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09 - TLM - DRRMS Brochure - 20190830

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Disaster Risk Reduction and

Management Service (DRRMS)
Our schools, Schools used as
evacuation centers

learners and 17,937

personnel are
Tropical cyclones
highly exposed Floods

to multiple 25,191
Violent incidents
including armed conflict
FACTS & From SY 2009-2010
FIGURES to SY 2017-2018, Volcanic eruptions
43,810 schools 977
nationwide have
reported effects of Landslides
natural hazards; 21,949
schools have reported impacts
of human-induced hazards. Fire incidents

These hazards impede

the provision of education, Tsunamis
and also threaten and affect
both the lives of students and
personnel, and other educational Earthquakes
resources and investments
Other hazards
(health hazards, oil spills,
drought, security threat,
structural collapse)
have been normally
used as evacuation centers during
and after a disaster. In 2016, RA 10821 was
enacted, limiting the use of schools as evacuation
centers. The law, otherwise known as the Children’s
Emergency Relief and Protection Before, During,
and After Disasters and Emergencies, strengthens
the mandate of the local government units to provide/
construct adequate evacuation centers for community
members. This direction has been repeatedly
instructed by the President in various
coordination meetings conducted in
the aftermath of a disaster.
In recognition of these threats, through Department Order (DO)
no. 50 series of 2011, DepEd created the Disaster Risk Reduction
and Management Office, in line with the Philippine Disaster Risk
Reduction Management Act of 2010 (Republic Act 10121). The office
was elevated into a Service in 2015.

The DRRMS, as stipulated in its Charter, is tasked to:

›› Empower the DepEd personnel, offices, schools and

learners in ensuring safety and learning continuity;
›› Institutionalize Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management (DRRM), Climate Change Adaptation
(CCA), and Education in Emergencies (EiE); and
›› Strengthen the resilience of basic education in
the context of natural and human-induced hazards.

In accordance with its mandate, the DRRMS has set its goals and
outcomes to address the risks and impacts of natural and human-
induced hazards confronting the basic education sector.

Vision-What it means for our learners and personnel!

All offices, schools, learners, and personnel are safe and resilient to
risks and impacts of disasters and emergencies arising from natural
and human-induced hazards.
In accordance with the DRRMS goal and outcomes, the following six-year (2017-2022)
strategic goals have been set:

›› Institutionalize DRRM, CCA, and EiE across and at all levels of the Department;

›› Establish a coordinated packages of interventions to ensure learning

continuinty and resilient interventions in the aftermath of a disaster.

To achieve the goals and outcomes, the work of the DRRMS is guided by DO 37
series of 2015, known as the Comprehensive DRRM in Basic Education Framework.
Based on the framework, DRRMS has three major programs, according to
the key thematic areas of RA 10121, namely:


Prevention 3
and Response,
Mitigation Rehabilitation,
and Recovery

These programs cover the following three pillars of the global Comprehensive
School Safety Framework which are aligned with the Sendai Framework for DRR.

1 Safe learning facilities deals with infrastructure and related soft

components such as resilient designs and standards. Hazard-specific
resilient building and standards shall be enhanced in accordance with
the topographical conditions of the location of schools. This pillar also
includes the temporary learning spaces (TLS) or classrooms which are
provided to ensure learning continuity in the aftermath of a disaster.

2 Disaster risk management tackles the establishment of a DRRM

team at various levels, contingency planning, regular drills, provision
of safety equipment, and the establishment of a DRRM Information
and Communication Systems, among others.

3 DRR in education focuses on the integration of DRRM/CCA/EiE in

the K-12 curriculum, including teacher training. Pyschological First Aid
modules and capacity building are also part of resilience education.
To carry out the programs and three pillars, the DRRMS has set the following
seven (7) Key Result Areas to guide its operations.

KRA Outcome Objective

Risk-informed DepEd offices and Review/enhance/develop and disseminate risk-
Plans, Policies schools implement informed plans, policies and standards
and Standards DRRM, safety, security,
and protection plans,
policies and standards
to support resilience and
learning continuity.
Partnerships for Sustained and needs- Identify areas for partnerships with external
Strengthening based support from partners on DRRM, CCA and EiE programs
Resilience partners are provided to
DepEd offices, schools, Participate in International events/conferences
personnel, and learners Establish a regular coordination mechanism,
through systematic database, and protocol for organizing, sharing and
exchange of information, tracking information, resources, expertise and best
resources, and expertise practices among external and internal partners
in DRRM, CCA, and EiE.
Undertake coordination on prepositioning of
materials and interventions for preparedness,
response, and rehabilitation and recovery
Identify areas for partnerships with relevant DepEd
offices in connection with DRRM, CCA, and EiE
DRRM DepEd offices at all Create uniform templates to accommodate
Information levels are able to required data and provide feedback to the
System (DRRMIS) provide schools, different DepEd offices and partners
and Research personnel, and learners
with efficient, timely, and Enhance data handlers’: knowledge on
reliable interventions existing protocols capacity in data collection,
and support based on management and analysis capacity in using
established IMS. data applications and software
Archive and store consolidated data in different
formats to give easy access to different offices for
administering interventions and future references
DRRM, CCA, and EiE Conduct evidence-based research relative to
policies and programs DRRM, CCA, and EiE as basis for risk-informed
for offices, schools, policy and standard formulation and program
personnel, and learners implementation
are formulated using
evidence-based Analyze historical hazards data and official
research. hazard maps to identify possible policies
and programs in vulnerable areas
Develop research questions and methodologies
to identify trends and good practices in DRRM,
CCA, and EiE
KRA Outcome Objective
Resilience DepEd offices and Develop standardized DRRM, CCA, and EiE
Education personnel at all levels training manuals for DepEd personnel and
are well-equipped learners at all levels
with knowledge and
skills on DRRM, CCA, Conduct DRRM, CCA, and EiE trainings for
and EiE and are able to DepEd personnel at all levels
share, implement, and Provide a platform for DRRM Coordinators for
mainstream in their supplemental learnings and addressing challenges
areas of work. on the implementation of DRRM, CCA, and EiE
Participate in international and national
DRRM, CCA, and EiE events
Facilitate DRRM, CCA, and EiE integration
in the K-12 curriculum
Establish memorial days to ingrain deep
consciousness of disasters among personnel
and learners at all levels
IEC and Advocacy DepEd offices, personnel Review existing IEC and advocacy resource
for Resilience and learners are able materials on DRRM, CCA, and EiE
to practice a culture of
safety and resilience Develop/enhance and disseminate IEC and
through increased advocacy resource materials on DRRM, CCA,
awareness on DRRM, and EiE (needs-based consideration)
CCA, and EiE. Create a communication campaign
on safety and resilience
Establish a library on IECs for DRRM, CCA,
and EiE (hard and digital)
Government policies, Review and provide inputs/information
programs, and services to respective government agencies/offices
are informed of DRRM, regarding needs and priorities of the basic
CCA, and EiE needs and education sector on DRRM, CCA, and EiE
priorities of the basic
education sector.
KRA Outcome Objective
Learning Regions, divisions, Provide interventions for the well-being
Continuity and schools lead the of affected personnel and learners
and Resilience immediate return to
Interventions normalcy and recovery Provide regions, divisions, and schools
of affected personnel, support and assistance, enabling early
learners, and operations return to normal operations and recovery
towards resilient towards resilient development
development. Establish enabling mechanisms for regions,
divisions, and schools to locally manage
their response, and rehabilitation & recovery
needs and interventions
Monitoring and Development and Monitor progress of DRRMS’ comprehensive
Evaluation on implementation of school safety initiatives
DRRMS policies and programs
Comprehensive are enhanced as a result Evaluate the outcomes and impact of DRRMS’s
School Safety of institutionalized comprehensive school safety initiatives
Initiatives monitoring and Monitor interventions provided by the
evaluation system DRRMS and partners
across all levels.
Education in Emergencies

‘Education in emergencies’ refers to In the Philippines, the Department

the quality learning opportunities of Education’s Disaster Risk
for all ages in situations of crisis. Reduction and Management
It provides physical, psychosocial, Service (DRRMS) has four salient
and cognitive protection that can steps in delivering EiEs to schools.
sustain and save lives without These are: Assessment, Validation,
sacrificing the goal of each learner Provision of Response & Recovery
to learn. Interventions, and Monitoring.

(Source: International Network for Education in Emergencies )


›› Rapid Assessment of Damages Report (RADaR) or RADaR 1 and 2 are the

reports from the School DRRM Coordinators, sent via SMS to the DRRMS.
The reports cover infrastructure and non-infrastructure damages which
are sent within the first 48-72 hours in the aftermath of a disaster.
›› The SMS from the DRRMS feedback phones are extracted into
an excel file following the format of DO No. 21 series of 2015.


›› The Regional and Division DRRM Coordinators track the provision

of interventions, using a template provided by the DRRMS. DRRMS
also conducts monitoring visits to recipient schools.
›› The reports are consolidated by DRRMS for national level reporting,
i.e. DepEd EXECOM, NDRRMC, OP, and other concerned agencies.
›› Status reports are also forwarded to partners and donors.

›› The consolidated RADaR 1 and 2 are sent by DRRMS to

the affected Regional and Division DRRM Coordinators.
›› Division DRRM Coordinators will validate the RADaR reports alongside
their DRRM team/division engineers, IT officers, and LR Coordinators.
›› After validating, the Schools Division Superintendent will
vet the reports and submit to DRRMS.

Provision of
Response & Recovery

›› Based on the consolidated vetted RADaR, immediate interventions for

affected schools are determined. These include temporary learning spaces
(TLS), school clean-up, Psychological First Aid (PFA), provision of learners’
kits, teachers’ kits, hygiene kits, emergency school feeding, alternative
delivery modes (ADM), and deployment of personnel for response.
›› Based on RADaR 1, the Education Facilities Division (EFD) mobilizes
its Division Engineers to conduct a detailed assessment of reported
school buildings that incurred major or total damage, for purposes
of repair and reconstruction.
›› The Bureau of Learning Resources (BLR), Education Facilities Division
(EFD), Information and Communication Technology Service (ICTS)
allocate the replacement of damaged learning materials (LMs),
school furniture, and computer sets, respectively, based on RAdaR 2.
›› RADaR 1 and 2 are also the bases of the Education Cluster and
other partners in providing response interventions, in coordination
with the DRRMS.
24/7 Operation Center Duty at Camp Aguinaldo

Situation Reports Post Disaster

Pre-Disaster Risk Needs Assessment/
Data Gathering:
Assessment Post Conflict
Class suspensions
Needs Assessment
Schools used as evacuation centers

Rapid Assessment of Damages Report 1 & 2

Tracking of key officials

Preparedness Rehabilitation
for Response and Recovery

Before During After

›› Dissemination ›› Brigada Eskwela

of Advisories
and Preparedness Interventions: ›› Recovery Plans:
›› Clean-up, TLS,
• Repair
›› Preemptive Class Learners’/ Teachers’ kits • Reconstruction
Suspension (LGU)
›› Hygiene kits • Establishment
›› Standby funds of Schools in
for Clean-Up and Resettlement Sites
Temporary Learning • Furniture
Space • Learning Resources
›› Coordination • Computers
Assistance from • Psychological
Education Cluster NDRRMC Response Cluster Meetings First Aid
Partners • Emergency
Education Cluster Updates School Feeding
›› Standby DRRMS Staff • WASH
for 24/7 Operation
Center Duty
Continuous dissemination of advisories
• Alternative
Learning System
• Alternative
Delivery Modes

(region, division, school)
What Have We Done
7 Key Risk-Informed Policies, Plans, and Standards
Written 15 DRRM and CCA related policies
Results Written 5 policies on child protection and EiE in armed conflict

Areas Established Contingency Plans at various levels

Facilitated regular mid-year and year-end planning

DRRM-CCA Policies
DO 44 s. 2018 Formation of DepEd DRRM Team in the Central Office
DM 84 s. 2018 Partnerships with Philippine Red Cross for the Promotion of
First Aid, Youth Development, Volunteerism, Health and Safety,
Community Resilience, and the International Humanitarian Law
DO 65 s. 2017 Guidelines on the Conduct of Post DIsaster Needs
Assessment in the Education Sector
DO 28 s. 2016 Strengthening the Fire Safety and Awareness Program
DM 112 s. 2015 Designation of Ms. Ronilda Co as Director IV of the DepEd DRRMS
DM 69 s. 2015 2015 National Disaster Consciousness Month
DM 41 s. 2015 Implementing Brigada Eskwela 2015
DO 37 s. 2015 The Comprehensive DRRM in Basic Education Framework
DO 27 s. 2015 Promoting Family Earthquake Preparedness
DO 23 s. 2015 Student-led School Watching and Hazard Mapping
DO 21 s. 2015 DRRM Coordination and Information Management Protocol
DO 43 s. 2012 Guidelines on the Implementation of EO 66 (Suspension of Classes)
DO 83 s. 2011 Disaster Preparedness Measures in Schools
DO 50 s. 2011 Creation of Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (DRRMO)
DO 82 s. 2010 Reiteration of Related Implementing Guidelines on CCA-DRR
at the School Levels
Child Protection and EiE in Armed Conflict Policies
DM 109 s. 2017 Public Manifestation of DepEd’s Declaration of Schools as Zones of Peace
DO 57 s. 2017 Policy on the Protection of Children in Armed Conflict
DM 221 s. 2013 Guidelines on the Protection of Children during Armed Conflict
DO 40 s. 2012 DepEd Child Protection Policy
DO 44 s. 2005 Declaration of Schools as Zones of Peace

Partnerships for Strengthening Resilience

Established the National Education Cluster (NEC)
Established the Education Resilience Working Group (ERWG)
Established MOAs with private sector and NGAs
Established Internal DepEd-CO DRRM Team

DRRM Information Systems and Research

Established database
Installed radios and generators for regions and divisions
Developed the Comprehensive School Safety web application
Resilience Education
Written 23 standard DRRM, CCA, and EiE in
armed conflict modules
Trained 240 DRRM regional and division coordinators
Written Manual on Psychological First Aid
for Secondary Teachers
Trained DRRM coordinators, guidance counselors, and
division school health nurses on PFA Climate Change
Initiated work on climate change--National Climate
Change Conference in 2017, 2018
Ongoing review of DRRM, CCA, EiE on armed conflict/
peace education in the K-12 curriculum
Formed and trained DepEd Central Office Disaster
Management Group (DMG)

IEC and Advocacy for Resilience

Intensified development of IEC materials
Increased advocacy through radio and TV guesting
Represented in national, international events
Initiated DepEd National DRM Celebration for CO
Learning Continuity and Resilience Interventions
Deployed DRRMS staff to OpCen duty during times of disaster
Disseminated Sitrep and other reports to MANCOM,
Education Cluster, NDRRMC, etc.
Increased TLS and clean-up fund support
Expanded coverage of response, rehabilitation, and recovery support--
learner’s kit, teacher’s kit, hygiene kit, emergency school feeding; hiring of
trucks for delivery; response mobiliation and coordination, PDNA
Advanced Psychological First Aid
Facilitated ADMs for learning
Provided fund support to regions, divisions, schools for
DRRM implementation--Contingency Planning; capacity building;
planning and monitoring
Provided response equipment--JICS radio and generator for regions
and divisions, first aid kit for schools
Embarked on parametric insurance
Established Alternative Delivery Modes (ADM) of learning
Initiated replacement of furniture, books, computer packages
Facilitated repairs and reconstructions
Established schools in temporary and permanent resettlement sites
Proposed to EFD inclusion of budget for safety considerations,
e.g. slope protection, fencing, etc.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Developed monitoring tools for reponse, rehabilitation
and recovery, and donations
Developed Comprehensive School Safety Monitoring (CSS) Tool
Strengthened AOR monitoring
Learners and Schools as Zones of Peace
(LZSOP): A Draft Policy

Building Blocks
of the LSZOP
Education for Peace
This component recognizes education as an essential tool for building and
sustaining a culture of peace, and is a concrete manifestation of the Department’s
contributions to securing a just and lasting peace. The implementation of the
following strategies shall be strengthened:

Peace Education. The Curriculum and Instruction (CI) Strand and the Curriculum and Learning
Management Division shall lead and support schools in providing transformative education
which promotes a culture of peace.

Conflict-sensitive Education. Policies, programs, and services especially in conflict-

vulnerable and conflict-affected areas shall be informed by adequate conflict analysis that
provides a clear understanding of the context of social conflict prevailing in the areas where
they operate, and shall be designed accordingly to minimize their negative impacts, i.e. does
not exacerbate the conflict, and maximize the positive impacts in said areas.
Support for Holistic Approaches to Peace and Education (SHAPE). This strategy provides for
specialized, targeted, and programmatic support services which supplements and directs
regular DepEd programs towards learners and schools in conflict-affected and conflict-
vulnerable areas.

Peace for Education

DepEd regional offices, divisions, and schools shall strengthen their linkages with
various mechanisms, government (e.g. LGUs and inter-agency bodies) and community
groups (e.g. council of elders and religious leaders), that are mandated or recognized
and respected as authorities or leaders in preventing and resolving conflicts. DepEd
shall work with these groups to come up with appropriate and effective measures to
ensure the protection of learners and schools as zones of peace. These efforts may
include the following:

(1) Forging and agreement or code of conduct among community stakeholders

to respect Learners and Schools as Zones of Peace;
(2) Deployment of civilian law enforcement or peacekeeping units (e.g. tanods,
Barangay Peacekeeping Action Team) approximate to the school;
(3) Protocols on conflict monitoring and early warning; and
(4) Protocols on quick response, crisis management, and reporting.

Crisis Management through Education-in-Emergencies (EiE)

DepEd, through the DRRMS and its regional and division coordinators, with the
support of the Planning Officers, Engineers, Designated Guidance and School Health
Personnel, Youth Formation Coordinators, ADM Coordinators, IT Offciers, LRMD
Personnel, and Legal Officers, shall thus undertake the following:

(1) Preparedness for Response interventions (e.g. community risk assessment; school-
community planning for armed conflict; creation of early warning & early response systems,
drills for armed conflict situations; capacity building; prepositioning of response equipment
and resources)
(2) Response interventions (e.g. lockdown of school, suspension of classes; activation of
family reunification plan; initial psychological first aid)
(3) Rehabilitation and Recovery interventions (e.g. psychosocial support services; tracking
of learners and personnel; employment of Alternative Delivery Modes of education; setting-
up of Temporary Learning Spaces and emergency Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Facilities;
repairs; emergency school feeding; provision of learner’s, teacher’s and hygiene kits)
Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management Service

Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Service (DRRMS)

Room 206, Mabini Building, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City

Telephone Nos.: (+63)2 635 3764 • (+63)2 636 4997 Mobile Nos.: (+63) 928 871 8053 • (+63) 915 205 3244
Telefax Nos.: (+63)2 637 4933 • (+63)2 637 4606 E-mail address: drrmo@deped.gov.ph

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