Stress and Strain Analysis On A Thick-Walled Cylinder: Description Learning Objectives/experiments
Stress and Strain Analysis On A Thick-Walled Cylinder: Description Learning Objectives/experiments
Stress and Strain Analysis On A Thick-Walled Cylinder: Description Learning Objectives/experiments
FL 140
Stress and strain analysis on a thick-walled cylinder
• direct stresses and strains of a A pressure gauge indicates the internal • measurement of elongations by strain
thick cylinder under internal pres- pressure. An eccentric groove is cut gauges
sure between the two halves of the cylinder, • application of Mohr’s circle for the tri-
• cylinder with strain gauge applic- in which the strain gauges are mounted axial stress state
ation on surface and in wall at various radial points. Additional strain • determination of the distribution of dir-
• triaxial stress state in cylinder gauges are mounted on the inner and ect stress in
wall outer surfaces of the cylinder. Radial, · radial, tangential and axial direction
hoop and axial strains are measured, en- • investigation of correlations between
In contrast to thin-walled vessels, when abling the strain state to be fully recor- elongation, pressure and stress in the
designing thick-walled vessels allowance ded. triaxial stress state
must be made for an uneven distribution
of stresses through the thickness of the The measuring amplifier FL 152 displays
wall. The stress state in a thick-walled the recorded signals as measured value
vessel under internal pressure is triaxial. readouts. To assist and visualise evalu-
The direct stresses and strains occur: ation of the experiment, the measured
radial, circumferential, hoop and axial. values can be imported into the applica-
tion software.
Since the stresses and strains occur-
ring in a vessel are not measured dir- Mohr’s circle for stress and strain ana-
ectly, they are determined by measuring lysis is used to represent the triaxial
strains on the surface. Strain gauges stress state in the cylinder wall graphic-
are employed to record the strains elec- ally. The direct stresses and strains are
trically and the stresses and strains are calculated from the measured strains,
determined from those measurements. applying the appropriate law of elasticity.
G.U.N.T. Gerätebau GmbH, Hanskampring 15-17, D-22885 Barsbüttel, Telefon (040) 67 08 54-0, Fax (040) 67 08 54-42, Email, Web
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FL 140
Stress and strain analysis on a thick-walled cylinder
Technical data
1 cylinder, 2 strain gauge measuring point, 3 pressure gauge, 4 hydraulic pump, 5 connec- Aluminium cylinder
tion for measuring amplifier FL 152 • length: 300mm
• diameter: Ø=140mm
• wall thickness: 50mm
• internal pressure: max. 7N/mm2 (70bar)
Pressure gauge
• 0…100bar
• accuracy: class 1,0
LxWxH: 700x350x330mm
Weight: approx. 32kg
Distribution of stress in cylinder wall: 1 cylinder, ri inner radius, ra outer radius, 2 distribu-
tion of stress in hoop direction σt, 3 distribution of stress in radial direction σr, 4 distribution
of stress in axial direction σa
G.U.N.T. Gerätebau GmbH, Hanskampring 15-17, D-22885 Barsbüttel, Telefon (040) 67 08 54-0, Fax (040) 67 08 54-42, Email, Web
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FL 140
Stress and strain analysis on a thick-walled cylinder
Required accessories
Optional accessories
G.U.N.T. Gerätebau GmbH, Hanskampring 15-17, D-22885 Barsbüttel, Telefon (040) 67 08 54-0, Fax (040) 67 08 54-42, Email, Web
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