TEXT BOOKS: 1. Paneerselvam R., “Operations Research”, Prentice Hall of India, Fourth
Print, 2008.
2. Natarajan AM, Balasubramani P and Tamilarasi A, “Operations Research”, Pearson
Education, First Indian Reprint, 2012.
3. Hamdy A Taha, “Introduction to Operations Research”, Prentice Hall India, 9th Edition,
Third Indian Reprint 2010.
REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Sankara Iyer P, “Operations Research”, Tata Mcgraw Hill, 2008.
2. Frederick & Mark Hillier, “Introduction to Management Science – A Modeling and case
studies approach with spreadsheets”, Tata Mcgraw Hill, 3rd edition, 2007.
3. Gupta P.K, Hira D.S, “Problem in Operations Research”, S.Chand and Co, 2010.
4. Kalavathy S, “Operations Research”, 3rd Edition, Vikas Publishing House, 2013.
5. Richard Broson , Govindasamy & Naachimuthu , “Operations Research”, Schaum‟s
outline series, II Edition, 2000.
COURSE OBJECTIVE: To understand and communicate statistical fi ndings, to learn to
apply statistical tools to solve managerial questions, to learn to critically assess statistical
designs and methods.
COURSE OUTCOME: Students will be able to think critically about the data arising in
management environments, selecting the best tools to describe, analyze, and xploit this data
for decision support.
UNIT III TESTING OF HYPOTHESIS - Hypothesis testing: one sample and two samples
tests for means and proportions of large samples (z-test), one sample and two sample tests for
means of small samples (t-test), F-test for two sample standard deviations.
UNIT IV NON-PARAMETRIC METHODS - Sign test for paired data. Rank sum test:
Mann – Whitney U test and Kruskal Wallis test. One sample run test, Rank correlation. Chi-
square tests for independence of attributes and goodness of fit.
TEXT BOOKS: 1. Levin R.I. and Rubin D.S., “Statistics for management”, 7th edition,
Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2001.
2. Aczel A.D. and Sounderpandian J., “Complete Business Statistics”, 5th edition, Tata
McGraw – Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi, 2009.
3. Anderson D.R., Sweeney D.J. and Williams T.A., “Statistics for business and economics”,
8th edition, Thomson (South – Western) Asia Pte. Ltd., Singapore, 2010.
REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Levine D.M., Krehbiel T.C. and Berenson M.L., “Business
Statistics: A First Course”, Pearson Education Asia, 2nd edition, New Delhi, 5th Edition,
2. Hooda R.P., “Statistics for Business and Economics”, 2nd edition, Macmillan India Ltd.,
3. Morse L.B., “Statistics for Business and Economics”, HarperCollins college Publishers,
New York,1994