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L11 15 Polarization

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Why Polarization ???

After the study of interference and diffraction, we know that light

behaves as wave. So light is a form of wave motion. But a question
still remains that what type of wave is this?


Polarized light will not be

transmitted through a
polarized film whose axis
is perpendicular to the
polarization direction.
Plane of Vibration and Plane of Polarization
•The plane containing the direction of propagation of light but no
vibration is called plane of polarization.
•The plane containing the direction of propagation of light as well as
vibrations called plane of vibration.
•Both, plane of polarization and plane of vibration are perpendicular
to each other.
If the plane of vibration is changed in a random manner in very short interval of time, then
such a wave is known as un-polarized wave. Natural light or ordinary light is un-polarized in
Light is polarized when its
electric fields oscillate in a
single plane, rather than in
any direction perpendicular to
the direction of propagation.

Plane polarized wave

Light is an electromagnetic wave and transverse in nature.

Un-polarized & Polarized light
Un-polarized beam

Ex ( z, t )  E0 x cos(kz  t )iˆ
  

Plane polarized light with vibration perpendicular to the plane of paper
E y ( z, t )  E0 y cos(kz  t ) ˆj

Plane polarized light with vibrations parallel to the plane of paper


Polarized light

The process of transforming un-polarized light into polarized

light is known as polarization.
Mathematical Representation of Plane polarized Light

Suppose light is propagating in z-direction,

Mathematically a plane polarized light can be
represented as: X

Ex z, t   iˆE0 x coskz  t 

k Y
or v

E y z, t   ˆjE0 y coskz  t 

Polarized light consists of waves which are

vibrating in one direction only.
Polarizer & Analyzer
Consider an un-polarized light wave is passing through crossed polarizers.

Polarizer 1 Polarizer 2
(Vertical) (Horizontal)

Incident Beam

Light Wave

This means that if initially un-polarized light passes through crossed polarizer,
no light will get through the second one.
Conclusion: Light is a transverse wave
Production of Polarized Light

1. By Reflection: Brewster’s Law

2. By Refraction: Malus Law
3. By Selective Absorption: Dichroic material
4. By Double Refraction:
 Nicol Prism
 Wave Plates
Polarization by Reflection: Brewster’s Law
• In 1881, Brewster on the basis of his experimental observations discovered that when un-
polarized light is incident at polarizing angle on the dielectric medium the reflected light
is completely plane polarized having vibration perpendicular to the plane of incidence.
The polarizing angle is different for different reflecting surfaces.
• According to him the tangent of polarizing angle (θp) is equal to the refractive index of

  tan 
the medium that is

 2 
 P  tan  1

 1 

Polarization by Reflection: Brewster’s Law
Show that 2   p   2

sin  p
tan  p   
cos  p 1 μ1

As per Snell’s law: 1 sin  P  2 sin 2

Therefore cos  P  sin  2  cos(90   2 )

  P  2 
Here, reflected light has polarization vector perpendicular to the plane of incidence.
Reflected and transmitted rays are at right angles to each other.
Use of Polaroid
Law of Malus
When light passes through a polarizer, only the component parallel to the
polarization axis is transmitted. If the incoming light is plane polarized, the outgoing
intensity is:

I  I 0 cos2  Intensity of plane polarized

wave is reduced by polarizer
Law of Malus
I  I 0 cos2 
I is intensity of transmitted light.
I0 is intensity of incident light.
θ is angle between plane of incident
light and direction of polarizer.

• Un-polarized light have E-field vibration

in all directions.

• Therefore I = I0 <cos2> = I0/2

Two Consecutive Polarizer
Three Consecutive Polarizer

When un-polarized light

falls on two crossed
Polaroids (axes at 90°),
no light passes through.
What happens if a third
Polaroid, with axis at
45° to each of the other
two, is placed between
An un-polarized light passes through a vertically placed polarizer having
horizontal polarization axis. Subsequently it passes through a polarizer with
its pass axis at 900 with respect to vertical and two polarizers having their
polarization axes at an angle 300 and 600 with vertical respectively. What will
be the intensity of the emergent light?

An un-polarized light passes through a vertically placed polarizer having

horizontal polarization axis. Subsequently, it passes through a polarizer with
its pass axis at 900 with respect to vertical followed by two polarizers having
their polarization axes at an angle 300 and 00 with vertical, respectively.
Calculate the intensity of the emergent light. Also, discuss the case when the
last two polarizers are interchanged.
Double Refraction
 Many transparent solids are optically isotropic, meaning that the index of
refraction is equal in all directions through out the crystalline lattice. Examples
of isotropic solids are glass, table salt (sodium chloride, many polymers, and a
wide variety of both organic and inorganic compounds.

 Anisotropic crystals, on the other hand, have crystallographically distinct axes

and interact with light in a manner that is dependent upon the orientation of
the crystalline lattice with respect to the incident light.

 When light enters along the optical axis of anisotropic crystals, it acts in a
manner similar to interaction with isotropic crystals and passes through at
a single velocity.

 However, when light enters along any non-equivalent axis, it is refracted

into two rays each polarized with the vibration directions oriented at right
angles to one another, and traveling at different velocities. This
phenomenon is termed "double“ or "bi“ refraction and is seen to a greater
or lesser degree in all anisotropic crystals.
In negative uniaxial crystals the sphere lies inside the ellipsoid, while in positive
uniaxial the ellipsoid lies inside the sphere.


+ve crystal
Calcite, Tourmaline
-ve crystal

In quartz the velocity of O ray In calcite the velocity of O

is greater than velocity of E ray is less than velocity of E
ray i.e. vo > ve so o < e ray i.e. vo < ve so o > e
and ro > re and ro < re
Polarization by Double Refraction
The “double bending” of the beam transmitted through
crystals is called Double refraction or Birefringence.

Crystals displaying this property are called Birefringent

crystals. Example: Calcite, Tourmaline, Quartz, etc.

When an un-polarized light enters into an anisotropic crystal,

it splits into two beams, each of them being characterized by a
certain state of polarization. If we could eliminate one of the
beams by some method, then we would obtained a polarized

Methods of eliminating one of the beam.

1. Selective absorption - Dichroism.
Example: Tourmaline crystal (Dichroic Crystal)
2. Total Internal Reflection
Example: Nicole prism
Polarization by Absorption: Dichroic materials
A number of crystalline materials absorb more light in one incident plane than
another, so that light progressing through the material become more and more
polarized as it proceed. This anisotropy in absorption is called dichroism. There
are several naturally occurring dichroic materials, and the commercial material
polaroid also polarizes light by selective absorption technique.

Tourmaline crystal is a dichroic material

Principal Planes and Principal Sections
Principal planes:
The plane containing optic axis. Many such planes can be drawn.
Principal Section:
The principal plane normal to a pair of opposite refracting faces is
called as principal section for that pair of faces. Since there are six
faces, therefore there are three principal sections in a crystal
corresponding to each pair of opposite faces.
Polarization by Double Refraction
When un-polarized light passes through a uniaxial crystal it splits up into two refracted
rays (E-wave & O-wave).
• Ordinary wave(O-wave): behaves as expected
• Extra-ordinary wave(E-wave): behaves differently
 O-ray

i re    

 Principal section

Here re > ro
Hence o > e Optic axis
Nicol prism
It is an excellent optical device for the production and analysis of
plane polarized light.

The principle is to remove one of the two refracted beams in case of
doubly refracting calcite crystal By total internal reflection. Both
being plane polarized after eliminating one beam, ordinary , we are
left with the other that is extraordinary which will be plane

A calcite crystal of length three times its width is taken. The Smaller
faces AB and CD of principal section are grounded until angles B
and D are reduced from 78 to 68.
Then crystal is cut into two halves by a plane passing through two blunt corners A
and C and perpendicular to the principal section ABCD. The cut surfaces of two
halves of crystal are properly polished and the cemented together in their original
position with a thin layer of a transparent cement which is non birefringnet and is
named as canada balsam. This combination forms nicol prism.

Refractive index of canada balsam lies between e and o . So it is optically rarer
medium with respect to ordinary ray and denser medium with respect to E ray.
when o ray is made to fall on canada balsam at an angle greater than the critical
angle for it, then it suffer total internal reflection.
Removal of one of the two refracted beams in case of doubly
Nicol Prism refracting calcite crystal By total internal reflection.

Canada Balsam is a clear

and transparent substance
with an index of refraction
about midway between μO
and μE i.e. μO> μCB > μE

μO = 1.6584
μE = 1.4864 Here, O-ray will have total
Canada internal reflection because
μO > μCB.
μCB = 1.55
the critical angle is
given by
 1.55 
C  sin  
 1.658 
 690
Nicol Prism

It can be used as polarizer and analyzer too.

Polarizer Analyzer

  
 intensity
 maximum
Double Refraction : Summary
•One ray obeys the laws of refraction, known as ordinary ray (O-ray).
•Other ray does not obey the Snell’s law, known as extraordinary ray (E-
•Along optic axis velocities of the two rays are same as the double
refraction is absent. Sum of the intensities of the two rays equal to the
intensity of the incident ray.
•Both rays travel along the same path but with different velocities in a
direction perpendicular to the optic axis.
•The ordinary ray is plane polarized in the principal plane of the crystal,
i.e. vibrations of the ordinary wave are perpendicular to the principal plane
of the crystal.
•Extraordinary ray is also plane polarized in the plane at right angle to the
principal plane, means it’s vibrations are in the principal plane.
•Difference between the refractive indices for O-ray and E-ray is known as
birefringence = (o ~ e).
Linearly polarized light
Each point of the string executes a sinusoidal oscillation in a straight line (along the x
axis), and the wave is, therefore, known as a linearly polarized wave. It is also known as
a plane polarized wave because the string is always confined to the xz plane.
x( z, t )  a cos(kz  t   )
y ( z, t )  0

x-polarized wave y-polarized wave

In general, the string can be made to vibrate in any

plane containing the z axis. If one rotates the end of the
string on the circumference of a circle, then each point
of the string will move in a circular path; such a wave is
known as a circularly polarized wave
x( z, t )  a cos(kz  t   )
y ( z, t )  a sin(kz  t   ) Circularly polarized wave
Superposition of Two Plane Polarized Waves

Ex ( z , t )  E0 x sin(kz  t )...(1)  is the phase difference introduced within the

crystal between two orthogonal components of
E y ( z , t )  E0 y sin(kz  t   )...(2) the incident ray.
From equation 1 and  2 
Squaring both side
Ex ( z , t )
 sin(kz  t )...(3) and Ey2 Ex 2
E0 x Ex Ey
   2 cos   sin 2

E y ( z, t ) E0y 2 E0x 2 E0x E0y
 sin(kz  t   )...(4)
E0 y This is the equation of the ellipse tilted at an
E y (z, t) angle α which is made by the major or minor
 sin(kz  t)cos   cos(kz  t)sin  axis of the ellipse with the x axis.
E 0y
This angle α is given by
E y (z, t) E x (z, t) E (z, t)
 cos   sin  1  x 2 2E ox Eoy cos 
E 0y E 0x E 0x tan 2  2 2
E ox - E oy
Ey Ex Ex2
  cos   sin  1 
E 0y E 0x E 0x 2
1) When  = 0, 2, 4…. or 2n  E y  Ex
Thus emergent ray is a linearly polarized light with vibrations in the same plane as of
incident light.
2) When  = , 3, 5…. or (2n+1)  E y   Ex
This is again a straight line showing that emergent light will be a linearly polarized light.

E x2 E y
 2 1
3) When  = (2n+1)/2 E0 x E0 y

This is a equation of simple ellipse. Thus emergent light is elliptically polarized.

4) When  = (2n+1)/2 and Eoy=Eox=Eo Ex2  E y2  E02

This is a equation of circle. Thus emergent light would be circularly polarized.
Graphical Representations
Circularly Polarized Light
3 5 
If    ,  , ,....... , (2n  1) and E0 x  E0 y  E0
2 2 2 2

Ex ( z, t )  E0 cos(kz  t ) Ex (t )  E0 cos(t )
at z=0
E y ( z, t )  E0 cos(kz  t   ) E y (t )  E0 cos(  t )

For  = +/2 Ex (t )  E0 cos t E y (t )  E0 sin t

Now squaring and adding Ex and Ey

Ex2  E y2  E02
Circularly Polarized Light
Ex (t )  E0 cos t E y (t )  E0 sin t For z = 0 and  = -/2
Ex (t )  E0 cos t E y (t )   E0 sin t
At t  0, Ex  E0 ; E y  0
At t  0, Ex  E0 ; E y  0
At t  , Ex  0; E y  E0
4 T
At t  , Ex  0; E y   E0
At t  , Ex   E0 ; E y  0
2 T
At t  , Ex   E0 ; E y  0
At t  , Ex  0; E y   E0 3T
4 At t  , Ex  0; E y  E0
left Circularly Polarized Right Circularly
Light (LCP) Polarized Light (RCP)
Circularly Polarized Light
A right-handed/clockwise circularly polarized
wave as defined from the point of view of the
source. It would be considered left-
handed/anti-clockwise circularly polarized if
defined from the point of view of the receiver.

A left-handed/anti-clockwise circularly
polarized wave as defined from the point of
view of the source. It would be considered
right-handed/clockwise circularly polarized if
defined from the point of view of the receiver.
Plane-polarized waves

If the vector of the electric field

(measured at a fixed point of
space) oscillates along a straight
line then the waves are
called plane-polarized or linearly
polarized waves.

3D view Front view

Superposition of plane-polarized waves

The following animation presents the superposition of two waves that have the same
amplitude and wavelength, are polarized in two perpendicular planes and oscillate in the
same phase. Oscillating in the same phase means that the two waves reach their peaks
and cross the zero line in the same moments. The superposing components are
visualized with red and green color, respectively. The wave resulting from the
superposition is shown in light blue.
Superposition of plane-polarized waves
When two waves plane-polarized in two
perpendicular planes meet out of phase
then the wave resulting from the
superposition of the two waves will no
longer be plane-polarized. The following
animation presents the superposition of
two waves that have the same
amplitude and wavelength and are
polarized in two perpendicular planes
but there is a phase difference of 900
between them. A phase difference of
90° means that when one wave is at its
peak then the other one is just crossing
the zero line.

At any fixed point in space that is in the line of the propagation of this wave, the electric
field vector rotates in a circle while its length remains constant. Such waves are
called circularly polarized waves.
As the 3D picture shows, a circularly polarized wave can be visualized with a spiral line; the
wave propagates as a function describing a spiral instead of one describing a sine curve.
In this picture, the electric field vector rotates clockwise when looked at from the direction
of propagation.
Circularly Polarized Light

When the intersecting planes are looked at from the front then the following
images are seen:
Superposition of Circularly Polarized Waves
What will happen when a left circularly polarized wave and a right circularly polarized wave are
Let's assume that the two light beams have equal amplitudes and wavelengths.

The result of superposing two circularly polarized waves is a plane-polarized wave.

Any linearly polarized light wave can be obtained as a superposition of a left

circularly polarized and a right circularly polarized light wave, whose amplitudes are
P K A L K’ B L’ Q

 

 O2
O1 

 

E1  E2

O, E O, E

Optic Axis parallel to refracting surface, maximum bi-

refrengence with same path. Hence it can be used to make
wave retarders.

In an optical device, which introduces a phase difference

between extra-ordinary and ordinary rays, doubly refracting
crystal plates cut in such a way that optic axis is parallel to the
refracting surfaces.

Path difference between E-wave & O-wave is (o ~ e)t.

 ot
 Et

Quarter-Wave Plate
If doubly refracting crystal is having thickness d such that path difference between E-ray and
O-ray is λ/4 i.e. 
(  E ~ O )t  (2n  1) The crystal is known as
4 n= 0,1, 2, 3… Quarter-Wave Plate (QWP).
 
t    (2n  1)
4 E ~ O  2

For n = 0, 2, 4,….. emergent light will be LCP and for n = 1, 3, 5,… RCP

Use: QWP Convert plane

polarized (PP) to circular
polarized (CP) or
elliptically polarized (EP)
light and vice verse.
Half-Wave Plate
If doubly refracting crystal is having thickness t such that path difference between E-ray and
O-ray is λ/2 i.e.
 Use: HWP Convert Right
(  E ~ O )t  (2n  1) circular polarized (RCP) or
2 right elliptically polarized
 n= 0,1, 2, 3…
t  (REP) light to LCP or LEP and
2 E ~ O  vice verse.
  (2n  1)

Linearly polarized light entering a half-wave plate can

be resolved into two waves, parallel (shown as green)
and perpendicular (blue) to the optical axis of the
wave plate. In the plate, the parallel wave propagates
slightly slower than the perpendicular one. At the far
side of the plate, the parallel wave is exactly half of a
wavelength delayed relative to the perpendicular
wave, and the resulting combination (red) is
orthogonally polarized compared to its entrance
Similarly λ (Full wave Plate) , λ/6 plate or λ/8 plate etc
Production of Polarized Light
1. Plane polarized light:

2. Circularly polarized light:


Un-polarized light Plane polarized Vibration makes 450 angle

light with optic axis.

If quarter plate is at 450, light passing through it will be circularly polarized.

No variation of intensity with the rotation of analyzer.
Production of Polarized Light
3. Elliptically polarized light:
Analysis of Polarized Light
1. Plane polarized light:


  
 Intensity
 maximum


  
 Intensity
 Zero
Analysis of Polarized Light
2. Circularly polarized light:


No variation
in intensity

If variation in intensity is like plane polarized
light original light is circularly polarized.

Otherwise, original light is un-polarized.

Scheme of analysis of a given beam of light
Given beam of light
Incident on a rotating Nicol prism

Variation in intensity with Variation in intensity with No Variation in intensity

minimum non zero minimum zero Conclusion: Given light is either
Conclusion: Given light is either Conclusion: Given light is circularly polarized or un-
elliptically polarized or partially plane polarized polarized.

Incident on a QWP with optic axis || to

the pass axis of the analyzing Nicol at the Incident on a QWP in any position and
position of maximum intensity and then then examined by rotating Nicol prism
examined by rotating Nicol prism

Variation in intensity Variation in intensity Variation in intensity No Variation in

with minimum zero with minimum non zero with minimum zero intensity
Conclusion: elliptically Conclusion: partially Conclusion: circularly Conclusion: un-
polarized polarized polarized polarized.
Q.1: Explain the state of polarizations in the following equations:
(i)Ex= Eocos(ωt+kz); Ey= Eo/2cos(ω t+kz+) Ans.:PPL
(ii)Ex= Eosin(ωt+kz); Ey= Eocos(ωt+kz+ ) Ans.:RCP
(iii)Ex= E=sin(kz- ωt+ /3); Ey= Eosin(kz- ωt- /6) Ans.:LCP
(iv)Ex= Eosin(kz- ωt+ /4); Ey= Eo/2sin(kz- ωt) Ans.:LEP
Optical Activity
Rotation of plane of polarization on passing through a substance is called
optical activity. Substances exhibiting this property are called optically active
substances. There are two type of optically active substances:
 Right handed or dextrorotatory: Rotate the plane of
vibration in the clockwise direction as seen by the
observer facing the source. Examples: Sodium
chlorate, cane sugar.

 Left handed or laevorotatory: Rotate the plane of

vibration in the anti-clockwise direction as seen by an
observer facing the source. Examples: Fruit sugar,

Angle of rotation depends on the length and concentration of the medium.

Other Examples: Quartz crystals (Some may be dextro- and some laevo-
rotatory. Calcite is optically inactive.
Biot’s law for optical rotation
    : angle of rotation of the plane of vibration for any given wavelength.
 : length of the optically active medium traversed.
 In case of solution or vapours
  C, C: concentration of the solution or vapour
* The angle of rotation is inversely proportional to the square of the wavelength for
a given length of the optically active substance.
 The total rotation produced by a number of optically active substances is equal
to the algebric sum of the individual rotations.
  1   2  3  ....  i

The anticlockwise rotations are taken +ve ;

while the clockwise rotations are taken -ve.
1. To find the percentage of optically active material present in the solution.
2. The amount of sugar present in blood of a diabetic patient determined by
measuring the angle of rotation of the plane of polarization.
Quartz is an optically active material


Observation: In the absence of Quartz, I=0.

In the presence of quartz, I is not zero.
Conclusion: Plane polarized light is rotated because of quartz.
Fresnel’s Theory of Optical Rotation
 A plane polarized light on entering a crystal may be taken as superposition of RCP
and LCP light moving with the same angular velocity. For example:

ˆ 0 cos(kz  t )  ˆjE0 sin(kz  t )
ER  iE

ˆ 0 cos(kz  t )  ˆjE0 sin(kz  t )
EL  iE
   
But E  ER  EL  E  2iE ˆ 0 cos(kz  t ) Linearly Polarized Light
 In an optically inactive substance, these components travel with the same speed.
Hence, on emergence, produce a plane polarized light without any rotation of the
plane of polarization.
 In an optically active crystal, two components travel with different speeds so that
relative phase difference is developed between them on transmission through the
crystal. In dextrorotatory substance vR>vL and in laevorotatory substance vL>vR.
 On emergence from the optically active substance, the superposition of LCP and
RCP waves give a plane polarized wave with plane of vibration rotated.

  (  R   L )t

Mathematical Treatment
RCP propagating in z-direction: ERx  E0 cos(kR z  t ) and ERy  E0 sin(kR z  t )

LCP propagating in z-direction: ELx  E0 cos(kL z  t ) and ELy   E0 sin(kL z  t )

 
where kR  R and kL  L
c c
Ex  ERx  ELx  E0 cos(k R z  t )  E0 cos(k L z  t )
 k z  kL z   k z  kL z 
 Ex  2 E0 cos  R  t  cos  R 
 2   2 
Similarly  kR z  kL z   kR z  kL z 
E y  2 E0 cos   t  sin  
 2   2 
Ey k  k  k k  R   L
Now take
 tan   tan  R L t    R L t  t
Ex  2  2 c 2

or   ( R   L )t where, t = thickness of optically active substance

Fresnel’s Theory of Optical Rotation
For optically active substances
R : the refractive index of clockwise vibration
L : the refractive index of anti-clockwise vibration
t : the thickness of the quartz plate,
Thus, the path difference between the two components is given by   ( L ~  R )t
Corresponding phase difference will be  (  L ~  R )t

Angle of rotation of plane of vibration will be

  c c 
   (  L ~  R )t   ~ t
2    vL vR 
Specific Rotation
The rotation (in degrees) produced by a path of one decimeter length of a substance
of unit density for a given wavelength at a given temperature is defined as specific

If θ is the rotation produced by l decimeter length of an optically active substance

having concentration of its solution c gm/cm3 then specific rotation at a given
temperature T for a given wavelength λ is expressed as:

 The unit of specific rotation is deg.(decimeter)-1(gm/cc)-1

S (T ,  ) 
lc The molecular rotation is given by the specific rotation
(If l is in cm)
10 and molecular weight.
S (T ,  ) 
A device designed for accurate measurement of angle of rotation of
plane of vibration of a plane polarized light by an optically active
medium is said to be a polarimeter.

1. Laurent's Half shade polarimeter

2. Bi-quartz polarimeter

Laurent's Half Shade Polarimeter

Half-Shade Device (H)
It consists of a circular plate with one half
made up of quartz cut parallel to the optic axis
which is parallel to YY’ and its thickness is such
that it produces a path difference of /2 or a
phase difference of  between ordinary and
extraordinary components. Other half is made
up of glass, so that glass absorbs same light as
quartz plate does.

where l is length
of tube T1 in dm.
Bi-Quartz Polarimeter

  (  L ~  R )t


Left handed Quartz Right handed Quartz

axis of analyzer •White light source is used.
•Two semicircular quartz plates
(Right and Left handed) with Optic
axis perpendicular to crystal surface
(rotation effect only).
•Device is designed for yellow color.
•YY’ is tint of passes
•If Analyzer axes is perpendicular to
Transmission YY’ then yellow color will be
axis of analyzer
disappeared and we can get
resultant of Red and Blue colour
(Reddish violet color) as min

axis of analyzer

Biquartz is much more sensitive and accurate then Half shade

polarimeter. But having major drawback for color blind person.

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