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Irc 077-1979

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IRC 77-1979



IRC: 77-1979


Published by
Jamnagar House, Shahjahan Road,
New Dethi4lOOll
(phis postage & packing)
JRC 77-1979
First published in February 1980

(Rights of Pub1/cation and Translation are reserved)

Printed at PRINTAID, New Delhi

IRC: 77-1979



LI. Necessity of repairs to cement concrete pavements arises
either from imperfections in workmanship during construction, or as
a result of subsequent damage or deterioration. In certain cases
conventional methods of repair using bituminous materials may ‘not
give good results in all cases, and repairs with bonded cement con-
crete may be very time-consuming due to the long curing period in-
volved. Synthetic resins provide an expeditious alternative in such
cases. Thermo-setting synthetic resins of epoxy and polyester type
can be successfully used for this purpose, as they combine the
properties of rapid hardening, good adhesion, toughness, good
strength, superior chemical resistance, etc. Concrete pavements
repaired with these resins can be opened to traffic within 12 hours.
Synthetic resins will also be found useful for speedy repair of
cement concrete wearing courses on bridge decks.

1.2. Because of high cost-synthetic resins are however not to

be regarded as a primary construction material like cement concrete
or any other conventional material. Their most important function
is for emergency repair of concrete pavements, especially in case of
localised surface rectification, where no known cheaper material
will give the desired performance or speed of execution. For such
repairs, they will also prove more economical as compared to the
alternative of providing the entire surface with a resurfacing layer.

1.3. Synthetic resins and their curing agents are allergenic,

and safe handling practices must be exercised in all resin work.
The mixing sequence for various resin components stipulated by
the manufacturer should be strictly adhered to, as intermixing in
the case of some of the components could cause explosion. User
should obtain pertinent information in this regard from the manu-
facturer and comply with it fully. While the operations involved
are basically simple and could be learnt easily, trained personnel
and strict quality control are desirable to ensure proper results.

1.4. These guidelines were approved by the Cement Concrete

Road Surfacing Committee (personnel given below) in their meeting
held at Calcutta on the 18th December 1977.

IRC 77-1979

K .K. Nambiar . Convenor

Dr. R.K. Ghosh .Member-Secretary

D.C. Chaturvedi Y.K. Mehta
Dr. M.P. Dhir N.y. Merani
M.G. Dandavate K.C. Mital
P.K. Isaac C.V. Padmanabhan
P.5. Jagus N.L. Pate!
Rep. of E-in-C., A.H.Q. K. Krishna Mohan Rao
(Brig. R.K. Kaira) P.S. Sandhawalia
Dr. S.K. Khanna A Rep. of D.~IB.R.
D.N. Khurana N. Sivaguru
P.S. Mehta Dr. I{.C, Visesvaraya
Director General (Road Development) Ex-officio

These were processed by the Specifications & Standards

Committee in their meeting held at New Delhi ~n the 6th November
1978 subject to certain modifications which on the authorisation of
the Committee were carried out by Dr. R.K. Ghosli, R.P. Sikka
and 13.R. Govind, assisted by Y.R. Phull, K. Arunachalam, M.
Dinakaran and C.S. Pant. These were later approved by the
Executive Committee and the Council in their meetings held on
24th April and 28th October 1979 respectively.

2.1. Synthetk Resins
2.1.1. General: Synthetic resins are multiple-component
systems, comprising of the mair~resin component and its curing
agents which may be variously termed as hardeners, accelerators,
catalysts, etc. When stored separately, resins and their curing agents
retain their properties for a certain period after manufacture which
may vary from a few months to a year or more for different resins.
This period, which represents the useful storage life of the resin is
known as its “shelf life”. On mixing the components together, the
resultant “resin formulation” rapidly starts becoming more and
more viscous, and under average temperature conditions, becomes
unworkable and unfit for use after 30-45 minutes. The period upto
which a resin formulation is usable after intermixing of the
components, is called its ~‘pot-Iife”. As synthetic resins are
thermosetting, their pot-life decreases with increase in temperature.
At low temperatures, while pot-life prolongs, development of
strength would be slower.
IRC: 77-1979
Synthetic resins of epoxy and polyester group are normally
employed in concrete pavement repairs. Epoxy resins are of differ-
ent types, the prominent ones being diglycidyl ethers of diphenylol-
A (‘A’ may be propane or any other group), epoxy novolacs and
chloroaliphatic epoxies. The hardeners used with epoxy resins are
polysuiphide polymers, polyamide and amine adducts. The common
curing agents are aliphatic or aromatic amines. Chemically the
term “epoxy” means a three membered ring containing one oxygen
and two carbon arranged as C
— C — H—

In a resin molecule, on an average, more than one epoxy group
is present. The acute angle in the structure strains its chemical
bond through interaction, thus making the three membered ring
hardly reactive.
Polyester resins are reaction products of a polyhydric alcohol
and an unsaturated polybasic acid. Unsaturated polyester thus
formed possesses good adhesive properties. Catalysts used with
polyester resins to start the reaction are usually peroxides or hydro-
peroxides. Besides catalysts cobalt naphthanate is used as accele-
rator to hasten the reaction started by peroxide.
2.1.2. Factors affecting choice of the resin system: As many
resin systems of varying properties are available in each of the two
broad resin groups, viz, epoxy and polyester, for any particular
application the resin system to be used should be selected with
due consideration of the following factors:
(1) Location of use and Its ellmate—Diffdent resin systems perform
differently under varying climatic conditions and for different
types of repairs. Some resin systems are more susceptible to mois-
ture than others, and can be used only in hot dry climates. The
range of annual temperature variation is important in selection of
the resin system, as coefficients of thermal expansion of resin
formulations are much higher than that of cement concrete. The
thermal coefficient of resin-sand mortars reduces with increase in
leanness of the mix, so that other things being equal, resin systems
with somewhat lower thermal coefficients, and with lower viscosity
which would permit use of leaner mixes, would be preferable in
case of locations with high range of annual temperature variation.
Polyester resins are highly susceptible to moisture and cannot be
used in areas of heavy rainfall, high water table or water-logged
pavements. They can be considered for use only in areas of
temperate climate at locations not susceptible to moisture.
(2) Ambient temperatures during the period of use—Since pot-life of a
resin system is temperature dependent, the resin system should be
so selected that adequate pot-life is obtained for the expected am-
bient temperature during the period of use.

aS. -- _____________

tRC 77-1919
(3) Type of repair—In certain cases the type of repair to be carried
out will also influence the choice of resin system. Thus, in case of
resin-bonded cement concrete repairs, slow-setting epoxy systems
(e.g. epoxy system with polyamkh and amine adducts) non-
susceptible to moisture are normally recommended. The use of
polyester resins as bonding media between old and new concrete is
ruled out on account of their high susceptibility to moisture. In
case of repair of cracks by resin-injection, the low-viscosity resin
systems would be desirable. For larger sized patch repairs, lower
shrinkage coefficient is also helpful.
(4) Bond between hardened cement concrete and resin mortar, and its
durability—Adequacy and durability of bond of the resin material
with the cement concrete of the structure is essential for satisfac-
tory repairs. In general, epoxy resin mixes have been observed to
he much less susceptible to loss of bond with cement concrete
under extreme climatic changes (temperature variation 90°C)vis-a-
vis polyester resin mixes. Loss ofbond is •severe when the resin
mortars are made with polyester resin and alkaline sand.

2.1.3. Properties of resins and resin mortars: For choice of

the resin system under any service conditions, manufacturers’
recommendations should be obtained. Among resins of different
manufacture, final selection should be based on laboratory
investigations of properties of the resin system, resin-sand mortars
and cement concrete-resin mortar composites made therewith,
especially in case of large-scale works. Following properties Would
normally need to be investigated:
(i) Pot—life of resin system
(ii) Compressive strength, and moisture susceptibility of
resin-sand mortars
(iii) Bond strength of cement concrete-resin mortar composites
(iv) Shrinkage and thermal characteristics of resin system and resin
(v) Durability of resin mortar-cement concrete composites.

Procedures for carrying out the above tests are given in

Appendix 1. Typical values for different properties of resin systems
of epoxy and polyester groups are given in Appendix 2 for infor-

Where the magnitude of the work is small and testing facilities

are not available, selection may bemade on the basis of the consi-
derations indicated in para 2.1.2, in conjunction with the infor-
mation obtained from suppliers~manufacturers (vide para 2.1.4) and
their recommendations. As an aid to selection, some typical resin
formulations, and the uses for which they may be considered, are
given in Appendix 3.
IRC: 774979
2.1.4. Information required from resin supplier/manufacturer
(I) Nomenclature and proportions of the resin system components.
(2) Type of resin system.
(3) Storage and mixing directions.
(4) Hazardous potentialities and handling precautions.
(5) Usable temperature range.
(6) Shelf life.
(7) Available test data on resin properties, e.g. pot-life, thermal and
shrinkage characteristics, viscosity, strength; moisture suscept~bil ity
(8) Adjustments in composition for change in temperature ofuse.
(9) Heat distortion temperature.
(10) Other pertinent information, e.g. strength and durability charac-
teristics of resin mortars and cement concrete-resin mortar compo-
sites (if available), suitability for conditions of use, viz, location,
climate, type of repair, etc.
(Ii) Date of manufacture (to be indicated on the containers).
2.1.5. Storage: The various components of the resin system
should be kept in tightly closed and appropriatelylabelled contai-
ners. As some of the components may be volatile and/or inflam-
mable, the resins should be stored in a cool, covered, protected
place, away from any naked flames. No smoking should be allowed
in the vicinity of the resins. The date of manufacture and shelf
life should be ascertained from the manufacturer for each lot of
supply, and marked on the containers After expiry of shelf-life,
no material should be used without rechecking its quality through
laboratory tests.
2.1.6. Handling: For repairs during hot weather, the resin
components should be kept in shade and not in direct sunlight.
Appropriate handling precautions should be ascertained from the
manufacturer and their strict observance ensured. Adequate fire
protection measures should be taken during mixing and placing
operations. Smoking or use of spark or flame in the vicinity should
not be permitted.
Good handling practice for resin materials and mixes requires:
(i) Working in a well-ventilated area (in case of laboratory tests).
(ii) Storing the resin materials below eye level.
(iii) Using disposable containers, equipment and gloves, wherever
*JJeat Distortion i~j~ature: is the temperature at which the chemical
structure of the resin begins to change, adversely affecting its utility as a re-
pair medium.

lltC 77-1979

(iv) Using safety goggles when handling resin compounds,

(v) Avoiding accidental contact with or intake of resins. Habits like
scratching of body parts or eye-glass adjustment should be avoided.
When wearing soiled gloves, the worker should avoid touching
door handles and other equipments which may subsequently be
touched by persons not wearing gloves. After completion of
work also, eating or smoking should not be done without
washing up.

In the event of direct contact with resin, safety steps indicated

below should be immediately taken

Items of contact Action required

Clothing Remove the soiled clothing immediately.

Body Wash immediately with soap and water to
remove the resin compound from the body.
Bye Flush out large quantities of water fol-
lowed immediately by medical attention,

Note: For cleaning purposes, soap and water only should be used. Most of
other solvents merely dilute the resin compounds and aid them in pene-
trating the skin.

Solvent used for cleaning up of equipment should not be used

to remove resin products from the skin. They will tend to dry the
skin and may cause dermatitis. Moreover, they dissolve the skin
compounds and aid them in penetrating the skin, thus aggravating
the problem. Some solvents contain aggressive chemicals which
can cause burns or other serious effects on coming in contact with
body parts.
Many solvents such as ketones have low flash point and
present fire hazard, and call for adequate ventilation and fire pro-
tection measures. Some solvents are toxic when inhaled. Their use
should be avoided.
There is no solvent material for removing set resin-formula-
tions of both polyester and epoxy type from containers, mixing ap-
pliances etc. However unset resin from containers may be cleaned
(i) Mixture of equal proportions of ethyl alcohol and benzene
(ii) Mixture of equal proportions of ethyl alcohol and toluene
(iii) Toluene
(iv) Benzene
(v) Ethyl alcohol

IR.C: 77~l979
Of the above solvents, (i) and (ii) are more effective. However, as
these solvents are very costly, they should be used only when
justified. In general it is advisable to use disposable containers.

2.2. Aggregates
In some applications, fine and coarse aggregates are used for
economy or to improve the performance of such applications. Both
coarse and fine aggregates should be clean, hard, strong and cubi-
cal in shape. Friable, flaky aggregates or sand should not be used.
Alkaline aggregates should be guarded against, as they are known
to affect resin repairs adversely. In all cases, the aggregates should
be washed clean, and be absolutely dry and neutral at the time of
Coarse aggregate may be added in case of deep patch repairs
only. The maximum size of coarse aggregate should be less than
one-third the mean depth of the patch. it is neither desirable nor
economical to use coarse aggregates larger than 25 mm size. For
most applications, coarse aggregates fit for cement concrete are
satisfactory for use in resin concrete. A wide range is feasible
with regard to the grading of suitable fine aggregate for resin mor-
tars. In general, aggregate for resin mortar or concrete should be
uniformly graded. In resin mortars fine river sand passing IS
1.18mm sieve and having a fineness modulus of about 1 can also be
used. Some typical gradings recommended are shown in Table I.

IS, Sieve Size Fine Sand Medium Sand


Per cent Passing Per cent Passing

4.75 mm 100 100

2.36 mm 100 100
1.18 mm 100 100
600 micron 95—100 20—30
300 micron 90—100 50—60
150 micron 5—20 20—30

For better skid resistance of overlays f~rpavements, and for

heavy-duty wear resistant floor toppings, special fine aggregate of
abrasion-resistant type such as silica sand, hard crushed stone (e.g.
trap), alumina, silicon carbide, or blast furnace slag should be pre-
ferred. For use in surface treatments, the material should be of
medium-fine-size, usually between 2.00 mm and 600 microns. In
case of resin mortar overlays, any of the gradings given in Table 1
may be adopted.
IRC 77-1979
3.1. Resin Formulations
Proportions of the different constituents to prepare resin for-
mulations should be fixed depending on the curing schedule and
satisfactory pot life for outdoor work. Due consideration should
be given to temperature conditions under which the work will req-
uire to be carried out, as well as the service conditions, including
maximum and minimum temperatures, rainfall etc. which the fini-
shed work is expected to cater to. For polyester resins the quantity
of accelerator should be between 0.5 ml to 1. 3m! per 100 grams of
resin for a mixing temperature of 40°Cto 10°Cwhile for epoxy for-
mulations with tertiary amine as hardener, the quantity of the ter-
tiary amine should be limited between 4 gms to 10 gms per 100
grams epoxy resin for temperature range 40°Cto 10°C.
3.2. Resin Mortar and Concrete
in applications involving resin mortar or concrete, the mix
proportions should be such that the resin formulation is adequate
to fill voids in the aggregate and coat the aggregate surface comple-
tely, while producing a mix of appropriate consistency and satisfac-
tory finishing properties. In resin mortars, generally one part by
weight of resin formulation is mixed with 3-5 parts by weight of
medium to fine sand. In case of resin concrete using larger maxi-
mum size of aggregate, the proportion of aggregate to resin formula-
tion could be as high as 8:1 (by weight) for aggregates in the specific
gravity range of 2.5 to 2.8.
Since the viscosity of the resin formulation at the temperature
of use affects the aggregate/resin formulation ratio, the ratio will
also be influenced by the choice of resin system selected for the
application. For appropriate selection of the mix proportions, it is
advisable to make trial mixes at a temperature slightly higher than
the anticipated temperature at the time of application. If the
actual field temperature varies significantly from the trial mix tem-
perature, additional field trials should be made for necessary mix
4.1. Resin Formulation
The different constituents of the resin should be accurately
proportioned, using suitable weighing or measuring devices. Special
care is necessary in respect of constituents which need to be mixed
in relatively smaller quantities as even a slight variation in their
IRC 77-1979
proportion could significantly affect the formulation characteristics
especially with regard to pot life.
Thorough mixing of all the components of the resin is essential.
For this reason, the resin components should be mixed in a con-
tainer which has nearly hemispherical bottom, without any sharp
corner or bends which may locally prevent proper mixing. The
components are mixed by stirring or agitation to put them into
solution effectively. For small quantities upto one kg., spatula,
palette knife or sinailar device may be used for the purpose. For
larger quantities, mechanical mixing device such as a rotating
bucket type mixer or paddle type paint mixer driven by low-speed
electric motor may be used. Mixing should be continued till the
formulation is homogenous.
In case of manual application, the quantity to be mixed at a
time should not exceed 2 kg., because of short pot life of the resins.
Where the mixing and applications are mechanical, the quantity
to be mixed at a time can be suitably increased. Wherever possible,
small batches may be handled in disposable containers, because
cleaning is difficult and costly.

4.2. Resin Mortar and Concrete

For preparation of resin mortar, fine aggregates are added to
the thoroughly mixed resin formulation and stirred till all the aggre-
gate particles are fully coated and the mix is homogenous. Manual
mixing of resin mortars with the help of trowel should be restricted
to a batch weight of 2 kg. For large batches, power driven cement
mortar mixer may be used but should be immediately cleaned.
Resin concrete is prepared in the same manner as resin
mortars. In case of relatively stiff mixes, the coarse aggregate
should be added and mixed with the resin formulation first, follow-
ed by gradual addition of fine aggregates while mixing is continued.
This sequence will help to prevent the tendency to ~baHing’**in
the mix. Mixing should be continued till the mix is uniform.


5.1. Synthetic-resin systems cure with an exothermic reaction
and are thermosetting. The rate of curing and the ease and
effectiveness of application are greatly influenced by the tempera-
ture of the resin systems at the time of use, the temperature of
~BalIing~ if coarse aggregate is added subsequent to mixing of fine
aggregate with the resin formulation, the coating of coarse aggregate with the
resin is not uniform, some aggregate particles getting coated and some remain-
ing almost uncoated. On the coated coarse aggregate more and more mortar
gets adhered, leading to “balling”. Balling makes the mix non-homogenous.

IRC 77-1979
surface on which the synthetic resin system is to be applied, and
the temperature conditions obtaining during curing. The condi-
tions under which these systems are to be employed should be
anticipated and appropriate provisions made in each application
specification. Suggested provisions are given below.

5.2. Temperature Conditioning of Pavement Surface and

Fresh Repairs
(a) Temperature lower than 10°C
When concrete and atmospheric temperatures are lower than
10°C, the temperature of cement concrete to be repaired should be
raised upto a depth of 7.5 cm so as to accelerate the hardening
rate of the synthetic resin system and gain early functional use
ci the area. The cement concrete temperature should be at least
15°Cand preferably about 25°C,prior to application of the synthetic
resin. Under cool weather conditions, an artificial environment
niay he created for this purpose, for instance by having an enclosure
heated by circulating warm air, using a source of uniform radiant
heat such as electric heaters, or lighting 1000 W electric bulbs in
suitable enclosures. In any event, localized heating should be
avoided and heat provided in such a manner that the surface
temperature stays below 40°Cduring the hardening period.

(b) Temperature lower than 25°Cand above 10°C

ln this range of temperature, repair work with synthetic resins
can be accomplished satisfactorily without creating an artificial
cavironment provided a suitable formulation for low temperature
curing is employed and a somewhat increased hardening period
can be tolerated.

(c) Temperature exceeding 35°C

When the temperature of cement concrete surface being
repaired and atmospheric temperature both exceed 35°C,difficulties
may be experienced in mixing and application owing to acceleration
ci hardening rate of the synthetic resin system. In these cases
work should be scheduled when the temperature is usually lower,
[‘or instance in early morning hours, or the areas of repair should
he protected from direct sunlight prior to and during the application

5.3. Temperature Conditioning of Materials

Regardless of weather conditions under which the application
is made, it is advisable to condition the components of resin formu-

IRC 77-1979

lation to 25’C to 35t prior to mixing. A simple method is to

store the components indoors in a heated room overnight and to
reniove them therefrom shortly before use. A quicker method
will be to keep the compounds in a heated enclosure or immerse
them in their containers in a hot water bath. When cooling is
required to provide adequate working life, the components can be
stored in shade or containers can be immersed in a bath of cold
water. While the manufacturers’ instructions should be followed,
in general the compounds should not be heated beyond 60~C or
cooled below 15°C.

Aggregates to be u;ed in resin m ‘rtar or concrete should be

similarly conditioned to a tempcrature of 25°Cto 35°C. Like the
resin components, they may be warmed by storing in a heated
room or enclosure, or with the help of radiation. For cooling, the
aggregates may be spread into thin layers or stored in the shade,
These should not, however be cooled to the extent that mixing with
resin becomes difficult or condensation of moisture from the air
takes place.

6.!. General
Concrete surface to which resin is to be applied must be
freshly exposed concrete, free of all loose and unsound materials.
The surface must be meticulously clean and dry, and at proper
temperature (vide para 5.2) at the time of the resin application.
Care must be taken that moisture does not rise through the con-
crete due to capillary action and collect at the interface of the
concrete and the resin during curing period of the latter.

6.2 Case I—When Removal of Concrete In Depth is Involved

For removal of loose and unsound concrete in depth, use of
chisel and hammer manually or pneumatically can be adopted.
The recess for receiving the resin mortar or concrete should be for-
med to a regular geometrical shape, with its side parallel and per-
pendicular to the joints in concrete pavenient. If possible, the side
should be given a slight slant so that the base of groove so formed
is somewhat wider than the top to ensure better keying for the
repair work. This is illustrated in Fig. 1.

The top edges of the groove should be carefully chiselled man-

ually to make them as straight as practicable, and give the finished
patchwork a neat appearance. If a joint cutting machine is avai-
lable, 1-2 cm deep peripheral cuts at the top can be made initially

IRC : 77-1979
SpaRed £dgo~ d/B ~ 4,5

Vntj~1 ~

f f Popout ~


—,t 4’


Broken Coroers 4/8 —~

1 Verticil



N.tes _1 Oatt~d liee~show the~rogular qroovos to be formed for repairt

2 For repairs w*th re oss mortar 4 ~‘ 5 Ceo.

Fig. 1. Preparation of surface groove for resm repairs of

popouts, pot-holes and corner and edge spalling

tkC: 774919
with the same, and the concrete within subsequently removed to the
required depth by chiselling. If pneumatic hammers are used for
removal of concrete, they should be of medium to light weight and
operated very carefully so that no fine cracks are caused in the
exposed sound concrete due to hammering operations.
6.3. Case IL—When Removal of Concrete in Depth is not
Those surfaces or areas which are sound, and do not require
concrete removal in depth, must be thoroughly cleaned to remove
oil, dirt, asphalt, mortar droppings, weak laitance etc. At joints,
the sealing compound should be completely removed to expose clean
sound concrete. For dust, dirt, debris, mortar droppings and as-
phalt patches, scrubbing with iron brushes or sand blasting should
be adopted. Oil can be removed by a detergent wash, and animal
fat by scrubbing with a solution of sodium hydroxide, taking due
precautions in the handling of sodium hydroxide in view of its cor-
rosiveness. Light chiselling (upto a depth of I mm) is beneficial
even where extraneous matter are not present at the surface. Chisel-
ling may however, not be done where the surface has already been
adequately sand blasted. If neither chiselling nor sand blasting can
be adopted, the cleaned surface may be treated with dilute hydro-
chloric acid @ 4 kg per 10 sq. m. in two applications. Sand
blasting and chisellin~are, however, to be preferred ovr acid treat-
ment. To ensure uniform coverage, acid should be spread by iron
brushes or brooms. It is allowed to remain in contact with con-
crete for about 5 minutes. After foaming action has ceased, the
surface may be finally flushed with water, together with vigorous
scrubbing with an iron broom or brush, to remove all dislodged
particles and other extraneous matter till all traces of acid as tested
by litmus paper are removed. Flushing operation should be carried
out without delay since the product of reaction forms a gel, which
would prevent bond instead of promoting it if left long on the
6.4. Case Ill—When Cracks are to be Repaired
For repair of fine cracks or cracks with no edge spalling, no sur-
face preparation beyond cleaning the strip of concrete on either side
of the crack is needed. In case of wider, spalled cracks, all foreign
matter including joint sealing compound used to seal them should
be fully removed from, in and around the cracks with the help of
rakers and chisels. Any unsound concrete around the crack should
also be chiselled out, and a trapezodial notch formed at the top
along the crack either by chiselling or using a joint cutting machine.
The prepared notch should be at least 3-4 cm ~ieepand 4-5 cm

IRC 77.. 1979

wide. For better interlock, the bottom width of the groove should
be kept slightly more than the width at the top. The mode of for-
mation of the groove isillustrated in Fig. 2.


[: ~Tp~


I’ ~


UOTES 1. Do~trdtines s~,o,N*}~ere~u1ar~rooves~.ob~çcrmed~or re~&rs
a. For ropoira with resin mortor d ~ 5cm
Fig. 2. Preparation of surface groove for resin
repair of cracks

IRC: 77-1979

6.5. Final Cleaning Before the Repair

The prepared surface, recess or groove should be blasted with
compressed air to clean it thoroughly and made dry before the resin
application. When compressed air is used, it should be ensured
that the compressor has an oil trap to guard against the possibility
of the surface getting contaminated with oil.

6.6. Application of Tack Coat

6.6.1. All resin repairs commence with the application of a
tack coat on the prepared concrete surface, using the same resin
formulation which is selected for use in the resin mortar/resin con-
crete for the repairs. The tack coat should be applied with a hair
brush, though brooms or spraying equipment can also be used. It
should be ensured that the concrete surface is fully wetted. If one
coat is not found enough for the purpose, e.g. when concrete is
porous or made of absorptive material, a second coat should be
given. The second coat should be applied while the first coat is
still tacky.

6.6.2. Normally for one coat of tack coat for horizontal sur-
face, as in the case of pavements, one coat of application is about
or mmkg/lom?
thick and the approximate
for epoxy amount
and polyester resinrequired kg/10m2
is 3.2 respecti-

6.6.3. The material to be laid over the tack coat (whether

it be resin mortar or concrete, cement concrete, or simply a layer
of sprinkled sand) should be placed in position while the tack coat
still retains its tackiness. In case the tackiness is lost, another tack
coat should be given after roughening the surface of the earlier tack
coat to ensure good bonding.


Patching of Potholes, Spalled Areas, Pop-outs, etc.

7.1.1. The affected portions should be prepared in accor-
dance with the procedure described in para 6.2. If the patch is
adjacent to a joint, it should be ensured with the help of form-
work that the sides of the joint do not get bonded white patching,
and the required width and depth of the joint groove are main-
tained. This can be done by introducing wooden or metal strips
of appropriate size, after covering them with alkathene or mobil oil
for easy removal, and securing them firmly in position so that they
do not get disturbed during repairs.
IRC 77-1979

7.1.2. The tack coat should be applied to the prepared

surface as per para 6.6. It should be ensured that the bottom as
well as sides of the prepared groove are fully coated with resin
formulation. Special care should be paid to edges and corners
which are more prone to be left uncoated. For small sized work,
a 20 mm hair brush may be used.
7.1.3. Before the tack coat loses its tackiness, resin-sand
mortar or concrete, depending on the depth of the patch, should
be placed in the grooved recess with the help of a trowel. For
patches thicker than 20 mm, the sand should be combined with a
coarse aggregate having maximum size not greater than one-third
the thickness of the patch. If the patch is deeper than 5 cm, it
should be built up in two or more layers to reduce heat build-up
and subsequent thermal contraction. Full compaction should be
ensured by rodding. The surface may be finished with a float or
trowel, A light layer of sand should be spread over the finished
7.1.4. To expedite patching operations, if necessary the
area to be patched could be heated as indicated in para 5.2. Tack
coat should be applied when the surface temperature has dropped
to about 40°C. After application, the resin patch should be kept
at a temperature of 30°-40°C to accelerate curing. For this purpose,
infra-red lamps, electric heaters, hot air blowers, electric bulbs of
1000 watt capacity, or any other suitable arrangement may be
7,2. Skid and Wear Resistant Layer
7.2.1. The treatment may be in two or more layers depend-
ing on the severity of the problem. A minimum of two layers is
considered essential, as under heavy traffic or severe climatic
conditions, a single layer treatment may not last long.
7.2.2. For the first layer of surface treatment, immediately
after tack coat has been applied, fine aggregate conforming to para
2.2 should be spread uniformily over the resin wet surface some-
what in excess of the quantity required to cover it. After the resin
has hardened, the excess fine aggregates should be brushed off and
saved for reuse. The quantity of fine aggregates needed for 2 ofa
single layer application is of the order of 16-17 kg. per 100
the surface. For each subsequent layer, the process is repeated m
on the earlier cleaned layer.

7.2.3. Treatment may conveniently be applied to one lane

width at a time in strips of suitable length, giving 2-3 cm overlap

IRC 77-1979

between successive strips. Workmen should not be allowed to walk

over the prepared surface during the application of the treatment,
so as to keep it clean for ensuring good bond. Suitable wooden
bridges could be provided for the workmen to operate from.
7.2.4. Care should be taken to ensure that no resin gets into
the joints. If there are any cracks in the concrete surf~ace, they
should be repaired in accordance with the procedure described in
para 7.3, before giving surface treatment.

7.3. Crack Repairs

7.3,1. Before attempting to treat cracks with resin, the cause
of such cracks should be ascertained. If the cracks are due to
gradual subsidence of the subgrade or sub-base course, it should be
checked whether subsidense is likely to continue or not. This can
be done by proof rolling with a heavy roller or comparative
load-deflection tests. If further settlement appears likely, repair
would only serve as a temporary expedient and permanent
rectification would require dismantaling the affected portions, com-
pacting the foundation adequately including redoing it with suitable
materials wherever necessary and laying new concrete slab oa the
properly constructed foundation.
7.3.2. In case of settled areas, the surface profile should
first be corrected by pressure grouting, alone or in conjunction with
mechanical lifting of the slabs. Mechanical lifting in conjuncti~m
with pressure grouting can be used more conveniently as the surfice
level can be better adjusted, and much smaller pressure is required
for grouting in this ease. Where facilities for such operation are
not available, the depressed area might be treated as per para 7.1
or 7.5., depending on the amount of patching required to be done
after the cracks are repaired.

7.3.3. Fine shrinkage cracks (less than 0.2 mm in width) may

not need any treatment. Other cracks should be cleaned and pre-
pared for repair vide procedure given in para 6.4. These cracks
may then be filled by injecting them with suitable resin formulation.
If the exposed crack faces cannot be reached, crack repair may be
done by pressure injection, using a low viscosity resin. Proper
crack repair by injection, however, is practicable only if the cracks
are thoroughly clean.

7.3.4. For pressure injection or filling liquid resin into a

crack, holes are drilled into the crack at regular intervals. These
holes should be about 20 mm dia. and extend abnut 12 to 25 mm

IRC 77-1979

below the surface of the slab or the prepared groove as the

case may be. Into these holes, pipe nipples or tyre valves are
bonded with resin formulation. In case of cracks less than 1 mm
wide for which no groove has been formed, a rapid setting resin
formulation may be applied to the face of the crack to bridge it.
For grooved cracks, bridging may be done by filling the groove fully
or partly with resin sand mortar as is done in case of patching of
spalled areas etc. To grout the crack, synthetic resin formulation
is then forced into the nipple or valve with air pressure from a
standard paint pressure pot through hoses. The formulation may
be placed in a disposable container within the paint pot. Caulking
gun or hydraulic pump can also be used for the purpose. Injection
proceeds from one end of the crack to the other through adjacent
nipples or valves. Care must be taken to inject the formulation at
such a rate that the pressure required to inject does not exceed the
pressure which the surface seal can tolerate. During the injection
operation, it is difficult to be sure that the crack is completely filled,
One way of checking this is to continue injection through one nipple
or valve until the formulation starts coming out of the next one.
At this point, the first nipple or valve must be capped off and injec-
tion started on the nipple or valve which has just begun to show the
formulation overflow. The spacing of the nipples or valves may be
decided by trial. After the crack is fully injected, the pipe nipples
or tyre valves should be removed, if necessary by cutting and
grinding flush with surface. If the crack groove has been only
partly filled with the resin mortar in the first instance, it should be
filled flush with the surface.

7.4. Resin Mortar Overlays

7.4.1. Such overlays may be necessitated under extremely
heavy traffic conditions involving iron-tyred or studded tyred
traffic. They may also be provided in case of strengthening of
existing bridge deck where conventional measure of strengthening
with plain or reinforced cement concrete which would involve un-
due increase in the self weight of the structure.

7.4.2. In these overlays, joints should be matched with the

existing joints, both in location and type, and meticulous care taken
to avoid bridging of the joint groove due to flow of resin mortar,
Suitable inserts of wood or other material may be properly fixed
over the existing joints for this purpose. Any crack in the existing
pavement should be appropriately repaired before overlaying.

7.4.3. Fixing of formwork at outer edges of the pavement

would present no difficulty, and can be done as in the case of

Il~C: 77-1979
normal concrete pavement. For intermediate lanes, wooden planks
retained in position by wooden blocks fixed to the existing pavement
at regular intervals by resin formulation can be used. Cube
blocks of 5 cm size at 50-70 cm interval may be adequate for this

7.4.4. The procedure for over laying is basically the same as

in the case of patch repairs (para 7.1). The tack coat should be
applied as per para 6.6. Where reinforcing bars are exposed, they
should also be thoroughly cleaned and given tack coat before over-
laying with resin mortar or concrete. Inview of large areas involved,
greater attention is needed to ensure proper surface finish. Some-
what richer mixes vis-a-vis those for patch repairs with better work-
ability are helpful in achieving better surface finish, and easier
compaction by trowelling. In case a rough texture surface is
required, it is possible to give a broom finish to the resin mortar

7.5. Resin-bonded Cement Concrete Overlay/Resurfacing

7.5.1. Cement concrete overlay resurfacing can be bonded
to the existing cement concrete pavement by applying a coat of
epoxy resin formulation, preferably of flexible type (e.g. E-2 of
Appendix 3) on the prepared clean, dry surface of the latter.
Only epoxy resin formulation should be used for the purpose.
7.5.2. The existing surface should be cleaned and treated
vide procedure in para 6. The potholes, popouts, cracks etc., on
the existing surface should be treated in accordance with paras 7.1
and 7.3. Mild steel shear pegs, if required, may be provided vide
procedure in para 7.7. A mild steel bar mesh, extending 50 cm on
either side of the crack sho~ldbe embedded at mid-depth in the
concrete overlay. Joints in the overlay should be matched with
those in the existing pavement both in type and location.

7.5.3. Formwork may be held in position by suitable wooden

blocks bonded to the existing concrete surface, as in case of resin
mortar overlay.

7.5.4. The bond coat of resin formulation should be applied

to the prepared surface as indicated in para 6.6 for tack coat.
While applying this coat, accidental flow of resin formulation into
the joints should be carefully guarded against. Extra care should
he taken to ensure that all edges and corners of the concrete slabs
are fully coated with the resin formulation. This is particularly
important as these regions are more susceptible to warping as well

IRC: 77-L97~

as initial differential drying shrinkage stresses, and f’ailure of bond

in bonded concrete overlay normally starts from these regions. At
low temperature, and with very rough surface of existing concrete,
thicker coats may be adopted. The fresh concrete should be
placed and compacted while the bond coat on the existing surface
is still tacky.

7,5.5. Minimum thickness of such overlays~~resurfacing

be 75 mm.
7.6. Curing and Opening to Traffic
The resin application should be well cured giving adequate
time before opening to traffic. For normal curing resins, a minimum
curing period of 4 hours in summer and 6 hours in winter would gene-
rally be adequate. ~Inthe case of cold weather or slow curing resin
formulations, if the repaired sections cannot be closed to traffic for
the normal curing period required for these conditions, curing
period can be reduced by curing at elevated temperature through
application of artificial heat as indicated in paras 5.2 and 7.1.4.

In the case of resin bonded cement concrete overlays and

resurfacings, wet hessian curing should be commenced as early as
possible after laying the cement concrete. Curing by ponding with
water should be adopted a day after concreting, and continued upto
28 days age. As resin formulations for bonding new concrete to
old are slow-setting (see para 2.1.2, item 3), any lapse in curing,
especially in the earlier stages, may loosen the contact between the
two concretes through warping of the upper layer. If the resin
formulation sets in this condition, effective bond cannot be obtained
between the two layers. In case of time constraint, rapid hardening
cement may be used in the overlay concrete, for which 7-day curing
would be adequate.
In either case, after curing is over, the pavement surface
should be cleaned to remove all foreign matter, and the joints pro-
perly sealed before the pavement is opened to traffic.
7.7. Fixing Mild Steel Shear Pegs in Existing Concrete
Pavement before Overlaying/Resurfacing
Shear pegs are required to be used along the edges of concrete
pavement for preventing separation of the overlay/resurfacing from
the existing pavements. They can be effectively bonded to the
existing pavements with epoxy or polyester resin. They consist of
20-25 mm dia mild steel bar, plain or threaded, and with a mild
steel plate 10 cmx 10 cmx 10 mm welded or screwed at the top.
IR.C: 71-1979
The mild steel bars are fixed with resin mix in holes drilled in
the existing pavement. The holes may be drilled with pneumatic
rock driller. The diameter of the holes should be 15-20 mm more
than that of shear peg bar. The depth of the holes need not be
more than 15-20 cm, as a 20 mm dia. plain bar shear peg with
an embedment length of 15 cm can take a minimum pull load of
650 kg, and a 25 mm dia. plain bar shear peg of 900 kg. However,
while drilling the hole, at least 5 cm concrete cover should be
left at the bottom, in order to prevent splitting up at the bottom.

Resin sand mortar is introduced in the thoroughly cleaned

hole in an amount just sufficient to fill the gap between the shear
peg and the hole. The shear peg is given a coat of resin formu-
lation upto the depth of embedment before insertion. The shear
peg may be kept stable in its required position by supporting its
top plate from below with blocks or by other means.



8.1. A variety of factors have to be considered, in addition

to visual condition survey, for ascertaining the type and extent
of repairs required. Some cases may need detailed field investi-
gation including load tests, especially when settlement of the
pavement is evolved.
8.2. The climatic conditions and working constraints under
which the repairs have to be carried out should be kept in view for
deciding the appropriate materials (especially resin formulation),
mix proportions, special measures needed (e.g. temperature condi-
tioning of the prepared surface and repair materials, curing at
elevated temperature etc.), and manpower and equipment require-
ments. If the workers are not already trained in resin repair
techniques, specific provision should be made for such training
in view of specialised nature of the work.
8.3. A broad outline of resin repair system for concrete
pavements, which can provide general guidance in this respect, is
given in Fig. 3. This sequence of operations, considered in
conjunction with the various climatic and operational constraints, as
well as the type and extent of repairs involved, should be examined
to assess and clear the likely bottlenecks in execution.
8.4. Manpower and equipment requirements should be
planned out to take care of these various bottlenecks to the maxi-
mum extent possible. For example, where time constraint is

IRC 77-i91~

ros ~o~CP(Tr

Fig, 3. Broad outline of resin repair system for concrete pavements

IRC: 77-1979
severe, surface preparation involving cutting and forming of grooves
in the concrete would be a major bottleneck, unless mechanical
means are employed for the purpose. Fixing of appropriate form-
work in case of edge or corner spa Iling can be another bottleneck
in certain cases. In cold climates, heating of the pavement and
materials, and subsequent heating of repaired section for curing may
present still another bottleneck. Adequate provision should
be made far staridb~equipment units, as well as skilled carpenters
(for preparing and fixing formwork for edges or corner spahi repairs),
masons (for proper surface finish), and if possible a stone-dresser
(for final finishing of grooves for repairs).


9.1. Strict quality control is essential through employment

of trained workmen and adequate supervision staff for the specialis-
ed nature of resin repair work. The quality of basic materials as
well as the finished product should be constantly checked to
ensure good quality work.

9.2. Checking the Quality of Finished Work

9.2.1. Field bond strength: As the effectiveness of the repair
depends on the bond developed with the old concrete, it is recom-
mended that tests should be made in the field or on samples
recovered from the repaired portions to ensure adequate bond
strength. The type of tests and minimum recommended bond
strength values are given below:

Type of Repair Type of Test Mm. Bond Strength


2 at 28 days
(i) (cement
Resin bonded cement
concrcle to concrete strengthbond
cement (a) Tensile 7,5 kg/em
concrete bond with epoxy (b) Shear bond 15 kg/cm’ at 28 days
resin) strength

(ii) Resin mortar repairs on (a) Tensile bond 7.5 kg/cm’ at 7 days
cement concrete (both for strength
epoxy and polyester resin (b) Shear bond IS kg!cm~at 7 days
repairs~ strength

(iii) Fixing shear pc~ s~it h resin (a) Pull out Pull out load at 2
mortar shear bond days=1.2 x design pull
strength out load for shear peg

!RC 77-1979

The test procedures for these tests are given in Appendix 4.

9.3. Resin Content in Hardened Resin Sand Mortar

9.3.!. it may sometimes be required to check the resin
content in hardened resin-sand mortar, if repairs have not been
found to be satisfactory. This can be done expeditiously but
approximately determining loss on ignition at 1000°C. The test
procedure is given in Appendtr 5.

TRC: 77-1979




Pot Life of Resin Formulation

(a) Prepare 500 gm of resin formulation by thoroughly mixing the
resin and hardener/accelerator/catalyst components in proposed
portions in a 1 kg capacity hemispherical porcelain bowl by means
of a spatula or any agitating device.
(b) With a clean, dry, 25 mm sic painter’s brush, apply the resin
formulation on a clean dry surface such as cement concrete over
15-20cm length, starting immediately tlfter mixing the formulation,
and repeating the operation every five minutes.
(c) When it becomes just difficult to spread the resin properly with the
brush, the time is noted. The time elapsed since completion of
mixing of resin formulation is taken as its pot life.

II. Compressive Strength of Resin Mortar

(a) Prepare 3 nos cubes of 5 cm size for each proposed mix of resin
sand mortar, compacting in the rnoulds by means of 1 cm square
mild steel rod of 20 cm length in two equal layers, and finishing by
removing the excess with a steel trowel.
(b) Cure in air at 30°± 2°C till the time of test. The samples may be
demoulded 3-24 hours after casting depending upon the resin
formulation, being fast setting or slow setting~
(c) Test the cubes in a compression testing machine at a rate of
loading of 140 kg/cm’ pet’ minute, noting the maximum load taken
by the cubes, and calculate compressive strength from the average
of three cubes for each mix,

III. Moisture Snsceptibility

(a) Prepare for each resin mortar mix six 5 cm cubes as for compres-
sive strength test.
(h) After 48 hours of casting, 3 cubes are immersed in water at
30°± 2°C,the remaining 3 cubes being cured in air at the same tem-
perature for a further period of 7 days.
(c) Obtain average compressive strength for water cured and air cured
samples separately and determine the per cent loss for water
immersed samples vis-a-vis air cured reference samples.
(d) This per cent loss in compressive strength is taken as an index of
moisture susceptibility of the resin mix.

IRC: 77-1979
IV. Bond Strength (of Resin Mortar-Cement Concrete Composites)
(a) Prepare 3 cement concrete blocks 10 cm 10 cm 7.5 cm with
M-350 cement concrete, by cutting from 10 cm 10 cm 50 cm
beam or casting to size.
(h) In case of samples cast to size, prepare the surface to be bonded
by I I dilute, IICL acid treatment, in two applications finally
washing profusely with water and fully drying them in air. In
case of samples cut from beams, use the saw-cut clean, dry face
for bonding.
(c) Apply resin formulation to the prepared clean dry surface. When
the formulation is still tacky apply 2.5 cm top layer of proposed
resin—sand mix, compacting in 10 cm mould by means of 1 cm
square mild steel rod of tO cm length and finishing by removing
the excess with a steel trowel.
(d) Cure in air at 30°±2°Cfor 2 days and determine the bond strength
through direct shear at the line of interface, at the rate of loading
of 140 kg/cm’ per minute, noting the maximum load taken by the
composites and calculate shear strength from the average of three
composites for each mix.

V. Shrinkage of Resin Mortar

(a) Prepare 3 mortar bars of 2.5 cm 2.5 cm 28.5 cm size for each
proposed mix, conipacting in the moulds by means of I em square
mild steel rod of 20 cm length in one layer, and finishing by
removing the excess with a steel trowel. Cure in air at 30°~ 2°C.
(h) Insert one pin at both ends of each resin mortar bar.
(c) Determine the distance between two pin heads initially by means
of a travelling microscope.
(d) Repeat the process of measurement when the mortar has set
(after 2 days).
(e) Calculate shrinkage value from the average difference between two
observations for three bars for’each mix.

VI. Coefficient of Thermal Expansion of Resin Mortar

(a) Prepare 3 mortar bars of 2.5 cmx 2.5 cmx 28.5 cm as for shrink-
age test.
(h) Cure for 2 days in air at 30°±2°C.
(c) Use standard thermal expansion apparatus with telescope-mirror
attachment for measuring the expansion of mortar bars,
(d) Take initial reading of the position of top of the bar through the
telescopic mirror at room temperature and start heating the speci-
men by circulating steam in the apparatus. When there is no
further increase in temperature, take the final reading and calculate
the difference between the two readings.
(e) Calculate coefficient of thermal expansion from the average of
three mortar bars for each mix.

iltC: 77-1979
Vii. CRRI Accelerated Weathering Test for Durability of Resin
Mortar-Cement Concrete Composites
(a) Select appropriate weathering cycle~cyclesfor the test according
to the climatic conditions at the proposed site o f use of resin under
reference, from the following three different cycles:
Type-I : Extreme hot elimate—Alternáte heating and cooling
cycle: Heating in air at 80°Cfor 6 hours and cooling in
air at 30°±3°Ctor 18 hours.
Type-Il : Extreme cold climate-Alternate freezing and thawing
cycle: Freezing at 12°±2°Cfor 6 hours and thawing
in air at 30°±
3°Cfor 18 hours.
Type-Ill: Alternating extreme hot and cold conditions-Alternating
heating and cooling eum freezing and thawing cycle:
Freezing at 12°±2°Cfor 18 hours, follwed by thawing
in air for 4 hour and in water for * hour, heating in air
at 80°Cfor 4 hours, cooling in air at 30°±3°C for 4
hour and immersing in water for 4 hour. This cycle is the
severest weathering cycle of the three.
(b) For each type of weathering cycle, prepare one set of 3 resin
mortar-cement concrete composite specimens as in case of bond
strength test (item IV above) and 3 resin mortar cube specimens as
for compressive strength test (item II above). Also prepare one
set of six control specimens (those not be subjected to weathering
cycles) as above.
(c) Cure the weathering test specimens in air for 24 hours at 3O°±
and subject them to 30 weathering cycles.
(d) To study the effect of interfacial bond between resin mortar and
cement concrete, carefully examine the test specimens after each
cycLe for any bond cracking at the interface and when such crac-
king is noticed, record the number of cycles required to cause crac-
king. Throughout this period, the control specimens are cured in
air at a temperature of 30°±
(e) After the completion of 30 cycles, test the weathered specimens as
well as control specimens for bond and compressive strengths.
Calculate these strenghs for weathering test specimens as a per-
centage of those for the control specimens.


IRC : 77-1979
Appendix 2



Resin Formnlations
Resin Formulation Epoxy Resin Polyester Resin
Coefficient of thermal
(1O’/cmJ°C) 23-25 20-35
(centipoise at 27°C) 4000-10000 5000-10000
Linear shrinkage, max. (%) 0.1 0.1
Specific gravity,
mm. 1.05
max. 1.20 0.9—1.0
Pot life
(varies with accelerator used)
25°C 90 80
30°C 60 60
35°C 45 40
Storage life At least At least
12 months 12 months
Moisture Susceptibility Slightly susceptible Susceptible

Resin Mortars Epoxy Resin-Sand Polyester Resin-Sand

Mortars Mortars
Compressive Strength 350-1000 650-800
of 1:3 to 1:6 mortars (at 2 days) (at I day)
with both fine and
medium sand (kg/cm’)
Tensile Strength of 80-100 100-120
1:3 to 1:4 mortars with (at 2 days) (at 2 days)
fine sand (kg/em’)
Flexural Strength of 400-500 350-450
1:3 to 1:4 mortars with (at 7 days) (at 7 days)
fine sand (kg/cm’)
Bond strength of 25-45 25-45
1:3 to 1:6 mortars with (at 2 days) (at 2 days)
both fine and medium
sand (kg/cm’)


JRC: 77-1979
AppendIx 3



(A) Typical Epoxy Resin Formulatiofls Components Parts (by wt.)

E-l Epoxy resin (Diphenylol propane epichiorhydrin) 100
Hardener-I (Polysulphide polymer) 53
Hardener-Il (Tertiary amine) 4
E-2 Epoxy resin (Diphenylol-propane epichlorhydrin) .100
Hardener-Ill (Polyamide) 20
Hardener-IV (Amine adduct) 20
Hardener-V (Amine adduct-fast curing) 20
E-3 Epoxy resin (Diphenylol-propane epichlorhydrin) 100
Hardener-ill (Polyamide) 45
Hardener-il (Tertiary amine) 5
E-4 Epoxy resin with reactive diluents (Diphenylot
propane-epichlor hydrin with reactive diluent) 100
Hardener-tV (Amine adduct) 45
Hardener-Il (Tertiary amine) 5
E-5 Epoxy resin (Diphenylol-propane epichlorhydrin) 100
Dibutyl phthalate 7
Hardener-IV (Amine adduct) 44,6
Hardener-V (Amine adduct-fast curing) 22.3
E-6 Epoxy resin (Diphenylol-propane epichlorhydrin) 100
Flardener.Vl (Medium fast-amine hardener) 50
E.7 Epoxy resin (Diphenylol-propane epichlorhydrin) 100
Hardener-Vi I (Slow-amine hardener) 50
E-8 Epoxy resin with fine silicious filler (Diphenylol-
propane epichlorhydrin with line silicious filler) 100
Hardener-VIl (Medium fast-amine hardener) 50
E-9 Epoxy resin with fine silicous filler (Diphenylol-
propane epichlorhydrin with fine silicious filler) 100
Hardener-VIE (Slow-amine hardener). 50

(B) Typical Polyester Resin Formulation Components Proportion

P-I Polyester resin (solution of unsaturated polyester
and monomer styrene) 100gm
Catalyst (Peroxide) 2.5 ml
Accelerator (Cobalt Naphthenate) 0.5 ml

IRC : 77.1979
(C) Suitability of Different Typical Resin Formulations for Different
Uses-Preliminary Resin Selection Chart

Type of Use Suitable Resin Formulation

I. Bonding new cement concrete

to old (Resin-bonded cement E2
concrete overlays/resurfaeings/
patch repairs)

2. Resin mortar/resin concrete *(a) Fast Curing: E-3, E-4, E-6,

repairs (Patching of potholes, E-8, P-1~
spalled areas, popouts etc., *(b) Medium Curing: E-1, E-5, E-7,
resin mortar overlays) E-9
+(c) Slow Curing: E-2

3. Skid and wear resistant layers Same as under item 2

4. Crack repairs (by injection of *(a) Medium Curing: E-6~+

resin formulation) *(b) Slow Curing: E-7++

* Only when the existing surface is completely dry at the time of repair.
** Only in areas of dry climate and low water-table when the repairs are not
likely to be subjected/exposed to moisture effects.
+ For use under conditions where (a) and (b) are not suitable.
++ Low viscosity resins.

tRC: 77-19’79



I. Tensile Bond Strength Test

1. Field Test Procedure
(a) Using a core cutting drill of 100 mm dia. make a cut at the
selected test location through the overlaid concrete or resin
mortar and the bonding resin formulation, so that the cut
slightly extends into the old concrete, producing a cored island
on the surface.
(b) Take a set of standard pipe cap and pipe plug so that the
outer diameter of the pipe cap is slightly bigger than 100 mm
and the pipe plug can be screwed into the pipe cap. (Normally
pipe cap for 75 mm inner diameter pipe and pipe plug for
87 mm inner diameter pipe should serve this purpose). The
closed end of the pipe cap should be machined smooth on
the outside, and its cylindrical surface shoulder-cut to provide
100 mm dia. surface. The top of the pipe plug should be
provided with a suitable steel hook or straight bar for apply-
ing the tensile test load.
(c) Fix the machine-smoothed pipe cap to the surface of the cored
island by epoxy resin bonding.
(d) Screw the pipe plug into the pipe cap bonded to the cored
(e) For applying the test load, any suitable arrangement such as a
mechanical swivel head, hydraulic jack or Gifford Udall
prestressing jack may be used, in conjunction with appro-
priate connecting and load measuring arrangement. Fig. 4
illustrates some typical arrangements.
(f) Applying test load of 1.6 tonne gradually. If the cored island
does not fail at the bonded interface or elsewhere upto this
load, the bond developed can be considered as adequate.
If the failure occurs at the bonded interface before the test load of
1,6 tonne, the extent of bond strength developed is not adequate. If failure
occurs elsewhere in the cored island, the test should be considered inconclu-
sive as regards interfacial bond, and be repeated at another location.
2. Laboratory Test Procedure
(a) Using a core cutting drill, a 100 mm din. core should be
recovered upto full depth from the test location.
(b) Prepare the test piece by making saw cuts at distance of
50 mm on either side of the bonded interface resulting in a

IRC 77-1979


Fig. 4. Some typical arrangement for insitu tensile bond strength
test in the field

100 mm long cylinder. In case of thin resin mortar treat-

ments, only one cut need be made in the old concrete, at a
distance of 50 mm from the conerete.resin interface.
(c) Two sets of pipe caps and pipe plugs, with mild steel
bars welded to pipe plugs for application of test load, shall
be prepared as at (b) under the Field Test Procedure. Bond
the two prepared pipe caps to either lace ol the test piece with
resin formulation.
(d) Screw the pipe plugs into the pipe caps at the time of test.
Perform the test by applying the test load through the bars
welded to the pipe plugs.
(e) The test should be carried to failure, and the bond strength
so developed calculated, The test results may be interpreted
in the same way as for the field test.

IT. Shear Bond Strength Test

(a) Using a core cutting drill recover a lOG mm dia. core upto full
depth from the test location.
(b) Prepare a 100 mm long test piece by making saw cuts in the old
concrete and the new overlaid material, at distances of 75 mm and
25 mm respectively from the bonded interface.

IRC: 77-1979
(c) Test the specimen in shear bond by shearing the 25 mm end slice
from the cylindrical test piece. The test piece should be tightly
held in suitable clamps on either side of the bonded interlace, to
ensure uniform application of load over the test specimen (Fig. 5).
Alternatively, the test piece can be cast in concrete cubes to facili-
tate clamping for the test.
(d) If the test specimen does not fail in shear bond upto a load of
1.6 tonne, the bond developed shall be considered as adequate.
The shear bond strength developed may be obtained by loading
to failure, and dividing the total failure load by the cross-section
area of the cylinder.

200 mni ~‘

~: ,—... :
____I TEST \...ii 100 _____

lriu kSAMPI.E71T mm ELI.Li


Fig. 5. Arrangement for shear bond test on core samples

recovered from field

III. Pull-out Load Test for Shear Pegs

(a) Adopt a set up similar to the one shown in Fig. 6 for conducting
pull out load test for shear pegs,
(b) Apply a total load of 600 kg in case of 20 mm dia. shear pegs,
and 800 kg in case of 25 mm dia. one, in four equal increments,
deserving for any slippage after each load increment.
(c) If no slippage occurs.upto full test load, the shear peg should be
regarded as adequately bonded.
(d) In case of slippage at a load lower tTan the pull test load, the
load increment just before the one at which slippage occurred
will be regarded as Ihe load carrying capacity of the shear peg.
(e) In all cases of inadequate load carrying capacity, the shear peg
should be removed, and fixed afresh after removing the resin
mortar from the hole in the esisting pavement by pneumatic
rock driller.

IRC: 77-1979
4 Cs
0 0
I- 5?
0. Cs

IRC 77-1979
Appendix 5


(a) Obtain a representative sample of the hardened resin-sand mortar (Every
precaution should be taken to ensure a truly representative sample).
(b) Wcigh about 25 gm of the sample in a clean porcelain dish.
(c) Place the porcelain dish with the sample in an electric furnace with a range
upto t000C for ignition. To ensure constant weight after ignition, keep
the sample in the furnace at 1000 ‘C for 1 hour minimum.
(d) Aftcr ignition, tranfer the porcelain dish to a desiccator and allow it to
cool to room temperature.
(e) Weigh the dish with the ignited sample.

(f) Calculate resin content of mortar proportions as follow

Let W~=Weightof dry porcelain dish
W~=Weightof porcelain dish+ resin sand mortar sample, before
Wa=Weight of porcelain dish+ sample, after ignition
Resin content, ~0~= ~ <100
vys— v~

Sandjresin ratio, S~
Therefore the mortar proportion will be I resin: S sand
Note This method will hold good only for siliceous sand.


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