Application Information Bulleen TC1
Application Information Bulleen TC1
Application Information Bulleen TC1
Ted Ajani Reserve, Thompsons Rd, LOWER TEMPLESTOWE, 3107 PHONE: 9852 1196
Est 1962 Incorp 1986 Reg No 11706 ABN: 63 0122 497 829
Bulleen Tennis Club has been providing its members with social and competitive tennis for over 40 years. The
Club has 10 porous courts of which 6 are floodlit to championship standard. The Clubhouse is well appointed
and has a bottle licence for its members. While members contribute to maintaining the excellent facilities, a part-
time contractor is engaged to ensure courts are maintained to the highest standard.
The Club enters teams in the North Eastern Night Tennis Group. The competition begins at 7.00 pm and is held
on Tuesday evenings for men, Wednesdays for women and Thursdays for mixed teams. In addition, members
can hire courts at night for social play. Prospective team members should sign list on Club notice board in late
October to play Autumn season (starting early February) and in late April to play Spring season (starting early
The Club has teams ranging from beginners to advanced in the ERT (Eastern Region Tennis Inc) and NEJTA
(North Eastern Junior Tennis Association) competitions. Currently, Bulleen has juniors in mixed, boys’ and
girls’ teams. Selected juniors are involved in the Vic Junior Competition as well as Eastern Region Training
Organised social tennis is provided on Monday and Wednesday mornings from 9.00 am, as well as on
Thursday afternoons for Veteran men. There is also social tennis on Saturday afternoons during the weeks
when competition is not being played. Members are entitled to bring a maximum of 2 visiting tennis
players, who must pay the visitor’s fee ($5.00 per person per session; $2.00 per junior) to any member of the
Management Committee. Payment of this money is the responsibility of the member. Visitors may play on
up to 5 occasions in any one year, after which they are encouraged to join the Club.
Various social events are organised during the year. These occasions are a great way to meet other members
and to enjoy oneself in an informal atmosphere at the Club.
The Management Committee sets the annual subscriptions and is mindful of the need to maintain a balance
between the fees set and the necessity to maintain and improve the facilities provided. Subscriptions cover
all costs excluding balls for competition play. Also night competition players are required to pay for the use
of court lighting at a discount fee. Subscriptions are due on 1 September, and must be paid before 30
September each year. Persons joining between 1 February and 31 August shall pay a portion of the annual
subscription. However, the full joining fee must be paid. The joining fee is a one off payment. The
maximum joining fee for a family will not exceed $10.00. All playing members must pay a Tennis Victoria
Registration Fee, which provides member services including accident insurance. Upon membership
acceptance, members are issued with shoe tags, which they should wear at all times as proof of membership.
There are three categories of members: Seniors, Juniors [under 18 years] and Families, who may consist of
up to two parents plus up to three children under 18 years of age.
The Committee meets on the first Thursday of each month to conduct the business of the Club. They are
always happy to answer any queries. The Club's Annual General Meeting is held in August each year and
any financial member is invited to attend and nominate for any position on the Management Committee.
Russell Cornell, the Club Coach, is a qualified Level 2 coach and a registered member of TCAV and TPAA. He
coaches leading Australian juniors and has coached State/National champions and players attending US colleges.
He has competed against players inside the top 150 in the world, as well as Davis Cup players from Europe.
Russell aims to give members the best coaching possible as well as assist and motivate all players to their full
potential. He conducts both group and private lessons for all ages and standards, as well as State Zone Training
Squads and other high level training squads. Russell has a select group of assistant coaches working with him.
He can be contacted on 0408 365 636 or 9859 6010.