"Energy Management & Auditing"
(Abante Integrated Management Services pvt. Ltd.)
Sector 67,Gurugram,Haryana 122002
(Roll No. 20EELEE010)
First, I would like to thank Mr. Deepak Kumar Goyal for giving me the
opportunity to do an internship within the organization. I also would like all the
people that worked along with me “Abante integrated management services
pvt. Ltd”. with their patience and openness they created an enjoyable learning
environment. It is indeed with a great sense of pleasure and immense sense of
gratitude that I acknowledge the help of these individuals. I am highly indebted
to college for the facilities provided to accomplish this internship. I would like
to thank my Head of the Department Mr. Navneet Sharma for his constructive
criticism throughout my internship. I am extremely great full to my department
staff members and friends who helped me in successful completion of this
CHAPTER 2 Definition 9
8.1 Instruments 29
8.2 Voltmeter 30
8.3 Ammeter 31
8.6 Multimeter 32
8.9 Dragger 34
8.11 Anemometer 35
8.15 Tachometer 36
8.19 Psychrometer 38
10.1 Worksheet 43
Energy is one of the key inputs for the economic growth of any country [1].
Energy is the strength and vitality essential for continuous physical or mental
activity. Energy is the power derived from the consumption of physical or
chemical resources, especially to provide light and heat or to work machines.
The property of matter and radiation which is manifest as a capacity to
perform work (such as causing motion or the interaction of molecules). Energy
is the ability to do work. Energy comes in different forms such as Heat
(thermal), Light (radiant), Motion (kinetic), Electrical, Chemical, Nuclear
energy, Gravitational. Electrical utilities are becoming more and more stressed
since existing transmission and distribution system are facing their operation
constrains with growing load. Now a days human life cannot be imagined
without electricity, saving energy means decreasing the amount of energy
used while achieving a similar outcomes of end use, because we know we are
having limited amount of energy resources in earth to generate electrical
power. Energy demands and costs are increased over time. Increasing usage of
energy-intensive products and services directly disturbs the greenhouse-gas
emissions and climate change [2]. To prevent our living earth from global
warming, it is utmost importance to optimize the energy usage in our home,
offices, industries, institutions and other organizations. To save electrical
energy and resources for our future, energy audit is introduced. An energy
audit can be simply defined as a process of evaluating a building for the usage
of electricity and identifying the opportunities to reduce consumption. An
energy audit is a systematic approach that analyses the power flow and
provides suggestions for reducing the wastage of power. It is an inspection,
review and study of energy flows, for energy conservation in a building,
process or system to reduce the amount of energy input into the system
without affecting the usual works and its output [3]. In commercial and
industrial real estate, an energy audit is the first step in identifying
opportunities to reduce energy expense and carbon footprints. Energy
management includes efficient planning and operation of energy production
and energy consumption units. The Objectives of energy management are
resource conservation, climate protection and cost saving and energy saving
while the users have permanent access to the energy they need. It is
connected closely to environmental management, production management,
logistics and other established business functions. Energy management is the
proactive, organized and systematic coordination of procurement, conversion,
distribution and use of energy to meet the requirements taking into account
environmental and economic objectives.
Definition of the Energy Audit
As per Indian Energy Conservation Act 2001, Energy Audit is defined as: "The
verification, monitoring and analysis of use of energy including submission of
technical report containing recommendations for improving energy efficiency
with cost benefit analysis and an action plan to reduce energy consumption."
Energy audit helps in energy cost optimization, pollution control, safety aspects
and suggests the methods to improve the operating and maintenance
practices of the system. It is instrumental in coping with the situation of
variation in energy cost availability, reliability of energy supply, decision on
appropriate energy mix, decision on using improved energy conservation
equipment, instrumentations and technology.
It has been established that energy saving of the order of 15 to 30% is possible
by. optimising use of energy by better housekeeping, low cost retrofitting
measures and use of energy efficient equipment at the time of replacements.
Indian industry consumes more energy as compared to its counter parts in the
developed countries.
In any industry, the top three operating expenses are energy, labor and
minerals. Among the three, energy ranks the top place, where there is an
enormous amount of energy is required and also more expense will be there
and hence there is a need for managing the energy. Energy Audit will analyze
the energy consumption. thereby providing a path to identify the areas, where
wastage of energy occurs and provide the scope for reducing the wastage.
The Energy Audit would give a positive orientation to the energy cost
reduction, preventive maintenance and quality control programmed which are
vital for production and utility activities. Such an audit programmed will help to
keep focus on variations which occur in the energy costs, availability and
reliability of supply of energy, identifying energy conservation technologies etc.
In general. Energy Audit is the translation of conservation ideas into realities,
by lending technically feasible solutions with economic and other
organizational considerations within a specified time frame. The primary
objective of Energy Audit is to determine ways to reduce energy consumption
per unit of product output or to lower operating cost. Energy Management
includes planning and operation of energy production and energy consumption
units. Objectives are resource conservation, climate protection and cost
savings, while the users have permanent access to the energy they need. It is
connected closely to environmental management, protection management
and other established functions. The objective of Energy Management is to
achieve and maintain optimum energy procurement and utilization throughout
the organization.
A home energy audit helps individual homeowners find out their residential
consumption and energy flow. An audit is useful to determine areas of your
home where there is energy loss and by identifying where power usage may be
curbed to earn savings. The process involves conducting a walk-through or a
visual inspection of your home, and utilizing testing equipment to identify
problems and analyse energy flow.
• Preliminary Audit
The pre-audit visit is done, by the audit team/audit consultant, in the plant
area with the attention focused on the energy inputs, spots of wastage and
available energy conservation opportunities. The items for waste recycling
opportunities are identified. The data regarding energy inputs and outputs are
collected for use during preliminary audit.
During the visit, discussions with line supervisors and line technicians and joint
brainstorming may be necessary to acquire creative ideas and to know the
practical difficulties in carrying out the proposed energy conservation
measures (ECMs).
After the pre-audit visit, the work of energy audit is undertaken. In the
preliminary audit, low tech recommendations are preferred. High tech
solutions are given under detailed energy audit. Some of the low-cost
recommendations may be: Switching off lights when not required, replace
incandescent lamps by the fluorescent lamps, automatic thermostat control,
use of solar water heating panels etc.
The preliminary audit spots energy waste spots and recommend short,
intermediate and long-term solutions. It should adopt step by step and
cautious approach for improvements and new techniques of energy
management and control system.
Detailed Audit:
Detailed Energy Audit evaluates all systems and equipment which consume
energy and the audit comprises a detailed study on energy savings and costs.
Detailed Energy Audit is carried out in 3 phases.
The long-term action plan is aimed to achieve economy through latest energy
saving techniques and innovations. The capital investments are required to be
studied thoroughly while finalising the long-term action-plan.
This accounts for energy leakage/loss through the total system to the
atmosphere. The energy conservation measures to eliminate such
leakages/loss are recommended.
Functional audit:
It identifies the energy conservation measures in operation and maintenance
of each main plant and its subsystems and suggests ECOs is operation and
Utility Audit:
It identifies yearly/monthly/daily consumption of commercial secondary
energy (electricity/petroleum products/fuel etc.) and suggests ECOS.
Modernization audit:
It recommends major changes in the process requiring retrofitting
The comprehensive energy audit report generally converts the following:
(i) Energy conservation opportunities (ECOs)
(ii) Energy conservation measures (ECMs)
(iii) Projected investments for ECMs.
(iv) Projected annual savings of ECMs and pay-back period.
(v) Feasibility studies for retrofitting/modification work.
Energy Audit is defined as "the verification, monitoring and analysis of use of
energy including submission of technical report containing recommendations
for improving energy efficiency with cost benefit analysis and an action plan to
reduce energy consumption".
We carry out energy audit to establish and quantify the cost of the various
energy inputs and consumption flows within an organization over a given
The portable instruments, trend logs and data loggers are used in detailed
energy audits for assessing the current performance accurately. The scope of
an energy audit includes an examination of the following areas:
The Results
It Identifies how energy is used and where the opportunities for savings can be
made various targeted energy efficiency audit forms, with guides, are included
in the resources to help organisations periodically review the compliance &
performance of their installations.
• Make inquiries
• Inspect documents
• Make observations
Computers are some of the biggest energy users in office buildings. Turn your
monitor off at night and ditch the screensaver. Today's computers can be
turned on and off over 40,000 times. Opting to shut down over using a
screensaver does not affect your computer's lifespan. (Energy Star). So, power
LED bulbs are the most energy efficient lighting option. LED bulbs use 75% less
electricity than incandescent bulbs (Energy Star). They also have no mercury,
and last about 25 times longer than traditional incandescent bulbs (DoE).
To avoid paying for this "vampire power," use a power strip to turn all devices
off at once. Flipping the switch on your power strip has the same effect as
unplugging each socket from the wall, preventing phantom energy loss.
•If this system is not working, how can it be restored to good working
For a lot of New Jersey homeowners, the importance of saving on energy bills
grows ever present when winter approaches. Cold temperatures are already
here. and knowing which steps to take in order to ensure that heating bills
don't go through the roof this winter is essential to moving forward in an
intelligent manner. The first step towards making changes is to conduct a
home energy audit.
The importance of being prepared for your home energy audit simply cannot
be overlooked, and knowing which questions to ask are essential. Here are 5
questions worth asking, all of which can help to ensure that you don't run into
confusion along the way.
The final step once a home energy audit has been conducted is for a report to
be resulted and delivered. You'll want to ask how this will happen and what
the report will include, such as pictures, technical details, recommendations
for home improvements and comparisons to current standards. Each of these
elements helps to give you an idea as to where your home stands in the grand
scheme of things, which will help you to determine how to move forward.
For homeowners who are looking for a helping hand regarding financing a
project, knowing all of the details regarding rebate information is essential.
With this in mind, you should always ask whether the results of a home audit
will include information about the rebate you're hoping to make use of,
dispelling any confusion that might exist. Tom Rostro Company has certified
auditors who are trained in our rebate process, ensuring you don't have to
worry about the details.
The goal of any home energy audit is to put you on a path towards reducing
your energy bills and improving comfort levels within your home. It should also
help you to figure out what improvements need to be made and in what order
through a process of assessment, inspection and delivery of results. In other
words, a home energy audit is designed to help you move forward in reaching
your energy efficiency goals.
While all home energy audits share the same end goal of helping you to
streamline your home's energy efficiency, there may be differences between
one form or another that should be taken into consideration by the
homeowner. Asking what sort of HEA will be conducted at the inspection will
help to square away any remaining questions you may have about the process.
At Tom Rostron Company, we believe that the first step towards home
performance is conducting a home energy audit. Contact us today to learn
more about the process and how it can benefit you and your family.
Energy auditor responsibilities are to analyze energy bills including utility rates
or tariffs to gather historical energy usage data; calculate potential for energy
savings: collect and analyze field data related to energy usage, educate
customers on energy efficiency or answer questions on topics such as the costs
of running household appliances or the selection of energy efficient appliances,
identify and prioritize energy saving measures; inspect or evaluate building
envelopes, mechanical systems, electrical systems, or process systems to
determine the energy consumption of each system; perform tests such as
blower-door tests to locate air leaks; prepare audit reports containing energy
analysis results or recommendations for energy cost savings: prepare job
specification sheets for home energy improvements, such as attic insulation,
window retrofits, or heating system upgrades, quantify energy consumption to
establish baselines for energy use or need; recommend energy efficient
technologies or alternate energy sources, analyze technical feasibility of energy
saving measures using knowledge of engineering, energy production, energy
use, construction, maintenance, system operation, or process systems;
compare existing energy consumption levels to normative data; identify
opportunities to improve the operation, maintenance, or energy efficiency of
building or process systems; measure energy usage with devices such as data
loggers, universal data recorders, light meters, sling psychrometers,
psychrometric charts, flue gas analyzers, amp probes, watt meters, volt
meters, thermometers, or utility meters; determine patterns of building use to
show annual or monthly needs for heating, cooling, lighting, or other energy
needs; oversee installation of equipment such as water heater wraps, pipe
insulation, weather-stripping, door sweeps, or low flow showerheads to
improve energy efficiency.
I have the ability to listen to and understand information and ideas presented
through spoken words and sentences, read and understand information and
ideas presented in writing, communicate information and ideas in writing so
others will understand, tell when something is wrong or is likely to go wrong. It
does not involve solving the problem, only recognizing there is a problem,
apply general rules to specific problems to produce answers that make sense.
Lay out the audit specifics in an executive summary that will take about five
minutes to read. Keep the summary concise but meaningful. Begin by stating.
"An energy audit was conducted on July 13, 2011 at ABC facility." State in the
second sentence the dollar amount of potential electricity cost savings from
identified conservation measures. Continue to detail current annual electricity
costs, as calculated from utility bills, and qualifiers as to whether detailed
economic evaluations were conducted during the audit.
Describe the overall purpose of the facility, hours and days of operation and
any energy conservation devices in use. Include specifics on overall square
footage and details on users. For example, describe a multi-use building's
resident on the upper floors, retail space on the main floor and a laundry room
in the basement, all of which use the facility and energy, at different times of
day with different load demands,
Fill out energy accounting forms, which account for energy use at a facility by
tracking kilowatt hours and British thermal units as consumed by equipment,
as determined by sensors or meters or extrapolated from utility bills. Create a
unique picture of use at the facility by illustrating demand factor, which is the
peak power used over a small interval of time, perhaps an hour, and load
factor, the ratio between average demand and peak demand; both factors
affect utility rates.
Review the accounting forms to calculate the base load, the consistent amount
of energy used over a 12-month period, such as 20 million Btu, and break the
base load into individual units. Identify consumption patterns for HVAC,
lighting and public laundry areas so you can suggest conservation measures,
such as installing energy efficient washing machines.
IV. Multimeter
1. Dragger
This kit is used to measure percentage of Co2 and O2 in the flue gases.
1. Flow
II. Pressure
2. Thermocouple transducers
4. Bimetalic transducer
6. Radiation pyrometer
•Fuel oil
• Coal Lignite
•Quality of fuel
• Scale of operation
• Use of technology
• Raw material specifications and quality
•. Product specifications and quality
Internal Benchmarking
Historical and trend analysis
External Benchmarking
Across similar industries
The scale of operation, use of technology, raw material specification and
quality and product specification and quality
Gross production related e.g. kWh/MT clinker or cement produced (Cement
plant) c.g. kWh/MT, kCal/kg, paper produced (Paper plant)
•.The reference year's equivalent energy use for reference year equivalent) is
the energy that would have been used to produce the current year's
prodüction output.
The mismatch between equipment capacity and user requirement often leads
to inefficiencies due to part load operations, wastages etc. It is thus essential
that proper energy matching studies are carried out & actions implemented.
Examples: Eliminate throttling, eliminate damper operations, Fan resizing for
better efficiency & Moderation of chilled water temperature for process
chilling needs, etc.
In order to ensure that the energy given to the system is being put to optimal
use, site specific measures and checks should be carried out regularly.
•Replacement of LDO by LSHS (light diesel of and low sulphur heavy stock)
• Reporting -Reporting the results including any variances from the targets
which have been set