Energy Audit A Case Study of K. J. Somaiya College of Arts, Commerce and Science, Kopargaon, MS, India
Energy Audit A Case Study of K. J. Somaiya College of Arts, Commerce and Science, Kopargaon, MS, India
Energy Audit A Case Study of K. J. Somaiya College of Arts, Commerce and Science, Kopargaon, MS, India
ISSN: 2322-0015 UGC Approved Journal No. 63628
Kolhe Rangnath K
exist provide the most hopeful prospects for the Scope of Energy Audit:
future. The opportunities lie in the use of existing The work of energy audit has the objective of finding
renewable energy technologies, greater efforts at opportunities of energy conservation, saving and to
energy efficiency and the dissemination of these recommend action plan with calculation of investment
technologies and options.The energy audit of the option and energy saving. The scope of energy audit
K.J.Somaiya College has been carried out and reported is,
in this paper. We have compiled a list of possible 1. To study and audit MSEDCL bill.
actions to conserve and efficiently utilize our scarce 2. Study of lighting system and its measurement.
resources and identified their savings potential. The 3. Harmonic measurement and its study.
next step would be to prioritize their implementation. 4. Splitting of air conditioner.
I look forward with optimism that the institute 5. Identification of energy saving opportunity and
authorities, staff and students shall ensure the energy conservation.
maximum execution of the recommendations and the 6. Load study and submission of technical report.
success of this work. Before planning this audit, the
various papers related to the Energy Audit available METHODOLOGY
in the IEEE archives were studied [3-4]. Most of the
papers [5- 6] related to such studies made in different The audit involves visiting physical position of load
industries like, mechanical and heavy engineering. To and carry out inventory of load. Due measurement of
the best of our knowledge no paper could be located electrical load of equipment and circuit is carried out.
on the energy auditing of educational institutions. Energy bill received from MSEDCL is audited and
However, the following paper was identified. M.Bala studied for KWH requirement and how efficiently
Raghav et al [7] have mentioned that the Energy energy is used. Energy conservation and saving
auditing has been conducted at the Technical Institute opportunities are identified during round and
Campus. In this paper the Energy Auditing has been measurement for implementation.
dealt as the index of the consumption which
normalizes the situation of Energy crisis by providing System Studied During Energy Audit:
the conservation schemes. This has been done to 1. MSEDCL monthly electricity is studied and
minimize the unwanted power shutdown either audited.
incidentally or by load shedding. Here author has 2. Lighting system in campus is studied and
defined Energy auditing is one of the tools through illumination is measured.
which balancing of demand and supply is 3. Motor pump set measurement and study.
determined. There commendations reduce around 15- 4. UPS load measurement (harmonic measurement
20% of the energy and 25-30% of cost reduction. In the at UPS input and main feeder after MSEDCL
paper Equipment wise analysis has been performed in meter).
order to identify the electrical equipment’s, within 5. Study of energy utilization requirement.
same application area, which consume more power as 6. Split air conditioner operation.
compared to others. During equipment wise analysis 7. Energy saving opportunities is identified.
of the overall campus, the equipment’s with power
consumption less than 1% of total power consumption The identified saving opportunities are summarized
of the campus were ignored so as to make the analysis for review and implementation,
results simple and easy to observe.
Table 1: Replacement of existing inductive choke with electronic choke of T-12 as well as T-12 bar with T-8 bar of
Existing item to Number of Saving KWH Saving in electricity Total cost of T8 bar, Pay-back
be replaced items bill per year electronic choke period
T-12 tube light 65 741 7158 2925 5 month
Inductive choke 81 2539 24527 14175 7 month
Int. Res. J. of Science & Engineering, Special Issue A4, January, 2018:
24 | National Conference on “Renewable Energy and Environment- 2018”
Table 8: Voltage Harmonic Measurement and Limit as Per IEEE 519-1992 Standard
Location Harmonic Harmonic order
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
UPS-2 Com. Lab Input voltage 212 0.3 19.4 0.1 14.8 0.3 6.7 0.2 2.2
% THD 11.7 11.8 12 11.4 12 11.9 12.4 1 11.7
UPS-3 BCA Lab Input Voltage 228 0.6 12.4 0.1 13.2 0.1 1.6 0.2 5.9
% THD 8.9 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7
Permissible limit % THD 5
Int. Res. J. of Science & Engineering, Special Issue A4, January, 2018:
26 | National Conference on “Renewable Energy and Environment- 2018”