Mpplus™ V C: Olume Orrector
Mpplus™ V C: Olume Orrector
Mpplus™ V C: Olume Orrector
The MPplus™ Volume Corrector is a cost reduced version of the XARTU/1™-LDVI series of volume corrector
products. It is an intelligent, compact, rugged, and reliable industrial microprocessor-controlled computer
designed for measurement applica�ons. It can execute mul�ple processes including complex math func�ons or
control algorithms without host interven�on.
Features include:
■ Lightweight quick release 6” x 6” x 4” outdoor
rated polycarbonate enclosure
■ Large easy-to-read LCD display with magne�c
■ Single or Dual Pressure inputs
■ Standard RTD for temperature measurement
■ AGA-5, AGA-7, NX-19, AGA-8 (Detailed &
Gross Methods)
■ Up to 4 Form A Pulse Outputs
■ Op�onal Pulse Output Board for AMR—AMI
Applica�ons to extend ba�ery life
■ (2) Pulse Inputs for dual meter configura�ons
■ Support for Eagle HexASCII or MODBUS
■ Warranty: Four Years on all Eagle Research Corpora�on® manufactured components
Power Op�ons:
■ 1 Wa� Solar Panel with 6V 4.5Ah rechargeable ba�ery
■ 6 C-Cell replaceable ba�ery pack
■ Tri “D” Lithium ba�ery pack
■ Other power op�ons available as user needs dictate
Index Features:
■ Op�onal LDVI (ver�cal) that imposes very li�le drag on the meter index drive, for 10 C.�
drive and above
■ Op�onal mechanical index (horizontal) for 5 c.� drive and above
■ Universal turbine and posi�ve displacement meter moun�ng plate
■ Available in Single and Bi-Direc�onal meter rota�on
■ Memory: 512K x 8 remotely-programmable FLASH ■ Analog Inputs: Two precision strain gauge (mV)
program memory; 512K x 8 battery-backed RAM analog inputs thru MTA connectors for local
data memory pressure transducer, 12-bit resolution, analog
sampling; software calibration; Each input has
■ Communications: Two serial ports with RX, TX, RTS, five MTA pins.
CTS and communication switch signals. Port 0
(RS-232 levels) typically connects to the MS ■ RTD Inputs: One 12-bit resolution RTD input
connector to provide local communications via thru an MTA connector, 3-wire lead
6-pin MTA. Port 1 (CMOS levels – Future Use) is compensated with ground shield connection;
used to interface with modems, radios, etc. via four-pin MTA connector
8-pin MTA. Configurable speed up to 57,600 baud.
■ Input Power: 5-15 VDC; Two battery inputs
■ Modem: 2400 baud. May be directly connected to located on MTA connectors, plus one solar
the MPplus CMOS connector J2 or operated power input on screw terminals
remotely using RS-232 and power connectors TB1
and TB2. Operating Current: 23mA at 6VDC Sleep
Current: 7uA at 6VDC, Voltage Range: 6-30VDC
Accuracy Specifica�ons:
■ Accuracy over -20 ⁰F to 140 ⁰F (including linearity, hysteresis and repeatability)
Pressure Measurement ±0.25% of full scale
Temperature Measurement ±1.0⁰F
Computation (At reference conditions) ±0.3% of corrected volume reading
Combined (Pressure, Temperature & Computation) ±0.42%