract value vis-à-vis the quoted rates shall be governed by the relevant clauses of General Conditions
of Contract.
22.0 Arbitration:
Any arbitration issues, that may arise in relation to this contract, shall be dealt as per Appendix-V
attached to the SCC.
For applicable Safety Guideline at NRL, Please refer Annexure-8 to the GCC which may be downloaded
from http://www.nrl.co.in/upload/nrlssr_annx.pdf.
Page 47 of 59
date of receipt of complaint shall be the date of receipt of signed written document only.
Page 48 of 59
28.0 Manpower Deployment
For construction management, consultant shall deploy following qualified experienced engineers as site :
Page 49 of 59
Page 50 of 59
The broad scope of work/services for the Consultancy Services Contract shall be as below :
i. Site visit to study the existing workshop and warehouse facilities and interact with the
concerned departments to assess the new locations, available space vs optimum space
requirement to set up modern Workshop facilities suitable for Mechanical, Rotary,
Electrical and Instrumentation maintenance to cater the need of a 9 MMTPA refinery.
ii. Preparation of master plan of the workshop area, architectural drawings as per the
requirement of services keeping optimal utilization of available space and time of
construction, latest construction techniques such as pre-engineered building etc. The
workshop building shall accommodate workshop facilities for Mechanical (machine shop,
rotary equipment repair shop, valve repairing, balancing, etc), Electrical and
Instrumentation Department. Based on available space and required space to construct
workshop facility, two storied (may be more storied for office space etc.) building
provision may also have to be incorporated.
iii. Structural and fabrication design and all drawings, its revision and finally issue “Approved
for Construction Drawing” for all related aspect / elements of the building construction
including sanitary and Electrical works, utilities, etc. While designing the workshop
building, the provision for enough space for incoming and outgoing of equipment for pre
and post servicing should be considered. The facility shall be built with enough head room
and sufficient side space shall be considered for movement of hydra, Forklift, EOT crane,
etc. of suitable capacity while designing the system.
iv. Align the facilities based on work flow of different maintenance discipline and proper
flooring design along with the office space for the officers and staff/technician. This
includes design of EOT of suitable capacity (to be given by the consultant), detail design of
foundation for various heavy workshop equipment such as Lathe machine, Milling
machines etc.
v. The workshop may be required to develop with double storeyed facility to accommodate
office space of engineers and staff in case of constraint in available space. The same shall
be finalised by the consultant after detail deliberation with NRL
vi. Sanitary, plumbing, drainage, Service and drinking water supply and sewerage design shall
be in the scope of the bidder.
Page 51 of 59
vii. Designing of Electrical and Instrumentation cable trenches, Power supply layout, other
utilities like plant air, instrument air, Steam supply, DM water supply etc shall be in the
scope of bidder.
viii. Bidder scope shall include dismantling scheme and estimate of existing workshop including
all structures, foundations, cabling etc. New piles/ raft for the new unit shall come in the
existing workshop location and accordingly dismantling of sub structure shall be suitable
for such activities in future.
ix. While dismantling, the attempt should be made to recover all the serviceable items,
machineries to the extent possible.
x. All machineries and equipment in good conditions should be relocated to the new
workshop. The consultant may further suggest requirement of new equipment based on new
technology for the required refinery maintenance related works.
xi. Provide Preliminary architectural plan and layout for the workshop showing different
required services for approval of NRL.
xii. Any other engineering activities required to design a contemporary workshop shall be in
the scope of the consultant.
xiii. After the approval of above preliminary scheme, the consultant will prepare and submit the
detail architectural drawing, Structural design, preparation of all construction drawings
(Elevation, Section, Fabrication etc.) for all the elements of Building, foundations for the
machines, material specifications, BOQ, detail estimate, special condition of contract,
suggesting probable competent vendor / contractor etc for lining up construction contract.
xiv. Post finalization of tender ,the consultant will acts as the EIC for the whole job and
discharges all duties related to new layout of the structures, supervision of construction
works, dismantling works, monitoring safety, quality, inspection and testing of materials
and progress of works up to complete contract closing. The consultant shall also review
vendor document/drawing. To supervise and monitor the construction activities, consultant
shall deploy competent project manager/ engineers at site.
i. Site visit to study the existing warehouse facilities and interact with the concerned
departments to assess the new locations, available space vs optimum space requirement to set
up modern central warehousing facilities to cater the need of a 9 MMTPA refinery.
ii. Prepare the Master plan for warehousing area, Finalise the storage space requirement
corresponding to different items being stored by NRL such as storage of cement, chemicals,
spares of mechanical, electrical, instrumentation with Air conditioning provision wherever
required. Optimisation of space by adopting contemporary design and automatic provision for
unloading and loading in storage locations shall be considered.
Page 52 of 59
iii. Preparation of architectural drawings as per the requirement of services keeping optimal
utilization of available space and time of construction, latest construction techniques such as
pre-engineered building etc.
iv. Provisions for the office space for warehouse officers and staff shall be considered in the
warehouse premise.
v. Sanitary, plumbing, drainage, Service and drinking water supply and sewerage design shall be
in the scope of the bidder.
a. Designing of Electrical cable trenches, Power supply layout, other utilities as required
shall be in the scope of bidder.
vi. Bidder scope shall include dismantling scheme and estimate of existing warehouse buildings
including all structures, foundations, cabling etc.
vii. Provide Preliminary architectural plan and layout for the warehouse facilities for approval of
viii. Any other engineering activities required to design a contemporary warehouse shall be in the
scope of the consultant.
ix. After the approval of above preliminary scheme, the consultant will prepare and submit the
detail architectural drawing, Structural design, preparation of all construction drawings
(Elevation, Section, Fabrication etc.) for all the elements of Building, foundations for the
machines, material specifications, BOQ, detail estimate, special condition of contract,
suggesting probable competent vendor / contractor etc for lining up construction
contract.[Requirement for number of various warehouses like spares, Instrumentation,
Mechanical, Electrical, Cement & refractory godown, etc shall be decided in meeting with
x. Post finalization of tender ,the consultant will acts as the EIC for the whole job and discharges
all duties related to new layout of the structures, supervision of construction works,
dismantling works, monitoring safety, quality, inspection and testing of materials and
progress of works up to complete contract closing. The consultant shall also review vendor
document/drawing. To supervise and monitor the construction activities, consultant shall
deploy competent project manager/ engineers at site.
Note : As part of preliminary work, the Consultant will prepare and submit master plans
for the Workshop and Warehousing area for which no separate payment shall be made.
This Master plan shall be submitted for the approval of NRL.
Page 53 of 59
For the architectural and design services, the Consultant will quote their rate in term of per sqm of
the plinth area of the workshop/ Office building / warehouse to be designed.
The payment corresponding to approved architectural plan for individual building shall be worked
out based on the quoted rate of the consultant for the plinth area of the said individual building
and the same shall be progressively released as follows:
• 25 % - Upon submission of Draft Engineering Deliverables such as Master plan, Architectural
plan to NRL for Comments and approval.
• 40 % - Upon submission of Final architectural design, detailed structural design and drawing ,
Detailed specifications and estimate, Draft Tender document to NRL for Comments, less
already paid amount.
• 60% -Upon submission of final detail estimate, tender documents with tender drawings for
floating of tender, less already paid amount
• 70 % after completion of foundation less already paid amount. Consultant will ensure review of
drawing in view of any requirement / comment from NRL , make necessary changes etc .
• 90 % after casting of final roof / erection of truss less already paid amount Consultant will
ensure review of drawing in view of any requirement / comment from NRL , make necessary
changes etc .
Modalities at the stage -1 i.e for release 25 % - In the RA bill 25 % of the plinth area of 2000 Sqm i.e
500 Sqm will be certified for payment at this stage .
Modalities at the stage -2 i.e for release 40 % - In the RA bill 40 % of the plinth area of 2000 Sqm i.e
800 Sqm will be eligible for release less already released quantity i.e ( 800-500). Additional 300 Sqm
shall be certified for payment at this stage.
Similar modalities shall be followed for other subsequent stages till completion. So finally when the
job is complete 100 % of the plinth area i.e 2000 Sqm will be certified.
7. After finishing fixing of all electrical cabling, panels, fans and lighting system , sanitary
fixtures doors windows , ( physical progress 87.5 %)
8. At the time of building handover ( physical progress 100 %), 6.25% shall be released.
9. After completion of demolishing works of the respective building locations, 6.25% shall be
EIC reserves right to further review the break up of the above payment schedule as
per the site requirement/ progress of the work.
Note : The Fee mentioned above shall be exclusive of all statutory taxes/levies applicable in India at
present such as GST and/or any new taxes/levies which may be introduced later, and the same shall be
payable extra as applicable on the date of payment by Client. As per the provisions of GST Act, the
present rate of applicable GST is 18%.
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4 4.a Construction for Workshop Buildings 8 months from the date of site
handover to Construction
contractor, or till completion of
the work, whichever is later.
4.b Dismantling of the Workshop Buildings 3 months from the date of site
handover to Construction
contractor, or till completion of
the work, whichever is later.
4.d Dismantling of the Warehouse Buildings 3 months from the date of site
handover to Construction
contractor, or till completion of
the work, whichever is later.
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Appendix – IV to SCC
B. Benefits Under The Public Procurement Policy for Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs)
Order 2012
1. Issue of Tender Sets Free of Cost
Tenders shall be provided free of cost and tender documents are downloadable from NRL
Website www.nrl.co.in, The Indian Government tenders information system www.tenders.gov.in
or Central Public Procurement (CPP) Portal http://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app or can be
obtained from the Office of General Manager (Commercial & Legal).
2. Exemption from payment of EMD (Earnest Money Deposit)
MSE units qualifying as at (A) above shall be exempt from paying EMD if EMD is
applicable against the tender.
3. Price preference for MSEs Bidder:
i) In tender, participating Micro and Small Enterprises quoting price within price band of
L1+15% per cent shall also be allowed to supply a portion of requirement by bringing
down the price to L1 price in a situation where L1 bidder is from someone other than a
Micro and Small Enterprise and such Micro and Small Enterprise shall be allowed to
supply up to 20 percent of total tendered value.
In case of more than one such MSE, the supply shall be shared proportionately (to
tendered quantity)
ii) In case of tender item is non-splitable or non-dividable etc. MSE quoting price within
price band L1+15% may be awarded the full/complete supply of the total tendered
value to MSE, considering sprit of policy for enhancing the Government procurement
from MSE, provided they agree to bring down their price to L1 price.
In such cases, the MSE who is lowest within the MSEs and quoting price within the
price band of L1+15% shall be provided the first opportunity to agree to accept and
execute the contract at the L1 price and on his refusal to accept the L1 price,
opportunity shall be provided so on to the other MSEs.
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1. The bidder shall quote in the price bid formats (in excel attached separately), for providing consultancy
services as detailed in this tender.
2. BASIS OF LUMPSUM PRICES & OTHER RATES : The fixed lump sum prices and other rates set forth herein
shall be inclusive of all costs, risks and expenses, professional tax, taxes including withholding taxes,
overhead, profit and / or total fee related to the satisfactory performance and completion of the work;
but exclusive of GST. Lump sum price quoted shall also include overheads / all expenses. Any future
additional taxes of such nature levied by Indian Government would be reimbursed at actual if the
additional taxes are introduced during contract period.
3. THE OWNER reserves the right to reject any or all tenders without assigning any reasons whatsoever.
4. All payments in this tender will be made only in Indian Rupees.
5. Running Account payments to the Consultant shall be linked to the milestones devised for total
completion of the project. The break up of lump sum prices into milestones is only to facilitate payment
to the bidder at desired intervals and that milestones break up is based on the entire scope of work
entrusted to the consultant. Individual prices do not hold good on standalone basis.
6. Payment for each of the milestones shall be released only after completion of all activities contained in
that particular milestone. The amounts payable to the consultant on completion of each milestone shall
be equivalent to the percentage indicated against the milestones in the Payment Schedule.
7. Bidders are required to submit the price bid strictly in accordance with the price bid format attached. The
price bid format without the price figures should also be submitted along with Unpriced Bid.
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