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A For COC1

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Written Report
Plan Training Session
1. The questions that I asked myself when I prepared my session included the following:, What
competency or qualifications will it be, what would be the outcomes and objectives Who would be my
trainees, What will be the learning contents, activities, methodologies, resources and for how long will
the training sessions be. How methodologies will be used to measure the learnings of the training..
2. I got my answer from the training regulation of TESDA , from the competency based curriculum and
from the Competency based learning materials.
3. The components of the session plan are Sector, Qualification, Unit of Competency, Module Title,
Learning outcome, Learning Activities, Assessment plan, and Teachers Self Reflection on the
4. The factors that I considered when I selected my training method are the learning style of the trainees
, the characteristics of my trainees, their training gaps or needs, and the cost of learning of the training
resources and materials, among others..
5. Learning events is the same as learning activities. I organized them in such a way that I presented
them from basic or simple to complex.
6. The method that I used included written, demonstration, and oral questioning. I know that I made the
right choice because I based my selection from the TESDA training regulations of my qualification.
7. I took note of the current qualification and standard. I saw to it that the methods I used were the ones
required and related to the competency standard. Cost effectiveness were my prime considerations
putting in my mind that the Training Center is not that rich to be able to give me always new
materials. I also consider to use the method again for the next batch to save cost.
8. Table of specification was very important as it served as guide for me in giving the appropriate ratings
to the students per type of examination.. Table of specification would always be beneficial to the
trainers. First, relate them to their past experience. Second, give complement when they did well, or
motivating them.
9. The two adult principles that were always in my mind when I prepared my session plan were the
following: Adult learners are motivated to learn when they know the objectives of the sessions; and
that adult learnings most of the times relate lessons to their past experiences in life.

Facilitate training Session

1. First, I prepared the work station for safety. I prepared the pre training assessment instruments in
accordance with the number of trainees. I checked all the equipment to be used and see that all are in
good running condition. Lastly, I will prepare myself professionally and intellectually..
2. I did the orientation on the competency based training delivery, I prepared the session plan, prepared the
resources needed, prepared the training activity matrix, the methodologies of my training delivery, the
competency-based learning materials, methodology of assessments, etc. Based on these, I say that my
session was student centered. . I used various techniques, designed to the learners capability, I
monitored the activity, I provided continues feedback to trainees. I help and guide them attain the learning
3. My learning materials covered the competencies, learning outcomes, information sheets, self checks and
answer key all relating to the competency standards. . It also focuses on the learnings rather that the
learning process. I would not change for now the learning material.
4. I asked the students if I have been clear in my explanation and if have they understood the lessons that I
discussed. I will regularly monitor their performance and record these in the students record book and
progress charts.
5. Asked them of their needs, regroup the students for particular task, give assignment, put their progress in
the progress chart. Put smiley on it, etc. and by asking questions if they had any questions or clarification.

6. I use the Session plan, CBLM, Training activity matrix, progress chart, training session evaluation form
and student record book. Yes, I will revise and/ or other documents like the session plan, the CBLM, use
other documents as may be necessary depending on the findings or results of the training session
7. The two adult principles that were always in my mind when I prepared my session plan were the
following: Adult learners are motivated to learn when they know the objectives of the sessions; and that
adult learnings most of the times relate lessons to their past experiences in life.
8. The assessment tools that I used were written – true or false; multiple choice. Demonstration and oral
exam – oral questioning. I will not change it for now.
9. Yes I immediately give feedback. I point out the task that he/she does well and the task that needs
improvement and I will support him/her.
10. Yes! I asked my student to evaluate the training session, to evaluate me and the Training Center so I
would know what and where we can explore to improve. I used training session evaluation form for it.

Maintain Training Facilities

1. Drawing of the shop or training center (9 Areas of CBT Layout).
2. The tools, equipment and materials found in my shop include ( relating to your JAPANESE LANGUAGE
3. Maintenance activity include Housekeeping and equipment maintenance, observance of 5S, request for
inspection or repair of damage equipment and materials, and keep a record of the equipment and
4. I use the request form to request for purchase of additional tools, equipment and machines.
5. The SOP of the office is to put labels such as “out of order” for equipment that are damage, to request for
inspection and make report, and make necessary or appropriate suggestion such as to buy new or what
it is that is appropriate to do.
6. Since we are not that big an institution, we just observe and follow the government policy on waste
disposal like bringing out our garbage only when the garbage truck is already there for collection. And of
course keeping and observing waste segregation.
7. The use of logbook, labeling, date labeled, area assignment, and borrower’s card.

Supervise Work Based Learning

1. Ask friend where we can have OJT. Check on internet and social media, TV, papers. Call them, request
for appointment and discuss for the OJT process. Search of prospective industry partner.
2. Yes, I will write a training plan in consultation with the OJT venue. This is necessary because this will
serve as guide for the trainees requirement, activities, tool/ equip0ment, mode of training, method of
assessment, venue needed and the schedule.
3. I will do an orientation on the policy/SOP of the OJT venue. I will discuss the objective of the OJT and its
duration. Tell the student where and how to go to the OJT venue the safest way.
4. I will use the student’s record book. I will also use the achievement chart. This is to monitor the progress
of the student so that I can assist them as OJT coordinator. I will provide the feedback to the student
immediately. Especially if there is a problem reported from the OJT Company.
5. I will talk to the officials of the OJT Company. Ask what happened and talk to the student what
happened. Apologize to the company if a mistake was done by the student. Ask if the OJT will
continue or not.
6. In our Training Center we will use the supervise Industry Evaluation Form for our OJT student. Analyze
and take a look if there is part that needs improvement.

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