FLEXUserManual PDF
FLEXUserManual PDF
FLEXUserManual PDF
Operations Manual
P/N: SW0005
Rev. E
Jan 2014
Copyright, Notices, and Trademarks
Printed in U.S.A. – © Copyright 2010 - 2013 by Microtrac, Inc.
Revision C – 01/2013
While this information is presented in good faith and believed to be accurate, Microtrac, Inc.
disclaims the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and makes
no express warranties except as may be stated in its written agreement with and for its customer.
In no event is Microtrac, Inc. liable to anyone for any indirect, special or consequential damages.
The information and specifications in this document are subject to change without notice.
! This CAUTION symbol on the equipment refers the user to the Product Manual for
additional information. This symbol appears next to required information in the manual.
WARNING, risk of electric shock. This symbol warns the user of a potential shock hazard
where voltages greater than 30 Vrms, 42.2 Vpeak, or 60 Vdc may be accessible.
Protective earth terminal. Provided for connection of the protective earth (green or
green/yellow) supply system conductor.
Laser Radiation. Refer to Product Manual before removing or opening any covers.
Microtrac Inc.
148 Keystone Drive
Montgomeryville, PA 18936
This manual describes the operation of FLEX 11 Software for Microtrac particle size analyzers. It is to be
used in conjunction with the Microtrac manuals listed below.
Revision Notes
The following list provides notes concerning all revisions of this document.
D 11/13/2013 Updates for Version release. ISO Sediments, Wave Cuvette
model support.
The following list identifies important contacts within Microtrac Inc.
System Requirements
Operating Systems
FLEX software will operate when installed on any Microsoft operating system listed below:
Windows XP Professional (not recommended for Nanotrac Wave)
Windows Vista Business (or Ultra) 32 Bit ONLY
Windows 7 Professional 32 and 64 Bit. (32 Bit Only for Legacy Nanotrac & Zetatrac)
Windows 8 Professional 32 and 64 Bit. (32 Bit Only for Legacy Nanotrac & Zetatrac)
Any IBM compatible PC with the following is recommended:
1.6 GHz or greater Multicore (Dual or Quad processor recommended)
4 Gigabyte RAM ( recommended, 2G required)
1 Full Length PCI expansion slot (Legacy Nanotrac & Zetatrac ONLY)
1 Serial Ports (RS232) or USB converted to serial (required for some Microtrac Accessories
USB 2.0 or 3.0 Ports
100 GB Hard Drive (minimum required)
DVD R/W drive
256 Color Video
The following minimum size monitor is recommended:
17” Flat Panel at 1280 x 1024 resolution, Normal fonts.
Any Windows compatible color ink jet or laser printer.
If you have a Nanotrac only then skip the next section and go to Nanotrac Hardware Configuration
Microtrac Hardware Configuration S3500
1. Select the Analyzer tab and set the following items (note: some items may not be visible depending
on the model S3500 series analyzer you have connected).
Enter the last four (4) digits of your sample cell ID into the New Cell Id edit box. This number can
be found on the label of you Sample Cell Calibration diskette and is also stamped on the handle of
the sample cell.
Once the ID is entered then Click to add this sample cell to the list of sample cells
If this sample cell is the currently installed cell, select this cell ID from the Selected Cell / Cell List.
NOTE: some users may have more than one sample cell. Make sure that you always have the
correct cell ID selected when you change from one sample cell to another.
If you have a MAC 26 auto sampler then set a check next to MAC 26 and select a COM port.
Cannot be the same COM port as the Analyzer Optical Bench.
Nanotrac/Zetatrac Configured
Select an RS-232 Communications Port for Connecting to the Client (Controlling) PC.
2. Set the appropriate measurement setup parameters on each tab of the Measurement SOP Options
dialog and close with (see section: Measurement SOP Options Details).
flow rate using the button to fill, when full use the button to start the flow, Flow can
be adjusted directly by using the or buttons (typical flow setting 50%). (See
Measurement Setup (SOP) Details section below in this document).
A display will appear to indicate the progress of the data collection. When the data collection is
complete the progress dialog will automatically close.
7. Open the Sample Loading display and add sample to the sample system (for Nanotrac be
sure to thoroughly mix sample in the sample cell) until the indicator bar is in the Green Zone
(Status = READY). Then close the display or Click to start a sample measurement . This
display is periodically updated as indicated by the progress bar in the lower part of the display.
Start the sample measurement by clicking the button on the main toolbar or the button on the
loading display. A display will appear indicating the progress of the measurement data collection. (See next
9. You can print a report of the displayed data by clicking the Print button in the data display
2. Select the desired database to retrieve data from the “Open Database” dialog that appears. Click the
Open button too open the selected database.
A new database data display will open that is connected to the selected database (database path and name
are indicated in the title bar).
5. Click on the desired database record for recall then click the “Retrieve” button. The database record
will be recalled and the data displayed.
Display Elements
The figure below shows a typical program frame with data display. Major elements are labeled.
Tabular Data – Percent in Size channel and Percent Passing or Retained calculated values for the
given size edges determined by user selected size progression (root2, root4, root8, Standard).
Zetatrac ONLY – displays Zeta Potential measurement results and parameters. This tab only appears
for Zetatrac when Zeta Potential measurements are enabled.
This is the Raw Data that was collected for the current displayed sample measurement. This data is
the input to the volume distribution calculations.
Shows the Setzero Raw data that is applied to the current measurement. This data is saved with each
sample measurement to the measurement database. For Live measurements this is the current
Setzero data that was most recently measured and is applied to all sample measurements collected
in a Live Measurement Session.
Above Residual – This value indicates how much measured material is larger than the current
Upper Edge. If the current Upper Edge is the maximum size the analyzer can measure then this
value will always = 0.
Below Residual – This value indicates how much measured material is smaller than the current
Lower Edge. If the current Lower Edge is the minimum size the analyzer can measure then this
value will always = 0.
Sample Loading Factor / Loading Index – Sample Loading value.
Transmission – S3500 % laser power transmitted through the sample.
RMS Residual: – Volume calculation Residual RMS Error. The RMS Residual provides a least
error calculation comparing the actual scattered light pattern to that used for final calculation of
the particle size distribution. It therefore provides an indication (Root Mean Square Error%) as to
Contains information regarding the database record security. User Signature and Approval
Signature only apply if Microtrac FLEX 11 Security features have been enabled. For details
see the Separate Microtrac FLEX 11 Security Manual.
Measure Toolbar
Activates Sample Measurement functions.
Re-calculate and Compare, recalculates data and produces a before and after comparison
Update (overwrite) the current database record with the currently displayed data.
Configurable Display
Various data display options are configurable via the Configure Data View dialog. This dialog is accessed
from the View/Configure Data View menu selection.
General – Select data display general format Standard Format (default) or ISO format.
Display Data Pass/Retain – Determines the default tabular data and plot display format %Passing or
%Retained. (%Channel is always displayed).
Statistics Display Presentation – Selects how the statistics display is formatted (%Chan, %Pass or
Nanotrac/Zeta Size Data Format – Select the size format Microns, Nanometers or Angstroms for
Nanotrac/Zetatrac data to be displayed in.
Data Plot Format Persistence - If changes are made to the data plot using the data plot “Edit” feature,
they can be made permanent by “Checking”, “Save On Exit” in the Data Plot Format Persistence section.
Restore - To restore the data plot formats to program defaults, Click “Data View Plot Defaults” .
Data Plot Scaling - The data plot %channel scale can be set to Automatic or Manual. If set to manual, this
scaling will remain constant to the value set by the user from measurement to measurement (10%, 20%,
50% or 100%).
Live Meas. Multi-Run – Several displays can be specified to present themselves and display data during a
Multi-Run data collection. Available displays are:
Statistics Display – Note: this display always fills for Multi-Run even if NOT selected to display
while the data collection is in progress. Select the data presentation for the Live Statistics display.
Only one of these displays can be selected at any time. Select the desired display and any options
presented. When a Multi-Run data collection is started the display will automatically open and fill with data
as the Multi-Run data is collected. If the display is closed it can be re-opened using the associated toolbar
buttons. When re-opened these displays will display the data from the last set of Multi-Run data collected.
If a new Multi-Run collection is started the displays are cleared and refilled with the current multi-run data.
Auto-Start Analyzer – You can select a Microtrac live measurement view to automatically open when the
FLEX application software is started. Choices are None (default), S3500 or Nanotrac).
Prompt or Id’s – If enabled then the user is prompted to enter new sample ID’s at the start of each manual
(non-auto-sequence) sample measurement
User Defined Size Edges – If “Enabled” the data is displayed using the current User Defined Size Edges
instead of the standard Microtrac Size Edges.
Sample Loading / Show Signal Plot – Enables/Disables the display of the detector signals in the sample
loading display.
Sample Loading / Enforce – When this item is checked manual sample measurements (not applicable to
Dry Measurements) cannot be performed unless sample loading is in an acceptable range (Green Zone on
the sample loading display). When the Measurement button is clicked the sample loading display is
presented and you cannot continue to measure unless the sample loading is in the “Green Zone”. At this
point if loading is not correct you can add sample, dilute the sample or Cancel the measurement. If sample
loading is in the specified range then the measurement run can be performed by clicking the
Loading button . When FLEX security feature is active Administrators can restrict user access to this
feature by Denying Permission to “Change Preferences”.
User Defined Calculations – Enables/Disables use of User Defined Calculations. Selects option to use
saved user defined calculations when recalling database records. If no selected then uses current active user
defined calculations.
(Intentionally Blank)
Measure Toolbar
(Measure Menu)
Calculations Toolbar
Database Toolbar
(Data Retrieval Menu)
SDC/ASVR Toolbar
(Control/SDC/ASVR Menu)
NAS 35 Toolbar
(Control NAS35 Menu)
3. A file Save As dialog will be displayed, select a path and enter a filename then click “Save”.
NOTE: If Print has been selected the data will be sent to the default printer, no file “Save As” dialog will
2. An export formatting dialog will appear. Make appropriate selections and then click .
To send the plot only to the printer, Click on the Printer button under the plot in the plot tool bar. A
print preview display will appear. From this display you can re-size and position the plot. You can also
change the printing characteristics and then Click the “Print” button to print the plot. All Microtrac FLEX
data plots have this feature.
2. A File “Export Measurement Data File” dialog opens. Select a path and enter a filename then click
“Save” to save the current measurement data to an ASCII (text) file. ASCII files can be opened
using any word processor or text editor.
CAUTION: this feature is NOT PERSISTANT. When the program is closed and re-opened the Auto
Export feature is always “Disabled”.
Auto Exporting File(s) from Database Retrieval
Auto Exporting to a formatted data file is also supported using recalled database records. The user opens a
database, goes to the Database Retrieval dialog, selects the records to auto export and these records will be
recalled and exported to the same file format as Auto Export from Live Measurements does.
Auto Export from Database Retrieval Process Description:
1. Open a database for retrieval from the File Menu.
2. From the Data Retrieval menu select, “Retrieve Data” or Click on the toolbar.
3. From the Database Retrieval dialog Query Results Tab, select the desired records to Auto Export>
5. The Auto Export Setup dialog appears. Setup the desired path, Base File Name, File Naming
Options and File Format. Click Ok to begin the auto export.
NOTE: Export All to ASCII (Single File) will export all selected records to a single ASCII formatted
file. Use this option of importing a group of records into spread sheet programs such as Microsoft Excel.
CAUTION: If exporting for import to Excel remember that the maximum number of columns
allowed in Excel is 256 if too many data items are selected this limit can be exceeded. A data
progression of 8th Root of 2 can have up to 140 data points and if two Tabular Data types such as Size
and Chan are selected the Excel maximum column limit would be exceeded.
NOTE that if Tabular Data is selected and Include Header is a selected option then the column
headers will be Size.
3. Specify the File Format.
4. Select the File Format Options.
Auto-Export User Defined Format Setup Details
File Format
Set a check in this box to have all auto-exported measurements in a single file. There
are no limits to the number of measurement records that this file can hold except available disk drive space.
If this option is not checked then each export will be in a separate uniquely named file.
CAUTION: If auto-exporting to a single file (all exports to a file containing multiple measurement
records) do not change the selected data or delimiter character while the target file exists. You do
NOT want to mix formats this is NOT desired results.
Set a check to include field names as a header to the export file. The header will be the
first ROW in the file. Uncheck to exclude a field name header in the file.
3. From the Auto Import ASCII Export File dialog (see below).
Browse to the folder containing the files to import. When the browser is closed a list of valid
importable files (.dat) will appear on the right side of the dialog (see below).
Select the Files to Auto-Import from the list of files shown (multiple selections, use standard
Windows selection techniques). Selected files will be high lighted
1. From the Plot toolbar click the copy button, this copies the data plot to the Windows Clipboard.
2. Click in the second application (for example Microsoft Excel) where you want to paste the data and
either use that application program’s Edit/Paste menu selection or Press the Control Key and the
“V” key to paste the Microtrac data into the other application Data Plot Features
Microtrac FLEX 11 data plots have extensive built in formatting and enhancement features including:
Chart Enhancement features (color, type, annotation, titles etc.)
Export of Chart Data to Excel, ASCII or HTML format files
Export of Chart to JPEG, WMF and other graphical format files.
3D display with rotation and depth.
Value Tags on data points.
Shown below is a typical data plot.
Toggles data and data plot between %Passing or %Retained (label indicates
the action a click will cause).
Keep the current graph display configuration for this graph. (instead of
Normal Mode – Allows for plot zooming, Scrolling and Plot Enable/Disable functions.
3d Rotate – Allows 3D plot to be rotated via drag over with left mouse key pressed.
Save – Allows data plot to be saved to various graphic formats such as JPG, WMF, TIFF.
Print – Sends data plot to printer (print preview is presented before printing).
Copy - Copies the data plot to the Windows Clipboard (can then be pasted into other applications).
Edit – Opens plot editing feature allowing user to change plot characteristics, export plot and plot data
etc. (See below)
3D Data Plot
The data plot can be shown in 3D by clicking the button on the data plot toolbar.
2. To recalculate and update the data display, click the recalculate button. The data will be
recalculated to the new parameter settings and displayed.
3. Save the data to a new database record or update the current database record if desired using the
NOTE: Even if the only changed parameter is a Sample ID or a Title the recalculate
button must be clicked to update the data display.
Generally, only Perspective Items and Identifier items are used in re-calculation of “Average Of”
measurement data.
No Analysis parameters are considered when re-calculating. This includes Particle, Fluid and
Analysis Options. (These changes would require recalculation of the basic volume).
Database Auto-Recalculation functions DO NOT re-calculate Average Of data records.
The data is recalculated, displayed in the data view and a Compare view is opened (shown below, next
View plot data using the plot edit button then click on the Data Tab to view. (See next Page)
Automatic recalculation is setup and executed through the database Retrieval display. The following steps
describe how to setup and execute an Automatic Recalculation session.
1. Open the desired database for retrieval from the FLEX 11 program File menu.
2. Open the Database Retrieval dialog by selecting Retrieve Data from the Data menu or Click
4. Click the Auto “Recalc Setup” tab to move to Auto Recalc Setup selections.
5. Change the desired measurement SOP parameters to the desired value(s). NOTE: the values that
are set originally in this display are FLEX defaults. These values DO NOT reflect any saved
measurement SOP they are simply a starting point.
6. In the “Use New” section, specify which measurement SOP items are to be replaced in each
database record for recalculation. ONLY items checked in this area will be replaced (used) for
automatic recalculation of database records.
NOTE: Viscosity Information, Nanotrac Analysis Options and S3500 Analysis Options are
selected as a group. If you select any of these items make sure all items in the group
(that apply) are correct.
7. Select Output Options, at least one of these options MUST be selected. You can choose to only
Print reports, Save to a new record or Update the current record in combination with Print Report.
8. Click on the Query Results tab to display a list of available database records for recall and
Main Data Display Meas Info with User Defined Calculation Data Noted
2. Set a check on “Enable” in the User Defined Calculations section of the Configure Data View
dialog/Options tab.
3. If you want to use saved formulas on database recall set a check on “Use DB Saved Formulas” .
If this option is NOT checked then saved formulas are ignored on database recalls and the current
application default formulas are applied.
4. Close the Configure Data View dialog.
NOTE: There must be some Microtrac measurement data on the data display before you can
define formulas.
2. IMPORTANT: Confirm that the Perspective setup for the measurement is correct for the
anticipated User Defined Calculation formulas. If it is not correct set the perspective to the desired
format and re-calculate the data.
Tools Menu
5. Click in the worksheet row to assign the name to the desired user defined
worksheet row (row 22, 23 or 24).
7. Click in the worksheet row to assign the formula to the desired user defined
worksheet row (same row as previously entered name). The resulting value for the calculation will
appear in the Value column. If there is a syntax error in the formula an error message will alert
you upon clicking .
9. Fill in a Formula Description (if desired) in the associated Formula Description Edit window.
11. Optionally, repeat steps 2 thru 10 for each of three desired formulas.
12. Click in the Options section to make the current Formula(s) the application
defaults. Once saved these formulas will be applied to all live sample measurements (and
optionally to recalled database records).
13. Change User Defined Calculation Options if needed. Check “Enable” to display user defined
calculation results on the main data display. Check “Use DB Saved Formulas” to use the formulas
saved within the database records for database recall. Uncheck “Use DB Saved Formulas” to use
the current application formulas for recalled database records.
14. Close the worksheet when formula entry is complete. The results will show up immediately in the
main data display.
If you have not saved any changes made in the worksheet you will be prompted to save as the
worksheet closes. You can choose to NOT save and the result will be that the changed user defined
calculations will only be applied to the currently displayed data. On the next measurement or database
recall the system will revert to the original behavior before the changes that were not saved. Not saving
is useful if you want to do a one-time special calculation on the currently displayed data.
Edit Window
Cell References in formulas
Cells (Microtrac Measurement Data) are referenced in formulas the standard Column/Row designation, for
example: C29 for Column C Row 29.
The worksheet provides an automated way to insert cell references into the edit window using the
button. Simply click on the desired cell to reference and then click the
button and the cell reference will be placed at the end of the text in the edit window.
Edit or Review an Existing Formula
To edit or review an existing formula, click in the row containing the formula to edit. This
action will place the formula for that row in the edit window.
Clearing a Formula
To clear a formula from a cell, delete all text from the edit window and click in the row for
the formula cell to be cleared. It is NOT required to clear a formula if you are going to replace the formula.
Clearing a Name
To clear a name from a cell, delete all text from the edit window and click in the row for
the name cell to be cleared. It is NOT required to clear a name if you are going to replace the name.
Select this option to enable display of user defined calculation results on the main data display.
If this option is NOT selected then no user defined formulas are displayed on the main data display or in
the worksheet.
Clicking this button makes the current application default formulas equal to the formulas
that are current in the worksheet. If you change formulas in the work sheet and close it without using this
function then the change formulas will apply only to the current database record or live measurement data.
3. Click to insert the formula. The formula that was inserted will also be displayed in the
edit window.
completed the Statistics Display can be opened via the button on the View Toolbar.
Additionally the user can select any data row in the display and instantly create a trend plot of that data
row. All Statistics Data Display spreads and plots can be printed or exported.
Statistics Display
Statistics Display Functions:
Right Click on the spread sheet areas to activate the Print/Export menu.
- select a Summary Data row to plot and click this button to produce a
trend plot of the selected row.
Items in the Presentation section specify how the data in the Statistics Display will be presented.
Progression: Standard, Geom 8 Root, Geom 4 Root or Geom 2 Root
Sets the Size Percent values that will be used by the Statistics Display.
Enter desired size percent values in the Size% Column. All values can be edited (changed or
deleted). You do NOT have to enter a value in every row.
Select the desired size percent of display by setting a check on them in the “Sel” column.
Calculate & Display:
- Opens a File Save dialog to save the current Statistics Setup to a named file.
The user can select to display statistics tabular data as %Channel, %Passing or %Retained.
NOTE: this display can be set to display as the Multi-Run data is collected in the View/Configure
Data View dialog. Under Live Meas Run on the Data Plotting Tab select Statistics Display.
The Data Tolerance Display is accessed from the Main Data display by clicking the button on the
data view toolbar.
NOTE: To use the Data Tolerance Feature data must be displayed in “Standard Progression” and the main
data display must contain data (either measurement or database recall).
Data Format Selected the format for display of Tabular data. (Percent
Channel, Percent Passing or Percent Retained)
o - Set % will set the Max/Min values on each table to +/- the
indicated % of the data value in each field. You will be asked which tables to apply this
setting to after the button is clicked.
o - Set Fixed will set the Max/Min values a fixed amount by adding
or subtracting from displayed data’s values the indicated fixed value. You will be asked
which tables to apply this setting to after the button is clicked.
Plot Tabular - Opens the Data Tolerance graph. Tabular data and Max/Min
data are plotted in the data format currently displayed in the main Data Tolerance display.
Reset Resets all Max/Min values to defaults. This is intended to be a starting point
for user defining Max/Min values.
Refresh Updates the display to reflect any changes the user may have may by editing
individual Max/Min values (only required to update after manual edits to update the Pass/Fail
Save Opens a “File Save” dialog to allow saving of the current Max/Min values to a
named file for later recall.
Recall Opens a “File Open” dialog to recall a save set of Max/Min values from a
previously saved file.
Selected Params
o - Use this function to activate the main data display Data Tolerance function.
If the “Display” box is checked then all selected Parameters will be displayed, evaluated
and Pass/Fail status displayed on the main data display using the currently loaded
pass/fail parameters.
o – Clicking this button will clear all check boxes for parameter selection
(Sel Column” (no data items will be selected for evaluation on the main data display).
Specific Data Tolerance Functions (Plot Display):
These functions are identical to all other plot displays. Refer to Main Data Plot controls including
infinite Zoom (draw a box around the desired zoom area).
A File Open dialog will appear and you navigate to and select the desired Data Tolerance file to load.
Data Tolerance files are generally displayed in a DataTolerance folder under the main Microtrac
installation folder.
Once the file is loaded all measurements will be evaluated using the values in this file until the user loads
another file or changes values in the Data Tolerance display.
- DataTolSelectedPassFail –
See Designing Reports section below for details about how to add items to a custom designed report.
The user can, for each separate data item selected set:
Plot Scaling for that item, (Auto or Min/Max scale values for plot).
Define an allowable Min/Max limit value for the data item that will be displayed as a pale green
color bar on the plot (see below). This allows easy interpretation as to the Pass or Fail of the data
points in the plot
Microtrac FLEX 11 Trend Plot – Showing 6 Independent Data Items (some 3D)
IMPORTANT: the maximum number of data items that can be selected for trending is 6.
Go to next page…
Click this button provided to clear out selected sections. Select sections to clear and click.
Only selected sections will be cleared ( in the case below that will be Percentile Data and Size Percent
Click this button to save the current trend setup to a file for later recall.
Plot Paging
Depending on the setting for Points Per Page and the number of total points plotted the plotted data will
span over several or more pages. The following tools allow the user to browse the pages.
Dynamically sets the number of data points displayed per page. This defaults to
20 when the display is first filled (40 for double wide plots of 3 or fewer data items).
/ Shows or hides vertical axis values for all plots data points
Once a trend plot has been closed it can be re-opened using the button on the data view tool bar.
Live Trend Plotting
Trend plotting can be used during “Live Measurements” when Multiple Runs (Measurement Setup/Number
of Runs > 1) are requested. When this feature is “Enabled” and live measurements are in progress the
Trend display will be “On Top” in the data display and as each measurement of the multi-run is completed
the selected data will be trend plotted.
This feature is enabled from the View/Configure Data View dialog, “Data Plotting” tab.
Re-calculated (with some limitations).
Saved and Recalled as a normal database record.
This functionality is facilitated via the FLEX Statistics display. Records to be included in the composite are
recalled to the Statistics display and the “Composite” data display is generated from the Statistics display
Mean (“average of”) volume data.
NOTE: The user does bear responsibility to assure that rules stated below are adhered to when creating
a composite measurement record or the potential exists for unexpected results.
The following rules should be adhered to when creating a composite measurement data set. These rules are
not enforced via FLEX software.
1. Do Not mix data with different calculation modes (IE: Nanotrac vs UPA or S3500 vs Legacy
calculation modes).
2. Do Not mix S3500 wet and dry data. If this is done the LAST database record in the set will define
whether the composite data is displayed as wet or dry.
3. It is the user’s responsibility to ensure that all data Analysis Setup parameters for the records
selected for the composite record are the same. If Analysis parameters are not the same the user is
mixing dissimilar data. The LAST selected record in the composite will determine the
measurement SOP parameters that are saved and displayed for the composite data.
NOTE: Be aware that since these rules are user enforced the possibility that the measurement SOP
parameters that are displayed / printed with the composite data may not be correct. For example the user
could create a composite that is formed from measurements of two or more dissimilar samples.
1. Open the database for recall that contains the records to be included in the composite data set.
2. Open the Retrieve Data display from the Data Retrieval menu or Toolbar button .
3. If a specific bench type is NOT selected, select the desired bench type (Nanotrac or S3500).
Statistics Setup
5. Set the check on Composite “Create” to enable the creation of a composite data set. Certain items
will automatically be set and disabled when this box is checked (see figure above).
6. Click on the Query Results tab.
10. Optional – Sample Id’s, Notes can be changed or edited prior to the Save (step 11). Click the
button edit the ID’s and Notes as Desired then click the button to update the screen.
HINT: The Notes field might be a good place to remark about what records were used to
create this composite record.
11. Click to store the composite data to the database as a Composite Data record.
This data can now be treated similarly to an “Average Of” database record.
NOTE: The word “Composite” is appended to the Title section to indicate this is a composite data
When composite data is displayed the data display has some items that are “Not Applicable” (N/A) since
they have no valid meaning. Those items are marked “N/A” or in some cases they are disabled. They are
(shown above):
Re-calculated (with some limitations).
Saved and Recalled as a normal database record.
1. Measure a sample using the desired measurement setup (SOP) for the manually entered data OR
recall a database record to be used as a template for the manually entered data. NOTE: This data
MUST be displayed in Standard Progression and in a Volume or Intensity Distribution.
Remember Wet and Dry data may have a different bottom size and number of channels.
2. Open the Manual Data Entry form from the Tools menu.
Tools Menu
3. Enter %Channel data in the “%Chan” column. This can be done by typing or “cut and paste” from
another application (ie: Excel). A running total % value is displayed while data is being entered.
NOTE: Once all channel data is entered the total % MUST = 100 exactly before the manually
entered data can be used to create a Microtrac FLEX data display. (See figures next page).
NOTE: The button clears the data entry column (sets all values = 0.00).
4. Click to create a Microtrac FLEX data display using the manually entered data. The
data entry form will close and a data display will be created using the manually entered data.
5. Optional – Sample Id’s, Notes can be changed on the data display, data can be recalculated to
different progressions or distributions Percentiles and Size percents. Change the desired
When manually entered data is displayed the data display has some items that are “Not Applicable” (N/A)
since they have no valid meaning. Those items are marked “N/A” or in some cases they are disabled. They
are (shown above):
“Manual Entry” database records are identified in the database Retrieval, Query Results tab by a pale
orange colored background and a run number = 102 (see last record below).
The Data Emulation feature of FLEX allows for the transformation of a Microtrac measured particle size
distribution to be “transformed” to appear as if it were measured using another (alternate) method of
particle size analysis. The alternate method could be anything such as sieves, sedimentation, another
diffraction or dynamic light scattering instrument. Results can be displayed in Microtrac size space or the
alternate method’s size space by choice of the user.
Transformation (emulation) factors are calculated using input data from a Microtrac measurement and a
measurement using the alternate method for the same sample material. These factors are applied to
Microtrac measurement data to produce data that conforms to the particle size distribution when it is
measured by the alternate method.
The reliability of this functionality is dependent on the measurement repeatability of the subject
sample material.
2. Reliability also depends on the material production process (characteristics) being consistent over
time. Changes in particle shape can alter the nature of the measurement results from methods such
as sieve screens that allow elongated particles to appear to have a smaller size distribution than
3. The number of alternate data points used in the generation of the emulation factors will effect how
well the transformation is executed. More data points = better transformation fit.
4. Data Emulation factors are generated for a specific Microtrac Bench Type: IE: 3500, Blue Wave
or Nanotrac and in the case of 3500 and Blue Wave also the application type Wet or Dry and the
size range. Only use emulation factors that have been generated for the specific Bench Type, Size
Range and Application Type of Microtrac analyzer in use.
For /S3500 data the “Calculation Mode” must be “S3000” for Data Emulation to function. If the calculation
mode is NOT “S3000” and Data Emulation is “Enabled” there is NO emulation calculation performed. (See
setting Analysis Options in the Analysis Dialog tab of the Measurement Setup Options Dialog for S3500.)
The process of generating data emulation factors for a given material is:
1. Obtain results of measurements for the subject material using the alternate method.
2. Measure the same subject material using Microtrac.
3. Using the Microtrac measured data from the live measurement display or a database retrieval open
the Data Emulation Factors Setup dialog.
4. Complete the steps detailed below to develop (generate) a set of Data Emulation Factors that will
transform Microtrac data to appear as if measured by the alternate method results.
It is assumed that the current Microtrac data display contains the baseline Microtrac measurement data for
the subject material and that %passing data is available for this material using the alternate measurement
1. Open the Data Emulation Setup display by clicking the Tools menu /Data Emulation/ Create Data
Emulation Factors item .
Tools Menu
3. Required: Enter a size value (in microns) as the first entry for 100% Passing. In the Enter Size
Edit Window then click to transfer the data entry to the Alternate Method Input
Data list.
4. Continue “Adding” alternate method data points (size and %passing) to complete the alternate
method list.
Requirement: The last point added MUST be for 0% passing. If this point is not precisely known then
empirically estimate the Size intercept. The entered 0% passing point should be as close to where the
entered curve will cross as possible.
5. If desired Save the alternate method data to a file for later recall or reference by clicking the
The full path and file name of the saved data appears in:
6. Generate the Data Emulation Factors for the subject material by clicking the button in
the Emulation Factors section of the display.
7. Optional – The effectiveness of the Emulation Factors can be tested by clicking the
button in the Emulation Factors section. This action will “Apply” the calculated Emulation Factors
to the Microtrac baseline data. The result should be that the Microtrac baseline data will now plot
over top of the alternate method interpolated curve. (See next Page).
Note that the Microtrac base line data overlays the interpolated alternate method curve. This verifies that
the Emulation Factors are correct and effective.
8. Requirement: Save the calculated Emulation Factors to a file by clicking the button
in the Emulation Factors section. Note that the file name of the saved factors now appears above
the Emulation Factors section.
9. Optional: Set the current data emulation factors to be used by FLEX when data emulation
functionality is “Enabled” by clicking the button in the Emulation Factors section.
11. Optional: Emulated data can be displayed using the Microtrac Size progression or the Alternate
Method Size progression. To select data to be displayed using the alternate method size
progression set a check in the “Display Alternate Method Sizes” by clicking this check box.
- Enter the size in microns for the given alternate method data point.
- Adds the entered data point to the bottom of the Alternate Method data list.
- Inserts the entered data point to above the selected row in the Alternate Method data list.
- Deletes the selected Alternate Method data row from the list.
- Replaces the selected Alternate Method data row with the currently entered edit window
Alternate Method Save/Recall
- Saves the entered Alternate Method data to a file for later recall.
- Clears (resets) the entire display to the state it was in when opened.
- Performs as test to verify the effectiveness of the calculated data emulation factors. Factors
are applied to the base line data on this display.
- Sets the current calculated data emulation factors to be the application’s current (for use) data
emulation factors. After setting the factors with the button
appears below the button.
This section describes how to load and review previously saved data emulation factors to become the
currently used factors when Data Emulation is “Enabled”.
1. Open the Load Data Emulation Factors dialog from the Tools menu / Load Data Emulation
Tools Menu
3. Review the factors and if they are correct then make these factors the current emulation factors for
FLEX by clicking .
4. Optional: Enable or Disable data emulation by setting or clearing the Enable Data Emulation
check box.
Data Emulation may also be Enabled or Disabled and the Display Mode set in the View menu / Configure
Data View dialog Options Tab.
Original Data
If displaying data using alternate method sizes then Progression = Alt Method.
Sample material is first measured by sieve and the material that passes through to the “Pan” is retained to
be measured in the Microtrac S3500/Bluewave diffraction analyzers. The sieve data is then manually
entered into the Sediment analysis display of the FLEX.Net software and a combined particle distribution is
calculated and displayed. This data can be saved along with Microtrac data to the FLEX.Net database for
later recall.
NOTE: Once sediments data is attached to a measurement in either Wentworth or ISO format the
sediments data format cannot be changed. For example if sediments data is attached in the ISO format
even if the main display format is “Standard Format” the sediments data will be displayed in the format it
was entered in (in this case ISO).
The ISO User Size Percent Plot can be customized to meet the user’s needs.
Toggles the X Axis between Large to Small and Small to Large sizes.
Toggles Labels on %Retained plot between user entered labels and data point
Toggles between showing Percent Channel values and Hiding Percent Channel
Enables/Disables selected Plot, if check is set the plot type is enabled (shown).
Produces a printed report containing the plot as shown. This report does not contain
any data from the main sediments display, only the Plot is shown along with Sample IDs and Time/Date
Plot Only functions: Cursor, Print Plot, Save Plot to Clipboard, Save Plot to a specified
1. Measure the entire sample using sieve screens as specified below. The smallest sieve should not be
smaller than 0.0625 mm (63 microns, 230 US Mesh). At least several Microtrac size channels
should be “Overlapped” by the sieve measurement.
2. Starting with the largest sieve size used all sieve sizes smaller on the sieve list MUST be used to
obtain data entry.
3. Record the weight of material retained on each sieve screen(s) that sum up to the Phi sizes in the
data entry for the Sediment “Wt” column (see reference table below).
Sieve Sizes for Wentworth Sediments:
Diameter (mm) Phi US Mesh Tyler Mesh
128 -7 5 inch -
64 -6 2-1/2 inch -
32 -5 1-1/4 inch -
16 -4 5/8 inch .624 inch
8 -3 5/15 inch 2-1/2 mesh
4 -2 5 5
2 -1 10 9
1 0 18 16
0.5 1 35 32
0.25 2 60 60
0.125 3 120 115
0.062 4 230 250
FLEX Sediment Coarse Fraction Data Entry Table vs Tyler and US Mesh Sieves
NOTE 1: Actual units of measure for weights can be anything but all units of measure MUST be the
same for each “weight” data entry.
NOTE 2: ISO sieve sizes differ from those in the above chart. Same rules for sieving apply.
NOTE 3: This option is “NOT Available” for analyzer models “Special” or “Basic”.
8. Click to execute the blend calculation and display the blended sieve and Microtrac data.
9. Click to print a summary report of the data on the Sediment Analysis display.
11. Click on the sediment data plot to print a plot only report.
12. Click on the sediment data plot to print a full report Click on the
main Sediment Analysis display to save or update a FLEX database record to include the sediment
When a database record contains sediment information and it is recalled a button appears on the
Main Data view toolbar. This indicates there is stored sediment data in the record. Click to view the
sediments data in the Sediment Analysis data sheet.
Standard Data Entry / Calculated Data ISO Data Entry / Calculated Data
Note: areas with a white background are user entered fields. Wt of Fine is REQUIRED all other fields are
optional. The Yellow background fields contain calculated values.
Wt of Fine – Total weight of the fines that were in the Pan and measured by Microtrac.
Wt of Detergent – Optional data entry by user.
Wt of Contents – Optional data entry by user.
Native Weight – Optional data entry by user.
Calculated Values
Wt of Coarse – Sum of all the weights entered in the Sediment Summary Wt column by the user in step 6
Mz – Graphic Mean
Kg – Graphic Kurtosis
aI – Inclusive Graphic SD
SkI – Inclusive Graphic SK
Standard Format:
Gravel - % Size > 1mm
Sand - % Size <= 1mm and > 0.062 mm
Silt - % Size <= 0.062mm and > 0.004 mm
Clay - % Size < 0.004mm
ISO Format:
Cobble - %Size > 63 mm
Percentiles Section
This section by default contains the percentile values that are used to calculate Mz, Kg, aI and SkI.
However the user can edit the %Tile column to any value (0.01 to 99.99). This will NOT change the values
used to calculate Mz, Kg, aI and SkI.
- Clears all entered and calculated values from the Size Percent section.
Description Section
This is a free format text area for adding miscellaneous comments (such as units of mass (wt) used for data
entry etc). The description is saved with the other user entered data when a “Save” is executed.
- Saves or updates the current database record with the user entered data for later recall.
- Prints a report including all data shown on the Sediment Analysis sheet.
- Clears all user input data in preparation for new user input. Note to change a single field simply
edit the field a “clear” is not required. Then update the calculated data using the “Calculate” button.
This section displays the Mass Fraction Q3*(%r;d’,v) axis limits as applied to the Rosin-Rammler analysis.
These limits can be changed by the user (edit directly on this display) and will remain changed while the
measure window is open. The limits can be changed at any time, before or after the sample is measured. If
these limits are changed then the current displayed data can be re-calculated using the changed limits by
- If Checked then the current entered limits do not change back to defaults for next measurement,
instead they are “maintained” until changed by the user. Closing and re-openning the software application
WILL reset to defaults. If multiple database and measurement views are open these values are
INDEPENDENT of each other, IE: each view has it’s own values.
Help Menu
Software User Manual - (this document)
S3500 Operations Manual – S3500/S3550 hardware and operations manual
Nanotrac Operations Manual – Nanotrac hardware and operations manual.
Zetatrac Operations Manual – Zetatrac hardware and operations manual.
SDC Operations Manual - Manual for the Sample Delivery Controller (SDC) sampling system.
MAC 26 Manual – MAC 26 Auto-Sampler hardware manual.
Dry Feeders and Accessories Manual – Turbotrac and other dry feeders hardware and operations
NAS 35 Operations Manual – Nanotrac NAS 35 automated sampler operations manual.
Software Security Manual – Describes the setup and use of the Software Security features.
Fluid Reference Manual – Contains a list of characteristics for common fluids
Particle Reference Manual – Contains a list of characteristics for common particle materials.
USVR Operations Manual – Ultra-Small Volume Recirculator operations manual.
Titrator Operations Manual – Manual for the Zetatrac Auto-Titrator Accessory.
The process of making a sample measurement involves a number of steps in the order described below.
1. Obtain information about the sample material and the carrier fluid.
2. Enter this information into the Measurement SOP parameters.
3. Decide and enter additional Measurement SOP parameters that control how the measurement data is
4. Decide what additional measurement data outputs are desired (exporting, database saves, printed
reports) and enable those options.
5. Make a Setzero (background) measurement.
6. Introduce the prepared sample material into the sample cell or sample delivery system using the
Active Sample Loading display as a guide.
7. Perform the sample measurement.
8. Optionally, output or save data that may not have been automatically put out or saved during the
sample measurement process.
Sample Material and Carrier Information
Before a sample measurement is made certain information must be entered into the program’s
Measurement Setup Analysis Parameters. They are:
1. Carrier Fluid Refractive Index
2. Carrier Fluid Viscosity information (Nanotrac/Zetatrac only) (what is the carrier fluid’s viscosity at
two different temperatures). An online reference is provided to obtain this information and is
accessible from the Help menu or a button in the analysis section of the Measurement SOP Dialog
box (see below).
3. Particle Material Refractive Index.
4. Particle Material Shape (Spherical or Irregular)
5. Particle Material Transparency (Transparent, Absorbing or Reflecting (S3500 only))
by selecting the Tools menu Measurement SOP item or clicking from the main tool bar.
The Measurement Setup dialog will open:
This dialog contains a list of saved setups (saved by the user) that can be directly recalled. These saved
SOP’s will automatically supply all values in the underlying Measurement SOP dialog. If a saved SOP is to
be used with no modification, find the setup on the Selected Saved SOP list and select it (click on it) and
close the Measurement SOP dialog.
To modify the current setup or create a new setup click the button to open the
Measurement SOP Options property sheet enter the required parameters on each tab.
Export Import
Measurement SOP’s can be “Exported” to an “Importable” file that can be ”Imported” back into FLEX
11. This functionality is usefull to transfer Measurement SOP’s to other FLEX 11 user’s or to Backup
Identifiers Tab
This tab is used to enter text information that will be displayed along with the sample measurement data on
the data display and printed reports.
Title (30 characters max) – This text will be displayed in the Title area of the data display an printed
Sample Id’s (20 characters max, each) – Two sample Id fields that will be displayed in the data
display and printed reports sample Id’s area.
Notes (255 characters max) – Additional notes to be attached to the sample measurement such as
sample preparation.
Items on this tab set the timing used for data collection.
Setzero Time (10 sec min 999 sec max) – Sets the number of seconds that a setzero (background)
measurement collects data. Default = 30 seconds.
Run Time (10 sec min 999 sec max) – Sets the number of seconds that a sample measurement
collects data. Default = 30 seconds.
Number of Runs (1 to 99) – Sets the number of measurement runs that will be performed when a
sample measurement run is started. If this number is greater than 1 then that number of sample
measurements along with database saves, exports and printed reports will be produced for the
current sample. In addition an average of the data is calculated saved, exported and reports printed
when the measurement runs are completed.
Multiple Run Options – Delay Time (Minutes) – (0 min, 120 min max) – Sets a time delay of x
minutes between each sample measurement run when the number of runs > 1 (Multi Run mode).
Default = 0 minutes (No delay)
NOTE: This feature can be used along with the Statistics Display to track the change in a
measured particle distribution over time. When a Multiple Run type measurement is executed the
results of the measurements are automatically loaded in to the Statistics Display. The Statistics
Display calculates the Mean, Std. Deviation and Coefficient of Variation for all calculated
parameters and the size distribution. Trend Plots of any parameter may be plotted, printed or
exported from the Statistics Display. (See Statistics Display below for details.
Items on this tab set the characteristics of the sample measurement material.
Particle Refractive Index (1.3 to 5.0) – Enter the refractive index of the particle material to be
Transparency (Transparent, Absorbing or Reflecting (Non Nanotrac only) – Select the
transparency state of the particle material to be measured.
Shape (Spherical or Irregular) – Select the shape state of the particle material to be measured.
– Saves the currently displayed particle parameters to name displayed in the New
Particle Name edit box. The name Current Particle is a reserved name and cannot be saved.
Items on this tab specify the characteristics of the sample carrier fluid.
Fluid Refractive Index (1.33 to 1.65) – Enter the refractive index of the carrier fluid.
Viscosity fields below only apply to Nanotrac/Zetatrac analyzers.
High Temperature – Enter the High Temperature for the fluid viscosity information.
High Temperature Viscosity – Enter the viscosity of the fluid at the High Temperature.
Low Temperature – Enter the Low Temperature for the fluid viscosity information.
Low Temperature Viscosity – Enter the viscosity of the fluid at the Low Temperature.
– Deletes the saved carrier fluid characteristics stored under the name shown in the
combo box text window. The name Current Carrier and Water are reserved names and cannot be
- Enables Nanotrac and UPA legacy analysis modes in the Legacy Options.
(Nanotrac/Zetatrac only) – The option enhances the data analysis for particle
distributions at the small end of the range. Should be used for less than 20 nanometer
distributions. The option uses mode (median size of mode) volume weighting and is more
accurate for multi narrow mode samples.
To enable this tab click the button in the lower left hand corner of the measurement
setup options dialog.
Optical Model. NOTE: set values in this option only by direction of Microtrac
Applications Lab personnel. These values should normally be set to 0.00.
S30000/S3500/3550 Analysis Gain.
This is an advanced user feature and generally should not be used.
The Analysis Gain option in the Advanced Analysis Dialog box allows the user to adjust
the relative strength of the Microtrac S3000 series, iterative volume calculation. There are
two independent Analysis Gain settings:
User Defined Limits – This option allows the user to “Override” the automatic calculation of
Sample Loading limits in the sample loading display. The user confines the sample loading limits
to suit by specifying High and Low Transmission limits (Laser Attenuation = 1.0 - Transmission)
User Defined Limits – This option allows the user to “Override” the automatic calculation of
Sample Loading limits in the sample loading display. The user confines the sample loading limits
to suit by manually specifying Upper and Lower Loading values for the sample. If the Enable box
is checked these limits will the define the sample loading display acceptable sample loading range
(Green Zone).
NOTE: This is an “Advanced Feature” and should not be used unless the user is fully confident of
overriding the automatically calculated limits under normal sample loading conditions.
This tab is only present if the Nanotrac Wave with Cuvette Option is connected to the software. The user
MUST specify the type of cuvette being used for measurements. There are 4 recommended types of cuvette
and the user can select any of them for measurement.
When one of the four recommended types of cuvette are selected the Effective Reflectivity value is
automatically placed in the Effective Reflectivity data window.
NOTE: You must select a Zeta Potential Style report for printout of the Zeta Potential results from
the Reports/Select and Design dialog. All zeta potential report names contain as part of their name
“Zeta”. (see dialog figure next page)
Items on this tab determine how the data from the measurement is displayed and also supplies input values
for some calculated values that can be variable.
Progression – Select the channel size progression displayed
o Standard (root4 full size range only)
o Geometric 8 Root (full size range or variable size range)
o Geometric 4 Root (full size range or variable size range)
o Geometric 2 Root (full size range or variable size range)
All remaining Progressions are S3500/Bluewave/BlueRay only.
o Tyler Mesh – Data is displayed in Tyler Mesh size scale. Lower size limited to 26.16 um.
o US Mesh – Data is displayed in US Mesh size scale. Lower size limited to 26.16 um
Distribution – Select the particle size Distribution desired
o Volume – Calculates a Volume weighted size distribution
o Area - Calculates an Area weighted size distribution
o Number - Calculates a Number weighted size distribution
Size Range – Set a Max and Min size range for the measurement (N/A for Standard Progression).
Residuals - Data outside the Max/Min range can be ignored or included in summary data
calculations by Enabling or Disabling Residuals. Enabling Residuals includes data outside the
range in the summary data calculations.
Percentiles – Entered value is a percent passing, or percent retained, value the corresponding size is
calculated and displayed in the Percentiles area of the data display. (0.01 – 99.99)
Size % – Enter any size within the currently installed Microtrac analyzer’s measurement range, a %
passing this size will be calculated and displayed in the Size % data display area.
Perspective Ranges (Microns)
Bench Type Minimum Maximum
Nanotrac 0.0008 6.54
S3000 Basic 0.688 995.5
S3000 Standard 0.243 1408
S3000 Special Wet 0.080 1408
S3000 Special Dry 0.243 1408
S3000 eXtended Wet 0.021 1408
S3000 eXtended Wet 0.021 2000
S3000 eXtended Dry 0.243 1408
S3000 eXtended Dry 0.243 2000
S3000 Low Range (195mm Lens)
Wet 0.021 1408
Wet 0.021 2000
Dry 0.243 1408
Dry 0.243 2000
High Range (326mm Lens)
Wet/Dry 2.75 2816
Full Range (326mm Lens)
Wet 0.021 2816
Dry 0.243 2816
S3000 High Only Wet/Dry 2.75 2816
Bluewave Wet 0.010 2000
BlueRay Wet 0.010 704
Parameters on this tab setup the operation parameters of the SDC or ASVR. No matter which sample
system is installed the parameters are the same.
Control Section
Number of Rinses – sets the number of rinses performed for a rinse operation. Valid entry = 1 to 9,
default value = 4.
Deaerate Cycles – Selects the number of deaeration cycles performed at the end of a Fill or Rinse
operation. This option is defaulted to zero (no deaeration). Set to an appropriate value if your
fluid contains a significant amount of dissolved air. Default = 0 (None).
Flow Rate – Sets the SDC flow to a percentage of full flow in 5% increments.
Ultrasonic Power - If your SDC is equipped with the optional ultrasonic probe, this parameter
sets the power level. The range of valid entries is 10 to 40 watts; the factory default is 25 watts.
Ultrasonic Time. This parameter sets the amount of time the ultrasonic probe runs for each
activation. The range of valid entries is 1 to 999 seconds. When operating in the Auto Sequence
mode, the screen remains in the sample loading display while the ultrasonic probe is operating.
The factory default is 60 seconds.
1. Select a named setup from the drop list and that setup’s parameters will be automatically recalled
1. Select the setup to be deleted from the drop list.
The following list of options control the operation of the Auto Sequence feature of the SDC (see
SDC Auto-Sequence later in this manual) Note that these options are saved as part of the SDC
setups in the SDC Setup dialog box.
Fill/Rinse. The options in this field are as follows:
Ultrasonic. This drop down window provides the three options none, manual, and automatic.
Clicking the button starts operation of the ultrasonic probe. The ASVRs
alphanumeric display shows the time remaining until the ultrasonic probe will shut off. The
SDC displays time remaining in the Sample Loading display’s status bar. If the ultrasonic
option is automatic, the ultrasonic probe will automatically start operation when the amount
of sample in the system indicated on the Sample Loading display is in or above the READY
zone. If a second ultrasonic cycle is desired when the auto mode is selected, pressing the
Auto Dilute. This function has a manual and an automatic option. The operator activates
Auto Sequence - Auto-Sequence Cycles parameter. This parameter sets the number of automatic
sequence cycles that are performed. One automatic sequence cycle is defined as the following set
of events:
Setzero if the Setzero option is checked.
Sample loading (requires the operator to introduce sample)
Pre-run circulation time
Measurement of the sample for the number of measurements Measurement Setup Options
Timing tab.
Print the run data selected in the Reports dialog.
Rinse cycle
Multiple automatic sequence cycles consist of repeats of the above for the number of cycles
specified. (default = 1)
Close the Measurement SOP Options dialog (returns to Measurement SOP dialog). To save the current
Measurement SOP properties enter a name in the SOP Name to Save or Delete edit box or select and
existing saved SOP name from the SOP Name to Save or Delete list (for Updating an existing SOP) and
click . The setup is saved, becomes the Base Setup Name and the setup name is added to the
Select Saved SOP list and the SOP Name to Save or Delete list.
Base SOP – this is the name of the SOP that is the basis for the current SOP.
User Modified – If “NO” the current SOP parameters are the same as the Base Setup. If “YES” then
the Base SOP was used as a starting point but the user has modified some of the parameters to
different values (changed Identifiers are not included in this evaluation).
4. Select another Saved Setup or confirm that the current Measurement Setup (SOP) parameters are set
correctly for your next sample measurement task.
When is clicked (In the Export/Import section) a “File Export” dialog is presented.
If the Measurement SOP being “Exported” has no name a warning is presented. The user can
choose to assign a Name or continue with NO name assigned. Otherwise the “File Export” dialog
is directly presented.
NOTE 1: Filename extension indicates what Microtrac product type the file applies to: “.nms” for
Nanotrac and Zetatrac and “.sms” for all S3000 and Bluewave series instruments.
The user enters the Filename for the file being Exported and clicks button to
complete the Export.
When the export is completed the user is notified that the Export was successful.
NOTE: Filename extension indicates what Microtrac product type the file applies to: “.nms” for
Nanotrac and Zetatrac and “.sms” for all S3000 and Bluewave series instruments. You will only be
allowed to import files for the current open (active) Microtrac product.
Upon import the name of the “Imported” measurement setup is placed in the “SOP Name to
Save or Delete” edit box and the “Base SOP” name.
“User Modified” is set as its’ state was when the Measurement SOP was Exported.
The user can choose to save the imported SOP to the same name or change the name to save as
If a save is executed and the name being used is already the name of a saved SOP then the user
will be warned and can cancel the save until the name is changed or choose to continue
( ) and overwrite the existing SOP of the same name.
2. Build an Edge List by entering the desired edge values and clicking the
button to add the edge to the edge list.
3. Continue adding edges until all desired edges are on the edge list.
4. Set a check in on the check box to activate the substitution of the currently displayed
User Defined Edge list on the main data display and graph.
5. Optionally save the current User Defined Edge set to a file for late recall.
6. Close the dialog and either make measurements or recall database records. The data will now be
displayed and printed using the specified edges.
NOTE: after closing the dialog, to change currently displayed data “to” or “from” user defined edges
Use this edit box to enter size channel edges (enter in units of Microns).
Click this button to Add the edge value in the Enter New Edge edit box to the current
Edge List.
Click this button to remove a selected edge value from the current Edge List. Click
on edge value to select it, then click “Remove Selected”
Click this button to clear the current Edge List of all values.
Click this button to save the current Edge List to a file (to be used for a later recall).
Set this check to enable display of the data using the current user defined edges. Clear this
check to return to standard Microtrac edge progressions for display.
Indicates the name of the file current edges are saved in. If the edges do not
match the values in the saved file then “Edges have been modified.” is displayed .
NOTE: User Defined Edges display can also be enabled or disabled from the View/Configure Data view
Save To Database
There are three (3) Save to Database options available. They are selected from the Measure Menu:
1. Without Save – Choose this option when you are not sure if you want to save the sample
measurement data or do not want to save the sample measurement data. You can choose to save
the sample measurement data manually using the Save to Database button on the main
2. With Save – Choose this option to have the measurement data automatically saved to the connected
database (name shown in the Measure window Title bar).
3. Save Average Only – Choose this option to save only the Average of Multiple data measurements.
When the Timing/Number or Runs in Measurement setup is set to a number greater than 1, the
sample is measured for the specified number of times and then an average for those runs is
calculated and displayed. If you only want to save the average of those runs then select this option.
Note 1: If save Average Only is selected and the Measurement Setup Timing/Number or Runs is = 1
then this option will save every run (will act like the With Save option).
Selecting Reports
A number of Pre-designed reports are available for selection. You can build a list of desired reports for
printing from the Reports/Select and Design menu option.
button. The selected report name will now appear in the Selected Reports list.
Clicking the will remove all selected reports from the list of Selected Reports.
To delete a designed report, highlight (click on) the report to be deleted in the Report Templates list and
click the button. If this report is on the Selected Reports list it will be removed as part
of the deletion process.
Paper –
Check this box to use reports designed for A4 (210mm x 297mm) size paper. This setting is persistent (it is
remembered after program is closed).
Design Report
The user can design his or her own custom reports using the extensive reports
designing capability of Microtrac FLEX. This subject is discussed in detail in a section devoted to reports
printed by clicking the Print Reports button on the data display toolbar.
Automatic Printing – Select this option when you want to have selected reports printed
automatically at the conclusion of each measurement cycle. Click on the Measure menu Auto Print
item to enable automatic report printing. This option selection is “persistent”, if Auto Print is
enabled when the application is closed then upon re-open Auto Print remains enabled.
Setzero Measurement
Before a sample measurement is performed a setzero (background) measurement must be executed. The
Setzero is a measurement of signal produced by the instrument with no sample material. This background
raw data is then subtracted from the sample measurement data leaving the sample measurement data with
only the signal produced by the actual sample material.
initiate a background check, click the button on the main toolbar. The Nanotrac will open the
Background Check display and start collecting and displaying background data. Generally values in this
display should be less than 0.01 if the sample cell is clean.
as part of the Setzero measurement process. This preference can be turned on by setting a next to the
Auto-Align item on the Measure menu.
Perform the Setzero measurement by clicking the button on the main tool bar. The Progress display
will appear and close when the Setzero measurement is completed.
Progress Display
For Nanotrac a premixed sample may be added to the sample cell and then the sample loading function can
be used to verify that the sample concentration is within bounds. If not it can be diluted or added to so that
the sample loading falls within acceptable bounds. All Microtrac particle size analyzers have a broad
acceptable range for sample loading bounds.
Open the sample loading display by clicking the Sample Loading button. This opens the
sample loading display and it immediately begins collecting data. The display is updated each time
the progress bar at the bottom completes its travel.
Add sample to the system until the sample loading bar is in the Green Zone, Status = READY. If
Status = ADD SAMPLE then more sample material needs to be added. If Status = DILUTE then
the sample is too concentrated and needs to be diluted with clean carrier fluid.
Open the sample loading display by clicking the Sample Loading button. This opens the
sample loading display and it immediately begins collecting data. The display is updated each time
the progress bar at the bottom completes its travel.
Add sample to the system until the sample loading bar is in the Green Zone, Status = READY. If
Status = ADD SAMPLE then more sample material needs to be added. If Status = DILUTE then
the sample is too concentrated and needs to be diluted with clean carrier fluid.
Open the sample loading display by clicking the Sample Loading button. This opens the
sample loading display and it immediately begins collecting data. The display is updated each time
the progress bar at the bottom completes its travel.
Adjustment of the feed rate can be done manually or automatically.
Automatic Adjustment :
Manual Adjustment:
Starts the ASVR or SDC ultrasonic probe. The probe will operate at the power and for
the time period set in the measurement setup.
Dilutes the sample concentration in the ASVR or SDC mixing tank by about 10%.
Starts the vibratory dry feeder at the currently set feed rate.
Automatically adjusts the vibratory feeder rate until a sample status of “READY” is
General Controls
Closes the sample loading display and immediately starts a sample measurement run.
NOTE: There are no controls on the sample loading display for the Turbotrac dry feeder.
Start the sample measurement by clicking the button on the main toolbar or
in the sample loading display. A progress display will appear describing the
status of the data collection. When the data collection is complete the progress display
automatically closes and the measurement data is displayed, saved, exported and reports printed
dependent on the user selections made earlier.
Progress Display
If no additional setzero measurement is desired then Start the sample measurement by clicking the
Carousel Location - Initializes the auto sampler and moves the sample
carousel to sample location 1.
Carousel Location - Moves the sample carousel counter clockwise one sample
Raise Sample Vial - Moves sample vial to the fully raised position.
Tap & Rinse Sample Vial - Lowers sample vial to dump position. Taps and
rinses sample vial for a user specified number of seconds (1 - 10). These functions
must be enabled in the Tools/Auto Sampler Setup/ Auto Schedule Setup dialog box
(see above). If both the tap and rinse functions are disabled the sample vial will dump
and then raises when this button is clicked.
NOTE: Only the control is active on program start up. The “Home” function must be
executed one time before the other manual controls become active.
MAC-26 position in the schedule. Active positions are indicated by a check mark in the Active
column of the schedule row associated with each MAC-26 Position. The user activates or de-activates each
row by clicking the check box in the Active column. Only active MAC-26 positions will be measured.
This dialog box can also be used to save and recall MAC-26 schedules. There is no limit to the number of
MAC-26 schedules that can be saved. Remember the schedule that is displayed is the schedule that will be
used for the MAC-26 auto sequence.
Activate/De-Activate a Row – Click the check box in the row’s “Active” column. This is a
toggle function, clicking changes the check box state to the opposite of it’s current state.
- Saves the current MAC 26 schedule to a user specified filename and location.
- Recalls (loads) a MAC 26 schedule from a user specified filename and location. This
loaded schedule becomes the “current” schedule.
- Opens the “Measurement SOP Summary” view for review of the current general
application measurement SOP. This is the same SOP that is shown and generated by “Define New SOP”
- Inserts the current general application measurement setup into the user specified
schedule row. A request for the specified row is presented.
- Makes all schedule row setups the same as the current general application
measurement SOP.
- User first selects a row (see Selecting a MAC-26 Schedule Row above). Then this
function shows the values for the measurement SOP for the selected row. *
- User first selects a row (see Selecting a MAC-26 Schedule Row above). Then this
function loads opens the Measurement SOP dialog box with the selected row’s measurement SOP
parameters for changes. *
* This function makes the current general application measurement SOP equal to this displayed or edited
measurement SOP for the selected row.
Tap Vials – When enabled, when MAC 26 sample vials are dumped in an auto-sequence the vial will be
tapped for the specified time. Also applies to the Tap & Rinse manual operation (see MAC 26 Manual
Controls below).
Rinse Vials - When enabled, when MAC 26 sample vials are dumped in an auto-sequence the vial will be
rinsed by the rinse spray for the specified time. Also applies to the Tap & Rinse manual operation (see
MAC 26 Manual Controls below).
Time – Sets the time duration for both the Tap and Rinse Spray functions. (0 to 10 seconds).
- Closes the dialog. Changes made to the schedule are not saved.
MAC 26 Auto-Sequence
The S3000/S3500 MAC 26 automatic measuring sequence will produce sample measurement data for each
“Active” position in the current MAC 26 auto-sequence schedule. The MAC 26 auto-sequence is identical
to the wet auto-sequence except that when it is time to introduce sample material into the SDC or ASVR
the MAC 26 will do it automatically. After the MAC-26 auto-sequence is started no user intervention is
Before starting the auto-sequence verify that the following items are set the way you want them:
Open the Auto-Schedule Setup dialog box to confirm that the correct schedule is active and that the
desired Auto-Settings are enabled.
Make sure that the desired Database save mode (No Save, Save or Save Avg Only) is selected.
Make sure the desired printed reports are selected if Auto-Print reports is to be used.
Make sure there is enough paper in the printer for the number of expected reports printed. If the
printer runs out of paper and you are Auto-Printing the auto –sequence will halt until paper is
added and the out of paper error is cleared from the printer.
Make sure Auto-Align laser is enabled if desired.
Make sure the SDC or ASVR fluid supply is sufficient to run the entire auto-sequence set.
Start the MAC-26 auto-sequence by clicking the Auto-Sequence button on the Run toolbar. The
Auto-Sequence status display will appear and indicate the status of the current process including which
MAC-26 vial position is currently being acted upon.
If the MAC-26 is not in its Home position the first step will be the MAC-26 moving to its Home position.
If the MAC 26 auto-sequence is interrupted for any reason and you want to compete the unmeasured
positions then do the following:
2. Restart the MAC-26 Auto-Sequence by clicking the Auto-Sequence button on the Run
user can run this process to simplify the operations of a dry measurement to a single click of the
button. The user is then lead through the dry measurement process automatically in the sequence defined
below in the Dry Auto-Sequence Logic diagram (see next page).
The Dry Auto-Sequence applies to all dry feeder types (Vibratory, Turbotrac Auto & Turbotrac One Shot).
Sample will be delivered automatically at the correct time for Vibratory and Turbotrac Auto. For Turbotrac
One Shot an indicator will appear on the Data Collection Status display (see figure below).
Before starting the dry auto-sequence perform the following preparatory steps:
Vibratory and Turbotrac Feeders:
Load an appropriate amount of sample material into the Vibratory Hopper or Turbotrac sample tray.
For vibratory feeder only - make sure the Feed Rate is set to the predetermined amplitude. This is
done via the sample loading function (see above).
Make sure Air Pressure is set correctly and turned on.
Make sure the vacuum cleaner is connected to the sample controller and that its power switch is
turned on.
Select Turbotrac Auto-Clean from the Measure menu. option (Turbotrac Only, if available, first
generation Turbotrac units do not have this option)
Measure Menu
Carousel Location - Initializes the auto sampler and moves the sample
carousel to sample location 0. This is the “Setzero” position. The vial in this location
should be filled (half way) with clean suspension fluid (typically DI water).
Carousel Location - Moves the sample carousel counter clockwise one sample
Probe Down – Moves Optical Probe Down to the measurement position in the
current sample vial.
Release Table – This operation releases the carousel’s drive motor hold on the
carousel so that a user can rotate the carousel table by hand. This is useful when
loading sample vials into the carousel table.
NOTE: Only the and controls are active on program start up. The “Home”
function must be executed one time before the other manual controls become active. Use of the
Release Table function also disables all controls and requires a re-homing of the system.
4. Send the NAS 35 Home by clicking the button on the Nanotrac AutoSampler tool bar.
5. Set the probe down in the #0 vial by clicking the Probe Down button on the Nanotrac
AutoSampler tool bar.
8. Set the probe down in the vial to be measured by clicking the Probe Down button on the
Nanotrac AutoSampler tool bar
10. When the measurement is complete click the Wash Probe button to wash the Nanotrac
Optical Probe.
“Active” NAS 35 position in the schedule. Active positions are indicated by a check mark in the
Active column of the schedule row associated with each NAS 35 Position. The user activates or de-
Activate/De-Activate a Row – Click the check box in the row’s “Active” column. This is a
toggle function, clicking changes the check box state to the opposite of it’s current state.
Setzero Row Function – Each NAS 35 position can be instructed to perform a “Setzero” measurement
prior to measuring the sample for that position. This request is made by setting a check in the Setzero
column for the desired positions to perform a Setzero measurement. This can be all positions or
no positions or random positions. The Schedule above is set to do a Setzero every multiple of 5
measurement and the first measurement.
NOTE 1: If no Setzeros are checked and a valid Setzero has not yet been collected then when the auto-
sequence is started a Setzero will be performed before the first measurement only.
NOTE 2: If FLEX “Security” is active and the administrator has selected the “Enforce Setzero” option
then a Setzero is performed for every active position no matter that status of the Setzero check boxes.
Ultrasonic Row Function – Each NAS 35 position can be instructed to perform an ultrasonic probe
function prior to sample measurement. All active positions that have a check in the Usonic column
will perform an ultrasonic function for the time specified in the “Auto-Settings” section.
Ultrasonic power is set manually via a knob on the Ultrasonic unit itself.
- Saves the current NAS 35 schedule to a user specified filename and location.
- Recalls (loads) a NAS 35 schedule from a user specified filename and location. This loaded
schedule becomes the “current” schedule.
- Opens the “Measurement SOP Summary” view for review of the current general
application measurement SOP. This is the same SOP that is shown and generated by “Define New SOP”
- Inserts the current general application measurement SOP into the user specified
schedule row. A request for the specified row is presented.
- Makes all schedule row SOP’s the same as the current general application
measurement SOP.
- User first selects a row (see Selecting a NAS 35 Schedule Row above). Then this
function shows the values for the measurement setup for the selected row. *
- User first selects a row (see Selecting a NAS 35 Schedule Row above). Then this
function loads opens the Measurement SOP dialog box with the selected row’s measurement SOP
parameters for changes. *
* This function makes the current general application measurement SOP equal to this displayed or edited
measurement SOP for the selected row.
Wash Optical Probe – When “Checked” the Nanotrac optical probe will be washed between each
measurement position (recommended). If all samples are similar, time can be saved by “Unchecking” this
option, however some cross contamination of sample will occur since the Nanotrac optical probe will not
be washed between measurement positions.
Wash Time – Sets the number of seconds (0 to 60) that the optical probe wash function will operate for
each time it is used.
Ultrasonic Time – Sets the number of seconds (0 to 999) that the ultrasonic probe will operate for each
time it is used.
- Closes the dialog. Changes made to the schedule are not saved.
NAS 35 Auto-Sequence
The NAS 35 automatic measuring sequence will produce sample measurement data for each “Active”
position in the current NAS 35 auto-sequence schedule. After the NAS 35 auto-sequence is started no user
intervention is necessary.
Before starting the auto-sequence verify that the following items are set the way you want them:
Open the Auto-Schedule Setup dialog box to confirm that the correct schedule is active and that the
desired Auto-Settings are enabled.
Make sure that the desired Database save mode (No Save, Save or Save Avg Only) is selected.
Make sure the desired printed reports are selected if Auto-Print reports is to be used.
Make sure there is enough paper in the printer for the number of expected reports printed. If the
printer runs out of paper and you are Auto-Printing the auto –sequence will halt until paper is
added and the out of paper error is cleared from the printer.
Make sure the ultrasonic unit’s power level is adjusted to the desired setting.
Make sure the fluid supply container is sufficiently full to run the entire auto-sequence schedule.
Make sure there is enough capacity remaining in the waste fluid container to accommodate all
anticipated waste fluid.
WARNING: Do not attempt to operate the NAS 35 using it’s remote control panel buttons while the
auto-sequence is in progress or the auto-sequence will be terminated.
Start the NAS 35 auto-sequence by clicking the Auto-Sequence button on the Run toolbar. The
Auto-Sequence status display will appear and indicate the status of the current process including which
NAS 35 vial position is currently being acted upon.
If the NAS 35 is not in its Home position the first step will be the NAS 35 moving to its Home position.
Both the optical probe and ultrasonic probe will be washed to make sure the auto-sequence is starting with
clean probes.
NOTE: The NAS 35 Position Number is automatically “Appended” to the Sample Identifiers “Title”
Field and is therefore displayed and saved to the database.
If the NAS 35 auto-sequence is interrupted for any reason and you want to complete the unmeasured
positions then do the following:
Open the Auto-Schedule Setup dialog box and “De-Activate” the NAS 35 positions already
measured before the interruption.
Restart the NAS 35 Auto-Sequence by clicking the Auto-Sequence button on the Run
Fills the sample system with fluid and performs a Deaeration operation to remove any bubbles from
the fluid.
Operates the sample system ultrasonic probe for the current specified power and time.
Send Turbotrac Dry Feeder to its Home Position. (Turbotrac Auto only)
Turn on vacuum and air to aide in cleaning the Turbotrac dry feeder.
To open the Molecular Weight Control Panel Click the button on the Measure toolbar. (Note: On
older Nanotrac units a calibration file update may be needed to access this option).
Measure Toolbar
Steps to follow in the Molecular Weight Control Panel are marked in the panel as Step1 through Step 4.
These steps MUST be followed “In Order”. Each Step is disabled until the previous step is performed.
Step 1: Select the desired Molecular Weight Calculation method(s).
Debye – Calculate using the Debye Plot method (Need to know the Incremental Refractive Index,
Hydro – Calculate using the Hydro-Dynamic method (need to know the particle density)
Debye and Hydro – Calculate by both methods.
Step 2: Enter (if known) or Measure the “Incremental Refractive Index” (dn/dCwt) and/or the
“Density” for the sample material (depends on selected calculations in step 1).
4. From the Step 1 section click the button to open the dn/dCwt Worksheet.
dn/dCwt Worksheet
7. Click the button to measure the reflected power of the concentrated sample.
When prompted enter the sample Weight Concentration in g/ml.
1. Enter the Weight Concentrations in g/ml for each sample to be measured in the first column of the
Data Point spreadsheet.
2. Measure each sample, in order, by adding the sample to the sample cell and clicking the
button to make a size measurement of that sample. Data from the size measurement is used to
calculate data points to be used for the calculation of Molecular Weight.
Data Points will be plotted on the Debye plot as they are collected.
Click the button to calculate the results. A linear regression is performed on the data points
collected and using the calculated Y intercept the molecular weight is determined. The results are displayed
in the Calculated Results section of the control panel.
Step 3: Optionally Enter the Weight Concentration of samples to be measured. This is for
information purposes only, Weight Concentration of the sample does not enter into the calculation of
Hydro-Dynamic Molecular Weight.
Measure each sample using the button. Results will be displayed at the end of each run for
each sample in the Hydro-MW Column for Step 3.
When a molecular weight determination is completed this data is also placed in the Molecular Weight Data
Display. A button will appear in the View menu bar to open this display. The data will remain in
this display until a new Molecular Weight determination is performed.
View Toolbar
If Molecular Weight Data Collection is performed with database saves the data can be recalled from the
database to the Molecular Weight Data Display. Molecular Weight records that are part of a data point set
are uniquely labeled for easy identification.
When a Molecular Weight determination is performed a unique, numeric ID is assigned. This ID proceeded
with the prefix “Mole Wt:” replaces the SOP Title item. See Title column below in the Query Results tab of
the Database Retrieval Display.
2. Right click on the display and select “Retrieve to Molecular Weight Display” to reproduce the
molecular weight data as shown above.
If a Molecular Weight data collection produces an invalid data point the user can choose to “Discard” that
data point at any time and calculate the Molecular Weight without that data point being included in the
Typically if the Correlation Coefficient is < 0.9 then one or more data points is most likely invalid. The
Molecular Weight Results data item for Correlation Coefficient will display with red text and a yellow
background for correlation values < 0.9 (see below).
1. “Un-checking” the Check Box in the “Sel” column of the Data Points display for the desired point
to discard.
2. Click to update producing the results shown below. NOTE that the discarded
point on the Debye plot is indicated by an “X” on that data point and that the Correlation
Coefficient is now >= 0.9.
1. Click on the Temperature Control toolbar to open the Wave – Set Control Temperature
Temperature Profile and Status are updated at the Update Interval set by the user.
Click to close the display and return to the main data display OR click to return to the
main data display and immediately start a sample measurement run.
To open the Thermal Experiment Control Panel Click the button on the Thermal toolbar on the right
hand side of the FLEX Display Window.
Thermal Toolbar
2. Open the Thermal Experiment SOP dialog by clicking in the Thermal Experiment Section
4. Optionally select a secondary value for results ploting and enter its value.
5. Optionally specify a delay before sample measurement time. Once a temperature setpoint has been
reached the system will wait the specified number of seconds (999 sec max) before starting the
sample size measurement .
6. Optionally save the experiment SOP to a file for later recall if the same experiment is expected to be
repeated in the future. Click to open the Save Thermal Experiment dialog (see
Next Page).
9. Close the SOP dialog to return to the Thermal Experiment Control Panel.
3. Click to begin the Thermal Experiment. The wave will go to the first setpoint and the
Thermal Profile plot will update at the specified interval.
NOTE: Save to database must be enabled to run a Thermal Experiment.
The Wave will proceed to its first temperature setpoint. The Thermal Profile display and Experiment Status
items will be updated at the user specified update interval. When the first setpoint is reached a sample
measurement is executed, saved to the database and its data points are displayed on the Thermal
Experiment Results plot. Below is an example of an experiment in progress.
until new Thermal Experiment data is acquired. To re-open the display click on the data view
Wave Operations – Allows the user to perform Wave Operations directly from the Control Panel. When
these operations are in progress the control panel will disappear. When the Wave operation is completed
the control panel will re-appear.
SOP Status – Displays the setpoint status (None Assigned or Setpoints Assigned) and if the experiment
SOP was from a recalled file the name of the file is displayed.
Experiment Status – Displays the status of the experiment while it is in progress. The status is updated at
the rate specified by the user in the Update Interval.
Current Stats can be;
Idle – No process is in progress
Ramping – in transit to a temperature setpoint.
Settling – Nearing the current temperature setpoint.
Time Delay – Waiting for a time delay to complete.
Completed – Experiment was completed
Safe to Close – Temperature is below 50 degrees C. It is safe to close the control panel.
Number or Setpoints – The total number of setpoints defined for the current experiment.
Setpoint Number – The number of the current setpoint being processed.
Setpoint – The current setpoint target temperature.
Temperature – the last update measured temperature.
Elapsed Time – Total elapsed time the experiment has been running.
Tools/Service Menu
Align Laser – performs an S3500/Bluewave/BlueRay laser beam alignment process.
The Microtrac FLEX 11 measurement database is a full Microsoft Access relational database. All
measurement data required to return the software to its exact state when the data was saved is stored in a
database measurement record. When a database record is recalled the software is restored to the state it was
in when the save was made. From this point the user can view the data, re-calculate the data using different
measurement SOP parameters, print reports or export then measurement data.
2. Enter a filename for the new database in the Create Database file dialog and Click .A
new database will be created with the name entered in the File name: edit box.
2. From the Open Database dialog, navigate to and highlight the database you want to switch to and
click to complete the switch.
You can confirm the switch has been accomplished by checking the connected database path and name in
the Measurement Data View title bar.
2. From the “Open Database” dialog, navigate to and highlight the database you want to retrieve
records from and click to complete the switch.
A new, empty Database View will be opened that is “connected” to the selected measurement database.
You can confirm the selected measurement database has been opened for retrieval by checking the
connected database path and name in the Database Data View title bar.
Information selected/entered on this tab sets up a query to the connected database. All database records that
meet the criteria set on this tab will be available on the Query Results tab for action. Set desired query
criteria, then click the Query Results tab, and a list of database records that meet the query criteria will be
shown (Query Results tab moves to front).
DB Record Numbers – this section sets the overall range of database records to search on. The title
indicates the total range in the current connected database. In the example above the database has
only 10 records in it. You can set the record range to min / max values with that range.
Text – this field searches for the exact word in ID’s or Titles.
%Text% - this field searches for ID’s or Titles containing “Text”
Text% - this field searches for ID’s or Titles beginning with “Text”
%Text - this field searches for ID’s or Titles ending with “Text”
- Retrieves the first record or first record or selected record, closes this
dialog and displays the data for this record. The next record will be displayed if the (Next
Measurement record) button is clicked in the main toolbar. Likewise if there is a previous record
in the group clicking the (Previous Measurement record) button will display the data for
the previous record.
NOTE: If no records are selected, reports will be produced for every record in the list.
HTML is useful because an HTML file can be viewed using standard Internet browsers like Microsoft
Internet Explorer TM or FireFox TM.
3. A File “Save As” dialog will be opened, navigate to the desired folder and enter a filename.
5. Right Click on the Query Results list to open the floating menu shown below and select “Compare
Plot Selected Records” to execute the plot process.
Select Compare Plot Data Format – Sets the initial data format for the comparison plot. Once the
plot is generated this option can be changed on the plot view to one of the other data formats.
Available formats are:
o Percent Channel
o Percent Passing
o Percent Retained
Include Average Records – By default records that are “Average Of” runs (Run Num = 100) are
not included in the comparison plots. If it is desired to include “Average Of” records then set a
check in this box. This option might be desired if you wanted to compare plot a group of “Average
Of” records only.
Plot Average of Set – Select this option if you want the plot to calculate and plot an average for the
set of selected records.
Plot Standard Deviation - Select this option if you want the plot to calculate and plot a standard
deviation for the set of selected records.
Plot Progression – Select the desired progression for the compare plot (defaults to Standard).
Available progressions are:
o Standard
o Geom 8 Root
o Geom 4 Root
o Geom 2 Root
Legend Contains:
Database Record Number
Sample Id’s 1 & 2
Data Format Select – Use this control to select and change the displayed data format.
Restore Plot – Click this button to restore the plot to full scale from any
zoomed condition.
o To export the plot data click on the Export tab then the Data tab, the following export
selection view will be presented.
1. Open the Measurement SOP dialog by clicking the button in the Measurement toolbar.
2. Open the Measurement SOP Options dialog.
3. Change desired options.
4. Close the Options dialog then close the Measurement SOP dialog.
5. Execute re-calculation by clicking the Calculate button. The data will be re-calculated and
Updating the Displayed Measurement Record
Database record data that has been re-calculated can be caused to replace the current database record by
clicking the Database Toolbar Update button. Updating overwrites the current database record with
the displayed data.
Saving the Displayed Measurement Data to a New Record
Re-calculated data may be saved to the measurement database as a new database record by clicking the
A “Transfer Database Records” dialog will be presented. This dialog acts much like a “Wizard” to
“Walk” the user through the 3 steps needed for the copy of database records from one database to
another. Only the next step in the 3 step process will be active after previous steps are completed.
Retrieval Menu
(Only “Auto-Export Selected Records” will appear active)
7. Click the button (Step 3) to complete the copy of selected records to the
destination database. A progress bar will keep track of the Add Records process. When finished
the “Transfer Database Records” dialog will close.
Pre-designed Reports
Microtrac FLEX comes installed with some pre-designed reports. These reports are “read only” files and
should be kept this way so that they are always available and not inadvertently overwritten. These pre-
designed reports have a wider left margin to allow space for three-hole punching without interfering with
printed data.
The following are examples of the pre-designed reports:
DotNetLandscape Report
Report Templates list then click to open the reports designer with a blank
report ready for adding data entities.
NOTE: All Panes in the designer are “Dockable”. That means they can be re-arranged to suit the
user’s preferences by dragging the panes around the display. Once a layout is changed it remains
even if the FLEX software is closed and re-opened.
4. The List Of Variables contains the Microtrac data entities that can be added to the blank report. To
add a Variable to the report Drag the variable item from the List of Variables and Drop it on the
report. The variable entity will appear on the report.
6. Click on Contents and set a check in . This allows the object to be resized.
(Applies to HTML objects only)
IMPORTANT: Reports must be saved in the Reports folder that was created by the Microtrac software
installation program. Make sure you save the new Report Template to this folder. Typically the folder
will be c:\Program Files\Microtrac\Reports.
The new report will appear in the Report Templates list available for selection as a report.
Altering the Design of an Existing Report
1. Click on Select/Design item in the reports menu to open the Select/Design Reports dialog.
4. Switch to the Layout Preview tab and make the desired alterations to the report:
Add new items
Resize Items
Text - Mouse pointer defines a Text area on the report form. Use Properties to enter text and set font
Line – Mouse pointer defines (draws) a line on the report form. Use Properties to set line
Rectangle – Mouse pointer defines (draws) a rectangle on the report form. Use Properties to set
rectangle characteristics.
Ellipse/Circle – Mouse pointer defines (draws) and ellipse or circle on the report form. Use
Properties to set ellipse or circle characteristics.
Picture – Mouse pointer defines an area for a picture on the report form. Use Properties to find and
load the picture file.
Bar Code – Mouse pointer defines an area for a Bar Code to be placed on the report form. Use
Properties to define the code type and code text.
Formatted Text - Mouse pointer defines a Formatted Text area on the report form. Use Properties
to enter text and set font characteristics.
Add custom text to a report (text you type) using the Text Tool (allows adding variables to the text)
1. Click the desired tool (we will use the Formatted Text Tool ).
2. Define the text area on the report form by clicking and holding the left mouse button down in a
corner of the desired area and dragging to the opposite diagonal corner and letting the left mouse
3. To add text to the text area Right Click anywhere in the text box area, a floating menu will appear,
then select “Contents” to open the text area Properties Dialog.
4. Use the Formatted Text Properties dialog to enter and format your text. To finish click .
5. Re-position and re-size the text area to its final location on the report form.
1. Select the Picture tool and define the area on the report form that the picture will occupy
6. Click to finish.
Annotating a Report
A single report can be annotated and printed directly from the designer without having to actually save the
report form.
1. Make sure the measurement data that you want on the annotated report is displayed in the data view.
2. Open the reports designer with the desired report to be annotated selected in the Templates List.
This report form will be shown with the live data from the data view measurement in the designer.
3. Annotate the report by adding text and drawing objects to suit the annotation objectives.
4. Print the report directly from the designer using the Test Print Without Frames button in the
5. Save the annotated report if desired. Do not save the report if you do not want to create a report
template containing your annotation.
Causes the optical bench to perform an auto align laser. When the auto align is complete
several values are displayed in the CBM box.
Starts a continuous data collection using a 2 second sample time based on the
specified Signal Collection Parameters. Data is displayed in the Graph as shown in the example below and
is updated once every data collection cycle.
WARNING: only use this utility under the direction of Microtrac Service
Use the appropriate (Forward or HiAngle) button to perform S3000 array assembly tests.
When the array test is completed the results are displayed in the Utility Data Display. These
results can be printed by Right Clicking the tabular area of the Data Display and selecting “Print”
from the menu that appears.
Click the button for the laser to turn on to turn the desired laser on. The indicator will
turn red in color to indicate that this laser is on. All laser enable and power adjust buttons will be
disabled when a laser is on.
To start the laser power adjust mode click the desired “Laser # Power Adj” button.
This function turns the uniform LED on and off in a “Toggle” fashion. When the LED is “On” the
indicator is Red. Select the desired LED(s) to turn on. Then click .
Click to start the Central Beam Monitor function. Laser 1 will turn on and this display
will update about once every 5 seconds. Elapsed time is displayed in seconds. When the elapsed
time = 300 seconds the data collection stops and the 5 Min Stability value is displayed.
Click to perform an auto laser align. When the auto laser align is complete the display
is updated indicating the value of CBM and Zones 1 and 2.
When the calibration is complete the Utilities Data Display is automatically opened and displays
relevant calibration information. Displayed data may be printed from this display by “Right
Clicking” on the data area and selecting “Print”.
When the calibration is complete the Utilities Data Display is automatically opened and displays
relevant calibration information. Displayed data may be printed from this display by “Right
Clicking” on the data area and selecting “Print”.
Uniform Calibration
Calibration progress is indicated on the status bar of the utilities display (bottom of the form).
When the calibration is complete the Utilities Data Display is automatically opened and displays
relevant calibration information. Displayed data may be printed from this display by “Right
Clicking” on the data area and selecting “Print”.
This section provides a method by which S3500/Bluewave data can be collected under specific
conditions set by the user. Data collected can be saved to a file and/or analyzed. In addition data
can be read in that will be subtracted from the collected data when the collect data, data display
is viewed.
Before a data collection is performed, the various setup items must be set to the desired values.
Set the number of runs. If number of runs is more than one then the
result of the data collection will be the average of all the runs.
Set a check on this box to subtract data specified in the “File In” edit window
(see below) from the next data collected.
Enter a file path & name for a data file to be produced that contains the
collected data.
If this field is blank then no output file is produced.
If no path is supplied and only a file name is entered the file will be produced in the folder
where the FLEX software is installed. Typically C:\Program Files\Microtrac FLEX 10.x.x.
Enter a file path & name for a previously produces output file to be read in
and subtracted from the current data being collected. Typically this file would contain Dark
If this field is blank then no input file is read in.
If no path is supplied and only a file name is entered the file will be read from the folder
where the FLEX software is installed. Typically C:\Program Files\Microtrac FLEX 10.x.x.
where 10.x.x is the version number of the software.
Once the data collection parameters have been set up, perform the data collection by:
1. Enabling the desired light source for the collection (Laser1, 2, 3 or the Uniform LED. For
Dark Current measurements make sure all light sources are disabled (not on).
When the data collection is complete the Utilities Data Display is automatically opened and
displays collected or analyzed data. Displayed data may be printed from this display by “Right
Clicking” on the data area and selecting “Print”.
The Factory Test Data Display is a general purpose data display that will display the data
produced by the various Factory Test Utility functions.
Data Display
(After a Collect with LED Source)
Depending on the function that data is being displayed from all or just one or two of these areas
will have information displayed.
To print the General Information and Tabular data “Right Click” on the tabular data and then click
on “Print” (see figure above).
To print the data plot click on the button below the data plot.
(Enabled) Whenever a data collection is in progress and the Stop Process button is
“Enabled” as appears above the current data collection is halted or cancelled by clicking this
If the Stop Process button is “Disabled” as appears here then it is not used to halt the
current process. Generally this means the current process stops itself.
SDC Controls
These SDC controls are provided to allow the SDC flow to be turned on or off
without having to close this display.
A picture of the state of the Utilities form can be printed by clicking in the lower right
corner of the form.
2. Select “Save Zeta Diagnostics” from the “Service” menu to open the Zeta diagnostic dialog.
When Zeta Diagnostics are enabled an indicator on the datadisplay lets the user be aware that the Zeta
Diagnostics are Enabled as shown below .
1. Setup the Auto Export with the desired file format, path and filename information. Using the
Tools/Auto Export Setup dialog.
3. Before starting measurements from the FLEX Measure menu, set a Check next to “Auto Export to
Now every time a sample measurement is made a file with the selected format will be exported using the
specified Base Name only (BaseName.dat) to the user specified folder. The user’s LIMS system can then
“Pole” for the existence of this file and when the file is found the LIMS system can import the file data,
delete the file and then pole for the next existence of the file and so on.
NOTE: Dependent on the LIMS system importing capabilities the user may need develop a utility software
program to:
Do the poling.
Parse and convert the file data to the LIMS format requirements.
Load the converted data to the LIMS system.
Follow the steps above for Automatic Import to LIMS with the following exceptions:
Step 2: From the Auto-Export setup that is presented, select the desired format and file naming
convention. DO NOT select “Unique File Naming Options” = None. This will assure that each
exported measurement WILL be a “Uniquely Named” file.
Once the files are exported the user manually imports the exported file(s) to their LIMS system using their
interface program or the LIMS system import directly.
Delete the exported files once they have been imported to the LIMS system.
5. From the Auto-Export setup that is presented, select the desired format and file naming
convention. DO NOT select “Unique File Naming Options” = None. (see next page)
Once the files are exported the user manually imports the exported file(s) to their LIMS system using their
interface program or the LIMS system import directly.
Delete the exported files once they have been imported to the LIMS system.