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Client: Consultant: Contractor:


Chapter No. Description Page No.

01. Introduction 01

2. Physical Requirements of aggregates 02

03. Design Procedure 06

04. Job Mix Formula 07

5. Summary 08

06. Methodology 11

07. Test Reports 13 - 49

1. Introduction

 Granular Sub Base shall consist of well-graded material (which serves as a drainage layer) in
accordance with the requirements of MoRT&H and Technical Specification clause 400 and
Table : 400-1. The material shall be laid in one layer as sub-base and necessary according to
lines, grades and cross-sections as shown in drawings.
The material to be used for the work shall be crushed stone. The material shall be free from
organic or other deleterious constituents and conform to the required specifications.
2. Physical Requirements of Aggregates

Physical Requirements of Granular Sub Base material.

Sl.No Test Remarks

Sieve % passing
75 100

53 80 – 100

26.5 55 – 90
1 Gradation As per Specification, clause
9.5 35-65 401 and Table : 400-1 & QAP
Page No.218
4.75 25-55

2.36 20-40

.425 10-25

0.075 3-10

2 Plasticity Index NP
3 M.D.D
Physical Requirements of Aggregates

4 O.M.C
As per Table 400-2,Col-1 of
5 C.B.R > 30%
As per clause 401.2.2 of
6 Water Absorption < 2%
As per clause 401.2.2 of
7 10% Fines Value 50 KN
8 Deleterious Content < 3% IS - 383
5. Procedure for JMF

Single sized aggregates tested for gradation and mixed in suitable proportions so that the combined
gradation obtained is nearer to the middle of the specification limits. After arriving suitable
proportions, samples were collected from individual stock piles and tested for Physical tests like
Proctor density, Water Absorption, California Bearing Ratio, 10% Fines Value, Plasticity Index .
Summary of G.S.B Test Results

Sl. Test Remarks

Conducted Results
1 Material Crushed Stone
1 Gradation Sieve Sample Sample Average
2 Source (mm) No.01 No.02Ashpak Puge Mile Plant

75 100 100 100 100

53 100 100 100 80 – 100

26.5 82.5 81.0 81.75 55 – 90 Proportions :

40 mm : 35 %
9.5 42.1 42.0 42.05 35-65 20 mm : 20 %
10 mm : 15 %
4.75 32.8 33.0 32.9 25-55 6 mm & Down : 30%
Confirms to clause
2.36 25.7 27.0 26.35 20-40 401 and Table : 400-1
& QAP Page No.218
.425 11.2 11.8 11.5 10-25

0.075 3.1 3.5 3.3 3-10

2 Plasticity Index NP NP NP NP

3 M.D.D 2.106 2.132 2.119 Not

4 O.M.C 7.80 7.44 7.62 Specified

Summary of G.S.B Test Results

Confirms to
Table 400-
5 C.B.R Awaited > 30%
2,Col-1 of
Confirms to
6mm & clause
40mm 20mm 10mm
6 Water Absorption Down < 2% 401.2.2 of
.1.13 % 1.62% 1.12% 1.62 %
Confirms to
7 10% Fines Value Awaited Awaited 50 KN
401.2.2 of
40 mm 20 mm 10 mm

8 FI & EI 27.75 29.20 25.11 Max 30 %

28.91 29.02 22.72

40 mm 20 mm 10 mm

8 AIV 21.85 13.77 10.78 Max 30 %

19.65 16.58 10.88

The various stages involved in Laying Granular Sub Base course are as follows.
Preparation: Immediately prior to the laying of sub-base, the formation level already finished shall
be prepared by removing all vegetation and other extraneous matters.
Light sprinkling of water and rolling with one or two passes of smooth wheel roller will be carried
out, if necessary.
Spreading: The sub-base material of specified grading will be transported to site from crusher by
tippers, it will be laid in 200 mm thick. layer Spreading will be carried out to the required slope and
grades by using motor grader having hydraulic controls.
Compaction: Before commencing rolling, moisture content of spread material is to be checked. The
moisture content should be in the range of +1% to –2% of Optimum Moisture Content as determined
in laboratory. If the moisture is within the limits specified, rolling will be carried out with 80-100KN
roller. Rolling will be continued till the density achieved is at least 98% of maximum dry density.
Quality Assurance: Samples shall be collected from site for every 200 m3 of material and tested for
gradation and plasticity index. If the material delivered to site does not meet the required
specifications, necessary rectification is to be done and tested for its requirements. After compaction
Field Density has to be carried out at frequency one set for 500 Sqm of area.
Trial Length
Trial Length of size 40m x 3.5m was prepared on a well-compacted surface. G.S.B. material from
stockpile was dumped and levelled to the required thickness. After spreading, samples collected from
trial length tested the gradation and moisture content. Rolling was started after ensuring the moisture
content is with in the limits of +1% to –2% of Optimum Moisture content. Density achieved is tested
for every 2,4,6,8,10 passes of roller. Number of passes required to achieve 98% compaction is
determined by plotting graph between Density achieved and No.of passes.

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