Welcome To Grace Lavelle & Karen Binns Who Will Be Baptised Into Our Catholic Community This Weekend
Welcome To Grace Lavelle & Karen Binns Who Will Be Baptised Into Our Catholic Community This Weekend
Welcome To Grace Lavelle & Karen Binns Who Will Be Baptised Into Our Catholic Community This Weekend
Mary's Church
40 Park Lane
LS26 0ES Telephone 0113 2824453
Clergy Father Éamon McGeough
Web site https://october18th.wixsite.com/stmarysrothwell
NOTICE TO EVERYONE! Deacon Tom & Joyce Marshall will be celebrating their 60th Wedding
Anniversary THIS SUNDAY and will be having an Open House on the same day, 2.30 p.m onwards.-
All welcome.
Further details tel 0113 282 6947.
PARISH SOCIAL COMMITTEE The next meeting will be Tuesday 10th September @ 7 p.m in the
PARISH OUTING 2019 We are hoping to have our annual outing on 10 th October. Elaine Wormwell
will be at masses over the weekend to gauge interest. – Destination to be agreed.
MACMILLAN COFFEE MORNING Friday 27th September 10.00 – 12.00 Church Hall. Please try and
support this important charitable event.
PRAYER BREAKFAST Rothwell Methodist church 14th September. Breakfast 9.30. Prayer 10-11.00.
CONFIRMATION 19TH NOVEMBER 2019 Can any individual who does not attend Rothwell St Mary’s
school and would like to be confirmed this year, please make contact. Fr Èamon.
CAR TREASURE HUNT Sunday 6th October 12.30 p.m Start from the Church Hall.
QUIZ NIGHT Saturday 26th October 7.15 p.m Church Hall. Tickets £5.
NOVEMBER DEAD LIST Demand for masses was very high last year.
Please therefore present your intentions ASAP and I will endeavour to say
mass on the day requested or the nearest available date thereafter.
In receiving gifts from our creator, we become co-creators, because a gift cannot be
developed unless we co-operate with it and with the giver, the creator. It is in that act
of co-operation that we become co-creators, instruments in bringing the gift to
fruition, so that we can in turn bestow it on others.
It is an awesome responsibility to take seriously the gifts and talents we have
received and to use them to their fullest potential – to nurture them with care, love
and devotion and with imagination, creativity, zeal and hard work … to rejoice in
them and to give thanks for them, knowing they are not just for ourselves but for the
good of all creation.
The gift turned inward, unable to be given becomes a heavy burden, even sometimes
a kind of poison. It is as though the flow of life was backed up.