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Automata Theory: CSCI549-001

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Texas A&M University - Commerce

Tentative Course Syllabus

Spring, 2013
Department of Computer Science
College of Arts and Sciences

Class Meetings: Thursdays 2:00PM-4:40PM (Classroom: HL306)

Dr. S. Suh, Professor & Head, Department of Computer Science
Texas A&M University - Commerce
Office: Jour 123; Phone: 903.468.8199; E-mail: sang.suh@tamuc.edu

Introduction to Computer Theory by Daniel I. A. Cohen
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1997, 2nd Ed. ISBN 0-471-13772-3

Textbook Organization:
PART I: Chapters 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 and 11
PART II: Chapters 12,13,14,15,16 and 17
PART III: Chapters 19 and 20

Course Objectives:
This course is one of the five core courses for M.S. degree in Computer Science at Texas A&M
University - Commerce. The primary goal of this course is to provide fundamental introduction to
the design of programming languages (PL). Both the theoretical foundations of PL and its
practical aspect will be studied by covering chapters 1 through 20. The fundamental topics to be
covered in this course include regular expressions, finite automata, (non-)regular languages,
context-free grammars, regular grammars, Chomsky normal forms, pushdown automata, (non-
)context-free languages, parsing and Turing machines. These fundamentals are essential
prerequisite for those who may pursue more advanced topics and applications of Computer
Science. Since the ultimate goal of automata theory is the construction of efficient program
languages, no study of automata is complete without some experience designing grammars. For
this purpose, a medium-scale program language design project will be assigned as a class
project. The design project is an essential part of the successful course completion. The grading
will be based on the following criteria:


1. Understand the concept of formal languages through such mechanism as regular expression,
recursive definitions, finite automata, transition graph, Mealy machine and Moore machine.
2. Apply Kleene’s theorem and pumping lemma for the design and management of regular and
non-regular languages.
3. Construct context free, regular, Chomsky normal form grammars to design computer
4. Design and construct a pushdown automata and a Turing machine for a computer language
5. Design and implement the LR(1) parser for a computer language
Students with Disabilities Act Compliance:
Students requesting accommodations for disabilities must go through the Academic
Support Committee. For more information, please contact the Director of Disability
Resources & Services, Halladay Student Services Bldg., Room 303D, (903) 886-5835

Academic Ethics:
"All students enrolled at the University shall follow the tenets of common decency and
acceptable behavior conducive to a positive learning environment." (See Student's Guide
Handbook, Policies and Procedures, Conduct).

Attendance Policy:
Students are expected to be present at all class lectures. If a student is absent from class
on the due date of any assignment, they are expected to make alternative arrangements to
assure that the assignment is turned in ON TIME. Any student wishing to withdraw from the
course must do so officially as outlined in the class schedule. THE INSTRUCTOR

Course Requirement Deadlines:

Credit will be given for ONLY those exam(s), program(s), and/or project(s) turned in no later
than the deadline(s) as announced by the instructor of this class unless prior arrangement
has been made with the instructor.

Method of Evaluation (Tentative):

Two/Three Tests (70%, in class - closed book – 25/45 or 15/15/40)
Quizzes and Participation (10%)
Implementation Project (20%)

Course Outline:


1 Chapters 1 (Introduction to Automata Theory)
-Automata Theory

2 Chapters 2 & 3 (Languages and Recursive Definitions)

-Kleene Closure
-Recursive Definition
-Arithmetic Expression

3 Chapters 4 (Regular Expressions)

-Regular Expressions
-Regular Languages

4 Chapter 5 (Finite Automata)

-Definitions of Finite Automata
-Examples of Finite Automata
-EVEN-EVEN revisited

5 Chapter 6 & 8 (TG and FA with Output)

-Transition Graph (Definition)
-Transition Graph vs. Finite Automata
-Moore Machine and Mealy Machine
-Moore Machine = Mealy Machine

6 Chapter 7 (Kleene’s Theorem)

-Kleen’s Theorem
-TG to Regular Expression
-Regular Expression to FA
-Nondeterministic FA
-NFA and Kleene’s Theorem

7 Chapter 9 & 10 (Regular and Non-regular Languages)

-Closure Properties (Union, Intersection. Kleene Star)
-Complements and Intersections (Closure Properties)
-Pumping Lemma
-Quotient Languages
Midterm Exam
-Chapters 1-10

8 Chapter 12 (Context Free Grammars)

-Grammars, Context Free Grammars
-Total Language Trees
-Syntax Trees, Generation Trees, Parse Trees, Production Trees,
Derivation Trees

9 LR(1) Parser
-Parser Project

10 Chapter 14 (Pushdown Automata)

-Pushdown Automata
-Applications of PDA

11 Chapters 13 & 16 (Non-context Free Languages)

-Chomksy Normal Form
-Regular Grammars
-Pumping Lemma for CFLs

12 Chapter 17 (Context Free Languages)

-Closure Properties
-Intersection and Complement
-Context Free Languages vs. Regular Languages

13 Chapters 19 & 20 (Turing and Post Machines)

-Turing Machine

14 Final Exam and Project Demos

15 Reserved for Project Demos and Makeups


For research assistance, please contact:
John Atabaev, Reference Librarian: Sciences & Collection Development
STUDENTS REQUIRING ASSISTANCE: Requests from students with disabilities
for reasonable accommodations Office of Disability Resources, Halladay
Student Services Building, Room 303D, 903-886-5835.

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