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Final Lesson Plan

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Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University SPCC

Province of Laguna

College of Teacher Education


ENG5 Teaching and Assessment of the Macroskills


I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

 Identify the effectiveness of using pronouns in a sentence;

 Specify the different types of pronouns and its use; and
 Apply the correct usage of pronouns in sentence constructions.

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: Test of listening skills: Correct usage of Pronouns
b. Reference: Ginger Grammar Rules
c. Materials: Teaching Aids, Laptop, Projector, Speaker

III. Activities

A. Daily Routine
1. Prayer Let’s bow our head. In the name of the
Everybody stand up for our prayer to be led Father and of the Son and of the Holy
by Ms. Suarez. (In the name of the Father,
Spirit. Our Father, who art in heaven.
and of the son, and of the Holy Spirit…
Amen) Hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdome
come. Thy will be done. In harth, as it is in
heaven. Give us this day our daily bread
and forgive those that trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver
2. Greetings
us from evil. Amen.
Good Morning Everyone!

Before you sit down, please arrange your

Good Morning Ma’am Alyssa
chairs and pick up everything under your

3. Checking of Attendance

May I ask the class secretary if there are

any absentees today?
None Ma’am
B. Review
Last time we discussed about listening
skills, right?
Yes, Ma’am.
Before we proceed, what were the
important key points have been tackled
Through listening we are able to develop
from the last discussion.
our comprehension even only with the use
of our hearing. While listening we are
Very Good!
paying attention to someone/something so
we can get the idea they are trying to
How does listening motivate you?

Good job everyone.

Listening motivates me in a way that my
only weapon to understand is my ability to
listen well. By listening, I am able to
challenge myself to analyze what I have
C. Motivation
Class, I have here pieces of papers which
includes a word puzzle. All of you will get
one, and my instruction is you have to circle
(Students will listen to the instructions
all the words that you will see. For the first given by the teacher)
one to find the 7 words inside the word
puzzle will get a reward. I will just give you 2
minutes for that. (Giving of the papers)

(The students will distribute the piece of

Did you understand my instruction? papers)
Okay, you’re 2 minutes starts now. Yes, Ma’am.
D K I H C T (The students will start answering).

Are you all done answering?

Yes Ma’am.
What are the words that you found inside
the word puzzle? Yes, Ms. Alcantara?
We, I, Them, They, Her, She,It.

And what are those words?

Very good!

And that is what we are going to discuss for

today’s lesson.

IV. Abstraction

1. Pre-listening: Yes, Ma’am.

This is not the first time that you’ve heard
about pronouns right? Pronouns are words that use as
substitutes for nouns or noun phrases in a
What is your prior knowledge about context.
pronouns and its use?
Instead of using a name of a person or
Very good! object we use pronouns as a replacement
Another idea? in the sentence. Example, instead of Mika
loves teaching; it will be She loves
Very good. Thank you for your answers. teaching.
To better understand what pronouns are
and how will you use it in a sentence with
the correct grammar, you will listen to a
song that includes pronouns.
(The students will listen to the instruction)
Upon listening to the song, you will have to
list down the lines that uses pronouns and
we will talk about it after you listen to the
song. The song will be played twice and
you have to listen carefully.

2. While Listening: Yes, Ma’am.

The song is entitled “You and I” by One
Direction. Are you ready to listen?

(The song will be played twice.) (The students will listen to the song.)

(The teacher will let the student to listen While listening, the students will list down
carefully.) the lines in the song with pronouns.

3. Post-listening:
Let us now discuss about pronouns. Before A pronoun is defined as a word or phrase
listening to the song, you have mentioned that is used as a substitution for a noun or
that a pronoun replaces the nouns. Let us noun phrase, which is known as the
see if your answers are correct. pronoun’s antecedent. Pronouns are short
Ms. Nido, please read. What is Pronoun? words and can do everything that nouns
can do and are one of the building blocks
Very good. Your answers are correct of a sentence.
because we use pronoun so we can avoid
the repetition in the sentence.

What kind of pronouns does he, she, you, Common Pronouns. Because those are
me, I, we, us, this, them, that belong? the pronouns that we usually use in a
Yes, Ms. Mercado? sentence even in our daily conversation.
Very Good!

In pronouns, we have different types and Ma’am, we have indefinite, personal,

those are? reflexive, demonstrative, possessive,
Ms. Nalidan, can you give me all those relative, interrogative, reciprocal, and
types? intensive pronouns.
Very Good!
Indefinite pronouns – those referring to
Let us first discus the indefinite pronouns. one or more unspecified objects, beings,
Please read, Ms. Pineda. or places, such as someone, anybody,
Can you give me a sentence using those
given indefinite pronouns? (Student will give an example.)

Very Good, Ms. Pineda! Personal pronouns –Personal pronouns

are always specific and are often used to
Second type is personal pronoun. What is replace a proper noun (someone’s name)
it Ms. Suarez? or a collective group of people or things.
Those are I, you, he, she, it, we, you and
Give an example for personal pronouns they. Also me, you, him, her, it, us, you,
using the lines in the song that you’ve them.
(Student will give an example.)
Very Good, Ms. Suarez.
Reflexive pronouns – those preceded by
Let’s move on to reflexive pronouns. Will the adverb, adjective, pronoun, or noun to
you please read the meaning of it, Ms. which they refer, and ending in –self or –
Tolentino. selves. The list of reflexive pronouns
includes: myself, yourself, himself, herself,
Example sentence for reflexive pronouns? itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves.

Very good example! (Student will give an example.)

Another type is demonstrative pronouns. Demonstrative pronouns – those used
Please read the meaning Ms. Calleja. to point to something specific within a
sentence. There are only four
Can you give me an example for that demonstrative pronouns – this, that,
pronoun? these, those. This and that are singular,
whereas these and those are plural.
Very good answer.
(Student will give an example.)

Next one is the possessive pronouns. Possessive pronouns – those

Please read Ms. Bondad. designating possession or ownership.
Examples include: mine, its, hers, his,
And what is the example for that? yours, ours, theirs, whose.

Very good student! (Student will give an example.)

Another type of pronoun is relative Relative pronouns –those which refer to

pronoun. Will you please read? nouns mentioned previously, acting to
introduce an adjective (relative) clause.
Example sentence for that, Ms. Duma. Examples include: who, which, that,
whom, whose.
Very good, you are improving.
(Student will give an example.)

Let’s proceed to interrogative pronouns. Interrogative pronouns –Those which

Please read the meaning, Ms. Perez. introduce a question. Examples include:
who, whom, whose, what, which. We can
Can you give me an example for usually identify an interrogative pronoun
interrogative pronouns? by the fact that they often appear at the
beginning of a question.
Very good answer, Ms. Perez.
(Student will give an example.)
For the second to the last type, we have Reciprocal pronouns –Those expressing
reciprocal pronouns. And what is that, Ms. mutual actions or relationship; i.e. one
Cornel? another. There are just two reciprocal
pronouns in English: one another and
Example sentence using reciprocal each other.
pronoun Ms.?
(Student will give an example.)
Very good example Ms. Cornel.
Intensive pronouns – those ending in –
And for the last type of pronoun, we have self or –selves and that serve to
intensive pronouns. May we have Ms. emphasize their antecedents. These are
Reforma. almost identical to reflexive pronouns, but
rather than just referring back to the
Can you give an example for that? subject of the sentence they work to
reinforce the action.
Very good, Ms. Reforma.
(Student will give an example.)

V. Analysis
A pronoun can act as a subject, direct
object, indirect object, object of the
Again, Student A how will you define preposition, and more and takes the
pronouns? place of any person, place, animal or

Without pronouns, we’d constantly have to

How does preposition help in the repeat nouns, and that would make our
construction of correct grammar? speech and writing repetitive, using
pronouns helps the flow of sentences and
makes them more interesting.
Pronouns have acted to make the writing
tighter and, arguably, much more elegant.
Why is it important to use preposition as a They act in many ways to help make
substitute for a noun? speech and writing more lucid and

Class, always remember that correct

grammar is important. We should not
always rely on the meaning we want to
imply, we must use the right words so we
can make a more meaningful statement.
Yes Ma’am.
Did you understand?

After knowing all the important points about None Ma’am.

pronouns, do you still have any questions?
Any clarifications?

Okay, since you all understand the

discussion, we will be having an activity.

VI. Application

For your activity, you will be divided into

two groups. You will be given different
tasks. For the first group, your task is to
create a role play using pronouns in all
your conversations. For the second group, Okay, Ma’am.
your task is to compose a poem using
different pronouns and perform it in class.
The criteria will be:
Significance/Content- 10
Performance- 5
Participation- 5
Total= 20
You will be given 5 minutes to prepare and (The students will start the preparation)
5 minutes for the performance.

Your 5 minutes will start now.

(After 5 minutes.) (The students will perform.)

Very good presentations. Give yourselves

a round of applause.
(Both groups will listen to the comments.)
Giving of comments and suggestions.

VII. Assessment

Fill in the blanks. Write the correct answer

on the space provided. Choose your
answer from the terms inside the box.
Pronouns Personal Pronoun
Reciprocal Pronoun
Possessive Pronoun
Reflexive Pronoun Intensive Pronoun

___________1. Those expressing mutual

actions or relationship.
___________2. Defined as a word or
phrase that is used as a substitution for a
noun or noun phrase, which is known as
the pronoun’s antecedent.
___________3. Personal pronouns are
always specific and are often used to
replace a proper noun (someone’s name)
or a collective group of people or things.
__________4. These are almost identical
to reflexive pronouns, but rather than just
referring back to the subject of the
sentence they work to reinforce the action.
__________5. Those preceded by the
adverb, adjective, pronoun, or noun to
which they refer, and ending in –self or –

Prepared by:
1. Reciprocal Pronoun
2. Pronoun
3. Personal Pronoun
4. Intensive Pronoun
5. Reflexive Pronoun

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