Lab 06-Differential Bus Bar Protection
Lab 06-Differential Bus Bar Protection
Lab 06-Differential Bus Bar Protection
( EL- 434)
Fall 2019
LAB 06
Design and Analysis of Differential Scheme Implementation for Bus
Bar Protection
Muhammad Awais
LAB: 06 Design and Analysis of Differential Scheme Implementation for Bus Bar Protection
Learning Objectives:
A Differential Protection Scheme forms a zone or unit of equipment that it protects. This
scheme is considerably efficient for internal fault protection. The working principle subtracts
the current coming in and going out. If the difference between two currents increases then the
pickup value of the relay, the relay generates a trip signal. Fig. 1 Represents the working
Principle by graphical representation on single line diagram. Fig. 2 shows the fault occurrence
inside the zone of differential protection.
Bus bars commonly have multiple input and output connections. In this scenario the vector sum
of currents must be equal to or close to zero or in other words less than the pickup value of
Overcurrent Relay. Fig 3. Shows the multi-connection setup at a bus bar.
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Design and Analysis of Differential Scheme Implementation for Bus Bar Protection
Design and Analysis of Differential Scheme Implementation for Bus Bar Protection LAB:06
Ideally the input and output current must cancel out eachother. In reality following conditions
may cause a mismatch:
1) Line Charging Current
2) CT mismatch
3) Transformer Tap Changer
This scheme is also known as Merz-Price scheme. Currents entering and leaving the zone are
stepped down. As differential protection is an internal zone protection scheme it can be
represented by the following single line diagram. A careful attention is needed for dot markings
of the CTs.
Under external faults the current through both the CTs is the same and the difference is zero,
hence the bus bar protection scheme doesn’t generate a trip signal. Thus the scheme ensures
protection of it’s own zone only.
If an internal fault occurs, the current through the Secondary side of CTs becomes different.
Now the Current through the Relay Leg doesn’t cancel out. Now the minimum internal fault
current that will trip the relay is given by following equation:
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Design and Analysis of Differential Scheme Implementation for Bus Bar Protection
Design and Analysis of Differential Scheme Implementation for Bus Bar Protection LAB:06
3) Internal Faults Double end Feeding Behaviour
If multiple generators are connected in a complex system, the fault location may be fed by
multiple locations. The differential protections CTs are such arranged that the the current
rushing towards the fault locations adds up in the Relay leg after CTs as shown in the figure
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Design and Analysis of Differential Scheme Implementation for Bus Bar Protection
Design and Analysis of Differential Scheme Implementation for Bus Bar Protection LAB:06
Task 1:
Due to limitation of Equipment we can perform only single phase bus bar protection scheme.
1) Turn on three phase power supply and set the terminal voltage at 380V L-L.
2) Connect a three phase transformer with primary in ∆ connections and secondary in star
3) From the outputs of the transformer connect a three phase line model block.
4) Connect the end of transmission line to single bus single breaker bus bar model.
5) Take one phase for example ‘Phase-A’ from the three phase system and connect the
output from the transmission line model to 1:1 ratio one of the CTs in a three phase CT
6) Connect the output of the bus bar model with a three phase resistive load.
7) Connect from the output side of the bus bar model, the same phase, in this case ‘Phase-
A’ to second 1:1 ratio CT in the three phase CT block.
8) Connect the Phase-A load.
9) Incorporate Volt and Amp Meters where necessary.
10) To connect the secondary of the CT blocks with the overcurrent relay, take following
a. Connect same output ports of the CTs in parallel and connect one of the
overcurrent relay blocks in between the secondary ports of any of the CT block
used in a three phase overcurrent relay.
b. Connect an Amp meter in series with relay connections to monitor flow of
current through the relay block.
c. Parallel connection due to dot polarity shall give an additive current through the
relay instead of differential current.
d. Connect the PLC connections from the relay to the breaker block for automatic
e. Now cross-connect the CT secondaries, while keeping all other connections
f. This connection shall provide a differential current flow through the relay.
g. Set Overcurrent relay pickup, and delay settings.
11) To generate a fault conditions, connect the same ‘Phase-A’ with another resistive load
12) Change this resistive load and check a differential current starts to flow through the
relay block.
13) Keep on changing the load until the relay trips.
14) Try to turn the breaker on manually. It shall not turn on as master settings are connected
to the relay block.
15) Press the reset button on the relay, without changing the load settings. The relay shall
turn the power breaker on and as soon as the differential current starts to flow through
the relay block the relay trips the breaker again.
Fill the following table:
Fault Load Settings Current through Relay (A) Relay Status (Signal)
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Design and Analysis of Differential Scheme Implementation for Bus Bar Protection