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Nursing Care (Bing 1)

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Nursing Care

Patient Y with a Diagnosis of Myoma Uterine

In the Ayyub I ward Muhammadiyah Hospital Semarang

A. Assessment
Assessment date : April 25, 2019
1. Client Identity
Name : Mrs. Y
Age : 42 years old
Address : West Udowo
Occupation : Housewife
Religon : Islam
Medical Dx : Myoma Uteri
2. Identity of Person in Charge
Name : Mr. A
Address : West Udowo
Relationship : Husband
B. Medical History
1. Current Medical History
On April 24, 2019 at 17:00 patients complained of abdominal pain and felt a lump in
the lower abdomen so the family was taken to the hospital and now treated in Ayyub
1's ward and planning an operation on April 26, 2019 at 16.00
2. Past Medical History
The client said that for about 1 year she felt sick and knew that she had myoma but
was afraid of surgery and she was take a medicine pain only
3. Family Health History
The client said his family has never experienced an illness like this
C. Main Complaints
The patient said abdominal pain disappeared in the lower right quadrant
D. History of Obstetrics and Gynecology
1. Menstrual History
 Menarche: 14th
 Menstrual cycle: 28 days
 Long period: 4-5 days
2. Marriage History
The patient is married once at the age of 23 with her husband
3. History of Reproductive Disorders
The patient has had a myoma since 2018 and when having sexual intercourse his
stomach feels painful
E. Physical examination
1. General situation: weak
2. Awareness: Composmentis
3. Nutritional status
a. Weight: 90kg
b. Height: 155cm
c. BMI: 37.5 (obese)
4. Vital sign
a. Blood pressure: 140/83 mmHg
b. Pulse: 75 x / min
c. Temperature: 37.50C
d. Respiratory rate: 24 x / min
e. GCS: 15
5. Abdomen
Inspection : asymmetrical shape, noticeable abdominal distension and ascites
Auscultation : intestinal peristalsis are heard
Percussion : tympanic voice in the left abdomen, faint sound in the right abdomen
Palpation : palpable soft tenderness in the lower right quadrant, felt a slight lump
at the bottom
6. Genetalia
Look clean, evenly distributed genetalia hair
7. Extremities
Above: infused RL 20 drops per minute, complete limbs can be moved properly, no
Below: complete limbs can be moved, no edema and varicose veins
F. Supporting Data
April 24, 2019 normal
1. Hemoglobin : 13.9 g / dL 11.7-15.5
2. Blood glucose : 160 75-140
3. HbsAg : negative negative <0.13 positive> 0.13
G. Data Clasification
Focus Data Problem Etiology
DS: The client said that the Acute pain Myoma Uteri
pain in the right side of the
P: Pain comes suddenly
Q: squeezed and hot
R: right abdomen
S: 5
T: missing arise
DO: Clients hold pain
TD: 140/83 mmHg
N: 75 x / min
S: 37.50C
RR: 24x / min
GCS: 15
Abdominal examination:
tympanic voice in the left
abdomen, faint sound in the
right abdomen asymmetrical
shape, noticeable distension
of the abdomen and ascites,
palpable abdominal
palpitations there is
tenderness in the lower right
quadrant, there is a slight
lump in the lower part
DS: The patient said the The risk of nutritional intake is inadequate
appetite was reduced, only imbalance is less than the
3-4 spoonfuls in the body's needs
hospital, feeling nauseous
DO: Clients appear weak
Nutritional status :
Weight: 90kg
Height: 155cm
Body Mass Index: 37.5

H. Nursing Diagnoses
1. Acute pain associated with insisting myoma mass
2. The risk of nutritional imbalance is less than the body's needs related to inadequate
I. Nursing Intervention
Dx Objectives and Outcome Criteria Intervention
1. After performing the procedure 3x24 hours the 1. Review the location of
patient is expected to no longer feel pain with the pain, characteristics,
Criteria Results: duration and scale
1. The patient says pain is reduced 2. Assess TTV
2. Facial expressions appear relaxed 3. Adjust the position as
3. Patients take natural breath independently comfortable as possible
4. Teach
pain management (deep
5. Explain the cause of
pain experienced by the
6. Collaborative analgesic
2. After 3x24 hours of nursing action is expected the 1. Observation of nausea,
patient's nutrition is sufficient with the Criteria vomiting
Results: 2. Give small but frequent
1. Increased appetite meals
2. The patient does not vomit 3. Give the patient favorite
foods, and give while
4. Encourage the patient to
eat soft foods

J. Implementation & Evalution

Date Dx Implementation Evaluation
25/4/2019 1 1. reviewing TTV S: The patient said he felt
20.15 2. review the location of comfortable, the patient
pain, characteristics, said pain was a result of the
20.20 duration and scale swelling due to myoma
20.30 3. adjust the position as O: face still tense withstand
comfortable as pain, the patient looks able
21.00 possible to practice deep breathing
4. teach TD: 140 / 83mmHg
nonpharmacological N: 75x / minute
pain management RR: 24x / minute
(deep breathing) A: the problem has not been
5. explain the causes of resolved
pain experienced by P: monitor vital sign
6. Collaborating analytic
25/4/2019 2 1. Observing nausea, S: The patient said the
20.20 vomiting appetite was reduced by
20.25 2. Give small but only 3-4 tablespoons in the
frequent meals hospital and still felt
3. Give the patient a nauseous
favorite food, and give O: general situation is still
while warm weak
4. Encourage patients to A: the problem has not been
eat soft foods resolved
P: observation nausea, feed
small portions but

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