Physical Metallurgy
Physical Metallurgy
Physical Metallurgy
MM 15--019
Revised on 1/1/2016….!
MME -15
Course Coordinator(s)
Avala Lava Kumar
Department of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering (MME)
Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology (VSSUT), Burla-768018
E-mail : Phone: (+91) (7077110110)
Course Overview
The module provides a systematic overview of the major principles of physical
metallurgy. Students successfully completing the module will have a critical
awareness of how these principles relate to current issues in exploiting structural
alloys in engineering applications.
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the module, students should be able to ►Show a systematic
understanding of the role that crystal structures play in material properties. ►Evaluate
critically the relevance of phase diagrams, isothermal transformation diagrams and continuous
cooling transformation diagrams to understanding real alloys and their microstructure.►
Display a critical awareness of the relevance of key areas, e.g. diffusion, defects,
transformation type, to current problems in designing, processing and exploiting real alloys.
►Show a systematic understanding of the complex interplay between microstructure,
processing and engineering properties in metallic materials.
At some point of time or the other an engineering problem involves issues related
to material selection. Understanding the behavior of materials, particularly
structure-property correlation, will help selecting suitable materials for a particular
To provide a basic understanding of the underlying principles that determines the
evolution the evolution of structures in metals and alloys during their processing
and its relation with their properties & performance in service.
The application of
these advanced
materials has led to
the modern day cars
The Impact of Materials on progress
Powerful Engines
From Cast iron blocks to more compact, lighter and powerful engine blocks – Material
development has made it all possible
Engine components are traditionally made from ferrous alloys. Emphasis on weight
reduction for higher fuel efficiency has increased usage of aluminum for cylinder blocks,
cylinder heads, and other engine components. Some engine covers and intake manifolds
are made of magnesium. Titanium is also used in high-speed engines connecting rods to
reduce reciprocating mass.
From the first engine used by Wright brothers to Powerful modern jet engines
The composition of steels from the titanic, a lock gate and ASTM A36
C Mn P S Si Cu O N MnS
Titanic 0.21 0.47 0.045 0.069 0.017 0.024 0.013 0.0035 6.8:1
Lock Gate 0.25 0.52 0.01 0.03 0.02 - 0.018 0.0035 17.3:1
ASTM A36 0.20 0.55 0.012 0.037 0.007 0.01 0.079 0.0032 14.9:1
The Impact of Materials on progress
Smaller and smaller microchips have brought the whole world on our palm top
Apple I Phone
Display: This relies upon the combination of a liquid crystal
display and a touch screen for communication with the device.
The touch screen is made from a conductive but transparent
material, indium tin oxide, a ceramic conductor.
Integrated Circuits: At the heart of the iPhone are a number
of integrated circuits (Ics) built upon billions of individual
transistors, all of which rely on precise control of the
semiconductor material, silicon, to which has been added
dopant atoms to change the silicon’s electronic properties.
Interconnects: Inter connects that provide the links between
components are now made of copper, not aluminium, for
higher speed and efficiency.
Wireless Microwave circuits need capacitors which are
ceramic insulators whose structure and composition is
carefully controlled to optimize the capacitance.
Battery: The battery is a modern Li-ion battery where the atomic structure of the electrodes
is carefully controlled to enable the diffusion of the Li ions.
Headphones: Most headphones use modern magnetic materials whose structure and
composition has been developed to produce very strong permanent magnets. This is part of a
transducer that turns electrical signals into sound.
A General Classification
The broad scientific and technological segments of Metallurgy & Materials
Science are shown in the diagram below.
To gain a comprehensive understanding of Metallurgy, all these aspects have to be
Science of Metallurgy
A Broad Overview
Based on state (phase) a given material can be Gas, Liquid or Solid
(based on the thermodynamic variables: P, T,…).
Intermediate/coexistent states are also possible (i.e clear demarcations can get blurred).
(Kinetic variables can also affect how a material behaves: e.g. at high strain rates some materials may
behave as solids and as a liquid at low strain rates)
Based on structure (arrangement of atoms/molecules/ions) materials can be
Crystalline, Quasicrystalline or Amorphous.
Intermediate states (say between crystalline and amorphous; i.e. partly crystalline)
are also possible. Polymers are often only partly crystalline.
Liquid Crystals (‘in some sense’) are between Liquids and Crystals.
Based on Band Structure we can classify materials into Metals, Semiconductors
and Insulators.
Based on the size of the entity in question we can Nanocrystals, Nanoquasicrystals
Hybrids (Composites)
Classification of materials
Composites: have two (or more)
solid components; usually one is a
Monolithic Hybrids
matrix and other is a reinforcement
Metals (& Alloys) Composite
Sandwich structures: have a
Ceramics & Glasses material on the surface (one
Sandwich or more sides) of a core
Polymers (& Elastomers)
Lattice* Structures: typically a
Lattice combination of material and space
(e.g. metallic or ceramic forms,
aerogels etc.).
*Note: this use of the word 'lattice' should not be confused with the use of the word in connection with crystallography.
Common materials : with various ‘viewpoints’
Glass: amorphous
Metals Polymers
Classes of property
Hence, one has to traverse across lengthscales and look at various aspects to understand the properties of materials
Length scales in metallurgy
• Casting
• Metal Forming
Thermo-mechanical • Welding
Treatments • Powder Processing
• Machining
magnetic Phases + Defects + Residual Stress
& their distribution
Structure could imply two types of structure: • Vacancies
Crystal structure
Electromagnetic structure
• Dislocations
Fundamentally these aspects are two sides of the same • Twins
coin • Stacking Faults
Microstructure can be defined as: • Grain Boundaries
(Phases + Defect Structure + Residual Stress) and their
• Voids
Microstructure can be ‘tailored’ by thermo-mechanical • Cracks
(a) Thermal vibration (b) Unit cell of Cu (c)Grain Structure (d) Sample of Cu
Traversing four lengthscales in a Cu polycrystal: schematic of the changing order and properties. a) instantaneous snapshot of a vibrating atom, b)
crystalline order (unit cell), c), grain level (single crystal- anisotropy) , d) the material level (isotropy due to randomly oriented grains).
Properties of a material are determined by two important characteristics:
Atomic structure
Electromagnetic structure – the bonding character
(Bonding in some sense is the simplified description of valence electron density distributions)
It states that, in order to reduce the electron-electron repulsive energy, the number
of electrons of the same spin in p, d or f states should be maximum.
Electron Configuration
The quantum mechanic principles as discussed before allow determination of electron
configuration i.e. the manner in which electron states are occupied in a given atom.Σ
Σ 2(2 l +1)
l =0
Electron configuration based on quantum numbers. Total number of electrons in a shell is 2n2
or n-1 2(2 l +1)
l =0
The manner or sequence of filling of electron orbital's is decided a by a set of two
principles / rules:
Aufbau principle
Madelung’s rule
Electron Configuration
Aufbau principle (German meaning is building up) : it states that lower energy
states will be filled up first.
Madelung’s rule : Orbitals fill in the order of increasing (n+l). 4s (n+l = 4+0 = 4)
will be filled before 3d (n+l= 3+2 = 5) and 5s (n+l = 5+0 = 5)
For orbital with same values of (n+l), the one with lower ‘n’ will be filled first. 3d
will be filled before 4p.
Valence electrons
The electrons in the outer most shell are known as valence electrons. Na has one
valence electron (the 3s electron). These electrons are responsible for chemical
reaction and atomic bonding.
Look at the electron configuration of inert gases (He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe) in the
previous table. Their valence electron cell is completely filled unlike any other
Electron Configuration
Note that the configuration of higher atomic number elements can be expressed by
the previous inert element configuration.
It is the tendency of every element to attain the lowest energy stable configuration
that forms the basis of chemical reactions and atomic bonding.
Electron Configuration of Elements
Ionization Potential, Electron Affinity, Electronegativity
If sufficient energy is supplied, an electron in the outer orbital can break away
completely from the atom and become free. The energy required to remove an
electron in this manner is known as the Ionization potential.
When the extra electron is attracted from infinity to the outer orbital of the neutral
atom, is known as the electron affinity of the atom.
The tendency of an atom to attract electrons to itself during the formation of bonds
with other atoms is measured by the electronegativity of the atom.
Let us start by looking at the relative sizes of some ions in the periodic table
Li Li+ Be
1.52 0.68 1.12 0.35
Na Na+ Mg
1.85 0.97 1.60
Rb Rb+ Sr Sr2+
1.12 B3+ C4+ 3+ O2−
2.46 1.47 2.15
B C O F F−
0.23 0.2 0.1-0.2 1.33
0.89 0.77 0.74 0.74 1.40 0.72
Cs Cs+ Ba Ba2+
Al3+ Si4+ P5+ S6+
1.67 2.17
1.34 Al Si P S Cl Cl−
0.42 0.35 0.30
1.26 0.51 1.17 1.10 1.04 1.07 1.81
L-J potential can be also expresses in the simplified form as VLJ = A/r12-B/r6 and
hence, is also known as 6-12 potential.
A/r12 is predominant at short distances and hence, represents the short-range
repulsive potential due to overlap of electron orbital’s and -B/r6 is dominant at
longer distance and hence, is the long range attractive potential.
Atomic Bonding
The mechanisms of bonding between the atoms are based on the foregoing
discussion on electrostatic inter- atomic interaction.
The types of bond and bond strength are determined by the electronic structures of
the atoms involved.
The valence electrons take part in bonding. The atoms involved acquire, loose or
share valence electrons to achieve the lowest energy or stable configuration of
noble gases.
Atomic bonding can be broadly classified as i) primary bonding ii) secondary
Primary Bonds Secondary Bonds
Dipoles can induce dipoles and attraction between opposites ends of the dipoles
leads to weak bonding.
Effect of increasing temperature on the vibration of the ions and hence on the inter-ionic separation. The
system is raised to temperature T1, and then further to T2. At T1, when the energy is E1, the ions are able to
vibrate between the positions “A” and “B”. Similarly, at T2, when the energy is E2, the ions are able to
vibrate between the positions “C” and “D” .
Concept of Thermal Expansion
It is important to note from the Figure (previous slide) that, the midpoint between
“A” and “B”, which represents the mean inter-ionic distance at T1, is r1 which is
greater than r0. This is a direct result of the fact that the solid curve in Figure, is
It is therefore important to note that thermal expansion occurs as a direct result
of the fact that the ‘E Vs R’ curve is asymmetric.
It is also important to note that while the general approach used here can be
extended to many systems, the exact shape of the resultant curve obtained will
depend on the details of the specific system. In some cases, such as ceramic
materials, the resultant curve will have a very deep and narrow trough, such
materials will have a very low coefficient of thermal expansion. In other cases, the
resultant curve will have a shallow and wide trough, which will cause the material
to display a high coefficient of thermal expansion.
* Many of the materials which are usually crystalline can also be obtained in an amorphous form
Platonic Solids
In 387B.C. scientist called “PLATO” most famous student of Socrates thought that
whole universe is made up of five solids. Whole universe is periodic arrangement
of five solids named as Platonic Solids.
Tetrahedron - 4 faces - Fire He had a some
philosophical thought;
Hexahedron - 6 faces - Earth in the universe we have
Octahedron - 8 faces - Air 5 elements made up of
these five solids
Dodecahedron - 12 faces - GOD
Icosahedron - 20 faces - Water
In icosahedron, we will get best packing as for we concerned. But only problem is,
if we try to translate it in 3D we can’t get continuous structure, without any voids
left. This voids in crystallography is called frustation.
Long back people thought, it is not possible to have solids with Icosahedron
packing; but it is possible when Quasicrystals are discovered in 1984. (Al-Mn)
Ideal Crystals → Real Crystals → Microstructures → Material → Component
Part of the infinite crystal Consider only the Orientational
Positional Order
Part of the infinite crystal
Put in Crystalline defects
& Free Surface
& Thermal Vibration
A 3D translationally periodic arrangement of points in a space is called a crystal.
Unit Cell
What is the relation between the two ?
Lattice Crystal
Translationally periodic Translationally periodic
arrangement of points arrangement of motifs
What is the relation between the two ?
Crystal =
Lattice (Where to repeat)+Motif (What to repeat)
Crystal ∞
Lattice ∞
Motif Note: all parts of the motif do not sit on the lattice point
Motifs are associated with lattice points → they need NOT sit physically at the lattice point
Let us construct the crystal considered before starting with an
infinite array of points spaced a/2 apart
What we get is a crystal of lattice parameter ‘a’ and not ‘a/2’! → as this lattice parameter is a
measure of the repeat distance!
And the
motif is:
Note: we could have alternately chosen the centres of bottom arrows as lattice points!
M.C. Esher : Art with Science
Every periodic pattern (and hence a Crystal) has a unique lattice associate with it.
Interesting Fact…!
Monatomic Body-centered CsCl crystal
cubic (BCC) crystal
Corner and body centered have the same Corner and body centered do not have
neighborhood the same neighborhood
Lattice: BCC
Lattice : simple cubic
Motif : 1 atom 000 Motif : Two atom Cl (0,0,0)
Cs (½, ½, ½)
Why study symmetry..?
Crystals are an important class of materials.
Crystals (and in fact quasicrystals) are defined based on symmetry.
The symmetry being referred to in this context is geometrical symmetry.
Symmetry helps reduce the ‘infinite’ amount of information required to describe a
crystal into a finite (preferably small) amount of information.
One obvious manifestation of the symmetry inherent in a crystal, is the external
shape of the crystal.
Symmetry (in conjunction with other elements) helps us define an infinite crystal in
a succinct manner.
In crystallography (the language of describing crystals) when we talk of Symmetry;
the natural question which arises is: Symmetry of What?
The symmetry under consideration could be of one the following entities:
Lattice Crystal Motif Unit cell
(these are distinct and should not be confused with one another!)
Type I
Rotation Does not move a point
Mirror Roto-
Type II reflection
Inversion Roto-
∞ ∞
∞ ∞
Rotation Axis
Rotation axis rotates a general point (and hence entire space) around the axis by a
certain angle
On repeated operation (rotation) the ‘starting’ point leaves a set of ‘identity-points’
before coming into coincidence with itself.
As we are interested mainly with crystals, we are interested in those rotations axes
which are compatible with translational symmetry → these are the (1), 2, 3, 4, 6 –
fold axis.
If an object come into self-coincidence through smallest non-zero rotation
angle of θ then it is said to have an n-fold rotation axis where:
360 0
Rotational Symmetry
180˚ 120˚ 90˚ 72 ˚ 60˚ 45˚
2 3 4 5 6 8
Graphic Symbol
Mirror and Inversion
The left hand of a human being cannot be superimposed on the right hand by mere
translations and rotations
The left hand is related to the right hand by a mirror symmetry operation (m)
The right hand is called the enantiomorphic form of the left hand
Another operator which takes objects to enantiomorphic forms is the inversion
operator (i)
Inversion operator
Each of these lattice points contributes half a lattice point to the unit cell
Primitive UC
Contributions to the unit cell: Left point = 0.5, Middle point = 1, Right point = 0.5. Total = 2
Doubly Non-
primitive UC
Triply Non-
primitive UC
1D Unit Cell
Unit cell of a 1D crystal will contain Motifs in addition to lattice points
The only kind of motifs possible in 1D are line segments
Hence in ‘reality’ 1D crystals are not possible as Motifs typically have a finite
dimension (however we shall call them 1D crystals and use them for
illustration of concepts)
Note: Symmetry of the Lattice or the crystal is not altered by our choice of unit cell!!
How to choose a unit cell?
Symmetry of the unit cells should be maximum
Size of the unit cell should be minimum.
In this case the primitive (square) and the non-primitive square cell both have the
same symmetry, but the primitive square cell is chosen as it has the smaller size
Some common names of unit cells are given here → alternate names are also used for these cells
Point groups & Space groups
Symmetries acting
R ⊕ R 32 point groups
at a point
Along with symmetries
having a translation
Crystal Structures (or) 14 Bravais Lattices
A Symmetry based concept ‘Translation’ based concept
P Primitive
I Body Centred
F Face Centred
C A/B/C- Centred
Bravais Lattice: various viewpoints
A lattice is a set of points constructed by translating a single point in discrete steps
by a set of basis vectors.
In three dimensions, there are 14 unique Bravais lattices (distinct from one
another) in three dimensions. All crystalline materials recognized till now fit in one
of these arrangements.
In geometry and crystallography, a Bravais lattice is an infinite set of points
generated by a set of discrete translation operations.
A Bravais lattice looks exactly the same no matter from which point in the lattice
one views it. An important property of a lattice
Bravais concluded that there are only 14 possible Space Lattices (with Unit Cells
to represent them). These belong to 7 Crystal systems.
There are 14 Bravais Lattices which are the Space Group symmetries of lattices
1 Cubic Cube
a=b=c α = β = γ = 90°
α = β = γ = 90°
One convention
α = β = 90°, γ = 120°
α = β = γ ≠ 90°
One convention
α = γ = 90° ≠ β
α ≠β ≠γ
If the definition of Crystals is based on symmetry and the
existence of 7 crystal systems is also base on symmetry
symmetry;; then how
like: a = b = c, α = β = γ = 90°
come we have statements like: 90° is a cubic
( x − a ) + ( y − b) = r
2 2 2
The centre of symmetry
of the object does not
Polar coordinates (ρ, θ)
coincide with the origin
ρ =r
( x) + ( y ) = r
2 2 2
Our choice of coordinate axis does not alter the symmetry of the object (or the lattice)!
Preferable way to represent a crystal system
Symmetry Crystal System Conventional unitcell
1 Trigonal (a = b = c, α = β = γ ≠ 90°)
1 Monoclinic (a ≠ b ≠ c, α = γ = 90° ≠ β)
None Triclinic (a ≠ b ≠ c, α ≠ β ≠ γ)
Why are some of the entries missing…?
Cubic system Bravais lattices
1. Cubic P I F ?
2. Tetragonal P I
3. Orthorhombic P I F C
4. Hexagonal P
5. Trigonal P
6. Monoclinic P C
7. Triclinic P
Why is there no C-
C-centred cubic lattice?
Why is the F-
F-centred tetragonal lattice missing?
Why not End centre cubic…?
Cubic Crystal
Does NOT imply a = b = c & α = β = γ
It implies the existence of four 3-fold axis in the structure
If lattices are based on just translation
(Translational Symmetry (t))
then how come other Symmetries (especially
rotational) come into the picture while choosing the
Crystal System & Unit Cell for a lattice?
Why do we say that End Centred Cubic Lattice does not exist?
Isn’t it sufficient that a = b = c & α = β = γ to call something cubic?
(why do we put End Centred Cubic in Simple Tetragonal?)
The issue comes because we want to put 14 Bravais lattices into 7 boxes (the 7 Crystal
Systems; the Bravais lattices have 7 distinct symmetries) and further assign Unit Cells
to them
The Crystal Systems are defined based on Symmetries (Rotational, Mirror, Inversion
etc. → forming the Point Groups) and NOT on the geometry of the Unit Cell
The Choice of Unit Cell is based on Symmetry & Size (& Convention)
(in practice the choice of unit cell is left to us! → but what we call the crystal is not!!)
Tetragonal symmetry and Cubic symmetry
To emphasize:
The word Cubic (e.g. in a cubic crystal) refers to 3 things →
A type of Lattice (based on translation)
A type of Crystal (based on other symmetries)
A shape of Unit Cell (based on lattice parameters)
NaCl Crystal Structure
Face Centred Cubic (FCC) Lattice + Two Ion Motif
Note: This is not a close packed crystal Has a packing fraction of ~0.67 (using rigid sphere model)
Diamond Cubic Crystal Structure
Face Centred Cubic (FCC) Lattice + Two Carbon atom Motif
(0,0,0) & (¼, ¼, ¼)
Tetrahedral bonding of C
(sp3 hybridized)
1 P 8 Corners = [8 × (1/8)] = 1
8 Corners
2 I + = [1 (for corners)] + [1 (BC)] = 2
1 body centre
8 Corners
3 F + = [1 (for corners)] + [6 × (1/2)] = 4
6 face centres
A/ 8 corners
4 B/ + = [1 (for corners)] + [2 × (1/2)] = 2
C 2 centres of opposite faces
From the law of rational indices developed by French Physicist and mineralogist
Abbé René Just Haüy
and popularized by
William Hallowes Miller
Miller Indices
Miller indices are used to specify directions and planes.
These directions and planes could be in lattices or in crystals.
(It should be mentioned at the outset that special care should be given to see if
the indices are in a lattice or a crystal).
The number of indices will match with the dimension of the lattice or the crystal:
in 1D there will be 1 index and 2D there will be two indices etc.
Some aspects of Miller indices, especially those for planes, are not intuitively
understood and hence some time has to be spent to familiarize oneself with the
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
5a + 3b
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Miller indices → [53]
Miller indices for directions in 3D
A vector r passing from the origin to a lattice point can be written as
r = r1 a + r2 b + r3 c r r r
r = r1 a + r2 b + r3 c
Where, a, b, c → basic vectors
Basis vectors are unit lattice translation vectors which define the coordinate axis
(as in the figure below).
Note their length is not 1 unit! (like for the basis vectors of a coordinate axis).
Important directions in 3D represented by Miller Indices (cubic lattice)
Y [010]
Body diagonal
[110] [111]
X [110]
Face diagonal
Procedure as before:
• (Coordinates of the final point − coordinates of the initial point)
• Reduce to smallest integer values
Possible coordinates in 3D
[+ + -] [+ - -]
[- + -] [- - -]
[+ + +] [+ - +]
[- + +] [- - +]
If you have confusion while selecting origin in negative indices refer this figure
Family of directions
A set of directions related by symmetry operations of the lattice or the crystal is
called a family of directions
A family of directions is represented (Miller Index notation) as: <u v w>
<110> [110],[110],[1 10],[1 10],[101],[101],[10 1],[10 1],[011],[0 11],[01 1],[0 1 1]
the ‘negatives’
Symbol (opposite direction)
[] → Particular direction
<> [[ ]] → Family of directions
Miller Indices for Planes
Miller indices for planes is not as intuitive as
that for directions and special care must be
taken in understanding them
*The reciprocal procedure avoids the intercept of ∞ for a plane parallel to an axis, by making it 0
Important Planes in 3D represented by Miller Indices (cubic lattice)
A set of planes related by symmetry operations of the lattice or the crystal is called a
family of planes
All the points which one should keep in mind while dealing with directions to get the
members of a family, should also be kept in mind when dealing with planes
Family of planes
Intercepts → 1 ∞ ∞ Intercepts → 1 1 ∞
Plane → (100) Plane → (110)
Family → {100} → 6 Family → {110} → 6
Intercepts → 1 1 1
Plane → (111) The purpose of using reciprocal of
Family → {111} → 8 intercepts and not intercepts
(Octahedral plane) themselves in Miller indices becomes
clear → the ∞ are removed
Summary on planes and directions
Unknown direction → [uvw]
Unknown plane → (hkl)
Double digit indices should be separated by commas → (12,22,3)
In cubic lattices/crystals [hkl] ⊥ (hkl)
Interplanar spacing (dhkl) in cubic cubic lattice
d hkl =
lattice (& crystals) h2 + k 2 + l 2
[] [uvw] → Particular direction
<> <uvw> [[ ]] → Family of directions
() (hkl) → Particular plane
{} {hkl} (( )) → Family of planes
A direction in 3D can be specified by three angles- or the hree direction cosines.
There is one equation connecting the three direction cosines:
Cos 2α + Cos 2 β + Cos 2γ = 1
In general three indices point is denoted as miller indices i.e., (h k l). But hexagonal crystals we
are using 4 indices point is denoted by miller-bravais indices i.e., (h k i l)The use of the 4 index
notation is to bring out the equivalence between crystallographically equivalent planes and
Hexagonal crystals → Miller-Bravais Indices : PLANES
Obviously the ‘green’ and
‘blue’ planes belong to the
same family and first three
indices have the same set of
numbers (as brought out by the
a1 Miller-Bravais system)
Intercepts → 1 -1 ∞ ∞ Intercepts → ∞ 1 -1 ∞
Miller → (1 1 0 ) Miller → (0 1 0)
Miller-Bravais → (1 1 0 0 ) Miller-Bravais → (0 11 0)
Hexagonal crystals → Miller-Bravais Indices : PLANES
Intercepts → 1 -2 -2 ∞ a1 Intercepts → 1 1 - ½ ∞
Intercepts → 1 1 - ½ 1
Plane → (1 12 1)
Intercepts → 1 ∞ − 1 1
Plane → (1 01 1)
Hexagonal crystals → Miller-Bravais Indices : DIRECTIONS
U = u −t V = v−t
W =w
u = (2U − V )
t = − (u + v )
1 w =W
v = (2V − U )
Directions in the hexagonal system can be expressed in many ways
By the three vector components along a1, a2 and c:
rUVW = Ua1 + Va2 + Wc
In the three index notation equivalent directions may not seem
equivalent; while, in the four index notation the equivalence is
brought out.
Directions ⊥ Planes
Cubic system: (hkl) ⊥ [hkl]
Tetragonal system: only special planes are ⊥ to the direction with same indices:
[100] ⊥ (100), [010] ⊥ (010), [001] ⊥ (001), [110] ⊥ (110)
([101] not ⊥ (101))
Orthorhombic system:
[100] ⊥ (100), [010] ⊥ (010), [001] ⊥ (001)
Hexagonal system: [0001] ⊥ (0001)
(this is for a general c/a ratio; for a Hexagonal crystal with the special c/a ratio =
√(3/2) the cubic rule is followed)
Monoclinic system: [010] ⊥ (010)
Other than these a general [hkl] is NOT ⊥ (hkl)
Coordination Number
Coordination number is defined as the total number of nearest neighboring atoms
Simple cubic
1 SC 8 Corners = [8 × (1/8)] = 1
8 Corners
2 BCC + = [1 (for corners)] + [1 (BC)] = 2
1 body centre
8 Corners
3 FCC + = [1 (for corners)] + [6 × (1/2)] = 4
6 face centres
12 corners (6 bottom+6 top)
2 atoms at face centers = [12 × (1/6) ] + [2 × (1/2)] + [3
(interior) ] = 6
3 atoms in the interior
Atomic packing factor
Atomic packing factor (APF) or packing efficiency indicates how closely atoms are
packed in a unit cell and is given by the ratio of volume of atoms in the unit cell and
volume of the unit cell. Volumeofatoms
Simple Cubic
In a simple cubic structures, the atoms are assumed to be placed in such a way that
any two adjacent atoms touch each other. If ‘a’ is the lattice parameter of simple
cubic structure and ‘r’ the radius of atoms. From the figure it is clear that
Atomic radius (r) = 2
Avg .noofatomsperunitcell × Volumeofanatom
4 4
1× ∏ r 3 ∏r3
3 3 4∏
APF = 3
= 3
= × 100 = 0.52 = 52%
a ( 2r ) 24
Atomic packing factor
Body Centered Cubic
In body centered cubic structures the center atom touches
the corner atoms as shown in Figure
c a
From the figure
b a
c = b + a → c = 2a + a
2 2 2 2 2 2
b = a + a = 2a
2 2 2 2
3a 2
c = 3a → (4r ) = 3a → r =
2 2 2 2 2
3a 4r r = atomic radius
r= ,a =
4 3 a = lattice parameter
4 3a
2 × ∏ r 3 2 × 3 ∏ 4
3 = 8 × 3 3 ∏ a 3
APF = =
a3 a3 3 × 64a 3
a 2 a 4r
r= = a= → 4r = 2 a
4 2 2 2
4 4 a
4× ∏ r 3 4 × ∏
3 3 2 2 = 16 × 2 2 ∏ a 3
APF = = = 0.74
a 3
a 3
3 × 64a 3
a 3
AY = AB cos 300 =
From the figure ‘Ax’ is orthocenter; so,
2 2 a 3 a
Ax = AY = × =
3 3 2 3
Hexagonal Close Packed Structure P
Consider ∆ APx a c
( AP ) 2 = ( Ax) 2 + ( xP ) 2 A 30
30 x
a c 2
c c 2a 2 2 2 2
a Y
a =
+ → a2 − = → =
3 4 3 4 4 3 B
c2 8 c 8
= → = = 1.633
a 3 a 3
Avg.noofatomsperunitcell × Volumeofanatom
6× ∏ r3
APF = 3
In cubic a=b=c, so volume is a but in this case, it is H.C.P so here a=b≠c
Volumeofunitcell = 6 × areaof∆AOB × c
Volumeofun itcell = 6 × × OB × AY × c
1 a 3 3 3
Volumeofun itcell = 6 × × a × × c = ca 2
2 2 2
6× ∏ r3
APF = 3
2 3 3
4 4 a
6× ∏ r3 6× ∏×
APF = 3 = 3 8 = 2 ∏ a = 0.74
2 3 3 2 3 3 c×3 3
ca ca
2 2
APFHCP = 0.74(or )74%
Summary on PACKING FRACTION / Efficiency
Volume occupied by atoms
Packing Fraction =
Volume of Cell
Atoms / cell 1 2 4 8 2
Packing fraction π 3π 2π 3π 2π
6 8 6 16 6
~ 0.52 ~ 0.68 ~ 0.74 ~ 0.34 ~ 0.74
<110> directions in the FCC lattice have 2 atoms (1/2 x 2 corner atoms + 1 center
atom) and the length is
2 2
LD[110 ] = =
2a a
Theoretical density ρ =
VC N A n = number of atoms in the unit cell
A = atomic weight
VC = Volume of unitcell
NA = Avogadro’s number (6.023 × 1023)
4 × 26.98
ρ= −8 3
= 2.697 g / cc
(4.05 × 10 ) × 6.023 × 10 23
Atomic Density (atoms/unit area)
(100) (110) (111)
2a 2a
FCC a a
2a 2a
2a 2a
+ + =
Closed Packed Structures : HCP
An alternate packing (one amongst an infinite possibilities) is where in the III layer
coincides with the I layer → giving rise to a AB AB AB … packing → The
Hexagonal Close Packed Crystal (this arrangement is close packed only for ideal c/a ratio; i.e. for ‘hard
sphere’ packing)
+ + =
Shown displaced for clarity
The C position is vacant and we can
pass a line through this position without HCP
intersecting any atoms
As we shall see in one of the upcoming
slides that this is special line
Structure-Property Correlation
Aluminum (Al) is ductile while iron (Fe) and magnesium (Mg) are not. This can be
explained from their crystal structures.
Al is FCC where as Fe is BCC and Mg is HCP.
Plastic deformation in metals takes place mainly by a process called slip. Slip can
broadly be visualized as sliding of crystal planes over one another. Slip occurs on most
densely packed planes in the most closely packed directions lying on that plane.
The slip plane and the direction together is called a Slip system
In FCC, {111} planes are close-packed and there are four unique {111} planes. Each of
these planes contains three closely packed <110> directions. Therefore, there are 4 x 3
= 12 slip systems
In HCP, the basal plane, (0001) is the close-packed and it contains three <11 2 0>
directions. Hence, number of slip system = 1 x 3 = 3
Slip in more number of slip systems allows greater plastic deformation before fracture
imparting ductility to FCC materials.
Close-packed planes are also planes with greatest interplanar spacing and this allows
slip to take place easily on these planes.
BCC structure on the other hand has 48 possible slip systems. However, there is no
close-packed plane. Hence, plastic deformation before fracture is not significant. Slip
might occur in {110}, {112} and {123} planes in the <111> directions.
We have already seen that as spheres cannot fill entire space → the packing
fraction (PF) < 1 (for all crystals)
This implies there are voids between the atoms. Lower the PF, larger the volume
occupied by voids.
These voids have complicated shapes; but we are mostly interested in the largest
sphere which can fit into these voids→ hence the plane faced polyhedron version
of the voids is only (typically) considered.
The size and distribution of voids in materials play a role in determining
aspects of material behavior → e.g. solubility of interstitials and their
In the close packed crystals (FCC, HCP) there are two types of voids → tetrahedral
and octahedral voids (identical in both the structures as the voids are formed
between two layers of atoms)
In the ‘BCC crystal’ the voids do NOT have the shape of the regular tetrahedron or
the regular octahedron
Void in Simple Cube
The simple cubic crystal (monoatomic decoration of the simple cubic lattice) has
large void in the centre of the unit cell with a coordination number of 8.
The actual space of the void in very complicated (right hand figure below) and the
polyhedron version of the void is the cube (as cube is the coordination polyhedron
around a atom sitting in the void)
= ( 3 − 1) = 0.732
True Unit Cell of SC crystal Polyhedral model (Cube) Actual shape of the void (space)!
Tetrahedral TV Octahedral OV
Tetrahedral Octahedral
Actual shape of void Position of some of the atoms w.r.t to the void
FCC- Octahedral
Once we know the position of a void then we can use the symmetry operations of the crystal to locate the other
voids. This includes lattice translations
If ‘e’ is the edge length of the tetrahedron then CV = (√6/4)e → see below in triangle ABC
DT = e=r+x e = 2r 6
4 2
x 6
= − 1 ~ 0.225
r 2
In tetrahedron ABCD
In triangle ABC AD 2 = e 2 = AO 2 + DO 2
e2 2 2
e = + AM 2
2 e
e = + DO 2
2 DO = e
4 3 3
3 3
AM = e DT = DO
2 4
2 2 3 e
AO = AM = e= DT =
3 2
3 3 2 3 4 3 4
Size of the largest atom which can fit into the Octahedral void of FCC
a a√3/2
Voids / Voids /
BCC voids Position
cell atom
• Four on each face: [(4/2) × 6 = 12] → (0, ½, ¼) 12 6
Non-regular • Face centre: (6/2 = 3) → (½, ½, 0)
6 3
Octahedral • Edge centre: (12/4 = 3) → (½, 0, 0)
Calculation of the size of the distorted tetrahedral void
a2 a2 5
From the right angled triange OCM: OC = + = a=r+x
16 4 4
For a BCC structure: 3a = 4r ( a = )
5 4r x 5
=r+x ⇒ = − 1 = 0.29
4 3 r 3
Calculation of the size of the distorted octahedral void
Distorted Octahedral Void
a 2a
OB = = 0.5a OA = = .707 a
2 2
This implies:
OB = r + x =
r+x= BCC : 3a = 4r
2 3
x 2 3
* Point regarding ‘Linear Void’ = − 1 = 0.1547
Because of this aspect the OV along the 3 axes can be r 3
differentiated into OVx, OVy & OVz
Similarly the TV along x,y,z can be differentiated
Voids in HCP Crystals
This void extends across 3
conventional unit cells and
hence is difficult to visualize
These voids are identical to the ones found in FCC (for ideal c/a ratio)
When the c/a ratio is non-ideal then the octahedra and tetrahedra are distorted (non-regular)
Important Note: often in these discussions an ideal c/a ratio will be assumed (without stating the same explicitly)
Note: Atoms are coloured differently but are the same
Voids in HCP Crystals
Further views
Octahedral voids
Tetrahedral void
26. Derive the planar density expression for the HCP (0001) plane in terms of the
atomic radius R.
27. What is the difference between atomic structure and crystal structure?
28. Show that only four types of rotational symmetry are possible.
29. If the lattice parameter of Alpha iron is 286 pm, what is its atomic radius?
30. Copper has FCC crystal structure and the unit cell with a lattice constant of 0.361
nm. What is the inter-planar spacing of d111 planes?
Avala Lava Kumar
Department of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering (MME)
Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology (VSSUT), Burla -768018
E-mail :
Three states of matter are distinguishable: gas, liquid, and solid
In the gaseous state the metal atoms occupy a great deal of space because of their
rapid motion. The atoms move independently and are usually widely separated so
that the attractive forces between atoms are negligible. The arrangement of atoms
in a gas is one of complete disorder.
At some lower temperature, the kinetic energy of the atoms has decreased so that
the attractive forces become large enough to bring most of the atoms together in a
liquid. And there is a continual interchange of atoms between the vapor and liquid
across the liquid surface.
The attractive forces between atoms in a liquid may be demonstrated by the
application of pressure. A gas may be easily compressed into a smaller volume, but
it takes a high pressure to compress a liquid. There is, however, still enough free
space in the liquid to allow the atoms to move about irregularly.
As the temperature is decreased, the motions are less vigorous and the attractive
forces pull the atoms closer together until the liquid solidifies. Most materials
contract upon solidification, indicating a closer packing of atoms in the solid state.
The atoms in the solid are not stationary but are vibrating around fixed points,
giving rise to the orderly arrangement of crystal structures.
Mechanism of Crystallization
Crystallization is the transition from the liquid to the solid state and occurs in two
Nuclei formation
Crystal Growth
Although the atoms in the liquid state do not have any definite arrangement, it is
possible that some atoms at any given instant are in positions exactly
corresponding to the space lattice they assume when solidified.
These chance aggregates or groups are not permanent but continually break up and
reform at other points.
The higher the temperature, the greater the kinetic energy of the atoms and the
shorter the life of the group. When the temperature, of the liquid is decreased, the
atom movement decreases, lengthening the life of the group, and more groups will
be present at the same time.
Atoms in a material have both kinetic and potential energy. Kinetic energy is related to
the speed at which the atoms move and is strictly a function of temperature. The higher
the temperature, the more active are the atoms and the greater is their kinetic energy.
Potential energy, on the other hand, is related to the distance between atoms. The
greater the average distance between atoms, the greater is their potential energy.
Mechanism of Crystallization
Thermodynamic ↑ ∆Hfusion High → (10-15) kJ / mole
Crystallization favoured by
Very fast cooling rates ~106 K/s are used for the amorphization of alloys
→ splat cooling, melt-spinning.
Solidification (or) Freezing
Temperature →
T/t = cooling rate Equilibrium
Thermal Arrest
Time →
It gets cooled when poured into the
mould and molten metal in the liquid The solidified metal in the mould (
form will solidify. This time is called called casting) gets cooled in the mould
local solidification time to the temperature of the surroundings
Cooling Curves
Recalescence : The increase in temperature of an undercooled liquid metal as a result of the liberation
of heat during nucleation.
Thermal Arrest : A plateau on the cooling curve during the solidification of a material caused by the
evolution of the latent heat of fusion during solidification.
Total Solidification Time : The time required for the casting to solidify completely after the casting has
been poured.
Local Solidification Time : The time required for a particular location in a casting to solidify once
nucleation has begun.
Cooling curve for a pure metal that has not been well inoculated.
Liquid cools as specific heat is removed (betweens points A and B).
Undercooling is thus necessary (between points B and C). As the
nucleation begins (point C), latent heat of fusion is released causing
an increase in the temperature of the liquid. This process is known
as recalescence (point C to point D). Metal continues to solidify at
a constant temperature (T melting). At point E, solidification is
complete. Solid casting continues to cool from the point.
Temperature →
by the heat of fusion to create a stable boundary,
and some under cooling is always necessary to
form stable nuclei.
Subsequent release of the heat of fusion will raise
the temperature to the freezing point. The amount
Under cooling
of undercooling required may be reduced by the
presence of solid impurities which reduce the
amount of surface energy required.
Time →
Solidification of pure metal
When the temperature of the liquid metal has dropped sufficiently below its
freezing point, stable aggregates or nuclei appear spontaneously at various points
in the liquid. These nuclei, which have now solidified, act as centers for further
As cooling continues, more atoms tend to freeze, and they may attach themselves
to already existing nuclei or form new nuclei of their own. Each nucleus grows by
the attraction of atoms from the liquid into its space lattice.
Crystal growth continues in three dimensions, the atoms attaching themselves in
certain preferred directions, usually along the axes of the crystal this gives rise to a
characteristic treelike structure which is called a dendrite.
Since each nucleus is formed by chance, the crystal axes are pointed at random and
the dendrites growing from them will grow in different directions in each crystal.
Finally, as the amount of liquid decreases, the gaps between the arms of the
dendrite will be filled and the growth of the dendrite will be mutually obstructed
by that of its neighbors. This leads to a very irregular external shape.
The crystals found in all commercial metals are commonly called grains because of
this variation in external shape. The area along which crystals meet, known as the
grain boundary, is a region of mismatch.
1 2
Liquid to Solid Phase Transformation : Solidification
of crystal
3 ↑t
Two crystal going to join
to from grain boundary
Grain boundary
5 6
Solidification Complete
“For sufficient Undercooling”
Solidification of pure metal
This mismatch leads to a noncrystalline
(amorphous) structure at the grain boundary
with the atoms irregularly spaced.
Since the last liquid to solidify is generally
along the grain boundaries, there tends to be
higher concentration of impurity atoms in that
area. Figure (previous page) shows
schematically the process of crystallization
from nuclei to the final grains.
Due to chilling action of mold wall, a thin skin
of solid metal is formed at the wall surface
immediately after pouring.
Grain structure in a casting of a pure metal,
showing randomly oriented grains of small
size near the mold wall, and large columnar
grains oriented toward the center of the
Solidification of Alloys
Most alloys freeze over a temperature
Phase diagram for a Cu-Ni alloy system
and cooling curve for different alloy
Characteristic grain structure in an alloy
casting, showing segregation of alloying
components in center of casting.
Freezing completed
1083 ºC Solid cooling
Total Solidification
Solid solution time
Ni % Cu → Cu Time →
Comparison of cooling curves
L L Soldification
L S L+ S
Solidification S
= Vs (Gs − Gl ) + γ ls Als
δG = Vs ∆G + γ ls Als
Solidification of Pure Metal : Homogeneous Nucleation
Free energy change on nucleation =
Reduction in bulk free energy + increase in surface energy + increase in strain energy
δG = (Volume).(∆G ) + (Surface).(γ )
Note that the interfacial energy is always positive. Hence the contribution from the
second term is always positive.
However, depending on whether the liquid is above or below the melting
temperature, ∆G is positive or negative.
Hence, in an under cooled liquid, where ∆G is negative, the system will try to
minimize the shape in such a way that the overall interfacial energy is reduced so
that the maximum reduction in free energy can be achieved.
If we assume interfacial energy to be isotropic, then the volume transformed is a
sphere of radius r (since the maximum volume is enclosed for the minimal surface
area for a sphere), we get
4 3
δG = πr .(∆Gv ) + 4πr 2 .(γ ls ) ( )
Solidification of Pure Metal : Homogeneous Nucleation
In figure, we show the variation of the
volume free energy, interfacial energy and
overall free energy change as a function of r.
Since the interfacial contribution goes as r2
and that of bulk free energy as r3, at smaller r,
interfacial energy always dominates and
being a positive energy, it actually suppresses
the formation of solid.
Unless the size of the solid is above some
size where in the (negative) bulk free energy
change can more than compensate for the d ∆G
(+ve) interfacial energy, the solid will not be
stable (even if it forms).
Thus one can identify the critical radius of
∆G = 0
the solid that is stable when formed in the
under cooled liquid by minimizing δG with
∆G →
respect to ‘r’. r* r0
dr =0 Embryos Supercritical nuclei
r =r *
r →
Solidification of Pure Metal : Homogeneous Nucleation
4 3
( )
δG = πr .( ∆Gv ) + 4πr 2 .(γ ls ) ⇒ =0
3 dr r =r *
d 4 3
πr ∆G + 4πr 2
γ ls =0
dr 3 r =r*
[4πr ∆G + 8πrγ ]
ls r =r * =0
[4πr ∆G = −8πrγ ]
ls r = r * ⇒ r* =
− 2γ ls
4 − 2γ ls − 2γ ls
3 2
δG* = π ∆ G + 4π γ ls
3 ∆G ∆G
4 8γ ls3 4γ ls2
=− π× ∆G + 4π × γ ls
3 ∆G 3
32π 48π γ ls
= − + 16πγ ls3
3 ∆G 2 δG* =
3 3∆G 2
Rate of Nucleation
There is an energy barrier of ∆G* for formation of a solid nucleus of critical size
r*. The probability of energy fluctuation of size ∆G* is given by the Arrhenius
equation and the rate of homogeneous nucleation is
∆G *
N * = Vd exp −
Where Vd is the frequency with which atoms from liquid attach to the solid
nucleus. The rearrangement of atoms needed for joining the solid nucleus typically
follows the same temperature dependence as the diffusion co-efficient.
1. Differentiate between a crystal, dendrite, and a grain.
2. Why is grain boundary irregular?
3. Is there any difference in the kinetic energy of the atoms in the liquid and the gas at
the boiling point? explain
4. What is supercooling and explain the mechanism of crystallization?
5. Define homogeneous nucleation and heterogeneous nucleation? And derive the
expression for homogeneous nucleation.
6. Calculate the critical free energy of nucleation of ice from water at (i) 0ºC, (ii)-5ºC,
and (iii)-40ºC. Also calculate the critical radius at each temperature. The enthalpy of
fusion of ice is 6.02kJ/mol. The energy of the ice-water interface, 0.076 J m-2 , can be
taken to be independent of temperature. [molar volume of ice = 19 cm3]
7. (a) For the solidification of pure gold, calculate the critical radius r* and the activation
free energy ∆G* if nucleation is homogeneous. Values for the latent heat of fusion and
surface free energy are -1.16× 109 J/m3 and 0.132 J/m2, respectively, assume
supercooling value of gold is 230ºC. (b) And also calculate the number of atoms
found in a nucleus of critical size. Assume a lattice parameter of 0.413 nm for solid
gold at its melting temperature.
8. Name the two stages involved in the formation of particles of a new phase. Briefly
describe each.
9. Rewrite the expression for the total free energy change for nucleation for the case
of a cubic nucleus of edge length a (instead of a sphere of radius r). Now
differentiate this expression with respect to a and solve for both the critical cube
edge length, a*, and also free energy ∆G*. Is ∆G* greater for cube or sphere?
10. Assume for the solidification of nickel that nucleation is homogeneous, and the
number of stable nuclei is 106 nuclei per cubic meter. Calculate the critical radius
and the number of stable nuclei that exist at the following degrees of
supercooling: 200 K and 300 K. and What is significant about the magnitudes of
these critical radii and the numbers of stable nuclei? [rNi – 0.255 J/m2, ΔHf = -
2.53×109 J/m3, Super cooling value for Ni = 319oC]
Avala Lava Kumar*
Department of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering (MME)
Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology (VSSUT), Burla -768018
*E-mail :
You have been introduced to the lattice structures and types of bonding in
crystalline solids in earlier lectures.
You know that the behavior of electrons determine the way the atoms interact- the
type of bonding (metallic, ionic, covalent and vanderwaals), that holds atoms in a
solid together.
But is the knowledge of bonding and crystal structure is sufficient to predict
the macroscopic properties of materials?
So far in our study of crystalline solids, we have assumed a correspondence
between the abstract three-dimensional lattice and the actual structure of solids.
This implies that crystals are perfect.
Perfect Crystal : A crystal, in which all the atoms are at rest on their correct lattice
position in the crystal.
Such perfect crystals could only exist at absolute zero, and thermal vibrations can
be treated as a form of defect in crystal structures.
For T > 0K, defects always exist in the structure.
“Crystals are like people, it is the defects in them which tend to make them interesting”
- Colin Humphreys
Thermodynamic cause of crystal imperfections
Crystal defects are thermodynamically-controlled phenomena.
To understand how defects come about, consider the effect of probability on
entropy in the following two examples.
A typical single crystal of a large gemstone contains about 1 mole of atoms. Now
compare the effect of adding a single additional defect to
Probability for defect location is 1023
An ideal crystal → 1 defect
There is large increase in the system’s entropy
At a given T
1000 1 x 10−5
∆Gm in 1500 5 x 10−4
2000 3 x 10−3
G (Gibb
n (number of vacancies)
0D 1D 2D 3D
(Point defects) (Line defects) (Surface / Interface) (Volume defects)
Grain Twins
Vacancy Dislocation
Impurity Disclination Twin
boundary Voids /
Frenkel Cracks
defect Stacking
faults Porosity
defect Inclusions
Point Defects
Non-ionic Interstitial
(Point defects) Frenkel defect
Other ~
Schottky defect
Imperfect point-like regions in the crystal about the size of 1-2 atomic
Point Defects : Non-ionic crystals
Missing atom from an atomic site
Atoms around the vacancy displaced Tensile Stress
Fields ?
Tensile stress field produced in the vicinity
Substitutional Impurity
• Foreign atom replacing the parent atom in the crystal
Interstitial • E.g. Cu sitting in the lattice site of FCC-Ni
Impurity Interstitial Impurity
Substitutional • Foreign atom sitting in the void of a crystal
• E.g. C sitting in the octahedral void in HT FCC-Fe
Relative size
Frenkel defect
Schottky defect
− EV
NV = N S exp
N S = Number of regular lattice sites
K B = Boltzman constant
E V = Energy needed to form a vacant lattice site in a perfect crystal
Using this simple equation we can estimate vacancy per 10n lattice atoms.
Solved Calculate the equilibrium number of vacancies per cubic meter for copper at
Example -1 1000°C. The energy for vacancy formation is 0.9ev/atom; the atomic weight
and density (at 1000°C) for copper are 63.5 g/mol and 8.4 g/cm3 respectively.
− 0.9e.v
= (8.0 × 10 28 atoms / m 3 ) exp −5
(8 . 62 × 10 eV / K )(1273 K )
= 2.2 × 10 25 vacancies / m 3
Random Structural
Geometrically necessary dislocations
Dislocation is a boundary between the slipped and the unslipped parts of the crystal
lying over a slip plane
The intersection of the extra half-plane of atoms with the slip plane
defines the dislocation line (for an edge dislocation)
Direction and magnitude of slip is characterized by the Burgers vector
of the dislocation (A dislocation is born with a Burgers vector and expresses it even in
its death!)
The Burgers vector is determined by the Burgers Circuit
Right hand screw (finish to start) convention is used for determining
the direction of the Burgers vector
As the periodic force field of a crystal requires that atoms must move
from one equilibrium position to another ⇒ b must connect one
lattice position to another (for a full dislocation)
Dislocations tend to have as small a Burgers vector as possible
The edge dislocation has compressive stress field above and tensile stress field below
the slip plane.
Dislocations are non-
non-equilibrium defects and would leave the crystal if given an
Burgers Vector
Crystal with edge dislocation
Edge dislocation
Perfect crystal
Right Hand Finish to Start convention
Direction of t
t vector
dislocation line vector
Direction of b
b vector
A dislocation has associated with it two vectors:
t → A unit tangent vector along the dislocation line
b → The Burgers vector
Compressive stress field
Slipped Unslipped
part part
of the of the
crystal crystal
Motion of dislocations
Motion of Edge
Non-conservative Motion of dislocation
(Climb) ⊥ to the slip plane
Shear stress
Edge Climb
Slip plane 1
The dislocation is shown cross-
cross-slipping from the blue plane to the green plane
Type of dislocation
Dislocation Property
Edge Screw
Relation between dislocation
⊥ ||
line (t) and b
Slip direction || to b || to b
Direction of dislocation line
|| ⊥
movement relative to b
Process by which dislocation
Glide/Climb Cross-slip
may leave slip plane
Mixed dislocations
Elastic E
Energy of dislocation
Non-elastic (Core) ~E/10
Creep Diffusion
Fatigue (Pipe)
Incoherent Twin
Grain boundary
(low angle)
Semicoherent Interfaces
Disc of vacancies
~ edge dislocation
Stacking Faults
FCC stacking
with a stacking fault …ABC AB AB ABC…
Volume defects
Precipitates are small particles that are introduced into the matrix by solid state
reactions. While precipitates are used for several purposes, their most common
purpose is to increase the strength of structural alloys by acting as obstacles to the
motion of dislocations. Their efficiency in doing this depends on their size, their
internal properties, and their distribution through the lattice. However, their role in the
microstructure is to modify the behavior of the matrix rather than to act as separate
phases in their own right.
3D Defects : volume defects
Dispersants are larger particles that behave as a second phase as well as influencing the
behavior of the primary phase. They may be large precipitates, grains, or polygranular particles
distributed through the microstructure. When a microstructure contains dispersants such
properties as mechanical strength and electrical conductivity are some average of the
properties of the dispersant phase and the parent.
Inclusions are foreign particles or large precipitate particles. They are usually undesirable
constituents in the microstructure. For example, inclusions have a deleterious effect on the
useful strength of structural alloys since they are preferential sites for failure. They are also
often harmful in microelectronic devices since they disturb the geometry of the device by
interfering in manufacturing, or alter its electrical properties by introducing undesirable
properties of their own.
Voids (or pores) are caused by gases that are trapped during solidification or by vacancy
condensation in the solid state. They are almost always undesirable defects. Their principal
effect is to decrease mechanical strength and promote fracture at small loads.
1. Differentiate Frenkel and Schottky defects.
2. Find the equilibrium concentration of vacancies in aluminium (eV/vacancy = 0.70,
ΔHf =68 KJ/mol) and nickel (eV/vacancy = 1.74, ΔHf = 168 KJ/mole) at 0K, 300K,
and 900K.
3. Why point defects are called “ Equilibrium defects”. State your reasons
4. Compute the line energy of dislocations in BCC iron. The Burgers vector in iron is
of the ½<111> type. The shear modulus of iron is 80.2 GN m-2 [a BCC Fe = 2.87Å]
5. The surface of copper crystal is of the {111} type. Calculate the surface energy
(enthalpy) of copper. [a FCC Fe = 3.61Å]
6. The surface energy of a single crystal depends on crystallographic orientation. Does
this surface energy increase or decrease with an increase in planar density. Why?
7. Calculate the energy for vacancy formation in silver, given that the equilibrium
number of vacancies at 800°C (1073K) is 3.6× 1023 m-3. The atomic weight and
density (at 800°C) for silver are respectively, 107.9 g/mol and 9.5 g/cm3 .
8. Cite the relative Burgers vector–dislocation line orientations for edge, screw, and
mixed dislocations.
9. For a given material, would you expect the surface energy to be greater than, the
same as, or less than the grain boundary energy? Why?
10. The grain boundary energy of a small angle grain boundary is less than for a high
angle one. Why is this so?
11. For a BCC single crystal, would you expect the surface energy for a (100) plane
to be greater or less than that for a (110) plane? Why?
12. If there are 1010 m-2 of edge dislocations in a simple cubic crystal, how much
would each of these climb down on an average when the crystal is heated from 0
to 1000K? The enthalpy of formation of vacancies is 100 KJ mol-1. The lattice
parameter is 2 Å. The volume of one mole of the crystal is 5.5 × 10-6 m3
13. What is the geometry of edge dislocation? How did the concept arise? What is the
geometry of the screw dislocation? Differentiate Edge and Screw dislocations
14. Write short note on Volume defects
15. What is the Burgers vector of a dislocation? How is the Burgers circuit used to
define the Burgers vector ?
Avala Lava Kumar*
Department of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering (MME)
Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology (VSSUT), Burla -768018
*E-mail :
Mechanical properties of metals
The mechanical properties of a material reflects the relationship between its
response or deformation to an applied load or force.
Important mechanical properties are strength, hardness, ductility, and stiffness.
These properties are ascertained by performing carefully designed laboratory
experiments that replicate as nearly as possible the service conditions.
Factors to be considered include the nature of the applied load and its duration, as
well as the environmental conditions.
It is possible for the load to be tensile, compressive, or shear, and its magnitude
may be constant with time, or it may fluctuate continuously. Application time may
be only a fraction of a second, or it may extend over a period of many years.
Service temperature may be an important factor.
What kind of mechanical behavior phenomena does one have to understand?
Mechanical Behaviour
Note: above is a ‘broad’ classification for ‘convenience’. E.g. Creep is also leads to plastic deformation!
Classification of Deformation Processes
Time dependent Anelasticity
Permanent Time dependent
Concepts of Stress & Strain
Solids deform when they are subject to load (can be tensile, compressive or shear).
They can maintain or lose their shape
Tension Tests
Most common mechanical stress–strain tests which is used to ascertain several
mechanical properties of materials.
A specimen is deformed, usually to fracture, with a gradually increasing uniaxial
tensile load applied along the long axis of a specimen.
The tensile testing machine is designed to elongate the specimen at a constant rate,
and to continuously and simultaneously measure the instantaneous applied load
(with a load cell) and the resulting elongations (using an extensometer).
The output of such a tensile test is recorded (usually on a computer) as load or
force versus elongation
Compression Tests
Test is conducted in a manner similar to the tensile test,
except that the force is compressive and the specimen
contracts along the direction of the stress.
By convention, a compressive force is taken to be negative,
which yields a negative stress. Furthermore, since lo is
greater than l, compressive strains is also negative
Concepts of Stress & Strain
Shear Tests
For tests performed using a pure shear force, the shear
stress is computed according to
Shear stress τ = F Shear strain γ = tan θ
Torsional Tests
Torsion is a variation of pure shear, wherein a structural
member is twisted about the longitudinal axis of one end
of the member relative to the other end producing a
rotational motion .
Shear stress τ is a function of the applied torque T and
shear strain is related to the angle of twist φ.
Elastic Deformation
Deformation in which stress and strain are proportional is called elastic
Elastic deformation is non permanent reversible deformation- i.e. when load/forces
are released the body returns to its original configuration (shape and size). It can be
caused by tension/compression or shear forces.
Usually in metals and ceramics elastic deformation is seen at low strains (< 10–3).
return to
Elasticity can be linear or Non linear. Metals and ceramics usually show linear
elastic behavior.
Some materials (e.g., gray cast iron, concrete, and many polymers) exhibit non
linear elasticity.
Elastic Stress-Strain Curve
A stress-strain curve is a graph derived from
measuring load (stress - σ) versus extension (strain -
ε) for a sample of a material
For most metals that are stressed in tension and at
relatively low levels, stress and strain are
proportional to each other i.e.
The slope of this linear segment corresponds to the
modulus of elasticity E.
This is known as Hooke’s law, and the constant of
proportionality E (Gpa or psi) is the modulus of
elasticity, or Young’s modulus.
This modulus may be thought of as stiffness, or a
material’s resistance to elastic deformation. The
greater the modulus, the stiffer the material, or the
smaller the elastic strain that results from the
application of a given stress.
Elastic Stress-Strain Curve
0.2 LDPE
Plastic (Permanent) Deformation
Plastic deformation in the broadest sense means permanent deformation in the
absence of external constraints (forces, displacements).
From an atomic perspective, plastic deformation corresponds to the breaking of
bonds with original atom neighbors and then reforming bonds with new neighbors
as large numbers of atoms or molecules move relative to one another; upon
removal of the stress they do not return to their original positions.
stretch p lanes
& planes still
shear sheared
δ plastic
δ elastic + plastic
For most metallic materials, elastic deformation persists only to strains of about
0.005. As the material is deformed beyond this point, the stress is no longer
proportional to strain (Hooke’s law) and permanent/nonrecoverable/plastic
deformation occurs.
The transition from elastic to plastic is a gradual one for most metals; some
curvature results at the onset of plastic deformation, which increases more rapidly
with rising stress.
Schematic of Stress-Strain diagram showing plastic deformation resulting
from Simple tension test at lower temperatures, i.e. T < Melt/3
Proportional Limit
Elastic + Plastic
at larger stress
engineering stress, s p
Permanent (plastic)
after load is removed
ep engineering strain, e
plastic strain
Tensile Properties
proportional limit : The point at which there is a deviation from the straight line
‘elastic’ regime
Typical stress– strain behavior for a metal Representative stress–strain behavior found for
showing elastic and plastic deformations, the some steels demonstrating the yield point
proportional limit P, and the yield strength as phenomenon.
determined using the 0.002 strain offset method.
Yield Strength : Comparison
Metals/ Composites/
Ceramics/ Polymers
Alloys fibers
Steel (4140) qt
Room T values
Yield strength, σy (MPa)
Ti (5Al-2.5Sn) a
700 W (pure)
600 a = annealed
Cu (71500) cw
Al (6061) ag cw = cold worked
Hard to measure,
200 Steel (1020) hr qt = quenched & tempered
Hard to measure
Ti (pure) a
Ta (pure)
Cu (71500) hr
70 PC
60 Nylon 6,6
50 Al (6061) a PET
40 PVC humid σy(ceramics)
PP >>σy(metals)
30 H DPE
>> σy(polymers)
Tin (pure)
Tensile Strength (TS)
The tensile strength TS (MPa or psi) is the stress at the maximum on the
engineering stress–strain curve
F = fracture or
ultimate strength
engineering strain
200 Ta (pure)
cd = cold drawn
Al (6061) a
100 Si crystal wood(|| fiber) cw = cold worked
<100> Nylon 6,6
Glass-soda PC PET qt = quenched & tempered
40 Concrete PVC GFRE ( fiber) AFRE, GFRE, & CFRE =
PP C FRE ( fiber)
30 aramid, glass, & carbon
A FRE( fiber)
H DPE fiber-reinforced epoxy
20 Graphite
L DPE composites, with 60 vol%
wood ( fiber)
Ductility, %Elongation
Ductility may be expressed quantitatively as either percent elongation or percent
reduction in area.
The percent elongation %EL is the percentage of plastic strain at fracture
Lf − Lo
%EL = x 100
larger %EL Ao
Lo Af Lf
Ur = ∫0 σdε
U r ≅ σ yε y
Resistance to permanently indenting the surface.
Large hardness means:
resistance to plastic deformation or cracking in compression.
better wear properties
True Stress & Strain
True stress : σ True =
True strain : ε True = ln
σ T = σ (1 + ε )
ε T = ln (1 + ε )
The relation with Eng. Stress and Eng strain is
A comparison of typical
tensile engineering
stress–strain and true
stress–strain behaviors
What happens after necking?
Following factors come in to picture due to necking:
Till necking the deformation is ~uniform along the whole gauge length.
Till necking points on the σ-ε plot lie to the left and higher than the s-e plot (as below).
After the onset of necking deformation is localized around the neck region.
Formulae used for conversion of ‘e’ to ‘ε’ and ‘s’ to ‘σ’ cannot be used after the onset of
necking. σ = s( 1 + e) ε = ln ( 1 + e)
Triaxial state of stress develops and uniaxiality condition assumed during the test breaks
Necking can be considered as an instability in tension.
Hence, quantities calculated after the onset of necking (like fracture stress, σF) has to be
corrected for: (i) triaxial state of stress, (ii) correct cross sectional area.
Fractured surfaces
Mechanisms/modes of plastic deformation
Plastic deformation in crystalline solid is accomplished by means of various
processes mentioned below; among which slip is the most important mechanism.
Plastic deformation of crystalline materials takes place by mechanisms which are
very different from that for amorphous materials (glasses). Plastic deformation in
amorphous materials occur by other mechanisms including flow (~viscous fluid)
and shear banding.
Step formed
when dislocation
formed by
leaves the crystal
pushing in
a plane r
F Cos α
τ =
A / Cos θ
τ RSS = σ C o sθ C o s ϕ
a. Determine the value of the angle between the normal to the (110) slip plane (i.e., the [110]
direction) and the [010] direction using [u1v1w1] = [110], [u2v2w2] = [010] and the following
= cos−1 ( ) = 45o
Solved Example 1
Similarly determine the value of λ, the angle between [1 11 ] and [010] directions as
(−1)(0) + (1)(1) + (1)(0)
λ = cos −1 = cos−1 ( 1 ) = 54.7 o
[(−1) 2 + (1) 2 + (1) 2 ][(0) 2 + (1) 2 + (0) 2 ] 3
Yield Strength σY
30 MPa
σy = = 73.4 Mpa
(cos 45)(cos 54.7)
Solved Example 2
Determine the− tensile
− −
stress that is applied along the [11 0 ] axis of a silver crystal to cause
slip on the (11 1) [ 0 11] system. The critical resolved shear stress is 6 MPa.
− −−
Determine the angle ϕ between the tensile axis [11 0] and normal to (111) using the
following equation. uu +vv +ww
cos θ =
1 2 1 2 1 2
(u1 + v1 + w1 )(u 2 + v 2 + w2 )
2 2 2 2 2 2
(1)(1) + (−1)(−1) + (0)(−1)
cos φ = = 1 = 2
[(1) 2 + (−1) 2 + (0) 2 ][(1) 2 + (−1) 2 + (−1) 2 ] 2 3 6
− −
Determine the angle λ between tensile axis [11 0] and slip direction [011]
(1)(0) + (−1)(−1) + (0)(−1) 1 1
cos λ = = =
[(1) 2 + (−1) 2 + (0) 2 ][(0) 2 + (−1) 2 + (−1) 2 ] 2 2 2
Then calculate the Tensile Stress using the expression:
σ= = = = 6 6 = 14.7 Mpa
A cosφ cosλ 2 × 1
6 2
Plastic deformation by Twin
In addition to slip (dislocation movement), plastic deformation can also occur by twinning.
Twinning results when a portion of the crystal takes up an orientation that is related to the
orientation of the rest of the untwinned lattice in a definite, symmetrical way.
Twinned portion of the crystal is a mirror image of the parent crystal and the plane of
symmetry between the two portions is called twinning plane.
Twinning may favorably reorient slip systems to promote dislocation movement.
Schematic diagram showing how twinning results from an applied shear stress
Plastic deformation by Twin
Twins are generally of two types: Mechanical Twins and Annealing twins
Mechanical twins are generally seen in bcc or hcp metals and produced under conditions of
rapid rate of loading and decreased temperature.
Annealing twins are produced as the result of annealing. These twins are generally seen in
fcc metals.
Annealing twins are usually broader and with straighter sides than mechanical twins.
(a) Mechanical Twins (Neumann bands in iron), (b) Mechanical Twins in zinc produced by
polishing (c) Annealing Twins in gold-silver alloy
Plastic deformation by Twin
Twinning generally occurs when the slip systems are restricted or when the slip
systems are restricted or when something increases the critical resolved shear
stress so that the twinning stress is lower than the stress for slip.
So, twinning generally occurs at low temperatures or high strain rates in bcc or fcc
metals or in hcp metals.
Twinning occurs on specific twinning planes and twinning directions.
Slip lines
Plastic deformation of Polycrystalline Materials
During deformation, mechanical integrity and coherency are maintained along the
grain boundaries; i.e. the grain boundaries usually do not come apart or open up.
As a consequence, each individual grain is constrained, to some degree in the
shape it may assume by its neighboring grains.
Alteration of the grain structure of a polycrystalline metal as a result of plastic deformation (a)
Before deformation the grains are equiaxed. (b) After deformation elongated grains are produced
Strengthening Mechanisms
The ability of a metal to deform depends on the ability of the dislocations to move
and the slip of dislocations weakens the crystal. Hence we have two strategies to
strengthen the crystal/material:
completely remove dislocations → difficult, but dislocation free whiskers have been
produced (however, this is not a good strategy as dislocations can nucleate during
Increase resistance to the motion of dislocations or put impediments to the motion of
dislocations → this can be done in many ways as listed below.
Strengthening mechanisms
σ →
Solute atoms ↑ level of σ - ε curve
ε →
Often produce Yield Point Phenomenon
σ →
ε →
Relative strengthening effect of Interstitial and Substitutional atoms
Interstitial solute atoms have a non-spherical distortion field and can elastically interact
with both edge and screw dislocations. Hence they give a higher hardening effect (per
unit concentration) as compared to substitutional atoms which have (approximately) a
spherical distortion field.
Relative strengthening effect / unit concentration
Solute atoms
Substitutional →
Spherical distortion field Gsolute / 10
Hardening of Precipitates
Precipitates may be coherent, semi-coherent or incoherent. Coherent (& semi-coherent)
precipitates are associated with coherency stresses.
Dislocations cannot glide through incoherent precipitates.
Inclusions behave similar to incoherent precipitates in this regard (precipitates are part of the
system, whilst inclusions are external to the alloy system).
A pinned dislocation (at a precipitate) has to either climb over it (which becomes favourable
at high temperatures) or has to bow around it.
Glide through the precipitate → If the precipitate is coherent with the matrix
Get pinned by the precipitate
Only if slip plane is continuous from the matrix through the precipitate ⇒ precipitate is coherent with
the matrix.
Stress to move the dislocation through the precipitate is ~ that to move it in the matrix (though it is
usually higher as precipitates can be intermetallic compounds).
Usually during precipitation the precipitate is coherent only when it is small and becomes incoherent on
Small Large
→ Growth
Coherent Partially coherent Incoherent
Glide of the dislocation causes a displacement of the upper part of the precipitate w.r.t the lower part by
b → ~ cutting of the precipitate.
Schematic views
→ edge dislocation glide through a coherent precipitate
b Precipitate particle
If the particle is sheared, then how does the hardening effect come about?
We have seen that as the dislocation glides through the precipitate it is sheared.
If the precipitate is sheared, then how does it offer any resistance to the motion of
the dislocation? I.e. how can this lead to a hardening effect?
The hardening effect due to a precipitate comes about due to many factors (many of
which are system specific). The important ones are listed in the tree below.
Glide through the precipitate → If the precipitate is coherent with the matrix
Hardening effect
Part of the dislocation line segment (inside the
precipitate) could face a higher PN stress
Orowan bowing mechanism : Pinning effect
Dislocations can bow around widely separated inclusions. In this process they leave
dislocation loops around the inclusions, thus leading to an increase in dislocation
density. This is known as the Orowan bowing mechanism as shown in the figure
below. (This is in ‘some sense’ similar to the Frank-Read mechanism).
The next dislocation arriving (similar to the first one), feels a repulsion from the
dislocation loop and hence the stress required to drive further dislocations increases.
Additionally, the effective separation distance (through which the dislocation has to
bow) reduces from ‘d’ to ‘d1’.
Precipitate Hardening effect
The hardening effect of precipitates can arise in many ways as below:
Lattice Resistance: the dislocation may face an increased lattice friction stress in
the precipitate.
Chemical Strengthening: arises from additional interface created on shearing
Stacking-fault Strengthening: due to difference between stacking-fault energy
between particle and matrix when these are both FCC or HCP (when dislocations
are split into partials)
Modulus Hardening: due to difference in elastic moduli of the matrix and particle
Coherency Strengthening: due to elastic coherency strains surrounding the particle
Order Strengthening: due to additional work required to create an APB in case of
dislocations passing through precipitates which have an ordered lattice
Strengthening by Dispersoids
In dispersion hardening, the hard particles are mixed with matrix powder and
consolidated and processed by powder metallurgy techniques.
Example: Thoria dispersed Nickel → Fine particles of Thoria are dispersed in the
nickel matrix and the inter particle distance is enough to hinder the dislocation
movement thereby increasing the strength up to 0.9 times Tm (Tm in 0C).
In dispersion hardening, dispersoids are incoherent with the matrix and
dislocations cannot glide through these dispersoids and gets pinned.
A pinned dislocation (at a precipitate) has to either climb over it (which becomes
favorable at high temperatures) or has to bow around it (Orowan’s Mechanism of
Dispersion Hardening)
Dislocation loop exert a back stress on dislocation which needs to be overcome for
additional slip to take place and this causes hardening.
Direction of
Dislocation Dispersoid
Motion Dislocation
Strain Hardening : Forest Dislocations
What causes Strain hardening? → multiplication of dislocations
Strain hardening
Annealed material Stronger material
Cold work
ρ dislocatio n ~ (10 − 10 )
6 9
ρ dislocatio n ~ (10 12 − 10 14 )
Why increase in dislocation density ?
Why strain hardening ? X
σ →
on plastic deformation →
but observation is contrary to this
Strain hardening
We had noted that stress to cause further plastic deformation (flow stress) increases
with strain → strain hardening. This happens at
Dislocations moving in non-parallel slip planes can intersect with each other →
results in an increase in stress required to cause further plastic deformation ⇒
Strain Hardening / work hardening
One such mechanism by which the dislocation is immobilized is the Lomer-
Cottrell barrier.
Strengthening by Grain Boundary
Grain boundary is the boundary between two grains in a polycrystalline aggregate and
this is the region of a disturbed lattice which is of few atomic diameters distance.
There are two important ways in which grain boundary acts as a barrier to the
Difficulty for a dislocation to pass through two different grain orientations (need to
change the direction)
The atomic disorder within a grain boundary region contributes to a discontinuity of
slip planes from one grain to other.
σ Yield = σ o + k yd 2
During cold work the point defect density (vacancies, self interstitials…) and dislocation
density increase. Typical cold working techniques are rolling, forging, extrusion etc.
Cold working is typically done on ductile metals (e.g. Al, Cu, Ni)
Low temperature
High temperature
Overview of processes taking place during annealing of cold
worked material and the driving force for these processes
Cold work
Region of lower
Region of higher dislocation density
dislocation density
Direction of grain
boundary migration
Deformation ↑ ⇒ recrystallization temperature (Trecrystallization) ↓
Initial grain size ↓ ⇒ recrystallization temperature ↓
High cold work + low initial grain size ⇒ finer recrystallized grains
↑ cold work temperature ⇒ lower strain energy stored
⇒ ↑ recrystallization temperature
Rate of recrystallization = exponential function of temperature
Trecrystallization = strong function of the purity of the material
Trecrystallization (very pure materials) ~ 0.3 Tm
Trecrystallization (impure) ~ (0.5 – 0.6) Tm
Often the range is further subdivided into Hot, Cold and Warm working as in the figure
− 0.9 Tm
When a metal is hot worked. The conditions of deformation are
− 0.8 Tm such that the sample is soft and ductile. The effects of strain
− 0.7 Tm hardening are negated by dynamic and static processes (which keep
the sample ductile)
− 0.6 Tm
The lower limit of temperature for hot working is taken as 0.6 Tm
Warm − 0.5 Tm
Working − 0.4 Tm Recrystallization temperature (~ 0.4 Tm)
− 0.3 Tm
Cold Work
↓ Heating Time↓
Grain size →
Grain growth ↓ Time at temperature↑
↓ Annealing temperature↓
Electical conductivity
Internal stress
Tensile strength
C1 C2 C3
Potential Energy = f(height of CG
Lowest CG of all possible
Metastable state C
Substitutional Solid Solution
In this type of solution, the atoms of the solute substitute for atoms of the solvent
in the lattice structure of the solvent.
For example, silver atoms may substitute for gold atoms without losing the f.c.c
structure of gold, and gold atoms may substitute for silver atoms in the f.c.c lattice
structure of silver.
All alloys in the silver-gold system consist of an f.c.c lattice with silver and gold
atoms distributed at random through the lattice structure. This entire system
consists of a continuous series of solid solutions.
Several factors are now known, largely through the work of Hume-Rothery, that
control the range of solubility in alloy systems.
Empirical (precise) rules for the formation of substitutional solid solution
The solute and solvent atoms do not differ by more than 15% in diameter
The electro-negativity difference between the elements is small
The valency and crystal structure of the elements is same
Additional rule
Element with higher valency is dissolved more in an element of lower valency
rather than vice-versa
Hume Rothery Rules
CRYSTAL-STRUCTURE FACTOR : complete solid solubility of two elements is
never attained unless the elements have the same type of crystal lattice structure.
RELATIVE-SIZE FACTOR : The size factor is favorable for solid solution
formation when the difference in atomic radii is less than about 15%
r −r
mismatch = solute solvent × 100 ≤ 15
VALENCY RULE : a metal will dissolve a metal of higher valency to greater
extent than one of lower valency. The solute and solvent atoms should typically
have the same valance in order to achieve maximum solubility.
ELECTRONEGATIVITY RULE : Electro negativity difference close to ‘0’ gives
maximum solubility. The more electropositive one element and the more
electronegative the other, the greater is the likelihood that they will form an inter
metallic compound instead of a substitutional solid solution. The solute and the
solvent should lie relatively close in the electrochemical series.
Hume Rothery Rules
Examples of pairs of elements satisfying Hume Rothery rules and forming complete solid
solution in all proportions
Crystal Radius of
System Valency Electronegativity
structure atoms (Å)
Ag FCC 1.44 1 1.9
Au FCC 1.44 1 2.4
Ge DC 1.22 4 1.8
Si DC 1.18 4 1.8
A continuous series of solid solutions may not form even if the above conditions are satisfied
e.g. Cu-γ Fe
Interstitial Solid Solutions
The second species added goes into the voids of the parent lattice
E.g. Octahedral and tetrahedral voids in CCP, HCP (& BCC) crystals
(E.g. of solvents: Fe, Mo, Cr etc.)
E.g. B (r = 0.97 Å) C (r = 0.77 Å), N (r = 0.71 Å), O (r = 0.66 Å), H (r = 0.46 Å)
If the solute atom has a diameter < 0.59 rhost then extensive solubility is expected
(may or may not happen!)
Solubility for interstitial atoms is more in transition elements (Fe, Ti, V, Zr, Ni, W,
U, Mn, Cr) → due to electronic structure (incomplete inner shell)
C is especially insoluble in most non-transition elements
B r = 0.81 A
o o o o
C r = 0.77 A
N r = 0.71 A
O r = 0.66 A
H r = 0.46 A
3 Compound /Intermediate structure
Chemical compounds are combination of positive and negative valence elements.
Intermetallic compounds can be very different from the normal chemical
compounds (e.g. H2O).
Most compounds like pure metals, the cooling curve for a compound is similar to
that for a pure metal.
In some sense the tendency to form compounds is opposite of that to form solid solutions!
B Interstitial compounds: Hägg Phases
Transition metals form compounds with elements with small atomic size (H, C, N, B)
M4X → Fe4N, Mn4N
M2X → W2C, Mo2C, Fe2N
MX → WC, VC, TiC, NbC, TiN
The crystal structure depends on Rx /RM ratio
If Rx /RM < 0.59 → Simple crystal lattices (Cubic, Hexagonal)
Non-metal occupies specific interstitial sites in the cubic or hexagonal crystal
If Rx /RM > 0.59 → Complex crystal structures (e.g. Fe3C)
Apart from size factor valency of the interstitial atom also seems to play some role
Typically interstitial phases have a variable composition (the chemical formula indicates the
maximum amount of non-metal in the structure)
Properties include:
High electrical conductivity (with decreasing conductivity with increasing temperature as for a metal)
Metallic lustre
Many of the interstitial phases are hard (e.g. WC, VC)
The carbides have high melting point
Some covalent character to the bonding in some of these phases
Interstitial solid solutions on the other hand have much lower content of the interstitial atoms and the
crystal structure of the parent is retained
C Electron Compounds
It have a definite ratio of valence electrons to atoms and are therefore called electron
These compounds are formed usually in:
Monovalent metals (Cu, Ag, Au, Li, Na)
Transition metals (Fe, Co, Mn)
Other metals with a valency values between 2-5
Alloys of Cu, Ag, Au frequently form electron compounds
These compounds have specific ratios for: number of valence electrons/atoms →
3:2 - B.C.C → (E.g. AgCd, AgZn, Cu3Al, FeAl etc.,)
21:13 – complex CUBIC → (E.g. Ag5Cd8, Cu9Al4, Fe5Zn21, Ni5Zn21 etc.,)
7:4 – H.C.P → (E.g. AuZn3, AgCd3, Cu3Si, Ag3Sn)
These compounds can form over a wide range of compositions
For example, in the compound AgZn, the atom of silver has one valence electron while that
of zinc has two valence electrons so that the two atoms of the compound will have three
valence electrons, or an electron-to-atom ration of 3:2.
Consider, In the compound Cu9Al4, each atom of copper has one valence electron and each
atom of aluminium three valence electrons, so that the 13 atoms that make up the
compound have 21 valence electrons, or an electron-to-atom ration of 21:13.
D Others..!
Laves Phases
Laves phases have a general formula of AB2 , for exmple MgCu2(cubic), MgZn2
(hexagonal), MgNi2 (hexagonal).
Sigma Phases
Sigma phases has a very complex crystal structure and is very brittle. This phase can act as
a source of embrittlement in some alloys such as steels.
Alloy Structure
Homogeneous Mixture
Solid solution
Substitutional Interstitial
Intermediate alloy
Independent chemical species which comprise the system. These could be Elements, Ions,
Example: Au-Cu system : Components →Au, Cu (elements)
Ice-water system : Component→H2O (compound)
Al2O3-Cr2O3 system : Components→Al2O3, Cr2O3
A physically homogeneous and distinct portion of a material system (e.g. gas, crystal,
Gases : Gaseous state always a single phase → mixed at atomic or molecule level.
Liquids: Liquid solution is a single phase → e.g. Nacl in H2O and Liquid mixtures consists
of two or more phases → e.g. Oil in water (no mixing at the atomic level)
Solids: In general due to several compositions and crystals structures many phases are
For the same composition different crystal structures represent different phases. E.g. Fe
(BCC) and Fe (FCC) are different phases
What kinds of phases exist?
Phase transformation
Phase transformation is the change of one phase into another. For example
Water → Ice and α-Fe (BCC) → γ-Fe (FCC)
The single crystalline part of polycrystalline metal separated by similar entities by a grain
The component of either a liquid or solid solution that is present to a lesser or minor extent;
the component that is dissolved in the solvent.
The component of either a liquid or solid solution that is present to a greater or major
extent; the component that dissolves the solute.
System, has two meanings. First, ‘‘system’’ may refer to a specific body of material or
object. Or, it may relate to the series of possible alloys consisting of the same components,
but without regard to alloy composition
Solubility Limit
For many alloy systems and at some specific temperature, there is a maximum
concentration of solute atoms that may dissolve in the solvent to form a solid solution; this
is called a Solubility Limit.
(Phases + defects + residual stress) & their distributions
Structures requiring magnifications in the region of 100 to 1000 times. (or) The distribution
of phases and defects in a material.
Phase diagram
Phase diagrams and the systems they describe are often classified and named for the
number (in Latin) of components in the system:
The Conversion from weight percentage to atomic percentage may be made by the
following formulas:
Atomic percent of A = × 100 N
M Atomic percent of B = ×100
X +Y M
N X +Y
A plot is made of temperature vs. time, at constant composition, the resulting cooling curve will
show a change in slope when a phase change occurs because of the evolution of heat by the
phase change. This method seems to be best for determining the initial and final temperature of
solidification. Phase changes occurring solely in the solid state generally involve only small
heat changes, and other methods give more accurate results.
Metallographic Methods
This method consists in heating samples of an alloy to different temperatures, waiting for
equilibrium to be established, and then quickly cooling to retain their high temperature
structure. The samples are then examined microscopically. This method is difficulty to apply to
metals at high temperatures because the rapidly cooled samples do not always retain their high
temperature structure, and considerable skill is then required to interpret the observed
microstructure correctly.
X-ray diffraction
Since this method measures lattice dimensions, it will indicate the appearance of a new phase
either by the change in lattice dimension or by the appearance of a new crystal structure. This
method is simple, precise, and very useful in determining the changes in solid solubility with
Gibbs Phase Rule
The phase rule connects the Degrees of Freedom, the number of components in a
system and the number of phases present in a system via a simple equation.
To understand the phase rule one must understand the variables in the system along
with the degrees of freedom.
We start with a general definition of the phrase “degrees of freedom”.
Degrees of Freedom
The degree of freedom, F, are those externally controllable conditions of temperature,
pressure, and composition, which are independently variable and which must be
specified in order to completely define the equilibrium state of the system.
The degrees of freedom cannot be less than zero so that we have an upper limit to the
number of phases that can exist in equilibrium for a given system.
Gibbs Phase Rule
Variables in a phase diagram
o C – No. of components
o P – No. of phases
o F – No. of degrees of freedom
o Variables in the system = Composition variables + Thermodynamic variables
o Composition of a phase specified by (C – 1) variables (If the composition is expressed in
%ages then the total is 100% → there is one equation connecting the composition variables and we
need to specify only (C - 1) composition variables)
o No. of variables required to specify the composition of all phases: P(C – 1) (as there
are P phases and each phase needs the specification of (C – 1) variables)
o Thermodynamic variables = P + T (usually considered) = 2 (at constant pressure (e.g.
atmospheric pressure) the thermodynamic variable becomes 1)
o Total no. of variables in the system = P (C – 1) + 2
o F < no. of variables → F < P (C – 1) + 2
Gibbs Phase Rule
o For a system in equilibrium the chemical potential of each species is same in all the
If α, β, γ… are phases, then: μA (α) = μA (β) = μA (γ)…..
Suppose there are 2 phases (α and β phases) and 3 components (A, B, C) in each phase then : μA(α) =
μA(β), μB(α) = μB(β), μC(α) = μC(β) → i.e. there are three equations. For each component there are (P –
1) equations and for C components the total number of equations is C(P – 1). In the above example the
number of equations is 3(2 – 1) = 3 equations.
F = (Total number of variables) – (number of relations between variables)
= [P(C – 1) + 2] – [C(P – 1)] = C – P + 2
In a single phase system F = Number of variables F=C–P+2
P↑ → F↓ (For a system with fixed number of components as the number phases
increases the degrees of freedom decreases.
F = C+2 - P
Degrees of freedom = What you can control - What the system controls
Can control the no. of System decided how many
components added and P&T phases to produce given the
Variation of the number of degrees of freedom with number of components and number of phases
α ε
50 100 150
Pressure / kbar
The above figure represents the phase diagram for pure iron. The triple point
temperature and pressure are 490ºC and 110 kbars, respectively. α, γ and ε
refer to ferrite, austenite and ε-iron, respectively. δ is simply the higher
temperature designation of α.
Binary Phase Diagram
Binary implies that there are two components.
Pressure changes often have little effect on the equilibrium of solid phases (unless
of course we apply ‘huge’ pressures).
Hence, binary phase diagrams are usually drawn at 1 atmosphere pressure.
The Gibbs phase rule is reduced to:
Variables are reduced to : F = C – P + 1 (1 is for T).
T & Composition (these are the usual variables in materials phase diagrams)
In the next page we consider the possible binary phase diagrams. These have been
classified based on:
Complete solubility in both liquid & solid states
Complete solubility in both liquid state, but limited solubility in the solid state
Limited solubility in both liquid & solid states
Overview of possible Binary Phase Diagram
Liquid State Solid State
Isomorphous with
Phase separation
Eutectic Eutectoid
Complete solubility in liquid
state but limited solubility
in the solid state
Peritectic Peritectoid
Monotectic Monotectoid
L+ S
Temperature (ºC)
L S L+ S
Pure Ni
Pure Cu Cu-20%Ni
Time (t)
Revision : Solidification (cooling) curves
L L Soldification
L S L+ S
Solidification S
L+ S P=2 (L+S)
Temperature →
In the two phase
Solidus region, if we fix T
(and hence exhaust
1080ºC our DOF), the
composition of liquid
and solid in
equilibrium are
Solid (S) automatically fixed
(i.e. we have no
choice over
C=2 we can use our DOF
P=1 (Solid) to chose CL then T
F=2 Cu % Ni → Ni and Cs are
automatically fixed.
T and Composition can both be
varied while still being in the single
phase region
Tie line and Lever rule
Chemical Composition of Phases Tie Line Rule
To determine the relative amounts of the two phases in equilibrium at any specified
temperature in a two phase region , draw a vertical line representing the alloy and a
horizontal temperature line to the boundaries of the field.
The vertical line will divide the horizontal line into two parts whose lengths are
inversely proportional to the amount of the phases present. This is also known as
Lever rule.
The point where the vertical line intersects the horizontal line may be considered
as the fulcrum of a lever system.
The relative lengths of the lever arms multiplied by the amounts of the phases
present must balance.
Tie line and Lever rule
We draw a horizontal line (called the Tie Line)at the temperature of interest (say
T0). Let Tie line is XY.
Solid (crystal) of composition C 1 coexists with liquid of composition C 2
Note that tie lines can be drawn only in the two phase coexistence regions (fields).
Though they may be extended to mark the temperature.
To find the fractions of solid and liquid we use the lever rule.
Temperature →
The opposite arms of the lever are Y
proportional to the fraction of the solid and X
liquid phase present (this is lever rule)
Fulcrum of the lever
C0 − C1 C 2 − C0
f liquid = f Solid =
C2 − C1 C2 − C1
A C1 C0 C2 B
% B→
Tie line and Lever rule
Cu – Ni System
At Co = 35 wt% Ni TA A
tie line
1300 L (liquid)
Temperature ((ºC)
At T A : Only Liquid (L)
W liquid = 100 wt%, Wsolid = 0 B
At T D: Only Solid ( S ) 1200 S (solid)
W L = 0, W solid = 100 wt% TD
A – B bonds stronger than A – A and B – B bonds A – A and B – B bonds stronger than A-B bonds
Solid Stabilized → Ordered Solid Formation Liquid Stabilized → Phase separation in the solid
Case 1 Case 2
Examples of Isomorphous System with phase separation
Equilibrium Cooling
Figure: The above figure represents the very slow cooling , under equilibrium conditions, of a
particular alloy 70A-30B will now be studied to observe the phase changes that occur .
Equilibrium Cooling
This alloy at temperature T0 is a homogeneous single-phase liquid solution (a) and
remains so until temperature T1is reached. Since T1is on the liquidus line, freezing or
solidification now begins.
The first nuclei of solid solution to form α1 will be very rich in the higher melting point
metal A and will be composed of 95A-5B (by tie line rule). Since the solid solution in
forming takes material very rich in A from the liquid, the liquid must get richer in B. Just
after the start of solidification, the composition of the liquid is approximated as 69A-31B
When the lower temperature T2 is reached, the liquid composition is at L2. The only solid
solution in equilibrium with L2 and therefore the only solid solution forming at T2 is α2.
Applying tie line rule, α2 is composed of 10B. Hence, as the temperature is decreased,
not only does the liquid composition become richer in B but also the solid solution.
At T2 ,crystals of α2 are formed surrounding the α1 composition cores and also separate
dendrites of αz (see figure in below).
Equilibrium Cooling
In order for equilibrium to be established at T2, the entire solid phase must be a
composition α2. This requires diffusion of B atoms to the A-rich core not only from
the solid just formed but also from the liquid. This is possible in crystal growth (c).
The composition of the solid solution follows the solidus line while the
composition of liquid follows the liquidus line, and both phases are becoming
richer in B.
At T3 (d), the solid solution will make up approximately three-fourths of all the
material present.
Finally, the solidus line is reached at T4, and the last liquid L4, very rich in B,
solidifies primarily at the grain boundaries (e).
However, diffusion will take place and all the solid solution will be of uniform
composition α(70A-30B), which is the overall composition of the alloy (f).
There are only grains and grain boundaries. There is no evidence of any difference
in chemical composition inside the grains, indicating that diffusion has made the
grain homogeneous.
Equilibrium Cooling
The very slow cooling , under Cu-Ni Phase Diagram
equilibrium conditions, of
L (liquid) L: 35wt%Ni
particular alloy 65Cu - 35Ni will
now be studied.
1300 A
A – Homogeneous single phase L: 35 wt% Ni
(Liquid) a: 46 wt% Ni B 35 B
Temperature ((ºC)
B - ‘B’ is on the liquidus line, C 43
solidification now begins. D
24 36 L: 32 wt% Ni
C – Solid surrounded by liquid a : 43 wt% Ni
crystals. 1200 E E
L: 24 wt% Ni
D – ‘D’ is on the solidus line, a : 36 wt% Ni
solidification now ends.
S (solid)
E – Homogeneous single phase
20 30 35 40 50
Cu Ni
% Ni→
Non Equilibrium Cooling - Coring
In actual practice it is extremely difficult to cool under equilibrium conditions.
Since diffusion in the solid state takes place at a very slow rate, it is expected that
with ordinary cooling rates there will be some difference in the conditions as
indicated by the equilibrium diagram.
Dendritic Structure
α 183ºC
Temperature ((ºC)
α: mostly Cu 1000
α L+ α TE L+ β
β: mostly Ag 800 779°C β
8.0 71.9 91.2
• TE : No liquid below TE
• CE : Min. melting TE α +β
Three single phase regions – (L, α, β)
exist at 71.9% Ag at 779°C commonly 200
known as Eutectic. The reaction is as 0 20 40 60 CE 80 100
Cu wt% of Ag→ Ag
L(CE) α(CαE) + β(CβE)
Microstructural Characteristics of Eutectic System
L: Co wt% Sn L: Co wt% Sn
400 400
α L
300 L 300 α
Temperature ((ºC)
Temperature ((ºC)
L+ α
L+ α α: Co wt% Sn
α α
TE α: Co wt% Sn TE
100 100
α +β α+ β
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
Pb 2% wt% Sn→ , Pb wt% Sn→
To reiterate an important point: Phase diagram do not contain microstructural information
(i.e. they cannot tell you what is the microstructures produced by cooling. Often
microstructural information is overlaid on phase diagram for convenience. Hence, strictly
cooling is not in the domain of phase diagram – but we can overlay such information
keeping in view the assumptions involved.
Microstructural Characteristics of Eutectic System
18.3 wt% Sn < Co < 61.9 wt% Sn
Microstructure consists a crystals and a eutectic microstructure
L: Co wt% Sn
α L →Just above TE :
α C α = 18.3 wt% Sn
300 L
CL = 61.9 wt% Sn
Temperature ((ºC)
α Wα = S = 50 wt%
200 R S L+ β β R+S
TE WL = (1- W α ) = 50 wt%
α 183°C L+β β
α+β β: 97.8 wt% Sn
α: 18.3 wt%Sn
0 20 40 60 80 97.8100
Pb 18.3 CE Sn
→wt% Sn
α L+ α
200 L+β β
α + β
Pb0 20 40 60 80 100
eutectic (61.9%Sn) Sn
Hypoeutectic Hypereutectic
α β
α β
α α β β
α β
α β
160 mm
175 mm 175 mm
eutectic micro-constituent
Special Eutectic Systems
Consider the eutectic system without terminal solid solubility : Bi-Cd
Technically it is incorrect to draw eutectic phase diagrams with zero solid solubility.
This would imply that a pure component (say Bi in the example considered) melts over
a range of temperatures (from ‘p’ to 271 ºC) → which is wrong.
Also let us consider an example of a point ‘p’ (which lies on the ‘eutectic line’ PQ). At
‘p’ the phase rule becomes : F = C-P+1 = 1-3+1 = -1 !!!
Special Eutectic Systems
Note that the above is an alternate way of arriving at the obvious contradiction that at ‘P’
on one hand we are saying that there is a pure component and on the other hand we are
considering a three phase equilibrium (which can happen only for Bi-Cd alloys.
In Eutectic systems, at Eutectic point E → 3 phases co-exist : L, α &β
The number of components in a binary phase diagram is 2→ the number of DOF F=0
This implies that the Eutectic point is an Invariant Point → For a given system it occurs
at a fixed composition and temperature.
Application of Lever rule in Eutectic System
For a 40 wt% Sn-60 wt% Pb alloy at 150°C, find the phases present: α
and β, Composition of phases
Temperature ((ºC)
The relative amount of each phase L+ α
by using lever rule 200 183°C L+ β β
18.3 61.9 97.8
S Cβ - CO 150 R S
Wa = =
R+S Cβ - Cα 100 α+β
99 - 40 59
= = = 67 wt%
99 - 11 88
C -C 0 11 20 40 60 80 99100
Wβ = R = O α Cα Co Cβ
R+S Cβ - Cα
wt% Sn→
40 - 11 29
= = = 33 wt%
99 - 11 88
Application of Lever rule in Eutectic System
For a 40 wt% Sn-60 wt% Pb alloy at 220°C, find the phases present: α
and Liquid, Composition of phases
Temperature ((ºC)
The relative amount of each phase
220 α
by using lever rule 200 R S L+ β β
CL - CO 46 - 40
Wa = = 100
CL - Cα 46 - 17 α +β
= = 21 wt%
0 17 20 40 46 60 80 100
CO - Cα 23 Cα Co CL
WL = = = 79 wt%
CL - Cα 29 Wt% Sn→
During the solidification of a off eutectic (Pb-Sn) composition (C0 ), 90
vol.% of the solid consisted of the eutectic mixture and 10vol.% of the
proeutectic β phase. What is the value of C0 ?
Density data for β and α Let us start with some observations: ♦Pb is heavier than Sn and hence the density
of α is more than that of β ♦Since the proeutectic phase is β → the composition is
ρα = 10300 Kg/ m3 hypereutectic (towards the Sn side) ♦ The volume fraction (in %) are usually
ρβ = 7300 Kg/ m3 calculated by taking the area fractions by doing metallography (microstructure) and
Eutectic Data then converting it into volume fractions (usually volume fraction is assumed to be
183 ºC equal to area fraction
62 wt% Sn L α β
62%Sn 18%Sn 97%Sn
Using the fact that there is 10 Vol% β phase :
Wt .ofβ 0.1× 7300
Wt . fractionof proeutecti cβ = =
(0.1× 7300) + (0.9 × ρ
Wt .ofthealloy eutecticmi x )
97 − 62 62 − 18
Where, ρ eutecticmix = 10300( ) + 7300( ) = 4563 + 4066 = 8629 Kg / m 3
97 − 18 97 − 18
Substituting in equation (1): Wt. fraction of proeutectic β = 0.086
C0 − 0.62
U sin gleverrule : 0.086 = , C0 = 0.650 = 65.0%
0.97 − 0.62
Peritectic Phase Diagram
Liquid (L)
Temperature ((ºC)
(Pt) 1186ºC
α L+β
In some Peritectic reactions (e.g. the Pt-Ag system – previous page). The (pure) β
phase is not stable below the Peritectic temperature (TP = 1186 ºC for Pt- Ag
system) and splits into a mixture of (α+β) just below TP.
Monotectic Phase Diagram
In all the types discussed previously, it was assumed that there was complete
solubility in the liquid state. It is quite possible, however, that over a certain
composition range two liquid solutions are formed that are not soluble in each
Another term for solubility is miscibility. Substances that are not soluble in each
other, such as oil and water, are said to be immiscible. Substances that are partly
soluble in each other are said to show a miscibility gap, and this is related to
Monotectic Systems.
When one liquid forms another liquid, plus a solid, on cooling, it is known as a
Monotectic Reaction.
It should be apparent that the Monotectic reaction resembles the eutectic reaction,
the only difference being that one of the products is a liquid phase instead of a
solid phase.
An example of an alloy system showing a Monotectic reaction is that between
copper and lead given in next page. Notice that in this case the L1 + L2 is closed.
Also, although the terminal solids are indicated as α and β, the solubility is actually
so small that they are practically the pure metals, copper and lead.
Monotectic Phase Diagram
1083 L1
1000 36 87
953 L2
α+L1 L1 + L2
Temperature ((ºC)
700 L1 → L2+α
326 327.5
300 99.94
←α β→
30 40 50 60 70 80
Cu 10 20 90 Pb
Weight Percent Lead Pb→
In Cu-Zn Phase diagram the eutectoid reaction occurs
At 560 ºC with 75% Zn
The Eutectoid Reaction
This is a common reaction in the solid state. It is very similar to the eutectic
reaction but does not involve the liquid . In this case, a solid phase transforms on
cooling into two new solid phases. The general equation may be written as..!
Solid1 Solid2 + Solid3
The resultant Eutectoid mixture is extremely fine, just like the eutectic mixture.
Under the microscope both mixtures generally appear the same, and it is not
possible to determine microscopically whether the mixture resulted from a eutectic
reaction or eutectoid reaction.
An equilibrium diagram of Cu-Zn, illustrating the eutectoid reaction is shown in
figure (see in next page).
In copper (Cu) – Zinc (Zn) system contains two terminal solid solutions i.e. these
are extreme ends of phase diagram α and η, with four intermediate phases called β,
γ, δ and ε. The β’ phase is termed an ordered solid solution, one in which the
copper and zinc atoms are situated in a specific and ordered arrangement within
each unit cell.
Cu-Zn Phase Diagram - Eutectoid Reaction
α β
+ β δ+L
600 β + δ
γ η+ L
α γ ε+L
β’ ε
400 α β’ γ+ε η
+ + ε+η
β’ γ
0 20 40 60 80 100
Cu Zn
Composition (Wt% Zn→)
Cu-Zn Phase Diagram - Eutectoid Reaction
In the diagram, some phase boundary lines near the bottom are dashed to indicate
that there positions have not been exactly determined. The reason for this is that at
low temperatures, diffusion rates are very slow and inordinately long times are
required for the attainment of equilibrium.
Again only single- and two- phase regions are found on the diagram, and the same
and we can utilize the lever rule for computing phase compositions and relative
The commercial material brasses are copper-rich copper-zinc alloys: for example,
cartridge brass has a composition of 70 wt% Cu-30 wt% Zn and a microstructure
consisting of a single α phase.
Cu 70, Zn 30 (wt%),
annealing twins
The Peritectoid Reaction
This is a fairly common reaction in the solid state and appears in many alloy
systems. The peritectoid reaction may be written as
Solid1 + Solid2 Solid3
The new solid phase is usually an intermediate alloy, but it may also be a solid
solution .The peritectoid reaction has the same relationship to the peritectic
reaction as the eutectoid has to the eutectic. Essentially, it is the replacement of a
liquid by a solid.
The peritectoid reaction occurs entirely in the solid state and usually at lower
temperatures than the peritectic reaction, the diffusion rate will be slower and there
is less likelihood that equilibrium structures will be reached.
Consider Silver (Ag) – Aluminium (Al) phase diagram (in next page) containing a
peritectoid reaction.
If a 7% Al alloy is rapidly cooled from the two phase area just above the
peritectoid temperature the two phases will be retained, and the microstructure will
show a matrix of γ with just a few particles of α. When we cool at below the
peritectoid temperature by holding we get single phase μ.
Peritectoid Reaction : Ag-Al Phase Diagram
Weight percent aluminium →
10 20
1000 0 30 40 50 60 80 100
900 Solid1 + Solid2 Solid3
800 780
727 Liquid
700 β
Temperature ((ºC)
600 610
αAg αAg+γ αAl
448 6.8% Al
300 μ αAg+γ → μ
μ +
200 +μ γ
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Ag Atomic percent aluminium → Al
Monotectoid Reaction : Al-Zn Phase Diagram
700 Monotectoid
α→ α׳+β
500 L+β
Temperature ((ºC)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Al Zn
Weight percent Zinc →
Syntectic Reaction : Ga – I Phase Diagram
Weight Percent Iodine
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Temperature ((ºC) L 1+L 2
211ºC 214ºC
L 1+L 2↔GaI 160ºC
29.7ºC GaI (I)
0 50 65.5 75 100
Ga Atomic Percent Iodine I
Metatectic Reaction : Fe - Sc Phase Diagram
Liquid + α
γ α
1000 γ+α
α+σ σ
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Weight Percent Chromium →
Allotropic Transformations: Fe-Fe3C System
Peritectic L
L+δ→γ 1493ºC
δ L → γ + Fe3C
L+ γ
0.1 %C γ 2.06 1147ºC
Eutectoid γ + Fe3C
γ → α + Fe3C
0.025 %C α + Fe3C
T →
Fe Fe3C
0.16 0.8 4.3 6.7
Fe-Cementite diagram %C →
Order-disorder Transformations
Ordinarily in the formation of substitutional type of solid solution the solute atoms do not
occupy any specific position but are distributed at random in the lattice structure of the
solvent. The alloy is said to be in a ‘disordered’ condition.
Some of these random solid solutions, if cooled slowly, undergo a rearrangement of the
atoms where the solute atoms move into definite positions in the lattice. This structure is
known as an ordered solid solution or superlattice.
Ordering is most common in metals that are completely soluble in the solid state, and
usually the maximum amount of ordering occurs at a simple atomic ratio of the two
For this reason, the ordered phase is sometimes given a chemical formula, such as AuCu
and AuCu3 in the gold-copper alloy system. On the equilibrium diagram, the ordered
solutions are frequently designated as α ׳, β ׳, etc. or α ׳, α ״, etc., and the area in which they
are found is usually bounded by a dot-dash line.
Figure : Effect of (a) temperature, (b) composition, and (c) deformation on the resistivity of
copper-gold alloys
Some of the equilibrium diagrams discussed under the simple types are
the same as actual ones. Many alloy systems have diagrams which show
more than one type of reaction and are generally more complex than the
simple types.
However, even the most complex diagrams show mainly the reactions
that have been covered. The student should be able to label a phase
diagram completely; understand the significance of every point, line and
area; determine the various reactions that occur at the horizontal lines;
and describe the slow cooling and microstructure of any alloy on a
binary equilibrium diagram.
1. What is Gibbs phase rule? And state the application of it in phase diagrams.
2. Two metals A (melting point 800 ºC) and B (melting point 600 ºC) form a binary
isomorphous system. An alloy having 35% B has 75% solid and rest liquid whereas an alloy
having 55%B has 25% solid at 700 ºC. Estimate the composition of solidus and liquidus at
the above temperature.
3. Apply phase rule to the two phase field of a binary isomorphous diagram. What conclusion
can be drawn?
4. What is the difference between the states of phase equilibrium and metastability?
5. Is it possible to have a copper–nickel alloy that, at equilibrium, consists of an phase of
composition 37 wt% Ni–63 wt% Cu, and also a liquid phase of composition 20 wt% Ni–80
wt% Cu? If so, what will be the approximate temperature of the alloy? If this is not
possible, explain why.
6. What thermodynamic condition must be met for a state of equilibrium to exist?
7. Briefly describe the phenomenon of coring and why it occurs. Cite one undesirable
consequence of coring.
8. A binary alloy having 28 wt % Cu & balance Ag solidifies at 779⁰C. The soild consists of
two pahses α & β. Phase α has 9% Cu whereas phase β has 8% Ag at 779⁰C. At room
temperature these are pure Ag & Cu respectively. Sketch the phase diagram. Label all fields
& lines. Melting points of Cu & Ag are 1083⁰C & 960⁰C respectively. Estimate the amount
of α & β in the above alloy at 779⁰C & at room temperature.
9. The figure on the below is the hafnium–vanadium phase diagram, for which only single-
phase regions are labeled. Specify temperature–composition points at which all eutectics,
eutectoids, peritectics, and congruent phase transformations occur. Also, for each, write the
reaction upon cooling.
10. Briefly explain why, upon solidification, an alloy of eutectic composition forms a
microstructure consisting of alternating layers of the two solid phases.
11. What is the difference between a phase and a microconstituent?
12. What is the principal difference between congruent and incongruent phase transformations?
13. A molten Ag‐Cu (20%) alloy is allowed to cool slowly till room temperature. Refer to the
diagram in problem 8 and plot its cooling curve. Estimate % α just after it has solidified at
779⁰C & room temperature. Sketch its microstructure and find % Eutectic .
14. Two alloys belonging to a binary system have the following microstructures. One having
25% B consists of 50% α & 50% eutectic and the other having 0.75%B has 50% β & 50%
eutectic. Microstructrural examination shows that eutectic is made of 50% α & 50% β.
Estimate the composition of α,β & eutectic.
15. Draw the phase diagram for a binary alloy system having following features. Melting point
of the two metals (A & B) are widely different. These are partially soluble in each other.
There is one three phase reaction isotherm at a temperature higher than the melting point of
B but lower than that of A. Write down the equation representing the 3 phase reaction. What
is it commonly known as?
16. Sketch a binary phase diagram showing 2 peritectic and 1 eutectic reaction isotherm.
Assume both metal A & B have nearly same melting point & there are two & terminal two
intermediate soild solutions.
17. Draw a binary phase diagram where A undergoes an allotropic transformation (but not B)
and there are one eutectic and one eutectoid transformation.
18. Cooling curve of a binary alloy looks exactly similar to that of a pure metal. Is this
19. Why the eutectic structure does not exhibit coring?
20. In below figure is shown the pressure– temperature phase diagram for Apply the Gibbs
phase rule at points A,B, and C; that is, specify the number of degrees of freedom at each of
the points—that is, the number of externally controllable variables that need be specified to
completely define the system.
Avala Lava Kumar*
Department of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering (MME)
Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology (VSSUT), Burla -768018
*E-mail :
Figure 1
Iron – carbon (Fe-C) diagram and
first phase diagram of any alloy to be
established, done by Roberts –Austen
in 1898 after whom austenite came to Figure 2
be named. (Figure 1)
The Iron Carbon diagram, adjusted by Bakhuis-Roozeboom in 1900. Notice line A-a and
the temperature range between 1000 and 1100ºC, where carbide formation was suppose to
take place as the result of a chemical reaction between graphite and austenite (at that time
called martensite! (Figure 2)
Allotropic Transformations in Iron
Iron is an allotropic metal, which means that it can exist in more than one type of
lattice structure depending upon temperature. A cooling curve for pure iron is
shown below:
δ (delta) Fe - B.C.C
Temperature ºC →
γ (gamma) Fe - F.C.C
Non Magnetic
Non Magnetic α (alpha) Fe - B.C.C
α (alpha) Fe - B.C.C
Time →
Allotropic Transformations in Iron
There are three more allotropes for pure iron that form under different
The iron having hexagonal close packed structure. This forms at extreme
pressure,110 k bars and 490°C. It exists at the centre of the Earth in solid
state at around 6000°C and 3 million atmosphere pressure.
This is face centered tetragonal iron. This is coherently deposited iron
grown as thin film on a {100} plane of copper substrate
Growing iron on mis-fiting {111} surface of a face centered cubic copper
Iron – Cementite Phase Diagram
The Fe-C (or more precisely the Fe-Fe3C) diagram is an important one. Cementite
is a metastable phase and ‘strictly speaking’ should not be included in a phase
diagram. But the decomposition rate of cementite is small and hence can be
thought of as ‘stable enough’ to be included in a phase diagram. Hence, we
typically consider the Fe-Fe3C part of the Fe-C phase diagram.
A portion of the Fe-C diagram – the part from pure Fe to 6.67 wt.% carbon
(corresponding to cementite, Fe3C) – is technologically very relevant.
Cementite is not a equilibrium phase and would tend to decompose into Fe and
graphite. This reaction is sluggish and for practical purpose (at the microstructural
level) cementite can be considered to be part of the phase diagram. Cementite
forms as it nucleates readily as compared to graphite.
Compositions upto 2.1%C are called steels and beyond 2.1% are called cast irons.
In reality the calssification should be based on ‘castability’ and not just on carbon content.
Heat treatments can be done to alter the properties of the steel by modifying the
microstructure → we will learn about this in coming chapters.
Iron – Cementite Phase Diagram
0.1 0.16 0.51
Peritectic Liquid (L)
L+δ→γ 1493ºC
L → γ + Fe3C
δ (Ferrite)
L+ γ L + Fe3C
Temperature →
δ+ γ γ (Austenite) 1147ºC
Hypo Eutectic Hyper Eutectic
910ºC 2.11
[γγ(Austenite) + Fe3C(Cementite)] = Ledeburite
α (Ferrite)
Eutectoid 4.3
0.025 %C
6 faces sharing with two sides (6/2)=3 One interstitial site in center plus
12 edges sharing with four sides (12/4)=3 12 edges sharing with four sides (12/4)=3
Total sites is (3+3), 6 per unit cell Total sites is (1+3), 4 per unit cell
Every one Fe atom we have 3 interstitial sites Every one Fe atom we have 1 interstitial site
Carbon Solubility in Iron
Surprising facts…!
C dissolves more in the close packed structure (FCC, γ-Fe) (albeit at higher temperatures at
1 atm. pressure− where FCC is stable) than in the open structure (BCC-Fe).
C sits in the smaller octahedral void in BCC in preference to the larger tetrahedral void in
The octahedral void in FCC is the larger one and less distortion occurs when
carbon sits there → this aspect contributes to a higher solubility of C in γ-Fe.
The distorted octahedral void in BCC is the smaller one → but (surprisingly)
carbon sits there in preference to the distorted tetrahedral void (the bigger one). (we
will see in coming slides)
Due to small size of the voids in BCC the distortion caused is more and the
solubility of C in α-Fe is small
this is rather surprising at a first glance as BCC is the more open structure
but we have already seen that the number of voids in BCC is more than that in
FCC → i.e. BCC has more number of smaller voids.
Carbon Solubility in Iron
= 1.292 A
Fe Void (Oct) Void (Tet)
Size of Fe atom
CCP crystal rFCC
Size of the OV
xFCC (oct ) = 0.534 A
r = 0.77 A
C Relative sizes of voids w.r.t atoms
Size of Carbon atom
(d .tet ) = 0.364 A
Size of the TV
o Relative sizes of voids w.r.t atoms
Size of the OV x Fe
BCC (d .oct ) = 0.195 A
FCC Size of the largest atom which can fit into the tetrahedral is 0.225 and octahedral void is 0.414
BCC Size of the largest atom which can fit into the d.tetrahedral is 0.29 and d.octahedral void is 0.154
Why carbon preferentially sits in the apparently smaller octahedral void in BCC ?
Ignoring the atom sitting at B and assuming the interstitial atom touches the atom at A
OA = r + x A = r Fe
BCC = 1.258 A
2 6r BCC : 3a = 4 r
r + xA =
xA 2 6
= − 1 = 0.6329
r 3
o o o
OX = x A = 0.796 A OY = xB = 0.195 A x Fe
BCC ( d .tet ) = 0.364 A
Carbon Solubility in Iron
Actually the octahedral void in BCC is a linear one (interstitial atom
actually touches only two out of the 6 atoms surrounding it)
This implies for x/r ratios between 0.15 and 0.63 the interstitial atom has to
push only two atoms
(xcarbon/rFe)BCC ~ 0.6
This explains why Carbon preferentially sits in the apparently smaller
octahedral void in BCC
Characteristics of phases appeared in
Fe-Fe3C phase diagram
Ferrite (α)
α(Ferrite) contains
B.C.C structure
α (Ferrite) – 90X
Cementite (Fe3C)
Cementite or iron carbide, chemical formula Fe3C, contains 6.67%C by weight and
it is a metastable phase.
It is typically hard and brittle interstitial compound of low tensile strength (approx.
5000 psi) but high compressive strength.
It is the hardest structure that appears on the diagram.
Its crystal structure is orthorhombic
Cementite network
(4 atoms)
(12 atoms)
Orthorhombic α = β = γ = 90º
α + Fe3C)
Pearlite (α
Pearlite is the eutectoid mixture containing 0.80
%C and is formed at 723ºC on very slow
It is very fine platelike or lamellar mixture of
ferrite and cementite. The fine fingerprint
mixture called pearlite is shown in below figure.
Hypo Hyper
Eutectoid Eutectoid
Fine Pearlite Coarse
α + Fe3C
Pearlite is a not a
phase but combination
Tensile strength – 120,000 psi or 825 Mpa of two phases (ferrite
+ cementite)
Elongation – 20 percent in 2 in.
Hardness – HRC 20, HRB 95-100, or BHN 250-300
Austenite (γ)
It is an interstitial solid solution of a small amount of carbon dissolved in γ iron.
The maximum solubility is 2.1%C at 1147ºC.
The crystal structure of Austenite (γ) is F.C.C
Tensile strength – 150,000 psi or 1035 Mpa
Elongation – 10% in 2 in. Fe
Hardness - 40 HRC and Toughness is high.
γ(Austenite) – 325X
Ledeburite (γ+ Fe3C)
Ledeburite is the eutectic mixture of austenite
and cementite. It contains 4.3%C and is formed
at 1147ºC
Structure of ledeburite contains small islands of
austenite are dispersed in the carbide phase.
Not stable at room temperature 6.7
This is not stable at room temperature in plain carbon steel. However it can be
present at room temperature in alloy steel specially duplex stainless steel.
Pearlite in SEM
Pearlite in AFM
Pro-eutectoid ferrite
Hyper eutectoid region
Hyper eutectoid region – 0.8 to 2.1 %C
Consider an alloy of composition C1 in figure
that, upon cooling, moves down the line zz’. At
point g only the γ phase will be present and the
microstructure having only gamma grains.
Upon cooling into the γ+ Fe3C phase field –
say to point h – the cementite phase will began
to form along the initial γ grain boundaries,
similar to the α phase in point d. this cementite
is called proeutectoid cementite that which
forms before the eutectoid reaction.
As the temperature is lowered through the
eutectoid to point I, all remaining austenite of
eutectoid composition is converted into
pearlite; thus the resulting microstructure
consists of pearlite and proeutectoid cementite
as microconstituents.
Hyper eutectoid region
Cementite network
Application of Lever rule in
Fe-Fe3C phase diagram
Solved For a 99.6 wt% Fe-0.40 wt% C at a temperature just below the
Example eutectoid, determine the following:
a) The amount of Fe3C, ferrite (α) and pearlite
b) The amount of pearlite and proeutectoid ferrite (α)
Ferrite Cementite
Percentage of Fe3C =
Ferrite Pearlite
A2 Acm A0
Plain stands for only Fe-c with out any alloying element
Classification of steels
Based on method of manufacturer
This gives rise to bessemer steel, open hearth steel, electric – furnace steel, crucible steel,
This is generally the final use for the steel, such as machine steel, spring steel, boiler steel,
structural steel, or tool steel.
Based on % of Carbon
% of alloying element
5% of Nickel
1. Sketch the microstructure of 0.2% C steel. Calculate %Pearlite % cementite, % proeutectoid
ferrite and % total ferrite.
2. Estimate the ratio of the widths of ferrite and cementite plates in lamellar pearlite.
3. Sketch the temperarture – time diagram during the heating cycle of a 0.8% C steel. Use
standard Fe- Fe3C phase diagram.
4. Estimate %Cm in Ledeburite just below eutectic and just above eutectoid temeratures. What
is its structure at room temperature?
5. If an eutectoid steel is kept at 700⁰C
⁰ what change do you expect?
6. What is the limitation of phase diagram?
7. Which microstructure in eutectoid steel has maximum hardenss? Give reason.
8. Is it possible to have an iron-carbon alloy for which the mass fractions of total cementite
and pro-eutectoid ferrite are 0.057 and 0.36, respectively? Why or why not?
9. Briefly explain why a proeutectoid phase (ferrite or cementite) forms along austenite grain
10. Draw the Fe- Fe3C phase diagram and label all the phases.
Avala Lava Kumar*
Department of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering (MME)
Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology (VSSUT), Burla -768018
*E-mail :
Iron – Graphite Phase Diagram
The true equilibrium diagram for iron and carbon is generally considered as iron-
graphite phase diagram (next slide). Earlier we learn about iron-iron carbide phase
diagram and it is not a true equilibrium diagram, generally it is called metastable
iron - iron carbide phase diagram.
Cementite (Fe3C) is a metastable compound, and under some circumstances it can
be made to dissociate or decompose to form ferrite and graphite, according to the
Fe3C 3Fe + C
For explain of cast irons we will refers to both Iron-Iron carbide phase diagram
and Iron-Graphite phase diagram.
Cast irons are a class of ferrous alloys with carbon contents above 2.14 wt%; in
practice, however, most cast irons contain between 3.0 and 4.5 wt% C and, in
addition, other alloying elements .
The ductility of cast iron is very low and brittle, it cannot be rolled, drawn, or
worked at room temperature. However they melt readily and can be cast into
complicated shapes which are usually machined to final dimensions. Since casting
is the only suitable process applied to these alloys, they are known as cast irons.
Iron – Graphite Phase Diagram
δ 0.51 Stable
1539 L
1395 L + Graphite
Temperature ºC →
Fe C
0.16 6.7 100
% Carbon →
A brief history of cast irons
Cast iron has its earliest origins in china between 700 and 800B.C. until this period
ancient furnaces could not reach sufficiently high temperatures.
The use of this newly discovered form of iron varied from simple tools to a
complex chain suspension bridge erected approximately 56A.D.
The next significant development in cast iron was the first use of coke in 1730 by
an English founder named Darby.
Due to this revolution, better casts were available for more versatile roles, such as
James Watt’s first steam engine, constructed in 1794.
In 1810, Swedish chemist Bergelius, and German physicists Stromever discovered
that by adding silicon to the furnace, along with scrap and pigiron, consistently
cast iron is produced.
In 1885 Turner added ferrosilicon to white iron to produce stronger gray iron
In the late 20th century the major use of cast irons consisted of pipes, thermal
containment units, and certain machine or building entities which were necessary
to absorb continuous vibrations.
Classification of cast irons
White CI
Grey CI Malleabilize
Compacted Graphite CI
Alloy CI
400 X
Silicon increases fluidity and influences the solidification of the molten metal and
it decreases Eutectivity i.e., the eutectic composition is shifted to the left
approximately 0.30% carbon for each 1% silicon, which effectively depresses the
temperature at which the alloy begins o solidify.
Si promotes graphitization → ~ effect as ↓ cooling rate
As the silicon content is increased, the austenite field decreases in area, the
eutectoid carbon content is lowered, and the eutectoid transformation occurs over a
broadening range.
Solidification over a range of temperatures permits the nucleation and growth of
Graphite flakes
Change in interfacial energy between γ/L & Graphite/L brought about by Si
Careful control of the silicon content and cooling rate is required to graphitize the
eutectic and proeutectoid cementite, but not the eutectoid cementite, in order to
end up with a pearlitic gray iron of high strength.
Grey Cast Iron
Role of Sulfur
Most commercial gray irons contain between 0.06 and 0.12% sulfur. The effect of
sulfur on the form of carbon is the reverse of silicon. The higher the sulfur content, the
greater will be the combined carbon, thus tending to produce a hard, brittle white iron.
Role of Manganese
Manganese is a carbide stabilizer, tending to increase the amount of combined carbon,
but it is much less potent than sulfur. Excess manganese (>1.25%) has little effect on
solidification and only weakly retards primary graphitization. On eutectoid
graphitization, however, Mn is strongly carbide stabilizing.
Role of Phosphorus
Most gray irons contain between 0.10 to 0.90% phosphorus. Most of the ‘P’ combines
with the iron to form iron phosphide (Fe3P).This iron phosphide forms a ternary
eutectic known as steadite, contains cementite and austenite (at room temperature
Fluidity ↑, Primary graphitization ↑ and extends the range of eutectic freezing
Grey Cast Iron
∈ [2.4% (for good castability), 3.8 (for OK mechanical propeties)]
Fe-C-Si + (Mn, P, S)
→ Invariant lines become invariant regions in phase diagram
Si ∈ (1.2, 3.5) → C as Graphite flakes in microstructure (Ferrite matrix)
500 X
10 µm
With Ferritic Matrix
With (Ferrite + Pearlite) Matrix
Ferrite (White)
Graphite (black)
Bull’s Eye
5 µm
Pearlite (grey)
Malleable Cast Iron
As we discussed earlier that cementite is actually a metastable phase. There
is a tendency for cementite to decompose into iron and carbon. This
tendency to form free carbon is the basis for the manufacture of malleable
cast iron.
The reaction of Fe3C 3Fe + C is favored by elevated temperatures, the
existence of solid nonmetallic impurities, higher carbon contents, and the
presence of elements that aid the decomposition of Fe3C.
> 48 hrs
Fe3C (WCI)
2 stage heat treatment
→ Graphite Temper Nodules (Malleable Iron)
Malleable Cast Iron
• (940-960)°C (Above eutectoid temperature)
Stage I • Competed when all Cementite → Graphite
A: Low T structure (Ferrite + Pearlite + Martensite) → (γ + Cementite)
Slow cool to the lower temperature such that γ does not form Cementite
C diffuses through γ to Graphite temper nodules (called Ferritizing
Full Anneal in Ferrite + Graphite two phase region
Partial Anneal (Insufficient time in Stage II Graphitization) γ → Ferrite is
partial and the remaining γ transforms to Pearlite ⇒ γ → Pearlite + Ferrite
+ Graphite
If quench after Stage I ⇒ γ → Martensite (+ Retained Austenite(RA))
(Graphite temper nodules are present in a matrix of Martensite and RA)
Malleable Cast Iron
Pearlitic Matrix Ferrite (White)
Graphite (black)
Pearlite (grey)
Ferritic Matrix
Partially Malleabilized Iron
→ Incomplete Ferritizing Anneal
Ferrite (White)
Graphite (black)
10 µm Malleabilized Iron
→Complete Ferritizing Anneal
Compacted Graphite Cast Iron
A relatively recent addition to the family of cast irons is compacted
graphite (CGI).
Micro structurally, the graphite in CGI alloys has a worm-like (or
vermicular) shape; a typical CGI microstructure. In a sense, this
microstructure is intermediate between that of gray iron and ductile iron
and, in fact, some of the graphite (less than 20%) may be as nodules.
The chemistries of CGIs are more complex than for the other cast iron
types; compositions of Mg, Ce and other additives must be controlled so as
to produce a microstructure that consists of the worm-like graphite
particles, while at the same time limiting the degree of graphite nodularity,
and preventing the formation of graphite flakes. Furthermore, depending
on heat treatment, the matrix phase will be pearlite and/or ferrite.
CGI are now being used in a number of important applications – these
include: diesel engine blocks, exhaust manifolds, gearbox housings, brake
discs for high speed trains and flywheels.
Compacted Graphite Cast Iron
Ferritic Matrix
Vermicular shape
Graphite Nodules
Alloy Cast Iron
Cr, Mn, Si, Ni, Al
↑ the range of microstructures
Beneficial effect on many properties
↑ high temperature oxidation resistance
↑ corrosion resistance in acidic environments
↑ wear/abaration resistance
Graphite free
Graphite bearing
Chromium addition (12- 35 wt %)
Excellent resistance to oxidation at high temperatures
High Cr Cast Irons are of 3 types:
12-28 % Cr matrix of Martensite + dispersed carbide
29-34 % Cr matrix of Ferrite + dispersion of alloy carbides [(Cr,Fe)23C6,
15-30 % Cr + 10-15 % Ni stable γ + carbides [(Cr,Fe)23C6, (Cr,Fe)7C3]
Ni stabilizes Austenite structure
Needles of Martensite
Transformation sequence
Crystallization of primary γ
Eutectic liquid → γ + alloy carbide
4%Ni, 2-8% Cr, 2.8% C γ → Martensite
Nickel Resist Cast Iron
Ni Resist Iron: 15-30% Ni + small amount of Cr:
Austenitic Dendrites + Graphite plates/flakes + interdendritic carbides due
to presence of Cr
Resistant to oxidation (used in chemical processing plants, sea water, oil
handling operations…)
Graphite plates
Dendrites of γ
Silicon (Silal) Cast Iron
Silal Iron (trade name): Alloy CI with 5% Si
Si allows solidification to occur over larger temperature range → promotes
Forms surface film of iron silicate → resistant to acid corrosion
Some other types…!
Chilled Cast Iron
Chilled –iron castings are made by casting the molten metal against a metal
chiller, resulting in a surface of white cast iron. This hard, abrasion-resistant white
iron surface or case is backed up by a softer gray iron core.
This case-core structure is obtained by careful control of the overall alloy
composition and adjustment of the cooling rate.
Solidifying at a rate with extremes between those for chilled and gray irons, thus
exhibiting micro structural and metallurgical characteristics of both
Objectives of Heat Treatment Processes
To increase strength, hardness and wear resistance (bulk hardening, surface
To increase ductility and softness (Tempering, Recrystallization Annealing)
To increase toughness (Tempering, Recrystallization annealing)
To obtain fine grain size (Recrystallization annealing, Full annealing,
To remove internal stresses induced by differential deformation by cold working,
non-uniform cooling from high temperature during casting and welding (Stress
relief annealing)
To improve machinability (Full annealing and Normalizing)
To improve cutting properties of tool steels (Hardening and Tempering)
To improve surface properties (surface hardening, high temperature resistance-
precipitation hardening, surface treatment)
To improve electrical properties (Recrystallization, Tempering, Age hardening)
To improve magnetic properties (Hardening, Phase transformation)
Annealing Tempering
Induction Carburizing
Full Annealing Martempering
Laser Nitriding
Recrystallization Annealing Austempering
Spheroidization Annealing
Full Annealing
The steel is heated above A3 (for hypo-eutectoid steels) | A1 (for hyper-eutectoid
steels) →(hold) →then the steel is furnace cooled to obtain Coarse Pearlite
Coarse Pearlite has ↓ Hardness, ↑ Ductility
Not above Acm →to avoid a continuous network of proeutectoid cementite along
grain boundaries (→path for crack propagation)
910oC Ful
liz a a tion
lA tion a liz Acm
nne rm
alin No
A3 g
Full Annealing
Spheroidization A1
Recrystallization Annealing
Stress Relief Annealing
0.8 %
Wt% C
Recrystallization Annealing
The Heat below A1 → Sufficient time → Recrystallization
No n
rma tio
910oC Ful liza a
lA tion a liz Acm
nne r m
A3 alin
g No
Full Annealing
Spheroidization A1
Recrystallization Annealing
Stress Relief Annealing
0.8 %
Wt% C
Stress Relief Annealing
0.8 %
Wt% C
Spheroidization Annealing
Used in high carbon steel requiring extensive machining prior to final hardening and
Driving force is the reduction in interfacial energy
*If the steel is kept too long at the spheroidized-annealing temperature, the cementite particles will coalesce and become elongated thus reducing
Heat above A3 | Acm → Austenization → Air cooling → Fine Pearlite (Higher hardness)
Refine grain structure prior to hardening rma on
910oC Ful liza izati
nne tion al Acm
alin N orm
A3 g
Full Annealing
Spheroidization A1
Purposes To harden the steel slightly
Recrystallization Annealing
Stress Relief Annealing
910oC A3
Temperature →
A1 Full Annealing
Recrystallization Annealing
0.8 %
Wt % Carbon →
Heat above A3 | Acm → Austenization → Quench (higher than critical cooling rate)
Under slow cooling rates, the carbon atoms are able to diffuse out of the austenite
structure and it leads to gamma to alpha transformation . This process involves
nucleation and growth and it is time dependent.
With a still further increase in cooling rate, insufficient time is allowed for the
carbon to diffuse out of solution, and although some movement of the iron atoms
takes place, the structure cannot become B.C.C. while the carbon is trapped in
The resultant structure is called Martensite, is a supersaturated solid solution of
carbon trapped in a body-centered tetragonal structure and it is a metastable
The highly distorted lattice structure is the prime reason for the high hardness of
After drastic cooling, martensite appears microscopically as a white needlelike or
acicular structure or lenticular, sometimes described as pile of straw.
Characteristics of Martensite
Shape of the Martensite formed →Lenticular (or thin parallel plates)
Associated with shape change (shear)
This condition requires:
1) Bain distortion → Expansion or contraction of the lattice along certain
crystallographic directions leading to homogenous pure dilation
2) Secondary Shear Distortion →Slip or twinning
3) Rigid Body rotation
Characteristics of Martensite
Martensitic transformation can be understood by first considering an alternate unit cell for
the Austenite phase as shown in the figure below.
If there is no carbon in the Austenite (as in the schematic below), then the Martensitic
transformation can be understood as a ~20% contraction along the c-axis and a ~12%
expansion of the a-axis → accompanied by no volume change and the resultant structure
has a BCC lattice (the usual BCC-Fe) → c/a ratio of 1.0.
Austenite to Martensite → ~4.3 % volume increase Martensite
* Homogenous dilation of the lattice (expansion/contraction along crystallographic axis) leading to the formation of a new lattice is called
Bain distortion. This involves minimum atomic movements.
Microstructures of Martensite
Hardness (Rc) →
Hardness of Martensite as a
function of Carbon content
0 % Martensite → 100 0.2 0.4 0.6
Martensite start - Ms and Martensite finish - Mf % Carbon →
3.62 a – parameter of fcc austenite
Temperature oF →
Lattice parameter, Ao
3.54 600
0.4 0.8 0.12 0.16
2.94 % Carbon →
2.90 Influence of carbon on the
a – parameter of bct martensite
martensite range
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6
% Carbon →
Effect carbon on lattice parameters of
austenite and martensite
Characteristics of Martensite
The martensite transformation, for many years, was believed to be unique for steel.
However, in recent years, this martensite type of transformation has been found in
a number of other alloy systems, such as iron-nickel, copper-zinc, and copper-
The basic purpose of hardening is to produce a fully martensitic structure, and the
minimum cooling rate ( per second) that will avoid the formation of any of the
softer products of transformation is known as the critical cooling rate.
The critical cooling rate, determined by chemical composition and austenitic grain
size, is an important property of a steel since it indicates how fast a steel must be
cooled in order to form only martensite
t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 Important points to be
t0 Nose noted:
α + Fe3C The x-axis is log scale.
‘Nose’ of the ‘C’ curve is
Important points to be
noted: Eutectoid temperature
The x-axis is log 723
scale. ‘Nose’ of the Austenite
‘C’ curve is in ~sec Pearlite
and just below TE 600
transformation times
may be ~day. α + Fe3C
Temperature →
500 Pearlite + Bainite
The starting phase
(left of the C curve)
has to γ.
400 Bainite
To the right of
finish C curve is (γ+
Fe3C) phase field. Ms
This phase field has 200
more labels included.
0.1 1 10 102 103 104 105
t (s) →
Possible phases in TTT diagram for eutectoid steel
Upper bainite (U.B) R/C40
50% Transformation
Log time
Isothermal Transformation diagram for eutectoid steel
As pointed out before one of the important utilities of the TTT diagrams comes
from the overlay of micro-constituents (microstructures) on the diagram.
Depending on the T, the (γ+ Fe3C) phase field is labeled with micro-constituents
like Pearlite, Bainite.
The time taken to 1% transformation to, say pearlite or bainite is considered as
transformation start time and for 99% transformation represents transformation finish.
We had seen that TTT diagrams are drawn by instantaneous quench to a
temperature followed by isothermal hold.
Suppose we quench below (~225°C, below the temperature marked Ms), then
Austenite transforms via a diffusionless transformation (involving shear) to a (hard)
phase known as Martensite. Below a temperature marked Mf this transformation to
Martensite is complete. Once γ is exhausted it cannot transform to (γ + Fe3C).
Hence, we have a new phase field for Martensite. The fraction of Martensite
formed is not a function of the time of hold, but the temperature to which we quench
(between Ms and Mf).
Strictly speaking cooling curves (including finite quenching rates) should not be
overlaid on TTT diagrams (remember that TTT diagrams are drawn for isothermal
Isothermal Transformation diagram for eutectoid steel
Isothermal hold at: (i) 800
T1 gives us Pearlite, (ii) Eutectoid temperature Eutectoid steel (0.8%C)
T2 gives Pearlite+Bainite, 723
(iii) T3 gives Bainite. Note
that Pearlite and Bainite
Austenite Coarse
are both α+Fe3C (but their T1 Pearlite
morphologies are 600 Fine
Temperature →
500 T2 Pearlite + Bainite
To produce Martensite
we should quench at a rate
such as to avoid the nose
of the start ‘C’ curve.
400 T3 Bainite
Called the critical cooling
If we quench between Austenite
Ms and Mf we will get a Ms
mixture of Martensite and 200
γ (called retained
Austenite). Mf
Not an isothermal 1 102 103 104
0.1 10 105
transformation t (s) →
Isothermal Transformation diagram for eutectoid steel
Hypo-Eutectoid steel
TTT diagram for Hyper eutectoid steel
Similar to the hypo-eutectoid case, hyper-eutectoid compositions C2 have a γ+Fe3C branch.
For a temperature between T2 and TE (say Tm (not melting point- just a label)) we land up
with γ+Fe3C.
For a temperature below TE (but above the nose of the ‘C’ curve) (say Tn), first we have the
formation of pro-eutectoid Fe3C followed by the formation of eutectoid γ+Fe3C.
Transformation to Pearlite
The transformation product above the nose region is pearlite. The pearlite
microstructure is the characteristic lamellar structure of alternate layers of ferrite
and cementite.
As the transformation temperature decreases, the characteristic lamellar structure is
maintained, but the spacing between the ferrite and carbide layers becomes
increasingly smaller until the separate layers cannot be resolved with the light
As the temperature of transformation and the fineness of the pearlite decreases, it
is apparent that the hardness will increase.
Transformation to Pearlite
Initial Fe3C nucleus Fe3C plate full grown, α-Fe plates are now grown
α-Fe is nucleus new Fe3C plates nucleated
γ → α + Fe3C
Pearlite in SEM
γ → α + Fe3C**
Pearlite formed at
Bainite obtained
by isothermal
transformation at
Bainite obtained
by isothermal
transformation at
Cooling curves and the I-T diagram
Austenite (stable)
x2 1 x1
x4 x*1
x5 x*2 2
x*5 α + Fe3C
8 x8
Austenite 5
(Unstable) 6
x6 x**5
Cooling curve 1 shows a very slow cooling rate typical of conventional annealing
transformation will start at x1, ends at x*1, and there is a slight temperature difference in
temperature between the beginning and end of transformation, there will be a slight difference
in the fineness of pearlite formed at the beginning and at the end.
Curve 2
Cooling curve 2 shows ‘isothermal’ cooling and was developed directly from the IT diagram.
The process is carried out by cooling the material rapidly from above the critical range to a
predetermined temperature in the upper portion of the I-T diagram and holding for the time
indicate to produce complete transformation. In contrast to conventional annealing, this
treatment produces a more uniform microstructure and hardness.
Curve 3
Cooling curve 3 is a faster cooling rate than annealing and may be considered typical of
normalizing. The diagram indicates that transformation will start at x3, with the formation of
coarse pearlite, and ends at x*3, with the formation of medium pearlite. Here, we are clearly
observing the temperature difference between x3 - x*3 and x1 - x*1, so that microstructure will
show a greater variation in fineness of pearlite.
Cooling curves and the I-T diagram
Curve 4
Cooling curve 4, typical of a slow oil quench, is similar to the one just described, and the
microstructure will be a mixture of medium and fine pearlite.
Curve 5
Cooling curve 5, typical of an intermediate cooling rate, will start to transform at x5 to fine
pearlite in a relative short time. After some temperature, the cooling curve is going in a
direction of decreasing percent transformed. Since pearlite cannot form austenite on cooling,
the transformation must stop at x*5. The microstructure at this point will consists, fine pearlite
surrounding with austenitic grains. It will remain in this condition until the Ms line is crossed
x**5. The remaining austenite now transforms to martensite. The final microstructure consists,
martensite and fine nodular pearlite largely concentrated along the original austenite grain
Curve 6
Cooling curve 6, typical of drastic quench, is rapid enough to avoid transformation in the nose
region. It remains austenitic until the Ms line is reached at x6. Transformation to martensite will
take place between the Ms and MF lines. The final microstructure will be entirely martensite of
high hardness.
Cooling curves and the I-T diagram
Curve 7
Cooling curve 7, which is tangent to the nose, would be the approximate critical cooling rate
(CCR) for the steel. Any cooling rate slower than the one indicated will cut the curve above the
nose and form some softer transformation product. Any cooling rate faster than the one
illustrated will form only martensite. To obtain a fully Martensitic structure it is necessary to
avoid transformation in the nose region.
Curve 8
It is possible to form 100 % pearlite or 100% martensite by continuous cooling, but it is not
possible to form 100% bainite. A complete bainitic structure may be formed only by cooling
rapidly enough to miss the nose of the curve and then holding in the temperature range at
which bainite is formed until transformation is complete. This is illustrated by cooling curve 8.
It is apparent that continuously cooled steel samples will contain only small amounts of
bainite, and this is probably the reason why this structure was not recognized until the
isothermal study.
Factors affecting on TTT diagram
Composition of steel
carbon wt%,
alloying element wt%
Heterogeneity of austenite
With some limitations, an increase in carbon or alloy content or in grain size of the
austenite always retards transformation (moves curves to the right), at least at
temperatures at or above the nose region. This in turn slows up the critical cooling rate,
making is easier to form martensite.
This retardation is also reflected in the greater hardenability, or depth of penetration of
hardness, of steel with higher alloy content or larger austenitic grain size.
I.T diagram of a 1035 steel
This is a hypo-eutectoid steel, notice the presence of the austenite to ferrite region. The nose of the curve is
not visible, indicating that it is very difficult to cool this steel fast enough to obtain only martensite. The
microstructure of a low carbon steel water quenched shows a white ferrite network surrounding the gray
low carbon martensite areas.
I.T diagram of a 1050 steel
The microstructure of a medium carbon steel water quenched, shows dark areas of fine pearlite that seem to
outline some of the previous austenite grain boundaries, some dark feathery bainite, and substantially more
martensite as the matrix than appeared in the low carbon steel.
I.T diagram of a 1335 steel
Alloy additions tend in general to delay the start of transformation and to increase the time for
its completion, they differ greatly in both magnitude and nature of their effects. Above diagram
shows the 1335 manganese steel.
Heterogeneity of austenite
Heterogenous austenite increases transformation time range, start to finish of
ferritic, pearlitic and bainitic range as well as increases the transformation
temperature range in case of martensitic transformation and bainitic
transformation. Undissolved cementite, carbides act as powerful inocculant for
pearlite transformation. Therefeore heterogeneity in austenite increases the
transformation time range in diffussional transformation and temperature range of
shear transformation products in TTT diagram.
d Z
Fig. b : Dilation-temperature plot
Fig. a : Schematic cooling curves
for a cooling curve
Determination of CCT diagram for eutectoid steel
In Fig. a curves I to V indicate cooling curves at higher cooling rate to lower
cooling rate respectively. Fig. b gives the dilation at different temperatures for a
given cooling rate/schedule.
In general slope of dilation curve remains unchanged while amount of phase or the
relative amount of phases in a phase mixture does not change during cooling (or
heating) however sample shrink or expand i.e. dilation takes place purely due to
thermal specific volume change because of change in temperature.
Therefore in Fig. b dilation from a to b is due to specific volume change of high
temperature phase austenite. But at TS slope of the curve changes. Therefore
transformation starts at TS. Again slope of the curve from c to d is constant but is
different from the slope of the curve from a to b. This indicates there is no phase
transformation between the temperature from c to d but the phase/phase mixture is
different from the phase at a to b.
Slope of the dilation curve from b to c is variable with temperature. This indicates
the change in relative amount of phase due to cooling. The expansion is due to the
formation of low density phase(s). Some part of dilation is compensated by purely
thermal change due to cooling. Therefore dilation curve takes complex shape. i.e first
slope reduces and reaches to a minimum value and then increases to the
characteristic value of the phase mixture at c.
Determination of CCT diagram for eutectoid steel
Therefore phase transformation start at b i.e. at temperature TS and transformation
ends or finishes at c or temperature TF. The nature of transformation has to be
determined by metallography. When austenite fully transforms to a single product
then amount of transformation is directly proportional to the relative change in
length. For a mixture of products the percentage of austenite transformed may not
be strictly proportional to change in length, however, it is reasonable and generally
is being used.
Cumulative percentage of transformation at in between temperature T is equal to
YZ/XZ*100 where X, Y and Z are intersection point of temperature T line to
extended constant slope curve of austenite (ba), transformation curve (bc) and
extended constant slope curve of low temperature phase (cd) respectively.
So at each cooling rate transformation start and finish temperature and
transformation temperature for specific amount (10 %, 20%, 30% etc.) can also be
determined. For every type of transformation, locus of start points, isopercentage
points and finish points give the transformation start line, isopercentage lines and
finish line respectively and that result CCT diagram. Normally at the end of each
cooling curve hardness value of resultant product at room temperature and type
of phases obtained are shown.
CCT curves for eutectoid steel
Eutectoid temperature
600 Pearlite
Temperature →
Original TTT lines
0.1 1 10 102 103 104 105
t (s) →
Different cooling treatments for eutectoid steel
Process Cooling rate (K/s)
Coarse P
M + +P
M Fine P
In this stage, quenching medium is vaporized at the surface of the metal and forms a thin
stable layer.
Cooling is by conduction and radiation.
Cooling rate is relatively slow
This stage starts when the metal has cooled to a temperature at which the vapor
film is no longer stable. Wetting of the metal surface by the quenching medium
and violent boiling occur. Heat is removed from the metal very rapidly as the
latent heat of vaporization. This is the fastest stage of cooling.
This stage starts when the surface temperature of the metal reaches the boiling
point of the quenching liquid .
Vapor no longer forms, so cooling is by conduction and convection through the
liquid. The rate of cooling is slowest in this stage.
Factors affecting on Quenching
Many factors determine the actual cooling rate. The most important are the type of quenching
medium, the temperature of the quenching medium, the surface condition of the part, and the
size and mass of the part.
Quenching Medium
Generally, as the temperature of the medium rises, the cooling rate decreases. This is due to
the increase in persistence of the vapor-blanket stage. This is particular true of water and brine.
In another case, an increase in cooling rate with a rise in temperature of the medium. In the
case of oil, as the temperature of the oil rises there is a tendency for the cooling rate to
decrease due to the persistence of the vapor film. However, as the temperature of the oil rises
it also become more fluid, which increase the rate of heat conduction through the liquid.
Factors affecting on Quenching
Severity of quench values of some typical quenching conditions
Process Variable H Value If the increase in rate of heat
Air No agitation 0.02 conduction is greater than the
Oil quench No agitation 0.2
decrease due to persistence of the
vapor film, the net result will be an
" Slight agitation 0.35
increase in the actual cooling rate.
" Good agitation 0.5 However if the reverse is true, then the
" Vigorous agitation 0.7 result will be decrease in cooling rate.
Water quench No agitation 1.0
Severity of Quench as indicated by the heat
" Vigorous agitation 1.5 transfer equivalent H
Brine quench f
(saturated Salt water)
No agitation 2.0 H= [ m −1 ]
" Vigorous agitation 5.0
f → heat transfer factor
Ideal quench ∞
K → Thermal conductivity
Note that apart from the nature of the quenching medium, the vigorousness of the shake determines the severity of the
quench. When a hot solid is put into a liquid medium, gas bubbles form on the surface of the solid (interface with medium).
As gas has a poor conductivity the quenching rate is reduced. Providing agitation (shaking the solid in the liquid) helps in
bringing the liquid medium in direct contact with the solid; thus improving the heat transfer (and the cooling rate). The H
value/index compares the relative ability of various media (gases and liquids) to cool a hot solid. Ideal quench is a conceptual
idea with a heat transfer factor of ∞ (⇒ H = ∞)
Factors affecting on Quenching
Surface condition
Distance from quench end
to=Minimum incubation
A period at the nose of the
TTT diagram,
t0 tꞌo=minimum incubation
tꞌ0 period at the nose of the
B CCT diagram
E D M – Martensite
P – Pearlite
F.P – Fine pearlite
C.P – Coarse pearlite
MS MS – Martensite start
MF – Martensite finish
M50 TE – Eutectoid temp.
Log time
Tempering is the re-heat treatment processes, to relieve the residual stresses and
improve the ductility and toughness of steel. In other words, tempering is a
processes to optimize the strength and toughness of steel.
With the increase in temperature, carbon diffusion becomes appreciable and the
metastable martensite decomposes to more stable products. Four stages of
tempering are known.
Stage I
Stage I of temperature extends from room temperature to 200°C. During this stage,
the martensite decomposes to two phases: a low carbon martensite with 0.2%C
some times known as black martensite, and ε (HCP, Fe2.4C), a transition carbide.
With increase in the carbon content of the steel, more ε-carbide forms. It
precipitates very fine form and resolves only under the electron microscope. The
hardening effect due to this precipitation is usually offset by the softening effect
associated with the loss of carbon in martensite.
Stage II
Stage II tempering occurs in the range of 250-400°C changes the epsilon carbide to
orthorhombic cementite, the low-carbon martensite becomes BCC ferrite, and any retained
austenite is transformed to lower bainite as a function of time. The carbide are too small to
be resolved by the optical microscope, and the entire structure etches rapidly to a black
mass formerly called troostite.
Stage III
Stage III tempering in the range of 400-650°C continues the growth of the cementite
particles. This coalescence of the carbide particles allows more of the ferrite matrix to be
seen, causing the sample to etch lighter than the low temperature product. In this structure
formerly known as sorbite, it is resolvable above 500X, under electron microscopy it is
clearly visible.
Stage IV
Stage IV tempering in the range from 650-720°C produces large, globular cementite
particles. This structure is very soft and tough and is similar to the spheroidized cementite
structure. Spheroidite is the softest yet toughest structure that steel may have.
For many years , metallurgists divided the tempering processes into definite stages.
For microstructures appearing in these stages was given names like Black
Martensite, troostite and sorbite. However, the changes in microstructures are so
gradual that it is more realistic to call the product of tempering at any temperature
simply tempered martensite.
Ae1 γ=austenite
α+CP CP=coarse pearlite
α+P P=pearlite
t0 FP FP=fine pearlite
t0=minimum incubation
50% FP + 50% UB period
UB=upper bainite
UB LB=lower bainite
MS=Martensite start
Tempering temperature
M50=temperature at which
MS LB 50% martensite is
M50 MF= martensite finish
Metastable γ + martensite temperature
Log time
Austempering heat treatment is given to steel to produce lower bainite in high
carbon steel without any distortion or cracking to the sample.
The heat treatment is cooling of austenite rapidly in a bath maintained at lower
bainitic temperature (above Ms) temperature (avoiding the nose of the TTT
diagram) and holding it here to equalize surface and centre temperature and till
bainitic finish time.
At the end of bainitic reaction sample is air cooled. The microstructure contains
fully lower bainite. This heat treatment is given to 0.5-1.2 wt%C steel and low
alloy steel.
The product hardness and strength are comparable to hardened and tempered
martensite with improved ductility and toughness and uniform mechanical
properties. Products do not required to be tempered.
α+CP α=ferrite
α+P CP=coarse pearlite
t0 FP P=pearlite
FP=fine pearlite
t0=minimum incubation
50% FP + 50% UB
UB UB=upper bainite
LB=lower bainite
Metastable γ M=martensite
MS=Martensite start
MS LB M50=temperature at which
50% martensite is
M50 obtained
Metastable γ + martensite MF= martensite finish
MF temperature
Lower bainite
Log time
Comparison between Martempering & Austempering
Eutectoid temperature
α + Fe3C
500 Pearlite + Bainite
T →
400 Bainite
Martempering Ms
100 Austempering
• ↑ hardenability
• Provide a fine distribution of alloy carbides during tempering
• ↑ resistance to softening on tempering
• ↑ corrosion and oxidation resistance
• ↑ strength at high temperatures
• Strengthen steels that cannot be quenched
Alloying elements • Make easier to obtain the properties throughout a larger section
• ↑ Elastic limit (no increase in toughness)
• Alter temperature at which the transformation occurs
• Alter solubility of C in α or γ Iron
• Alter the rate of various reactions
Sample elements and their role
P ►Dissolves in ferrite, larger quantities form iron phosphide → brittle (cold-shortness)
S ►Forms iron sulphide, locates at grain boundaries of ferrite and pearlite poor ductility
at forging temperatures (hot-shortness)
Si ► (0.2-0.4%) increases elastic modulus and UTS
Cu ►0.8 % soluble in ferrite, can be used for precipitation hardening
Pb ►Insoluble in steel
Cr ►Corrosion resistance, Ferrite stabilizer, ↑ hardness/strength, > 11% forms passive
films, carbide former
Ni ► Austenite stabilizer, ↑ strength ductility and toughness,
Mo► Dissolves in α & γ, forms carbide, ↑ high temperature strength,
↓ temper embrittlement, ↑ strength, hardenability
Mn +0.1% C
Brinell Hardness →
Cr + 0.1%C
100 Cr
0 2 4 6 8 10
Alloying Element (%) →
Alloying elements increase hardenability but the major contribution to hardness comes
from Carbon
Mn, Ni are Austenite stabilizers
Temperature →
0.35% Mn
6.5% Mn
5% Cr 0% Cr
Cr is Ferrite stabilizer
Shrinking γ phase field with ↑ Cr
Thermal Thermo-Chemical
Induction Carburizing
Laser Nitriding
Carburizing is the most widely used method of surface hardening. Here, the
surface layers of a low carbon steel (<0.25) is enriched with carbon up to 0.8-
1.0%. The source of carbon may be a solid medium, a liquid or a gas.
In all cases, the carbon enters the steel at the surface and diffuses into the steel as a
function of time at an elevated temperature. Carburizing is done at 920-950°C. at
this temperature the following reaction takes place
Fe + 2CO → Fe( c ) + CO2
Where Fe(c) represents carbon dissolved in austenite. the rate of diffusion of carbon
in austenite, at a given temperature is dependent upon the diffusion coefficient and
the carbon concentration gradient.
The carburizing equation given previously, Fe+2CO Fe(c) + CO2 is reversible
and may proceed to the left, removing carbon from the surface layer if the steel is
heated in an atmosphere containing carbon dioxide (CO2). This is called
Liquid Carburizing
Ba(CN ) 2 + Fe
→ Fe(C ) + Ba(CN ) 2
Pack Carburizing
CO2 + C
→ 2CO
The carbon enters the steel through the following reaction:
Fe + 2CO
→ F e (c) + CO 2
The steel is heated in contact with carbon monoxide and/or a hydrocarbon which is
readily decomposed at the carburizing temperature.
A mixture consisting of 5-15% methane (or propane) in a neutral carrier gas is used.
The methane decomposes according to the following reaction:
CH 4 + Fe
→ 2 H 2 + Fe(c)
The carbon potential of the gas mixture increases with increasing concentration of
methane. Too large a concentration or too high a gas velocity releases carbon faster
than it can be absorbed and may result in soot formation on the surface.
Closer control of temperature and case depth is possible in gas carburizing, as
compared to pack carburizing. Also, post quenching can be done directly.
Since steel is carburized in the austenite region, direct quenching from the carburizing
temperature will harden both the case and core will harden both the case and core if the
cooling rate is greater than the critical cooling rate. Direct quenching of coarse grained
steels often leads to brittleness and distortion, so that this treatment should be applied only
to fine grained steels. A diagrammatic representation of various hardening treatments for
carburized steels shown in next slide.
Heat treatment after carburizing
Carbon-concentration gradient in a
carburized steel
In contrast to the processes described before, nitriding is carried out in the ferrite
region. Consequently, no phase change occurs after nitriding .
This part to be nitrided should possess the required core properties prior to
nitriding. Pure ammonia decomposes to yield nitrogen which enters the steel:
2 NH 3
→ 2 N + 3H 2
The solubility of nitrogen in ferrite is small. Most of the nitrogen that enters the
steel forms hard nitrides (e.g. Fe3N). A typical nitriding steel contains alloying
elements of 1%Al, 1.5%Cr and 0.2%Mo. Al, Cr, and Mo form very hard and wear
resistant nitrides.
The temperature of nitriding is 500-590°C. the time for a case depth of 0.02mm is
about 2 hour. In addition with wear resistance, it also increases the resistance of a
carbon steel to corrosion in moist atmospheres.
A common problem encountered in nitriding is the formation of γꞌ nitride (Fe4N)
on the outer layers of the case , known as the “white layer”, as it looks white under
the microscope. This layer is very brittle and tends to crack. It must be removed by
final grinding operation. Its formation can be minimized by maintaining the correct
ratio of NH3/ H2 in the gas mixture during the heat treatment.
Cyaniding and Carbonitriding
In this case that contain both carbon and nitrogen are produced in liquid salt baths
(cyaniding) or by use of gas atmospheres (carbonitriding). The temperatures used
are generally lower than those used in carburizing, being between 750-900°C.
Exposure is for a shorter time, and thinner cases are produced, up to 0.010in. For
cyaniding and up to 0.030in. For carbonitriding.
In Cyaniding is done in a liquid bath of NaCN, with the concentration varying
between 30 and 97%. Both carbon and nitrogen enter the steel via the following
2 NaCN + O2
→ 2 NaCNO
→ NaCN + Na2CO3 + C + 2 N
The temperature used for cyaniding is lower than that for carburizing and in the
range of 800-870°C. the time of cyaniding is 0.5-3 hour to produce a case depth of
0.25 mm or less.
Cyaniding and Carbonitriding
For large work pieces, such as mill rolls, large gears and complicated cross
sections, in such cases, flame hardening is done by means of an oxyacetylene
torch. Heating should be done rapidly by the torch and the surface quenched,
before appreciable heat transfer to the core occurs.
Five basic designs of work coils with the heat patterns developed by each are shown below
Laser hardening treatment is widely used to harden localized areas of steel and cast
iron machine components. This process is sometimes referred to as laser
transformation hardening to differentiate it from laser surface melting phenomena.
There is no chemistry change produced by laser transformation hardening, and the
process, like induction and flame hardening, provides an effective technique to
harden ferrous materials selectively.
As laser beams are of high intensity, a lens is used to reduce the intensity by
producing a defocused spot of size ranging from 0.5 to 25 mm. proper control of
energy input is necessary to avoid melting.
Laser transformation hardening produces thin surface zones that are heated and
cooled very rapidly, resulting in very fine Martensitic microstructures, even in steels
with relatively low hardenability. High hardness and good wear resistance with less
distortion result from this process.
Laser hardening has the advantage of precise control over the area to be hardened, an
ability to harden reentrant surfaces, very high speed of hardening and no separate
quenching step (the quench is effected by the mass of the unheated material).
The disadvantage is that the hardening is shallower than in induction and flame
Electron Beam (EB) Hardening
Electron Beam (EB) hardening is like laser treatment, is used to harden the
surfaces of steels. The EB heat treating process uses a concentrated beam of high-
velocity electrons as an energy source to heat selected surface areas of ferrous
parts. Electrons are accelerated and are formed into a directed beam by an EB gun.
After exiting the gun, the beam passes through a focus coil, which precisely
controls beam density levels (spot size) at the work piece surface and then passes
through a deflection coil.
To produce an electron beam, a high vacuum of 10-5 torr is needed in the region
where the electrons are emitted and accelerated. This vacuum environment
protects the emitter from oxidizing and avoids scattering of the electrons while
they are still traveling at a relatively low velocity.
Like laser beam hardening, the EB process eliminates the need for quenchants but
requires a sufficient work piece mass to permit self quenching.
A mass of up to eight times that of the volume to be EB hardened is required
around and beneath the heated surfaces. Electron beam hardening does not require
energy absorbing coatings, as does laser beam hardening.
Relative benefits of common surface-
surface-hardening processes
Hard, highly wear-resistant surface (medium case depths); excellent capacity for contact load; good
Carburizing bending fatigue strength; good resistance to seizure; excellent freedom from quench cracking; low-to-
medium cost steels required; high capital investment required
Hard, highly wear-resistant surface (shallow case depths); fair capacity for contact load; good bending
fatigue strength; excellent resistance to seizure; excellent dimensional control possible; good freedom from
quench cracking (during pretreatment); medium-to-high-cost steels required; medium capital investment
required; improved salt corrosion resistance
Hard, highly wear-resistant surface (deep case depths); good capacity for contact load; good bending
fatigue strength; fair resistance to seizure; fair dimensional control possible; fair freedom from quench
cracking; low-cost steels usually satisfactory; medium capital investment required
Hard, highly wear-resistant surface (deep case depths); good capacity for contact load; good bending
fatigue strength; fair resistance to seizure; fair dimensional control possible; fair freedom from quench
cracking; low-cost steels usually satisfactory; low capital investment required
Residual Stresses
These are stresses that remain in the part after the force has disappeared. Residual
stresses always arise from a nonuniform plastic deformation.
In the case of heat treatment, this nonuniform plastic deformation may be caused
by the temperature gradient or the phase change or usually a combination of both
factors during cooling.
Residual stresses are a very serious problem in heat treatment, since they often
result in distortion or cracking and in some cases in premature failure of the part in
Consider the effect of temperature gradient alone . It was shown earlier, under the
effect of size and mass, that during quenching the surface is cooled more rapidly
than the inside.
Almost all solids expand as they are heated and contract as they are cooled. This
means that at the end of 10 s ( for example) the surface, since it is at a much lower
temperature, should have contracted much more than inside.
However since the outside and inside are attached to each other, the inside, being
longer, will prevent the outside from contracting as much as it should. It will
therefore elongates the outside layer, putting them in tension while the inside in
turn will be in compression.
Residual Stresses
Thermal stresses may by calculated from the following formula:
S = α . E . ∆Τ
Where S = Thermal stress, psi
α = Coefficient of linear expansion in./(in.)(°F)
E = Modulus of elasticity, psi
∆T = Difference in temperature, °F
The stress distribution is plotted schematically in below figure.
The stress distribution The area in tension
across the dia. Due to
Stress 103 psi
equilibrium across
distribution. 50 the cross section
Residual Stresses
In general, the tensile stress on the surface may reach a very high value. If this
stress exceeds the ultimate strength of the material, cracking will occur.
In the case of steel, however, thermal stresses alone very rarely lead to cracking. If
the stress is below the yield strength of the steel, the stress will be borne
When the entire piece has reached room temperature, ∆T = 0, and therefore, since
the thermal stress will be zero, there will be no distortion.
If the stress exceeds the yield strength, the surface layer will be plastically
deformed or permanently elongated. At room temperature the surface will have
residual compressive stress and the inside, residual tensile stress.
Let us consider the combined effect of temperature gradient and phase change for
two possibilities: (1) Through-Hardened steel and (2) Shallow-Hardened steel
The next two slides shows the surface- and center- cooling curves superimposed
on the I-T diagram for the through hardened steel and shallow hardened steel.
In many applications, the tensile stress developed by the external force is
maximum at or near the surface. For these applications, shallow hardened or case-
hardened parts are preferred.
Residual Stresses
Through-Hardened Condition
Center cooling curve STAGE
First Temperature
Tension Compression
Compression Tension
A+F+C F+C A →M of surface
Tension Compression
A→M of center
1st stage 2nd stage 3rd stage
Compression Tension
t1 t2 layers layers
Time, log scale
Possible fracture in Through-Hardened steel
Residual Stresses
Shallow-Hardened Condition
Greater Greater
Cooling of center to Compression Tension
room temperature
1st stage 2nd stage 3rd stage
Tension Compression
t1 t2 layers layers
Time, log scale
Possible fracture in Shallow-Hardened steel
1. If a piece of steel having 0.2% carbon is quenched after soaking at a temperature just above
A1 what type of structure will you get? Estimate approximate constituents of phases present
and their compositions.
2. Carbon atoms occupy octahedral interstitial sites in austenite and ferrite. Estimate fraction
of these sites that are occupied in these if carbon contents are 0.1 and 0.01wt% respectively.
3. Show that the inter-lamellar spacing of pearlite is inversely proportional to the degree of
under cooling.
4. Which is the more stable, the pearlitic or the spheroiditic microstructure? Why?
5. Microstructure of isothermally transformed pearlite should have identical spacing in all
colonies. However often its microstructure often shows that lamellar spacing varies from
colony to colony. Why is it so?
6. Cite two major differences between martensitic and pearlitic transformations.
7. Use the concept of Bain distortion to estimate maximum displacement experienced by iron
atom during martensitic transformation. Lattice parameters of austenite and ferrite are
0.356nm & 0.286 respectively. Assume c/a ratio of martensite to be 1.15.
8. Name three most important characteristics of martensitic transformation in steel.
9. Explain why bainite does not form during continuous cooling in plain carbon steel.
10. Why do not you have long carbide plates like Pearlite in Baintite?
11. Suggest a simple experimental method for determination of Ms temperature of steel if you
have only facility for heat treatment and metallographic examination.
12. Which of the two would require more severe cooling rate to get fully hardened structure?
(a) 0.8 % carbon steel (b) 1.0 % C steel.
13. Briefly describe the simplest continuous cooling heat treatment procedure that would be
used to convert a 4340 steel from (martensite + bainite) to (ferrite + pearlite).
14. A piece of steel which was quenched after prolonged holding at 700⁰C was found to have
ferrite martensite structure. Explain when would you expect this to happen?
15. List the factors that determine the strength of properly hardened steel.
16. 0.2 % plain carbon steel in annealed condition has 25% coarse pearlite. If it is normalized
(heat treatment) what changes would you expect in its microstructure?
17. A thin strip of 1.2% carbon steel is quenched in water from its fully austenitic state. What
structure would you expect in this steel?
18. List the factors that determine hardenability of steel. Which of these are preferred? Give
19. What is meant by severity of quench? List the factors that determine this. What is its
20. Give example of a shallow hardening and a deep hardening steel.
21. A hardened steel has become embrittled on tempering. Can this be de-embrittled?
22. In terms of heat treatment and the development of microstructure, what are two major
limitations of the iron–iron carbide phase diagram?
23. Briefly describe the phenomena of superheating and supercooling. Why do these occur?
24. Make a copy of the isothermal transformation diagram for an iron–carbon alloy of eutectoid
composition and then sketch and label time–temperature paths on this diagram to produce
the following microstructures:
25. Cite two important differences between continuous cooling transformation diagrams for
plain carbon and alloy steels.
26. What is the white layer on steel that forms during nitriding?
27. Cite three main reasons for surface hardening of steel.
28. Explain why core refining heat treatment may not be required for case carburized
aluminium killed steel.
29. Can steel having 0.1% carbon be case carburized at 850⁰C?
30. Explain the construction of TTT diagram. Why it is called S – Curve? And Draw a CCT
diagram for eutectoid steel. Which one is more important industrially and why?
Avala Lava Kumar*
Department of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering (MME)
Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology (VSSUT), Burla -768018
*E-mail :
Diffusion is defined as, random movement of atoms/ molecules in solid, liquid and
gas. For example dissolution of ink in water and smoke in air
It can also defined as, Diffusion is a process of mass transport by atomic
movement under the influence of thermal energy and a concentration gradient.
To comprehend many materials related phenomenon one must understand
Role of Diffusion
Oxidation Creep
Sintering Aging
Doping Carburizing
Many More...!
Materials Joining : Diffusion Bonding
Diffusion Phenomena
Mass flow process by which species change their position relative to their
Driven by thermal energy and a gradient
Thermal energy → thermal vibrations → Atomic jumps
Atoms move from higher to lower concentration region. If this movement is from
one element to another e.g. Cu to Ni, then it is termed as Inter-diffusion. If the
movement is within similar atoms as in pure metals, it is termed self-diffusion.
Electric Stress
Vacancy Mechanism
Diffusion Mechanism
Atom Interchange Mechanism
It is possible for movement to take place by a direct interchange between two
adjacent atoms or by a four –atom ring interchange.
However, these would probably occur only under special conditions, since the
physical problem of squeezing between closely packed neighboring atoms would
increase the barrier for diffusion.
Note: The rate of diffusion is much greater in a rapidly cooled alloy than in the
same alloy slow cooled. The difference is due to the larger number of vacancies
retained in the alloy by fast cooling.
Kirkendall effect
If the diffusion rates of two metals A and B into each other are different, the
boundary between them shifts and moves towards the faster diffusing metal.
This is known as kirkendall effect. Named after the inventor Ernest Kirkendall
(1914-2005). It can be demonstrated experimentally by placing an inert marker at
the interface
Same will happen in a Cu-Ni couple as copper diffuses faster in nickel than nickel
in copper.
Since this takes place by vacancy mechanism, pores will form in cu (of the Cu-Ni
couple as the vacancy flux in the opposite direction (towards Cu) will condense to
form pores.
steady and non-steady state diffusion
Diffusional processes can be either steady-state or non-steady-state. These two
types of diffusion processes are distinguished by use of a parameter called flux.
It is defined as net number of atoms crossing a unit area perpendicular to a given
direction per unit time. For steady-state diffusion, flux is constant with time,
whereas for non-steady-state diffusion, flux varies with time.
A schematic view of concentration gradient with distance for both steady-state and
non-steady-state diffusion processes are shown below.
Concentration →
D ≠ f(c)
Steady state
D = f(c)
J ≠ f(x,t) t1
C2 t3
Non-steady state C2
J = f(x,t)
Distance, x → Distance, x →
steady and non-steady state diffusion
Steady State : Concentration profile not changing with time.
Steady State
X J(x) Left = J(x) Right
Concentration accumulating
in the box
J (left) J (right)
Non-Steady State
J(x) Left ≠J(x) Right
Fick’s I law
Steady-state diffusion is described by Fick’s first law which states that flux, J, is
proportional to the concentration gradient.
The constant of proportionality is called diffusion coefficient (diffusivity), D
(cm2/sec). diffusivity is characteristic of the system and depends on the nature of
the diffusing species, the matrix in which it is diffusing, and the temperature at
which diffusion occurs.
Thus under steady-state flow, the flux is independent of time and remains the same
at any cross-sectional plane along the diffusion direction. for the one-dimensional
case, Fick’s first law is given by
Steady state
dx dx A dt dx
J ≠ f(x,t)
No. of atoms crossing Concentration gradient
dn dc
= − DA
area A per unit time
Diffusion coefficient/ Cross-sectional area
diffusivity dt dx The minus sign in the equation means that
diffusion occurs down the concentration gradient
Fick’s I law
In Ficks I law, minus sign comes from the fact that matter flows down the concentration
gradient. It is not necessarily true in all the cases.
Matter may also diffuse up the concentration gradient, which is called uphill diffusion.
Fick’s first law can directly be applied in the case of
steady state, as shown in the example below.
Steady state means that there will not be any change in
the composition profile with time.
If we pass carburizing gas through the pipe as shown in
the figure and decarburizing gas outside the pipe, a
steady composition profile may develop.
Concentration gradient can be calculated following:
dc C − C0 C − Ci
=− i =− 0
dx d d
From this, one can calculate the flux from the known
diffusion coefficients of carbon or the diffusion
coefficient from the flux determined.
The steady-state diffusion is found in the purification of hydrogen gas.
Solved Compute the number of kilograms of hydrogen that pass per hour through a
Example -1 6-mm-thick sheet of palladium having an area of 0.25 m2 at 600°C. Assume a
diffusion coefficient of 1.7 × 10-8 m2 / s, that the concentrations at the high-
and low-pressure sides of the plate are 2.0 and 0.4 kg of hydrogen per cubic
meter of palladium, and that steady-state conditions have been attained.
This Problem calls for the mass of hydrogen, per hour, that diffuses through a pd sheet.
M = JAt = − DAt
−8 0.4 − 2.0kg / m 3
= −(1.7 × 10 m / s )(0.25m )(3600 s / h)
2 2
6 × 10 s
= 4.1×10 −3 kg / h
A sheet of BCC iron 2 mm thick was exposed to a carburizing gas atmosphere on one
Solved side and a decarburizing atmosphere on the other side at 675ºC. After having reached
Example -2 steady state, the iron was quickly cooled to room temperature. The carbon
concentrations at the two surfaces of the sheet were determined to be 0.015 and 0.0068
wt%. Compute the diffusion coefficient if the diffusion flux is 7.36 × 10-9 kg/m2-s
(Hint : convert the concentrations from weight percent to kilograms of carbon per
cubic meter of iron.
This problem calls for computation of the diffusion coefficient for a steady-state diffusion
situation. Let us first convert the carbon concentrations from weight percent to kilograms
carbon per meter cubed using below equation.
For 0.015 wt% C
C 0.015
C 'C = C
× 10
3 C 'C = × 10 3 = 1.18kgC / m 3
C C 0.015 99.985
C+ C +
ρ C ρ Fe 2.25 7.87
X − XB − 2 × 10 −3 m
D = −J A −9
= −(7.36 × 10 Kg / m − s ) 2
C A − CB 1.18 Kg / m − 0.535 Kg / m
= 2.3 ×10−11 m 2 / s
Fick’s II law
Most interesting cases of diffusion are non-steady-state processes since the
concentration at a given position changes with time, and thus the flux changes with
This is the case when the diffusion flux depends on time, which means that a type
of atoms accumulates in a region or depleted from a region (which may cause them
to accumulate in another region). Fick’s second law characterizes these processes,
which is expressed as:
Atoms 1 Atoms
∆x m 3 s .m = m 2 s ≡ [J ]
Accumulati on = J x − J x + ∆x
∂J ∂c ∂J
Jx Jx+∆x Accumulation = J x − J x + ∆x ∆x = J x − J x + ∆x
∂x ∂t ∂x
Non-steady state
∂c ∂ ∂c ∂c ∂ ∂c ∂c ∂J
= D = − − ∆ = − ∆x
J = f(x,t)
D x
∂t ∂x ∂x ∂t ∂x ∂x ∂t ∂x
∂c ∂ 2c
=D 2 Fick’s II law
∂t ∂x
Solutions to Fick’s II law
∂c ∂ 2c
=D 2
∂t ∂x
Solution to the above expression is possible when meaningful boundary conditions
are specified. One common set of boundary conditions can be written as:
For t = 0, C = Co at 0 ≤ x ≤∞
For t > 0, C = Cs at x = 0
Concentration →
C = Co at x = ∞
Cs - Co
C ( x, t ) − C o x
= 1 − erf Cx - Co
C s − Co 2 Dt Co
Distance, x →
Where Cx represents the concentration at depth x after time t. The term erf stands for Gaussian
error function. Corresponding error function values for a variable are usually found from
standard mathematical tables. The above equation demonstrates the relationship between
concentration, position, and time. Thus the equation can be used to explain many practical
industrial problems like corrosion resistance of duralumin, carburization and decarburization of
steel, doping of semi conductors etc.
Summary on Fick’s II law
Process Solution
x Cs = Surface concentration
Carburisation C = CS − (C S − C0 )erf
2 Dt C0 = Bulk concentration
Decarburisation C = C0 erf C0 =Initial Bulk concentration
2 Dt
C + C2 C1 − C2 x C1 = Concentration of steel 1
Diffusion couple C = 1 − erf C2 = Concentration of steel 2
2 2 2 Dt
This problem asks that we determine the position at which the carbon concentration is 0.25 wt%
after a 10-h heat treatment at 1325 K when Co = 0.55 wt% C.
C x − Co 0.25 − 0.55 x
= = 0.5455 = 1 − erf
C s − Co 0 − 0.55 2 Dt Z Erf (Z)
x 0.40 0.4284
erf = 0.4545
2 Dt Z 0.4545
Using tabulation of error function values and linear interpretation
0.45 0.4755
Z − 0.40 0.4545 − 0.4284
= Z = 0.4277
0.45 − 0.40 0.4755 − 0.4284
= 0.4277 x = 2(0.4277) Dt = (0.8554) (3.6 × 10 4 s )(4.3 × 10 −11 m 2 / s )
2 Dt
= 1.06 ×10 −3 m = 1.06mm
Solved Nitrogen from a gaseous phase is to be diffused into pure iron at 675ºC. If
Example - 4 the surface concentration is maintained at 0.2 wt% N, what will be the
concentration 2 mm from the surface after 25 h? The diffusion coefficient
for nitrogen in iron at 675ºC is 1.9× 10-11 m2/s .
This problem asks us to compute the nitrogen concentration Cx at the 2 mm position after a 25
h diffusion time, when diffusion is non steady-state.
C x − Co C x − 0 x
= = 1 − erf
Cs − Co 0.2 − 0 2 Dt
2 × 10 −3
= 1 − erf = 1 − erf (0.765)
2 (1.9 × 10 −11 m 2 / s )(25h)(3600 s / h)
Using tabulation of error function values and linear interpretation Z Erf (Z)
0.750 0.7112
0.765 − 0.750 y − 0.7112 y = erf (0.765) = 0.7205
0.800 − 0.750 0.7421 − 0.7112 0.765 y
Cx − 0 0.800 0.7421
= 1.0 − 0.7205
0.2 − 0
C x = 0.056wt % N
Factors affecting Diffusion
Ease of a diffusion process is characterized by the parameter D, diffusivity. The value
of diffusivity for a particular system depends on many factors as many mechanisms
could be operative.
Diffusing species
If the diffusing species is able to occupy interstitial sites, then it can easily diffuse
through the parent matrix. On the other hand if the size of substitutional species is
almost equal to that of parent atomic size, substitutional diffusion would be easier.
Thus size of diffusing species will have great influence on diffusivity of the system.
Lattice structure
Diffusion is faster in open lattices or in open directions than in closed directions.
Presence of defects
Diffusivity for a given path along with the available cross-section for the path will
determine the diffusion rate for that path
Log (D) →
self-diffusion of Ag → Single Polycrystal
crystal vs. polycrystal
Qgrain boundary = 110 kJ /mole crystal
−4 131,000 J / mol
D = (1.2 × 10 m / s ) exp −
(8.31J / mol − k )( 673k )
= 8.1×10 −15 m 2 / s
Solved At what temperature will the difusion coefficient for the diffusion of
Example - 6 zinc in copper have a value of 2.6 × 10-16 m2/s
Do =2.4 × 10-5 m2/s Qd=189 KJ/mol
We are asked to calculate the temperature at which the diffusion coefficient for the
diffusion of Zn in Cu has a value of 2.6 × 10-16 m2/s. Solving for T from below
T =−
R (ln Do − ln D )
189,000 J / mol
T = − −16 −5
(8.31J / mol − k )[ln(2.6 × 10 m 2
/ s ) − ln( 2.4 × 10 m 2
/ s )
= 901K = 6280 C
Solved The diffusion coefficients for nickel in iron are given at two
Example - 7 temperatures:
At 1473K 2.2 × 10-15 m2/s
At 1673K 4.8 × 10-14 m2/s
a) Determine the values of Do and the activation energy Qd.
b) What is the magnitude of D at 1300ºC (1573K)
T =− From this equation we can compute two simultaneous
R (ln Do − ln D ) equations they are
ln D1 − ln D2
Q 1 Q 1 Qd = − R
ln D1 = ln D0 − d { } ln D2 = ln D0 − d { } 1 1
R T1 R T2 T1 T2
= 315,700 J / mol
Now we can solve Do from this equation −
D0 = D1 e RT1
= 3.5 ×10 −4 m 2 / s
−4 315,700 J / mol
D = (3.5 ×10 m / s ) exp −2
(8.31J / mol − k )(1573k )
= 1.1× 10 −14 m 2 / s
Diffusion Faster for Diffusion Slower for
Open crystal structures Close packed structures
Lower melting temperature materials. Higher melting temperature materials
Smaller diffusing atoms Larger diffusing atoms
Cations Anions
Materials with secondary bonding Materials with covalent bonding
Lower density materials Higher density materials
1. Briefly explain the difference between selfdiffusion and interdiffusion.
2. Compare interstitial and vacancy atomic mechanisms for diffusion.
3. Briefly explain the concept of steady state as it applies to diffusion.
4. Briefly explain the concept of a driving force. And what is the driving force for steady-state
5. A sheet of steel 2.5 mm thick has nitrogen atmospheres on both sides at 9000C and is
permitted to achieve a steady-state diffusion condition. The diffusion coefficient for
nitrogen in steel at this temperature is 1.2×10-10 m2/s, and the diffusion flux is found to be
1.0×10-7kg/m2-s. Also, it is known that the concentration of nitrogen in the steel at the high-
pressure surface is 2 kg/m3. How far into the sheet from this high pressure side will the
concentration be 0.5 kg/m3? Assume a linear concentration profile.
6. If iron is kept at 1200˚K in a carburizing atmosphere for 8hrs to obtain a carbon
concentration of 0.75 at a depth of 0.5mm. Find the time it would take to reach same carbon
concentration at depth of 7.5mm at 1250˚K. (Given D0 = 0.2x10-4 m2/s & Q =
7. The concentration of carbon on the surface of iron is maintained at 1.00% at 1175˚K for
2hours. Estimate the depth at which % C would be 0.5%. Use the diffusivity values given
D0 = 0.2x10-4 m2/s & Q = 143kJ/mole/˚K. Assume initial carbon content of iron to be
8. It is often thought that that species having lower activation energy diffuses faster than the
one having higher activation energy. Is this always true?
9. Rank the following samples in order of increasing self diffusion coefficients (a) Aluminium
single crystal, (b) Polycrystalline aluminium whose average grain size is 5micron (c)
Polycrystalline aluminium whose average grain size is 10micron.
10. For a steel alloy it has been determined that a carburizing heat treatment of 15 h duration
will raise the carbon concentration to 0.35 wt% at a point 2.0 mm from the surface.
Estimate the time necessary to achieve the same concentration at a 6.0-mm position for an
identical steel and at the same carburizing temperature.
Avala Lava Kumar*
Department of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering (MME)
Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology (VSSUT), Burla -768018
*E-mail :
Stainless Steels
Stainless Steels are a large group of special alloys developed primarily to withstand
corrosion. These steels contain chromium in excess of 12% by weight which imparts
“stainless” characteristics to iron alloys.
Types of stainless steels:
Stainless Steels
Martensitic SS Duplex SS
Heat Treatment
Process Annealing → 650 - 760 o C, ↑ ductility and machinability
Austenitizing → 925 -1065 o C followed by oil quenching or air cooling, ↑ corrosion resistance
and strength
Sulfide particles
(Improves machinability) Lath martensite
Microstructure of annealed 416 stainless steel Microstructure of hardened type 403 stainless
etched with Vilella’s reagant steel etched with 4% picral-HCl
Austenitic Stainless Steel
These are chrome-nickel (3xx type) or chrome -nickel- manganese(2xx type) alloys.
Total content of Ni and Cr is at least 23%.
Difficult to machine but can be improved by addition of selenium of sulfur.
Best high temperature strength and scaling resistance. Hence shows best corrosion
Used in chemical industry and for household and sanitary fittings.
Heat Treatment
Cold working causes work hardening but hot working can easily be done.
Annealing at high temperatures → Recrystallization and carbide solution
Solution treatment → Dissolution of chromium carbides
Equiaxed grains
Annealing twins
Single-phase microstructure of an
annealed ferritic stainless steel
Schematic diagram of
tool steel processing up
to the final hardening
heat treatment
High Speed Steel (HSS)
HSS is a subset of tool steel, commonly used in tool bits and cutting tools. It is often used in
power saw blades and drill bits.
They are characterized by high carbon contents, sometimes up to 1.5%, and major additions
of strong carbide forming elements such as chromium, molybdenum, tungsten and
vanadium. Up to 12% Co is also included in some of the more complex grades.
It can withstand higher temperatures without losing its temper (hardness) which allows it to
cut faster than high carbon steel, hence the name.
Other characteristics include high hardness, resistance to abrasion (excellent wear), an
ability to hold a cutting edge, resistance to deformation at elevated temperatures (red-
Modulus Of elasticity: 221GPa, Density : 8767 kg/m3 (↑ durability & hardness), Thermal
Conductivity: 21W/m/K
HSS are mainly of two types: Tungsten based ones (T grades), Molybdenum based ones (M
Three popular grades of high-speed steel
Heat Treatment
Microstructure of KMnO4
etched M2 high-speed steel
showing Feathery, MC
eutectics (M, maybe Fe,
Mn, Cr with a little W, Mo,
High Strength Low Alloy Steel (HSLA)
HSLA steels are low carbon steels that contain up to 10 % alloying additions of the strong
carbide- or nitride-forming elements niobium, titanium or vanadium, separately or together.
The alloying elements enable martensite and bainite to form during quenching and increases
strength and impact toughness.
C% Mn% P% S% Ni% Cr% Mo% V% B%
Grade % %
0.22 1.25 0.015 0.015 0.20 0.50
grade B
0.15 0.80 0.015 0.015 0.20 0.50 0.50 0.1 0.002 0.3
grade F
class 1
0.15 0.35 0.010 0.010 0.25 1.75 0.50 0.02
0.12 0.45 1.020 1.020 0.25 2.25 1.00
class 1
A 203
0.12 0.45 0.015 0.015 0.25
grade D
0.10 0.65 0.010 0.010 0.25
type 1
High Strength Low Alloy Steel (HSLA)
A533 grade B
Contains small amounts of Ni and Mo, ↑ hardenability,
forms ferrite plus bainite microstructure on quenching.
Tempering of bainite ↑ toughness, strength & similar
ductility to the hot worked low-carbon plain-carbon
Used for nuclear vessels and steam generators
Acicular Ferrite
Precipitate phase
Microstructure of Nb-Ti steel obtained from plane Microstructure of low carbon microalloyed steel
strain compression tests after soaking at 1200ºC produced by thermo-mechanical processing
Heat Treatment
In order to realize the full strengthening potential of micro-alloying additions, it is necessary
to use a soaking temperature prior to forging that is high enough to dissolve all vanadium-
bearing precipitates. A soaking temperature above 1100°C is generally preferred.
For Nb–Ti microalloyed steel the single step austenite reheating temperature at 1150°C
provides better austenite conditioning than the higher reheating temperature at 1240°C.
Finishing temperature for rolling also plays an important in determining the grain size and,
hence the strength level.
If rolling is done through the transformation into the completely ferritic condition, fine
ferrite is seen in subgrain structures.
Alternatively, If rolling is finished above the γ/α transformation, the nature of the
transformation is altered by increasing the cooling rate. Slow rates of cooling obtained by
coiling at a particular temperature will give lower strengths than rapid rates imposed by
water spray cooling following rolling. Rapid cooling rate results in transformation of equi-
axed ferrite to Widmanstätten ferrite with a much higher dislocation density.
Avala Lava Kumar*
Department of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering (MME)
Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology (VSSUT), Burla -768018
*E-mail :
Metallic materials, when considered in abroad sense, may be divided into two large
groups, ferrous and non ferrous.
The ferrous materials are iron-based, and the non ferrous materials have some
element other than iron as the principle constituent .
The bulk of the nonferrous materials is made up of the alloys of copper,
aluminum, magnesium, nickel, tin, lead, titanium and zinc.
Other nonferrous metals and alloys that are used to a lesser extent include
cadmium, molybdenum, cobalt, zirconium, beryllium, tantalum, and the precious
metals gold, silver and the platinum group.
→ This chapter will be concerned with the more important nonferrous metals and
alloys These are as follows.
Copper and copper alloys (Bronze and Brass)
Aluminum and aluminum alloys
Copper and Copper Alloys
Tin Bronzes
For this reason, slow cooled cast tin bronzes containing below 7% tin generally show
only a single phase, the α solid solution. There is some of the δ phase in most
castings containing over 7 percent tin. The phosphor bronzes are characterized by
high strength, toughness, high corrosion resistance and freedom for season cracking .
Silicon Bronzes
Silicon bronzes are the strongest of the work-hardenable copper alloys. They have
mechanical properties comparable to those of mild steel and corrosion resistance
comparable to that of copper.
They are used for tanks, pressure vessels, marine construction, and hydraulic pressure lines.
Aluminum Bronzes
These are copper-nickel alloys that contain up to 30% nickel. The copper-nickel
binary phase diagram shows complete solubility, so that all cupronickels are
single-phase alloys. They are not susceptible to heat treatment and may have their
properties altered only by cold working.
The cupronickel alloys have high resistance to corrosion fatigue and also high
resistance to the corrosive and erosive action of rapidly moving sea water. They are
widely used for condenser, distiller, evaporator and heat exchanger tubes for naval
vessels and coastal power plants.
“ Where ever weight is the enemy
Zn Al-Cu-Mg
Al-Mg-Si alloys
Al Cu Al-Zn-Mg-Cu
Mn Al-Si
Casting alloys
Work Hardening
T ((ºC) →
Sloping Solvus line
⇒ high T → high solubility
low T → low solubility
of Cu in Al
Al 15 30 45 60
% Cu →
Al rich end of the Al-Cu phase diagram
On Equilibrium cooling
Slow equilibrium cooling gives rise to
α coarse θ precipitates which is not good
in impeding dislocation motion.*
4 % Cu
A Heat (to 550oC) → solid solution α
4 % Cu
supersaturated solution
B Quench (to RT) →
Increased vacancy concentration
Ageing at room temperature or slightly higher temperature (Precipitation of second
phase, giving strengthening effect) →Cycle C
180oC Peak-aged
Hardness →
Dispersion of Coarsening
Hardness →
Log(t) →
180oC Peak-aged
Hardness →
Log(t) →
Increasing size of precipitates with increasing interparticle (inter-precipitate) spacing
Al-Mg-Fe-Si Duralumin
Al-Si Al-Si
Corrosion Resistance of Al and Al-alloys
The high corrosion resistance of aluminum is due to the self-protecting, thin,
invisible oxide film that forms immediately on exposing surfaces to the
This film protects the metal from further corrosion. If the oxide film is removed, in
many environments, a new film will form immediately and the metal remains fully
In certain strongly acid or alkaline solutions, or in contact with moist corrosive
materials that prevent access of oxygen to the aluminum surface, the protective
film does not form readily. Therefore, the aluminum should be adequately
protected or not used at all.
A relatively thick oxide coating on aluminum and aluminum alloys may be
produced by placing the metal into an aqueous solution containing 15 to 25%
sulfuric acid. This process, known as anodizing, produces a clear, transparent
coating containing submicroscopic pores that are usually sealed before use to
prevent absorption and staining. Sealing may be accomplished by suitable heating
in hot water.
Corrosion Resistance of Al and Al-alloys
The corrosion resistance of Al-Cu alloys and Al-Zn alloys is satisfactory for most
applications but is generally lower than that of the other aluminum alloys. Under
certain corrosive conditions they are subject to intergranular corrosion.
Therefore, these alloys in the form of sheet are usually clad with a high-purity
alloy such as commercial aluminum or a magnesium-silicon alloy.
The coating slabs are mechanically attached to the alloy core ingot, and the
bonding is accomplished by hot rolling. The nominal cladding thickness per side is
usually 1½ or 2½ percent of thickness of the base material.
Alclad alloys are extensively used for aircraft applications because of the excellent
combination of high strength and high resistance to corrosion.
1. Which lead – tin alloy will be ideal for joining electronic assemblies? Give reason.
2. Why is Al-12% Si alloy a very popular casting material for automotive applications?
3. Cartridge brass is easily cold worked but Muntz metal can not be cold worked. Explain why
it is so.
4. Explain the applications of Bronze and Brasses.
5. What is the diffrence between disordered & ordered AuCu3 alloy? How is the presence of
ordered structure detected?
6. Name three common grades of steel produced by ingot route. Which of these has higher
7. Why does compressive stress develops at the surface in a case carburized and subsequently
case hardened steel?
8. Why low carbon content is preferred in most structural application? Is high strength not a
major criterion?
9. What is the composition of the steel designated as 25Mn1S14? What is the role of sulfur in
this steel?
10. Why is it possible to get much finer grain structure in steel than in aluminum?
11. How is ausforming different from austempering? Is this a hot working process?
12. What is the effect of micro-alloy addition on rolling load?
13. How is the mechanism of strengthening in maraging steel different from that in
conventional ultra high strength steel?
14. Explain why commercial steels / alloys having lower stacking fault energy exhibit higher
creep resistance.
15. Does all steel suitable for ausforming exhibit transformation induced plasticity?
16. High speed cutting tools are made of 18W4Cr1V0.6C and it is used in hardened and
tempered condition. Unlike normal hardened and tempered plain carbon tool steel it does
not lose its cutting ability even when it is red hot. Explain why it is so.
17. Briefly explain why ferritic and austenitic stainless steels are not heat treatable.
18. What is the main difference between brass and bronze?
19. Explain why, under some circumstances, it is not advisable to weld a structure that is
fabricated with a 3003 aluminum alloy.
20. On the basis of melting temperature, oxidation resistance, yield strength, and degree of
brittleness, discuss whether it would be advisable to hot work or to cold work (a) aluminum
alloys, and (b) magnesium alloys.
21. What types of alloys would respond to precipitation hardening?
22. Why Aluminium alloy rivets are strored in refigerator?
23. A batch of age hadrenable alloy has been overagred by mistake. Is there any way to slavage
24. Why non-age hardenable aluminium alloys are chosen for beverage can?
25. When can you get more than one peak in the hardness versus aging time plot of a given
alloy at a given temperature?
26. Ag rich GP zones can form in a dilute Al-Ag alloy. Given that the lattice parameters of Al
and Ag are 0.405nm and 4.09nm respectively. What is likely shape of these zones?
27. Under what heat treatment condition an age harden-able alloy can be machined?
28. What the principal difference is between wrought and cast alloys?
29. Give the distinctive features, limitations, and applications of the following alloy groups:
titanium alloys, refractory metals, superalloys, and noble metals.
30. What is Duralumin? Give its alloy number and uses. What is the recent development in
alloy for aircraft bodies and application?