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Move to a new region

People move to a new region for many different reasons. The _____1______ for
moving can come from a combination of what researchers sometimes call
'push and pull ____2____ - those that encourage people to leave a region, and
those that attract people to a region. Some of the factors that motivate people
to move _____3_______ seeking a better climate, finding more affordable
housing, looking for work or retiring from work, leaving the _____4______ of city
living, wanting a more pleasant environment, and wanting to be near to family
and friends. In reality many complex _____5______ and personal reasons may
____6_____ to motivate a person or family to move.
1. motivation aim purpose reason
2. reasons factors incentives essentials
3. contain include involve restrain
4. congestion conjunction combination crowded
5. reasons incentives factors essentials
6. lead result interact promote

83. What’s a herbal?

A herbal is a book of plants, describing their appearance, their properties and
how they may be used for preparing ointments and medicines. The medical
use of plants is ____1______ on fragments of papyrus and clay tablets from
ancient Egypt, Samaria and China that date back 5,000 years but document
traditions far older still. Over 700 herbal remedies were detailed in the
Papyrus Ebers, an Egyptian text written in 1500 BC. Around 65 BC, a Greek
physician called Dioscorides wrote a herbal that was ____2_____ into Latin and
Arabic. Known as ‘De materia medica’, it became the most influential work on
medicinal plants in both Christian and Islamic worlds until the late 17th
century. An illustrated manuscript copy of the text made in Constantinople
(modern-day Istanbul) ____3_______ from the sixth century. The first printed
herbals date from the dawn of European printing in the 1480s. They provided
valuable information for apothecaries, whose job it was to make the pills and

Address: 100 ft Road,Maheshwari Chowk,First Floor, near Petrol Pump, Bathinda, Punjab 151001
Contact : +917301543210, +919653366055
potions ______4_______ by physicians. In the next century, landmark herbals
were produced in England by William Turner, considered to be the father of
British botany, and John Gerard, whose illustrations would ____5______ the
floral fabric, wallpaper and tile designs of William Morris four centuries later.
1. recorded registered kept memorised
2. moved translated interpreted removed
3. remains survives leaves suffers
4. determined instructed prescribed pointed
5. stimulate simulate wake inspire

84. Tomb of Tutankhamun

The last tourists may have been leaving the Valley of the Kings on the West
Bank in Luxor but the area in front of the tomb of Tutankhamun remained far
from deserted. Instead of the_____1______ that usually descends on the area in
the evening it was a hive of activity. TV crews trailed masses of equipment,
journalists milled and photographers held their cameras at the ready. The
reason? For the first time since Howard Carter ___2______ the tomb in 1922 the
mummy of Tutankhamun was being prepared for public display. Inside the
subterranean burial chamber Egypt's archaeology supremo Zahi Hawass,
accompanied by four Egyptologists, two restorers and three workmen, were
slowly lifting the mummy from the golden sarcophagus where it has been
rested -- mostly undisturbed -- for more than 3,000 years. The body was then
placed on a wooden stretcher and ____3____ to its new home, a high- tech,
climate-controlled plexi-glass showcase located in the outer chamber of the
tomb where, covered in linen, with only the face and feet exposed, it now
greets visitors.
1. tranquility peace kindness beauty
2. founded discovered invented showed
3. commuted moved transported convey

Address: 100 ft Road,Maheshwari Chowk,First Floor, near Petrol Pump, Bathinda, Punjab 151001
Contact : +917301543210, +919653366055
85. Active Reading
(Only the gist. Not the original text.)
Reading is an active process, not a ____1_____ one. We always read within a
____2_______ context and this affects what we notice and what seems to matter.
We always have a purpose in reading a text, and this will shape how we
____3_____ it. Our purpose and background knowledge will also ____4_______ the
strategies we use to read the text.
1. passive proactive objective positive
2. explicit specific general implicit
3. near grasp close approach
4. undermined detect conclude determine

86. Legal Deposit

Legal deposit has existed in English law since 1662. It helps to ensure that the
nation’s published output (and thereby its ____1_____ record and future
published heritage) is collected systematically, to _____2______ the material for
the use of future generations and to make it available for ____3______ within the
designated legal deposit libraries. The legal deposit system also has ____4_____
for authors and publishers: Deposited publications are made available to
users of the deposit libraries on their premises, are preserved for the benefit
of future generations, and become part of the nation’s heritage. Publications
are recorded in the online catalogues, and become an essential ____5____
resource for generations to come.
1. intellectual historical understandable considerate
2. maintain preserve save protect
3. people generations readers children

Address: 100 ft Road,Maheshwari Chowk,First Floor, near Petrol Pump, Bathinda, Punjab 151001
Contact : +917301543210, +919653366055
4. drawbacks usages significance benefits
5. statutory research data financial

87. Serving on a Jury

Serving on a jury is normally compulsory for individuals who are ____1_____ for
jury service. A jury is ____2_____ to be an impartial panel capable of reaching a
verdict. There are often ____3_____ and requirements, including a fluent
understanding of the language and the opportunity to test juror’s neutrality or
otherwise exclude jurors who are perceived as likely to be less than ____4_____
or partial to one side.
1. qualified equaled capable able
2. used intended likely failed
3. steps stages procedures necessities
4. central natural supportive neutral

88. DNA on a Crime Scene

(Only the gist. Not the original text.)
Fingerprints can ____1_____ that a suspect was actually at the scene of a crime.
Police in London, for example, _____2______ DNA and can match with the
_____3_____ taken from the crime scenes. DNA can help the police to ____4_____
an individual to crack a case.
1. prove show present reveal
2. protect maintain save reserve
3. specimen results data samples
4. figure identify know realize

Address: 100 ft Road,Maheshwari Chowk,First Floor, near Petrol Pump, Bathinda, Punjab 151001
Contact : +917301543210, +919653366055
89. Water security
Equally critical is the challenge of water security. The UN Environment
Programme (UNEP) has pointed out that about one- third of the world's
population lives in countries with moderate to high water stress, with a
_____1____ impact on the poor. With current projected global population
growth, the task of providing water for human ___2______ will become
increasingly difficult. And increasing competition over this scarce but vital
resource may fuel instability and conflict within states as well as between
states. The UN is doing a great deal in both areas to proactively foster
______3_____ among Member States. UNEP has long been actively addressing the
water issue together with partner UN _____4______ and other organizations.
Looking ahead, the UN can do more to build synergies of technology, policy
and capacity in this field. In this regard, events like the annual World Water
Week in Stockholm come to the forefront of the public mind when talking
about championing water issues.
1. disproportionate improper serious equal
2. living sustenance sustainability maintenance
3. collaboration association merging conflict
4. partners companies agencies cooperates

90. Use Your Time Well

You have about 30 minutes to answer each question. You must take account of
how many marks are ___1______ for each part when you answer it. Even if you
think you can write more, don't spend 15 minutes ___2______ a part worth only
5 marks. Leave space at the end of your answer and come back to it if you
have ___3_____ to spare later. And if you can't think of an answer to some part,
leave a space and move on to the next part. Don't write about something else if
you don't know the correct answer -- this is just a waste of your _____4_____
time (and the examiner's).

Address: 100 ft Road,Maheshwari Chowk,First Floor, near Petrol Pump, Bathinda, Punjab 151001
Contact : +917301543210, +919653366055
1. reasonable rational available possible
2. answering marking ignoring scoring
3. space time life mind
4. valuable available useful beneficial

91. Maya descendants

Descendants of the Maya living in Mexico still sometimes refer to themselves
as “the corn people.” The phrase is not intended as metaphor. Rather, it's
meant to _____1______ their abiding dependence on this miraculous grass, the
_____2______ of their diet for almost 9,000 years. (The supermarket itself-the
wallboard and joint compound, the linoleum and fiberglass and adhesives out
of which the building itself has been built-is in no small measure a ____3_____ of
1. acknowledge know admit confess
2. style staple state status
3. manifestation meaning symbol value

92. Primates
With their punk hairstyles and bright colors, marmosets and tamarins are
among the most attractive primates on earth. These fast-moving, lightweight
animals live in the rainforests of South America. Their small size _____1____ it
easy for them to dart about the trees, catching insects and small animals such
as lizards, frogs, and snails. Marmosets have another unusual food ____2_____ -
they use their chisel-like incisor teeth to dig into tree bark and lap up the
gummy sap that seeps out, leaving telltale, oval-shaped holes in the ___3_____
when they have finished. But as vast tracts of rainforest are cleared for
plantations and cattle ranches marmosets and tamarins are in serious
____4____ of extinction.

Address: 100 ft Road,Maheshwari Chowk,First Floor, near Petrol Pump, Bathinda, Punjab 151001
Contact : +917301543210, +919653366055
1. makes takes brings claims
2. origin source originality provenance
3. leaves grasses branches roots
4. condition need eagerness danger

93. Edo-Tokyo Open Air Architectural Museum

The Edo-Tokyo Tatemono En is an open-air architectural museum but could
be better thought of as a park. Thirty buildings from the 19th and early 20th
centuries from _____1______ around Tokyo were restored and relocated to the
space, where they can be explored by future generations to come. The
buildings are a collection of houses and businesses, shops, and bathhouses, all
of which would have been present on a typical middle-class street from
Edoera to Showa-era Tokyo. The west section is _______2_______, with
traditional thatched roof bungalows of the 19th century. Meiji-era houses are
also on view, constructed in a more Western style after Japan opened its
borders in 1868. The Musashino Sabo Café occupies the ___3______ floor of one
such house, where visitors can enjoy a cup of tea. Grand residences like that of
Korekiyo Takahashi, an early 20th century politician assassinated over his
controversial policies, demonstrate how the upper class lived during that time
period. The east section is primarily businesses from the 1920s and ’30s,
preserved with their wares on display. Visitors are free ____4_____ through a
kitchenware shop, a florist’s, an umbrella store, a bar, a soy sauce shop, a
tailor’s, a cosmetics shop, and an inn complete with an operational noodle
1. part all whole entire
2. resident residence residential residing
3. base ground foundation basis
4. to wander wandering wander wandered

Address: 100 ft Road,Maheshwari Chowk,First Floor, near Petrol Pump, Bathinda, Punjab 151001
Contact : +917301543210, +919653366055
94. Opportunity Cost
Opportunity cost incorporates the notion of scarcity: No matter what we do,
there is always a trade-off. We must trade off one thing for another because
resources are limited and can be used in different ways. ____1____, we use up
resources that could have been used to acquire something else. The ___2____ of
opportunity cost allows us to measure this trade-off. Most decisions ___3____
several alternatives. For example, if you spend an hour studying for an
economics exam, you have one fewer hour to ____4_____ other activities. To
____5______ the opportunity cost of an activity, we look at what you consider
the best of these “other” activities. For example, suppose the _____6_____ to
studying economics are studying for a history exam or working in a job that
pays $10 per hour. If you consider studying for history a ___7______ use of your
time than working, then the opportunity cost of studying economics is the
four extra points you could have received on a history exam if you studied
history instead of economics. Alternatively, if working is the best alternative,
the opportunity cost of studying economics is the $10 you could have earned
1. Without acquiring something Having acquired something
By acquiring something Contrary with acquiring something
2. notion saying perception assumption
3. involve have involved are involved have been involving
4. exercise pursue study proceed
5. demonstrate affirm eliminate determine
6. option choice alternatives opportunity
7. best worse better worst

95. Gender Equality Campaign

Gender equality campaign is a cultural change. The ____1_____ role that men
must be the bread ____2___ , and women should stay at home, but this idea is
_____3____ today.

Address: 100 ft Road,Maheshwari Chowk,First Floor, near Petrol Pump, Bathinda, Punjab 151001
Contact : +917301543210, +919653366055
1. traditional original regular normal
2. master authority earner worker
3. protested challenged appreciated protected

96. Advances of Military

( Only the gist. Not the original text.)
With the advances of military, the demand of armed force is decreasing.
Advancements in technology has _____1______ more position to women,
______2_______ in military, ____3_____ they work behind the front line of war.
1. introduced opened closed changed
2. excluding involving containing including
3. supplied provided offered introduced

97. Private Schools in UK

Private schools in the UK are redoubling their marketing efforts to foreigners.
Almost a third of the 68,000 boarding pupils at such schools ____1_____ come
from overseas. But now, with many UK residents ___2_____ or unable to afford
the fee - top boarding schools ___3______ £30,000 ($49,759) a year - and a
cultural ___4_______ away from boarding, many schools are looking abroad to
survive. Overseas students now account for about half of student admissions.
1. often already yet never
2. eager afraid unwilling incapable
3. edging towards edging along edging away edging down
4. transfer change switch shift
5. count account allocate portion

98. Sydney

Address: 100 ft Road,Maheshwari Chowk,First Floor, near Petrol Pump, Bathinda, Punjab 151001
Contact : +917301543210, +919653366055
Sydney is becoming effective in making the best of its limited available
unconstrained land. Sydney is suitable for integrating suitable business, office,
residential, retail and other development in accessible locations so as to
maximise public transport ____1______ and encourage walking and cycling. Also
this city can reduce the _____2______ of land for housing and associated urban
development on the urban fringe. For the proposed mixed business, mixed use
and business park areas, there was no employment data available for _____3___
areas. It is also concluded that lack of housing supply will affect _____4_____in

1. patronage system infrastructure modes

2. consumption reduction using taking
3. comparable competitive inhibited single
4. affordability usage sleep buying

99. High-Protein Diet

In our studies, those people on a high-protein diet lost the same amount of
weight as those on a higher-carbonhydrate diet, since the two diets ___1___ an
equal amount of kilojoules and the same amount of fat. However, body
composition (that is, the ratio of fat to muscle) showed greater improvement
among those people on the higher-protein diet. When the ___2____ in other
studies were allowed to eat until they were no longer hungry, those on the
higher-carbonhydrate diet, even after more than a year. The reduction in
hunger and the beneficial effect on muscle provided by the higher-protein diet
is mostly related to its protein content, while the reduced triglyceride levels
and enhanced fat-loss seem to be related to its lower amounts of
carbonhydrate. The diet is healthy because its protein comes from lean red
meat, fish, chicken and low-fat dairy products, all of which ___3___ good
nutrition. A high-protein diet in which the protein comes from protein
powders and supplements is unlikely to be healthy, unless the supplements
and are ____4___ with vitamins and minerals.

Address: 100 ft Road,Maheshwari Chowk,First Floor, near Petrol Pump, Bathinda, Punjab 151001
Contact : +917301543210, +919653366055
1. Created Supplied Offered Provided
2. Researchers Participants Scientists Audiences
3. Release Take Bring Provide
4. Teemed Forced Fortified Interacted

100.A Bonus of Dendrochronology

A bonus of dendrochronology is that the width and substructure of each ring
___1_____ the amount of rain and the ___2_____ at which the rain fell during that
particular year. Thus, tree ring studies also allow one to reconstruct ___3______
climate; e.g., a series of wide rings means a wet period, and a _____4_____ of
narrow rings means a ___5_______.
1. have reflected reflect are reflecting reflected
2. season semester quarter term
3. previous future recent past
4. class group series string
5. humidity drought dryness moisture

Address: 100 ft Road,Maheshwari Chowk,First Floor, near Petrol Pump, Bathinda, Punjab 151001
Contact : +917301543210, +919653366055

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