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A Duplex Stainless Steel 2205

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Avesta Sheffield 2205

A Duplex Stainless Steel

2205 PRODEC® respect to lateral differences in the
passive film on the respective phases.
A Duplex with Improved There were no significant lateral
differences for the major alloy
Machinability elements in the outer region of the
Summary passive layer. In the inner region,
Investigations of the metallographic there was a correlation with the Cr
structure, corrosion resistance, weld- content and the underlying phase
ability and machinability of the structure. On the metal side of the
duplex stainless steel Avesta Sheffield oxide/metal interface, a pronounced
2205 PRODEC ®, which has an im- enrichment of nickel was found on
proved machinability compared to a top of the austenite and the ferrite,
standard 2205 duplex stainless steel, suggesting that the metal region
have been performed. Machinability closest to the oxide/metal interface
was characterised by determination consists of a continuous, austenite-
of critical cutting speeds for a certain like, structure.
level of tool wear in four different To be continued on page 9.
machining tests. The parent metal has
been characterized metallographi- 60 Years of Duplex
cally and by corrosion testing involv-
ing pitting susceptibility determined
Stainless Steel
by the electrochemically based Applications
critical pitting temperature determina-
tion in 1M NaCI in the Avesta Cell Abstract
and critical crevice corrosion tem- In this paper the history of wrought
perature in water containing 3000 duplex stainless steel development
ppm chloride at a potentiostatically and applications is described. Ferritic-
controlled potential of 300 mV vs austenitic stainless steels were intro-
SCE. Stress corrosion cracking (SCO duced only a few decades after
susceptibility was determined in 40% stainless steels were developed. The
CaCI2, solution at 100°C. Welds have paper gives details from the first
been characterized mechanically. duplex stainless steels in the 1930's to
Largely, the properties of the 2205 the super duplex stainless steel devel-
PRODEC® material are similar to opment during the 1980's.
standard 2205, though some di- During the years much effort has
minished corrosion resistance was been devoted to production and
observed. This could mainly be welding metallurgy as well as cor-
explained by the lower nitrogen rosion research of the duplex stainless
content in the 2205 PRODEC® ma- steels. Therefore, duplex stainless
terial compared with the standard steels are to-day established in a
2205 duplex stainless steel. wide product range. Numerous im-
To be continued on page 2. portant applications are exemplified.
In most cases the selection of a
duplex steel has been a result of the AVESTA SHEFFIELD
The Lateral combination high strength—excellent
corrosion resistance. In the pulp & AND APPLICATION
Homogeneity of Passive paper industry the most interesting ENGINEERING
Films use is as vessel material in digesters.
For CPI, the duplex steels are currently
Summary used in heat exchangers. The largest
The lateral homogeneity of passive application of duplex steels exists in
films formed on the austenitic-ferritic the oil & gas/offshore industry.
stainless steel 2205 in a neutral 1M Hundreds of kms of pipelines are
NaCI solution have been investigated installed and are still being installed.
using high lateral resolution AES and An increased use of duplex steels is
XPS. The samples were polarised at foreseen in areas where the strength
different constant potentials for 60 is of prime importance.
minutes and then characterised with To be continued on page ]7.
acom No. 2-96

Machinability, Corrosion Resistance and

Weldability of an Inclusion Modified
2205 Duplex Stainless Steel
Poul-Erik Arnvig, M.Sc., Béla Leffler, M.Sc., Elisabet Alfonsson, B.Sc. and Anders Brorson, M.Sc.,
Avesta Sheffield AB, Research & Development,
S-774 80 Avesta, Sweden

Introduction Materials Metallography

Duplex stainless steel of the 2205 The chemical composition of the The microstructure has been investi-
type is generally more difficult to steels tested are presented in Table 1. gated and found to comply with the
machine than common stainless steel The investigated plate samples for general material requirements for hot
grades such as type 304 and 316. corrosion and welding tests were rolled plate type 2205. The ferrite
Many properties of the 2205 duplex taken from hot rolled plates of 12 mm content, see Table 5 (page 6), was
steel that are beneficial for its appli- thickness. Plate samples for machin- slightly higher in the PRODEC® quality
cations combine to make the steel ing tests were taken from 50 mm and which most likely is explained by the
somewhat harder to machine. These 80 mm thick plates. The bar material difference in nitrogen content, as
properties include a high mechanical was taken from a bar of diameter 80 shown in Table 1.
strength, good ductility and a rapid mm. All materials were commercially The amount of elongated (stringers-
strain hardening. These factors result produced and tested in the "as like) non-metallic inclusions in 2205
in high cutting forces and accelerated delivered" condition apart from the PRODEC® was about 10-20 times
tool wear during machining opera- necessary machining of test speci- higher than in standard 2205,
tions. The risk of vibration, tool failure mens. whereas the amount of undeformed
and other machining problems during Standard 2205 material from non-metallic inclusions was the same
complex and extensive machining is various heats was used. Materials "a" in both standard and PRODEC®
therefore fairly high for a conven- and "e" were used for comparative material. More details on the
tional 2205 duplex stainless steel. corrosion tests, "b" and "e" were used inclusion geometry and chemical
A special metallurgical treatment for weldability testing and "c", "d", "e" composition of PRODEC® modified
has for several years been used to and "f" were used for machinability alloys has earlier been published by
improve the machinability of standard testing. Bar material was used only Davison et al. (1).
austenitic stainless steels producing for turning tests. Furthermore a stan-
the PRODEC®* range of austenitic dard austenitic stainless steel type
stainless steels earlier discussed by 316L was tested within parts of the
Davison et al. (1). corrosion test program to establish
To improve the machinability of reference data. The 2205 PRODEC®
2205 duplex stainless steel, a similar test material for all tests using plate of
metallurgical technique has now the same thickness was taken from
been implemented on the production the same plate.
of this alloy. By modifying the com-
position of the non-metallic inclusions
Table 1.
and controlling the shape, size and
distribution of the inclusions, consider- Chemical composition of tested alloys (heat analysis).
able improvements in the machin- Chemical composition, % (w/w)
ability of 2205 duplex stainless steel Material C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo N
are obtained. 2205
The intention of the present paper is a (plate) 0.014 0.45 1.49 0.023 0.001 22.2 5.8 2.99 0.17
to document major properties of a
b (plate) 0.018 0.42 1.48 0.022 0.001 21.9 5.6 2.95 0.16
2205 PRODEC ® and compare them
c (plate) 0.017 0.45 1.41 0.021 0.001 21.6 5.8 2.99 0.19
with those of a traditionally produced
d (bar) 0.012 0.42 1.40 0.029 0.003 22.1 5.6 3.28 0.16
2205 steel. The documented prop-
erties include machinability, corrosion 2205 PRODEC®
resistance and weldability. e (plate) 0.019 0.56 1.38 0.020 0.017 21.9 5.7 2.97 0.13
* PRODEC is a Registered Trademark of Avesta f (bar) 0.017 0.60 1.35 0.017 0.020 21.8 5.9 2.90 0.13
Sheffield AB. 316L 0.019 0.40 1.23 0.035 0.002 16.5 10.1 2.06 0.05

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A picture of the typical metallo-

graphic duplex structure is shown in
Figure 1. In Figures 2 and 3 pictures
of unetched, as-polished metallo-
graphic specimens are shown,
illustrating the differences in size and
shape of the inclusions in standard
2205 and 2205 PRODEC®
For reference, a typical picture of
the inclusion size and distribution of a
type 316F alloy (S-alloyed) is shown
in Figure 4. The distribution, size and
shape of inclusions is effectively
controlled by the metallurgical
treatment used for the PRODEC®
material compared to the traditional
way of producing free machining
grades by alloying with high amounts
of sulphur. The inclusion control used
in the PRODEC® quality is clearly
demonstrated by comparing Figure 3
and Figure 4.
Figure 1. Figure 2.
2205 PRODEC ®, etched in 2205, as-polished. (200x)
Murakami's etchant.

The general mechanical properties of
duplex stainless steel type 2205,
which includes the PRODEC®
modification, as well as those for
austenitic stainless steel 316L are
given in Table 2. The actual mech-
anical properties of the materials
tested are listed together with the
relevant test results.

Machinability testing
Figure 3. Figure 4.
Turning 2205 PRODEC ®, as-polished. (200x) 316F (free machining grade),
The turning test was an ISO type as-polished. (200x)
longitudinal turning test using a
Coromant S4 SPUN 120304 Table 2.
cemented carbide insert. The feed Typical minimum mechanical properties.
rate (f) used was 0.1 mm/turn and a
Minimum values
depth of cut (ap) of 1.0 mm. Machin-
Rp 0.2 (20°C) Rp 0.2 (100°C) Rm (20°C) A5 (20°C)
ability was evaluated as the V30 value,
Material MPa MPa MPa %
which is defined as the highest cutting
speed that gives a maximum flank 2205 480 360 680 25
wear of 0.3 mm after 30 minutes of 2205 PRODEC® 480 360 680 25
cutting. 316L 210 164 490 45

acom No. 2-96

Face Milling Welding 1.5 mm land was used and Ar+25%

The face milling test was a single Three different automatic welding CO2+0.03% NO was used as
tooth face milling operation using a techniques with a welding fixture shielding gas. The heat-input was
modern positive-negative milling were used to compare the weldability 0.9-1.9 kJ/mm.
cutter type SECO 220.13, Ø 160 mm of 2205 PRODEC® with that of stan- Welds were characterised by
(cutting data: fz= 0.2 mm/tooth, a p= dard 2205 material. weldability and ferrite content deter-
2.0 mm, a e= 120 mm) with two Plasma welding was chosen in mined according to ASTM E562-83
different cemented carbide inserts. order to avoid cleaning and prepara- (point counting). Mechanical prop-
During the test, the tool wear was tion of the first weld bead in two of erties according to ASTM A370-92,
measured at frequent intervals and the welding procedures used. These i.e. yield/tensile strength at room
the test was continued until a maxi- welds were finished with either Sub- temperature and impact toughness
mum flank wear of 0.5 mm was merged Arc Welding (SAW) or determined at -40°C, was also deter-
reached. This was repeated for Shielded Metal Arc Welding mined.
different cutting speeds and the (SMAW). SAW was used to demon-
machinability was evaluated as the strate the weldability of the two ma- Corrosion testing
V5 value, which is defined as the terials using a high productivity weld
cutting speed that gives a tool life of method. Gas Metal Arc Welding Pitting corrosion
five minutes of actual cutting time. (GMAW) using flux cored wire was The resistance to pitting corrosion of
Note that the tool is only cutting also performed. the base material of standard 2205
part of the time during the milling One joint type was welded with a and 2205 PRODEC was character-
operation. A tool life of five minutes plasma pass followed by two SAW ised by determining the Critical Pitting
actual cutting time, i.e. the time when filler passes in a 80° V-joint with 3 mm Temperature (CPT) in 1M NaCI
the cutting edge is actually cutting the land. 2205 filler material, see Table 3, solution according to an electro-
material, is equal to a tool life of was used. Argon was used as chemical method using the Avesta
about 18 minutes total machining plasma- and shielding gas, N 2 + Cell, described earlier by Qvarfort
time for the machining operation and 10% H2 was used as root gas. A high and Alfonsson (2). The CPT is defined
conditions used during the test. This is basicity flux was used for the SAW as the lowest temperature at which
a normal tool life during real machin- passes. The heat input was 1.8- pitting occurs during an anodic
ing operations with cemented car- 2.1 kJ/mm for the plasma pass and polarisation scan. The advantage of
bide tools. 1.6-2.4 kJ/mm for the SAW passes. this test technique lies in the ability to
The second joint type was welded test only one surface. This has been
in the same way as the first weld used in this investigation to determine
Slot Milling
except that SMAW was used for the possible variations between the outer
This test was run using a Ø 14 mm
five filler passes, see Table 3, and the parts and the centre of the plates. All
Wedevåg ENMAX three fluted high
joint geometry was 60°V with 1.5 mm surfaces were tested with a surface
speed steel end mill (cutting data: fz=
land. The heat input was 1.6-2.2 kJ/ that was laboratory ground with 360
0.045 mm/tooth, a p = 7 mm, a e = tool
mm for the plasma pass and 0.7- mesh SiC paper.
diameter). During the test, the cutting
speeds were varied while the other 1.3 kJ/mm for the SMAW passes.
The third joint type was welded Crevice corrosion
cutting data were kept constant. The
with GMAW and flux cored 2205- Resistance to crevice corrosion of the
tool life to failure was measured and
wire, see Table 3, with two filler base material of standard 2205,
the machinability was evaluated as
passes and one pass from the back- 2205 PRODEC ® and the 316L mater-
the V4000 value, which is defined as
the cutting speed giving a tool life side. A 60° V-joint geometry with ial was determined using a modified,
corresponding to 4000 mm milling.
Table 3.
Drilling Chemical composition of filler metals.
The drilling test is similar to the slot
Chemical composition, % (w/w)
milling test in that it uses tool failure
Filler metal form C Si Mn P S Cr Ni M N
as the tool life criterion. The test uses
SMAW Electrode,
a Ø 10 mm high speed steel twist drill
Ø 4.0 mm 0.03 1.10 0.91 0.020 0.014 23.6 9.7 3.04 0.14
type Wedevåg Double-X (cutting
data: a p = 20 mm [bottom holes], f = GMAW Wire,
0.25 mm/turn) and the machinability Ø 1.2mm 0.03 0.67 1.17 0.023 0.006 22.8 9.1 2.99 0.12
was evaluated as the V2000 value, Plasma Wire,
which is defined as the cutting speed Ø 1.0 mm 0.012 0.48 1.55 0.015 0.001 22.4 8.7 3.14 0.14
that gives a tool life corresponding to SAW Wire,
2000 mm of milling. Ø 2.4 mm 0.014 0.47 1.58 0.017 0.001 22.3 8.9 3.10 0.14

acom No. 2-96

less aggressive testing procedure of

the potentiostatic method earlier used
Stress corrosion cracking
Standard tensile specimens, see
to document the crevice corrosion Figure 6, were machined with the Machining
resistance of highly alloyed austenitic long side transverse to the original
The results of the machining tests are
stainless steels by Gartland et al. (3). major rolling direction of the plate.
presented in Figures 7-10 (page 6),
Ring shaped specimens, see The specimens were electropolished
and the standard machinability rat-
Figure 5, were machined from one and passivated for 20 minutes in 20%
ings as defined above are given in
side of the plate to 3 mm thickness. HNO3 shortly before testing. The
Table 4.
The surfaces were ground on a Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCO test
The PRODEC® material gives a
grindstone (Abra plan, Struers) and was done under constant load
much slower tool wear in the turning
polished using diamond spray, grain conditions in 40% CaCI2 with
test with a plateau in the wear curve
size 15µm, after which the specimens 1% CalCH3COO)2 as pH-buffer,
after the initial wear, see Figure 7.
were stored for minimum 2 days in a pH = 6.0±0.5, at a temperature of
This type of behaviour is character-
desiccator before actual testing. 100±3°C in order to evaluate the
istic of the PRODEC® material while
Using this preparation one surface stress corrosion cracking susceptibility
the standard material gives a more or
was located close to the original of the base material of standard
less continuous increase in the tool
plate surface and one surface was 2205 and 2205 PRODEC® The test
wear. The machinability rating, V30,
located about 3 mm below the was performed using continous
of the PRODEC® material has in-
original plate surface. bubbling of clean air through the
creased by 16% in this turning test as
Ring shaped washers of rubber solution in order to stabilise the
compared to the standard 2205
bound aramid fibre were mounted corrosion potential of the specimen.
on both sides of the specimen with The pH of the test solution was
In face milling the machinability of
a final torque of 6 Nm, see Figure 5. checked and adjusted every second
the PRODEC® material is improved
The package was immersed in a day within 0.5 pH units by adding
very significantly over a wide range
NaCI solution containing 3000 ppm HCI or CaO—if necessary. Tests were
of cutting speeds for a milling oper-
Cl-. performed at various loads up to
ation using a modern coated ce-
After being exposed in the solution 110% of the actual yield stress at
mented carbide insert with chip
for 24 hours at 20°C at the free 100°C. breaker as illustrated in Figure 8. The
corrosion potential, the specimens
V5 value, see Table 4, is increased by
were anodically polarized to +300
mV vs. SCE. The temperature was
increased every 48 hours in steps of Table 4.
4°C until the measured corrosion Machinability ratings for standard 2205 and 2205 PRODEC ®—for definitions of
current indicated crevice corrosion by machinability rating see "Experimental" above.
exceeding 10 µA/cm 2 for more than 6
hours. Crevice corrosion was after- 2205
wards confirmed by visual inspection. Test Rating type 2205 PRODEC® Improvement
The Critical Crevice Corrosion Turning (CC) V 30 195 227 16%
Temperature (CCT) is defined as the Face milling (uncoated CC) V5 43 53 23%
lowest temperature at which crevice Face milling (coated CC) V5 110 176 60%
corrosion occurred. Minimum 3 spe- Slot milling (High speed steel) V 4000 27 32 18%
cimens were used. Drilling (High speed steel) V 2000 17 25 47%

acom No. 2-96

Figure 7. Figure 8.
Tool wear turning with cemented carbide inserts. Tool life at different cutting speeds during face milling
with coated cemented carbide inserts.

Figure 9. Figure 10.

Tool life at different cutting speeds at slot milling test with Tool life at different cutting speeds at drilling test with
high speed steel end mills. high speed steel twist drills.

60% compared to the standard Welding The ferrite content in the root bead
material when using a coated tool The impression of the weldability of was in general higher than in the
with chip breaker. Normally uncoated the steels was in general good and weld face for both materials. In the
tools would not be used for the face no differences were observed be- two cases of SAW and SMAW
milling of duplex steels, but even for tween standard 2205 and 2205 welding, the ferrite content was
this type of tool a significant improve- PRODEC® except in the case of slightly higher in the weld face of the
ment of is obtained, see Table 4. plasma welding, where the arc PRODEC® material compared to the
The slot milling results are similar to seemed to be somewhat unstable standard material. However, such
the face milling results (uncoated when welding the PRODEC ® material. differences in ferrite content are
tool). The PRODEC® material shows Results from the evaluation of the hardly of practical importance. This is
an improvement by almost 20% in welds with regard to ferrite content illustrated by the similar mechanical
machinability rating, V4000 , see and mechanical properties are listed properties between standard and
Table 4. This improvement is valid in Table 5. PRODEC® material, except for the
over a wide range of cutting speeds Plasma+SAW weld. For the
as illustrated in Figure 9.
Table 5.
Finally the drilling test showed a
Ferrite content and mechanical properties of welded standard 2205 and
dramatic increase in machinability
2205 PRODEC ®
rating, V2000, by nearly 50% as seen
in Table 4. The drilling results are Impact tough-
shown in more detail in Figure 10, Weld metal Ferrite content Yield stress Tensile stress Ductility ness, -40°C
where the improved machinability of Face/Root bead Rp0.2 (MPa) Rm IMPa) A5 (%) (J/cm )

the PRODEC® material is evident Stan- PRO- Stan- PRO- Stan- PRO Stan PRO- Stan- PRO-
compared to the standard 2205 dard DEC
dard DEC
dard DEC
9 -
dard DEC
dard DEC

Base material
(Surface/centre) 39/38 44/47 496 509 761 770 40 36 - -
Plasma+SAW 34/49 45/43 542 538 783 743 31 29 131 54
Plasma+SMAW 40/55 46/53 530 530 774 747 27 27 41 35

(Flux cored wire) 42/58 42/51 559 558 777 753 33 30 39 40

acom No. 2-96

Plasmo+SAW weld the impact Table 6.

toughness was significantly higher for Critical Pitting and Crevice Corrosion Temperatures of base materials.
the standard material—see Table 5. Location of CPT, 1M NaCI, °C CCT, 3000ppm CI-/300mV vs. SCE,°C
All cracking in the tensile testing of test area 2205 2205 2205 2205
welds occurred outside the weld
Standard PRODEC® Standard PRODEC® 316L
zone. The impact toughness values
Surface and 3 mm
are listed for the weld metal. Impact
below surface - - 40 32 <20
toughness in the HAZ was also
measured but in each case found to Surface 46-51 42 - - -
be higher than the weld metal figure, Centre 46 39-40 - - -
which consequently represents the
critical value for the specific weld.

tion of microsections at up to 500x The increase in the machinability

Corrosion Resistance magnification, no SCC cracks could values obtained for the 2205
The CPTs and CCTs determined be found. All microsections were PRODEC® compared to standard
for the base materials are given in prepared in the longitudinal plane of 2205 lies between 16 and 60%
Table 6. the specimen cutting through selected depending on the machining oper-
The CPT in 1M NaCI could not be pits. ation involved. This is clearly a con-
determined with the precision gen- The initiated stress corrosion cracks sequence of the metallurgical treat-
erally obtainable with this method. were found to propagate through ment used to produce this material.
Apparently some variation of the CPT both ferrite and austenite in the The inclusion control illustrated in the
from specimen to specimen existed. duplex structure. None of the speci- metallographic results is the pre-
The CPT was slightly higher for the mens containing SCC cracks had dominant reason for this improved
standard 2205 base material ruptured at the end of the test period machinability, although the low
compared to 2205 PRODEC ®. of 500 hours. nitrogen content also has a beneficial
The CPTs in 1M NaCI determined effect.
on the rolling faces of the plates were Table 7.
Improved production economy can
slightly higher than the CPTs deter- Summary of Stress Corrosion
thus be achieved when choosing a
Cracking tests in 40% CaCl2 at
mined on the centre faces of the PRODEC® material due to less tool
same material. The observed differ- 100°C, pH = 6.
wear and higher cutting speeds that
ence can hardly be considered to be Material Yield stress, SCC threshold will lead to shorter production time.
significant although the trend follows Rp0.2 (100°C) stress % of Furthermore the improved machin-
the findings of Davison et al. (1). MPa RpO.2 (100°C) ability material can be expected to
The CCT for the base material was result in far fewer machining prob-
slightly lower for 2205 PRODEC® than lems, which will lead to a further
2205 451 >110
for standard 2205 material. Crevice increase in productivity.
corrosion occurred randomly on both 2205
The consequences of the metal-
sides of the specimens indicating no PRODEC® 435 100
lurgical treatment with regard to
significant variation between the mechanical properties were found to
ground rolling surface and a surface be insignificant in the tests performed.
located about half way to the centre Tensile and ductility data for the base
of the plate. Discussion material of both standard and
The Stress Corrosion Cracking Machinability may be expressed in PRODEC® material were far above
results obtained in 40% CaCI2 at different ways but in the present the typical minimum values specified
100°C indicated excellent stress investigation the machinability criteria for duplex stainless steel 2205, as is
corrosion resistance for both types of used are mainly based on studies of shown in Table 2 and 6. The tensile
2205 material. SCC was found to the tool life during several different and ductility properties of the welded
initiate from the bottom of pits of the standardised machining operations. materials also were on similar levels
2205 PRODEC ® material at a stress The duplex stainless steels have a when comparing standard and
level of around 100% of the actual machinability profile that differs some- PRODEC® material, except when
yield stress at 100°C. No SCC-cracks what from that of the austenitic steels welding (SAW) with high basicity flux
could be found in the standard 2205 with similar or lower localised corro- was performed.
material even at 110% of the actual sion resistance, in that they are, rela- Usually, the use of high basicity flux
yield stress at 100°C. See also tively speaking, not as difficult to will give a significant improvement in
Table 7. machine with high speed steel tools impact toughness as seen for the
Pitting was observed in both ma- as with cemented carbide tools. For standard material. However/ this was
terials at stress levels lower than the ®
that reason the machinability has not the case for the 2205 PRODEC
above indicated threshold stresses. been tested using both cemented car- welded specimen. The main reason to
However/ even after careful examina- bide tools and high speed steel tools. the improvement in impact toughness

acom No. 2-96

when using high basicity flux is that further discussed by Baker and Castle
the flux removes oxygen, silicates, (6). Davison et al. (1) also found a
sulphur etc. from the weld pool. minimal effect of the higher level of The following conclusions can be
Apparently, the slightly increased inclusions in austenitic PRODEC® drawn:
content of inclusions in the PRODEC® material on the CPT. ®
• 2205 PRODEC has a significantly
material, could not be dissolved by The high stress corrosion cracking improved machinability compared
the flux. resistance together with the high to standard 2205;
Weldability was found in general strength of the duplex stainless steels, • the mechanical properties of 2205
to be fully satisfactory for both compared to the standard austenitic PRODEC® are largely comparable
materials, although the plasma torch grades, are two of the major advan- to standard 2205;
showed signs of instability when tages, when using duplex stainless
welding the 2205 PRODEC ® material. steels. The results from the CaCI2 • the pitting and crevice corrosion
This can be attributed to the presence experiments indicate a slightly resistance of 2205 PRODEC is
slightly lower than for standard
of calcium containing inclusions diminished SCC resistance for the
typically found in PRODEC® material PRODEC® material, but the threshold
as documented by Davison et al. (1). stress level of 100% Rp0.2 still indi- • the stress corrosion resistance of
A detailed investigation of the cates an excellent stress corrosion 2205 PRODEC ® was found to be on
corrosion resistance of the welds is cracking resistance. The difference in the level of standard 2205;
presently in progress and will be threshold stress levels between stan- • the weldability of 2205 PRODEC®
presented elsewhere. dard 2205 and 2205 PRODEC® is was generally found to be similar to
The resistance to pitting corrosion hardly of any practical significance. standard 2205;
as indicated by the Critical Pitting A typical application of the new • the small differences in corrosion
Temperatures was found to be 2205 PRODEC is for tube sheets in resistance between 2205 PRODEC®
significantly higher than for austenitic tube and shell heat exchangers. and standard 2205 could mainly
316L materials. Alfonsson and These heat exchangers often contain be explained by the lower nitrogen
Qvarfort (4) found the CPT of various several hundred tubes, where each content in the PRODEC material.
316L heats to be around 15°C. A tube is welded into a drilled hole in
significantly higher CPT of around the tube sheet. The improved ma-
40°C was found for the PRODEC chinability of the PRODEC® grade
base material. CPT values in this will increase the productivity of the
range are mostly observed for stan- drilling process significantly. Often,
dard 2205 material in connection 2205 is chosen for this application
with low nitrogen contents (~0.13% because of the risk of stress corrosion
1. Davison R. M., Alfonsson E., Runnsjö G.:
N). The CPT of 46-51 °C found for the often present in tube heat exchangers
"Characterization of Stainless steel plates for
standard 2205 material is typical for due to high operating temperatures.
Paper Machine Headbox Applications",
material containing around 0.17% Since the SCC resistance of the 2205 Proc. CORROSION/90, April 23-27, (1990),
nitrogen. The trend observed on the PRODEC® is on the level with stan- Paper No. 542.
CPTs was also seen for the Critical dard 2205 as discussed above, the 2. Qvarfort R., Alfonsson E.: "An Improved Cell
Crevice corrosion Temperature. advantage of using 2205 PRODEC ® for Electrochemical Pitting Corrosion
The small reduction in pitting in such cases is obvious. Testing", Proc. 11th Scandinavian Corrosion
resistance found for 2205 PRODEC® Another typical application of 2205 Congress, Stavanger, June, (1989), Paper
coompared to standard 2205 using PRODEC® is wrought flanges, where No. F-79.
the critical pitting temperature as a the improved machinability can be 3. Gartland P. O., Steinsmo V., Drugli J. M.,
criterion is small enough to be ex- utilised during the fabrication of the Solheim P.: "High Alloyed Stainless Steels for
plained solely by the lower alloying flanges to lower the production cost. Chlorinated Seawater Applications—A
Summary of Test Results for Eleven Austenitic
content of nitrogen. No significant The slightly diminished crevice
and Duplex Materials", Proc. CORROSION/
effect of the higher content of corrosion resistance of the
93, May, (1993), Paper No. 646.
inclusions in the PRODEC® material 2205 PRODEC ® material should of
4. Alfonsson E., Qvarfort R.: Materials Science
could thus be detected. This might course be considered when choosing
Forum, 111-112, (1992), p. 483-491.
seem contradictory to the well estab- the material, but the corrosivity of the
5. Stewart J., Williams, D. E., Corros. Sci., Vol.
lished fact that inclusions, especially environments, where duplex stainless
33, (1992), p. 457.
sulphides, are detrimental to the steel type 2205 are used, are seldom
6. Baker M. A., Castle J. E.: Corros. Sci., Vol. 34,
pitting resistance of stainless steel. excessively critical with respect to
No. 4, (1993), pp. 667-682.
However, neither the amount of in- crevice corrosion—otherwise, higher
clusions nor the total sulphur content alloyed stainless steels should be
of a stainless steel will influence the used. However, 2205 PRODEC can
pitting resistance significantly pro- still tolerate far more aggressive This paper was first presented at the
vided the size of the inclusions is be- environments than austenitic stainless Duplex Stainless Steel '94 conference in
low a certain critical level, as shown steel type 316L. Glasgow, UK, 1994. Reprinted with kind
by Stewart and Williams (5) and permission of The Welding Institute.

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