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Energy Audit A Case Study of K. J. Somaiya College of Arts, Commerce and Science, Kopargaon, MS, India

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Int. Res. J. of Science & Engineering, 2018; Special Issue A4:21-26 SJIF Impact Factor 4.

ISSN: 2322-0015 UGC Approved Journal No. 63628

Energy audit a case study of K. J. Somaiya College of Arts,

Commerce and Science, Kopargaon, MS, India

Kolhe Rangnath K

Department of Physics K. J. Somaiya College, Kopargaon-423601 (Maharastra), India

Email- Rangnath_kolhe@rediffmail.com

Manuscript Details ABSTRACT

Available online on http://www.irjse.in
Climate Change & Global warming, ever increasing
ISSN: 2322-0015
energy prices, acute energy shortage, forever widening
Editor: Dr. Arvind Chavhan and supply gap, hence energy efficiency and
conservation measures have gained importance in the
Cite this article as: recent years. This paper involved an energy auditing
Kolhe Rangnath K. Energy audit a case study of with a view to enhance the existing energy efficiency
K. J. Somaiya College of Arts, Commerce and level in the K.J. Somaiya College, Kopargaon. Energy
Science, Kopargaon, MS, India, Int. Res. Journal of auditing is a systematic study of existing energy
Science & Engineering, January 2018, Special Issue consumption pattern. We know that electricity is unique
A4 : 21-26. source of energy to run college activities.
During the energy audit, a complete survey of power
© The Author(s). 2018 Open Access consumption in the College was carried out. Audit was
This article is distributed under the terms conducted for lighting, fans, computers, Air conditioners,
of the Creative Commons Attribution single phase, three phase water pump and the laboratory
4.0 International License equipment and their power consumption pattern was
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), determined. The present energy consumption pattern of
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and institute was identified and suitable energy conservation
reproduction in any medium, provided you give measures were suggested for minimizing the power
appropriate credit to the original author(s) and consumption in the college. Energy conserved is energy
the source, provide a link to the Creative produced. This audit not only conserves energy but also
Commons license, and indicate if changes were produces energy.
Keywords: Energy audit, Energy Consumption,
instruments, energy conservation


An energy audit is a study of a plant or facility to

determine how and where energy is used and to identify
methods for energy savings Zhang Jian et al [1-2]. There
is now a universal recognition of the fact that new
technologies and much greater use of some that already

National Conference on “Renewable Energy and Environment- 2018”

IRJSE © 2018| All right reserved |21
22 | National Conference on “Renewable Energy and Environment- 2018”

exist provide the most hopeful prospects for the Scope of Energy Audit:
future. The opportunities lie in the use of existing The work of energy audit has the objective of finding
renewable energy technologies, greater efforts at opportunities of energy conservation, saving and to
energy efficiency and the dissemination of these recommend action plan with calculation of investment
technologies and options.The energy audit of the option and energy saving. The scope of energy audit
K.J.Somaiya College has been carried out and reported is,
in this paper. We have compiled a list of possible 1. To study and audit MSEDCL bill.
actions to conserve and efficiently utilize our scarce 2. Study of lighting system and its measurement.
resources and identified their savings potential. The 3. Harmonic measurement and its study.
next step would be to prioritize their implementation. 4. Splitting of air conditioner.
I look forward with optimism that the institute 5. Identification of energy saving opportunity and
authorities, staff and students shall ensure the energy conservation.
maximum execution of the recommendations and the 6. Load study and submission of technical report.
success of this work. Before planning this audit, the
various papers related to the Energy Audit available METHODOLOGY
in the IEEE archives were studied [3-4]. Most of the
papers [5- 6] related to such studies made in different The audit involves visiting physical position of load
industries like, mechanical and heavy engineering. To and carry out inventory of load. Due measurement of
the best of our knowledge no paper could be located electrical load of equipment and circuit is carried out.
on the energy auditing of educational institutions. Energy bill received from MSEDCL is audited and
However, the following paper was identified. M.Bala studied for KWH requirement and how efficiently
Raghav et al [7] have mentioned that the Energy energy is used. Energy conservation and saving
auditing has been conducted at the Technical Institute opportunities are identified during round and
Campus. In this paper the Energy Auditing has been measurement for implementation.
dealt as the index of the consumption which
normalizes the situation of Energy crisis by providing System Studied During Energy Audit:
the conservation schemes. This has been done to 1. MSEDCL monthly electricity is studied and
minimize the unwanted power shutdown either audited.
incidentally or by load shedding. Here author has 2. Lighting system in campus is studied and
defined Energy auditing is one of the tools through illumination is measured.
which balancing of demand and supply is 3. Motor pump set measurement and study.
determined. There commendations reduce around 15- 4. UPS load measurement (harmonic measurement
20% of the energy and 25-30% of cost reduction. In the at UPS input and main feeder after MSEDCL
paper Equipment wise analysis has been performed in meter).
order to identify the electrical equipment’s, within 5. Study of energy utilization requirement.
same application area, which consume more power as 6. Split air conditioner operation.
compared to others. During equipment wise analysis 7. Energy saving opportunities is identified.
of the overall campus, the equipment’s with power
consumption less than 1% of total power consumption The identified saving opportunities are summarized
of the campus were ignored so as to make the analysis for review and implementation,
results simple and easy to observe.

Table 1: Replacement of existing inductive choke with electronic choke of T-12 as well as T-12 bar with T-8 bar of
Existing item to Number of Saving KWH Saving in electricity Total cost of T8 bar, Pay-back
be replaced items bill per year electronic choke period
T-12 tube light 65 741 7158 2925 5 month
Inductive choke 81 2539 24527 14175 7 month

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Kolhe Rangnath K, 2018 23

Table 2: Energy saving by overhauling of bore well motor

Motor rating KW rating Measured drawing % overloading Wastage of power Wastage
HP power in KW of motor per year in KW amount per year
3 2.25 5.29 200 9120 88099

Table 3: Replacement of CRT with energy efficient LCD monitor

Total CRT Watt of Total Watt of Total Saving in Saving of Pay-back
monitor each CRT power in each LCD power in electricity bill per period in
monitor watt monitor watt KWH year year
25 200 5000 55 1375 8265 79840 2.66

Table 4: Electrically Connected load Study

Types of load Administrative Ladies hostel Science building Total Total load
No. Watt No. Watt No. Watt No. Watt Watt %
36 watt 97 3492 14 504 39 1404 150 5400
40 watt 41 1640 5 200 19 760 65 2600
Total 8000 14.30
Electronic 81 14 39 134 00
Magnetic 57 05 19 81 00
Ceiling fan 74 4440 17 102 30 1800 121 7260 7710 13.78
Exhaust fan 10 450 10 450
CFL Lamp 17 246 67 1704 84 1950 1950 3.48
CRT 24 6000 1 250 25 6250
LCD 36 2880 45 3600 81 6480
Total 12730 12730 22.75
Fridge 1 175 3 425 4 600
Water Cooler 1 300 1 300 2 600
TV 1 120 1 300 2 420
Mixer 1 650 1 750 2 1400
Total 3020 3020 5.40
AC 5 5495 1 1200 6 6695 6695 11.96
Hot plate 1 1500 1 1500
Oven 2 3000 2 3000
Auto clave 1 1500 1 1500
Incubator 1 1500 1 1500
Geyser 1 2000 1 2000
Total 1 2000 5 7500 6 9500 9500 16.98
Water Pump
3-phase 3 5250 5250
1-phase 1 1100 1100
Total 4 6350 6350 6350 11.35
55955 100.00

Int. Res. J. of Science & Engineering, Special Issue A4, January, 2018:
24 | National Conference on “Renewable Energy and Environment- 2018”

Table 5: Graphical Presentation of Load Mix

Sr. Types of Load Total Load
% Watt
1 FTL 14.30 8000
2 Ceiling & 13.78 7710
Exhaust Fan
3 CFL Lamp 3.48 1950
4 PC 22.75 12730
5 Other 5.40 3020
6 AC 11.96 6695
7 Heating Load 16.98 9500
8 Water Pump 11.35 6350
100.00 55955

Table 6: UPS Load Measurement

Location Capacity Battery Input power measurement %

BCA Lab 16 190 12 1.9 2.15 2.97 0.64 37

Computer Lab 7.5KVA, 20 100 12 3.39 3.43 4.82 0.7 64
BCS Lab 1-phase 16 100 12 2.47 2.6 3.59 0.68 49

Table 7: Water Pump Load measurement

Location Capacity in HP Input Power Measurement % Loading
KW KVAR KVA P.F. Volts Amp
Indoor game hall 2 1.48 0.56 1.58 0.64 226 7 84
Indoor game hall 2 5.29 6.14 8.73 0.6 221.7 11.3 200
230.7 11.4
234.3 15.3
Near gate 3 0.29 1.84 1.86 0.15 225.4 2.7 No lead
237 2.7
231.6 2.7

Table 8: Voltage Harmonic Measurement and Limit as Per IEEE 519-1992 Standard
Location Harmonic Harmonic order
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
UPS-2 Com. Lab Input voltage 212 0.3 19.4 0.1 14.8 0.3 6.7 0.2 2.2
% THD 11.7 11.8 12 11.4 12 11.9 12.4 1 11.7
UPS-3 BCA Lab Input Voltage 228 0.6 12.4 0.1 13.2 0.1 1.6 0.2 5.9
% THD 8.9 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7
Permissible limit % THD 5

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Kolhe Rangnath K, 2018 25

Table 1 shows that, when T12 tube and inductive Recommendations:

choke are replaced by T8 tube and electronic choke the
total saving of power in KW is 3280 and total saving of 1) Chairman cabin and administrative office is
electricity bill per year is Rs.31685. from table 2 it is recommended to provide key tag switch to avoid
observed that wastage of power per year is 9120 KW unwanted operation and wastage of electricity.
and wastage of amount per year is Rs.88099. Therefore 2) T12 tube light and magnetic choke is
servicing of 3 HP motor after three month is recommended to replace with energy efficient T5
suggested. Table 3 shows that when CRT monitor are and electronic choke to conserve energy.
replaced with LCD monitor, total power saving is 3) Submersible pump set is recommended to
about 8265 KWH and amount saving per year is overhaul after three month to avoid wastage of
Rs.79840 having pay-back period 2.66 per year. energy due to poor performance.
Physical chemistry laboratory with IR spectrometer 4) Motor pump set is recommended to provide
and UV visible spectrophotometer are placed under power capacitor.
controlled temperature with AC in cabinet. This 5) It is strongly recommended to insulate and seal
cabinet was studied in point of energy consumption as inside space of IR spectrophotometer and UV
AC is working 24 hours. It is observed that there is visible spectrophotometer cabin from outside to
continuous cooling load of ambient air on AC due to arrest loss of reconditioned air.
lack of insulation to cabinet and leaking of cooled air 6) Air conditioner shall be operated between
from slit below doors. This is leading to wastage of temperature range of 23-250C to maintain lower
energy at about 10%. So it is strongly recommended to cooling load on compressor to save energy.
insulate and seal inside space from outside to save 7) Submersible motor found overload which need
energy and its cost. In other chemistry laboratory gas urgent repairing.
burners are used to heat up chemicals. The flames of 8) Voltage and current harmonic measured are
burners are totally exposed to atmospheric air, so heat beyond permissible limit which needs harmonic
is carried out by flowing air around it and useful heat mitigation treatment.
is wasted. So the stem of burner with flame shall be 9) CRT monitor of PCS are recommended to replace
covered with cabinet to save loss of heat and LPG gas. with energy efficient LCD monitors to conserve
Lighting Study and Measurement in Laboratory/ 10) Solar energy application is recommended for
Classroom: battery charging of UPS.
It is suggested that natural light shall be used
optimum and only additional light requirement shall
be met with electricity to conserve and save energy.
Illumination level is measured with Lux meter and
found that overall illumination level is below standard
Energy audit is an effective tool in identifying and
which is to be required and maintain within 300-500
perusing a comprehensive energy management
lux in laboratory and class rooms.
program. A careful audit of any type will give the
organization a plan with which it can effectively
From table-8, it is observed that voltage harmonic are
manage the organization energy system at minimum
more than permissible limit, i.e. permissible limit is %
energy cost. In this paper a detailed study has been
THD = 5. The current harmonics are also beyond
made to reduce the electrical energy consumption in
permissible limit. So it is suggested that harmonic
the campus of K.J. Somaiya College. It highlights the
mitigation technique is required at input of UPS to
amount of energy savings, thereby reducing the
avoid over loading and excess drawn of power.
energy crisis considerably. After doing energy audit of
institute the electrical energy saving per year is
20466KWH and total cost saving of electrical bill per
year is Rs -199633.

Int. Res. J. of Science & Engineering, Special Issue A4, January, 2018:
26 | National Conference on “Renewable Energy and Environment- 2018”

Conflicts of interest: The authors stated that no

conflicts of interest.


1. Zhang Jian, Zhang Yuchen, Chen Song, Gong Suzhou,

How to reduce energy consumption by energy audit
and energy management (2011).
2. Energy management, Hand book by Turner, Waynec,
Liburn, The Fairmont press (2001).
3. Recommended practice for energy conservation and
cost effective planning in industrial facilities by IEEE
Bronze book, IEEEInc, USA.
4. Hand book of Energy Audit by Albert Thumann,
Fairmount press, 5th edition (1998).
5. Ankur Soni, Mukesh Pandey, Anurag Gour,
International Journal of Recent Development in Engg. and
Technology, 2014, vol. 3(4): 100-106.
6. Matleo Dongellini, Cosimo Marinosci, Gian Luca
Morini, Energy Procedia, 2014, vol. 45, PP-424-433.
7. Bala Raghav M, Sravya Srijaa M, Srinivasa Rao G, Naga
Bhavya K and Suchitra Y. International Journal of
Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronic and
Instrumentation Engineering.

© 2018| Published by IRJSE

ISSN 2322-0015 http://www.irjse.in

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