Final Demo LP
Final Demo LP
Final Demo LP
Yes ma’am
Five (5)
1. identify the
imagery used in a
2. create a literary
piece using imagery;
3. appreciate the
importance of
imagery in any
literary pieces.
C. Presenting examples/instances Now, let’s have activity #2.
of the new lesson This is entitled “Match the
Phrase” With the same group,
I want you to look for an
envelope below the Mytery
Box given earlier. Each
envelope consists of a phrase.
You have to match the phrases
to the column.
Sight Hear Smell Taste Touch
Imagery – an image, in
its basic sense, us
something concrete
that appeals to any of
the five senses – sight,
sound, touch, taste,
Sense of Sight
Auditory imagery -
What sense is used when you is a form of mental
talked about visual imagery? imagery that is used
to organize and
analyze sounds when
there is no external
auditory stimulus
Sense of Hearing
What about Auditory imagery. imagery pertains to
What sense is used? odors, scents, or the
sense of smell.
Sense of Smell
imagery pertains to
What is used when we talked flavors or the sense of
about Olfactory imagery? taste.
Sense of Taste
imagery pertains to
Gustatory imagery is what we physical textures or the
also called? sense of touch.
Sense of Touch
Sense of Sight
Sense of Touch