English 5 Week 5 Day 1
English 5 Week 5 Day 1
English 5 Week 5 Day 1
I. Objectives
A. Expressive Objectives
1. Realize that the beauty of our land can be maintained with the
help of one another
2. Develop sense of responsibility for the good of oneself, family
and community
B. Instructional Objectives
Listening Comprehension
II. Subject Matter
A. Topics
1. Talk about the beauty of our land and how to maintain it
2. Analyze elements of poetry
3. Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words based on context clues
B. Materials
cartolina strips
activity cards
C. References
a. Poem: My Native Land (Writing 1 English Book Grade V)
b. Story: Throwing Litter (Developing Reading Power 5)
c. www.softschools.com
I. Objectives
A. Expressive Objective
1.Realize that the beauty of our land can be maintained with the
help of one another
B. Instructional Objectives
1. Analyze elements of poetry as rhymes, sound devices
(onomatopoeia, alliteration, assonances) and imagery based
on the listening text
2.Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words based on the given
context clues
A. Preliminary Activity
Ask the class to listen to the rhymes the teacher will read.
He is called Pat,
B. Pre-Listening Activities
1. Unlocking of Difficulty
3. Motive Question
Today you will listen to a poem My Native Land. In the poem,
identify the beautiful scenic spots found in our country.
- Esmeraldo B. Pascua
Writing 1 English Book Gr 5
Group II
On each side of the dice, write the
ways on how we can appreciate the beauty of our
Group III
Compose a jingle on how we can maintain
the beauty of our land
2. Discussion
What are found between grand mountains?
How will you describe the plains?
(Call Group 1 to present their drawing)
Let us see how our native land looks like.
(Ask Group 2 to present their dice of appreciation)
What are the beautiful places in our country?
What are the ways of appreciating the beauty of our country?
(Call Group 3 to present their jingle)
What are the ways to maintain the beauty of our land?
3. Skill Development
A. Introduction/Presentation
I will read examples of poem/tongue twister. Tell me the
words that rhyme or have the same sound.
a. Across the world
Two boys are crying,
Both wanting more,
And tired of trying.
b. Black bug bit a big black bear.
But where is the big black bear that the black bug bit?
c. I must confess that in my quest
I felt depressed and restless.
d. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck;
If a woodchuck would chuck wood?
B. Teaching/Modelling
What are the rhyming words in the given poems/verses?
What can you say about them?
Expected Answers:
crying – trying (rhymes)
bug – bit (same initial sound-alliteration)
confess – restless (same vowel sound-assonance)
wood – would (imitation of sound- onomatopoeia)
4. Guided Practice
a. Rhymes
One morning, Pretty Little _____ (lane, garden, hen)
was walking in the _______
b. Alliteration
Sheep should _______ in a shed. (sleep, away, sway)
c. Assonance
I lie down by my side for my _____. (lady, bride, baby)
Fleet feet sweep by sleeping _____.(goose, geese, guest)
d. Onomatopoeia
Whoosh, passing breeze
Whoosh, whoosh _______. (splash, sparks, sprinkle)
5. Independent Practice
a. Rhymes
Because she’s sporty
In a kindly sort of _____. ( clay, way, bay)
b. Alliteration
c. Assonance
I never heard before of a ship
Furbished with battle _____ (beetle, tackle, pixel)
d. Onomatopoeia
The _______ bee flew away. (busy, buzzing, barking)