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School: TABON M.


Pre-service Teacher: ANGEL SHANE M. COMANDANTE Learning Area: English 8
Date: MARCH 16, 2018 Quarter: Fourth


A. Content Standard The learner demonstrate understanding of how Afro-

Asian Literature and other text types equip him/her
with communication skills that lead to embracing
diverse cultural heritage.
B. Performance Standard The learner performs an interactive human exhibit of
Afro-Asian literary characters.
C. Learning Competencies/ EN8LT-IVf-2.2.1: Express appreciation for sensory
Objectives images used.
At the end of one (1) hour class discussion, at least
80% proficiency level of the 100% students are
expected to:

1. identify the imagery used in a poem;

2. create a literary piece using imagery; and
3. appreciate the importance of imagery in any
literary pieces.
II. CONTENT Topic: This Earth, This Man by Maung Htwe Sung
Focus: Sensory Images
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learners material Learning Module for English –
Pages Grade 8
Pp (445-446)
3. Textbook pages English Expressways Textbook
for Second year
Pp (227-228)
B. Other learning resources Visual aids, felt-tip-pen, manila
papers, pictures.
 Initiator Best morning ma’am, best Best morning Ms
morning classmates today is Marife
Thursday, March 15, 2018. To
begin with let us all stand for a
prayer to be led by Venus.
Let us all stand for the prayer.
 Prayer leader To check the attendance let’s (the students will all
call on the recorder Shaira. stand and pray)
 Initiator Best morning ma’am, the total
attendance of today is 32 with
17 boys and 15 girls.
 Attendance Checker To maintain the harmonious
relationship in the classroom,
let us be acquainted with our
house rules, let us call on
Classmates let us be reminded
by our house rules. Everybody
L- isten attentively
C- ooperate in every activity
R- espect one another
We must show respect to one
another so that there will be
order and harmony in the
Now that the preliminaries are
set let us call our English
teacher Ms. Angel Shane M.

 Initiator

A. Reviewing previous lesson or Okay, thank you students. This

presenting the new lesson time, let us review our topic
last meeting.

Who can recall the topic last (The student will

meeting? volunteer to answer)
It’s about
transactional and
language ma’am
Very good. To test if you
understood our topic, let us
have a review drill.
(The teacher will post the
review drill)

Who will read the instructions? Student’s will

volunteer to read

Identify the picture if

what way of
communication it is.
Write (T) if it is
Transactional and (I)
if it is Interactional.

Who will answer number 1 and Student’s will

so on…. volunteer to answer

Is this correct? Is the answer of Yes ma’am

your classmate correct class?
B. Establishing a purpose for the It is very obvious that you
lesson really understood our topic.
Let’s move on. Let’s move
Let us have our first activity.
This is entitled “Mystery Box
Challenge”. There will be five
groups for our activity.
Students with the same picture
of their nametags will be group
mates. (Students will group
Wait for my GO SIGNAL not themselves
following instruction is an accordingly)
automatic deduction of 2
points. Do not drag the chairs.
In 5 seconds., you may form a
circle. 5-4-3-2-1 GO!
Okay listen, I have here 5
Mystery boxes, and of course,
inside each is a mystery item.
All you need to do is to guess
what is inside the box.
Here are the mechanics for this
mystery box challenge. The
teacher will read the
1. Each group must have one
representative to get your box
and materials.
2. Read carefully the sentences
written outside the box.
3. The sentences that you have
to read can help you guess what
is inside the box.
4. Each group will be given
only 30 seconds to guess
what’s inside the mystery box.
5. If you have your guess, you
write your answer on the slate
board and raise it.
6. Remember, the moment you
get the materials, your 30
seconds time will also start.
7. After 30 seconds finish or
unfinished, you will raise your
slate board. If the group will
guess the item correctly, you
will be given 10 points.
8. Have fun :)
Are the instructions clear?
Are you ready?
Okay, I want all the
representative from each group
to please stand and come here
in front and get your materials.
The sentences outside the
Mystery box will be a hint on
how students will guess what’s
inside the box. The sentences
outside each Mystery box and
the Mystery Item inside the box
are as follows:
1. Sentence: See! Then, you’ll
Item: Ballpen
2. Sentence: Oh hear up! Hurry
Item: Cellphone Yes ma’am
3. Sentence: How well do you
smell? Yes ma’am
Item: Flower
4. Sentence: Chase thy Taste! (Representatives get
Item: Sampaloc the materials in
5. Conceal, just feel and then front)
you’ll know! Let it go!
Item: Hair
Let us check if your guess is
correct, we will open it
altogether in 3, 2, 1 OPEN!

Did you get the correct

answers? Group 1? 2? 3? 4? 5?
How did you able to guess what
is inside the boxes?

What part of the body did you

use for you to be able to guess
the Item inside the box? Group
1? Group 2? Group 3? Group
4? Group 5?
What do you call them in
How many senses do we have?
What are those?

Let us relate these senses in our

subject. This sense of sight,
hearing, smell, taste and touch
can be used when we try to
interpret poems. It will help us
to understand more the poem.
Now class, do you have any
idea of what will be our topic
for this morning?
Could anyone give me our
specific topic for this morning?
You are almost there, so our
topic for this morning is about
“Sensory Images”
Now, let us read the lesson (Students will
Objectives for today. altogether open the
Mystery Boxes)

Yes ma’am

By reading first the

sentences and
afterwards using
some parts of our

Eyes, Ears, Nose,

Tongue, Skin


Five (5)

Sense of Sight, Hear,

Smell, Taste, and

It’s all about Senses

Students will read
the Lesson
At the end of
one (1) hour class
discussion, students
are expected to:

1. identify the
imagery used in a
2. create a literary
piece using imagery;
3. appreciate the
importance of
imagery in any
literary pieces.
C. Presenting examples/instances Now, let’s have activity #2.
of the new lesson This is entitled “Match the
Phrase” With the same group,
I want you to look for an
envelope below the Mytery
Box given earlier. Each
envelope consists of a phrase.
You have to match the phrases
to the column.
Sight Hear Smell Taste Touch

Are my instructions clear?

What are the phrases?

The teacher will check students Yes ma’am

What do you call those Rain outside,
Phrases? Growling Waves,
Strong Fragrant
Flowers, Tasty
Pastries , Rough
Phrases that use
Sensory Images
D. Discussing new concepts and Based from your previous (A student will
practicing new skills *1 activities, how will you define volunteer to answer.)
Sensory Images? Ma’am, it is creating
pictures in our
imagination through
I want you to close your eyes
and imagine yourself at the
boulevard eating ice cream
while the wind is blowing your
shirt. Now, open your eyes.

Ok, Charvitt, what flavor of ice Chocolate

cream do you have?

While you are imagining, do Yes

you use any sense?

Exactly! That is how sensory Ma’am, it is creating

images works. Now, how will pictures in our
you define sensory images? imagination through

Yes, you have a point. To know (The teacher will call

the definition of Imagery, random students to
kindly read…. read the definition.)

Imagery – an image, in
its basic sense, us
something concrete
that appeals to any of
the five senses – sight,
sound, touch, taste,

Thank you. Imagery simply

means images; it is a picture
that was made in our mind as
we read the poem. We try to
use our senses: sight, hear, (The teacher will call
smell, touch or even taste in random students to
some ways. There are five read the definition of
types of imagery, kindly each type.)
Types of Imagery
imagery pertains to
graphics, visual
scenes, pictures, or
the sense of sight.

Sense of Sight

Auditory imagery -
What sense is used when you is a form of mental
talked about visual imagery? imagery that is used
to organize and
analyze sounds when
there is no external
auditory stimulus

Sense of Hearing

What about Auditory imagery. imagery pertains to
What sense is used? odors, scents, or the
sense of smell.

Sense of Smell

imagery pertains to
What is used when we talked flavors or the sense of
about Olfactory imagery? taste.

Sense of Taste

imagery pertains to
Gustatory imagery is what we physical textures or the
also called? sense of touch.

Sense of Touch

Tactile imagery uses what

E. Discussing new concepts and For us to really understand how to
practising new skills *2 use an imagery in a literary piece.
I have here a poem Entitled This
Earth, This Man by Maung Htwe
Song and let us see what sensory
images are used and how they are
used in the poem. Let us know
first the author of the poem.

The teacher will present the

author’s background

I will be raising questions

regarding the poem and imagery
used afterwards.

I want you to read the Poem

(The teacher will guide the

students in reading) (Students read the
This Earth, This Man poem)
Maung Htwe Sung

Not far from the green dense

By the side of a stream running
There is a field, large and wide.
At the first light of the day
A burly yet handsome farmer
Full of vigor and confidence
Is ploughing his field.
Day after day in his field
With his oxen he works
With ordent zeal and without
feeling tired
And finding joy in his work.
Broad is his chest and his muscles
are strong,
Elastic and firm.
It is so pleasant to see
In a field of emerald green
The handsome body of this well-
built man.
Steadfastly staying with his
This farmer tries to work hard
With his oxen who are his friends
In the hope of doing good for his
He is a real son of his land.
His ploughed furrows are the
furrows of his country.
Each drop of his sweat is gem of
his land.
His strength is his country’s
Never sky-gazing,
Never careworn and exuding
This farmer is a true son of his
His attention strays not
From the plot of land he works
This soil is his universe
This soil is his Nirvana
This field is his life.
A piece of this soil is his heart.
With his sweat
He cleared this field;
With his blood
He defended this field.
From age to age
Holding arms relentlessly
He has fought for his field.

I have here a video to help you

better understand the poem.
(The teacher will present a video)

Have you notice sensory images

used in the poem?
Let us identify sensory images
used in the poem through an
So, we have here five scare crows.
I want one representative from
each group to pick one scare crow
and inside each contains questions
that you need to answer.

After having the scarecrow on

hand, I will be giving you 1
minute to brainstorm about the
question given. Then, I’ll be
calling representative from each
group to answer.
Each correct answer is equivalent
to 5 points. Okay, are my
instructions clear?

Here are the following questions;

1. Identify what sensory image is
used from the line stream running
What image can you draw from
the 1st and 2nd line..

Sense of Sight

The lines show a

landscape of a forest
with stream running.
This is a way for the
author to say how the
field fits to where it is.
Where there is a good
2. Identify what sensory image is soil and water to help
used from the line Elastic and sustain the kind of
firm. plant the farmer is
How can you describe the farmer? planting.

Sense of Touch

Based from the line,

the farmer has really a
fit body. A body that
could last a long time
working in field. He
3. Identify what sensory image is was able to achieve
used from the line field of emerald such body maybe
green. because of the work he
How important is the field to the had.
Sense of Sight

The field is what

makes the farmer alive.
It is where he finds
food for daily
consumption and it is
where his desired job,
being a farmer, is.
Definitely, we could
say the field was the
treasure of the farmer,
no thing, not even
4. Identify what sensory image is emeralds, can equal to
used from the line drop of his how precious the field
sweat. is for the farmer.
What do these lines mean?
“The soil is his universe”
“The soil is his Nirvana” Sense of Sight

The farmer has given

everything for his field.
He has given drops of
sweat and blood just to
have the field. The soil
from the lines
symbolizes the field,
wherein, it is where his
5. Identify what sensory image is life rotates, thus,
used from the line holding arms making it a place he’ll
relentlessly. equate with heaven.
How important is it for a person to
find joy in his work?
Sense of Touch

When you love you’re

work, it is where you’ll
be productive. Work
will always be tiring,
there would be times
you’ll get sick because
of it but if a person
loves his work, no
matter what, he/she
will not quit from it.
He/she will keep
holding arms
relentlessly. A person
will find joy out from
his work if he/she sees
a great achievement
from it. It is then, a
person would say, this
work is my life.
F. Developing mastery (leads to The poem shows us how proud
Formative Assessment 3) the persona in the poem is of
his occupation, which is being a
farmer. We are able to see in
through sensory images what
he has his farm looks like and
circumstances the persona Yes ma’am
experiences because of his
Now, we will be having another
Are you ready? Yes ma’am

With the same group,I want

you to tell me what occupation
can you associate when given
just phrases.
Remember the phrases we used
in our second activity?
I want you to think of
occupation that fits to the
phrases through different
I will be giving you this task
card. Inside this is the activity
and the phrase you need to
integrate with it.
Group 1 - Draw the kind of
occupation which relates to the
phrase Rain outside.
Group 2 - Make a poem about
an occupation that relates to the
phrase Growling waves. Use
the phrase in the poem.
Group 3 - Make an essay about
an occupation that relates with
the phrase Strong fragrant
flowers. Use the phrase in the
Group 4 - Compose a song
about the occupation that
relates with the phrase Tasty
pastries. Use the phrase in the
Group 5 – Make a role-play of
the occupation which relates to
the phrase rough. Use the
phrase in the reporting.

Each group will be given only 5

minutes to prepare and 2
minutes to present their output.
They will be rated according to
the following criteria:
Content - 15
Presentation - 10
Cooperation - 5
30 points
G. Finding practical application As a student, how does the (A student will
concepts and skills in daily influence of imagery assist the volunteer to answer.)
living creation of your Literary Ma’am, the vivid,
Piece’s meaning? sensory details
indeed make my
poem more
meaningful. It helps
Does it give necessary impact me to easily convey
to the readers? In what way? the message of the

Yes, in a way that it

aids them for better
comprehension of the
literary piece and
helps readers be
engaged in the story
the author wanted to
H. Making generalizations and What is our topic today? Sensory Images
abstractions about the lesson
There are how many types of Five ma’am

What are the types of Sensory Auditory, Olfactory,

Images? Tactile, Gustatory,
and Visual.

What is the Poem all about? The poem is all about

how man is
dependent to the
world around him.
As to the poem, we
could see how
important the field is
to the farmer since it
where he finds his
food and it gives him
a great sense of
achievement while
doing his work. Also,
Asians consume
mostly rice in their
meal, so we could
say that, mostly, the
rice field is as
important as their
lives because it is
where food is. Then
we could say that
man is dependent to
what makes them
alive, it’s the earth.
What This Earth
provides, is what
makes This Man.
This Earth, This
I. Evaluating learning Instruction. Encircle the letter
of the correct answer.

1. What is Sensory Imagery?

a . the use of language
appealing to one or more of
the five senses.
b . a joke
c . it’s nothing, you just made
it up.
d . a group of words
established usage as having
a meaning not deductible
from those of the individual

2. Which sensory detail does

this statement appeals to?
“ The air felt chilly, yet
refreshing, as the summer
breeze blew across her face”
a . sound
b. sight
c . taste
d . touch

3. “The waves beating on the

beach was very comforting”
which one of the five senses is
used in the sentence?
a. sound
b. sight
c. taste
d. smell

4. What type of imagery is used

in this sentence “ The glorious
sunset was beautiful to behold”
a. sound
b. sight
c. smell
d. taste

5. How does Sensory Images

help us to understand the story?
a. it doesn’t
b. by expressing how the
author is feeling.
c. it helps us to see, touch,
taste, smell and feel what the
characters feel and see
d. by telling the mood

Okay, who got 4 and above? (Students raise their

Please pass your papers in front papers.)
without standing

Very good. How about 3 (Students raise their

below? papers and pass in
Congratulations to those who
passed. And to those who did
not, don’t worry because I will
give you a special remediation
J. Additional activities for Assignment
application or remediation For application:
Write a 2 stanza poem of your perfect weekend
using Sensory Images. Print this in a short bond paper.
For remediation:
Give one example for each type of sensory images.
 Sense of Sight
 Sense of Hearing
 Sense of Taste
 Sense of Smell
 Sense of Touch
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson

D. No. of learners who continue to

require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies work well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?
Checked or observed:
Cooperating Teacher

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