Class XII NEET Daily Practice Test PDF
Class XII NEET Daily Practice Test PDF
Class XII NEET Daily Practice Test PDF
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k Class- XII NEET
Biomolecules:- Enzymes: Factors affecting the enzyme activity: substrate concentration, Km value, Product concentration,
99 3-Jun-19 Monday Class- XI Zoology Daily Test-13
Temperature, pH; Enzyme inhibition-competitive, Non competitive, Allosteric enzymes, Isoenzymes and proenzymes
100 3-Jun-19 Monday Class - XII Zoology Daily Test-13 Reproductive Health:-Reproductive Health, Problems & Strategies, Population explosion, Human population growth
101 4-Jun-19 Tuesday Class- XI Physics Daily Test-13 Motion in a Straight Line :-Applications of Integral calculus
102 4-Jun-19 Tuesday Class - XII Physics Daily Test-13 Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance:-Potential energy of a system of charges, Potential energy in an external field
103 5-Jun-19 Wednesday Class- XI Botany Daily test -13 The living world:- Texanomic categories, Taxonomical aids- Herbarium,
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146 26-Jun-19 Wednesday Class - XII Chemistry Daily Test-19 Chemical Kinetics-Rate of a chemical reaction. Factors influencing rate of reactions. Rate expression and rate constant
Breathing & Exchange of Gases:- Respiratory passage, structure of larynx, sound production, lungs, pleurae, external structure of
147 27-Jun-19 Thursday Class- XI Zoology Daily Test-19
lungs, Internal structure, alveoli.
148 27-Jun-19 Thursday Class - XII Zoology Daily Test-19 Evolution: Theories & Evidences:-Morphological and anatomical evidences of evolution-Homologous, analogous, Vestigeal organs
Motion in a Plane :-Introduction, Scalars & Vectors, Multiplication of vectors by real numbers, Addition & subtraction of
149 28-Jun-19 Friday Class- XI Physics Daily Test-19
vectors–graphical method.
Current Electricity:-Introduction, Electric current, Electric currents in conductors. Ohm's law, Drift of electrons and the origin of
150 28-Jun-19 Friday Class - XII Physics Daily Test-19
151 29-Jun-19 Saturday Class- XI Botany Daily Test-19 Biological Classification:- Eubacteria – Cyanobacteria, Mycoplasma.
152 29-Jun-19 Saturday Class - XII Botany Daily Test-19 Principles of Inheritance & Variation:-Linkage and recombination
Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties:-Trends in physical properties : Atomic radius, Ionic radius, Ionisation
153 30-Jun-19 Sunday Class- XI Chemistry Daily Test-20
enthalpy, Electron gain enthalpy, Electronegativity.
Chemical Kinetics-Order and molecularity of a reaction, Integrated rate equations for zero and first order reactions. Half-life of a
154 30-Jun-19 Sunday Class - XII Chemistry Daily Test-20
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218 1-Aug-19 Thursday Class - XII Chemistry Daily Test-28 General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements-Refining of metals,Extractive metallurgy, uses of Al, Cu, Zn and Fe
Body Fluids & Circulation:- Blood Vessels-Aorta, Arteries, Arterioles, Capillaries, Venules, Veins, Vena Cava, Lymphatic system,
219 2-Aug-19 Friday Class- XI Zoology Daily Test-28
Disorders of circulatory system-Hypertension, Coronary artery diseases, Angina, Heart failure
220 2-Aug-19 Friday Class - XII Zoology Daily Test-28 Human Health & Disease:-Types of Immunity–Innate and acquired, Humoral mediated Immunity
221 3-Aug-19 Saturday Class- XI Physics Daily Test-28 Law of Motion :-Momentum, Conservation of momentum (Rocket Propulsion)
222 3-Aug-19 Saturday Class - XII Physics Daily Test-28 Moving Charges and Magnetism:-Biot-savart's law, Magnetic field on the axis of a circular current loop
223 4-Aug-19 Sunday Class- XI Botany Daily Test-28 Morphology of Flowering Plants:- Introduction, Root–types, function, regions, modifications
224 4-Aug-19 Sunday Class - XII Botany Daily Test-28 Molecular Basis of Inheritance:-Process of Transcription in prokaryotes, Transcription in Eukaryotes
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure:-Hybridisation : Features and conditions, Types of hybridisation : sp, sp2, sp3, dsp2,
225 5-Aug-19 Monday Class- XI Chemistry Daily Test-29
sp3d, sp3d2 and hybridisation.
226 5-Aug-19 Monday Class - XII Chemistry Daily Test-29 p-Block Elements-Group-15 : N2, NH3, Oxides of Nitrogen, HNO3, P-Allotropic forms, PH3,
Excretory Products & their Elimination:- Mode of excretion- Ammonotelism, Ureotelism, uricotelism (brief account), Different
227 6-Aug-19 Tuesday Class- XI Zoology Daily Test-29
types of excretory structures in various animals, Human excretory system-structure of kidney, ureter, urinary bladder
228 6-Aug-19 Tuesday Class - XII Zoology Daily Test-29 Human Health & Disease:-Cell Mediated Immunity, Active & Passive Immunity, Vaccination and Immunisation
229 7-Aug-19 Wednesday Class- XI Physics Daily Test-29 Law of Motion :-Newton's 2nd law of motion
230 7-Aug-19 Wednesday Class - XII Physics Daily Test-29 Moving Charges and Magnetism:-Cyclotron, Magnetic field due to a current element
231 8-Aug-19 Thursday Class- XI Botany Daily Test-29 Morphology of Flowering Plants:- Introduction of stem, bud, function of stem, modification of stem
232 8-Aug-19 Thursday Class - XII Botany Daily Test-29 Molecular Basis of Inheritance:-Genetic code - Salient features
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure:-Molecular orbital theory : Features, Linear combination of atomic orbitals, Conditions
233 9-Aug-19 Friday Class- XI Chemistry Daily Test-30
for the combination of atomic orbitals, Types of molecular orbitals.
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Excretory Products & their Elimination:- Regulation of kidney function: Osmoregulation, control by juxta glomerular apparatus,
251 18-Aug-19 Sunday Class- XI Zoology Daily Test-32
Renin-angiotensin aldosterone system (RAAS) Atrial Natriuretic factor, ADH and Diabetes insipidus.
252 18-Aug-19 Sunday Class - XII Zoology Daily Test-32 Human Health & Disease:-Cancer–Causes, detection & diagnosis, Treatment
253 19-Aug-19 Monday Class- XI Physics Daily Test-32 Law of Motion :-Friction
254 19-Aug-19 Monday Class - XII Physics Daily Test-32 Magnetism and Matter:-Introduction, The bar magnet, Magnetism and Gauss's Law
255 20-Aug-19 Tuesday Class- XI Botany Daily Test-32 Morphology of Flowering Plants:- Position of floral parts on thalamus, parts of flower (calyx and corolla), aestivation
Molecular Basis of Inheritance:-Human genome project - Goals, Methodologies, Salient features, Applications and Future
256 20-Aug-19 Tuesday Class - XII Botany Daily Test-32
challenges, DNA fingerprinting.
257 21-Aug-19 Wednesday Class- XI Chemistry Daily Test-33 States of Matter:-The gaseous state : Boyle's law, Charle's law, Gay Lussac' law, Avogadro law
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Locomotion & Movement:- Properties of muscle contraction: All or none principle, single muscle twitch, energy source of muscle
275 30-Aug-19 Friday Class- XI Zoology Daily Test-35 contraction, Cori’s cycle, Rigor mortis, red and white muscle fibres, Isometric and isotonic contraction. Treppe or staircase
phenomenon, disorders of muscles-Myasthenia gravis, muscular dystrophy, tetany
Animal Husbandry:-Live stocks, Animal Breeding, Inbreeding, Outbreeding, Out crossing, Cross breeding, Interspecific
276 30-Aug-19 Friday Class - XII Zoology Daily Test-35
hybridisation, MOET, Artificial Insemination
Work, Energy & Power:-Introduction, Scalar Product. Notions of work & kinetic energy, The work-energy theorem, Work, Kinetic
277 31-Aug-19 Saturday Class- XI Physics Daily Test-35
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294 8-Sep-19 Sunday Class - XII Physics Daily Test-37 Electromagnetic induction:-Energy consideration, A quantitative study Eddy currents, Electromagnetic induction:-Inductance,
Anatomy of Flowering Plants:- Primary permanent tissues i.e., parenchyma, collenchyma and sclerenchyma w.r.t. nature,
295 9-Sep-19 Monday Class- XI Botany Daily Test-37 distribution, cell wall and cell structure and functions, Complex permanent tissue- Xylem - components of xylem and their
296 9-Sep-19 Monday Class - XII Botany Daily Test-37 Microbes in Human Welfare:-Microbes in sewage treatment, Biogas production,
297 10-Sep-19 Tuesday Class- XI Chemistry Daily Test-38 Thermodynamics:-Isothermal and free expansion of an ideal gas. Extensive and intensive properties.
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Neural Control & Coordination:- Human neural system: Central and peripheral neural system, neuron as structural and functional
299 11-Sep-19 Wednesday Class- XI Zoology Daily Test-38 unit of neural system, different types of neurons and their location. Nerve impulse, generation and its transmission-Resting
membrane potential, spike potential, action potential, depolarization, repolarization, hyperpolarization.
300 11-Sep-19 Wednesday Class - XII Zoology Daily Test-38 Biotechnology-Principles and Processes:-Biotechnology-Principles, Tools of recombinant DNA technology
301 12-Sep-19 Thursday Class- XI Physics Daily Test-38 Work, Energy & Power:-The conservation of mechanical energy, (Motion in a Vertical Circle) The law of conservation of energy
Alternating Current:-Introduction AC voltage applied to a resistor representation of AC current and voltage by rotating vectors -
302 12-Sep-19 Thursday Class - XII Physics Daily Test-38
phasors, AC voltage applied to an inductor, AC voltage applied to a capacitor
Anatomy of Flowering Plants:- Primary and secondary xylem, primary xylem– protoxylem and metaxylem Phloem- components,
303 13-Sep-19 Friday Class- XI Botany Daily Test-38
types of phloem (on the basis of position and origin), Tissue system - epidermal, ground and vascular; Types of vascular bundles
304 13-Sep-19 Friday Class - XII Botany Daily Test-38 Microbes in Human Welfare:-Biocontrol agents, Biofertilizers.
Thermodynamics:- Heat capacity, Relation between Cv & Cp for an ideal gas; Calorimetry, enthalpy and thermo chemical
305 14-Sep-19 Saturday Class- XI Chemistry Daily Test-39
equation. Hess's law of constant heat summation.
306 14-Sep-19 Saturday Class - XII Chemistry Daily Test-39 Haloalkanes and Haloarenes-Elimination reactions in haloalkanes, Elimination versus substitution, Reactions of R-X with Na
Neural Control & Coordination:- Synapses: Electrical and Chemical, synaptic transmission, mechanism of transmission of nerve
307 15-Sep-19 Sunday Class- XI Zoology Daily Test-39
impulse through electrical and chemical synapse. Neurotransmitters; excitatory and inhibitory.
308 15-Sep-19 Sunday Class - XII Zoology Daily Test-39 Biotechnology-Principles and Processes:-Separation and Isolation of DNA fragments Cloning vectors, Competent host
309 16-Sep-19 Monday Class- XI Physics Daily Test-39 Work, Energy & Power:-Power
310 16-Sep-19 Monday Class - XII Physics Daily Test-39 Alternating Current:-AC voltage applied to a series LCR circuit, Power in AC circuit, The power factor, LC Oscillations, transformers.
311 17-Sep-19 Tuesday Class- XI Botany Daily Test-39 Anatomy of Flowering Plants:- Internal structures of root, stem and leaf, Definition of secondary growth, types of tissues involved
312 17-Sep-19 Tuesday Class - XII Botany Daily Test-39 Organisms and Populations:-Introduction, Levels of organisation, Major biomes.
313 18-Sep-19 Wednesday Class- XI Chemistry Daily Test-40 Thermodynamics:-Enthalpy of combustion, Atomization, Bond-dissociation, Solution, Lattice and neutralisation.
Haloalkanes and Haloarenes-Aromatic nucleophilic substitution, Elimination addition Reaction, Electrophilic substitution of ArX,
314 18-Sep-19 Wednesday Class - XII Chemistry Daily Test-40
Polyhalogen compounds
Neural Control & Coordination:- Structure of Brain: Forebrain, cerebrum, thalamus, hypothalamus, limbic system and their
315 19-Sep-19 Thursday Class- XI Zoology Daily Test-40 functions, mid brain (corpora quadrigemina and crura cerebri), hind brain (cerebellum, pons, medulla) ventricles of brain and
cerebrospinal fluid.
316 19-Sep-19 Thursday Class - XII Zoology Daily Test-40 Biotechnology-Principles and Processes:- Processes of recombinant DNA technology
317 20-Sep-19 Friday Class- XI Physics Daily Test-40 Work, Energy & Power:-Collisions – elastic and inelastic collision, Collision in one dimension.
318 20-Sep-19 Friday Class - XII Physics Daily Test-40 Electromagnetic Waves:-Introduction, Displacement currents, Electromagnetic waves, Electromagnetic spectrum,
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Neural Control & Coordination:- Reflex action: Reflex arc, characteristics of reflexes, types of reflexes-unconditioned, conditioned,
331 27-Sep-19 Friday Class- XI Zoology Daily Test-42
monosynaptic and polysynaptic reflex and their examples. Detail of knee jerk reflex, importance of reflex action.
Biotechnology and its Applications:-Biotechnological applications in medicine–Genetically engineered insulin, Gene Therapy,
332 27-Sep-19 Friday Class - XII Zoology Daily Test-42
Molecular Diagnosis
333 28-Sep-19 Saturday Class- XI Physics Daily Test-42 System of Particles & Rotational Motion:-Introduction, Centre of mass,
334 28-Sep-19 Saturday Class - XII Physics Daily Test-42 Ray Optics & Optical Instruments:-Total internal reflection, Refraction at spherical surface, Refraction through lenses
335 29-Sep-19 Sunday Class- XI Botany Daily Test-42 Plant Kingdom:- Algae-general characters
336 29-Sep-19 Sunday Class - XII Botany Daily Test-42 Organisms and Populations:-Population – characteristics, growth, growth models
337 30-Sep-19 Monday Class- XI Chemistry Daily Test-43 Equilibrium:-Relationship between equilibrium constant, Reaction quotient and Gibb's energy
Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers-Preparation of ethers, Physical properties of ethers, Chemical propereties of ethers, Some
338 30-Sep-19 Monday Class - XII Chemistry Daily Test-43
commercially important alcohols and ethers
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418 19-Nov-19 Tuesday Class- XI Chemistry Daily Test-56 The s-Block Elements:-Compounds of Ca : CaO, Ca(OH)2, CaCO3, CaSO4.1/2H2O. Biological importance of Mg and Ca.
Animal Kingdom–General Account & Non chordates :- Lifecycle of Fasciola hepatica (outline), Life cycle of Taenia solium with
419 20-Nov-19 Wednesday Class- XI Zoology Daily Test-54
general features, Pseudosegmentation, Strobilation, Apolysis, Taenia saginata
420 21-Nov-19 Thursday Class- XI Physics Daily Test-56 Mechanical Properties of Fluids:-Streamline flowBernoulli's principle,
Transport in Plants:- Transpiration – structure of stomata, mechanism of opening and closing of stomata, factors affecting
421 22-Nov-19 Friday Class- XI Botany Daily Test-56
transpiration, significance, Transpiration and photosynthesis – a compromise
The p-Block Elements:-General electronic configuration and oxidation states of p-block elements, Inert pair effect, The boron
422 23-Nov-19 Saturday Class- XI Chemistry Daily Test-57 family : Physical and chemical properties, Compounds of boron : Borax, Orthoboric acid and diborane, Uses of B, Al and their
Animal Kingdom–General Account & Non chordates :- Aschelminthes / Nematode: General characters, Renette cells,
423 24-Nov-19 Sunday Class- XI Zoology Daily Test-55
Reproduction with examples, Life cycle of the Ascaris (outline), other nematodes-Ancylostoma, Wuchereria, Enterobius, etc.
424 25-Nov-19 Monday Class- XI Physics Daily Test-57 Mechanical Properties of Fluids:-Viscosity, Reynolds number
Transport in Plants:- Uptake and transport of mineral, Nutrients, Phloem transport–pressure flow or mass flow hypothesis,
425 26-Nov-19 Tuesday Class- XI Botany Daily Test-57
Demonstration of translocation of food by phloem by girdling experiment.
The p-Block Elements:-The carbon faimly : Physical properties. ; Chemical properties of group 14 elements, Allotopes of carbon,
426 27-Nov-19 Wednesday Class- XI Chemistry Daily Test-58
Compounds of C and Si : CO, CO2, SiO2, silicones, silicates and geolites.
Animal Kingdom–General Account & Non chordates :- Annelida: General characters, Reproduction, Larval form,
427 28-Nov-19 Thursday Class- XI Zoology Daily Test-56
Nereis–Heteronereis, Pheretima, Hirudinaria, Pontobdella, Botryoidal tissue in leech
428 29-Nov-19 Friday Class- XI Physics Daily Test-58 Mechanical Properties of Fluids:-Surface tension.
Mineral Nutrition:- Introduction, Methods to study the mineral requirement of plants, Essential mineral elements, Criteria for
429 30-Nov-19 Saturday Class- XI Botany Daily Test-58
essentiality, Classification of essential elements
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Animal Kingdom–General Account & Non chordates :- Types of metamorphosis in Insects, Economic importance-Mosquito,
435 6-Dec-19 Friday Class- XI Zoology Daily Test-58
Housefly, silkmoth, Termites, Lac insect, Mollusca: General characters with examples, Larval form, Pearl formation.
436 7-Dec-19 Saturday Class- XI Physics Daily Test-60 Thermal Properties of Matter:-Specific heat capacity, Calorimetry, Change of state
437 8-Dec-19 Sunday Class- XI Botany Daily Test-60 Mineral Nutrition:- Metabolism of nitrogen– nitrogen cycle, biological nitrogen fixation, fate of ammonia.
Organic Chemistry : Some Basic Principle & Techniques:-IUPAC nomenclature of organic compounds including mono and bi
438 9-Dec-19 Monday Class- XI Chemistry Daily Test-61
functional groups.
Animal Kingdom–General Account & Non chordates :- Echinodermata: General characters, Water ambulacral system.
Hemichordata: General characters, stomochord, examples., Chordates: General characters, 3 subphyla-Urochordata,
439 10-Dec-19 Tuesday Class- XI Zoology Daily Test-59
Cephalochordata, Vertebrata. Urochordata-General characters with examples. Cephalochordates-General characters with
440 11-Dec-19 Wednesday Class- XI Physics Daily Test-61 Thermal Properties of Matter:-Heat transfer–Conduction, Convection.
Photosynthesis in Higher Plants:- Introduction, Importance, What do we know?, Historical account, Where does photosynthesis
441 12-Dec-19 Thursday Class- XI Botany Daily Test-61
take place? Photosynthetic pigments,
Organic Chemistry : Some Basic Principle & Techniques:-Isomerism : Structural isomerism including tautomerism,
442 13-Dec-19 Friday Class- XI Chemistry Daily Test-62
Stereoisomerism (Definition).
Animal Kingdom-Chordates:- Vertebrata: Agnatha & Gnathostomata: Cyclostomata-General characters with examples
443 14-Dec-19 Saturday Class- XI Zoology Daily Test-60
Petromyzon, Myxine
444 15-Dec-19 Sunday Class- XI Physics Daily Test-62 Thermal Properties of Matter:-Heat transfer – Radiation, Stefan's Law, Newton's law of cooling, Wien's law.
445 16-Dec-19 Monday Class- XI Botany Daily Test-62 Photosynthesis in Higher Plants:- Absorption spectrum and action spectrum, What is light reaction?, Electron transport system
Organic Chemistry : Some Basic Principle & Techniques:-Fundamental concepts in organic reaction, Mechanism : Bond fission,
446 17-Dec-19 Tuesday Class- XI Chemistry Daily Test-63
Nucelophile and electrophile
Animal Kingdom-Chordates:- Pisces: General characters, Classes-Placodermi, Chondrichthyes, Osteichthyes: Differences between
447 18-Dec-19 Wednesday Class- XI Zoology Daily Test-61
cartilaginous & bony fishes, Scoliodon, Chimaera, Exocoetus, Labeo, Lateral line system, Neuromast organs, Types of scales
Thermodynamics:-Introduction, Thermal equilibrium, Zeroth law of thermodynamics, Heat internal energy and work, First law of
448 19-Dec-19 Thursday Class- XI Physics Daily Test-63
thermodynamics, Specific heat capacity.Thermodynamic state variables & equation of state,
449 20-Dec-19 Friday Class- XI Botany Daily Test-63 Photosynthesis in Higher Plants:- Splitting of water, Cyclic and non-cyclic photophosphorylation
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k Class- XII NEET