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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 4

I. Objectives
At the end of a 60 minutes lesson the learners shall be able to.
a. Explain the effects of decaying materials on health safety
b. Investigate the causes of decay
c. Realize the proper cleanliness

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Decaying materials affect health and safety
Reference: Breaking Through Science 4 Lesson 2 (25-32)
Materials: Laptop, Power point, picture
Science Processes: Observation
Science Ideas: To the importance of studying decaying materials health and

III. Learning Activities

Teacher’s Activity Learners Activity
1. Review

Prayer Our Father

Good Morning Class! Good Morning Ma’am

Before we proceed to our Is All About General and

Next topic. What is our lesson Specific Properties
Last week? Matter.

Very Good! What is General General properties

Specific properties of matter? Describe how all matter
Is the same
Specific properties
Describe the differences
Among form of matter
2. Motivation
Now Class take a look The picture in the
At the monitor. Can you monitor is biodegradable
Tell me what do you see?

Yes now! What comes in your the environment was

Mind when you see this picture? abandoned
Very Good! Give a five Fireworks Clap!
Lets make It simple. Biodegradable
a substance or object capable
of being decomposed
by bacteria or other living organisms.

B. Lesson Proper
What do you think is our Ma’am I think our lesson for
Lesson for today? Today Is all about decaying
Materials Affect Health and
Yes Obvious isn’t it? Yes Ma’am
1 Activity
So class. I will group you
Into two then I will paste
Two pictures on the board
on the left side is an example
of biodegradable and on the The Learners will do the activity
right side an example og non-
biodegradable. Try to find out
the differences between the two
and write it on the yellow pad


Okay class. Now choose one The chosen representatives
Member representative in will present their works
Your group and you presenting
Your work


What is decaying materials affect The Learners will Response

Health and safety?

What is biodegradable? The Learners will Response

What is biodegradable? The Learners will Response

Can you give example of food waste and paper


Can you give example of Glass, metals, plastics


Decaying materials are found

in many places. These materials
can be found on the ground, inside
the cabinet, inside refrigerator
or even your shoes.

Biodegradable is can be
Decomposed by microorganism
Such as bacteria , enzymes and
Non-biodegradable an object
That cannot be decomposed
Into organic and environmentally
Safe waste products.

C. Generalization
Before we proceed to our short
Quiz let’s have a short quiz

What is decaying materials affect Decaying materials are found

Health and safety? In many places. These
Materials can be found
On the ground, inside the
cabinet inside refrigerator or
even your shoes.

What is Biodegradable? Is can be decomposed

What is Non-Biodegradable? An object that cannot be
decomposed into organic
and environmentally safe
waste products.
E. Application
*Do you think studying decaying The learners will response
Materials affect health and safety is
How do say so? The learners will response

IV. Evaluation:

Now get one piece of ¼ sheet

of paper Keep your books

and notebooks NO CHEATING!

1. Is can be decomposed by
microorganism such as
bacteria, enzymes and fungi.
a. Decaying materials affect health
and safety
b. Non-Biodegradable
c. Biodegradable

2. An object that cannot be decomposed

into organic and environmentally
safe waste products.

a. Biodegradable
b. Non-Biodegradable
c. Decaying materials affect health
and safety

3-6 Give Example of biodegradable

7-10- Give Example of Non-Biodegradable

V. Assignment:

How can you make your environment a

pleasant place to live in?

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