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Modeling and Performance Analysis of Mho-Relay in Matlab

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ISSN No: 2348-4845

International Journal & Magazine of Engineering,

Technology, Management and Research
A Peer Reviewed Open Access International Journal

Modeling and Performance Analysis of Mho-Relay in

Purra Sai Kiran P. Ramchander
M.Tech Student, Assistant Professor,
Padmasri Dr. B V Raju Institute of Technology, Padmasri Dr. B V Raju Institute of Technology,
Narsapur, Medak, Telangana. Narsapur, Medak, Telangana.

ABSTRACT: In order to understanding the function of Relays, soft-

ware relay models must be realized, modeling of pro-
tective relays offer an economic and feasible alterna-
This paper describes the opportunity of implement-
tive to studying the performance of protective relays.
ing a model of a Mho type distance relay with a three
Relay models have been long used in a variety of tasks,
zones by using MATLAB/SIMULINK package. SimPow-
such as designing new relaying algorithms, optimizing
erSystem toolbox was used for detailed modeling of
relay settings. Electric power utilities use computer-
distance relay, transmission line and fault simulation.
based relay models to confirm how the relay would
The proposed model was verified under different tests,
perform during systems disturbances and normal op-
such as fault detection which includes single line to
erating conditions and to make the necessary correc-
ground (SLG) fault, double line fault (LL), double line
tive adjustment on the relay settings. [3][4].One of the
to ground fault (LLG) and three phase fault, all types
world-wide recognized, powerful analysis software
of faults were applied at different locations to test this
package, is a MATLAB/SIMULINK, which has the capa-
bility for modeling, simulating, and analyzing dynamic
systems using SimPowerSystems toolbox, in side Simu-
Also the Mho R- jX plain was created inside this model
link package, different parts of a system such as three
to show the trajectory of measured apparent imped-
phase transformer, three phase load, distributed pa-
ance by the relay. The results show that the relay oper-
rameters line, circuit breaker, etc can be used for AC
ates correctly under different locations for each fault
and DC applications. [5].
type. The difficulties in understanding distance relay
can be cleared by using MATLAB/SIMULINK software.
MATLAB/SIMULINK provides a well-known tool for
modeling digital protective relays. SIMULINK offers a
KEYWORDS: wide selection of libraries that allow detailed simula-
tion digital relays. Aspects of digital relaying, such as
Power system protection, distance relay, line protec- signal conditioning, analog-to-digital conversion, digital
tion, MATLAB/SIMULINK, apparent Impedance. filtering, phasor estimation, protection algorithms, and
relay trip logic, can be modeled using general purpose
1 INTRODUCTION: blocks, special blocks from the signal processing block
set and user-defined blocks written in S-functions. [6].
Distance protection is the most widely used method to The goal of this paper is to explain the building process
protect transmission lines. The fundamental principle of Simulink model for distance relay, inside the mod-
of distance Relying is based on the local measurement eling, fault detection, apparent impedance calculation
of voltages and currents, where the Relay responds for all types of faults, zone coordination were designed
to the impedance between the relay terminal and the and implemented, a Mho type distance characteristic
fault location [1]. There are many types of distance re- was chosen to be as the protection scheme for this re-
lay characteristic such as mho, reactance, admittance, lay is the developed model can be included in one block
quadrilateral polarized-mho, offset mho etc. Every type set only by creating the subsystem for the developed
of characteristics has different intended function and model. The created subsystem block set also can be
theories behind [2]. copied and pasted at any space or file thus eliminates
the multiple building of the model.

Volume No: 2(2015), Issue No: 1 (January) January 2015

www.ijmetmr.com Page 400
ISSN No: 2348-4845
International Journal & Magazine of Engineering,
Technology, Management and Research
A Peer Reviewed Open Access International Journal

2 BUILDING DISTANCE RELAY MODEL: 2.2 Impedance Measurement Block:

In the following, the main functions included in the The fault detection block, determines the fault type,
digital relay model are presented. and then sends a signal to the impedance measure-
ment block to determine which impedance measure-
1- Fault detection; ment algorithm must be used. The impedance mea-
2- Impedance measurement; surement block consists of different subsystems used
3- Zone protection coordination to compute the fault impedance for different types
of fault.Table 1 shows the different algorithm used to
2.1 Fault Detection Block: compute the apparent impedance at the relay loca-
tion for a various types of fault [3][7]. An illustration
The relay permit direct detection of the phases involved of computed impedance for a single phase to ground
in a fault or called faulted phase selection, which then fault, and double phase to ground fault, being devel-
permits the appropriate distance-measuring zone to oped in SIMULINK environment, are shown in Figure 3,
trip. Without phase selection, the relay risks having and figure 4, respectively.
over or underreach problems, or tripping three phas-
es when single-pole fault clearance is required. The Table 1. Fault impedance Algorithm for vari-
‘Delta’ algorithm techniques [7], was selected for a ous fault types
phase selection, which comparing the step change of
level between pre-fault load, and fault current, this is
achieved by a logic circuit.Figure.1 shows the fault de-
tection block built in MATLAB, it is clear the relay can
discriminate all types of fault. While figure 2 represents
the scheme logic designed in MATLAB/SIMULINK,
where a function block parameter if [5], the If blocks,
along with If Action subsystems containing Action Port
blocks were used to achieve this logic circuit.


A, B and C indicates faulty phases, G indicates ground

Figure 1. Fault detection block fault.
VA, VB and VC indicate voltage phases IA, I B and IC in-
dicate current phases Z0 = line zero-sequence imped-
Z1 = line positive-sequence impedance

K1 = residual compensation factor where k0 = (Z0-Z1)/

KZ1. K can be 1 or3 depend on the relay design.
I0 = (Vs / Z0+2Z1)

Where Vs is phase voltage during the phase to ground

Figure 2. Logical fault detection scheme fault

Volume No: 2(2015), Issue No: 1 (January) January 2015

www.ijmetmr.com Page 401
ISSN No: 2348-4845
International Journal & Magazine of Engineering,
Technology, Management and Research
A Peer Reviewed Open Access International Journal

To obtain the shape of mho characteristic by using M-

file MTALAB, the calculations of the setting impedance
for each zone has to be performed first, and then at-
taching the corresponding results in a specific code in
M-file MTALAB , which draws the shape of each zone
of Mho relay characteristic, as presented in figure 6.

Figure 3. Apparent impedance model for SLG Fault

Figure 4. Apparent impedance model for DLG Fault

Figure 6. Mho shape characteristics

2.3 Zone Protection Coordination:
The whole model of a Distance relay developed in SIM-
Careful selection of the reach settings and tripping
ULINK is shown in Figure 7. With mention of its inputs
times for the various zones of measurement enables
and outputs.
correct coordination between distance relays on a
power system. Subsystem zone coordination model
was created which comprise time settings for a 3- zone
distance protection as shown in Figure.5

Figure 5. Zone coordination Subsystem

Figure 7. Distance Relay Model
2.4 Building Shape Mho Characteristics:
The network under study consists of one three phase
The final stage of the model is to develop the Mho char-
power supply as a power station supplying 400kv trans-
acteristics of the distance relay. This stage enhances
mission line, the three separate transmission
the understanding of the distance relay behavior.

Volume No: 2(2015), Issue No: 1 (January) January 2015

www.ijmetmr.com Page 402
ISSN No: 2348-4845
International Journal & Magazine of Engineering,
Technology, Management and Research
A Peer Reviewed Open Access International Journal

line each 100-km, is designed to deliver power of 260

MVA, to the load at the end of transmission line, the
bus bars are equipped by current measurement and
voltage measurement, Each line is equipped separately
by two main circuit breaker at the sending and receiv-
ing ends as is shown in figure 8.

The relay model developed in SIMULINK is integrated

with the power system model in the MATLAB/SIMU-
LINK, Several operating and fault conditions have been
simulated in order to validate the relay model. The pa-
rameters of the power system model and the settings
of the relay model used are in Table 2.

Table 2. power system data and Relay setting Figure 8. Overall simulation model

3.1 Case.1. Fault Detection

In this case a phase A to ground fault was performed

on the line, it is clear from the figure 9, that the relay
can discriminate the type of fault which give output 1
that mean phase A to ground fault occur.

Figure 9. Phase A to ground fault output

3.2 Case 2 Zones of Protection:

In this case the relay will determine the correct zone

of the measured impedance for different locations of
each fault type. 3.2.1. Single Line to Ground FaultFigure
10(a). Shows trace of apparent impedance as seen by
the Mho distance relay due to SLG fault at 70 km .The
impedance trajectory fall in the first zone of R-jX plain
which is correct function of the relay.

Volume No: 2(2015), Issue No: 1 (January) January 2015

www.ijmetmr.com Page 403
ISSN No: 2348-4845
International Journal & Magazine of Engineering,
Technology, Management and Research
A Peer Reviewed Open Access International Journal

while figure 10(b) and figure 10(c) demonstrate the 3.2.2 Three Phase Fault:
impedance measured by the Mho distance relay under
SLG fault at the distance of 115 km and 210 km from the Three phase fault where set at distance 30 km, 90 km
relay location respectively, the results shows that the and 130 km to check the behavior of Mho distance re-
relay has indicate impedance in the second and third lay of this type of fault.The impedance trajectory seen
zone respectively ( correct function). by the Mho distance relay due to this type of fault is
shown in figure 11(a, b, c).

Figure 10(a). R-jX plot Impedance for a fault at 70 km

Figure 11(a). R-jX plot Impedence for a fault at 30 km

Figure 10(b). R-jX plot Impedance for a fault at 115 km

Figure 11(b). R-jX plot Impedance for a fault at 90 km

Figure 10(c). R-jX plot Impedance for a fault at 210 km

distance Figure 11(c). R-jX plot Impedence for a fault at 130 km

Volume No: 2(2015), Issue No: 1 (January) January 2015

www.ijmetmr.com Page 404
ISSN No: 2348-4845
International Journal & Magazine of Engineering,
Technology, Management and Research
A Peer Reviewed Open Access International Journal

4 CONCLUSIONS: [3]M. H. Idris, S. Hardi and M. Z. Hassan, “Teaching

Distance Relay Using Matlab/Simulink Graphical User
A Mho type distance relay was successfully developed Interface”, Malaysian Technical Universities Con-
based on MATLAB/SIMULINK package, (each part of ference on Engineering and Technology, November
the relay is implemented as a separate function). Each 2012.
function has been created using special blocks of SIM-
ULINK.By testing the behavior of the developed relay [4]L. C. Wu, C. W. Liu and C. S. Chen, “Modeling and
model under different fault conditions, the relay model testing of a digital distance relay using Matlab/
was able to recognize the appropriate fault type. From Simulink”, IEEE 2005.
perspective impedance calculations, the relay model
has the ability of indicating the correct zone of opera- [5]The Math Works, Inc., “SimPowerSystems user‟s
tion in all cases. The relay identifiers the fault locations guide”, Version 4.6, 2008.
as expected, as the fault location is changed, the mea-
sured impedance change consequently. The imped- [6]Christos A. Apostolopoulos.,y and George N. Korres
ance path which reflects the behavior of the model “ Real-time Implementation of digital relay models us-
under different fault conditions was presented and ing MATLAB/SIMULINK and RTDS” Euro. Trans. Electr.
discussed. Power (2008).

[7]“Network Protection & Automation Guide” - NEW

Edition ALSTOM.
[1]Anderson. P.M.”Power System Protection”, ISBN
0-07-134323-7 McGraw-Hill,1999.

[2]Muhd Hafizi Idris, Mohd Saufi Ahmad, Ahmad Zaidi
Abdullah, Surya Hardi “Adaptive Mho Type Distance
Relaying Scheme with Fault Resistance Compensa-
tion” 2013 IEEE 7th International Power Engineering
and Optimization Conference (PEOCO2013), Langkawi,
June 2013.

Volume No: 2(2015), Issue No: 1 (January) January 2015

www.ijmetmr.com Page 405

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