Consultant: Contractor
Consultant: Contractor
Consultant: Contractor
01. Introduction 01
5. Summary 08
06. Methodology 11
Granular Sub Base shall consist of well-graded material (which serves as a drainage layer) in
accordance with the requirements of MoRT&H and Technical Specification clause 400 and
Table : 400-1. The material shall be laid in one layer as sub-base and necessary according to
lines, grades and cross-sections as shown in drawings.
The material to be used for the work shall be crushed stone. The material shall be free from
organic or other deleterious constituents and conform to the required specifications.
2. Physical Requirements of Aggregates
Sl.No Test Remarks
Sieve % passing
75 100
53 80 – 100
26.5 55 – 90
1 Gradation As per Specification, clause
9.5 35-65 401 and Table : 400-1 & QAP
Page No.218
4.75 25-55
2.36 20-40
.425 10-25
0.075 3-10
2 Plasticity Index NP
3 M.D.D
Physical Requirements of Aggregates
4 O.M.C
As per Table 400-2,Col-1 of
5 C.B.R > 30%
As per clause 401.2.2 of
6 Water Absorption < 2%
As per clause 401.2.2 of
7 10% Fines Value 50 KN
8 Deleterious Content < 3% IS - 383
5. Procedure for JMF
Single sized aggregates tested for gradation and mixed in suitable proportions so that the combined
gradation obtained is nearer to the middle of the specification limits. After arriving suitable
proportions, samples were collected from individual stock piles and tested for Physical tests like
Proctor density, Water Absorption, California Bearing Ratio, 10% Fines Value, Plasticity Index .
Summary of G.S.B Test Results
2 Plasticity Index NP NP NP NP
40 mm 20 mm 10 mm