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LabSheet5 (Curve)

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(Standard Of Procedure)

Subject Code
Group Number
Student Name &
ID Number
Group Member Name
& ID Number 1
Lecturer 3



1. To make necessary computation for setting-out the ranging of simple curve.

2. To make setting-out the ranging of simple curve on site.

Scope of works:

1. Each group shall be carried out field survey works necessary to accurately
determine the locations centerline of the curve
2. Each group shall be prepared a table of computation for setting-out.
3. Each group shall be prepared a report of had been done (Appendix III).
The report shall be submitted one week after completed the fieldwork.

List of Devices:

1. 1 set of Built-in EDM or Theodolite completed with accessories.

2. 2 set of Reflector completed with accessories.

Procedure of works:

Conducting a survey (Appendix II).

Appendix I



In the design of roads and railways, straight sections of road or track are connected by
curves of constant or varying radius. The purpose of the curves is to deflect the road
through the angle between the two straights, θ. For these reason, θ is known as the
deflection angle.

In construction surveying, curves have to be set out on the ground for a variety of
purposes. A curve may form the major part of route, it may form a kerb line at a
junction or may be the shape of an ornamental rose bed in a town centre.

Types of Horizontal Curve:

i. Simple curves – circular curves of constant radius

ii. Compound curves – two or more consecutive simple curves of different radius
iii. Reverse curves – two or more consecutive simple curves of the same of
different radius with their centres on opposite sides of the common tangent.
iv. Transition curves – curves with gradually varying radius (often referred to as
v. Combined or composite curves – consisting of consecutive transition and
simple circular curves. This is the usual manner in which transition curves are
used in road and railway practice, to link a straight and a circular curve, or two
branches of a compound or reverse curve.

Curve Elements:

In figure, the centre lines AI and BI of

two straight roadways, called simply the
straights, meet at a point I called the
intersection points. The two straights
deviate (deflect) by the angle θ.
The roadways may actually exist on the
ground or may simply be proposals on a
roadway development plan.
Clearly it is desirable to avoid having a
junction at I, so the straights are joined by
a circular curve of radius R.

The straights are tangential to the curve at the tangent points T1 and T2 and lengths
IT1 and IT2, known as the tangent lengths, are equal. Before setting the curve on the
ground, the exact location of the tangent points must be known.
If the two straights are existing roadways, then, in order to locate the tangent points, a
theodolite is set at point I and the deviation (deflection) angle θ is measured together
with the lengths of lines AI and IB.
If the roadway scheme exists only on a development plan, the angle θ and the
distances AI and IB must be measured by protractor and scale rule or by calculation
from the coordinates of A, I and B.
Useful lengths
From the geometry of figure;
Tangent length (IT1 and IT2)
= R tan θ/2
External distance IV
= R [sec (θ/2) -1]
Mid-ordinate VC
= R(1-cos θ/2)
Length of curve T1VT2
= [(θ/360)2πR] m
= [R x θ radians] m
= (100 θ/D)m , θ and D are same unit
Long chord (T1CT2)
= 2R sin θ/2

Curve Composition:

In setting out large radius curves, or in some cases small radius curves, pegs are set at
regular intervals around the curve. The interval is commonly 10 or 20 m and is
measured as a running chainage, from the zero chainage point of the road system.
Consequently, it would be very unlikely that either tangent point of the curve would
coincide with a chainage which is at an exact tape length. In figure below, straights AI
and IB deviate by 13o at intersection point I, where the chainage is 171.574m.

Tangent lengths IT1 and IT2 = 400tan 6.5o

= 45.574m
Therefore chainage T1 = 171.574 – 45.574
= 126.000m
Curve length = 13/360 x 2πR
= 90.757m
Therefore chainage T2 = 126.000 + 90.757
= 216.757m

The last peg on the straight, measured at 20m interval from A, occurs at chainage
120m; therefore the first peg on the curve, at chainage 140m, lies at a distance of
(140-126)m = 14m from tangent point T1. This short chord is called the initial sub-
chord. Thereafter, pegs placed at standard chord intervals of 20 m occur at chainage
160, 180 and 200m. The final tangent point T2 is reached at 216.75m; therefore the
final chord is (216.757 – 200.000)m = 16.757m. This short chord is called the final
Summarizing, the chord composition is derived as follows:
Chainage T1 =126.000m
Chainage of first peg on curve = 140.000m
Therefore initial sub-chord = (140.000 – 126.000) = 14.000m
Chainage of last peg on curve = 200.000m
Therefore number of standard chords = (200 – 140)/20 = 3
Chainage T2 = 216.757m
Therefore final sub-chord = (216.757 – 200.000) = 16.757m

Setting-out by tangential angles:

Give Bearing T1-I = 7000’00”

Chord Length Chainage Deflection Tangential Bearing Distance

Number Angle Angle (2RSin
c/R x  )
T1 126
1 14.000 140 100’10” 100’10” 7100’10” 14.001
2 20 160 125’57” 226’07” 7226’07” 33.993
3 20 180 125’57” 352’04” 7352’04” 53.963
4 20 200 125’57” 518’01” 7518’01” 73.900
T2 16.757 216.757 112’01” 630’02” 7630’02” 90.570
 630’02”

Appendix II

1. Setting up the Theodolite on TI

 Setting the tripod
The tripod legs are spread out and rested lightly on the ground around
the survey point. Judging by eye, the legs are moved to bring the
tripod head over the point, keeping the tripod head as level as possible.
 Mounting the instrument
The theodolite is carefully removed from the box and screwed to the
 Centring
A sight is taken through the optical plummet to view the survey peg.
The footscrews are turned to bring the instrument exactly over the peg.
The theodolite is now centred but, not level.
 Levelling
Levelling is accompolished by raising or lowering the legs of the
tripod, using the sliding leg arrangement, until the circular spirit level
is centred.
Refinements to the centring and leveling of the instrument must now
be made;
(a) Set the plate spirit level over two screws and centralize the bubble,
(b) Turn the instrument through 90o and recentralize the bubble
(c) Repeat operations (a) and (b) until the bubble remains central for
both positions.
 Parallax elimination
A piece of paper is held in front of the telescope and the observer,
sighting the paper through the telescope, turns the eyepiece carefully
until the cross-wires of the reticule are sharply defined.
2. Setting up bearing to I (Topcon GTS220)
 Released Horizontal and vertical plate, and the theodolite in face left
 Switch On Theodolite Display Panel. Make sure horizontal bearing in
the mode Horizontal Right (HR).
 Rotate the theodolite horizontally, till the required horizontal bearing
had been display in panel.
 Refinements to the required horizontal bearing, using horizontal
tangent screw.
 Press the (F2)(HOLD) key.
 Collimate the target at RO.
 Press the [F3](YES) key to finish holding the horizontal angle.

3. Setting-out points of curve ranging using Built-EDM Theodolite.

 Released Horizontal and vertical plate.
 Rotate the theodolite horizontally, till HR in display panel shows TI-1
 Clamp horizontal plate.
o Refinements to the required horizontal bearing, using horizontal
tangent screw.
 Instruct front man hold the reflector pole vertically approximately on the
line (i.e. reflector have been seen through telescope).
 Press the [| ]key. Distance measurement starts. Display panel shows HR
(Horizontal angle), HD (horizontal distance) and VD (Vertical distance).
 Press F1 (Meas). New distance display.
 Obtained HD. If HD is still less than actual length, instruct front man to
prolong the line. Instead, if HD more than actual length.
 Drive in peg.
 Repeat operation, till whole peg for the curve have been marked on the

Appendix III


Each group shall submit the report one week after completed the fieldwork.

The report shall be consisted hereunder-

a) Introduction
b) Objective
c) Devices
d) Procedure
e) Product
 Computation form
f) Analysis
g) Conclusion

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