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Market is one of a variety of systems, institutions, procedures, social relationsand

infrastructures in which businesses sell goods, services and labor for the peoplein exchange
for money. Goods and services sold to use as legal tender fiat money.This activity is part of
the economy. It is an arrangement that allows buyers andsellers to exchange items.
Competition is very important in the market, and separate from the trading market. Two
people may do the trade, but it takes at leastthree people to have a market, so there is
competition on at least one of the twosides. Markets vary in size, range, geographic scale,
location, type and variety of the human community, as well as the type of goods and services
traded. Some examples include local farmers market held in the town square or parking
lots,shopping centers and shopping malls, international currency and commodity markets, the
law creating such a market for pollution permits, and illegal markets like the market for illicit

In mainstream economics, the concept of the market is any structure that allows buyers and
sellers to exchange any type of goods, services and information.Exchange of goods or
services for money is a transaction. Market participantsconsist of all buyers and sellers are
both affecting its price. This influence is a majorstudy of economics and has spawned several
theories and models of basic market forces of supply and demand. There are two roles in the
market, buyers and sellers.Markets facilitate trade and allow the distribution and allocation of
resources in the community. Markets allow all items to be evaluated and traded prices. An
emergingmarket is more or less spontaneous or deliberately constructed by human interaction
to allow the exchange of rights (ownership) services and goods.

Pasar adalah salah satu dari berbagai sistem, institusi, prosedur, hubungan sosial dan
infrastruktur dimana usaha menjual barang, jasa dan tenaga kerja untuk orang-orang dengan
imbalan uang. Barang dan jasa yang dijual menggunakan alat pembayaran yang sah seperti
uang fiat. Kegiatan ini merupakan bagian dari perekonomian. Ini adalah pengaturan yang
memungkinkan pembeli dan penjual untuk item pertukaran. Persaingan sangat penting dalam
pasar, dan memisahkan pasar dari perdagangan. Dua orang mungkin melakukan
perdagangan, tetapi dibutuhkan setidaknya tiga orang untuk memiliki pasar, sehingga ada
persaingan pada setidaknya satu dari dua belah pihak. Pasar bervariasi dalam ukuran,
jangkauan, skala geografis, lokasi jenis dan berbagai komunitas manusia, serta jenis barang
dan jasa yang diperdagangkan. Beberapa contoh termasuk pasar petani lokal yang diadakan
di alun-alun kota atau tempat parkir, pusat perbelanjaan dan pusat perbelanjaan, mata uang
internasional dan pasar komoditas, hukum menciptakan pasar seperti untuk izin polusi, dan
pasar ilegal seperti pasar untuk obat-obatan terlarang.

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