Refference 3
Refference 3
Refference 3
22 4,914
3 authors, including:
Omar Mrehel
University of Tripoli
All content following this page was uploaded by Omar Mrehel on 25 March 2020.
In the following, the main functions included in Figure 2. Logical fault detection scheme
the digital relay model are presented.
1- Fault detection;
2- Impedance measurement; 2.2 Impedance Measurement Block
3- Zone protection coordination
The fault detection block, determines the
2.1 Fault Detection Block fault type, and then sends a signal to the
impedance measurement block to determine which
The relay permit direct detection of the impedance measurement algorithm must be used.
phases involved in a fault or called faulted phase The impedance measurement block consists of
selection, which then permits the appropriate different subsystems used to compute the fault
distance-measuring zone to trip. Without phase impedance for different types of fault.
selection, the relay risks having over or Table 1 shows the different algorithm used
underreach problems, or tripping three phases to compute the apparent impedance at the relay
when single-pole fault clearance is required. The location for a various types of fault [3][7]. An
‘Delta’ algorithm techniques [7], was selected for illustration of computed impedance for a single
a phase selection, which comparing the step phase to ground fault, and double phase to ground
change of level between pre-fault load, and fault fault, being developed in SIMULINK
current, this is achieved by a logic circuit. environment, are shown in Figure 3, and figure 4,
Figure.1 shows the fault detection block respectively.
built in MATLAB, it is clear the relay can
discriminate all types of fault. While figure 2 Table 1. Fault impedance Algorithm for various fault types
represents the scheme logic designed in Fault type Algorithm
MATLAB/SIMULINK, where a function block
parameter if [5], the If blocks, along with If (VA / IA) or (VB / IB) or
Action subsystems containing Action Port blocks (VC / IC)
were used to achieve this logic circuit. AB or ABG (VA – VB)/( IA – IB)
AG VA /( IA + 3 k0 I0)
BG VB /( IB + 3 k0 I0)
CG VC /( IC + 3 k0 I0)
Figure 1. Fault detection block
No Parameters Value
2 Voltage(U) 400Kv
3 Nominal frequency 60 Hz
Figure 10(a). Shows trace of apparent impedance Figure 10(c). R-jX plot Impedance for a fault at 210 km
as seen by the Mho distance relay due to SLG distance
Three phase fault where set at distance 30 A Mho type distance relay was
km, 90 km and 130 km to check the behavior of successfully developed based on
Mho distance relay of this type of fault. MATLAB/SIMULINK package, (each part of the
The impedance trajectory seen by the Mho relay is implemented as a separate function). Each
distance relay due to this type of fault is shown in function has been created using special blocks of
figure 11(a, b, c). SIMULINK.
By testing the behavior of the developed
relay model under different fault conditions, the
relay model was able to recognize the appropriate
fault type. From perspective impedance
calculations, the relay model has the ability of
indicating the correct zone of operation in all
cases. The relay identifiers the fault locations as
expected, as the fault location is changed, the
measured impedance change consequently. The
impedance path which reflects the behavior of the
model under different fault conditions was
Figure 11(a). R-jX plot Impedence for a fault at 30 km presented and discussed.
[1] Anderson. P.M.”Power System Protection”, ISBN 0-07-
134323-7 McGraw-Hill,1999.